. Jones Resigns as Athletic Director at Iowa University to Accept Position in East» Hawkeye Coach to Pilot Trinity College Eleven Anouncement of Resignation Comes as Complete Surprise —Had Turned Out Two Winners at Iowa U. Ily Associated rmo. Iowa City, la., .Ian. 11.—Howard II. Jones, roach and athletic director I of the University of Iowa, has been released from his contract tiy the hoard In control of athletics, that he might accept a position as football coach at Trinity college, Durham, N. Secretary R. A. Kuever announced at noon today. Coach Jones has been at the Uni versity of Iowa since 1516. He Issued a statement at noon, saying that . he found it necessary to ask for a i please from his Iowa contract be cause of climatic conditions and the desirability of coaching on a. part time basis. He plans to. remain here tintil August, when he will leave for Durham. There is little or no discussion here as to who wdll succeed Jones as head of athletic affairs at the University of Iowa. The announcement of the > esignation came as a complete sur prise. Packers Play Fremont Tonight C1 The South High Packers are all primed for their tussle with the Fre mont High Tiger quintet at the South High gym tonight. Coach Pattor does not expect to change his lineup to any extent. The same lineup that was used against Creighton will he used against the Black and Orange. The Packers have built up a better and stronger defense since the Creighton game and expect to hold the Fremont score down. A light basket practice was on the program for the Packers last night ond they showed some accurate goal shooting. The quintet is cohfident of winning from Coach Jimmy Johnson's- pro teges. The game starts at S. The South High lineup; Graham, right forward; Clark, left forward; AYedberg. center (captain); Katzman. right guard; Reeves, left guard. •* I ristate League to Meet Next Week Sioux City. la., Jail. 11.—Accord ing to George Segrlst. owner of the Sioux City bail park and the probable i head of the Sioux Cjty club in the proposed Tristate league, a meet ing of prospective club owners of the loop will be held at Sioux City next week. The present plans would exclude Nebraska nines and limit the entry list to Minnesota, South Dakota and Iowa. Representatives from Mitchell, S. D., Sioux Kails. S. D., Fort Dodge, la., Mason City, la.. Mankato, Minn., Faribault, Minn., Rochester, Minn., Austin, Minn., and Albert Lea, Minn., will be present at the meeting. Present Indications point to the fact that Mike Contillion, formerly presi dent of the South Dakota State league, will head the organization. Holdrege Hoopsters Defeat Elm Creek Holdrege. Neb., Jan. 11.—In a fast game of basket ball here last night Holdrege defeated Elm Creek, 21 to 16. It was the second defeat for Elm Creek this season. At the end of the first half the score was 12 to 10 In favor of Elm Creek, but Holdrege came back strong In the final period and evened up the score in the first two minutes of play. From then on Holdrege had no trouble keeping in the lead. Bacon was the star for Holdrege, making 15 of the 24 points. Haetings Broncho Five Defeat York Baekcteere York. Neb.. Jan. 11.—The Heating* college Bronchos opened the 1924 bas ket ball season by defeating the York college five. 36 to 7. here Thins ^ day night. The game was one sided and the visitors held York to one field goal in each half. The Bronchos used the short pass and held the ball in their territory throughout the game. The wore at the end of the first half was 18 to 4 Harlan Defeats Manila. Harlan, la., Jan. 11.—The Harlan Maroons, independent basket hall team, defeated the fast Manilla team, 30 to 8, In a game played here last might. Harlan substituted freely, using nine men during the game. Harlan would like to schedule a game with some fast Omaha team. #U1 dress correspondence to C. I,. Har lan. », 37 Cars Entered in Race. Los Angeles, Jan. 11.—.Entries for the opening meeting at the new Ascot speedway now total 37, said to be five cars more than have ever been en tered in a speedway meet in America. The list Includes Kalph DePalnm, Kddie Meyers, Harry Hooker, Fred Frame, Foresllnti Froehllck. John Kemp and lteggle Lyons. Authorities Deny Report. Lexington, Ky., Jan, 11.—Hr. S. A. Boles, director of athletics at the Uni versity of Kentucky, denied today that any authorities at the university had been in communication with Art Jones of Fresno, Cal., .in regard to hla possibility as Wildcat football coach next seaaon. Sutherland Five Wins. Sutherland, N^b., .Tan. 11.—Ruthor land high bn^ket hall qulntM. defeat ed the North Platte five h^rr laHt night, 11 to to. MeConk Cagers Win. McUook, Neb., Jan, II. McUoo'; do f illed Trenlon Wednesday In a bus l.et ball game, 20 to 17 Bluffs Cagers Trim Tech, 17-13 Abraham Lincoln High asketeer* from Council Bluffs added another Omaha scalp to their belts Friday aft ernoon when they nosed out a 17-to-lU victory over the Tech five on the Cuming street floor. The Iowa five jumped into an carly lead. when after five minutes of milling. Captain Walsh caged a long ringer front past the center of the court. Swanson cut down the lead over the free throw route, but a side shot by Sheppard put the Iowans safely ahead. The half ended with Council Bluffs on the heavy end of a 10 to-6 count. The Tech play was ragged through out. and at only one time did the Nebraska champs threaten the Bluffs’ lead. Toward the end of the first half the Tech passing machine work ed the ball well into Bluffs’ territory Lime and again, but an injury to Swede Charnquist, all state forward, ended the rally. Walsh and Sheppard played stellai ball for the winners, while 5!ust and Swanson were the Maroon and White luminaries. The summary: Tiwhnic.il HIkIi. F.Q, F. F.T. ‘ lia rnqulBt. rf . 1 a o I'rubb, If.*0 o n Zuat. c. (Cant.). 3 12 Holm, lg. . 0 1 0 Swanaon, rg. . 0 3 1 Plaice, rg.0 *l 2 Swartz. lg.0 a 0 W»at. rf .. a 0 Bader. If.J> « _» Total* . 4 6 * Council Bluff*. F.G. F FT. Walsh rf (Ca.pt. 1 2 2 4 Sheppard, If. .. 2 a 1 Schneider, c. 1 Turnland. rg. 1 a a Mann, lg. .a 2 a Pattricie c. ... a i a Total*..a . a Referee: Hoadley. Time of period* i0 minute*. Timer: Hubbard. Dispute Anses Over Result of Mat Bout Ogden. Utah. Jan. 11.—Mike Yokel of Jackson Hole. Wyo.. veteran mid dleweight wrestler, defeated Ira Item of Halt Uake, City, claimant of the world's title, in a finish match here last night. Yoke! won the first fail in 40 minutes with a toe hold. Pern won the second In 8 minutes and 34 seconds with a headloek and Yokel won the final in 0 minutes and 43 seconds with a crotch hold. There was quite a bit of argument over the first fail the referee claim ing Pern tapped his fingers on the floor in token of defeat while Pern claimed he did not do so. The match between Pern and Yokel was of much interest inasmuch as years ago Yokel claimed tbe middle weight title. California Winner of Rifle Shoot f New York, Jan. 11-—The National Rifle association today announced that national civilian rifle shooting championship honors for 1923 had been awarded to the California, team. Through an error, Illinois previously had been announced as the winner of the title shoot held at Camp Perry, O. An official of the association ex plained today that teams represent ing Idaho and California both fin ished ahead of Illinois. The Idaho team, however, was disqualified for using marksmen not resident of that state, and California, with the next best score, was declared the victor. DIETZ CABERS TO PLAT MILLARD The Dietz M■ K. esgws will meet the fast Millard quintet on the lat ter's floor tonight. Basket Ball Team on Tour. New York, Jan. 11.—A Mexican basketball team, composed of Univer sity students playing under the name of the Mexico Red Triangles will open a tour of 18 states with a game against the Brooklyn University five, .January 15. The Mexicans plan to play Syracuse. Union. Tulane and other*. Giants May Get Marklc. New York, Jan. 11.—It was re ported today that one of the minor league pitching stars the New York Giants may, obtain Is Cliff Markle, who bad a fine record with the Kt. Paul club, of the American Associa tion last season. Markle formerly pitched for New York Yankees and the Cincinnati Reds. Wills to Fight in Detroit. Detroit, Mich, Jan. 11.—Harry Wills, negro heavyweight, will ap pear In a match here January 21, 11 was announced today. The oppon ent for the negro boxer hits not been selected, and under the Michigan laws matches between negro and white lexers are not permitted. Dundee to Fight Lombardo. Panama. Jon. 11.—Johnny Dundee's manager 1ms accepted the terms of fered by Promoter Roberts for a fight between Dundee and Jose I#ombnrdo In Panama City on February 22, m cording to an announcement made by Roberts last night. Britton l<» Moot Archer. Cleveland, O.. Jsn. 11 Jack Brit ton, former welterweight champion, will meet Fred Archer, British welter* v eight title holder, in a 12-round bout in Canton, January 21. accord ing to advices received here today. Steelier In Wrestle Mondt. Joe fciteeher, former world's heavy weight champion wrestler, has signed to meet "Toots" Mondt in a finish rnatvli In Wichita, aeeoidltitt to word received by tlio writer this morning fiom Hlech t. U. S.Is Greatest Sport Teacher ByEdHughes horimw y jf Horuoa-taL %! * hvcjk tru».p “TtiRAA Rektownortiztts ^jaPino srtvc. too Sloaa ' Tlku(5MT-TWE €f*Gusw - AHt> Irtt VieRLO TKA.T THl Raa Roo PosmoA -oa "Twe Ao«te vjas y A lOKt / H V / Y Vitu-tt lewt', k V*OGMT "Wt ^ eoiuMCi, ) ~**e< 6«r tmc ( to«* or / WtTTi'-lP, A^r. ' H*«r, ficmTiMO VJATtHWft l£W«l VWciCK OMT &o»rRS AlMftiOrt TSACK, "ToBAV (S CbPlECs EvtrV'AiHEPt btsctaloi -IHC WETHOO. OP PULUMumixt nf lo | At Krmnont- llankell Indnoi*. .t* . Mid lurid <'n||*g. . | k At Aunt In- I'ulvt-raity of Teas*. SO. Hout hu om* rn ufitveralty. I At Itoiinl ( ii ft I* • 0. JV\n* Christian unlvamlty. l»> At I Ih millon < 3!; Itoi li*-> • ’ i|| Oraanv ill* II G UnlvsmM) n| < n-..i ghi. It! . I iiriiu’ n JO At Huy Kt |.", hi* nfflilnxlh HlIcKiiui Ihal for sfvrmJ > ear* **hr had Im’i'ii nhsrul from lirr hotm* for IH'iJimIm of oih* lo wvt n d«>* ill h tlmr. >lr*. Min* WhI*Ii llop|H* ha** Hsla'd ulltlioiix of *500 a month mol *5.000 1-nlllM fro*. uliu h I In* « or o\lx*rl say* mr i'utwIvc. \r« \ort* - I'nill lift leiiOit* l« N* o York knmidil mil *o lit It* I lhh> lly*n firm ifi'twa Dj/nontfunyoris Opium mi New York. .Ian. 10.—Mr. Patrick Michaels. Mountain Dale. N. 4.. wishes the writer to settle an argu ment. It is what is known as a "hot stove'* argument. f >■ the winter baseball fans all oxer the land gather about the stove in the cigar store, the corner gro cery or soft drink saloon, expound their theories on the national pas time, advance opinions. argue fiercely. It i« this "winter" Iwseball that keep* the game alive, fanning the smoldering fire of interest to a fine blaze as spring comes on. Mr. Michael* preeent* twu hypo ♦helical 1»jk lca^u^ baseball club*. Which, in the reader * opinion, is the better? One lineup is a* follow* Grimm. fir*t FriiM h. on d bn*c Du *an. third b«^ Bancroft. ahortai*>i» Cobb, r»nt»r fWld Heilmnn. rtoht fl«:»i Hob Meuse), left field* S han*, cat* her !' Van *■. nltchei Waite Hoyt, pitcher. *rh)s i« the other lineup Kelly, first bs»>e tiurr.»b> iwond bare Kmnm, third bner Sewell, ehnrtstop .< ■ ■ ktr •'•*« field Ruth. rl»{ht field W heat. |#-ft f*. :*4 Schalk. catcher. I.uoue Ditcher. I’ennock. Ditcher Until these clitl* would hate meat hilling power, iiiurli (irlding skill, good pitching. The (ititrr pitching strength would he with the second club, with 1.11,|lie anil I emiock as against Yarn o it mi lloyt. In a three, or five-game series, the writer In hu lined to think the second dub would win. Tills may not com pletely answer Mr.Michaels’ question as to which is the better club, how ever. What ilo you tldnk? The mail teems with Interroga tlons. a liopeful sign "What does a fighter have to possess to l>e called a great fighter?” ask M. J. Sullivan, giving no ad dress. ‘Following the Dempsey • Flrpo fight," he continues, "a local fight i xpert referred to Dempsey as « good fighter but by no means a great one. “rail you name some great fight els’’ Do you eou.-ddeicd Dempsey one” A great fighter, in my opinion, must possess the following: Hitting ability, stamina, courage and a little handwork "i think Dempsey combines att four 'qualities to » marked degree ! also iconsider toe I.vnrh, the Imntam. a great ftgliter. How’ atsiut you?" The writer agrees with Mr. Sulli van »« to tile qualities necessary In a great fighter lie agrees with him on Dempsey, lie does not entirely agree witli him on l ynch l.yucli i* a good figliter. He lias hitting ability, courage, lie tails short ol greatness because at times lie permits indifference to creep Into his work. He is wlial is known in (istic par lance as an "iii-»n outer." one day very good, the next day Just fair. Denny I.ootiaid Is -i great fighter So Is Mlckry " alker, greater than Ids handlers know. The writer would not call any of the other rliantplnns steal. A truly gieot fishier mast top Ids ryvn generation, nuuM compare favor n lily with the leal men of the past in Ills dose. If he do, s not also top l them. REDSKINS, FRESH FROM WIN OVER MIDLAND COLLEGE, OPEN TWO-GAMESERIES WITH BLUE Tech to Clash With Abraham Lincoln High at Bookkeep er/ Gymnasium Tonight—Creighton Prep-Lineoln Con test Postponed Until Tomorrow Night at Lincoln. (i.AMKH TODAY. f'reiuhton umvendtv aaalnet Haskell In diana* at «T«lKhton. * p in. Tech agalnnt Abraham Lincoln a» Tech Nebrs/ka School for Deaf ssainat l’a - pillion «t l»e*f Institute. Thomsn Jefferson of Council Bluff* at Glen wood. la. H FUSE basket ball contests are on tap for Omaha ns to night/ one univer sity and a pair of high school games. The Haskell In dians. fresh from their 3* to 18 vic tory over the Mid land college quintet of Fremont I hurs day night, open a g! t w o-g a in e series | against the strong ■ and speedy Crelgh * ton university five at Creighton tonight. The game is scheduled to start at 8 p. m. Coach Schabinger of Creighton has been hard at work this week pre paring his proteges for the Haskell series. Creighton has defeated both Indiana and Iowa already this season and Schahinger's big Job has been to keep bis men from becoming too over confident. The Haskells, while with out the basket ball reputation that is Creighton's, are known to have a good strong team. They won their first game last night in rather easy fash ion. but Midland couldn't ire expected i to give the Indians the competition' Creighton is capable of giving them John levi, all-American backfield man (hiring tlie football season, plays center for tlie Indians and is j said to la* a tower of strength on the Kedskin quintet. Four of the Haskell basket hall players were members of the football team last season. Tlie same lineup that represented Creighton agiinst Indiana and Iowa will fly tlie Blue and White colors again tonight. They are Mahoney, center. Captain lively and Trautman. forwards, and Haley and Speicher, guards. Tech High plays the Abraham Lin coln High «< bool of Council Bluffs this afternoon at the Tech gymnas ium. The Iowans defeated Central High last week and are bound to give the Bookkeeper* plenty of trouble. Alotliain Lincoln lias one of the strongest basket ball teams ever developed at the Council Bluffs in stitution and the fans are sure to learn more about this team's i strength as tlie season grows older. The Nebraska School for the Iteaf and Papillkm play tonight at the School for tlie Deaf’s floor. Tlie Creighton Pi ep Lincoln High game which was scheduled for the latter * couit t- night ha* been post poned until Saturday night. This game will lie watched with interest by all the high school cage followers of the state as they will be aide to get^ a little line on tlie relative strength” • >f two of the strongest teams in the state which will compete in the annual Nebraska State High school basket ball tournament in Lincoln in March. -—-— The Turf Thursday's Results. TI.VIIAM. ♦’h at ra • 7> f urlong* lift rtgan « Htir 10* (C!a'©r> i B .*2 1"] «’«nron Kali. Ill 4© | xM*y#vtiie. 1"* fO'Donnell). . . 3 0" Tim© 102 l 5 B*-m L. Ro*co* Goose Delamr H!ar>''h© Meyer*. xTh© Cure. V. | hr*te. xMary Poe c*rr1e Baiter. Gaiway. \ Plan.tagxnet. Daring Girl aleo ran. x Field Second race 5 furlong# * Have*, Wing 101 (Wood) 12 00 .140 .“.20 I I e Indian. 104 (Krickaon) . .2.40 S *)" iThrrm 111 » Wi keoffI .120 Tim© 1 :vl 1-5. Sly Fox. Cuba xl.ou )oi>n, xFIla »Waido xSlippery xSra Beach. Pueblo, rt’lurt Franc.#. Mayo B f FIv Paper. Zindo aleo ran x Field. Third race: I furlong# Br«nde». 107 (Berg» 52 20 13*0 5.4©| B-** Man. It) (O Donntll) .14 40 5.00 uniffti. lio iLavlr.ei ... .3 00 Tima 1:01 1-5 Fultantl chnrhme B. hirore Querulou* Jean >P*lvtlle. La r*ra 1 . Odeon. Billy Aldan. Smiling! a#o ran Fourth race 5 furlong# Sedge. 113 i Bobbin#) . 3 4" 3 "0 3 53 Anna Recina. 10* (OPonnein 4 00 5.2" Praiseworthy 37 (P Burn) Tim© 1:01 Top o' the Morning. Lit tle Uu. July Fly. Pavlowa Che«tnut Girl a’.eo ran. Fifth ra 4 • 0 3 2* 1 "0 Polly Wale. 102 (Sutton). 4 "0 « 2© I Sunnvland 10s (PeForlj. . 40 Tuna. 1.12 3 # Ru»l1y. S'roFer Tur- | hulent. Ten Button#. Knighthood. Mara- I da’# ami Doctor Corbett aiao ran seventh race 1 k mile# Black Thong 10*. (Kennedy) « 00 3 ©* 7 «v j H\ night. 11)* < Might so® 4 001 Motto Castle, 105 (ICn.-knoiD 2.00, Tim©: 1 55 .-•■* Dainty Lady. S- a Way summer Sigl Firaworth. Philippa Togo Hal Wright. Termak. Da Bv>ntro and Ace alec tan Ktghtlt race 4 furtorg# Motor Cop. 1ft* (Clarkl . 0 20 4 ®o « r ilNyonai l©5 Lamina). .. ...4.00 4.*" Fighting Coo tel ip* Don a© It) >’ ♦© Tima: 1 IS 1 3 Truat. Mahal Rule Worthman Pud and Allnka alao ran \K\\ OKI K WS. First race 4 furlong# Hanch Mavatar. Ida ■ P». > < 1 S I J •* AntiQUlty !♦»*■ *FaC*nd) 5 . 7 . Bugler 105 «Park© i 1-1 T*me: 1 1«\ 5-5 Ruth S. Mauri© Cohen Kington Warning, The Fenian. St. Ger ard. Bethlehem Steel, Vehement aleo ran Second race 4 furlong* Doctor Glenn 107 * Harvey) 7 7 : 3 7 Fallal tloue. US (FtuD -1 even Romping Home, fft tThorndy A©) ' 1 Time 1.1 5 2 5 Florence Deep ) * * 3*1 D k 4 lard ton#!’ Ren Wood Attn© High Tea Jock S. ot( *1*.. ran Third r;» -c 4 furlong* Clough Jot dan 11" (Wallace) 11-5 out Mercury. t©3 (Field*) Caligula 114 <4 * Lang) out Time 1 l2 7' War Man. Ducky. Glen Tslt alec turn Fourth ra.-e 1 1 11> mite* Pr Clarlfe 114 (Parke* . out John Paul Jen.* 1"? tClaniorx) .' 5 out O 14« nrjr, 115 * Mai in » out fime l a 7 5 OnlT th»ee #tartera. Fifth r*. . Mile and V' 'aid* soggat th v o.*n, 1©4 (Paikd ' . 7-1" out U.rml* K c-nbc 1"3 iMartin) 1*1 ch Coored Hoy I ©3 (Wallace* out Tun- 1 4 7 4 -1 Fannie Bean a #o ran Si\th lM«e Mil# and ?t» v**d* Pav inal) 11 (Haivev) . .-1 2-1 even Our S* hi 31 Parke) 5-2 * • s Fehrah 3 4 i \hel) . . 5-3 Tim# \ > iHeuy-el) 4 1 7 .* i V Bolat• ' 11 2 i \4 all#. e> 4-171 flat • »tei II! (Ownn) * * Time ? "4 t 7. Anapriaa. 1 u*i!Ii,i al#«» Itrv.oklv n Jm 5 /.Ivli . Pitt*b»*r h won ■ lc ■* > i ' IV(# \«|u«l lllldgeport. I Conn . 12 rounda Gibbons Receives » Challenges From Tunney and Wills 5t. Paul Battler Is Offered $50,000 for 15-Round Bout \\ ith Negro Boxer in New York. New York. Jan. 11.—Enlivened by 1'ex Rickard's announcement that he had virtually closed negotiations for i return heavyweight championship match between Jack Dempsey and Tommy Gibbons, speculation was rroused today over other features in prospect for the 1924 heavyweight program. Rickard revealed no further details of his plans for the Dempsey-Gibbons match, terms for which were accepted yesterday by Eddie Kane, the St. Paul challenger’s manager, with the understanding that the battle will be held "somewhere in the metropoli tan area," either late ir» May or early in June. v Jack Kearns, 'he champion's bus iness mentor, has tentatively agreed to the match, but has refused dis cussion of final arrangements until his return from a trip to Hot Spring*. Ark. Kearns left for the resort this afternon. Articles Not Signed. Neither manager has signed ar ticles, but Rickard indicated he had satisfied both as to term* and that only minor details remained to be worked cut. In some quarters it was reported Gibbons had been guaran teed $100,00 for his end of the pro posed sequel to ' bout at Shelby. Mont., last July v i n Gibbons, after staying the 15-round limit with Dempsey barely obtained expenses b* cause of the financial failure of ths rontest. Challenges for fights from tw« other rivals cam to Kane and Gib bons today. The f,. t was from Harry Wills, negro heavyweight, on wh<-.s« l*half Simon Flaherty, Queenshoro, \ C.. promoter, offered Gibbons $oO, 000 for a 15-round match here dur ing the outdoor season. Flaherty, who claims to have Will* signed for the proposed contest, plans to confer with Kane tomorrow. The other challenge was from Gene Tunney. American light-heavyweight champion, whose manager. Billy Gibson, offered to sign with Gibbons for either an n iloor or outdoor bout. Ffrpo Awaiting Return Campaign. Word that Firpo is eagerly await ing hi* return campaign in this coun try was brought back today from the Argentine by Juan Horn*, repre senalive of Rickard. Firpo'* plans are somewhat indefinite, according to Homs, but he is anxious to have one or two stiff bouts before engaging Dempsey again In a fight w hich prob ably will some as the climax to the outdoor season ,n September. Harry Wills and Jack Renault. Canadian heavyweight, are two likely oppo nents for the wild bull, who also -xi-ects to go on a barnstorming tour Of <’anada and this cour.'ry during .‘he summer. Rickard a!*o is endeavoring to ar usnge one or two bouts in which Georges Carpentier will stage an American comeback. The Frenchman has issued a sweeping challenge to American light heavyweight talent and wants bout* with Tunney. McTigu* and Gibbons. WINNER fIT MEET Iowa City. Ja . Jar 11.—Corlnre Condon of Omaha, the 13-year cld wonder, won the senior women* 49 yard free s‘>!e in 74 second* flat at the mulwat A A U. swimming meet here tonight. Johnny Weismuller broke his own world's record in the 40-yard exhibi Uon nutkinc it in 17 8 10 seconds. H.» t'mr which bioke 1 s former mark by one fifth of a second, was unofficial since the news that he was trying for the re con! was not announced four days before the meet. K! m gin* n of Iowa won the top yard dash In thf fast time of 57 S 10 *ec rnds. establishing .« new record Morse Blake, an Iowa freshman, came near the world s record in the SO foot pluhRe. ■•ivering the distance tn tha remarkably fast time of 1* 4 10 sec ond* ’With thr ^-KNIGHTS ^GLOVES Miami. >'U-Uum strftMlaa Macav »• bool Ih'V ' ght hr»> 'ftf tht knock* M.ke So*tor Vr« V or k In H « asxth round of a *»-hed tiled IS round boat Siii Bernardino. I al., dan II —llille M n i*s-e c "f.ght of s* vr»r, *.o took m dr * on from Jnltnnv M*'k OT >•'*' m ’he »vr in * > er. of the vV*'Ct He v *• . « lub hare laet night. Sk p ! *of Sen** Ant won from Benny .iord*»n iss pound*. m the *eral-wtndtip. N s Sft* ee of Sen Rem*Mln<’ Ahtoked !■ > .1 v > kl of Vo* tnge'rft tn l ■' • M • i Vh»-> \r-ghe "-WANTED Man to Sell CKir Line of Cooler*. Refrigerator*. | Freezer Counter* and Butchers’ Supplies in Omaha H. EHPd.lCH & SONS MFG. CO. St. Jotoph, Mo. | %