BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES -- By THORNTON W. Bl RGESS. - Danny Takes a Chance. Danny Meadow Mouse had need of hie wits. Yes, siree, had need of all his wits. There was unthlnB be tween him and the Inside of the stomach of Gray Fox hut a stump. Jt wns fur Danny to keep that stump be tween. If he fulled for one little in stant, one teeny, weeny instant, he would see the inside of that stomach, and this was the last thing in the world he wanted to see. Gray Fox was just rp eager not to hate that stump between as Psnnt was to have it between. So each was titling his best to outwit the other. Urey Kox tried rhasing Danny around and around that stump. The best he could do was to get an occasional glimpse of Dahny'f short tail. Then he tried stopping short and turning hack so ns to meet Danny coming around. But Danny was ready for this trick, and it didn't work. But Gray Fox had an advantage over Danny -Meadow .Mouse. You know the big and strong always have a certain advantage over the small and weak. Danny \\as so much smaller and his legs were so much shorter that he had to take ever and ever so many more steps than did Gray Kox, and this took his breath and ills strength. As he grew short of breath anti more and THE NEBBS AM I A SICK GUY? Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess I (RoDOLPH , HERE'S TVcY ALL R'Ght -T6Ll\ DOCTOR TOR ~TUr HIM TO GO AV4EAO SsuSctcow^J^g^tftjy , _UEUiANlXS “tO NOT AttOSE • IM - Pta^NtSbO TsEAR 'N NO CONOVTtOH ! \CHAMVNE TOU , LJEAAg IWU(^oR TO DC : i S manhandled t ) f VooRL HEMET OEMS fcS CEEGOLMl AS A\ I CHRONOMETER -SOU WMJE WO 1BPOSCEN \ EbONES P\Nt> SOURTEMPERPaoRE IS i—' NOQWAL --' o oOO-0-OH^l ooOO O - O ~ O• ) ^ r—r; /^TCAMT TiN»D A THffiG THE (‘APKTTErTA with sou - I'D passsouroe e\pe insuR R\oht now • Tor the upe.ot mei S CAN’T SEE WHERE AU. THE PAJN ComES VRoM _ UJElL MAveE SOME *-RAS PVCtORJES AND SEE cjwat thes sholo . ir -thev 'Don’t mut acase or V Inc j 1 THEY'LL ShC'/V ft CROOKED Q.\% COHERE A ft HORSE KICKED Ml COHEN l U)ftS ft VCD \ \t HAY NOT LOOK SAD TO THE LNSoQAViCE CCMPftNY TJur vr CUILL TO ft 60R.Y • ' ITS WftRO TO GET DOUGH OUT OF THOSE I GUVS — vE VOL) GOT YOOR. LEGS KNOCKED (OFF THEY'D TRY TO PR»JE YOU COULD p ( YNftKE ft SETTER. LIVING OJftUO^Cj 0*n ) ——— ^ YOOR HANDS J tk ' -V- " ' C-0 • ^ Co^i» So*o - I Barney Google and Spark Plug RUDY CERTAINLY DOES MAKE A GOOD SPUR. Dr»wn for The by Billy DeBeck /LISTEN . ><0U Two !' Tut $ IS'BuD'i" . Twe Finest BaBt ostrich in n»f_ World • from now o« -it s Our mascot and 1 want Both of voo bums To Treat him like a wo brother - n*ow vt\ss and Sft ACQUAINTED * f woo down .sunshine Copyright 1924. by Kuif Feature* Syndicate Inc j |!'| Zmi 'SH = DONVT Pull This uP StaG& III I1 riP Business Co c-\g. - RuO-i'S AS ! jfj'J 17 WvGH class as either oe- us AS Sue*-* * NOUJ . SNAP our OP These Ouu.ts and get on The - -^to imo op Showing sparkt in a orwaTe (MATCH RACE N£*T WEEK AND I WANT WINN T© HAVE An. The ear (marks o* ° gooo ' - HC.RSE. • H-(AT means ME S GOTTA HASIf A WORK OurQlGuT NCUJ^ ''iT^ <•'40 U$E 0OSS EPftHKY 9 Dowe got HEttiiE oeeeies 0»S COOUMtMO * ME OOM T l UJAMT AJC> fcXSgHOSt * ^-yNQ SUHf-' SWW \ \ OH HE N-N DOM'T.Hwh ?? WEll * S GONNA GET V'T 'V \ f DO your \ STu«;P.®y McManu» I'M * WELL-IF V CMi'T TRIED EVERYWHERE CO TO THE TO C'T TOO A TICKET J PRI?-E FIC.HT-I TO THE. RXAN - KELLY M MICHT A*3 _ riCHT TONICHT-DOT J WELL- CO THEY WUZ. ALL DOLO J , HOME.’ OOT: c - t—M I AN' RYAM ID A PAL OF XCOR'P-' >r - -’-.'WAT WOW! THERE'S LORO RASSOERRV C.OMISV OUT OF" MV HOUSE I'M CL*D I MISOEO him - it 0 0*0 ENOUCH TO BEFO- iZ I €) 192* BY InT'L FtATUWC SgWVtCC. _ _| HELLO-' '_. f IT'jTOO BAD' M\CClE-i 1 LORO RA^BERRT WOZ. DETA'NEO WA.ITEO HERE A*d AT THE Orr.CE- LOMC ^HE COULO J POR TOO • HE WAITED TOO TO CO TO THE PRILE FICHT WITH OH! RAM) BERRY! _ . . — .— — ■ i-r—-' JERRY ON THE JOB an alarming symptom Drawn for Tbe °maba Bee by Hoban PA Doctor. 1 6* a Doctor BAEVS Got TW3a W«AO A joes outub Bogoes* a*oj } l oowt mcakj \—=T . v- -7 mambf !U sr <€EP CAUA AJD'mu] //it- * 90 Vou 'EMCEE WEAR, 1 voces 'wnworr Beimg AQlZ "T'o'TEU- VNUO 'S' SPEAKINS Cft-NMUEPE-, "HUE SbUN» VS Cor/nnG PROAV ? SUreI v \ v . . / _r-,- - W04 \NWEMEME^ 1 '■wf r Phone .y * C '*i4 •* l*r» . Fu’.pi StMvKl Ain’t It a Grand and Glorious Feeling By Briggs When Vou are fomd of BRACING CUP3 OF coffee with each meal And a DoLfc'Fuc Dinner Companion insists it is a DRUG WHICH WILL P01S0M Ybu -AND A DOGMATIC MAIDEN AUNT DECLARES IT IS MAUtT FORMING AND INJURIOUS. ANX> 3OM60OOV ELSE ASCRIBES ALU UlE AILMENTS EVER Known To coffee drinking -And Then You read That a Noted .scientist HAS Found COFFEE TO BE MOm.PRU<5* AT ALL, 8UT A BEVERAGE WHICH Ciues ' Comfort and inspiration " - AND " AUGMENTS PHYSICAL activity And may 8e regarded as the Servan r RATHER TUAN THE De.STROYER OF CIVILISATION'* OH h-h Boy!*, ain't ir A CR-R R RAND and r Gi-OR-« R»oos peelin' f. ^M( CI n ^ m w? k more tired he knew that only chance or his wits could save him. Now, lying on its side Just a few feet away was a rusty old tomato can. The botloni of It was toward Danny. Of course he couldn’t see the other end, and so he couldn't know how big an opening it had It might not be large enough for even so small a per son as himself to get through. It might he wide open, in which case he would find no safety there. Danny hadn't noticed this can at first When he had noticed It he had gi\en it hardly more than a thought. But as be grew more and more tired that old can seemed to offer the only possible way of escape from Gray Fox. Danny had once es caped from Reddy Fox by means of an old can. ami lie hadn't forgotten it. "I wish I knew about the opening He wasn't a second too soon in the other end of that ran," thought Danny. "If it is the right size I'll be safe. I guess I'll have to take the chance. I can't stand this much longer. It will be no worse to be caught in that can by Gray Kox than to be caught here. Oh, dear, why couldn't that can tie the other way around so that I could know how big that open ing isi Well, here goes"' Danny drew a li ng breath and ran just as fast as those short legs of his could take him straight to that old tomato can. Perhaps you can guess, though I don't believe you can, just how he felt when he dodged around the end of that old can and found a hole in it just big enough for him to squeeze through. He wasn't a second too soon. Gray Kox was at his very h«>eN Danny had taken a chance and he had won. He was still terribly AIIYERTISEMKNT. Say "Phillips’'- Protect Your Doctor and Yourself Demand genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia." the original Milk of Mag nesia prescribed by physicians for fifty years. Refuse initiations of the genuine "Phillips,’' 25-cent bottles, also larger size, con tain directions and uses—any drug store. If Dangerous colds Give them immediate attention. Apply Sloan’s gently without rub bing. It sends to the congested region the fresh, new blood that alone can clear the passages. The oppression on the chest passes off. Soon the threatening cold is gone. Get a bottle from your druggist today—3Scents. It will r.ot stain. Sloan’s Liniment — kills pain! ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield First Name, I’leasr! ! f t)C 'fOU ujAW-r tc^\ HELP OJT A&aim tw ) / Xo ’ t aiki"t \ 'THE PUR DEPARTMENT J bo'M, wc EJAb \. 'TGWlQHY3 J I Pfcift. A peluer -* -1 .— \ BREAK'IOC, iKite 01 Wu«tvj ^ 1 wAvIr Tfc A And HAvjE voo\ I l an idea \] I ~~-n " “* <*>T *"* H0RE" , " /’’guess u)HO some op \ our best customers ape JULIAM ALBERTI THfc FAMOUS LEADER* AMD \ MAX SAX OF MlUvAiAra \ MJD MEYER ^INEBERlj \'1HE REMKERV MO-BUT u'eN- • oOT HIM CSJ Our Books; : frightened, but he had hope now and tha^ helped a lot. (I'SpjrrlgM 1824 » The next story: "Gray Fox Loses* Hla Temper.” Cut marshmallows with a scissors dipped in cold water. They will be be ter shaped arid will not stick to the steel If it is wet in cold water first Pr^vfiit Irifhicn/i* Th« Tonic Hid l.alltli* Eff«-t ot 1-Slit'fe BROMO Stop "dosing ' rheumatism. It s pain only. St Jacob's Oil will atop any pain, and not one rbcu matlsni case In f.fty requires Internal treatment. Ruh southing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil right on the tender spo*. and by the time you say Jack Robinson—out comes *he rheumatic pain and distress, St, JJcobs Oil Is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints, and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, s jren»-«s and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, bach;, he and neuralgia. Umber up' Get a small trial bottle of old time, honest fjf Jacobs Oil from any drug store, and in a moment you'll be free from p-iir.c, aches and stiffness. Don’t suffer! Rub rheuma tism away. \!> VKK I 1M.M4 VT. BETTER WIVES m MOTHERS The emancipation r,f women as evt dented by the evolution in dress froii steel stays that made a twenty inck waist and the long street sweeping skirts to the sports clothes of the present day has certainly had it* effect upon the health of women With proper attention to diet and ex ercl-e a ra e of let:<*r wives ana mothers is assured by it If. howevet ailments develop as evidenced by u regularities, backache. headaches nervousness and irritability, Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound nvo be depend---! upon to overcome them Thousands of women testify to it* success. ** *CJT» 0* . J iiCoi^is, Colds I Bw SPASMODIC m croup, riln WMOOMVC COUCH. moAtnoimm. El bronchial I K^kl couchs COITiidS k! kiscons STOPS the COUGH HEALS the CAUSE I’sed f&r over fifty years and in variably preferred for children and grown persons where Mother is the "Home Doctor." Acts quickly, costs little, no narcotics. More bottles used each year than of any other cough remedy.. Sc/d and recommended tvtryxehtrt Suffered Awfully With Itching.Scalp Cuticura Heals " 1 suffered awfully with itching scalp, a.so pimples and sore erup v tiorra on n v lace. The \ pimples were hard and y sore and a dry scale . j formed over them. They V were in large blotches and 1* looked awfully bad. My ha.r fell cut and I loat many nours go • rep on account of the itching a: • - ng. J was troubled with j , for several years. "Seeing an advertisement for Cuticura . rap and Ointment I sent for a free sample. I purchased more, and after urirg two bc-.es of Cui cura Ointment nr 1 three cakes of Cuticura Soap I wus healed." Signed Ai rrd Lemon, SJS-dkh Ave , Milwaukee, Wise. Use Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Talcum daily and keep your skin clear and healthy. Srir-lM rM MU SSUien OMmrs Later flit IT Hl'iisii til, V . .. rvrr ’ 'r r ' Oi-t»nvrr 11 rserv.Ta ■ Cte Vkdr i n’ Ojf nrr Shaving Stick. 4 SKrrmta A McConnell drug stores