A Nebraskan in Washington By P. C. POWELL, Washington Correspondent The Omaha Bee Before leaving for the trouble zone, Governor Charles W. Bryan called and paid his respects to Senators George W. Norris and R. B. Howell. The governor remained In Washing ton for a day or two after the meet ing of the democratic national com mittee to attend to that part of hts trip labeled "official state business.” While Dr. Jennie Callfas. national democratic committee woman from Nebraska, was in Washington attend ing the meeting of the national com mittee, she was entertained at lunch eon by Senator and Mrs. George W. Norris and Senator and Mrs. R. B. Howell. Dr. Callfas Is optimistic over a democratic national victory. When anyone talks to her about the can didacy of Art Mullln for national com mitteeman her eyes snap and she re fuses to be quoted. Nor will she make public who she Is for for the democratic nomination for president. Miss Grace Shallcnbarger enter; talned secretaries of Nebraska con gressmen at the home of her father last Friday afternoon. Miss Shallen barger Is acting as secretary for her father. Congressman Ashton C. Shal lenbarger. Did you know that In addition to other qualities, four members of the Nebraska lower house delegation claim singing voices? Willis G. Sears, Kdgar Howard, John H. Morehead and M. O. McLaughlin have joined a congressional' singing class, which meets regularly once a week. All railroad propaganda in the capital these days Is aimed to im press upon the minds of lawmakers that railroad service Is better than in history. "Cut our rates and we’ll he forced to cut your service,” is ex pected to be one of their arguments. Edson Rich of the Union Pacific and John L. Webster, attorney, both _ of Omaha, and Tod Sloan, attorney at Pender, were Washington visitors in the last week. Sloan has been waging a strenuous fight In the De partment of the Interior against the present method of handling Indian affairs. ’ Trcnmors Cons says hs’s tired of ths ultra-politeness of everyone In Washington and will be glad to re turn to Nebraska, where someone will occasionally tell him to “Go to h—.” Trenmore observes, however, that they take his money, just the same. If Congressman John H. Morehead would only fils for re-election It would make the batting average of the lower house delegation from Ne braska 100 per cent. The Nebraskan has an aunt who owns a seven-room modern home In a country town In Pennsylvania, who doesn’t get as much for the modern cottage as he has to pay for parking space In an old barn. This barn holds eight cars. The owner of each cay 1» obliged to pay $11 a month. Gosh! If the republicans had chosen New Tork for their conven tion, couldn't you hear “Brother Charley” talking about the "Influ ence of predatory Interests on Wall street?” Woman Posing as Collector for Bakery Found Out Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 26.—A new fraud scheme developed here Friday when It was discovered that a woman was calling on restaurants and other places where much bread Is consumed, representing herself as a collector for a bakery. She related that the bread factory had been caught in the Grand Island National bank failure and was hard pressed for funds and had sent her out to collect as much as possible. One firm became suspicious and went to the phone to make inquiries. When he returned the woman had fled. Albion to Have Free Postal Delivery Soon Rp«lil Dispatch to The Omaha llee. Albion, Neb,, Jan. 26.—Free postal delivery will soon be established at the Albion postofflre. A special in ■spector has been hero ami found the streets all named and about 85 per cent of the house numbers in place. The receipts of the office have been Aiore than sufficient to obtain free delivery for several years. The in spector Indicated that he would recom mend the additional service at once. Filtration Plant Asked. Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 26.—Petitions will soon be presented to the city commissioners asking for the eetab llahment of a filtration plant in the Blue river at this point. The matter la to be decided by the coramtsslon » Angeles, Jan. 2S.—Lila Lee, motion picture actress, whose father, Charles Appel, Is sought by Chicago authorities - on an embezzlement charge, tonight threatened to leave fiimdoni flat on its back and quit the camera cold unless "the cloud of sus picion involving me in financial transactions in Chicago Is immedi ately removed by those responsible." Referring to published reports that notes signed by her had been uncov ered in connection with Illegal liquor transactions credited to her father, the screen actress declared that ■ further publication of such unjust and false statements’’ would be fol> lowed by her retirement to private life. New High School Opens at Hpldregc, Nebraska Special Dispatch to The Omaha Me*. Holdrege, Neb.. Jan. 28.—School here will open Monday In the new $250,000 high achool. This building has been under construction for more than a year and Is said to be one of the finest In the state for a town of this size. The building is two stories, with all offices and recitation rooms on the outer side of the building, while tie gymnasium and auditorium occupy the center. The auditorium will so .' 700 persons and is equipped with a large stage. 1 --— ' —- - — ■ ■ Chiropractic Gets Sick People Well If you are sick and want to iret well, you should investigate the merits of Chiropractic today without any obligation on your part. Consultation i* free. I will tell you what ran he don'* in your ca'f with our methods, then you use your own judgment. Thousands of sick people have come t-» me and received wonderful results even after many other methods have failed. Why not you? w _ Office hours. 9 A M. to * P. M. Fur. days, 10 to 12 N. House calls answered promptly. Office adju-»rnents are 12 for $10 or 30 for $25. Phone JA rkson 6'.4i for appointment. Ninth Year of Suceeaaful Practice in Omaha DR. FRANK F. BURHORN, the Chiropractor Suite 414-426 Securities Bldg. Cor. 16th and Farnam St*. Complete X-Ray Laboratory. Lady Attendants Provide for the Future— Start a Savings Account Today Many people have opened savings accounts since January 1st with us. 6% Dividends Payable Quarterly Assets ..$12,643,000 Reserve Fund. 445,000 “The Occidental” increased their assets $2,199,000 in 1923. Let your savings grow with Growing Omaha. Occidental Building and Loan Association 35 Years in Omaha 18th and Harney Inquire Investigate the About the New New “Hayden Plan’1 Hayden Furniture for Buying Plan. Furniture. • I Starts Monday Radical price reductions await you at our great est February Furniture Sale. Simmons Mattress Fifty-pound Size Simmons extra quality, 50 Ib. White Label Mattresses. A limited number to sell at , the price. *j ■ i i ■■■ ■■■■■ ■——————J Money The cash values offered are decidedly attractive. j which a comparison of prices elsewhere will prove. Oak Library Table Regular $25 Value Solid Oak Library Tables j with drawers; finely fin ished and built to wear. Simmons Rust-Proof Fabric Springs □ Rust-proof Fabric Springs; elevated 6 inches above the side rails. $325 3-Piece Suites *259» Overstuffcd 3-pIcce »II-over Mo hair I.lvlng Hoorn Suite, consist ing of straight chair, wing chair, and large sl/a davenport. All 3 pieces have loose cushions nnd built-on wehh bottom. A h $400 9-Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite An Exceptionally Good Value Nine-piece Walnut Dining Hoorn Suite—Buffet is 66 in. Table is 4ox60 in., extends to 5)6 in. when open, ('hairs upholstered in high-grade tapestry with tapestry hacks. China Cabinet to match. An Actual See the Suite $400 in the Outfit Window | YEARLY FI RNITLRE SALE WTTH A MESSAGE OF GREATER RATINGS The calendar notes that February arrives and brings with it the most interesting economy event of the year. The Yearly Furni ture Sale is the message of greater savings, greater values and greater assortments. No matter what home furnishing problem you have, if you come to this sale you will enjoy selecting from the varieties here ns well as saving considerably on every article. 60-in. Mahogany Veneer Davenport Table $1750 Genuine Mahogany Ve neer Davenport; made in full 60-inch lengths; finished perfectly and very well constructed. SIMMONS BEDS Nationally-known Sim mons Beds; made with 2-inch continuous posts —that will last you. - *