The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 27, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 10-C, Image 31

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    New York Theaters
N«w York. January 21.
THE calamity which 'befell Mias
Marjorie Rambeau last week has
provoked the professors to de
bates concerning tha ethlca In the
niatter. By aome of the people of
the theater It la held that Mr. George
Middleton was Juitlfied In his specta
cular withdrawal of "The Road To
gether." By others It Is said that In
closing his play after only ons per
formance he wrought a cruel Injury
on a good actress and a beautiful wo
man. His Implications that Miss
Rambeau had unfitted herself for sat
isfactory hlstrlonism on the opening
...night were unmistakable. Mr. Mid
dleton referred to the episode as “One
rid" the tragedies of the theater," be
fore he took ship the next day for
the West Indies. The lady was left,
therefore, beset by humiliating lnuen
iloes, her Job gone, her celebrity tar
nished. The misstep for which she
was so grievously punished was she
says, her Indulgence In a large dose
<<f aromatic spirits of ammonia to for
tify herself for the Inscrutable rigors
of a N. Y. premiere.
While there were evidences during
he last part of the play that the star
was excited and overenthu’slastlc,
nothing of a particularly disturbing
character occurred. I have seen
many more vexatious exhibitions up
on the stage. Miss Rainbeau became
entangled In her evening coat, for in
stance, but the scene was ons of agi
tation and those uncertain gestures
were appropriate. She said "flemo
ineter,” instead of “thermometer," a
mispronunciation explicable In the
nervousness of a first night. Once
she calljd a character by another's
name—just as It Is done every day In
the local dramas. My experience
with actresses under wie Influence of
aromatic spirits of ammonia Is lim
ited and I am no authority In such
cases. Consequently when I was
told between the acts that Miss Ram
beau was unduly feverish I was not
it all sure of It. Even after she ex
claimed to Mr. A. E. Anson, who
was Impersonating her unfaithful
husband,"I can stand on my own
feet!’ wnd the heartless first-nighters
•nickered, I had my doubts. I left
Ihe Frazee theater feeling merely
hat I had seen a bad performance of
i much worse play.
Mr. Middleton's emotions are un
lerstandable. He knew that the hard
work of months had vanished In
nothing, and he felt that Miss Ram
l>eau, not he, was to blame. So, In
a spirit (though not aromatic) of des
peration he commanded the perform
ance of his drama to be stopped—
on the brusque ground that it was
"unsatisfactory." Disappointed and
hurt, he did not think of the disre
pute and anguish his abrupt action
would cause a helpless lady, dimming
her glory and bruising her career.
Perhaps (rad he dons so he would
have permitted "The Road Together"
to subside gracefully and to have
blamed Its failure on his own errors
nr those of the dramatic critics. He
ind they are inured to traducement,
>nd some of them prosper and fatten
jpon detraction and obloquy. They
now that "be thou as chaste as ice.
is pure as snow, thou shalt not
escape calumny."
——<S> ——
‘ But an actress, once suspected of
■n«»nduct unbecoming an artiste If not
4 lady, undergoes penalties too great
for her mishaps. My Impression is
that Miss Rambcau got much the
worst of a sorry episode. She was
not very good, but she was much bet
ter. 1 thought, than Mr. Middleton.
■Suffering as she is now from enthritis
■tnd an inability to eat solid foods. I
offer my sympathy and my condol
- rices. Also, to Mr. Middleton, as he
languishes, penitent. In the volup
tuous Bahamas. Both of them are
i little out of luck: but they may lie
heered by the knowledge that their
uisfortunes have saved several play
oers from an unhappy attendance
•n “The Road Together."
"Th» Split Shilling" was the name
hat Mr. Lawrence Eyre selected for
,ie piny in which Mias Grace George
nd Misa Laura Hope Crews lmper
mnate Irish twin siatei-s, aged 43.
dr. Henry Miller, the impresario,
■iallking that title, changed it to
Fanshastlcs.'’ He was Inspired to
In so because when the rich and
■ ultured twin referred to husbands aa
fantastlcs” her poor and gauche sis
repeated the word with Irish trim
mings—‘‘fanshastlcs.'’ After a day
..r two Mr. Miller came to the conclu
inn that The caption was lncommsn
urale, so lie changed It to ‘‘The
Merry Wives of Gotham.’’ Which ex
hibitions of instability may prove to
you how signllicant of how Inslgnlfl
unt is nomenclature in the drama.
'The Split Shilling,’’ ’'Farfshastics,”
The Merry Wives of Gotham”—all
leadlinos for one play.
Miss George and Miss Crews are
rish waifs, who, separated in their
radlea in 1330, meet again In New
,'ork City in 1843. One of them is a
lianty waaher-woman; the other a
■land dame of Washington Square.
i'ou may. 1f you are acquainted with
he historic habits of Miss Georgs
nd Miss Crews, suspect which one
lays the partlclan and which the
peasant. They do not recognise one
mother, but the wealthy Dutch hus
band of Miss George is a bitter
nemy of the brick lying husband of
vtlss Crews because they are having
rouble over real estate. Moreover,
be son of Miss George and her
Knickerbocker lord le enamored of
he daughter of Mies Crews and her
Irish hod carrier. That lovely child
n a songstress at Tony Pastor's
vaudeville theater, and ehe is of the
ip-and coming sort. Family feuds
meann no more to hsr than they did
a Juliet. A fairy tale? Tee, vfc-y
uuch a fairy tale, and told, as fairy
• lies should not be told, with violence,
ntll the final scene wherein the
win Bisters meet for the last time,
ind part, presumably forever, with
■either of them suspecting that ehe Is
- c-L - ,
cAds Cum. at the gayety
/ cACa+jott 'J/ati'iS'
<S7sie a no (foalsoii
m At the •
• yv OR.LD 90
What the Theaters Offer
□VAUDEVILLE bill of unusual
quality’ is offered at the World
theater this week. Elsie and
Paulsen, artists of the ice, share
feature honors with "A Moonlight
Marriage," musical comedotta. Elsie
and Paulsen are the originators of
the Apache dance on skates, a
hazardous and thriling exhibition. The
act requires special and costly ap
paratus to make the necessary ice
floor, on the stage at each per
"Moonlight Marriage," featuring
Ched Freeborn, Bill Barrows and a
quintet of charming girls is a bril
liant array of tuneful songs and
comedy chatter. Ben Nee One. a
Chinese singer and comedian, has
been aptly called "One In 400,000,000."
Ben Smith. "The Traveling Sales
man." Is selling a choice and select
line of comedy goods. Tom Overholt
and Lillian Young Introduce their
keen comedy satire, "Special ' De
livery,” in which comedy and song is
intermingled with dancing. Two jolly
sailors on the bounding rope are the
Mann Brothers. As usual, Arthur
Bays will offer one of bis incompar
able solo numbers. The photoplay
feature introduces to pictures th,
character comedian, Charles "Chic"
Sale and Colleen Moore in "Bis Nibs.”
In this picture Sale portrays differ
ent character roles.
Marlon Harris, popular artist who
vainps with her alluring, syncopating
''blue" songs, wil be heard this week
at the Orpheum theater, where she
begins her engagement today. Be
fore tlie days of the "blues" she con
tributed "I Ain't Got Nobody," which
still Is one of her best. Her other
hits, which are "daddy" ditties ss
well as “blue" numbers, are too
numerous to mention. Miss Harris
Is usually a season ahead of the
average audience snd the popularity
at a song more often than not Is due
to her clever Interpretations.
Alan Brooks, author and actor,
presents his success of "Dollars and
Sense,” as a joint headline attrac
tion with Miss Harrie. The plot of
the play has an appeal for every
one. It has to do with the familiar
type of the wealth-seeking, marriage
bargain woman and combines humor
and tragedy—the most difficult and
effective combination In drama. A
featured act is the vibrating, gy
rating. perpetual dancer, Frank
Farnutn, and his youthful revue of
15 dancing and playing stars, with
the Stuart Sisters, who offer a
delectable pot pourri. Zuhn and Drels,
believing they are an amusement ex
hibit. have adopted the title,
"Dementus Americanos. Habitat
North America.” They offer a skit
which is a heated family argument.
Jack Joyce, a British Tommy, lost
a leg In the battle of the Marne, but
he didn't lose his Bmlle, so he is
called "the boy with the smile." He
offers a pleasing dance program with
singing and a rich brand of wheezes.
One of the most recent novelties from
foreign shores arc the Reinos, humor
ous acrobatic midgets. Another act
from across the pond presents the Aus
tralian woodchoppers, the champion
axemen of the world. In a unique ex
hibition of tree felling and other
Australian bush novelties.
Tilers Is a real farce comedy plot
lo Barney Gerard's "All In Fun” re
vue at the Qayety theater this week.
The story has to do with the adven
the other’s sister. The play Is very
good at times, and very bad at others.
Luigi Pirandello's comedy, "Henry
IV,” also was subject to a change
of headline before It was presented
to a Broadway Jury. Its producer,
Brock Pemberton, discovered that the
drama-lovers were deeming It to be a
Shakespearean chronicle-play, so he
had to change Its name from "Henry
IV" to “The Living Mask" in order
to set them right. I think It didn't
matter much, for the play turned out
to be unusually tedious. It Is shout
an Italian Imberlle who imagines him
self to be the German Henry IV, and
who lives his life obsessed hy(that
aberration. He Is surrounded In a
remote Umbrian villa by phony cour
tiers who eater to his hallucinations
and who talk and talk and talk. At
the end the maniac murders the baron
who, years previously, has betrayed
him; and you are left at the finish not
caring whether he Is crazy, ns you
think he Is, or sane as he claims to
l>e. . . , The play was dull, but
the first night audience was not. The
Italian ambassador was there, with his
suite, and so was Mr. Pirandello, the
composer, besides many other bright,
enthuslastlo Italian American spec
tators. Mr. Pirandello kissed the
German actor, Mr. Korff, In tribute
to hie characterization; and there were
the usual routine huz-ws for a dull en
•' RURLIK Twice Dajly All Week
__ Ladies' 20c Bargain Mat. 2tl0 Wh. Days
Vary Nawaat m ® SB M ■! a ■ Sf B B Till# Impllaa
Win FOX & KOLER flWK shrbas,
„ » awm r .. .. . Have Your Sweeties
Tba 'ToUah- anJ "Parlmuttar" af Taka You Toi,y.,
Columbia BurMah aa Matlnaa at 3:00
SLITKIN & SLOTKID, Refined Lewyeri Best Seats 50c
Taka This Tipi You'll have t® laugh on tine■- Biggest Amusement
the boys have so much faat, flip patter that they Value In Omaha
•imply ean't wait far yeur guffaws. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi
tures of two comedians, who after
taking a fhree months' law course set
up In business without obtaining a
diploma or license. Will Fox and
Harry Koler are the comedy lawyers,
while others who contribute to the
general fun are A^ina Propp, Matty
White, Ada Hum, Jack McSorley, Ka
lama, Murray and Irwin, Kddie
Green, Joe Murphy and others.
Throughout the piece weaves a
graceful chorus of beautiful girls.
There are ten stage settings includ
ing a transformation of a jail into
an Oriental palace in full view of the
uu-dience. Harney Gerard, who pro
duced "All In Fun,” also presents
in Columbia burlesuue "Vanities” and
“Follies of tlie Day.” Thursday night
will be "Clown Nite,” a decided novel
ty. Today's matinee starts at 3:00.
"High Jinks,” a farclal comedy
with music, is the new offering of
the Halton Powell Players at the
Empress theater.
It purports to tell of the adventures
of "Josiah Pettlbone," the pickle
king, alternntedly played by Halton
Powell and Norman Hanley.
Eugene Bjpusard, tenor sings
"Mary Dear.” "The Bad Utile Boy,”
,'md other selections are introduced
by Miss Patsy Gilson, queen of syn
copation, Elsie Esmonde, the straw
berry blond priniit donna offers, “II
Bacio.” And there are numbers by
Earl Young, and comedy numbers by
the ”4 Harmony Hounds.”
"Pretty Papa.” a tornado of fun
with Halton Powell in his original
characterization of "Alonzo Brown”
is the show announced for the week
starting next Saturday.
Current photoplay attractions In
clude Dustin Fa mum In "Kentucky
Days” and the final story of the pop
ular "Fighting Blood” series.
The Georgia Smart Set Minstrels
comes to the Brandeis theater, Feb
ruary JO and 11. The Georgia Min
strels and The Smart Set have been
combined into one big company.
ITobably the greatest array of col
ored minstrel and musical comedy
stars ever assembled are with the
company, among them being Anna
.ionea, the singer; Bill Hudson, buck
and wing dancer; Julia Davis, the
modern "Black Patti,” The Georgia
Quartet, McAdams, trick bicyclist;
“Blubber” Mack and "Pork Chops”
Chapman, comedians, and Pamplln,
gun spinner and Juggler. The Arm
ory Concert band, is stili an outstand
ing feature and will head the big
street parade dally. .
Arthur Hammersteln's latest musi
cal play, "Wlldflower,” will be the
attraction at the Brandels theater
February 14, 15. 16 and 17. Eva Oli
vottl has the title role In the piece.
"Wlldflower,” elaborately staged In
three acts, owes Its books and lyrics
to Otto Harbach and Oscar Hammer
stein, 2d. Herbert Stothart and Vin
cent Youmanr collaborated on the
score and Raymond Mldgcly arranged
the dancing ensembles. The cast,
aside from Miss Olivetti, Includes
Bobby Barnard, Carrie Reynolds,
Olaf Hecklnger, Adele Kellar, T'aul
Donah, Allan H. Fagan, Charles Bur
rows, Jack Dempsey, Murgaret Wood,
a host of gifted specialty artists and
a large and attractive chorus.
Ruth St. Denis will, again present
a visualization this season when she
reappears at the Brandels theater on
February 19 and 20 with Ted Shawn
and the Denishawn dancers. This
time the music will be of the Ameri
can composer, MacDowell. Miss Ht.
Denis usefi the term ‘'visualization''
in order tef avoid a much abused
term "interpretative.'' There Is no
uimless wandering about tho stage,
picking Imaginary buttercups and
drinking from Invisible fountains; but
each note is paralleled by an analog
oua dance movement. The "Sonata
Traglca,” "The March Wind” and
"Rigaudon” are the three MacDowell
themes used in this season's program.
"The Gingham Gill,” with a special
organization of singers, dancers,
chu'rus and musicians, will corne to
the Brandeis theater February 28 and
29 and March i. The book of the
play is by Daniel Knsell, the music
by Albert Von Tilser, the lyrics by
Neville Fleoson and the dances staged
by Sammy Dee.
Walker Whiteside upon the occa
sion of his next engagement hers in
the near future will play "Mr. Wu"
In addition to "The Hindu." As Wu
T.l Chang, a Chinese mandarin of
mighty power, Mr. Whiteside is said
to dp the finest acting of his long
and honorable career.
Itfftd 'Mai'vJick.
Edward MacDowell memorial week
will lie observed by musicians the fi
nal week of January In honor of the
first American composer of note, who
died January 23, 1908, at the early
age of 47.
The Celtic romance and subtle
fancy Illumines the work of Mac
Dowell, who was born of Irish and
Scotch ancestry, "pryads and elves,”
writes Pawrence Gilman In a study
of the composer's life and art, “are
his intimate companions, and he
dwells at limes under, fairy * boughs
and in enchanted woods; but for him,
as for the poets of Celtic tradition,
these things are but the manifest
Images of an Interior passion and de
light. He is one of those quickened
ministers who set forth for us ths re
ality of that changeless and timeless
loveliness which the visible world of
the senses and the Invisible world of
the lmajjlnatlon are ceaalessly reveal
ing to the simple of heart, the dream
filled and the unwise.”
To most music lovers the name or
MacDoweil brlngt first of all the
thought of his exquisite, brief, end
haunting nature sketched, tone poema
fleeting qnd subtle as a dew drop- It
is well In thta memorial week to pause
and remember not only tha perfec
tion of hie email and mors familiar
works, but tha heroic mood of his
sonatas, tha Intensity of the Sonata
Traglca, the power and dignity of tha
"Erolca,” the glamor and enchant
ment of the •‘Celtlca ”
Although a considerable amount of
recognition of hia genlua came to
MacDoweil even during hie too brief
lifetime, fate was not kind to the
composer. The problem faced by
nearly all creative artiste of having
to earn a living by some other means
than their art. proved too much for
hia physique and nervous energy. A
year following his resignation In 1904
under rather unhappy circumstances
from Columbia university, whera his
charmingly Informal method of teach
ing fell under the displeasure of the
hidebound authorities, MacDoweil
suffered a complete nervous break
down which passed Into a mental
decline. Hls beautiful little “farm''
at Peterborough, N. IT., baa been
turned Into the MacDoweil memorial
colony, where other artists can labor
at their craft under happier ‘and
more congenial circumstances than
were faced by then- predecessor.
The Minneapolis Symphony or
chestra will present the following
program at Its concert hero In the
Municipal Auditorium on the evening
of February S:
Uv«Mure to “Oberon . VTeber
Symphony No, 7 In A major, < >pt»* tS
. H«*ttlOY*ll
l) Poco aoatenuto-VIvac*.
II All#nr«*lto.
Ill AUtgro con brio.
< fnt»rmtMlon.)
Thom* and variation* from Suit# No. *
. Tarhalkowaky
(Violin aolo. Mr. Rr**isktn >
Nnot urn** and 8eh*rs«». from '•Mldaum
mtr Night** J»re*m'*. Mnuiolggohn
(Horn nolo, Mr. IJndtnhahn.)
Overture to "TannhRU»«r**... - w»gn*r
Tickets will go on sale to members
of the Tuesday Musical club, which Is
The Favorite Phonograph Record
Maker in a Record Breaking Mueicile
with LOU HANDMAN, Composer
In His Internationally Successful
A Numerous "Tragedy" in 4 Episode*
REMOS A CO.— A European Novelty
Damantus Amaricanoa
Habitat North America
**Tl»o Boy With tho Smile"
Champion Axeman of the World
America's Famous Eccentric Dancer and His Youthful Revue Willi
and s Company of IS People
Aesop's Fables Topics of tha Day Palhe News
(Monday to Saturday, Inclusive)
Evenings .22c, 4St. 6Hc and $1.00 (Plus Tax)
Matinaes .... .20c and 00r. (Plus Tax)
sponsoring the appearance, Monday
morning, January 28, at the box of
fice of the Auditorium. Extra tickets
may be purchased at that time. There
is no war tax on this sale. The pub
lic sale will begin Thursday morning,
January 31,
The first movement from the piano
concerto In D minor, by Edward Mac
Dowell, will be featured at the
American composers' day recital of
the music department of the Omaha
Woman's club Wednesday afternoon,
January 30, In the ISurgess Nash audi
toriuin. Xb® concerto *as originally
composed for piano and Orchestra.
The aolo parts will be played by
Mrs. Jean Buchta Protzman at th*3
first piano, while the* orchestral ac
companiment is taken by Mrs. Dean
Ringer on the second piano. The num
ber represents the contribution of the
music department to the celebration
of MacDowell memorial week. The
complete program is as follows:
Mrs. George O Tray.
A. "The Xightfnga!** an<l The Ross’*
( 13. Hawley
B. "Entreaty" (hove Song ). . Wilson O. '
. Smith
C. "I Love and the World Is Mine”
. Clayton Jones
Mrs. A. A. S'ejgfried, soloist ; Mrs. Dean
Ringer, accompanist.
Violin quartette.
A. "Ave Verum" . W. A. Mozart
B. "Minuet".h Van Beethoven
<\ " El'-gl'*'’ ..I. Massenet
"Poupe#* Valsante" ... . • E. Poldlni
Jeanette Reeves, Frances Mulholland,
Dns-enda Skeen, and Robert Cuscaden.
A. "I Hear a Thrush at F’ve.Cad man
R. "In Italy" ....Boyd
C "The Star" . .Rogers
Mrs. Mariqxi Bates, soloist; E. Dewar
ChaHinor. accompanist.
First Movement of the Concert in D Minor.
Jean Burhta-Protzinan. first piano; Mrs.
Dean Ringer, second piano.
A. "hittle Boy Blue" .J. A. Park
*B. "Old Folks At Home" ..Root
V. "A Thousand Tears My Own
Columbia" .Henry Works
Mrs W V. Rentsh. Aire All»n McNitt.
Mrs. F W Roffbarh. Mrs. Patrick GUI,
Mrs Jay Griffin, accompanist.
Mrs. Raymond M. Austin is leader
for this program, which will be free
to the public. The musical is preced
ed by a luncheon of the department
at Burges* Nash tea room At 1
o’clock, open to all who care to make
resefvatlons. Reservations may be
made by calling Harney 3190 or
Harney 6086.
The first of a series of five lecture
song recitals by Warren Watters,
baritone, will l*e given Thursday
evening at 8 okdock In the Schmol
ler-Mueller auditorium. Mr. Watters
will sing the entire cycle of Gypsy
songs, by Dvorak, and will speak
upon their interpretation. He will
be accompanied at the piano by Mrs.
Dorothy Morton Parks. The other
recitals of Mr. WAtters’ series will
follow every Thursday for four weeks
at the same hour and place. Admis
sion is free and the public, is cordially
The program of the Rialto Sym
phony orchestra this week at the
Rialto theater includes the following
numbers: ‘'Marche Russe," from the
music for the Ballet Russe, Alex
andre Rulginl; "Danle Ohlnolse,"
from the “Nutcracker Suite,” Opus
71. by Tchaik"vsky; hits .from
"Sally,” Jerome Kern; "I*ikesonian
March,” M. L. T.ake; "For Tou
Alone," Morse, and "Dove Scene,” Ms
L. Rake.
The Tchaikovsky “Danse CTitnoisc”
Is listed in the musical memory con
test beigg carried on by the schools.
It is a charmingly grotesque little
dance dWty 32 bars long. In the orlgi
na! score the bassoon has a peculiar
figure with the double bass pizzicato,
which is maintained. Then a piccolo
Is answered by the strings. In the
second portion of the period the me
lodic figure Is Inverted.
A piano recital was given by the
junior pupils of Miss Florence E.
Peake at her residence studio on Sat
urday 'afternoon. January 26, In
which the following participated:
James Buffington, Stanley Potter,
I tor is Anne Hagen sick. Louise
Brown, William Baynes, Rosamond
Lehman, Jane Shearer, Joan Shearer,
La Verne Hchomers, Charles Baynes,
Rebecca Paytch, Louise Fowler,
George Pfeiffer, Janet Carson, Charles
Schwager, Alice Pyhrberg, Leonard
Berber and Boyd Reitz.
Miss Peake will present her ad
vanced pupils In recital, Saturday#
February 2.
—4/ '*
Edith IjOulse Waggoner extend* a
cordial invitation to interested per
sons to attend an Informal studio re
cital at her residence studio, 222 Park
evenue, this afternoon at 4. those
taking part will be Francis Brown,
Mary Elizabeth Blrkett, Charles Rlch
ordson, Dick Cooley, Robert M hit*
n ore, Billy Hamilton, Jackson Walk
er, Sammy Rees. Elizabeth Mills.
Virginia Richardson. Marlin Cooley#
Katherine Gray, Carolyn Rees, Mar
garet Mahoney, Barbara Johnston.
I,ouise Wylie, Annette Springs and
Uean Williams.
^Harold Uoyd has completed "Tbs
Glr< Expert." It Is a small town
sfbry. 0_
For an Enjoyable
Sunday Evening Dinner!
floi 5 ftO^ENEiXE
Main Dining Room
Dinner De Luxe
$2.00 Per Cover
• MENU •
Loganberry Cup with Mint Leave#
Iced reeled Shrimp with Tartar Sane#
Fresh Fruit supreme with Avocado Pear
I Cotuit Oyster Cocktail
Cream of Freeh Mouhrooin* Stuffed Pnflterolee
* Consomme Imperatrlce Cbeeae Wafer#
Celery Olive# Salted Almond*
Flanked Shad with Roe, »fripped with Anchovy Fillet#
Fommet J)u Chelae, Cur umber* D«ua
Breast of Chicken saute with Julienne of Virginia Bam
Tiny Noodle* W inona, eu Cesserol#
Punch FalermitaJne
Freeh String Dean*. Bonne Femme Fried Sweet Potato*#
French EndlT# Salad Fierett# Dressing
Old-Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream
Fancy Froron Form Ice Cream with Assorted Cak*
Orange Cream Merinjrue PI* Cup Clo Clo with Macaroons
Camenbert or Dluehill Individual Cheese with Toasted Cracker#
serves an excellent week-day luncheon
75C Try It!
Music by Louis Culp’s Orchestra
Evenings.50c, $1.00 and $f.50
Daily Matinees.50c, 75c and $1.00