Prices as Well as Humans Buck Up in Spring. Buy Real Estate Now Senator s Tricks Delight Audience Iowa Solon Whiles Away Re cess by Sleight of Hand in Senate Chamber. . By Annorluteil Press. Dps Moines, la., Jan. 11.—"Now, ladies and gentlemen, while the crowd is gathering and before the exhibition begins In the main tent, if you will gather around here a few minutes I shall show you what has been called tlie greatest exhibition of legerdemain and sleight of hand ever set forth be for any audience in this portion of the hemisphere. A dull hour during a recess in the senate chamber, with only the drone of committee clerks’ gossip and the buzz of Jegislators’ low voiceB In com munion oyer political matters, be comes a rare public occasion, with seats at a premium, when Senator John E.thell of Davis County tnqunts the senate rostrum and begins to hold forth. Stops Confusion. Having stopped the confusion, tlie elonguted Bloomfield legislator con tinues, intoning his words in a deep and solemn voice. His harangue is in words something like these: "My power to perform mystic and psychical deeds ha* been attributed, iny friends, to some supernatural cause, or to a bond of association with evil one. Such, I assure you, ladies and gentlemen, is not the case. Now if you will step up a little closer . . - There ig no need to exhort his au dience to come closer. It Is already packed about the rostrum and more auditors are coming in every door as the news spreads that "Senator Ethel} is doing some tricks." Tails for Subject!/’ "I Want,”'the senator goes on. roll ing up his sleeves and revealing a pair of white-cuffed and bony fore arms. "tho assistance of a young man and a young woman In my audience.” He sees them coming but pretends to be still calling for tb . i. “The gentle man/’' he demands, “must he a hard character, a regular wife beater, a gnarled and knotted veteran of many a domestic battle. For the feminine role, X shall demand a young woman of extremely prepossessing appear ance—ah! here they are." "Now, ladies and gentlemen, I shall exhibit to you,”—and he picks up a pair of topcoats from vthe desk—"a miracle never before, performed In this vicinity. I shall cover the heeds of this lady and. gentleman”—and he does so with tho topcoats—"and then I shill transfer the head of the young man to the shoulder! of the young lady, and vice versa, so that the young man s head will rest upon the shoulders of the yonlig wotnan, while the head of the young man shall find Itself imposed upon the trupk of her male companion. , . Presto! Presto! Business of Mystery. The senator makes several mysti cal motions with his fingers, and In tones an untranslatable ritual. (■■^("Now, ladies and gentlemen/!" he goes bn, “.this miracle has been per formed, Under these two shrouds, the head of the young woman Is upon the Shoulders of the youlng man, aud that of the young man reposes upon tho trunk of the young man. ’And1 just to prove to you that I am a main of honor, not given to deceit oaf trickery, and to Indicate to your complete satisfaction fhat there is nothing supernatural about this exhibition, I shall transfer the heads back to their oilglnal posi tions—and now, ladles and gentle men, Ss I remove the cloaks you will see the young man's head restored to Ills own shoulders, and the head of the young women precisely where It was when the cloak was first thrown over it—on her own shoulders lie snatches the coats from the two heads with one sweeping ges ture, and the young people are re vealed Just as they were when the cloaks first lild them from the audi ence's gaze Barely Standing Room, The crowd roara and applauds. There is hardly standing room about the rostrum now, and even the gal leries are filling. “Now my friends,” the seriator con tinues, drawling his words insolently after the fashion of the accomplished sideshow bal-ker, “this exhibition and one similar will be repeated tonight and twice daily hereafter for one week, here In the public square, ^ while within the tent there will fol ^^^Inw a display such ns you have never ^^fcen of proprietary medicines and household remedies guaranteed to cure the most pernicious ailments, and to bring happiness and joy and laughter Into every home now week given- my mother and sisters, shrouded with the pa'll of illness and distemper. ‘‘And if any of you should desire to consult me personally, you will find me at your command in Hoorn 112 of the Grand Central hotel, one block south of the public square across from the postoffice. I thank you.” Endless Repertory Senator Ethell, who has repre sented the counties of Davis and Appanoose in the senate since 1920, has an endless repertory of such tomfooleries, and he displays it fre quently. Ills aptitude at' sideshow harangue and at sleight-of-hands—at which he is remarkably adept when he wishes to be— lias ‘ed to the story that he traveled with a medicine show as a youth. Such, he assures you, ladles and gontfemen, is not the case. He has made a hobby, how ever, all his life, of parlor tricks and imitations of sideshow barkers, and he Is In great demand at legislative social functions. His presence In the senate may. Indeed, be one rea son why the press box on that side of the capitol is always more thickly populated than that of the house. Martha Allen PROBLEMS THAT PERPLEX. A GIRI. who scoffs st steady, old, reliable stuff for a husband and seeks a love based on thrills Isn't going to get very far. Florence writes that her chum has Just an nounced her engagement to a friend of childhood and that all her friends are disappointed. They thought she would make a more brilliant match. It may not be brilliant, but it's wise, dofn. "I don’t see how she cRn get much pepped up over old Pete. He's not handsome, not wealthy, not brilliant. He's Just a nice old stage coach that you can rely upon. He is grand to my chum, but I should think she Would want a few thrills. There is no romance to such a match," Is a part of the letter. Pete may lack the required pep, but he Is likely to- be the man to give the girl that sense of peace and quiet that real love brings. Thrills are electrical. You can't stand the shock of too many of them. They don’t last. A girl often makes; a mistake by overlooking the “old stage coaches." These men display kindness, devotion and tenderness that is sure to make any normal girl happy. Exists, Not lives. Dear Martha Allen: May I come to you with my troubles? I think I might call them love troubles, ns they are all that is the cause of worries be tween me and my husband. The big question of managing on a laboring man's wages is with us- We want to live, not merely exist. We have two children, ages 4 and 6. We have been trying to pay for our homo and yet not get into debt so deeply that we can't get out. Now. if I were aide to say that doc tors were an unheard of fact, I think we would be In better circumstances. I have been In the hospital three tin.-es in the last year. Now I am feeling much better, but stUl must worry ns to money matters-. Would you advise me to take up my study of music so as to get a place in some show or music house? Be fore my marriage eight years ago I was employed In a picture show as a pianisl. I have lost a lot of practice. Managers require much more of their help now. I could take work of this kind, as T could leave ir.o«t and Found . 4 Help Wanted Female. 27 H«*lp Wanted Mate. 2* Salesmen an3 wearing Apparel. ft* Wanted to Buy. .. ft I llo«mi* With Board . ft.t lloom* Without Board. ftj Booms for Ifqtisekeeplng . ft4 Boom*. Unfurnished.A«4 Suburban Board. 45 For aJL other cla*«|f!.ntlon* our regular rgt»* a# ■quoted below apply. ^ The*# rate* awly fo The Sunday Omaha Be* as we|| as The Mornlqg and F.venlng Be* All week day advertisement* ap pear In Jjoth rpornlng and evening editions >it the t»no cost ffto p*r ime each day. I ftr J days. I ft* per lino each day, 3 or ft diva. l3o per line each day. 7 d*> ■ or longer. CLOSING HOUR* FOB CLASSIFIED AI >8. Morning Edition.,,... 10 p. in. Evening Edition. II 20 a. m. Sunday Fdthm ft p m baiurday. ‘ 'Ia«a1fled Afla arcepted at the following office*: Main Offh« .. .17th and Faritam 8f« Mouth Omaha. N W. Cor 24th and N Sta Council Bluff*. ... . 1ft Scott 8t. Telephone ATIantl.- moo. THE OMAHA f.Er. reaervea the right (o reject or rewrite all copy. Call for < Igaslfled Ad I‘era rt nient. An experienced Oaeelfled Ad falser will re ceive your gd him) h bill will be malted later. The rate* quoted above apply to either charge or cash order* THE EVENING HEE. THE OMAHA HORNING tJKK. 1 ANNOU NCEM ICNTS. _ ^ Funeral Notice*. A HUKTTKhMAIKR— It.frnun. Ibslevsd f* t ti e i* of Martin F H lief t elm a let and Mrg. NV. P Fi*her. «11 *>.l Wednesday. January ft ni the mfc <«f 79 y**rir* runcial *< rvb . * nt the llutae A ftlenen • h*pe| k71 *1 ami ' timing Hi* , baiurday, January 12. ai 2:!»o n m Friend* wel come Inicrmenf West I.hwii cemetery. in i PHI It! flro 1 1 ■ i wary 9. 1924 aged ycira. i ■. * i |p m from I n h n nod \ SwHiiion'N chapel liitermcnf W'cai lawn cemetery. Lincoln papeis plena# cam* 1 ■■ ■■ " — ■ ' ■ .-I Bursting Buds OU have seen them—you see them every spring on trees, shrubs and on price cards too. Compact little things bursting out in the sunshine. The ones on trees and shrubs bringing joy; the ones on price cards bringing regret that the reader did not buy before the spring sunshine had made the January price bud out into a flower of emptiness for the buyer’s pocketbook. Don’t wait for spring prices. Buy your real estate now. Read the Real Estate Ads Now ANN OU NCE ME N TS Funeral Notices. A HOOA.V—Mri. Mary; age 53. died Thure • lay morning at local hospital. There are left to mourn her Ion* three daugh ter?. Mrs. M. W. Cleaver. Mrs. George Hlbbeler and Katie Hogan: two sons. Martin IT.. Jr., and Gilbert all of Omaha; two brother*. Patrick and James Con nelly of Denver. Funeral Saturday. January 12^ 3:30 a. nv. from family residence. 4156 K nt . to Bt. Bridget rhurch at 9 a. m. Interment st Joseph cemetery. Council Bluffs. Dlrec tion of Heafey & Heafey. _ KEARNS—Jam*«, January 10. 1924 aged '2 vear*. 2 months, and 14 days, la sur vived by his mother. Mary Kear.ns. one sister. Mr?. James O'Connor, and one brother, John Kearns. .... .. Funeral service*! will ba held from the residence of his, aunt. Mrs. Rlordaa. 1446 North 17th. t«> the Holy Family church. January 12.' at 9 a. m Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Inquiries may be ad dressed to Brailey & Dorrance. funeral director* '_ _ Vaults-and Monument®. B "Automatic Sealing" concret* burial vault. recommended by all leading undertakers. Mfg by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault <'n. Funeral Directors.C HEAFEY A HEAFEY, Uund.rt.k.r. and Embalmar. Phnna 11A OJ65 OffIra 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1»»2) KOKISKO FUNERAL HOME. 23d and O St.. 1260 8. 13th 9t MA. 0660. AT. 1*7* CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED BY I.A DISH ONLY SIS S. 20th St. AT. 201* and AT. 3**0 N. P. SWANSON. I7TH AND CUMING Quint. Dignified Supervision. CROSBY-MOORE 2«th and Wirt. WE. 0047. C. e. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3920 N. 24th St. KE. 02S7. DUFFY & JOHNSTON. 311 9. 23d. n.w funeral home. HA. 0417 BRAILEY A DORRANCE. 1122 CURING ST.. JA. 0824. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. If 01. H. H KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 6*19 Military Ave. WA. 5314. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 2411 Farnam 8t. _ TAGGART A SON. 2212 Cuming St. JA. 0714. TIUL8I5 A RTEFKN. Funeral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1224. Cameterlea.D FOREST LAWN. 320 acres. Perpetual care. Office at the remotery. North 40th Rt and Forest Lawn A \ e.. and 720 Brandela Theater Hldg Florigtm. E ft CM t KKS. Florist. 24th Farnam. JA, 3400. JOHN BATH. UP* Vatnam. ’ .! A. 1906 Personals. 3 THE SALVATION Army lnduatrial home •ollelte your old clothing, furniture, tnaga sines We collect. We distribute. Ph< n* 1A 4135 end our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 U-.dg* Street.. 1M M AM'KL Pit! V ATE MATERNITY HOME. 2603 Bristol. WE 290H Theatrical historical masque costumes for Dlava and Parties at Llehen'a. Omaha MASSAGE TREATMENT, 210 N 1 7T1I| X T. 7,. — Father's name *aa Louis l#on don. _I Loot and Found. 4 • in hew Ann For Information leading to recovery of our German police do* hup). Brownish color. Anawera to n«W" Blltsou. Eeo tHoffman. 11 A. 1 Cf 17. 4.5 N. 31th. RPJTf’RN AT ojer-ra. PETlftHNS known who have white poodle lost January I who anawera to name "Dodo " Return dead or nllve «t once or will be taken. Kb: 1154. -... ■ ■ — ■ — [GERMAN police do* lost. female, 3 months old Miller Park district. An swer* to name "Peggy." Reward. KK i n«43__ IRISH WATER M'ANIKI. DOO Host around 25th and California. Kinder please call AT. 393ft and ro«-*i\» reward. NOTE BOOK loose leaf lost return to Rialto box office and recalra IS reward I nsT--White gold Par p«n. Call XVA. Tdheral raw *rd ~ ^ A^OMOBILES.JJ^ Automobiles for Sale. S i.atk modal Ford cotifM Original paint. All nrcaasorte* will accept Kurd totir i In* or roadster as part pa\ mint Terms to rcllatdo party. call IfA. 4^39 after »i o’clock NASH roll SAl.i: c 11 K A1 * V Nash touring In beet condition Run less than 10.000 miles He* Wllg Bros phone Mh r 41>7 T w nil \ - foiirt h »m| N Si lit# Ford* aadan new, high Haas paint 4 cord Hres I«onka like a new . nr. Would (consider a roadster or touring on a trade Call fU 0**tg. fur Mr Gin-* KOR SA1.F A 1921 Ford COUP* that I lust, bad re painted Good Gres and In first class condition Cal! AT 4«23 a f f c o'clock FORI* < ’< H PE 1924. practically brand new car am welling *» a sacrifice for quick sale, term* to r* practically brand new cei am selling at a aacrlfir a for quick *«!* terms to r • spnnsIM* party Fall Msiket 4301 FHFD part* fnr all makes of « nr. Ford used parts at half price Two wrecking blunt* N* hraska Auto Parts JA 4991 I FORI* roadster. 19?!, new paint. New head lights flood tires. $150 Term*. Mr Ginas HA 0*09. fU'RANT sport touring—Just like a nejy c«r. owned by a careful driver. Fall AT. 4:.»» IlftElt FARM O. N Ronnev Motor Go, _3694 Fsrnam. M'PAFFREY MOTOR on. The Handy flervUs Ftallou fithsnd Howard._AT. 7711. i • • • v ir new In cation. ?(»4f Karnam fit. Nebraska Olds inoblls Fft AT 1 i 70 X roHH I Nil, .. good - ur and goqd Gres Ni'r>l< paint, $2<10 for quick action Guv I. Smith FRANKI.IN sedan Pa I diamond* *»r •••til estate, might add cash ] VV A. 41 11 F' i|( I • F 11 V nm leaving town Fall .1A 3l»il $t . i'll t"V It' • l.»•: I • mil - lat. !•>: t fust class -nndltlon. by ownsr. Wh, 7131 _AUTOMOBILES._ Automobiles for Saie. 5 BARGAIN AT $850. HAYNES SPORT MODEL COACH IN A l CONDITION. SIX WIRE WHEELS. WITH ALL NEW RUBBER. WIIL CONSIDER SMALLER CAR AS PART PAY MEN''’ «APPLY REAMS GAR AGE.. 211 N. 15TH ST.. OR PHONE JA. 2668. I >U R A NT TOUR ING — 1 923 MODEL This car ha* been renewed through out and equipped with bumpers, mo tomeler, spare tires. windshield wings rind transmission lock. Sold on easy terms w ith a new, mr service guar antee. Priced for quick sale. 54 YEARS IN BUSINESS ANDREW MURPHY & SON 1410 Jaikson St.AT 4411 ('’HANDLER SPORT TOURING Just out of the paint shop. Highest class Job. Light btue body, bla< k wheels, yel low streamlines Powerful motor. Was owned by a careful driver and was traded In on a Lincoln. I will sell It at actual trad# in value and would consider Ford part payment. HA 0868. Mr. Glass. 1922 FORD TOUR . MANY EXTRAS, $2 75. 1917 FORD TOURING. $66. 1917 BURK TOURING. $160 1918 DODGE TOURING. $175 TERMS OPEN EVENINGS. ANDREW MURPHY &. SON. J 4 1 0 JAi’KSn.V.AT. 4411. 1922 Ford coupe—a wonderful buy. Lock wheel, visor. Hassler shock absorbers, other accessories. $340. See this car be. fore you buy. Term*. Call If A. 08 6 8. Mr. Glass. DODGE touring, late model; good condi tion. Pali AT 4660. Auto Accessories Parts. 9 USED parts for all makes of cars. 60 to 75 per cent off list prices, two wreck ing plants 1016 Harney, HA. 4931. and 2205 fuming AT. 1970. Service Station—Repairing. 10 in.on# MILK GUARANTEE against piston slapping and oil pumping, enormous gas and oil saving CB088T0WN GARAGE, 8 12-16 S 24 th Sr. See Mr Morns INDUSTRIAL AUTg MACHINISTS. Gear cutting #team and gas engine re pairs. AT. 2550. P MKLt’HOIRS A- SON417 S. 13TH WHY PAINT? W# baa# enamel entire ' ar eny color. Dehco enameling process. 723 South 27th .V, ] BUSINESS S ERVICE Business Service Offered. 13 RELIABLE Detective Bureau Wonderland Itldg. JA 20S6. night, KE. 3811 IA M F.S A T,LA NS Detectives Expert secret werv It **. 311-il 2 Nevilie H’ock. AT 1136. Building Contractors. 14 LOW PRICES on toll *t’ona lavatories, sinks, bath tubs, range bolters. New goods MORRISON LUMBER A COAT# CO. 22.1 and Paul StsWE. 6 6 61 Millinery—Dressmasing. 17 ACCORDION, side, kntfa, box pleating, covered buttons; all styles; hemstitching: buttonholes. Writ# Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co, 308 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb.. Telephone JA. 1136. NEB. PLEATING CO Hemstitching Covered Duttons. 1$64 f Arrant Second floor JA 6676 Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods, pianos, office furniture. 1107 11 HOWARD STJ \ U288 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVIN'K SHIPPING STORING Estimates furnished AT 6230 or JA. 4338. GORDON 8 FIREPROOF WH8F \ VAN -19 North 11th St. Phon# JA 3032; mov ing, packing, storage, shipping BEK INS OM A H A VAN A ST tR AGP 16th and Leavenworth Sts, Pa- t ng. mov ing. storage shipping .1A 4 163 { Painting and Papering. 19 ATTENTION—Hotel. apartment and home owners. Special price on wallpaper, paoerlianfftrig. Kr**l i’etki*. AT. 7404 MA. "151. FAINTING, papering. First-class work. Winter bargain* .1 A r KOtTR rooms, d*< ;t t«d fox prb * of three for limit* ! Hnif W G Lukcr, \V F 4999 Patent Attorneys. 20 J IV MARTIN. 1714 I’. d«r*. Room Omaha also Washington double service, ■Ingle f»*. Al*o h*h» »»• I patents Printing: Stationery. 21 COMMKRriAf. PRINTING Eddy Printing <’o 212 South nth St I' .IA. 505*. Profe*sional Scivice. 22 HHAMPfN) MANimil-; l.OF Marcel 76c with Dob Furl $l. Expert Individual service; our cosmetic service asatirea correct complexion abla Salon I,'Ghat-mo. 212 Goiirtnn Rid* AT 4*■ 19 FF.NTAI. X-rav. 50c earh; Ft full eat. 519 Securities Hid* 15th ant! Farnam. Repairing. 23 I HON< ><* RAI*H am! sewing much repair, in*. Nothing to sell but service lilllcr. 211 \* 15th It 2147 MA 194* evening* EXPERT sewing machine repairing MIFKKtaM. 16th and Harney. AT. 4251 r .1 W METER 1TII' »liTKRKH 4"24 St >1 I ft ■ I I'll \T m \ M>5» Renovating and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA riM.OW • • > Mattresses mad* t*\er In new tick* it half 'he pi's of new ones. 1907 Fuming J A 2457. ... - - ' " —- ~ " _KM PLOY MENT; 11rip Wanted Female WANTMf* An experienced while maid for housework and* of children Mrs. M. F Mcnneeay. .’95 High School Avenue, Council Rluffs SAEi:s|. A r»V II * xxeck 11> si a it. t ell In person 4109 l’n lei wood Axe Help Wanted Male. 38 I MP7EE throe popular makes of cars in Omaha with a wide price range anti *!! body types. AI*u used cars of must any make and model I xv|l| split mv com mission with any part) who tips me off 11* m.y i'tisiueas Your name not men tioned You know some i ar prospects. Turn fl»c*t* info easy money for yourself. Htrlcfly confident 1 -t < Get In touch \xiib nt* at tune lh»x 'V 1 n | ft. (Miiahu l4ee AI«T» MEN. women, boys, girls, IT to €6g willing 'o ut coi gox .I'lmcti t poxiiion*. $117 $.’•<> 111 a x * 11 h * .i fiiiii.iiiaivi writs Mr <>*uxept. is*.. St. l.outa. Mo, (mine t! I * l e I x MKSNCMiKIl.* \N IM'KII Sixteen voars • •f Mgr, With or xvlthmt bicxclt. good xxttgea. . halo o f.o tidvani ••nunt Apply Wc.r.on i iilon Telcgi ipn Go Yt'l'NG man with 12,000 catdtal. If you! like rnschanlca x i*t» xxlll he mierestetl In j this proposition Box A' 24V. Omaha He# i _EMPLOYMENT._ Salesmen and Agents. 3( «Af,KH MANAOKRB—Il-re la * III* proj'O altion tor stale managers capable or han tiling sub-agent*. A new farm produ distinctively interesting. Every farmei wants it. A permanent connection witl reliable firm. No joker* here. It a t clean cut contract for qualified men Council Bluff* Remedy Co . Co. Bluffs, la WANTED salesman to sell evaporate.] salt in southeastern Nenrsska and south western Iowa. Please furnish references. Anthony Half Co, Anthony, Kan* SALESMAN to represent factory. Ford necessity. Reardon Mfg. Co., Peoria. in. DISTRICT MANAGERS and salesmen for distribution of a real article, 9 to 11 a. in 222 Loflang Bldg. Situations Wanted Female. 31 WHITE lady desires work in restaurant kitchen. MA 3336 GIRL wants daywork. AT 4949. Situations Wanted Male. 32 WANTED—Posit'on as detective or guard by middle aged man. Reference furnish ed. Y-2528. Omaha Bee CLEANUP—House cleaning a specialty. J. A. Carlson. ('nil AT. 827 2 Business Opportunities. 33 GOOD retail monument business, lo cated In Dennison. Ia.. Only shop In Crawford county. Fine chance to inakp money. Present owner going in large quarrying and manufacturing business and will make attractive proposition. W 238. Omaha Bee. GOOD going retail monument business In Council Bluffs, la Fine location, good ‘ hance for a hustler. Present owner go ing in large wholesale and quarrying bus iness and av ll aacriflc* for quick sale. W~-2-'i9. Qmalnt Bee OPPORTUNITY unequal tailor general re pair pressing store, established years; va cant In n day or two: no bonus, rent. $40 per month Apply R- Tlzard. owner. 220*4 North 23rd St. FOR HALE--On easy terms, good paying 56-room brick hotel on main street of Aberdeen. S. D. Elegant location and a good business. N. J. Lindgren, Aberdeen. ». D, I HAVE A CAFE and restaurant for sale main street location, across stdepot; railroad division town; good ^P>uslne*s. Roya Cafe, McCook. Neb ^ YOUNG MAN, with 12.900 capital, if you like Mechanics, you will be interested In i his proposition. W 2 42, Omaha B**c Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34 LOW RATE on city property, quickly closed: no monthly payment*. JA. 1633. W T. Graham Kra! Estate Loans. 34A 6 A* AND ♦ PER « ENT MONEY. Loan* on Omaha improved property at lowest rates. FRANK II. BINDER. 823 t^ity National.JA. 2561 FARM LOANS. Large or small Went Neb farms, ranches Kloke Investment «*o.. *45 Om Nat Bk SIX per cert loans on Omaha residences Cash on hand Prompt service. E. II. ;f.ougee. fnr 53 * K“e;ine Bldg OMAHA U«'ME.W- CAM NFH FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Q.TI Nat Bk Bldg .1A 2T18. ESPECIALLf wtut applications at once for 15.000, $4,000, $1 '.On F I> Wead and r». H. Bowman. 310 S. l*th HC_ (SECOND mortgage* or cortracta pur chased by Tukev Company. 620 First Na tional Bank JA. 4223,_ _ CITY real estate rnor*gHgeg and con* kfrht Mr/ Larson. I Of North Fifteenth street I WILL buy mortgage* and contracts Corkln. 94* Om Nat B’-ig.. <»mah«. N'<*h. 5'-. AND 4 PERCENT—NO DELAY G Ah\ IN PRO;-. .4' Omaha N.v Bldg. Money to Loan. 35 -r THIS COMPANY IS OROANIZED To supply your money wants In tha same way that banka ?upp!y the uioucy want* of the businr** community. Any amount leaned up to S5#0 and you can repay It in easy monthly payments. Our equal payment plan repays the lean and all charges We have been In business In Omaha over 30 years a. d ran assure you of & quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COW* A NT. 5o$ Karbach Block Te! JA. 2235 Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas Sts DIAMOND loans at low-at rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan Co . 1514 Dodge St. Estah Ished 1*94 ai:tom< -bile loans 11?* NORTE 1STH _*VK. 54*3 Local Instruction Classes. 38 THE MID-WINTER TERM OK POYLKH COLLEGE • IS NOW OPEN IN BOTH THE DAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS Yet it is not too late to enter. Beg b now and get the mentel training and dis cipline that will double your earning ca pacity. Complete courses in all commer cial brats hea—bookkeeping, cumptoraetry. shorthand, typewriting, tejegraph> ae-re. tarlal. banking salesmanship civil *erv t* e. English. Write, call cr JA. 15*5 for large, illustrated catalog BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE H*h and Harney St*. Omaha. N>h WINTER ’* the death warrant of the unfa. Mart'n'a health training teaches healthy people to # a n goo 1 1 Oth and livo •» > cars xvitnout * «>!«!» • ■r>g*>ti«in • atarrb. pneumonia. • roup o- omoum lion. Private lesson*). good business for trained hcelth Instructors Mr. A of Chicago, healthy Monday morning. at noon had a eight co d Tuesday morn ng, t'ph-dd pneumonia and death Wednes day morning, to sleep beside hie fathers. Professor WaPer Martin. !14 Courtney Bldg.__ i>\\ < IRAK HU.SINKR8 < OI.I.EGE Stenography and bookkeeping Weed Bldg, llth and Kirnam. AT. *415. EIGHT to 12 week* prepare you f*r a fir- office poaitkon Call AT 7774 of write American college 1*12 Kxrnarn TR1-C1TT BARBER COLLEGE. 1 402 Podge St 1306 Douglas 8t. Call or write for Information VAN RANT SCHOOL OK BUS!NEBS Day and Evening Schools 205 S 1*th (*• 1A 5»tft CnmotomMnr gchool 300 Courtnev Bldg Musical—Dancing—Dramatic. 39 LET MR. KEEP TKACH YOU TO DANCE Keen's. 151* Karnarn. Cla»*e* Monday, Wednesday. Friday night* Prtvat# leas os bv h t'poln : men t Ph ne JA 470. k ei p i n i:. r:,rn a n d ear n a m Big claaa Monday and Thursday, at 7:10 t» m. Ten lessons with teacher* $4 On Private lesmne anv time Phone AT 7*50 _ Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 43 .1 i'. OAI.l t T ll,,r«c «n,1 Mule i>. * lit hold lie regular auction of horse* and mules next Tuesday afternoon at Itot k yard stable*. South Omaha Expect fully '0ft horscN an.| mules Pome and buy them whde they are cheap. ^^MKRCHANI) ISK Articles for SaU. 46 itA\\ ITS | KOR BALE Promt'' shipment all hard wo««f. Excellent for !■ packing 1»K.S MOINES SAWMILL CO. I ‘a» Molnea la Business Equipment. 47 w 1: BUY. »ri| nafes muki .n aka show cns«*» etc. Omaha I Ivtmo A Sui'ply * «* V \' CM lltll dp i ’ fc . | ' . t Fuel *nd Feed. 50 KINf'UNu I'. tf\i. It-load. <1 elite rad Pawdnat, abating* I'hona J A R740 K I N l»l IN i i Ul H) i' • i I « ‘ Household Goods 53 Kl’ItNlTI’llU The Kin 1 «It m ( tou would like to po«fciia. «» well .it* a'a| e uril. lo f'ricea within r*B»on, sitphfiimn Auction House, l: u!i t'mdtcl. Hoods sold at auction and t>rl» ate na le tIKNTINK Mmi'iuo innno|> era.II- wine • blew. milti»Me for wood but. I \V A 7i.tr_ I * i i "v ohi • r tabh .. mti stand*, weeh.ns mat bine, new a** inner, rraacu a hie a;i N St , A pi ** t|AM S’l'i'N 1 f." tala cheap, ami MaJtatic ran*a It \ 4(71 _M^RCHANJ^ISE._ Swap Coiumn. 53A HAVE about $2,000 equity in ail modern 7- rrom horn* on paved street, 2 Install ment* on curbing and paving. Will trad* for same amount equity In 6-roorn all modern house, rearonabl# distance from 41st and Hamilton; asking $6,260. WA. 6491._ TO TRADE for northwestern Nebraska, land, full line of farm equipment stork and mat hinerjr. Address Box 491, Ful lerton. Neb.___ WANTED to trade- 5 passenger stand ard make car ns first payment on 6 rooin house or what have you? Omaha Flee, 8-476. PAINTS and wallpaper to swap for Lib erty bonds, fa*** value S 412. Omaha Bee. MANDYLKK INt I BATOR to swap for geese or ducks of what have you? S-67. Omaha Bee WILL trade my equity In fi-arre tract, good house, on North Bide, or what have you? 8-30. Omaha Bee._ WILL take radio as part payment on 1919 Kx< slaior motorcycle with side car 8- *3. Omaha Bee PAINTING*” AND PAPKRHANGINO IN exchange for liberty bonds. KAi'K VALUE. S-77. uMAHA BEE, 0 ROOM HOUSE to swap for acreage near paved road. S-463. Omaha Bee CITY I/jT. well located for equity In house or what have you? HA £439. Machinery and Tools. 55 LfBrim JClectrleal Works. 3U-20 So. 12th. NEW and second-hand motor* dynamo* Musical Instruments. 58 PIANO FOR HALE • . •I Radio Equipment. 59 LONG distance reflex set, complete with ! tubes, batteries, phone* Coast-to-coast through W. O W. 8nap at $36. 4252 Maple 8t Evenings. GUARANTEED radio set* $ 45 and up a m SHLAgg. 218 North iftth st 4-CIRCUIT super-regenerative radio set, I • omplete. $C0. »'all evening* MA. 2077.1 Wearing Apparel. 60! EULF- DRE8S suits and Tuxedos for rent. JA. 3128. 109 N lftth 8l John Feldman. Wanted to Buy. 61 DESKS. DBSKS. DKBlis New desks. used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farntm SL AT. ft 146. WANT to buy good second hand hydrolic -.veil machlne. Ed Co**k. Davey. Neb 1 and platinum. 623 Brandei* Theater Bldg _ RO OM F OJR RE N T. Rooms With Board. 62 sorr 11 HTII-llod-rn. in prlvil, family; i< alien J.X v.:«0.I Rooms Without Board. 63 3'*r*9 FARNAM Furn.shed rooms me dium. for 1 or 2. large for 2 or 4. well furnished; married couple or ladles pre ferred. References required. Phone HA. 3012 BEAUTIFUL room, large closet, home privileges, very reasonable, walking dis tance, a real borne for a gentleman. HA 6 SC 7. COZY ROOM, nicely furnished for 3 gentlemen, also pleasant room for busi n*-ss woman or married couple. HA. 7777. LARGE pleasant pteare heated room in choice apartment; close In. references. AT. 53ft:.. -♦•9 DOUGLAS—Nicely furnished room la private F me. walking d t-tance, hornet privilege*. VERY nice room for refined lady, homel privileges, close to car. a nice home. HA — L< )VL*LY furnished room in private home. | A’*o garage. Near Technical High. HA. 4 JftP 2^-i' 8t Ma-y \ve—Large furnished room | on first floor! use of fitting room. JA.. , 0 690 J DUNDEE, warm, sunny room, private borne, V» block to car, gentlemen. WA, ■Sm TWO LOVELY furnished rooms, with or without board AT 4 48 * HA. 3J5o—-Nicety furnished room; near ^ar garsgf if desred. < i'/,Y sleeping m n reasonable WE 5247. Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 2214 DODGE—Large xurm rou raa for light housekeeping and sleeping, strictly modern. THREE room*. unfurnished spt . partly I modern JA 5 732. Dark AVE, join—Suite of two rooms; clean. cox> anj all n.oderr HA 5*10. TWO light housekeeping rooms, 14 per w'f'k: lights furnished 1245 S 15th L145HT or sleeping, cloae-ifw 2*55 L>oUe?as HA _ 2 0«3 KARNAM- I.arge room with kltchen * ; st^jitn heat. ha*h Ml SOUTH 20TH — Nico light housekeep ing room. JA 525* PLEASANT housekeeping ro-rua reaaon a hie WE 52*7. 2 LIGHT house keep ng ropme JA 572J. Rooms Unfurnished. 64Ai SOUTH }5TH—4 unfurnished ro**?na, | iicht, heat and water furnished HA. ! 2242 Where to Stop in Town 67 • ■ 'TEL SANFORD— l»th an*! Parnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—l«th and Earn am Special rates to permanent guests ~KRAI. EST A T F—FOR RKNT^ Apartments—Furnished. 69 5 l.'i'l ItOWAHl'-- llomr'llv. apt. everything furn , employed coup.* pre ferred KUNTKil INN. AT. *160 5* ,od IN.*,, Home for the traveling man and wife - 210 H U1NKY ST Furnished 2 room apt flaw M 4005. Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 PHAS'D new Prick Duplex, nearly completed, or without garages. Make your selection \«*\\ «nd select your decorations. V .? SK« HIM AN A SC'NS. Ill* Cum -c St HA. 70 45. After efflre hour* call HA 317 HA *714 TURNER COURT Available at once, park or bouievaid ex posure. Janitor. HA OM. C. M HAUSER. Mgr I sin; Dodge_ HA 7140. A VKRY beautiful *-rcK»m apartment at j reduced rental Dundee location. Is i««t | being refinlahed and r.*de< orated See :hls If jiv.i want to « rei* ' v f ne I a ©artPlant Call 1WY NK A SONS CO. ‘>tnahas Renta* Mm _ «.<*«*• 'I o\ 7 11 Dundee fi t v>^g it ,1 bath New modern and verv high rings. • . nventent tv> car and s bool J I■ HI ATT CO. AT. MflO. / PART MU. NTS and fata for rent DAI MLR MUSK IN CO .AT t||0 Rr*. Uvfate Management Spec'.xRata " DOR ON»~OF DRAKE s toon A P V RTAtENl S Call Jackson .505 PETERs TRUST COMTANV WHERE OMA11 V RENTS* * AT e;*4l_ 17th at ! Earnam S;* I'M NORTH 331V- * t . %n y t nrw ly decorated H R Hoy 1*> oftoe phene ’ \ !.*•■. r * ' ■ n ,* \\ A 4 STEAM If FATED i d M'«rtm#nt». low i ■en* *P Siebbtn*. MM Chi* ago St Small apt t%art!y turn, modern. Meal \ for two y.rjl Reference HA : *110 H A 71*4 OR IIA MM im* «*»»m *r»at Intent. ntodetn. chi*ir# Jew at ion Business Places for Kent. 71 X Ml s A\ I -All Mtvlrrn S*fi A o'.'-o ami 1’aaamnnf 1 or rent or o*:*. KK. lftf> Mi'hKHV ••f»am ho«tr«1 »fnrn. |ft m ». r St»hHn». l*l> • h'-ar" House* for, 1 1\ » Uooju nrlcftjr n\i>t!#rn himmio* «5i«r«go i,f $40 por month. 4 41 ; N T..1 \\ h? P * * t 1414 SHKIiWoOH AYK S rooim>. olram h#nt fHtni4ht' hi -'.t to $4«» |v. o I V 'Onm nto4*rn rhi r«vs*on*hi*v «.«i an- WK IM wtcvn i >'i n; m s v * » II .'iloo •‘•nil ,1 t 4 I 3ft XVI’! MJ|" Six room cottage. V'.vlrin *>\ • t>t fuinn.f rutvl ooMttlon tlaiaco Nhh'KKN # room houaa for rent, III •) month. IIA. in 41 Houses for Rent. 72 FINEST largo 14-room h<>uae ever of fend in the city. w«y w« iking diatanc*; will glvo lease to party buying part of furniture st sacrifice. Ideal for club, san itarium, conservatory or exclusive l-oard-~*_ ing house. Box W 235, Omaha Bee FOR KENT—7-room new home, 1 car garage; oak and enamel finish, bullt-tri features, strictly modern; paved street; close to cathedral. AT. 4066. KE. I73i cTTnTrE HOME KENT BARGAIN 7-r. strictly mod., on car line, good loca tlon, 2702 8. 13th St.. >50. J A. 0109. KOUNTZE rLACE, for rent. 8-room mod ern house, oak floors n*w furnace, double- * garage. $4n, WE. 4782. 2*M CAriTOL AVI’. 4 ro'-nu. all mod ern, close In. newly de ted, garage. $50. H P Hostwlck. AT. 1506. -- ■■■ Houses Furnished. 72A * ROOMS. completely furnished. Imme diate possession, wry desirable. HA. 1015. - _RL.A1.KSTATK—FOR SALE. _ Farms and Lands Tor Sale. 79 POH SALK 320 acr^s near Ravil, Colo all lev-!, all Jn cultivation, fenced; well; one-third rent. Price $5«J an n r*-. on*-ha :f cash, rest f, per • ent Addr- «- owt <*r. Mr*. Ella Nelson, Box 52. Hughson. Cal.f' FOR SA LI?—Well improved town prop erty; 1 hcih of ground plenty room for*'* 200 rh, kens; close to hi::h school; e|er trie light In every bu .» S'_Reapers. AT 2945. 3-ROOM mod. oak and enamel, handy • to Terfc High paved *"*ef. 14.800, e»*y -. U*rm° .1A I4.C An E 32-.S evening*. z-23 SEWARD ST —A-room modem bun galow J OO cash, balance monthly. Cre:gb. 8Q4 B»e ,T A 0200# ALL modern except light. The Mazda Electric Shop makes homes modern. WE 2 M2 _' MODERN ' - room bungalow, excellent lor vtion', paved s'ree* 1500 cash. WA. 7331._____ *> E BUCK ft CO t>u» and sell homes _ _ ' Houses—South. 82 LOUIS COHN 7 has a'! kinds of property for aa^e. Phons MA. 014 3. 4«23 9 24*h Ft. Tesat Si T*rar. special;«»s In 8 Ftde homes. Houses—West. 83 * NEW EDGEWOOD BUNGALOW. One block to car. Colonial type: 5 rooms: complete in every detail: frame con- ., stnictlon: prees brick foundation. A rnitt a? $4,750 F^r appo ntir.ent to ‘nsp*'’t • . call Grant Benson. WA. 1380 Sunday or evenings. BENSON A CARMICHAEL. ft; Piw.n J’ ■ ■ . AT *" CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. 43D AND CHICAGO STS Cchn.'al *v: larxe 'ms and v-th. tiled ,n kith oak and enamel room*, ail. dgcoraigd f’ne X’ade c.f llgh’ fixture*, c larar*(-ed furnar- vi:fr m*ter. heat*- fine in'. 30x12* ft l1 J9 . ready to occupy. Price $8,15*. Easy* terms . * . Call Tolliver. HA. 1085; Campbell. WA. - OSf 5. RASP BRf >P AT 0721 BUILT RITE PRICED RIGHT 5-r^crn new bungalow, ©a V. Ivory, and white enajf * finish. AN ©ak floOTS. Dandy full basemen', floor* 1 I fict IWf* th rg a home need* All modern Nlra south *ron- level lot. in cathedra! dfs tr'rt. tno bfe ke from Saunders school. This la a real buy at $5,750 with terms. Call Wa 7*91 or AT * BOON' English Colon is bouse. Edge »n.\ $4 7 and a bargain a‘ that price. Easy ten ■* Mr. Cole AT. 7*1$ day*. M a' 7.44 e\ esnr g« IT* CASH balance m rifely. b*an* new f;ve-roop- modern bungalow, ca paved street. Owner. JA $41$ or HA. *22? WILL build to vour ^rder oa ©ur besutl Tul lota In FMeewood: vary easy terms. Phone AT 1540_ - - FIELD CLt B d strict. Just oomp'etedL I room*, modern, ti'.s b« h. easy terms. WA# w 7u«0 _^ For Salt—Dundee.85 * DUNDEE BUILDING SITES. GEORGE * CO. AT. :on For Sale—Florence. 8t NKTHAAVAT m * :a »-h:'e«onI? K.E. He* Lot* for Salt. 8k _ LOT : •'» 5J4 A»*. tact-* Hattacot* park, for e*. ^ - v. >-• « v:■ Peters Trust ^ Wanted—Real Estate. 90 NOW • -hr -Ins** io ! ft >cur home of . i. lof with u* for **lf- Promr: tn#r*ctieT’. teil ««'rv;cf and juirk results If .r uxrt t ' *<* • i-r ! rt» >' • 11" Ost-'n>* • Reultv Co. $50 Peters Trust B‘<2s J»ck^ «-m . ; *W T* Fill P TO PLEA BE.” TKMPl*E M FAY PEN l:'’' F«-n*m " AT t>*». fKIHU’F VN*> RESVI TSV OompetfM Miles ton's. .TV ?*:- Ot.n t R A .SPAIN T-v!lor«. \VK SKIT I! 'Mt^ 10 ST NX ITH II V VII TON .4r CO.. 3*3-4 Nov 11Is Flock.-3A ffS,. SKK 11» f *r"*t N>e I llsnrf*. »T1T location. % $ to $ room* Shoren **«. CIST % ho-'•si* *•• ■ h u® Tor reeult*. ORPKNIO KK.CTY ‘Vi, Realtor* J»rkf, t» ]•«« -.4 Fire: N»t i Fxnk. IV T HAM PH Investment* Acre*!*. I$ft$ Varnam AT. >M*» * ! isTINfi.* • «r * ro'v.i • -** ' ■»urn P.jvcr* waiting. Ht'.d L*"d Co xv r 1 <>: k ; \l,X\ vow- term* C.rove H hfrsrd A rr* PM* XT I$$2* . ► • TTTsT >»\:r *AOt*BT pllbl WORLD n V VI.TT -1---— . . . 4. ch*e AT _Re*i F »■ * *<; H -.iftieim*irr Re*! R*me. XT bv.' Y_ fiTxx A Co for Km Sr-a ce \ V 9kt* S\ V rT R V CO . Reul.orSs Kro n* Fldf. . —..■■■■■- ■— ——— ■ ■ I % *