BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES - By THORNTON W. BL'RfSKSS. - ^ Danny and Nanny Admire Their New Cousin. Uanny ami Nanny Meadow Mouse, who are themselves very homely little people, admired their new cousin. I rader the Wood Rat. Of course, he really wasn't a new cousin; he was simply new to them. It seemed to them that he was the handsomest fel low they ever had seen. Certainly he waa the handsomest^member of their family. Instead of being thick-bodied and clumsy looking, us was Little Hobbit the Cotton Ilat, and as were Lanny and Nanny themselves. Trader was well formed and comparatively slen dor, more like a member of the Squir rel family. His coat was a mixture of gray and light brown, and Instead of being coarse and rough, as are the carats of most members of tlie Rat family, it was soft and fine. Under neath he was white and his feet were white. Ills tail was long, round and tapered and his ears were large. "You remind me of a cousin of whom I atn very fond, only you ure very mu. h bigger." said Danny. "Who is that?" asked Trader. "Whitefoot the Wood Mouse," re plied Danny. "If W'hitefoot would grow to bi as big as you you would look enough alike to be brothers. Did I rifcj INlodj THE COMFORTER. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hew >-■ -■ —,—,-> __ UOVaJ TX> VOO , 5a\Q£ W ‘ n/\p ^ . MRS. MEBB. I OOST ! HEARD TMWNOUR, |jr^-rM ZiZ9 VAOS-Q^ND Ul&vS R1GMT IN r Hoot - c&n £n 6EE. WUM ? 1^ X. WEEVCS NOUJ AMO NO BONES BQ.OK.EN — \ 'TWKTiS BAD i NbU’RE LIABLE lb GET SOME PERMANENT TROUBLE TROM TM\S - J MAN BE NOUR. LEGS ARE PARALNZ.ED - C yyAAVIE NOU TRIED TO UJALWC VET ? ^ /1 GOT A GOOD FRlEKD \N THE^ (tONT LET TUKT B\RO IN MERE «SA*nT\ SURGICAL INSTRUMENT BUSINESS — ) [ WE CAN GET EVERYTHING IN THE. \ ME MfttsJUtTsCroRES TVJETVNESr CROTCH \ WORLD M LOW OLE SALE BUT SCNSWlNE \ NsNOSE EU&ft HOPPED CXN. AND A / \ — ftNO HE DOESN'T £a/EN RNOuJ WHERE I PALL-BEARING WHEEL CM AIR. THAT A \ \ WHEW RETAIL THAT 1 WE DiD^ OFFEOj NY1SOUITO COULD POSH AND 1 CAN l TO GE.T WOO A PRICE Oni A COFFIN SeST?«2S«lE PRICE. TOR J WLOKTHtWM OOTDlDUrT^* l NOO ANYTIME — ciUST LET MLK.NCWJ I' '-----}m.z: t ..A-W El . “^(Copyrigh t, 1W4, by Th« Bell Syndic«tc, Inc.) | CO • CN • CTo»aWSor-j — Barney Google and Spark Plug RUDY DIGESTS A LITTLE INFORMATION. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck * ® ■* (Oopyriirht 1924 ) -- Ml ■ .__ _ __ _- ... » ■■ « . SONSHIME. . WE UAME. Here ROAD MAP SHOWING OOR <2. ^ To 'SAM FRAHietSCC . Mow. Right here where Jl fJ\ POINTING. THERE.-s A Slight detour = ausr &EFOKE FRESMO - P-». _' -i*:•S'O-'S*-. * •l^**^1'. *** fWiM^ Synd^^foc. | > IT iKe HIM. IE Dots W uoe HAMENT , 1E To J ste!_^^ BRINGING UP FATHER .. 0,/!S£rt*. Drawn for The On,«ha Bee Ijy McManus (Copyright v.-4) WELL-THE COM, OH-.ItjN-T U J YE'EHIHE t>AIO II ( - THE PROtodS5MEL THAT LCNEL>r HE liked the VAY IV^NOW ’ I'M IH CHWK.E WHAT? TOOACY - I It-A t>0 HAPPX: I WORKED AN' HE uor^uw. OFTHECORt)ET L ™Nl \~—n/—m— cave mea setter department- -; mi if —r-—^ ^—y r~ ct\) ft 'I ? !! ??! J 1 ' 1*24 «v Imt l Fcaturc Smviet. Inc. JERRY ON THE JOB A HEAVY LOSS O™™ for The Omaha Bee by Hoban % A mamtpat feuviES To \ 'JU08H- 'MM04 WE‘I j LATE 19 SLLV » AMO ) 1 MMSElP AiMfT MO j y Past op a Sap y 8ov» the Boss da elllng. *$3,999. Carl Nelson. 2610 Sooth Thirty-third i atreet, frame dwelling, $4,909. Frank Kudlae. 241a South Twenty - fourth street, frame dwelling. $4,099 Martin Anderson. 906 South Forty - eighth street frame garage. $250. Real Fstate Transfers. George T. Morton and wife to Gustave K. Gran. N. V. Cor 42nd A Williams St.. 100x146 . 1 lia It ha s Kramer et al to Fred Kanth and wife. 14th St. 90S ft 42nd A Williams St.. 100x146. $ 1 N of Canton 8t. E. Side. 132* 155 1.499 Walter K. Geiger and wife to Axel Nielsen et al S?th St l«© ft. 8 of Grand Ave E. Side. ifxll© 2.759 Harriett* L Shively and husband to Pearl M Clevenger. Pinkney St 150 ft W. of 30th St. N. Side. 50x!2* 4 2,499 Hedmond Johnson to W. H Brtn ton. i*th 8t 144 ft. 6. of Dewey Aw W Sid*. 75x100. . » Meliora S Ktngwait et al to K>* e \V;*e. Mandrraon St. 1,99 ft. W of 53rd St N Side 50x12* _ 1.499 Charles F Penoyer and wife to Catherine M Mori son. 4 5th St 200 ft. 8. of Miami 81 E. 8id*. 59x124 . 5,579 Anna Markabury ami husband to Joseph Tomes et «|. 8 F. Cor. j Hat ic Sahier St. 54x126V, 2,500 Jom t>h Tome* and wife to Glad}* Keddan. S E Cor 31st A Sah ier St.. T.4xl26w.. 2.599 Bird H Bidtiev and wife to Otto W. Schenk. 201 b St. 2© ft 8 of < haric* St. E. Side, |Cnd S» irregular . 1.900 William F. Goodso and wife to Lawrence l.»r*en et al. 3 3th st , 49.1 ff N of Archer Ave. W, i Side, 5x11* 1 [Gwrtrude xaVroll to Olive B. Feu* ter. 2 I' I, ...... I I "II_U-i_1— and so tmc day was a ys/HALe of a failure Just etCAuse Thc euevATem was oki tub i BONK, MC MAS lb TAKe \ IT OUT OKI MB -• Ml 9 < LAlNOUAGe WAS TaAAlBLCy--v L~—r He'D ee BeNtATH] MY NOTICE IF I I ws«« You ©car J ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Kveryhody SitlUfifd. HfTS Ml WE O'clock loom, ■ ABE. - Houj I LONQ IS THIS W i CfAME Qoiu* f= \T6 LAST^ fTiu. ASoorl I Ml&NIQHT I I SlQMbNb** I I AT LEAST I A TWREE A ^^-Hocp^/ I W shTu.7" <1 J STAY RlQHY 1 I here, TillYbu I 1 Come oor I ■STAY ^ i THAT i. ARqjHO » WAVY j ' '''' V UJHKT HiS A Sk) MB&JM i BU* Rt^EP= ] —r*rJ4 i^6 >ft^\j^ n^rs^j Clarence F Fa gels *tid wife to Jennie Simmona, Titu* Av* jJIO ft. E of 2$th A ve. N. Side. 44x120 • ■ • 1 Jennie Simmon* to Krneat K Swaflton. Tltua Av«- ISO ft. K. of 2sth N. Si.te. AnVKKTISF.MKNT BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It. Dr. Edward*’ Olive Tablet*, the aub ■ titute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr. Edward*’ Olive Taoleta. The plea; ant. sugar-coated tab let* are taken for bad breath by all who know them. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablet* act gently but firmly on the bowel* and liver, stimu lating th«*m to natural action, clearing the blood and gent'y purifying the entire sys tem. They do that which dangeroua calomel due* without any of the bad after effect*. All the benefit* of nasty sickening, griping 4-atnartie* are derived from Dr. Edward*’ Olive Table** without grip ing pain or any disagreeable effect* Dr. F. M Edward* discovered the formula after seventeen year* of practice among patient* afflicted with bowel and liver complaint, with the attendant bad breath. Olive Tablet* are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect. IRe and 30c. 4»>\ FKThF.M»AT BEST LIVER AND BOWEL LAXATIVE If Headachy, Bilious, Sick, Constipated / IwORK WHILE YOU SLEEPf No griping or inconvenience fol lows a gentle liver and bowel cleans ing wl?h "Cascarets.” Sick Head ache, Biliousness, Gascc. Indigestion, and all such distress gone by morn ing. Most harmless laxative for men. women and children—10c boxes, i also 25 and 50c Sixes, any drug itor* " aimV.btisemknt. A FEELING OF SECURITY — You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and con tains no harmful or habit producing drugs Such a medicine Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, kidney, liver and blad der medicine. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded fron vegetable herbs. It Is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for every thing. It is nature's great helper In re lieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement nf purity Is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sate at all drug stores In bottles of two sixes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co. Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writ ing be sure and mention this paper. COLDS DRIP Fortify the system against j Colds, Grip and Influenza by taking laxmtiv §Bromo a \ Quinines t abletm •tfE* which destroy germs, ict HI tonic laxative, and keep the sys tem in condition to throw off ail attacks of Colds. Grip aad influents The box bears this signature Pricf 30c. \m KHtlSKMKVr Child-birth WlfFN the Little One arrlrea. you can have that moment more free from suffering: than you rar# perhaps trnas* Ino l. A n fnlufnt phv*|cian. ax part Iq t h t a * t. h.ia abovn Iba way. || w.ia ha who hr*; pro d u c a d tb* praat r r m r d y, • Motbar * a Hand.** Xfm t\ J. Hartman. ^rraBtcn, I'a . nay a • * " lib nr flmf two fbtldran | bad a doo lor and a numa and than tbrr bud In hm* InsfrummU. bnt wtth my !a*( two rb ltd ran I naad M'tb.ra Krtrnd' and had onlr a nnma; wo had n.» Hl»o to cat a t!ooi >r n*anm ■ w«tHi *"!* , »• • ;r ni.thrr* j-i pr.in.lmplh«i» ill I. IVn'J »*ti, ,i,rt *'" R**wUt<'r IV h I -\ Atlanta. filntttjr Inform*! hit rrrry »vw»{j»rl lnolhrr nbouM h*r*, M'fbrr'a