1 Dr. and Mrs. Tyler Have Guests From Arabia •Mesdamcs David Cole, J. K. Barton, flomer C. Stuntz, A. G. MiigriuaWn: Merman von Schulte, Kate Copeland and IT. Judd met yesterday ak* the luncheon guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. A.. Tyler. The honor guests.ut R10 affair were Dr. and Mrs. Y’aul Mnrrison of Bahrele, Arabia, formerly of Scribner, Neb. Pr. nnd Mrs. 1 1 ill vise's they 1‘lift 1he guests, live on an island in the i Arabian gulf where pearl fisheries flourish. They told of a dinner given by a pearl merchant at the end'of the five summer months when pearl div ing is possible. At the conclusion of • he meal the Arabian drew'froni his safe a large red handkerchief, knotted into a sack, which held his year's [; profit, a quart of pearls. i .-.I ... - ■ . — ■ Saturday's Gaieties. r i * .1 . Mrs. Crosby Sbevlin, dinner for six I guests. { Mrs. C. G. George, dinner for Mrs. f Clement Chase. Mr. and Mrs. B. Kvehild will enter i tain at a bridge-dinner at tbetr Home | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohling. sup per party for the Walter Roberts and (Mrs. Clyde Roeder. Mrs. H. M. Wood, buffet luncheon for her daughter, Mrs. Janies I.. Ab | ney of Lampasas, Tex. iMr. and Mrs. John G. Clarke, din ner at their home to celebrate their i first wedding anniversary. Mrs. Raymond Grossman, an infer !' mal afternoon for Mrs. A. C. Cross i man, her mother-in-law. who returned S recently from a year’s at#y in the | west. Mrs. Elton Loueks, bridge at her I home fur the Misses Helen Unite, [. Dorothy Gerrie, Virginia llalpine. * Martha Gyger, Lucy Garvin, Mildroij ! Rhoades, Bess Heaton and thp Mes ? dames John Gruening. Stanley Jack, I, Wallace Gerrie, and Walter Peterson. [ Former Y. W. C. A. Head Revisit? Omaha. Mrs. Emma S. Byers, former gen f eraJ sec retary of the Omaha Young f‘ Women's Christian association, is In !■ Omaha today and yesterday* hr con nection with her business as executive 1 of -the fTfid' dlvlsirm of the national * Y. W. C. A.. She,was entertained at t a luncheon for the staff and hoard | of directors of the association at the ► Y. W. IVA. yesterday noon. Mrs. By ers was general secretary tiere during the erection of the present Y. W. C. 1 A. building. She is registered at the | Hotel Fontenclle. Mr?. Shayler Entertain#. Mrs. E. V. Shayler entertained yes [ terday afternoon for Miss Dorothy ! Weller, Denver, w-hq waived in [ Omaha today to pick *he cast for the demonstration of pageaotrv given at t.tifc annual meeting of worshipers at | Trinity Cathedral next week. Members i of the preparatory committee for the pageant will be guests. Y. wTc. A. Vespers. Reports of the ’student volunteer convention at Indianapolis, made by .jo? Utnigfon,. student volunteer, will I/O featured at the vespers of the t yopng Women's Christian association • Stmffay afternoon at 4. Young peo pie *are cordially invited. Special; mu ■ »ie> and a social hour from 5 to ti 1 will follow tho report. Mrs. Pinto Entertains. / Mrs. A. S. Pinto will .entertain at ? dinner and an Orpheum party fob i Mrs. J. U. C. McDaniels and Mrs. Franklin F. Orunlnger Monday eve f ninjk^ " ’ Our Iduly of Lourdes. The chair ..of. Our. Lady of Lourdes church w.ll hold a card party this af ternoon in the parish let I! ut Thirty second Jmd Francis streets. Mrs. Drexel Entertains. Mrs. J. H. Drexel entertains 12 -to , day at a bridge luncheon at her jiome m hongr of Mrs. if. E. Eggers, Mil waukee. , . . Headaches From Slight Colds J.atDtlVs llKOMO QUININE TsMets re t eve the Headache by curing tho Cold. V tonic iaxative and germ destroyer. Tho t.ox bears the signature of E. W. Oro\e. 0e.—Advertisement. i - ■ ■ ■ T izzzzz: I 75c Luncheon 1 in | ■ * Hotel Fontenelle | : Main Dining Room This Menu Tells a Powerful Story. : ' Beef Broth With Titty Noodles * — g Bacon and Kggs. Country Style 1 Tea Biscuits Hod Ituapberry Jam a • Broiled Chinook Salmon Anchovy Butter* J’ bitted Hlpe Olives Saute. Capet Sauce Broiled Leg of Mtftlon With Carrots and Limit Beans I Blended Veal Cutlet Tomato Sauce ‘ Spaghetti With Muahrooms I and Chicken Livers I resh Spinach Candled Sweet, 'potatoes Apple Blackbdrry PI* Individual Pumpkin pia 'Vlth Whipp'd Oli.iui Ci'anbe iy Whr rlirOV Itb \ anil la Wafers fresh Tuttl ITuttl Sundae Petit Pours NeapolltsA Ice Cream With r Orange Cteain Cake, j Coffee Tta Milk J .Nlllm■ luncheon served In IihIIhii Drill . If You Try It Once, You will 4 Cbmc Regularly v —~~ . I Wonderful Music \ mi will enjoy the wonderful hi ns hi of Louis « nip’s orchestra which pin}a for hinelieon mid dinner In . the Konlenelle Miiiu Dining Itonm. Helps-Plan Big Party Feast Mrs. M. ]). Cameron. Omaha, Is a member of the committee directing the third anniversary luncheon o{ the Women’s Republican club at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City this noon. A number of Nebraska republican women will lie present at the affair, which Is the first large po litical event for the women of the [country this year. Mip. Charles 11. Sabin, president of the Women’s Na tional Republican club, is to preside at the luncheon. I Personals | Mrs. hi. M. Searle. jr., is ip Florida. Mrs. C. K. Vamv has been ill at her home for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 1’. ,1. Creedon are lo cated at the I lean apartments in Miami, Fla. , Mr. and Mrs. W. I,. Griff.til have returned from two months spent in Wilmington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Alien C. Scott and daughter, Flora, leave Wednesday to send two months in Seattle. Mrs Robert McCloud is in Balti more, Md.. where her sister is con fined in Johns Hopkins hospital. Rev. MeCloud, who spent the holidays with them, has returned to his par ish. Big Sisters to Elect. The monthly dinner and business meeting of the Big Bisters will be held next Thursday evening at 6:15 at the Y. W. C. A. The principal business will be the election of of ficers. Misses Mabtlte I'aVey. IJIyan Richards-and tone Mpstain are can didates for president, nominated at the December meeting. Plans will be disepssed for a din per party on February ], at which Big Sisters will entertain their , "lit tle sisters.” Adele Garrison "My HueliantTs Love " The Tuo Telegrams That Came Krom Dicky. Over my mother-in-law s bowed head I signaled .Mrs. Ticer impera tively to send tor I.illiau, for I wus much alarmed at -the paroxysm of weeding which hSil seized her while recalling a memory of her dead daughter's childhood. She had borne lip so bravely ever since the news of the awful accident, with aJltrengUi so unnatural, and a composure so uncommon, that I was terrified lest this sudden emotional 'breakdown might" hot prove too much for her weak heart. But Mihail's face was reassuring, and When She .had helped me to ftf.t the pitifully exhausted old figue in to bed, she seized ‘ tha first oppor tunity to whisper encouragingly: “She's all right. This is the best thing that could have happened. She was settli/g altogi ther too terrific a pace for her age and strength. If we can just get her to sleep for awhile, she'll wake up refreshed.’’ But' inducing sleep for my mother in law's, tautened nerved was a thing more easflv suggested than per formed. She lay quiet, exhausted, but wakeful for several hours after her outburst of sobs, and she began a" restless tossing with an occasional plaintive "If I eould only sleep," which tugged insistently at my sympathies. At last I ventured on an expedient which at any other time I would not have dared suggest to Dicky's dignified parent. But her need was so patent and so great that I took m.V courage In both hands. Soothing Her to Sleep. "Mother, dear." I said softly, “don’t you suppose if I knelt down here by the side of the lied and held TRINITY CATHEDRAL (Episcopal) In the Heart of Downtown EVENING SERVICE 7:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. With Special Music ALL WELCOME | “The Rebel lion in the Churches— What Will Be the * Outcome?” Will Fundamentalism force a li- ) vision in the denominat ions ? Can the Progressives remain in their present position of compromise? Will' the existing scandal of pulpit |IUhane«ty necome- less or more pron*tiD44>