Soups and Stews Are Splendid Foods That Satisfy .—especially when served with fresh and tasty crackers that add so much to the pleasure of eating, as well as increasing the value of the food consumed. Your soup may come from the handy tin, gotten at your store, or it may be home-made, but it takes the right crackers to add zest to the eating. You know that heavy, moist, stale crackers are an abomination to the palate and unfit to eat. Make sure of getting the light, tender, flaky, fresh and flavory kind by asking for I-ten Crackers — sold by good stores everywhere. Below are described the three kinds especially recommended for serving with soups, stews, etc.: j Society gtohes v Just the daintiest things ever baked for serving with all soups • (also salads, fruit and oyster cocktails, too) are Iten's So ciety Flakes. These long slender “twins" are easily separated into • single wafers and look so attrac tive when neatly arranged on a seiving plate. And Iten's Society Flakes taste to fine that they make any good soup or salad taste better. Particular hostesses always serve Iten's Society Flakes at every dinner and social affair. And many of them who believe that the “best is none too good” for their families serve them when ever they have a soup or salad on the menu. Iten's Society Flakes are put up in 50c packages, triple-sealed fresh from the ovens at the famous Snow White Bakeries. There are an average of 74 double wafers in each carton, ften’s Society Flakes, which average 76 double wafers to the pound, may also be had in bulk, if desired. The best way to buy a quantity is in the returnable can. Always ask for them by name and get the genuine. It is worth while to make sure. A A A A LSHELl OYSTER CRACKER^ V) This is the highest pradc round cracker for serving with soups, stews, etc. It is tender, flaky anil very lipht, averapinp 425 crackers to the pound, which is a larpcr number than any other cracker of the same size. Therefore a pound of Itcn's Shell Oyster Crackers makes a lnrptr bulk and hence poes farther in servinp. It is the most economical cracker for serv inp with soups and stews, but its economy does not detract from its fine flavor and hiph quality Fresh Shell Oyster Crackers ran be eaten like popcorn and relished as much Itcn's Shill Oyster Crackers are put up in three sizes of cartons, triple scaled at the Snow White Bakeries, and retail inp at 6c, 15c and 36c each. They may also he had in hulk by the pound The convenient way to buy a quantity is in the returnable ran. Genuine lien's Shell Oyatei Crackers will satisfy you all ways To be sure of pettinp them, always ask for ! ten's ai d look foi the name. foTrj , 5eiaj pcoVod tr tin" JO ?4 E^wrcw!»i5j«| The most satisfactory cracker for all uses is Iten’s Fairy Soda Cracker — that small, dainty, “square of goodness’’ with the fine, full flavor of good wheat. This cracker is original with Iten, having been developed beginning in 1002. It has been widely imi tated but there is no substitute for it. In many homes, Iten’s Fairy Soda Cracker is the only one used. It is served with soup?, stews, ap petizers, oysters, salads, etc., and often eaten with a bowl of milk or half and-half at lunch or snp per. Whenever and however eaten, Iten's Fairv Soda Crackers always satisfy. They are full of food-energy and are easily di gested and very nourishing. While bread may contain 40‘4 or more of moisture. Fairy Soda Crackers contain less than 5rc moisture. To retain their freshness, flaky tenderness and fine flavor. Fairy Soda Crackers must be kept in a cool, dry place and in a container that is proof against moisture, odor?, etc. After thirty-two years of experience, during which time we have made exhaustive tests of every cracker container ever de vised, we have reached the conclu sion that there is no satisfactory substitute for the always reliable, dependable tin cans. If we were not particular as to how our crack ers reached you, nor as to your degree of satisfaction with them, then we would nse the cheaper containers that cannot fully pro teet the crackers. Our reason for urging the use of the returnable tin can, as pic tured above, is because it fully protects the crackers and assures your complete satisfaction. Iten's Fairy Soda Crackers av erage 110 crackers to the pound. This is the largest number of this «ize cracker you can get in a pound of any brand. The reason is that Fairy Soda Crackers are lighter and contain less moisture, which means that they are more tender and more flaky, with a baked-in flavor that has never been dupli cated outside of a Snow White Bakery. Another popular tin container is the blue hinged lid Family Tin This tin contains an average if t!Ml crackers and retails at hOc each, which price includes the tin handy when empty in many way' around the house or garage Kspeeially rccommrndt d foi small families OOOCO flu name I TKN may be small thing to look for but it's n big thing to find, because it means Satisfaction always ami all way*. 1 me t raikert iime 1 A convenient container of the same size as the Family Tin is the new Family Caddie— Because of the difference in the cost of the container, the •Family Caddie of Fairy Soda Crackers re tails for only 50c each. The con tents are identical and though the empty caddie is of no particular value, while it is in service it keeps the crackers in good condition for a reasonable length of time. Voir7 f: s? r * &*r //t ' , I T H M~s ---— Fairy Soda ] X7 r—’- ‘irm XKiMm -s -rv.■■—• , > »_p Those who want smaller