BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES ■' - Hj THORNTON \V. Rl RUfciSS. — — me Aviator's Great Surprise. The aviator and one other man were to watch the first part of the nipht to try to catch the thief, who liad been stealing parts from the air plane. Before It was time for the moon to come up they hid where-they could see all thdt went on but where they themselves wjjuld not he seen. When the moon finally, came up it flooded with suit, silvery Unlit the place where the airplane was, so that the two watchers could see almost as clearly as If It weje daylight. For some time they saw nothing. Then the aviator heard eho scurry of small feet, and he saw a small animal run out in the moonlight from under the airplane. He saw him climb up In Che airplane, A moment or two later he Jumped down, ninl something In his mouth glittered in the moonlight. Then he disappeaied* 'I hr aviator was puzzled, hut did not think much about It. For a while he saw nothing more. Then he aaw thla same little animal, at leust he sup THE NEBBS LET BYGONES “BE” BYGONES. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Heti NESTERDftV fcuW NEBB MET UZZlC TVC MA(D AND TOLD UEQ TO Goto a ’ t>AOS SOU Lu AS CRAZS ABOUT, ANO '5)R SA\D HE’S DCahG TvsE - HE SAP-1 ttwf^rNSPECjoa^ »D1*|u“)U PAS BACK. SHAT SVMO DOLLARS HLI BoRROUJED TROM SOU Af SHE /S i &.\ruy\ov lUORKLRS BALL .77 J VSOU CAM GET ITNOU^ r—-rarr 6*3 Barney Google and Spark Plug The Doctors “Operate” to Extract a Little “Info” From Barney. - Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck A1 $&m7ARUJN\ * BUUSTlN * ISSUED hourly on MR.-Sim ^1 Y &LU - \Lr doctor.-} | VAW--KuOV-Y doctor • ' f ] QUICK ! QUtCK! \ I -fog patiemt \ VA»W * - A. I* £T\RRlN& \ rrw-r / Copyright. t*>24, \ry King Feature Syndicate. Inc. |\n m jiiuuutiuiiiM'iiiin— ll ALL ftvSUT.BCNS NOW for I BA«NEV GcctLZ ■: v>iuq\/ is voor horse '/PI e pace |( in Good condition, not (i^r. Google ?_ 3o«. /''• _ *lt?y 1 me Got all MY —r-^o instruments up ' AGAINST ttSOO ' ^*THAT SftSST SUSIE , WL„., / RP IMP IMP I TP PATMFP R.n.»rrf SEE jicgs and MAGGIE in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManu* DI\I11UI1sU Ul r/liriLI\ U. S. P.tent Office PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE (Copyright 1024) &ROTHER - will, ve cot me OFF A TARO O' THAT BLUE CLOTH? r | — SURE WILL THAT’S WHAT «H HERE for; KINO O LIVELY TOWN. YOU T3A.IO THib.MMT *)HE?I'VE «>OME.THlN,-5 | *• © 1924 by Int'l F*caturc Srwvicr. Inc ■ 1 —*"• - ■ — ■e>o^ c.m_* kT ’ JERRY ON THE JOB ' the young pedestrian Dr»wn for Hi,®?,?** b“ by Hobin ____■ • -r—=s—n '■Rurrs* wcnwn vp A mahs |S5 H SNAPS’» 1 CAMC -ALU Jp! 'TV* VrtzW rWSNM /AOMIA" VlPmOtfr) §TOPWM® OUCS.Y-' "" \ Ger-wom) 0© won /:' /AARA«6 to OotT - w j Za® Slew vO^wto \ w-' ; I AMJETAl HOUQT - • .__gS 'T*tfT HBX> /MB fc-ACK. '“£. ^—f sA Bit. 'ri posed It was the same, climb up into the airplane again and a few minutes later run away with something in his mouth. In a flash a suspicion, a strong suspluion, took possession of the aviator. He got to his feet quietly iiiiiiiitinruniiiirii'i'iiri * w vaa He saw a small animal rim, out in the Moonlight from under his airplane. and want over to the airplane. Ife counted the little boll* that had been left there. Two were missing. Tf ever there was surprise^ per son In all the Great World It s^aa that aviator. There wasn't a doubt In hls mind now that he had seen the thief. Wfyat under the sun any animal could want of serewg and bolts he couldn't imagine. But With hls own eyes he had seen two bolts carried away, and he didn’t doubt that these had gone to Join all the other things that had disappeared. He went over to the other watcher and told him what he had seen. Then together they watched to see if the thief would coipe back. He did in a very short time. Both saw him this time. When he had disappeared with a third little bolt, they went over to the airplane and gathered up the rest. Then they Went back to the house to tell the others what they had discovered. "He wasn't bigger than a Hat,” de clared the aviator as he told the story. "No, sir, he wasn’t bigger than a Rat. In fact, he looked to me very much like a rat. But what under the sun would a rat want of screws and nuts and bolts? It is too much for me." The njan who owned the house be gan to laugh. “The thief, suh,” said he, “is a rat. He is not a thief, but a collector. He is Wader the Wood Rat. Yes, suh, he is Trader the Wood Rat. Ah reckons Ah ought to have thought of him bcfo’, but the truth is he never entered mah head. Tomorrow we’ll hunt to’ his nest, and Ar reckons we ll find everything that has been lost. Yes, suh. Ah reckons we will. Ah ought to have thought of Trader liefo'. That scamp Is prob ably as tickled with those things as a pickaninny with a lot of new toys.” He was right. Trader spent all the rest of that night playing with and gloating over ms new treasures. There was no happier small person in all the Sunny Soutli. (Copyright, list.) The next story. "Trader Loses His Treasures." Birth- and Deaths. Birth*. James and. Nan'y Mclntire. 4021 South Twenty-seven! h street, boy. William and Ruth Tipton. 5214 South Twentieth atreet. g.rl. Stanley and Mildred Mixan. Thirty* eighth and Emetine atreets. l*>y Frank and CarmelLa Morinelll, 845 Sooth Twenty-th.rd atreet. boy. Gust and Hannah Piopesch. I3S Pop pietoQ avenue, bog, Lee and Louise HTll. 5052 South Seven teenth street, girl. Richard and Bertha Jaenike. hospital, boy Harry andv Margaret Black. 2215 Mandersen meet. gir'. James and Gladys Loomis. 2320 North Sixty-vixth street, boy. Warren ehd Irene Heyden. 4128 Nicholas street, gtrL Micnael and Blanche Corcoran. 4218 Camden avenue, girl William and Anna Griffith, hospital* boy. Heaths. F»pri*a, SS. 5SCS South Twentv ninth street. Jacqueline- L'inba^h. infant, hoapital. Christ Nodars*. 2t. hospital John F Schaltx. 5;- 2m F street. Tom konUa. 3s. hospial. Allen Dill. 60. 1124 1-2 South Fifteenth Street. Jihn Tunb**rg. 48. 424 Bancroft atreet. David Wiihain Kd-iuist. 4. hospital. Peter Olson. 6t. *42f Onter street. Thomas Corbett. 50. 20^4 Lake street. Ale\and**r Clark, al. 1404 North Eight eenth street. Omaha Divorce Petition*. Viola Weaver against Edwin L. Weaver, cruelty charged Sophia Thorngren against John A. Tbomgren, cruelty and nonsuppori charged. Real Estate Transfers. — Irene Mo eg *nd bust nil to Overland Mlg A Finance Co. Ida 8t -*11 ft H •'? 25th Ave. S Side. 44*130 | 1 Mark U. Hhaw and wife t4 Esther Mettler. N W Cor 2*th Ave A Ohio St 4?x#s 454 Iranaeus Shuler and w»f* et *! to I Francisca Drew. 12nd Ave. ♦•ot, ft S of Karnam St \V. S.de. 60x135 . .... 1 UP Ain't It a Grand and Glorious Feeling _By Briggs WHer>J You Tryia/O To make TmE Ends ALL ROJ jK) - AlOD AT ^I6HT UJMEM VoU let comm Your hair You look ukg aw unCErstudv To a PASitow Player. -AMD AT LAST You Tak£ YouR Life-Your happiness— Yoor ■Success.*►* Tye Business world” in Yoor, two hands AMD Go OUT AND'hauE IT COT II //*% IM * T THka l» ^ 1 t - /VMU TOUI- - rv CjATi UtI HOW MUCH BETTER You LOOK "/WD TmE Boss says " I always t>«d ime BOBBeo WAtP, ir SAVES TIME' OH-h-h Boy! aiwt it a ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Kt-cpiiif Down th* I'pkfrp I LISTEVJ, I to Vou u-AWT , A Ki\rtlCK \ RlOE WfirN ME V IM My CAR3 f \>0 Too LIKE j TO R»t*= J l t>0KiT ^ \ vIT9KPF»c. /T ''r* VgyW™ J V l \ \ #*> '-yO—-< y why *c*y 'v ^ sm^' / Tou PN45 IY. \ * — HOU) CAKiYoo | HORm EvEKy \ STAY RACK OF fl T'ME SOMEBot^ |\ ANOTHER CAR C\ CRos&ES TV« rvi!lo^v<»^wRRT>/1 Fred If Lawler and wife to 1-rank .8 Toliver, 3«th Ave. KQ ft. 8. of Pinkney St W. Hide. 80x1*4 -, ' 8. Kw hard Davidge *t al to Etuaia Ja Kaon. Lin Kay Aw ■© *»• w of noth St N Side. 4duff7.. • ■ 6. Richard Davldge et al »<> Lunnda Tlovkm Lindsay A**, tj ft- " °r 20th St. N Sldf. 40x127 . . *0W Charl-a .r. Kieb* and w'/e Chester B Mack and wife. Pierco WL 10 ft. W. of 41rd St S Side 60x128. 6-0 Charlea J Kreha and wife to t hea ter R Mack and. wifi, pierce bt. 16* ft. \V. of Lird St. S. Sido. &0x. 128 . . . ... 6-0 M(»rria Roaenateln and wife to Em it.» Bartlett, Hth St. 217’§ ft. N. of Olin Avi*. K Hide. 28x12© ... MOO Oeorge T. Morton and wife to Axel E. Olaon and wife. Pb-rce Si 1 0 ft E. of 4 C t h St. N Sid*. 60*12*. Mo# Jumna NMtien and wife to . M. Hnttl, J2n.6xl09 .. 1 Robert Dinger and w f* to < ath erine Keenan 2*th Kt 02 ft. N. of Gray*! Ave. W. Hide. 4exlJD -- 4.-00 Headache* Prom Slight Cold* Laxative BHOMO QUININE Tablet* re lieve the headache by curing the cold A tonb* laxative and germ detlroyer. The box bear* the aignatuie of E. W. drove. 180c. — Advertisement. | f C BA:U*«4 I Corns Don’t Pare Them! Cutting a corn is always dangerous. Blue-jay ends corns. Kills the pain instantly, then the com loosens and comes out. No risk, no constant trou ble. Get Bhie-jay at your druggist. Blue=jay ADVEKTISEME.N T. Say "Phillips"- Protect Your Doctor and Yourself ——— 45«v.-are of Unit*, .(’ms . of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia,” the origi nai >!llk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 29 years! ' Accept only the genuine "Phillips." 25-et nt ben', s, also larger size, con tain directions and uaes—any drug 221-- .sna* Coughs that embarrass you c*n be quickly checked by Dt. King's New Discovery. Gently, harmlessly it stimulates the mti cous .membranes to throw off clogging secretions. The cough ing paroxysms are controlled and the irritation that is causing the cough promptly clears away. i DR. KING’S wfW'e/scovE** ~~ ADR FRTl-rvt KNT. Stabbed by Neuritis Many *eop'f suffer attack? by th % arch-fiend. commonly called ’nerve in flammation ’ Th* f rat wanting ia usu | July a *ha"p stabbing pain, which nag ‘fomt and bo** or burl onatanilr. You may fesl tt in the shoulder, neck, tore arm. small of th* back, or down the thick and !sg to th*1 heel. It Is sometimes mis* taken for *- C •- nuiol over the pert that hurt*, and within a few minutes the pain |ho«!<1 b# go ne Tv«moI is absorbed through the pore* of the skin It has a s,*oth.n*r hea ng ef fect upon the dtseweed nsrves. gradually helping to restore them to healthy con dition Don't suffer any longer Obtain a nur plv of T^amol from any goo4 drags *t —price 91 . Tystuof Company. Mfg. Chemist*. 4*f Gutter S: }*an Francisco \1»V KRTJSC M1AT. Mrs. MARITA TILGER Young Mothers Listen to This Admr Which it Vital To You His;,ns*. N»’ iv. ..cxpec tamy when t was nauseated. Dr Pn tvo'a Favorite Prescription piyjved most benet. al to me I !>'s on'.y%v>n boUl* but found it to have apieadid tcnto value. Am very jtiad. Indeed, to tvgaamnetdl it."—M • Mal ta 'Til icer, 213 l.exmy.on St Your tie* It It is most import a tit to >o«. It s eaattv imp:. \e»l. J «t aeh your nearest druymst for It s P;v scriptlon of Dr. I'.. iw's in tablet or liquid form. Send 10o for frial pkjt. to Dr Pierce's Invalids' Hotel. Bu( f»lo, N V , or write for free adv aw