Code Revision Bill Introduced in Iowa Senate Measure Would Eliminate Ne cessity of Calling Spe cial Sessions of Legislature. B,t Anaorlatrd Pra.a, lies .Mollies. la., Jan. 29.—Elimina tion of the necessity of calling spe cial sessions of the legislature to re vise the state code is the purpose of a bill introduced at the afternoon session of the senate today by Sen A l>V ERTI8KMENT. GOITRE SYMPTOMS Palpitation, Choking and Dizziness. Iowa Lady Tells of Relief in Short Time. Liniment Used. NOTE: It would be illegal to publish these statements If not true. Mrs. Peter Jansen, Lost Nation, Iowa. *ays, "My goitre was growing rapidly and causing much distress. After using Sorbol Quadrupl# a week, I noticed Improvement.” She will write to anyone about her com plete relief. Sorbol-Quadruple used. Get further information from Beaton Drug Co., Sherman & McConnell and drug stores everywhere or write Sorbol Com pany, Merhanicsburg, Ohio. ADVERTISEMENT. Harmless Laxative for the Liver and Bowels Feel fine! No griping or inconveni ence follows a gentle liver and bowel cleansing with "Cascarets.” Sick Headache, Biliousness Gases, Indi gestion, and all such distress gone by morning. For Men, Women and Chil dren—10c boxes, also 25 and 60c sizes, any drug store. ators Smith of Madison county and Shinn of Harrison. If passed, tlie measure also would save the state about $400,000 each Co years and at the same time provide an up-to-date code. The plan is to have the complete code reprinted each four years, the latest editions to contain. In addition to the old laws, the statutes enacted by the two legislative sessions just prior to the republishing of the code. Authorities of the bill estimate that $100,000 would cover the cost of pub lishing the code. The bill also would reduce by about half the number of code books die tributed by the state free of charge. About 9,000 copies of the code now are available without cost to state and local officers. The measure was referred to the committee on code revisions. Education Bill Passes. Introduction of this bill and re porting out of six others by senate committees marked the extent of the afternoon session. The morning had been given over to passage of the I state parks bill and one relating to the establishment of highways. The house today passed one bill of importance, that relating to the board of education. The measure brought on a fight which continued all morning and which resulted in adoption of an amendment by Storey of Warren county, which practically abolishes the State Teachers' college’s custom of sending practice teachers to the city schools of Mason City, Waterloo and also here for observa tion and training. The amendment provided that contracts between school districts and the state board of education for such practice teach ing must be arranged ''without ex pense to the state,” which will mean, it was said, that the state would have to insist upon, the payment of salar ies to the teachers In training. This, none of the districts are Inclined to do, according to representatives from the counties which will be affected. Resolution Defeated. The house today defeated the Moen resolution, under which the house might have considered code commis sion hills assigned to the senate be fore the senate had pased them. The house opponents of the measure charged the senate was "afraid of several hot measures" and mustered 6G votes against the resolution to 22 for it. Its sponsors had argued that the house was ahead of the senate in business done and could expedite code revision by clearing its way to con sider any code commission bill with out regard to which house originally had received it. Important measures in the house calendar tomorrow Include the new fish and game bill, which is a special order. Omaha Divorce Petitions. Betty Bont against John Bont. cruelty and nonsupport charged. Julia W. Smiley agalntt Harry C. Smiley, cruelty charged. SMASH! Reduced, Prices! Pre-Show Clean-Up in CADILLACS Tonight and the balance of this week tremendous price cuts on all used cars will prevail. Cadillac Suburbans ' Sedans Tourings Phaetons . Also Jordans. Buicks, Auburn?, Hudson? and many others. Buy on vour own terms—your own prices This is your sale. YOU TELL US HOW. OPEN EVENINGS J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. HA 0710 FARNAM STREET AT 26TII “A Safe Place to Buy” 1" ■ ’ Unless you sec the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 23 years for Colds Headache Toothache Rheumatism Neuritis Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. If unde "Bayer” boxen of 12 tabletu -Alao bottle* of 24 and 100—Druggift* AJVlrls U tbe U»4e m*rk of Ba/«r MmufacHir* «f Mooo«e»Ucicl4«it«r of *«Ut;Uciclou to share in the profits of our business, are Preferred. Cumulative and Participating. Aft er all shares have received 7 per cent these Profit Sharing Shares will, in addition, receive one-fourth of remaining profits up to a total of 10 ner cent dividend on the in \estment. We art selling the^e shares at the par value of $100 each, either for cash, or on partial payments of $10 pci month per share These shares may be purchased from any of our employees, either in or out of the store. ■ f ===== F'II Out and Mail Coupon Today==^s ({ - RESERVATION BLANK Pal*.1S!4 The Purges* Nash Company. Omaha, Nob. A Wonderful Opportunity Kindly reseiT* for m*.Cumulative I Profit Sharing ~'~r to Preferred Share* of to SRV6 ihe Burgos* Nash Company, which 1 deelrt to , purchase at *100.00 per ahar*. __ _ \ Payment In full BURGLSS-NASH I —s- w.nssjsK COMPANY I »■.—.>>:t. Signed .... Addrees .. i Pity .- 8 "One of America's Ureal Stores" 5