WEST POINT—Rev. David'Tudor, for the Inst five years pastor of the Congregational church of this city. [leave* February 1 for Geneva, where he will assume the pastorate of the Congregational church. No pastor has been appointed for the church here. NORFOLK—-Robert Lucas, for many years a livestock raiser in north Nebraska and a resident in Pierce county many years, was mar ried on December 3o. lt>2o, to i .dins Campbell of the fanions Campbell clan family of Montrose. Scotland. according to Information receive! here by friends of Mr. Lucas. Thr wedding took place in London. w HST POINT—I-oul* WultonwaBer >f Haneroft has leased hi* land to K. \\ . Canarsky for $9 per ax're. Thl* la the hlgheat rental being paid in thla vicinity. The land I* In an n cellent atate of cultivation. Melba Human Hair Nets Single or double mesb; cap or fringe style; all colors; single mesh sell regularly for 10c each; double mesh sell reguarly for 15c each; special 3 for * 25^ Main Floor— South. Sale of Men's and Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs Women’s are broken lots of initialed handkerchiefs, all neatly hemstitched. Men’s are large size. Handkerchiefs *hat •?*] regularly for 35c and 39c; special, each, Z5f Main Flonr—Bant. A Wonderful Purchase of Smart New Hats Saturday at 7.50 Show room samples from a leading New York millinery house. The first breath of spring is expressed in these charming new hats—designed for present-time wear. Hats of felt, hats of ribbon combined with straw, smart models of crisp taffeta— all new models that would sell regularly for 12.50 and 15.00. Your opportunity to buy a distinctive hat that will go with your new costume or brighten up your present one at a nomi nal cost. Second Floor—Rant Children's Hats for Present Wear. Charming little models in straw and silk combinations. Poke and off-the-face hats in all the new shades for spring. Satur day at 2.50 and 3.50 fteeond Floor—Fait Saturday—Special Offering of Smart Lingerie In Two Low Priced Groups At 1.39 and 89c At 1.39—Beautiful tailored or fancy trimmed teddies, either built-up shoulder or bodice top effects; made of fine nainsook and muslin in all the new pastel shades. At 89c—Gowns, chemises and step-ins; daintily tailored styles that stand lots of tubbing; cut full. Of shadow batiste and soft muslin, in white, orchid, peach and pink. TI*m era garment* well worth your inspection. Third Floor—South Continuing Our Clearance Sale of the Famous Mina Taylor Dresses and Apron Frocks Together With Apron Frocks and Dresses From Other Well Known Makers ssi.00“d 1.95 All sizes, 16 to 20, 34 to 42 and 44 to 52, but not all sizes in every style. Crisp, attractive apron frocks and dresses, in pretty colors and color combinations in ging hams, crepes and per cales. A 11 r a c t i vely styled frocks and aprons, self trimmed, embroidered and trim med in contrasting ma terials. Group 1—Mina Taylor 4 aa Apron Dresses 1 .UU And Dresses of Other Well Known Makes Values 1.59 to 2.98 Group 2—Mina Trfylor Q f Frocks, Aprons X And Garments of Other Well Known Makes Values 3.98 to 5.98 TkM Floor—IahO* ' Saturday Pre-Inventory Clearance of Women’s, Misses’ and Girls’ Apparel Drastic reductions have been taken to get this big winter stock cleared out in time for spring merchandise and the pricings will make them move quickly, therefore we advise early shopping. I Special Groups of 500 Women’s and Misses’ Coats Greatly Reduced for Immediate Clearance Divided Into Four Groups Group 1—Coats, values to 35.00; on sale at. 15.00 Group 2—Coats, values to 69.00; on sale at 38.00 Group 3—Coats, values to 98.00; on sale at. 48.00 Group 4—Coats, values to 150.00; on sale at. .78.00 These Coats are made in the season’s leading materials; plain tailored and filr trimmed; silk lined and interlined. There are not all sizes in each style; there are all sizes in the above groups. Special Groups of 350 Women’s and Misses’ Dresses Greatly Reduced for Immediate Clearance Divided Into Four Groups Group 1—Dresses, values to 39.75; on sale at 14.95 Group 2—Dresses, values to 59.75; on sale at 23.75 Group 3—Dresses, values to 87.50; on sale at 39.75 j Group 4—Dresses, values to 145.00; on sale at 49.75 i Only the choicest materials, which have been in demand this entire season, will be represented in the four above groups. There are Dresses for all wanted occasions and in all wanted sizes. Special Groups of 350 Girls’ and Juniors’ Coats Greatly Reduced for Immediate Clearance Divided Into Four Groups Group 1—Coats, values to 17.50; on sale at_ 7.98 Group 2—Coats, values to 25.00; on sale at_12.75 Group 3—Coats, values to 35.00; on sale at_14.75 Group 4—Coats, values to 45.00; on sale at_19.75 Tn these Coats you will find almost all sizes for juniors' and girls; made of good heavy wool fabrics; plain trimmed and fur trimmed models. They are all lined and interlined. Special Groups of 200 Girls’ and Juniors’ Dresses Greatly Reduced for Immediate Clearance ? Divided Into Four Groups Group 1—Dresses, values to 6.98; on sale at.. 3.98 Group 2—Dresses, values to 10.00; on sale at.. 5.98 Group 3—Dresses, values to 15.00; on sale at.. 7.98 Group 4—Dresses, values to 25.00; on sale at.. 10.98 The above Presses are made of the season’s latest and newest matt rials, in wool jersey, silk, velvets and wool crepes, in all the leading styles; sizes range from 6 to 14, also including junior sizes from 13 to 17. Entire Stock of Women’s Fur Coats and Scarfs Preatly reduced for immediate and final disposal. Prices in some in stances offer reductions of one-third and one-half off former prices. 0#e*ad Floor Costume Jewelry and Leather Goods Genuine Leather Bags 1.98 Of crepe seal, alligator grain, cobra, tooled cal and India goal, in envelope, pouch and swagg' i style*. Black, brown, grey and tan. Genuine Leather Bags 4.69 In pin seal, morocco, beaver i'alf, cordovan calf and walrus grain, in pouch, «\\agger and n num her of new flat styles. Some are leather lined and fitted with coin purse and mirror. Values to 7 (y* For January Clearance Very Greatly Underpriced Everything that is new and attractive in Jewelry you will find first in Omaha in our completely stocked Jewelry Department. Group of Earrings A great, lot gathered together from ntir regular stocks; showers, loops and long drop effects in ruby, sapphire, emerald, Barrettes For the bobbed hair; in combinations of eolored shells, stone set pspecinl at, Mch, .■»}><> French Pearls Our entire slock of exquisite wax filled French pearls, reduced to HALF PRICE ________________ La Tausca Pearls Beautiful luster, 24-ineh graduated; a regular 5.98 pearl for, ( 3-95 Ladies' Wrist Watches 25 year, white gold filled ease, 15-jewel imported movement, sapphire set stem. Choice of three shapes, each fitted with ribbon bands; priced at 8.98 Tornado Alarm Clocks A well made guaranteed clock ; regular 1.50; special at 98<* Oneida Community Par Plate Jii piece clicst. of silver in the artistic Tuxedo pattern. Set consists of 6 din nor knives, ti dinner forks, fi teaspoons, (> tablespoons, 1 sonar spoon, 1 butter luiive. Regular 12.50; special at 7-CI9 Mnlit floor—last Toilet Goods and Drugs Saturday—Specially Priced Our completely stocked Drug Department offers for Saturday the highest grades of Drugs and loilet Goods at special prices. Buy a supply. 1.00 Aubrey Sisters’ Beal tiller- - Special at 79t 60c Pompeian Face Powder Special at 44# 1.00 Aiurea or To TTefle Face Powder—Special at 69# Me Pompeian Rouge Special at 44# Pond’s Vanishing Cream— Small size, special, 23# 1.00 Lysol—Special at 75# Pebeco Tooth Paste—Special 35# Kurban's for the Gums— Special at 39# Mary Garden Perfume— Special, per ounce, 1.79 Week’s Cold Tablets— 15# In Ecto Hair Dye—All shades; special at 3.98 Armour’s Tutor Double Compacts —Special at 98# Sta-Kurl—Special at 89# Prophylactic Tooth Brushes Special at 35# Creme Oil Snap—Special, bar, 6# Per dozen, 69# Cntex Liquid Polish—Special, 23# Cutlcnra Soap—Special, bar, 19# 3 bars for 55# Senlre Pure 1'istlle Soap— Special, per bar, 39^ 76c Raom Rengue AnalgesI(|nt-55# 60c Java HU Powder— Genuine; special at 37# Hirer's Aznrea, Le Trefle Perfume —Per oz., special 89# Rotes—Special, dozen, 49# Mennen’s Sharing Cream— Special at Zo# Lilac Tegetale Lotion— Special at 49# Imported Razor Blades—For Gillette Razors; dozen, 39# Imported Stropping Machine— For Gillette blades, 1.69 Hanlwater Castile SobP— Special, bar, 6#. dozen, 69# .Marla Talcnm Powder— Special at 17# 60c Pond's Ronge—Special at 33# Witch Hazel—Pint bottle for 33# Gljeerlne and Rosewater— 4 oz., special at 13# Mascara—Genuine; Imported; special at 39# 2.00 Guaranteed Miter Bottle— ^ Special ~t 98# Dressing Comb—Rubber; special at lo# Mala Floar—Waat Specials in Fine Wann Knit Underwear Wise mothers buy Knit Undergarments for. their children and for themselves knowing that Knit Wear is the best insurance against colds. Some spe cials in our completely stocked Knit Underwear Department— Princess May and Kayser Union Suits for Women—Of silk lisle, heavy and medium weights, in bodice or band top, ankle length, flesh or full bleach; all are reinforced: sizes 34 to 50; values from 2.95 to 3.50; per suit, 1.58 Kayser Marvelfit Union Suits for Women—Cotton, in me dium and heavy weights; ankle length; bodice or band top; full bleach: in regular or extra sizes; 1.50 to 2.00 values: per >uit. 1.19 Boys’ and Girls’ Union Suits— Cotton, in medium and heavy weights; drop or closed seats; full bleach or silver grey; sizes 2 to 16; per suit, 98* Women's Glove Silk Vests—In flesh or oehid. In bodice style with ribbon or glove eilk straps. Sizes 36 to 42. The group in dudes first and second quality garments; regular 2.50 grades; each, « 1.59 Boys’ and Girls’ Cotton Ribbed Union Suits—In full bleached or silver crev; drop or closed seat style; sizes 2 to 16; spe cial, per suit, 85# _ Third n—t—Bamt J Specials In Children’s Hosiery Our Hosiery Department for Children features the finest makes of Hosiery for children, at the lowest prices, consistent with good merchandising. These specials for Saturday give an inkling of the splendid values and wide variety of stock to be found there. Phoenix Wool Hosiery - For children. Fine rib or English rib with reinforced heels and toes; black, white, cordovan and camel color. Sires 7 to 10; per pair, 9S* Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hosiery Reinforced at all points of wear; good school hose; in black and brown; sizes 6 to llH; per pair, 35* tlaiR riwr—^tna Pre-Inventory Clearance of Boys’ Winter Apparelu Two - Knicker Suits, Macki naws, Juvenile and Schools Overcoats, Sport Coats, Sheep-I lined Coats— " Even odd garment, every short lot in our entire stock has keen radically reduced for quick clearance. All are cleverly styled gar ments of high quality. Two trouser Suits—Made of all-wool fabrics, neat Norfolk models; smart boyish patterns; sizes 6 to 12; 12.75 values. School Overcoats—Solid color effects in vari ous shades all-around belts, convertible col lars; sizes 9 to 18: values from 10.00 to 14.75. Juvenile Overcoats—Chinchillas and fancy overcoatings in all shades; belted styles; warmly lined: sizes 2> to 10; values from 12.00 to 16.75. Sheep lined Coats—Every one in stock in cluding Coats that yvere priced as high as 20.00 moleskin or all-wool overcoating shells; fine sheep pelts; sizes 6 to 18. r»«rtli I'lwr