New Pipe Organ to Cost $5,000 New pipe organ, eaiil to be one of the largest ever installed in Council Bluffs, was purchased Tuesday for the new First Baptist church in process of construction at Sixth avenue and First street, at a cost of $5,000. The instrument will he installed by the Pitts Organ company of Omaha. and will be tn readiness by the time the church is dedicated. Bant! Director to Cleveland. Lea Lockhart, director of the bands at Abraham Lincoln and Thomas .lef ferson High schools, Council Bluffs, will be sent to Cleveland, O.. to par tlcipate in a school music program there, the school hoard decided last night. His authorization provides that his expenses shall not exceed $100.__ Humphrey Out for Senate. l.Incoln, .Tan. 17.—George C. Humphrey of Grand Island today en tered the race for state senator from the Twenty-fourth district by filing his nomination with the secretary of state Humphrey is a republican. Mason Wheeler of Lincoln will be a candidate for district judRe from the Third judicial district and placed his name In nomination today. Bee Want Ads Produce Reeults. THE NEBBS the boss. Directed for I he Umaha Bee by joi ness f Hello .ywInT-l, HOU) \s your loro. AMO MASTER TOOAtf ? Izl£u HE'S TEElinG SOME M. BEtTEftTOOWS- WES 1 CBANKV SO l GOESS ! ML’S GETTING uaE^W ( l UAU6 AN APOLOGW TO OP TEW i t>iont get a chance to get I ATTEa THE INSURANCE. CO^PANV -S l WAS CAUEO OUT OE TOWN OUT ( V I'LL SO THE INSPECTORS On THEM j %—v IN THE NEVT DM UJE. WAD A MEETING AT THt capital making tweslatctor. tme L i <NTY't> - i __ _JfM. . . —-—' © 1924 by Int i. FrATUBi: Service. Inc . oh:tooc»d-oid too? ANO D'OH'T » TEUL TOO MOT TO DO *T ? TOO JUST PACK. VCUR. THINC,^. AKO CET OOT OP TH-Cb JUh HOOt>E OEPORC t fbREAVC XES* l mum: At» rOR-^OU - HOW OARE. ■fOO TALK BACK TO HE • _ \oo'RE firedt ^et I OOT BEFORE ( THROW fc-OOOUtT_,-J-S v^ rv e§ V/E.LU MUM? —v/ -ir CLAMCV IWT ALWAVb RlCHT: I HI JERRY ON THE JOB . THERE ARE LIMITS Drawn for ™ ?maha Bee by Hoban f OP Alu THE bCMi Ocwu . AW, \ ' CO4TEw9T|01.E, ScuBnV ft'W Sapc , 'THAT GvN '*l\*S','THE ttftfr y--7 PaiXE » ^wo t 'p—^ ,ffo OOW'T /ASA* J v,~ /aavse .-, \n CaSE/1 Sou ViOKlOPSL. wwo 1 nsan* IT 'S' FiGSSV i <4wo sioeoov J EUSE 0UT /| ' V-^S*T f That <5uV I /AAvtcC /JEfcOJ LOO*- Ufc.6. x^ S TWE <3000 \ ; $‘(A/VUAQ.\'T'AVJ J /'Y “TUAT^ VOJJ • (L«r ^ But Oow't ^'ou vihovw \p MS WEAQ.rVOO SAVINGS S Tro'S tm\mgs wtuv r S-.( TOfcVOU? r a ■■ , rL.,L., s... ■ —L / ^'DOKTT j HE'D OO X y~ MEAtO 'TUiCk.N^ Uwl£ THa"T e DO sw Woo ?'i^/ N. M. Bank Closed. Albuquerque. N. M., Jan. 17.—The State National (tank and the State Trust and Savings bank were closed today by the directors of the institu tions. State and national bank ex aminers are In charge. The State Na tional had deposits of $1,876,000 in its last statement. It* capital is $200,000. School Annex Retained. Suite of rooms'in the court home whir-1^ has been u$ei} to bouse the sixth ’ grade of the Bloomer school, now being relfuilt, will remain avail able until the end of the presen' sr hoc! > «ar, Theodore Saam, super intendent of schools, advised the school beard at Its meeting last night. Oldest Mason in Iowa Dies. Shenandoah, la., Jan. 17.—R. P. S. Not son, oldest Mason In Iowa, who had been a member of the lodge al- J most 68 years, died at his home at Hamburg. He leaves a widow and several grown children. The funeral was held from Mount Zion rhurch. Two Candidates File. Stvmest Stevenson filed petition as a candidate for mayor of Council Bluffs on the republican ticket today. Carl XV. Moore filed as a candi date for city assessor on the demo cratic ticket. Koad Conditions. < Furnl* h*d by the Omaha Auto flub * Linchin Highway. Kut—Roads fa'r. Lincoln Highway, Went—roads fair. Meridian Highway—Roada fair. • ’ornhuskw Highway—Roads far. Black Hills Trail—Road* fair George Washington Highway — Road* fair. Highland Cutoff—Roada fair. S Y. A —Roads fair 3 Ban-: croft St . rir! eGofge and Mary Munch. 2402 South, 11th St., girl ... w . . Fred and Edna Mann. 1454 B St., bov . Hamid and Alice Blackman. 252* Bia noy St., boy. . . .. . | M or ms and Lera Nachman, hoapital. b°8am end Jenr.’e Glarer. hoapital. girl , Samuel snd Sadie Beckar. h^apttaL boy j John and Jessie Weed, hoapital. boy. Jake end Fannie Feliman. hospital bov. _ Deaatha. Marv Hogan. 53 year*, fcotpfU) Robert Graham. 41 year* bosp.taJ Edward StewaJt. 21 yean. 4221 Pedge S* Lillian Holman 1* years, hospital. viola Rlplex. 49 v*ara hospital Ira Ralph Klper. SI years. 1724 Chicago Lutls W > e Grenefle. 54 yaarf. 2511 1 Enfma K. Palmer. 71 years, 4»91 Chl rago St. Omaha Marriage Licenses. ’.!*»ver l^derman. Walnut, la. ........ Edith Rosenbaum. Onihi .«* hr * Knudeon Rolf, ll . . 41 Margatetb Hall. Omaha ..*• Harry J. Ketlv, Omaha .. *1 i Josephine Hum. Omaha .. 3 Marriape License Applications Elmer A R*"d. Omaha, over.51 Martha L. Wiuhveck. Omaha, over.... 21 Omaha Divorce Petitions. Ophelia. B Peteraon aganitt Claude F Peterson, cruelty and nocaupport barged Franc « Met&laff against Clifford Mett iaff, cruelty and nor.*up*>ort cha rged. Beal Estate Transfers. Fan*-* I Thoms* to David W f Hilda- >; 2*th A»> 54 ft S of D uglae St . \V. Side. 24x79 . 5 1 59« i John M Looney snd wife to Frank 1! Hogatg. Monroe St.. 11$ ft. E .»f ML St . S Sid-. 54x125 49 Frank A AlmqiliPt and w fe t> L» .8 « J. Eru keon. Seward St.. 90 r K of Sit h St. 8. Side. ll »■ 4 f» 4 ■ n. * •» Em die F-tersen et al to Mae Pater ae r., N K. Cor. 99th and Pinkney 8t« . 256*490 .. C). rial an a Althouae to Orion E v'lure. Pierce St.. 1*0 f? E of 2eth St.. S Side. 2**14$. S.S96 Oiion E dure to France* I. i lure. Pit i< * St . 1A9 ft E of 2-th I St . S Side 2«*1«9 . 1 | llivie t'amt'Ml and wlf- to Ralph ft Tollman. SMh 8t .39 ft S of j Poppletor Axe. E Side. 4u,1xH»-> 5«Hf 1’ \n »>»d- Dr. 1 Co to Chrietme Hendmkaen. S W Cor 91*. .e.i • .riv. s» 4ixim. :;•» * ■ - ~ 1... .." Movie of a Man Who’s Shoe Comes Untied * - By Briggs j ~ --- . --- - - ~ - - — — —■ - — - - ■ .r FECUN6 PEPPY ALU OF A> S U DO EM IS CONSCIOUS OF A, UOOSEMESS AROUMt) SHOE TOP - - VEP UWTlED IT GETJ WORSE - TRIES To PAVOR IT, HATCS TO STOP To Tie »T STEPS OW »T VAJITH OTwER Foot DlCCiDeS To vjuauhT ju*th fcst furthb* APART*.... HATS3 uwe MlSCH»CP To STOP To Fin «T STOPS 0*j or AGAIV DOC-G0M6!* 9 mi ttrwriAm DBCiDC.S To Tie IT I FeCLi LIKE A NJCtAJ MAAJ. ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield tiet Something for the Money. THAT'a a phooV club i %ELO^^ 'n - X OWE ABOUT Thirty dollars thebe, so ill pan them the ' THIRTY NOTHIN^* Nou owe The CLUB SEVENTY , Five collars?! ( Noo look \ i UJORP»EX> l o»jer some r \ WANTEOTo pav\ WHAT 1 OWE MV CUB *KJB BEMQN 1 THOO^HY 5 OW0> THEM THIRTY, Ovjr V IW\YEM>. X PlNtMYS ^7 ctNEWTY ( :WE ' BUMS ( SEMEVJVV A FlVlE ) \*>ouAR»y ^ / IF I'V’S SEVJENTV > ( fWE,X MU*tfrAS ( VOtLL PAY IY AND V STAY IN *** m Tor* «t •! S. VC Cor. :5th *nd | Jo 1- to J" *l-h T:» child*. N Cor. :4th and "IT’ 8U. 48*li# 1 Iararl w.tid and wife to <;*or*e C Barr, P*otflr St. 112M, . , \V of 45th st . 8. Sid*. 40x120 4 ./) 1 Ja m*» T. Turner ami »if« to Chart** I* I’rankenb. rg. 26lh St . 40 ft. 8 of Corby St ■ E. Sid*. 4I.X10I) .'■ ■ ■ 1 Minn* 8. Began and tuiubsnd to Churl** 1. rrank»nberg. 26th St.. 40 ft S of Corby St,. I.. Sid*. 40*100 .. ■ > Chart** It Ola»n and * d* >" (1*50rfc# C. an«i wlf*. -7th Arc . 400 ft 8 of Ellison Avt . W S !p. 40x150 . . .. M0O Hr.m^Pad ro. to Bertha Rockwell. X VV Cor. , let an*1 “NV“ • Coughing Tires the old, lowers their vital ity. The best standard family cough medicine for old and youn .tr CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGH REMEDY Good for every member of the family Say “Phillips”- Protect Your ^ Doctor and Yourself Beware of imitation* of genuine •' Milk of Magnesia,” the origi nal Milk of Magnesia prescribed bv physielans for 50 years. Accept or.'.y the genuine “Phillips.” 25-cent bottl'-s, also larger si^e, con tain directions and uses—any drug store. Coughs annoy A* unnecessarily Cheek those violent coughing spells that bring upon you unfavorable attention. Dr. King's New Dis covery stops coViehing quickly by gently stimulating the mucous membranes to throw off clogging secretions. It Sas s pleasant taste. All druggists. Dr. KING’S NEW DISCOVERY AnVEKTl*EMF>T. Harmless Means of Reducing Fat Msr.v fat f-ar ordinary aaaan» * for reducing th- r w*» jrht. Her# 1# aa extraordinary method. Extraordinary b« rau!** whil# perfectly harmless no dieting or *xert ar# n#'’*a#ary. Marmola Pre scription Tablet# at# mad# exactly in ac cordant# with th# famou* Marmot* Pre •cr ptiori. Yt i r-uuc« steadily and easily, with ro ill effect*. Procure then front your dnnrgi*: at c-n# dollar for a box or ► rr - direct to the Xfarmoia Com rer.v. 4 i3 U&rdwsrd Avenue, D#tro‘t« Mich. AI>V ERTI>EMENT. THE IDEAL WOMAN Strong, healthy and beautiful In form and feature with a happy dispo sition. I'pon her condition depends the physical well-being of her chil dren and the happiness of those about her. it Ls only by making the liest of herself that a woman can give her best te the world. When I weak and ailing there is one tried ' and true remedy, i.ydia E. Pink getable f ompound made | tram roots and herbs which for fifty years has t>een restoring the women of Ame: ii a to health end happiness. I »• ’ Cuticura Talcum Is Refreshing For The Skin Datly use of Cuticura Talcum overcomes heavy perspiration and soothes and raireshes the sV;n It imparts a delicate fragrance, leaving the skin sweet and wholesome. baisln Tnt •» Mu! * Ctlirs-t l*K'r dm,, iir Mua.... ■ r. > ?o. l, >V-M..i3Ssr4Me T*' Slmim Sink. [4 Sharmaa A McConnell drug •tries