(Nebraska Press Body Will Meea Hy AwwoeiaAed Frew*. Grand Island, Neb.. Jan. It—Pre liminary arrangements for the an nual convention of the Nebraska Cress association here February -i to £3, have been made in co-opera tion with Secretary Buck. The convention opens Thursday afternoon with a banquet by the Chamber of Commerce in the eve ninp. The adoption of proposed ar ticles of incorporation, of a standard of ethics on publicity, and the nnnu al fieri inn of officers, feature tile convention. Battery and Tools Stolen. A. \V. Howartb, "ill!! Avenue l>. Counc il liluffs, reported lo police Thai someone stole a battery and sotm tools from his ear parked at Sixth street * r.nd Broadway Sunday. 5 Bluffs Men Attend Rites l ive men went to I.osan. To., from Council Bluffs yesterday to a' t* rid the funeral of Oscar Bock, slate ntrent, who died recently. Thiy wet" Sheriff 1’. A. Kainson, Kldon Ander son. deputy sheriff. 11 Irani hung and H. V. Yackoy. stale agents, and Km inott O'Donnell. Hen .1. Hibson, stale attorney gen oral, was to attend the funeral. Mrs. Kldretl Hart will give an afternoon at her home on Friday._ Hcltl oil Liquor Lharge. Walter Sorenson was arrested last night at tile Kook Island station in t'ouneil Bluffs when i’olloe found him witti a Kallon of liquor. He lives at Hilt; South Ninth street. He was re leased on f.MMi bond. I Itm ■ Want Ads Produce Itesulls. THE NEBBS THE FLATTERER. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess \ S?aS«mwBu.« i^MWiWGU® TO SU ^CXJ ‘•AWES LOKLSOtML «\uOj - iLlT/ UVCES cO^Pf^M ==r^r±-!_ ^ u NO reflection on 11 I WooR COORVNG, MRS. S NE&P>, £>OT V THOUGHT ro bR'wg something TO MIM T>4(XT MVGrWT ,tempt ws appetvtje; „ .. r:—r—l t WOOJ \&ThE battle scarred") TRAFFIC BLOCKtpTcm^? k EMo'OVi^G A MvCE RESTFUL \jfs*Cf\T'0»J AT TME EiPE^SE -j or tv*E INSURANCE CO^PAt'W ; 1/-/5 (CoprrtlhL 1W4. The B.n Sywte«t«, lac )S -FFFpFS y STftNOPOEJW GOOD | tvcoSS^SKSn] eg §gf A <$$£ C K SKS nvAVS CWCE ] rvn ftND ‘-AER.E ) AND TOLt> SOO TO raotvj l®' aVs; y [OueUHtOE. WITVJTT-J L____—, r c—i > to tell woo woe tooth i 00.0 mer l •PA\<£ W^e CA*E ECR. fVN EXCUSE TO COt^E TO SEE WOO- O^CE\Nf\UV»'l-E t reef So O'iSSETiSE'EO UJWO ITSELF M GOT TO «PMC * PEEKj p^f Too” ArsO V. Stc. WOU h Uv'T MTSELE So MuCm Barney Google and Spark Plug There’s Nothing Wrong With Rudy’s Appeite. - - ■ - —■ ■ ■■■■'— ■■ ■■■— P . ! ___ ' Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (Copyright 1924) $ viweres Th«t\ ( fcAEw ostrich gome « V ITS TuJELvm ) , > I o'Clos* • time Poe I ) ms t\>NCW. AH MEVAM OOI^IE 60 * Win ;-"M«L°»«oo* V A^D °''Jt U,K1 “'s j HPAH , BOSS ’ V_ ^Bt> SEED DOES ^ nCl V A“ L0C" f VOUR IGNORANCE IS REERE.SH IMG ' A ©OV \ QP YOUR AGt NEVER WAVING -&EEA. AN OSTR'CU «•' VtCNJENlER . WEU LET THE Matter DROP = EEEO SPARky AnvwouJ V VjJWEN THAT EOOC e>'Rt> EMOVjJS UP 'k iAk. T6A«.H HIM a LESSON -RS ll *■} GO UlkTUooT HIS SUPPER l AS U1EU. AS RiS LUNCH \ 1m MO big hearted Jim/ X. EROCA NOlw ON \'j/ Copyright 1924. by Kmf Fatuw Syndicate \nc { so AM Took ’v FIFTV FOUSAM OOUftHS \ ) V * AM' BOUGHT / \ sc^e eoocaChun \ / BRINGING UP FATHER see jiggs and maggie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus U. S.RPatVnt Office PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE (Copyright 1924) l-o THAT-TRUE.- _ WARTCD* COUNT- THAT \N j tWAT OUNK" FRANCE * HEN Kl^b EACH OTHER ? y ^SURELV-»T EC WAV Of iAUJTIN^! TP— <£) 1924 ay Inti. Fcatuwc Scwvict. ^NC* __ I ■ ■ - WE. DON’T OO IT A POLITICIAN ,HTH.-b COUNTRY- OVER HERE J WOULD HAVE r V==- A FINE JOU —' CAH:iNZ-EEb' KI-SHIN COUNTRY TOU HAVE NOT Z.E %TRONCi 'NUL 1 nC fellings of ie VOTERS’ FRIENDSHIP- -y ——i ,mc e>v the wav - vou -- what.^vook 1 A"'"** L f^mouS CORNEO tBEEP AMD CABfV^E; /rS » LOVE zem: (2i A—--.A\Vf, 5M-OTAvTION^> • count : ^— JaU t-15 JERRY ON THE JOB TAKE ONE EVERY THREE STATIONS_ Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban (Copyright 192 4 > y/ If this- gcjt A 'H?aiw 'twatt t//ABSOLUTELV OW 'TMB-, Giwvw A 'TCVST H \Y. 1 Don't GaCfc NNWETJe frr Going doR new /*ucw vt Costs' 3USt Sb its- ^r^'y f /Vreu.- Tw AVJERV \ ts 3\( Sic*. Gexrr aho i ] B ;4/S /Awn Got Ajv J jS " -rf ft /AmGOSU«*tu« isA I I /w3Qt- mvSt^iouS" m V. nvah csise.j j ji j tr _>'«u w i.'f' I - I f 1 \WAV$T 'TO ^ 'X4KF //tf PlULS' > BV r^: 'TmVTABlE. The Days of Real C^ort By Briggs | lAT£ Fo* -c 50PPCR and j *W be secured by filling out the coupot below. INTERNATIONAL PROPRIETARIES, INC. ' CnlUmw'Th'er.'lifh endow JO cent. <»<«■>*• »«• <•»>• ,or which a copv of Mitt M*ry Katherine Campbell** Booklet on Beauty and He* t Name ... Town ... | \li\ KR1 ISKMF.NT A Raw, Sore Throat bases When \pply a l.ittie Musterole \nd Musterole won't blister like the old fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread It on with your fingers. Jt penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out soreness and pain. Musterole is a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for quick relief front sore throat, bronchitis. tunsUitls croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion. pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago pains and aches of the hack or Joints, sprains, sore muscles, hi uise-i. chilblains, frosted feet, colds on the chest. Keep it handy for in slant use. To Mothers: Musterole is also made in milder form for habies and small children. \*k for < hildren's Musterole. 35c and Sic. Jars and tubes; hospital size, $3.Po. | ■_■ Better than a mustard plaster. T><- Wnnt Ada Produce Keaulta ABIE THE AGENT Drawn lor The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Proof P«»*iti\e. /LISTEN, ABC, Oo\ Vou UJAKTT '05 \ MAKE A Frw) Collars tonight ,, HELPlNt, ouy ay V MV STORE? T*ESE SEALCCATs'N ARE ALL qCKJUtNE, SO DOKi'T BE AFRA'S To MAKE TOUR \ SALES TALK STROM»y L. » ^ leav/e ivriN! Mfc S'EMUWfc lOVtEKi \ «iAt; ifcAL UJ*% fORTv NtARS ov-ft U'HttO TNfc> CAU^R* HIM * 'lOV CAKi V bEfc I^IKJ HOW Ev 'n L AS^T> •<** •cm For Colds, Influenza and as a Preventive Take jy Laxatrva IBromo I iQuininejf tablet* The First and Ordinal Cold and Grip Tablet The box bears this signature Me. UlVtHflstMtM ^ RUN-DOWN WEIR,NERVOUS Benefited by First Bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound Ijtnraster. ra.-“After I mar ried I became terribly run-down and was weak and ner vous. My sister in-law told me to try I.ydia E. Ptnk ham's Vegetable Compound. My husband got n <* a bottle at oner, and it did me so much jjood that l Kept on taking it I organ to feel well and strong I ■ ^^l.tgain an.-, was able to do my housework up to the time niv baby was bom a nice fat little girl in the beet of health. 1 surely am recommending the Vegc table Compound to my friends when they have troubles like mine, and 1 am perfectly willing for you to use tho.se facts as a testimonial "—Mrs —Mm 1'ka'k 11. (imiiu, e.'3 I. :sl Street, lauicaater, Pa. Women should hood siuh syuir ton s as pains, backache, nervousness, a run-down condition and irregu arit\ as they indicate son*«> form of ferns' trouble FydiaF 1'inkham'sVcgCs hie Compound is a dependable med - cine for all these troubles. For aalc by druggists everywhere.