Council Bluffs Society Mrs. Mehlhop Entertains. Mrs, John Mehlhop, Jr., was a hostess of the past week, entartainlng a group of friends at luncheon on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mehlhop also had a dinner at their homo on Saturday evening. Recent Brides Honored. Two Des Moines girls, Mrs. Donald Sear lea and Mrs. Jack Wilcox, both * recent brides, were the complimented guests when Mrs. Frank Binder en tertained at a luncheon of 12 covers ■ on Tuesday last. Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maurer had a nnall dinner on Tuesday evening at ^ their home on Second avenue. For Mrs. Gereke. Mrs. Louis Squire had an informal luncheon on Friday, honoring Mrs. Martha Gereke of Missoula, Mont., who is visiting at the A. H. Dunn » home. Invitations Issue. Mrs. F. L. Roecker and Mrs. Theo dore N. Petersen have sent out cards for two ridge luncheons this week. They will have aout 50 gueste at Mrs. Roecker's home on Wednesday and the same number again on Fri day. Mrs. Shugart Wins Prise. Following the luncheon for the members of the Knitting club at the home of Mrs. Lyman Shugart last Thursday tables were placed for bridge, with Mrs. Dimer Shugart the prize winner of the afternoon. Tuesday Bridge Club Activities. On Tuesday Mrs. Norman Filbert entertained the card club of which she is a member at luncheon and bridge and had as additional guests Mrs. Thomaj D. Davis, who will leave soon for Panama, and Mrs. Martha Gereke of Missoula. Mont., house guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dunn. Arrangements were recently made by the members of this club to have occasional evening meetings, at which the husbands will be included, and the first of these affairs will be on next Friday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Jlenn Reed. Hostesses on this occasion will be Mesdames Reed, Garland Rounds and N’orman Filbert. For Mrs. Crockwell. A two-table mah jongg party was arranged for Wednesday evening by Xllss Harriett Walker In compliment to Mrs. Roland Crockwell of St. ly the Tuesday Dancing club. Mbs Beno In London. t Interesting •etters wer. Davis, who Inis been here with er daughter, Joan, for several weeks waiting the arrival of Captain Davis, her w hlch they will sail for Panama, where they expect to reside. Thomas Besley, a brother of Mrs. ... __ ,/ickinson, Mrs. Davis tnd Hoy Besley, w ho has 4>een travel og In the west, also arrived last week and Mre. Besley had a family eunlon at her home. Young Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garrett have i youthful guest at their home, litt!*■ Donald Clancy, four monlhs* old son if Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Clancy of nnaha being with them during u uonth’s visit of his parents In Call ’ornla. To Entertain Mrs. Leo J. Wickham has Invited ) guests to her home for luncheon nd bridge next Tuesday. The affair lias been planned in ’ ompllment to her sister, Mrs. K. 1). ) Neill, who la visiting In Omaha. Musical Tea. An anticipated event for the mem ■ers of the American Legion auxiliary s the musical tea which will be given on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clara Bonham on liar j ison street. Mrs. Florence Senior Duerr, pianist, will play "Valclk" by Mokreg snd "Su Bou" by Victor Staube, a reading will be given by Miss Mary Evange line Higgins and Earl Buetler, tenor, will contribute two solos, "O Sole Mlo,” from Rlgoletto, and "The Amer cans Corns” by Foster. Farewell Parties. Miss Lenora Beveridge of Omaha entertained at luncheon and bridge Saturday complimentary to Mias Ger trude Clark who leaves Wednesday to lake up library work In Detroit, Mich. An evening bridge was arranged 4 Miss Clark Takes Detroit Post Kiss Chtlc HEYN PHOTO A Council Bluffs girl who will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends here is Miss Gertrude Clark, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. VV. Clark, who recently resigned her posl tion in the Omaha library to become assistant librarian in Detroit, Mich., where she formerly had considerable experience. After completing her course in the Council Bluffs High school Miss Clark attended the University of Minnesota and was later graduated from West ern Reserve college in Cleveland, O. Miss Clark is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and in addition to her library experience in Omaha and Detroit served for several months here, and for a limited time in New York City. Several lovely farewell parties hive been given during the past few weeks for this popular girl. | Friday for Miss Clark by Miss Anna McCague, also of Omaha. Personals. Mrs. C. E. White is convalescing from a recent illness. Mrs. Roma Risser left Friday for a visit in lies Moines. Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson are sojourning In San Diego. Cal. Mrs. S. L. Etnyre and daughters, Harriett and Georgia plan to leave on Wednesday for California. J. R. Gerke, E. J. McComb and E. C. Nickerson returned Saturday from a business trip in the east. Mrs. John McKieg of Harlan, la., is visiting her daughter and son-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Butler. Will Dyon of Chicago spent the early part of last week at the home of his mother. Mrs. W. S. Dyon on Oakland avenue. Airs. Ernest Johnson, sister of Aliss Adnli Hailey, returned Thursday eve ning to her homo in Moline, 111., after a brief visit here. Miss Dorris Ross, who attends Lindenwood at St. Charles, Miss., is spending the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Ross. Mrs. Ernest Eldred Hart has tem porarily closed her home on Heron d avenue and for the next few weeks will be at the Blackstone hotel In Omaha. Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and son, Clif ford, jr., will arrive from their home in Rockland, Me., the latter part of next week to visit Mrs. Wolf's par ents, Dr. and Mrs. Donald Macrae, jr. Mrs. Alfred Turner Kelley of Bos ton, Mass., who has been seriously ill at the home ef her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hannan, jr., is considerably im proved. William Knox, who early in De cember was obliged to discontinue his studies at the state university on account of trouble with his eyes, was abla to return again to Iowa City last week. Miss Ann Walker leaves next Fri day for Topeka, Kan., where she will spend the remainder of the win ter. She will be accompanied by her sister. Miss Harriett, who plans to visit In Topeka for a few days. 1 Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Seybert. who left for the south the first week In January, are now in Palm Beach, Fla. According to letters received during the past week Dr. Seybert hag been r • Dying some excellent fishing in Florida. 1 Y. W. C. A. Monday—Central Kreahrnan club meet ing. Y. W C. A club rooms. 3:10 p. m Junior Girl reserves. Mason triangle. 3 p. ni. Lake triangle, 3:15 p. in. t'aa telar triangle, 3:J0 i». m V. W arid Yr. M. supper, 7 :> m. Items for "Federation Links'' to be turned m. Educational classes, expression, two classes, one at 8 and one at 8 Ukelele. two classes. 7 to 8 and 8 to 9. Tuesday—-Student club Bible class. Y. W. C. A. dub rooms. 3.15. Junior Girl reserves. Sherman triangle. 3:15. Educa tional classes, Bible c1h*-«. 6 p. m.: sew ing. 7 to 9 p. in.; English for now Amer icans. Wednesday—Technical Student club meeting. Calvary Baptist church. 3:45 p rn. Junior tllrl reserves. Grace Dodge triangle. 3:30; Lothrop triangle. 3:30. Educational classes, etiquet, 7:30; draw I Ing. 7. Thursday—Central Student club cabinet meeting. 3:15 Junior Oirl reserves. Co menius triangle. 3:15 "The More the Merrier" club supper. 8 p. ir "Seeing Europe." talk, with slides. Mrs Phebe Fuilaway. Lord Lis ter student nurses. All Saints parish house, 7:30. Educational classes Friday—Benson Girl reserve cabinet meeting. 12:30 p. m. Alumna© club sup per and program, 8. Junior Girl re- j serves. Edward Knsewatar triangle, 3:15. Vinton triangle, 3:15. Educational classes, business English. Girls’ Community Service League Tuesday : Cooking rlus*. Mrs \\ L. Klner; Sewing class. Mrs. B. P. Maunders. Wednesday: Basket ball at 5.30 p. m. Miss Mary Farnurn. League dinner Community Singing and Open House for girls and men. An Invitation is extended to those in need of friends. Esthetic dancing at 7:20 p. m . Miss Mary Kar num. Those wishing to Join the basket ball team or the esthetic dancing class may < all Harney 1452. Thursday : Cooking class. Mrs. W. L. Bluer. Mrs H. I*. Saund-rs Dramatics: 8 to 9 and J to 10, Mr. C. A. G*earish. Friday: Cooking class. Mrs W. L. Ri ner. Stringed Instrument class, Miss Lu ella Allen. Saturday: Girl* v..!i attend the dan«*e at the Bellevue Vocational Mchool There will be no danc© at the League headquar ’ crs. „ Ill and cross lari mghl DR. CALDWELL {^brought vigor by morning How To Keep A Child Healthy A GENERATION ago par-nts thought that sickness was a part of a child's life, but we know better now. The secret is in the food the mother allows the child to eat, and in watching that elim ination occurs regularly two or three times a day. Mrs. J. Russell of 19,141 Havana Ave.. Detroit, Mich., keeps her family of two young children in perfect health with Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepain, and Mrs. R. L. Smith of 519 Maple Ave., East Pittsburg, Pa., aays bar family of three children have never been sick a day since giving them Syrup Pepsin. A Substitute for Physics Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a scientific compound of Egyptian senna with pepsin and suitable aromatics. The formula is on every package. You will find you do not have to force children to easy passage without wiping or strain. It does not contain nar cotics, and you can give it with absolute safety to an infant at the breast. “Magic”in a Teaspoonful Every store that sella medicines sells Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and the coat is less than a cent a dose. Give half a teaspoonful to any ailing baby or child at night when you put it to bed and you will find a nappy, laughing young ster in tbe morning. Take Syrup Pepsin yourself when constipated, ana give it to any member of the family young or old, for anv ailment due to constipation, such as biliousness, headache, lack of appetite, sleeplessness,bad breath, cankers, fever sores, indigestion, and to break up fevers ami colds. Stop that first sneeze or sniffle and you will have a healthy winter. take it, and it is much lietter for them than castor oil, calomel or coal-tar drugs like phenolphthalein even if covered with sugar or chocolate. Syrup Pepsin is mild and gentle in action and your child will have an .. Y«i Can Hava A Trial Bottle.. "Hynip Pfprin." S17 Waa Kington St., Moatirallo, lllinoia. I rued a food laraiiaa and uoald like la peace robot you lay about Dr. Calduelt'i Syrup Pipe in by actual hit. Send me a free bial battle. Adirtu to Noma_____ .... Addretl__ Not morn than nan ltoo trial bottle to ifaaily 1 ARE YOUR KtPKEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. Most people do not realize the alarming increase and remarkable prevalency of kidney disease. While kidney disorders are among the most common diseases that prevail, thoy are almost the lust recognised by pa tients, who usually content them selves will) doctoring the effects, while the original disease constantly under mines the system. Weak kidneys may cause lumbago, rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull arhe In the bark, joints or muscles, at Umes have headache or Indigestion, as time passes you may have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, some times feel ns though you had heart trouble, may have plenty of ambition hut no strength, get weak and lose flesh. If such conditions mo permitted to continue, serious results are sure to follow; Kidney Trouble Inlts very worst form may steal upon yfcu. If you feel that your kldnoya ere the cause of your sickness or run down condition, begin taking Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, the famous kid ney, liver, and bladder medicine, be cause ns soon ns your kidneys are well, they will help the other organa to health. . If you are already convinced, that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can purc hase the regular medium and large sire bottles at all drug storea. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Dr. Kllmer'a Swamp Hoot, and the address, DInghatnton, N. V.. which you will find on every bottle. 8PKCIAL NOTE—You may obtain a antnple nlze bottle of Rwamp Hoot by encloaing ten cent* to Dr. Kilmer A (V, .Binghamton, Y. They will alHo *end you a book of valuable tnfor mat Ion, containing many of the thou* Hand* of grateful letter* received fro in men and women who «p,y they found Rwamp Hoot to be Ju*l the remedy needed In kidney, liver and Mad der trouble*. The value and wucrean « f Swamp*Hoot are ho well known that our reader* are advl**d to lend f«»r a */ituple *lze hottlo. Addrena Dr. Kilmer | A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be *ure and mention this paper. | t Benson Society Benson Woman’s Club. Members of the Benson Woman’s club and their frlenda enjoyed a real treat Thursday at Orchard-Wilhelm’-s. when Mr. Livingston, the interior decorator, gave his lecture on the "Psychology of Color.’’ Mr. Living ston described the effect of color harmony on the health, happiness and comfort of the individual. The music department of the club furnished a well selected musical pro gram. featuring Mrs. E. N. Carson in a group of songs; Miss Koma Roth in two piano selections and Mr. Wil bur Felerman, accompanied by Mrs. M. Felerman, in a group of violin numbers. Preceding tho club pro gram, Mrs. Paul Wilcox, acting pres ident of the club, was in conference with Mrs. Perryman, state president, and Mrs. Nickerson, president of the second district, making plans for the second district convention, to be en tertained in Benson the early part of April. Benson School Association. An organization, to lie known as the Benson School association, lias come into being in the community during the last week. The purpose of this organization is to interest the people of Benson and to exert every effort possible in the keeping and equipping of a high school that will supply the needs of Benson students of high school age. Messrs. J. L. Cor baley, Carl Self, Gorton Roth, Earl Dean, Charles M. Nye, Warwick, C. C. Beavers, B. C. Ranz, Dr. F. J. Murray, Chenowiih and .1. A. Henry met Thursday evening and completed plijns for a mass meeting lo be held Monday evening, January 28, in the auditorium of the city hall. Members of the board of education liuve been invited to attend. Thd problem will bo fully discussed at this meeting. Every Benson citizen is urged by this committee to tie present. Movie Benefit amt Valentine Party. A movie benefit and a benefit Valentine party will tie sponsored by the Benson Woman’s club In the month of February. These benefits are given for the purpose of securing funds to he used in entertaining the members of the second district dur ing the convention to be held in Ben son the early part of April. I. \V. B. Class Party. The members of the I. W. B. class of the Benson Methodist Sunday school entertained at a "Hard Time" party in the church pallors Thursday evening. The husbands of the mem bers of the class were the gueets of honor. Baptist Junior Girls. The Baptist Junior girls were en tertained Monday 'evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones. Mrs. Charles E. Lathrop of the Calvary Baptist church was guest of honor. After an interesting talk on the privileges and duties of the (pem tiers of the "World Wide Guild," an organization waa effected. Mem ADVERTISEMENT. Cocoanut Oil Makes a Splendid Shampoo • If you want to keep your hair In good condition, bo careful what you wash it with. Many noaps and prepared shampoos contain too much free alkali. This dries the scalp, make the hair brittle and i« very harrnul. Mulsitled cocoa nut oil shampoo (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is much better than anything else you can use for shampooing, as this cannot possibly injure the hair. Simply n.oisten your hair with wa ter and rub it in. Two or three tea spoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excess oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves It fine and silky, bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to manage. Vou can get Mulsitled cocoanut oil »hani|H>o at any drug store. It is In expensive. and a few ounces will last everyone In the family for months. tiers from three claws in the Sun day school will take up the work of tills organization. Radio Dinner Guests. Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Reavis of Oma ha and Mrs. Anna Reavls of Falls City were dinner-guests at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ranz. where they also enjoyed the radio program furnished by Falls City talent and broadcast from WOAW station. I’upils in Violin Reeitaj. Miss Louise Cuyler, formerly of Benson, presented 18 pupils In violin recital Thursday evening at the Schmoller & Mueller auditorium. Miss Cuyler grew to womanhood In Benson and her many friends are proud of her success in her chosen art. Dinner Guests. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kohlert were Sun day dinner guests at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Newlon on Flor ence boulevard. Mr. Newlon is past department commander of the Hpan ish American War veterans of Ne braska and also a past commander of the Lee Forby camp of Omaha. Handkerchief Shower. Mesdanies R. Burford and Wy man Woodyard entertained at a hand kerchief shower at the home of Mrs. Burford Tuesday, complimentary to Mrs. C. A. Lochard, who with Mr. lochard, left Friday for I tea Moines, where they will make their future home. The members of the I. W. B. class were the Invited guests. Celebrate McKinley's Birthday. Lee Forby camp of Spanish Ameri can war veterans and the members of the woman's auxiliary wlU cele brate McKinley's birthday anniver sary. Wednesday evening, January 30, In the memorial hall in the court house. A program is being arranged for this celebration. Everyone is welcome. The program is free. II. S. Chapter P. E. O. Sisterhood The B. S. chapter of the P. E- O. sisterhood will entertain at an open meeting at the home of Mrs. W. R. McFarland, 5206 Webster street. Assisting Mrs. McFarland will be, Mrs. A. W. Francis and Mrs. E. C. Hodder. Convention reports will be given by Mrs. Funkhouser and a re sume of Kir Phillips Gibbs' book en titled, “Middle of the Road," will be given by Mrs. C. A- Tracy. BabcOcU-Foy. Hershel Babcock, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bgbcock, and Mies lone Foy of Pilger, Neb., wers married Saturday, January 13. in Council Bluffs. Miss Hazel Babcock and Mr. Clyde Babcock, brother and sis ter of the groom, were the only at tendants. Mr. and Mrs. Babcock left Sunday for Pilger, where Mr. Bab cock is principal of the Pilger high school. Parliamentary Ian Department. At a meeting of the parliamentary law department of the Benson Wo man's club held Tuesday afternoon in the auditorium of the city hall. Mrs. F. B. Oliver was elected head of the department and Mrs. \V. H. I/Oechner was elected secretary-trea surer. At the next meeting to he held Tuesday, January 29, at 2:30 p. m., In the auditorium of the city hall, the constitution and bylaws of the Benson club will be read and discussed. Mrs. W. H. Loechner, leader. Bvery club member Is invit ed to attend this meeting. Baptist Brotherhood. The men's brotherhood social af fairs. held every third Monday eve ning In the month in the Baptist church parlors, are growing In Inter est and attendance. I^ast Monday evening Rev. Allan M. Keith pastor of the Pearl Memorial Methodist church, gave a very inspiring lalk, and that, with the good music fur nished by George W. Greenhlh of the First Baptist church and the pump kin pics baked by Mrs. O. McGuire, and the coffee, were conducive to a fellowship atmosphere. Visitors are welcome at these functions. Dinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Rani and Mr. and Mrs. George Rem.ngton will en tertain at a dinner of 1* covers Mon day, January 28, at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Ranz. The affair will be in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. B. J. De Oroodt, who leave soon to make their home in Chicago. In Recital. Miss Margaret Llljenstolpe pre sented Miss Roma Roth in piano re cital Monday evenig at her home in the Country club distri"*. Mias Roth also played Thursday Wore the Ben in n Woman's club at the Orchard & Wilhelm store, and before W. F. M. S. of the Methodist church Wednesday Benefit Musical Concert. A musical concert tor the benefit of the Presbyterian choir of Heiievue. and under the direction of O. Ar'hur Meicher of Benson, will be presented in the First Preshy to tan church of Bellevue Friday. February 1, at 8 p m. The orchestra of the First Chris t an church of Omaha, uniler the di rect on of Joseph Woolerv, assist' d bv Mrs. Reginald Frary, Mr. F. B Olive i and Mr. O. A. Melehtr, solo ists, will furnish the program. Mr. E. Thompson will give a humorous chaiacter sketch. Personals. Mrs. D. C. Hturtz has been ill dur ing the last #reek. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McPhereon spent Thursday in Lincoln. Mrs. W. H. Loechner returned Monday from Ashland, Neb. Guy Fitch of Ogaliala, Neb., is a guest of his father, J. W. Fitch, and Mrs. Fitch. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Hamilton are expected home today from a trip to New Orleans. Melvin Nichols of Scottsbluffs was TOMORROW We Are Going to Offer Four Special BARGAINS IN GOOD PIANOS ’£*? Stemway . $525 Pay $15.00 Monthly •uS? Chickering Grand ..$425 Pay $12 00 Monthly U?.td Kurtzmann Player.$475 Pay $14.00 Monthly S3 Iver* & Pond .A,B“"''C,,"' $385 Pay $12.00 Monthly The real shrewd buyers always visit our warerooms before mak !ng a decision. We ask nothing more than an opportunity to serve you. We’re ready now to serve advertisers w>th quality halftones, zinc etchings. r color plates, illustrations and photo re W touching for advertising. M New and better equipment, increased M personnel and a thorough knowledge M of engraving in all its phases enable us t0 °^er advertisers a service second to none in the middle west. 4^ilOTt>G Let us tell your story with pictures. It AT* 1 3„t» will put new interest in your advertis Al‘laIluC ing plus a punch that will sell your ' j merchandise or service. Phone AT i()00 A V w V/ and ask for the manager. I Out-of-Town Advertisers Increased facilities enable us to offer out of-town advertisers better quality and bet ter service. The Bee Publishing Co. Photo Engravers E. SCHERER, Manager, Engraving Dapartmant a Sunday guest at the noine of his cousin, Mr. Carl Self, and Mrs. Self. Calvin Hall, student in Nebraska jnivcrslty, spent the week-end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Hall. Mr. L. \V. Raber, formerly of Ben son, is home from a vUit with his son. Dr. Donald Raber. of Tllden. Neb. Mrs. B. M. Babcock left Thursday to spend the week-end in Lincoln with her daughter, Gladys, who is a student at the state university. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Penoyer are remodeling their cottage located on Sixtieth avenue, which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Penoyer will get Into their new home some time In March. One Mother Says. I always keep a box of seedless raisins on hand and when my y'oung son craves sweets he asks for these. They are just as satifylng as candy and a body builder as well. \& indow Shopping. A tea set of Italian ware la of not* because of the unusual shape of the pot and the plates. The china la a deep cream with old-fashioned bunches of blue flowera across the surface A very beautiful desk pad and portfolio combined Is made of tan nuede and Chinese embroidery. The pad is covered by two flaps that open when the pad Is in tise. These flaps are fitted out with compartment* for paper, envelopes, stamps, address book, etc. Catholic Daughters of America Monday: . Qym Cl***. 7:30, 8t«pb«t) Zaifr.-k. Instructor. _ . : Hs immlfif CHMH at OtUM At hleti* club. r*;r Wendtl lnntructor. Ba-ket bull team will play at B«il«v»« TlMiraHrtr: Gl** Club. 7:80. Heary C#*. Birr., tor. HwlmmlBr Claarea at Onill A t hl«**1r rftib _ McG. ___ —clearance ! Monday 72 High-Class Winter COATS i Formerly Priced to $185 Choice Close-Out Group of Dainty j ||5U Party Frocks uv= h^Quives mezzanine C^Qress Shoppe^)sixteenth eloor -PAXTON BLOCK*