The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 15, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    Slash in Coast
^ Freight Hates
Sought by U. F.
y ice President Adams De
clares Middle West Ship
pers Business Lives at
Stake on Proposal.
Salt l<ake, Utah. Jan. 14.—Adjust
ment of freight rates to a basis which
will give inland cities a fair ghance to
conduct bifsiness in competition with
those on the Atlantic seaboard was
advocated by H. M. Adams, vice pres
ident of the'Unlon Pacific system, in
Chronic coughs and persistent colds
lead to serious lung trouble. Tou
can atop them now with Creomulsion,
an emulsified creosote that is pleas
ant to take. Creom.-ulslon Is a new
medical discovery with twofold ac
tion; It aoothes and heals the inflamed
membranes and kills the germs.
Of all known drugs, creosote. Is
recognized by the medical fraternity
as the greatest healing agency for
the treatment of chronic coughs and
colds and other forms of throat and
lung troubles. Creomulsion contains.
In addition to creosote, other healing
^^Piements which soothe and heal the
inflamed membranes and stop the Irri
tatlon and inflammation, while the
creosote goes on to the stomach, Is
absorbed - Into the blood, attacks the
seat of the trouble and destroys the
germs that lead to consumption.
Creomulsion Is guaranteed satisfac
tory in the treatment of chronic
coughs and colds, bronchial asthma
catarrhal bronchitis and other forms
of throat and lung diseases, and Is
excellent for building up the system
after colds or the flu. Money refund
ed If any cough or cold, no matter
how long standing, is not relieved
after taking according to directions.
Ask your druggist, Creomulsion Co..
Atlanta. Ra.
! - j
| Lemon Juice
* Whitens Skin |
The only harmless
way to bleach the
skin white is to mix
the juice of two lem
ons with three oun
ces of Orchard
White, which any
, druggist will supply
Ifor a few cents.
Shake well In a bot
tle, and you have a
whole quarter-pint of
the most wonderful skin whitener,
softener and lieautifier.
Massage this sweetly fragrant
lemon bleach into the face, neck,
ann8 and hands. It can not Irritate.
I^^'amous stage* beauties use it to bring
hat clear, youthful skin and rosy
.vhite complexion; also to soothe red,
rough or chappfed hands and face,
l'ou must mix this remarkable bleach
• ourself. It can not be bought ready
to use because it a cat best imme
diately after it is prepared.
Clean Child's Bowels with
"California Fig Syrup"
^•(■rffurry, Mother! Even constipated,
onions, feverish, or sick, colic Babies
and Children love to take genuine
■'California Fig Syrup.” So other lax
ative regulates the tender little bowels
so nicely. Jt sweetens the stom
ach and starts the liver and bowels
without griping. Contains no narcotics
or soothing drugs. Hay "California”
to your druggist and avoid counter
feits. Insist upon genuine "California
Fig Syrup” which contains directions.
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Bast
Have you ever stopped to reason
why it la that so many products that
ora extensively advertised, all at once
drop out of sight and are soon lorgol
ten? The reason Is plain the article
did not fulfill the promises of the
manufacturer. This applies more par
ticularly to a medicine. A medicinal
preparation that has real curative
value almost sells llself, as like an end
less chain system the remedy is recom
mended by those who have been bene
fited. to tImee who are in need of It.
A prominent druggist says "Take
for example l)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot,
a preparation I have sold for many
years and never hesitate to recom
mend, for In almost every case it
shows excellent results, as many of
my customers testify. No other kid
ney remedy hae so large a sale.”
According to sworn stalaments and
verified testimony of Ihdusands who
have used the preparation, the suc
cess of Dr. Kilmers Hwamp-Root Is
due to the fact, so many people Halm,
that It fulfills almost every wish In
overcoming kidney, liver nnd bladder
ailments, corrects urinary troubles
^m»I neutralizes the uric acid which
li^causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Hwanip Root by Parcel T'list. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Rlnghatr.-fnn, N. Y..
end enclose ten cents; also mention
this paper. I.urge and medium size
bottles for sale at all ding stores.
his statement at the fourth section
hearing of the Interstate Commerce
commission at Halt Lake City. In
part he said:
“The western railroads are here
seeking authority from the interstate
commerce commission to reduce their
rates on 41 commodity items from
Chicago and points west to Pacific
coast terminals, without making cor
repsonding or any reduction in the
rates on the same commodities to des
tinations in infermountain territory.
“The result, if the application is
granted, will be that on these commo
dities a higher charge will be collect
ed on shipments destined to directly
Intermediate points in the Intermoun
tain territory than are collected when
the shipments go beyond the Pacific
coast terminals.
Seek Volume Increase.
“It is my wish to make it very clear
that the desire of the railroads to pub
lish, under the permit sought in this
proceeding, rates to the Pacific coast
terminal cities lower than concurrent
ly maintained to intermediate points,
is for the purpose of increasing the
total volume of their traffic, and
thereby increasing their net revenues,
to the end that their financial situ
ation may l>e improved and thus as
sist in creating a situation which will
permit them, after setting aside a fail
return on ther property, to reduce
rates where relief is most needed.
"I wish to emphasize particularly
the fact that the rates to the Pacific
coast cities proposed in this applica
tion will return to the railroads an
amount substantially In excess of the
"out-of-pocket cost” for transporting
the freight, and greatly in excess of
any net amount they could hope to
earn on such of the business as they
might secure against existing water
competition at the higher rates now
in effect.
"This statement is offered ill an
effort to make it very plain Hint the
yaffle to he transported under the re
duced rates will not create a burden
upon other traffic.
Competition Is Difficulty.
"The difficulty which it Is sought
to correct to the reasonable degree
contemplated hy our application is
purely carrier competition—one of
rates—rafes from points upon or ad
jacent to the Atlantic seaboard via
the Panama canal to I'nited States
Pacific coast points as compared with
tjic rates via the all-rail routes from
Chicago. St. I-ouis. Milwaukee, St.
Paul, Minneapolis. Omaha or Kansas
City, and other interior points to the
same Pacific coast points.
"It is manifest to the traffic officers
of the railroads, who have given much
thought and study to the matter, that
if there is not an adjustment of tlie
freight rates to a basis which will be
comparable to thhse obtainable from
the Atlantic coast, these interior njan
ufacturers, producers and shippers
will be forced gradually to withdraw
from the trade and permit the transfer
of business to Atlantic seaboard cities
from which the movement .will be
largely via the Panama canal, to the
great detriment of the interior cities,
of which Chicago, St. Louis, Milwau
kee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Omaha and
Kansas City are typical examples,
also of the railroads which serve
them, or they must develop and use
a cheaper transportation route via
gulf ports, and the Panama canal,
which will likewise prove detrimental
to the railroads."
Unique Insurance Kinu
Reports Favorable \ear
Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 14.—Hall
county has a unique Insurance com
pany. Property valued at $7,250,000
suffered a loss during 1923 of $3,200
by firo and storm. The loss was
promptly paid by offieers who draw
no salary.
At tho annual meeting Just held.
Fred Stolley was re-elected president
and -T. M. Hansen secretary. Only
elected members can obtain insur
ance. Thirty-eight new members
were elected during the year. A sure
ty note fund is the basis of the com
pany's security. During tre last
three venrs it has been unnecessary
to make any assessment against this
fund. Each member gives a surety
note In the amount of 2 per cent of
the value of the property he Insures
when he Joins. The company was or
ganized In 1802 under the name of
the Grand Island German Farmers'
Mutual Fire and Storm Assessment
Crnfed Rooster Displays
Superiorit yof His Breed
Wymore* Neb., Jan. 14.—The su
periority and strength of Nebraska
covn fed beef has long been known
to the public, but It remained for a
young Gage county corn-fed rooster
to sho wgreatcr strength and put a
kick in things at Wymore. This
morning, when Tint Bellus, Burling
ton dispatcher, placed the rooster
on the block and attempted to be
head him. preparatory for the family
Sunday dinner, the rooster gave a
powerful kick and Instead of hitting
his neck the bloow descended on hi«
feet, where Bollus had hold of him,
and sliced the forefinger of his left
hand along with it.
Thompson Schools to Reopen
Thompson, Neb . Jan. 14.—The
schools in this district, which were
closed two weeks ago on account of
an epidemic of scarlet fever, will open
attain Monday.
It’s Easy—If You Know Dr.
Edwards’ Olive Tablets.
The secret cf keeping young 1s to fee I
young—to do this you must watch your
liver and bowela—there's no nesd of bav
iryt a sallow complexion —dark rings under
your eyes—pimples a bilious look in your
face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your
doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all
ileknesa comes from inactive bowela and
Dr. Edward*, a well-known physician
to Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound
mixed with olive oil to act on the liver
tnd bowel*, which he gave to his patients
*or year*.
Dr. Edward* Oliva Table!*, the sub
•tltute for calomel, are gentle In their
action yet always effective. They bring
ibout that natural buoyancy which all
ihould enjoy by toning up the liver and
flooring the system of impurities.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet* are known
»y their olive color, 16c and 30c.
Is She to Wed Prince of Wales?
Z/stciy' jMary Ti-tyrm<2,. _|
The contemplated trip of Eady Mary Thy line, daughter of the Marquis
of Bath, to South Africa in the train of Princess Alice of England, coinci
dental with the same trip of the Prince of Wales, leads to the l.ondon report
that she is destined to lie the bride of the heir to the British throne. She
was called the "loveliest bridesmaid" at the wedding of Princess Marj, sister
of the Prince of Wales, to Viscount Eascclles.
NORFOLK—A large number of dele
gates from north Nebraska for the
annual firemen’s convention at
Beatrice were entertained at a ban
quet here tonight by the local fire |
men. Two special t ars take the del**
gates to Fremont Tuesday morning.
HOLDREGE—The Tri-County Sup
plementary Water association will
hold Its annual meeting in Minden
Wednesday. Officers will be elected
and plans for the work for the com
ing year will be considered.
HARVARD—At the annual busi
ness meeting of the Evangelical
church. Northwest, a country church
northwest of Harvard, the name of
the church was changed to First
Evangelical church of Harvard. In
the same report the pastor, Rev. P.
Ott, reported that the financial re
port is very satisfactory despite heavy
expense for improvement during tie
last year.
GIBBON—Local feeders mad** their
first shipments of the season to Oma
ha and Kansas City livestoc k markets
today, when J. S. Rogers shipped 14
cars of cattle, M. W. Ross two carsi
of lambs to Kansas City, and A. T.
Hibberd, two cars of lambs; C. W.
Glazier, six cars of cattle to Omaha,
OHI>—\V. R. "Doc'’ Hanna, con
ductor on the Burlington branch line
to Hurwell for many years and in the
employ of that railroad for over 30
years has resigned owing to 111 health
WYMORE—Frank Salts. Beatrice
contractor, lost a heavy draft horse,
valued at $150, Saturday, when it fyll
nto the Icy water of the Blue river
while hauling lcc. The animal was
[Milling a string of floating tee cakes
when it broke through.
TKlT'MSKH—The congregation of
St. Peter Lutheran church, south
east of Tecutnseh, has extended a call
to the pastorate to Kev. Adolph
Schreirn, pastor of a church at Crete
The vacancy was caused by the re
cent death of Rev. H. F. Grupe.
RAVENNA—Louis Weldner, SO,
pioneer farmer, died at his home south
of Ravenna. Mr. Weldner had farm
ed in Buffalo county for 50 years. He
is survived by a family of grown
children, his wife having died about
six years ago.
Phelps (bounty ()fifci*ls
Will Seek Re-Election
Holdrege, Neb., Jan. 14. — The
political campaign In Phelps county
is under way, two county officers.
Judge Hackman and Treasurer Peter
s. in having filed for re-election.
There also label ng circulated a peti
tion for the nomination of Senator
Xoriin f«»r re-election.
We Offer tX? Free
In Ten Days
The results will amaze you, if you fight
the film on teeth
Millions of people have found
new beauty, new protection, new
delights, throuah this test we offer
It is time you knew these bene
fits if you don't know them now.
They are results you need and
want. Let this test prove them to
Film and offense
Film on teeth is unclean. It mars
beauty. At first that film is viscous.
You can feel it now. With ordi
nary brushing, much of it clings
and stays. Soon it discolors and
forms dingy coats.
Film also holds food substance
which ferments and forms acid. It
holds the acid in contact with the
teeth to cause decay. Germs breed
by millions in it They, with tar
tar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea.
Few people escape these film
caused troubles unless they fight
that film.
Dental science, after long re
search, has found two film combat
ants. One disintegrates the film,
Protect the Enamel
Pepnodent disintegrate* the
film, then removes it with an
agent far softer than enamel.
Never use a film combatant
which contains harsh grit.
The New-Day
Now advised by leading dentists
the world over.
the other remove* it whhoot harm
ful scouring.
Many careful tests proved these
methods effective. Then • new
type tooth paste was created to
apply them daily. The name is
Pepsodent. In seven years it has
brought to homes the world over
a new dental era.
Also fruit effects
Pepsodent also incorporates
other principles, learned from the
value of certain fruits in the diet.
It multiplies the alkalinity of the
tiliva, also its starch digestant.
Those are Nature’s agents for com
bating acid and starch deposits.
Pepsodent twice daily gives them
manifold eff ect, just as eating fruit
would do. The peoples who con
stantly eat fruit are markedly im
mune to tooth decay.
Watch the chances
Quick changes come when Pep
sodent is used. They will surprise
and delight you.
Send the coupon for a 10-Day
Tube. Note how clean the teeth
feel after using. Mark the abaence
of the viscous film. See how teeth
become whiter as the film-coats
Then you will realise how much
thia new method means to you and
yours. Cut out coupon now.
10-Day Tube Free
0*plK,IIMS Wabash Are .Chfrafa.M
Mall 10-Day Tube of Prpaodant to
Only ana tsba ia a feasily.
Coolidge Savs
Farm Flight Is
Danger to U. S.
Sees Right Step in Parley of
Crop Growers and Manu
facturers—Red ^ a ru
ing Voiced.
Chicago, Jan. 14.—The conference
of farmers and manufacturers which
opened today received the endorse
ment of President Calvin Coolldge,
who in a letter said that the purpose
of the meeting, "true cooperation,”
was evidence that the right diagnosis
of the situation menacing agricul
ture, and likewise every other ele
ment in the community, had been
Unless means to relieve the farmer
is ascertained, the president said, the
menace to alt elements would con
With the purpose of forming a
permanent alliance of farmers and
manufacturers for the mutual bene
fit of both, the conference which is
under the auspices of the Illinois
Manufacturers’ association, opened
with nearly 400 delegates attending
President Coolidge in his letter
"Jt Is perfectly apparent to all of
us that we shall not have real and
permanent prosperity for the whole
country, nor for the greater part of
It, bo long as any large and vital
important section of its productive
Industry is unable to prosper. The
plight of the farmer in recent years
hag been and will continue, until
we find means of relieving agricul
ture, a menace to the prosperity of
every other element in the com
Fred R. Marvin of the New York
Commercial, told the delegates that
there is in this country a large, well
organized. skillfully managed and
sufficiently financed movement that
has for Its purpose the overthrow of
the government and the confiscation
of all private property, “by bloody
revolution should that become neces
sary, in order that there may be
erected on the ruins a purely social
Utlc form of government and a pure
]y communistic form of business
These forms would take from the
individual all hope, aspiration ami
initiative, would abolish home sur
roundings, crush In the human heart
every spark of religious sentiment
and would abandon the family rela
Recognition of the Russian soviet
government is not sought to relieve
the "Intolerable'’ conditions in Rus
sia, Mr. Marvin said, but to give the
Internationale an opportunity to fill
the embassies and sonsular offices
with trained propagandists who will
give their efforts toward undermln
ing American institutions.
Charges Accumulate
Against McCook Barker
MrOrcik. Neb.. Jan. 14 —Melvin Ed
ward Jolson, leaiee of the Keystone
barber shop of this city, is being
held in the county jail here on re
nucst of the sheriff of Olmstead coun
ty. Rochester, Minn., charged wiLh
v.ife desertion, uttering forged
checks, and may he charged with
hlganty, having married a young wom
an of this city in Pittsburgh, Kan.,
December 26, 1923. He has a wiB?
and two children in Minnesoto, of
ficers here are advised.
Allen Funeral
to Be Held Friday
Body of Former United States
Senator to Arrive at Mad
ison Tomorrow.
Madison, Neb., Jan. 14.—The funeral
train of former United States Senator
William V. Allen, which left I.os
Angeles Monday morning, will reach
here Wednesday evening and funeral
services will be held at the home at 2
Friday afternoon, Rev. John D. Ham
mel, pastor of the Methodist church,
By order of tlie mayor, the flag on
the city's flagpole will remain at half
mast until after the funeral. At all
the church services of the city refer
ences were made to Senator Allen, and
Rev. llarnmel devoted the entire morn
ing to memorial services.
Active pallbearers are Lyle E. Jack
son, Nellgh; Donald D. Mapes, Nor
folk; Charles Hr Stewart, Norfolk; D.
C. Chase, Stanton; Robert Moodie,
West Point; H. B. Muffly, Pierce;
Richard Steele, Creighton, and Earl
J. Moyer, Madison.
Honorary pallbearers are Gilbert M.
Hitchcock, Otnaha; Norris Brown,
Omaha; A. M. Morrisey, Lincoln; An
son A Welch, Wayne; R. R. Dickson.
O’Neill; J. L. Albert. Columbus; Wil
lis E. Reed, Madison; John A. Erhart,
Stanton; W. H. Field, Madison: H.
Halderson, Newman Grove; C'. A. Ran
dall, Lincoln: John J. Sullivan, Oma
ha; Byron Clark, Omaha. Fred S.
Berry, Wayne; Richard L. Metcalfe,
Omaha; Douglas Cones, Pierc^; W. H.
Thompson, Grand Island; Charles H.
Kelsey. Norfolk; J. Q. Ingram, Nellgh;
J. C. Elliott, West Point; James Nich
ols. Madison; M. B. Foster. Madison.
Fred S. Berry of Wayne, president
of tlie bar association of the Ninth
Judicial district, will appoint a com
nilttee of lawyers tot meet the funeral
party at Columbus Wednesday and
accompany the body here.
Burial will be in the family lot In
Crownhill cemetery. Senator Allen is
survived by his wife, two daughters,
Mrs. Lulu Lynch, Los Angeles; and
Mrs Wills Dowling, wife of W. L.
Dowling, Madison, and Henry B. Al
len. Long Beach. Cal.
Johnson County to Hold
Li\ estoek M eet Frida)
Terumseh, Neb., Jan. 14.—The John
son County Li\et*to<k and Poultry
association will hold its annual meet
mg in Tecnms^h Friday. There will
1** a fre* dinner at jioon. The an
nual meeting of the Johnson County
h'alea Pavillion company will he held
in conjunction with this meeting.
County Judge at Ord ^ ill
Not Seek Return to Office
Ord. Neb.. Jan. 14—County Judge
H. Gudmundsen has announced that
he docs not Inten dlo seek re-election
at the coming primary. He. haa been
county judge of this county for more
than 2(1 years. During that time he
has issued 1,618 marriage licenses
and married 584 couples.
New Ad. Man.
Shenandoah, la., Jan. 14—Tier] Ij.
William*, former Des Moines news
paper man. has accepted a position
on the advertising staff of the Shen
andoah World. Mr. William a has
been conducting a shoe sale here for
a Minneapolis sales company.
“Service Guaranteed”
Annual Statements
Books Opened and Closed
Balance sheets, income and profit and loss
statements prepared by specially trained
junior accountants. All work is done
under the direction of
E. A. Dworak, C. P. A.
Work is assigned only to capable, efficient
juniors who are dependable.
Dworak School of Accounting
Wead Building, 18th and Famam
Telephone ATlantic 7415
Dworak’s Courses in
Stenography, Accounting, Business Admin
istration, Business Law and complete
C. P. A. training. Day and night school
qualifies young men and women for a de
sirable office1 position. For further infor
mation call or address
Dworak School of Accounting
Track smooth a. a boulevard.
Automatic block signals all the way.
Daily traina leave Omaha
4:25 p. m. and 12:25 night
Observation and standard sleepers,
free reclining chair cars and diner.
Reservations and information at
Consolidated Ticket Office. 1416 Dodge 9t.
Phone Atlantic 0214
Union Station. 10th and Marey Ste.
| Shop in Our Bargain Basement and Save |
Tuesday—Choice of Our Entire Basement
• *
Stock of Women’s and Misses’
_ t
Attractive Winter Coats
Reduced for Quick Clearance Regardless of Former Selling Prices
That Were
Priced From
15.00 to 25.00
Smart New
Some With
Soft Fur
Every garment in our comprehensive Basement Stock of
Women’s and Misses’ Winter Coats is included in this*
sale at such a low price that the clearance will be imme
diate. The woman who has delayed buying her winter
coat or the girl who could use another coat in her ward-*
robe, is fortunate in being able to obtain a good-looking,
well made, smartly styled wrap at a price much lower
than she could reasonably expect. There are styles to
suit every taste and type. All sizes: Misses.’ 1b *o 20;
Women’s, db to 44; extra sizes, 4b to .">b.
Coats of These
Popular Materials
Polo Cloth
Well tailored in the
newest models
Included are sty It
for Sport, Musinessoi
I tress Weal*
The Season’s
Popular Colors
Black Blue
Tan Taupe
Pretty Plaids
No verity
md Attractive
rk All arc fully and
warmly lined some
arc lined with prcttv
Sale Starts Promptly at 9 A. M.—Extra Selling Space
Extra Salespeople to Serve You—No Sales to Dealers
Early Shopping Insures Best Selection—Basement—East