The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 27, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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, Snub Salm as He
Sails With Bride
Fail to Bid Daughter and
„ Fount Farewell—Milliceut
- i
Too Seek New Brand
of .Monkey.
JNow York, Jan. IG.-kCount T.udwig
&*lm Mm lluogstraeten and his bride,
i !jjr former Milliceut Rogers, lieiress
t® the millions of the lute 11. II! ting
err, one of the founders of Stand
ard Oil, sailed for Europe on the
Viondant today, expressing the hope
Hint their six months' absence would
t<fi d to reconcile the count's father
ulid mother-in-law to their recent se
rif t marriage.
"Hie parents, Colonel and Mrs.
llbiiry 11udillestou Rogers, were not
aloard the Vcendarn to see the party
off. Nor was any other member 'of
ttje bride’s family present. The count,
aiked If the disapproval of Colonel
Mrs. Rogers lihd diminished, re
pjjod, that ho believed the honeymoon
tiilp would do much to reconcile them
.his acquisition to the family.
(Tho countess, not loath to talk to
the newspaper men aboard, and pos
ing for newspaper photographers, de
cided her recent experiences with
news writers.
•“I’m so bored with them—bored be
yond words!” she ejaculated. “I shall
Kb to Africa while the count Is en
gaging In Olympio tennis play as a
ntember of the Austrian loam, and
t jjv to find a new brand of monkey.”
The countess said they first would
gt> to the count’s ancestral home, and
that her husband later would go to
.Sbutliem France to play tennis with
Vincent Richards in .preparation for
the Olympic games.
Count Otto participated In a polite
altercation at the Metropolitan opera
house last evening with a stranger,
who, attired In a business suit, pos
sessed himself of the one remaining
unoccupied chair In the box that had
been loaned bis party. An usher
settled the dispute by Inducing the
stranger to depart.
Tree More Than Century
Old Cut Down for Sawmill
Oakland, la., Jan. 26.—A giant wal
nut tree, the age of which is esti
mated at 150 years, was felled here
yesterday to be shipped to the Des
Molnps Saw Mill- company. Three
eight-foot logs, nearly four feet in
diameter were cut out of ite trupk.
The figure Is exceptionally beautiful
and runs through the entire tree. It
is the finest walnut along the Botna
river or in Pottawattamie county, de
clares T. H. Allen, veteran timber
buyer, and the best he has cut since
IBIS. It was purchased of J. T.
Jones, In whose yard It stood. Many
walnuts are being ebrpped out of
this community this winter to the Des
Moines company.
TMo Foreclosure Sale*.
Albion, Neb., Jan. 26.—Sheriff
Arbuthnot says that for the first time
in one year there is no land being ad
vertised for sale under foreclosure
proceedings. It Is the general belief
that the peak of agricultural adver
sity has been passed In Boone county.
Shy Omaha Husband Runs Gauntlet of Feminine Eyes
in Lingerie Shop to Purchase Wife's Birthday Gift
Ity A. It. OltOII.
Beit’s wife's birthilny Is January
31. H* deckled one day last week to
surprise her with some lingerie for
a present. They reside between Six
teenth and Twenty-fourth streets, be
tween Cuming street and Ames ave
ntie. May be you know them.
Ret poets ring the bravery of the
soldier, ttie fireman and the dare
devil. But give a look at plain Be“t,
modest husband, as be emerged on
UlO. floor of the big Sixteenth street
slore, given"'over to the mysterious
undergarments of the fair sex.
Bert had worked his resolution up
to the sticking point. But, in.spite
of his muttered “Shucks, this is noth
ing.” ho quailed as he found himself
In the midst of counters piled high
with filmy and beribboned silk things
and populated entirely by women.
2,01)11 1‘i-mihiiic l<iycs.
He took several bold steps forward,
but felt at once the boring effect of
a thousand pairs of feminine eyes.
Ho wondered whether, perhaps, meu
weren’t allowed on this floor. Still,
the elevator man had let him off.
After walking rapidly down one
aisle and up another, he stopped be
fore a pile of dainty silken garments.
He would buy and have done with it.
"Hid you wish to see something?"
He looked wildly around and saw
a pretty young clerk coming toward
him. The faint smile on her car
mined lips seemed derisive and full
of suppressed amusement.
“No, Just I/ooking!*’, .
“No—no," stammered Bert, "I—I
was just looking.”
His ears burned with embarrass
meat as he bent it down the aisle
and out of sight. He made for a dis
tant counter, where lie felt compara
tively safe—and decent—among the
Mina Taylor dresses.
He wiped his feverish brow and re
fleeted on his recent shams.
"I was just looking!" How ridicu
lous that must have sounded! Doubt
less the clerk was telling the other
girls now s'nd they were trying to
get a glimpse of him.. H* thought he
heard peals of feminine laughter. Not
s. man was In sight. Bert saw the
stairs. He walked rapidly toward
them and hopped down, two at a
Unassembles Force*.
He reassembled his forces on the
floor below. He felt sure the story
of his shame had not reached there.
JNow Bert Is no coward. As stated
before, he Is married. He reflected
and his Jaw took on a firmer set.
It was a new man who emerged
Shoe Market’s
January Clearance
. iiit
Shop Better
Early Values
Monday Than Ever
Prices are further reduced and we have
gone the limit in restocking our bargain
table. Many new sizes and styles added
to our $1 table.
Bargain Table
Just loaded — Pumps,
Oxfords and Shoes.
Scores of styles; all
^ sizes; fit yourself;
values to $12.00.
Oxfords, Pumps
Kids, Calf,
Suedes, High,
Low or Me
dium Heels
Values to $7.00
Oxfords, Pumps
Patent, Kid,
Calf or
Suede, High,
Low or Me
dium Heels
Values to $8.00
M?.»t~PoPu: 0 jP- ap
}mr*2*i‘jLn. Jm HQ
Pumps and ' ■
Oxfords. II
Values to $9.00
320 South Sixteenth Street
All Sales Final—No Deliveries
i ito the lingerie department a few
mlnutea later.
"Want to see some lingerie,” he
barked at a young girl in satin gown
end earrings, who was apparently
acting as a clerk.
••Tea, sir. What did you wish In
lingerie?" she twittered.
Poor Bert began to grow hot and
red again. Victory - wasn't so easy
after alt.
•'What Have You?”
"Why—what-have you?” he parried.
"Anything at all, a full line,” smiled
the young woman. t
"Her# are some lovely teddies,” she
continued, holding up a sunset pink
creation of crepe de chine.
Bert reddened and again had the
feeling that the entire store staff was
wattblng him.
“Or, here,” continued the fair girl,
taking a mystic garment from a
neighboring counter, "is a pretty prill
cess slip. Tou see It has a bodice
top, straight line, and 35-Inch hem.
It's shadow proof.”
"Wliaf’a Shadow Proof?”
"Shadow proof?” mumbled Bert.
“Tea,” explained the girl. “The la
dies wear only one of them under d
O h V fJ i
transparent skirl, and (he slip is nt
material that doesn't allow the light
to east a shadow through."
"Oh, I sop,” said Bert, and 1m
mediately felt again he had said the
wrong thing.
"Would you like, perhaps, a robe
de nuit, a nightgown?" continued the
charming creature. licit followed
her, feeling he was hopelessly In
volved in scandal. She showed him
nightgowns of silk, georgette, crepe,
and hand embroidered Philippine, and
then Inquired sweetly, "Was it for
your wife?"
“tes, of Course!”
"Yes, of course, certainly it is. It's
a, birthday present.”
Bert w,is becoming voluble. The
princess smiled understandlngly.
"I know we'll find something,” she
caid kindly. "Is your wife stout or
"She's just the right sire Bhe's
about your size." said Bert. ,and
hi ashed. The young w oman did not
seem .displeased.
"I know we won't have any trouble
at all,1’ She chirped, "ft's just n ques
tion of how much you care to apend.
Here are step ins and kick Ins, some
new garments they are wearing this
year. And here are bloomers in ra
dlutn, crepe de chene, sateen and
lignette, up to $3. Nice pajajnas run
up to ?35. Nightgowns we have at
(hat pricp, too. Teddies run as high
ap $16.50, ami they're lovely."
Victory Near.
r.prt remembered his own $5 night
gowns. T.ut he didn't hesitate with
the the victory almost won.
“Pick me out a nice nightgown and
a couple of tho.'-e teddies for $16.60.
1 think pink would be a nice color.”
“Pink is lovely, perfectly lovely,”
murmured the girl.
“And 1 11 take them along and I’ll
pay for them now,” said Hert. He
wiped hie brow among the house
dress counters while she wrapped
up the filmy garments. And with the
bill paid and the package under hl«
arm he flurried from that place, bab
bling “Never again! Never again!”
Oakland Council to Get
Bids on Paving Project
Special l>l,|Mitrh to Tlio Omaha lie..
Oakland, ]«., Jun. 2G-—The city
council will receive bids next Tues
day for approximately J.200 yards of
paving to be done this spring. The
improvement will be in the neighbor
hood of Oakland's Chautauqua park
and ad joining streets, connecting
with paving already laid.
Sister of King Boris Wed.
By /Usoflitnl Prr%«.
t ’oburg, (Jenimny, .Ian. 2f».—Primes
Nadjda of Bulgaria, sister of King
Boris and daughter of former King
Kerdinand of Bulgaria, was married to
Duke Albert Kugene of Wurtteniberg
yesterday at Mergentheim, near here,
it was learned today.
The t;« are the melt eeneltiee organ
of the human body. At the leant an
noyance have them examined. Do not
neglect an eye condition that may later
develop into a eerioue complication.
Our exeminatione are thorough.
Glasses $t%00 AH
FITTED %J Styles
With Every Pair Glaeeee Fitted
1414 Finuie SI. 402 W. Broadway
OMAHA Council Biuffa
... I • •
Our Thirty-First Annual
February Sale
Commences FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1st
Savings—15% to 50%
No Sale Will Be Made or Order Taken Before 9 A. M. Friday
Faithful to our public pledge we are preparing A MOST UNUSUAL sale that every
home maker within reasonable distance of Omaha will find REAL PROFIT in.
Cf Notwithstanding the extensive preparations in progress the store will NOT be closed
for a single hour, on the other hand, customers may EXAMINE sale merchandise
TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 27th, 28th and 29th.
Every modern, progressive consideration will be extended to our customers during
this, our Thirty-first Annual Sale.
✓ *
By far the most important thing to remember in attending this
sale, is that, all merchandise is up to Orchard & Wilhelm
standards—Standards that have been built by thirty vears of
business integrity. Such factories as Berkey & Gay, Wallace
Bros., Imperial Furniture (,'o., A alentine-Scavcr. Knox-Hutchins,
Stickley Bros., and others have poured goods into our warehouse
to be sold to Omaha people at prices unthinkable at anv other
Hundreds of odd pieces are included in our February Sale and
in many instances they can be bought below manufacturer’s
cost—the reason being that we take the loss on odd diseon
tinned pieces unflinchingly.
The scores of manufacturers’ bargains, bought up especially
for this event, offer our customers many fine new matched
suites for bedrooms, living and dining rooms at prices that will
delight them.
Floor Coverings
Hundreds of rugs of all grades and sizes, including Axminstcrs,
Wilton Velvets, Brussels, Wiltons and Hartford-Saxonys, as
well as many Oriental and Chinese fabrics. Linoleum remnants
of all sizes in both printed and inlaid goods.
Curtains, curtain materials, cretonnes and other drapery fabrics
and upholstery goods, togelher with thousands of REMNANTS
of sunfast materials, madras and cretonnes, nets, scrims, voiles,
marquisettes, dotted and figured muslins, tapestries velours,
mohairs and denims in all grades.
Lamps with shades will he sold complete in combination. Tlie
selection will be very wide indeed including the sample lines of
several high-grade manufacturers. Antique metal and turned
wood bases, together with fringed and rusclied georgette shades
'•an he looked for in all the best colorings.
Lamps that were $25.00 to $05.00 will now ho $1.5.00 to $50.
You may exchange your old furniture for new; our appraiser will make you
a liberal allowance on the furniture you wish to dispose of.
Our Budget Plan
Provides a plan whereby'you can purchase at February Sale Prices, paying
for same while you use and enjoy the furniture.
Help in Home Planning
Our staff of interior decorators are ready to help you plan the successful fur
nishing of your home—not castles in Spain—but practical homes. The fulfill
ment of our host American thought and ideals. The service is without cost
to our customers. **
A Houseful or an Odd Piece
You will he able to furnish from cellar to garret in this sale because the
stocks do not consist of just odd pieces, but everything you need for every
kind of home.
Experienced Extra Salespeople
Expecting as we do. literally thousands of customers every day of this sale
we are calling our wholesale salesmen into the house for the "first two weeks in
February ns well as providing other experienced sales people to wait on trade.
Goods Held for Future Delivery
" e are advising people who will need furniture during the next twelve months
to buy in this sale and we arc therefore prepared to warehouse goods free of
charge pending delivery.