BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES --—- By THORNTON W. BURGESS. --- Flattery ha* this excuse: In making friend* it haa U* use. —Danny Meadow Mouse. Danny Makes Another Acquaintance. '* Now that he had found a. pleasant neighbor In Bob White, Danny and Nanny Meadow Mouse began to feel more at home. They saw Bob White often. He was very neighborly and he (lid all he could to make them feel nt home. For a while he was the only acquaintance they had. Then one day they made a new acquaintance. They #ere taking a nap in their home under an old stump, when they were awakened by the sound of claws on the side of that old stump. “Who do you suppose that can he?” whig pered Nanny to Danny. "I haven't the teast idea.” replied Danny. "Whoever It Is, he has climb ed up on top of the stump and Isn't looking for us. Probably he doesn’t know anythin? about us. We'll keep perfectly still.” So Danny and Nanny kept perfect ly Still. They could hear someone moving about on top of that stump and they couldn't help feeling a lit tle anxious. But they were as curi ous as they were anxious. Present ly a new sound reached their ears. It was a voice. It had a most famil tar sound. "It's a .Squirrel!" whispered Dan ny to Nanny delightedly. "Yes, sir, it is one of the Squirrel family. We have nothing to fear from any of that family, so I am going out. I am going out to make this fellow's acquaintance.” THE NEBBS MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol He.. g5$tle?Sw hoWdo)(^eTlu^iwSs) \£ PftOM THL OU FEEL f ?o°uPLF TEAM \USURf\NCE TCDfW, poVfr nc^T^Il «^?jpTLc2\^E I - I WAVE ft LITTLE i UFELEFT^NML 1 /a e>OT \T& ?LfMN» I 9 n^Lsid ( The doctor TELLS me he CANT Find ANfW\N(s) THE MATTER W\TH TOO- PULSE AnO TEMPER" ATORL NORMAL - NOTHING BROKEN - HE TELLS ME THAT SOU COULD »iOMD OUT Of GEO RIGHT NOW AMO DO A HARD DATS WORK - X GOT ONE HONORED N\CE NEW DOLLARS HERE FOR TOO AND WHILE THE COMPANY thwks vts more than enough - Wou sigh THS RELEASE AND \T'S SPURS \ FOREV/ER and E.JER "fe—t---*,—XTStTT_ (Copyright 1924. by The BeU Syndicate. Inc ) fvMvAPct does Toper Sum doctor know ? \ NOTHVNGl \F WO UR CORNS HURT WOO HEO GW/E. WOO WEW>ftCHE POWDER . (VND ( THW HUNDRED DOCKS WO^T GET WOU To riOST DftSE ! VF WOO HKD V.OOO vtH I TtouR HAND TC WOULDN'T GWE ME ft _S Tuftr mvGwt Go Some PLftCLS out jovjKtj ft SuuOM MVV.ES ftOJftW PROM -WftT f* j S>TKTVON NVQvW » (WOO GtO BACK TO “THE UhSOQAnCE 1-s COMPANW AMD TELLTHE PSLES'OENT To POT THAT tWOMtfKD BACK IN HIS KADS BftNK AND WELL LEAVE THIS QUESTION TO TuJELWE MEN WHO HAVE BEEN DCOG'nG automobales EVEB SinCE THEW WERE Qj\\J - AND WHEN thew get thQoughJ uamD'nG ME -DOOGh SOU’LL c" lg WORKING PQg _Gj Cxg-wso^ Barney Google and Spark Plug BARNEY’S GETTING BADLY WORRIED NOW Dr»w" The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBed • BUUETiM.* ISSUED QV The ICS AN-tS EXAMINER OR The * loo .ooo4 CROSS CONTlAiElLiW. RACE > SASST SUSIE and BARBER'S ITCH RUNNING NECK AND NECK TAKE SHORT Cut over apple sauce mt and at 5 7(. This morning LEAD SPARK OLUG fcv Two AND ONE half miles Betting odds Now FAVOR SASSV SUSIE ip'Vvie SHO' AM OUTTA luciTN f MiSTAM CjCOCiLE . DEM OD0AH MOSSES DOME STOLE. 1 A MAHCM ON OS WHEN A DEV SKIPPED APPLESAUCE MOUNtAlW Sftefac i f 3ASSY SUSIE'S ^ ONLY A CouPt A (YULES AHEAD -- X'U Cj'V/E (Y'Y Puddle supoper tlEE a well im the yard b G to that I WANT YOU TOCO il ! ' M ACC IE.’ OUT ANO -bEE THAT _ J HE DCEbN'T LOAF ,_r ~X \ \\ °H THE JOB. ,-5 WELU-IE1T l*brs’T MCGILL* CUDDY: to >T i*b too thao- it> Oic^M' the WELL- TELLME HOW VOOR 5ROTHE ^~vm I <2)1924 by Int l FlATUlit Scnvice. Inc. „ DO YOU REMEMliER THE TIME HE FEU- OFF MY Fl*bH-WACOM INTO THE C MOD an we THROW O_J] HIM INTO CLANCY'S f QUARRY TO CLEAN I_ Hl*b CLOTHED? r-1* " ”" ^irm i c J I DO THAT ANO HE ' STILL hates ^ water : AH REMEMBER THE £ah<£, FiCHTTa we had IH HICKEYS TbRtCK YARD \N' the Time S THE L.TQVE FELL ON I YOU ?1 Get - 1 Cam wold / Donum 'TUat Joz ) V /As good/AS y I /Am^bodv. y to 1144 >T Iwt ^ FiMTynt gywvict ' Paodom me Ste» 1^. But i UHOGiaStAkso^) MB, WUPMAGUE JuSt J Blew *avjo i Guest ( Mcuu, BE nETOirt A J U&H \KffOBMATOfi s' l Gevrr ■.ev*'? ( MES»V4ha't \we \maKt \C I ►/ A GevjT 'TWAT'S' woe AHA* l ,4K>0 <40Cli?lDMro "tb '‘-r UffnwiMS Tb ^-r COWLA^'®: AM BE£JTUE£'S‘ LEARAwij To Viav A £a*o^vovse »4no J 1'MS 051 K\ VAEAOlUS Woii ) vac* /190UY MV k_>/ Nno&x. Tor. /r. Pierce's remedies in tablets or liquid at your nearest drug store. Write Dr. Pierce, Invalid- Hotel Puffslo, N Y., for free medical advice. " AI>\ tRTM MKVT “Pape’s Cold Compound" Breaks a Cold Right Up Take two tah.e.s every thiee hours unitl three di ses are taken The that do«a always gives relief. The second and third d ses completely break up the cold. Pleasant snd safe to take Contains no quinine or opiates. Mil I ons use “Papes Cold Compound Price, thirty five cents. Druggists -uarnntee it The Dav» of F«a' Sport By Briggs r■■■1 - ■■ ■ ■- ■ --- VvcLL ~ » HAUew'T HAD j A invoke for. Three J X5AV.S Atv/D \ FEEL A r LOT BETTER FOR. IT J This is MY PoufiTm Dav ujfthout a 6MOKG - • | FEEL - - HENRY - My FiFTm D*Y VUITMOVT 5mo«ivG- -You've NO IPE*»> HOUj - MUCH BETTER W6LL - MY 5IYTH I Day vajithout a J 'MOKE- IVEVER/ prct better p \ m alu n\v y Ah-h- sev/eN days awd not a smoke- - That Cough i hat> is Gone COMPL.ETCLY-* JUST ^ LOOK AT MY CHEST, -——- - 1 Say list cm kid-n/ooody Cares if YouVt sworn) off * * we. HoPE You'll N/EvyeR. smoke a-gaim, This BRAMO V'oU BURMED*. Dow T <30 AROUNO Tt"i_ur06 US OLD TimCRS HOW gerreft. off You are for I mot smoki*J6 \^jThat 3 Final ABIE THE AGENT Drawn lor * maha Bee by Hershfield Munry Talks. F0S\TM£LN5iEb y| 'TO SEE VOO, to?VSS* COME WCTH ME IM A YA^MCAE ANt> UOE’LL HAVE A U'TUE R\Of.!- ) __ . y r oOiUU, HOU) \>0 YOU THiUK 1 about YRt m YNey tcuub ; &CME i^OVFOV f \ tOMMtKtt Yo V QOMPAIOY ?? J \ CON'FARt Ui'TM ' OUR QOCfeS?? m >^z,l --- --- - Too 7 NE$i i himv MET MOVER, ' '►» * 'TKMZ.M AHt» \ THE BONE*' *OOE HIM **euH*» l BOY I CCUlWY / V»N*EET • V QET 0*bE* i \^OOT* OF HIM*.! [u?mocvT£ V *Nb SOOY \^RQUMINTT ^CEKirS lOORTH"/ . coat and white ear* and nose. Tl at Is why they call me Whltenose.'' Danny hurried to poke his head in at his little doorway. ’‘Come out here, Nanny!" he cried. "Here la one of the handsomest members of the Squir rel family that you ever have seen." 'Whltenose looked pleased. You know It Is always very pleasing to lie called handsome. So when Nanny came out he was most polite to her and soon all three were the best of friend*. Danny told the wonderful story of how they happened to be down there In the Sunny South anil Whltenose welcomed them just as had Bob White. (Copyright. H5t > The next story: “An Exciting Mo ment." British Parliament Meets. By International New# Pervlre. London, Jan. 8.—Great Britain’s new parliament convened today for a session which is expected to see the early downfall of the tory gov ernment. The speaker of the last commons, Jphn Henry Whitley, was unanim ously re-elected. Buy (ierman Mark*. New York. Jan. 8.—European firms were buyers of Get man marks in the local foreign exchange market today. A few sales were reported between 22 and 23 cents a trillion. One of the largest foreign exchange firms pre viously had reported only two sales In the last fortnight. AIIV F.KTI MEM E> T. IF BACK HURTS Drink Plenty Water and Take Glar s of Salts Before Breakfast Occasionally. AVhen your kidney* hurt end your '^ack feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidney* and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep jour bowels clean, by. flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which helps to temove the body s urinous wasie and stimulate them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital Importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of good water—you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts. Take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys tray then act fine. This fa mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined v th lithia, and has been used for j ears to heip clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize' the acids in the system so they are no longer a source of irritation, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; esc not in jure: makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everyone should lake now and then to heip keep \he!r kidneys clean and active. Try this; also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will won der what became of your kidney trouble and backache. By all means ftavs your rhvslcian examine your kidneys at least twice a year. ADVERTISEMENT. Why Stay Fat? You Can Reduco The answer of most fat people is that it is too hard troublesome and too danger ous to f* rce the weight down. Uarmols Prescript soil Tablets overcome all these difficulties. They are absolutely harroiea*. entail no dieting or exercise, and Lave the added advantage of cheapness. A box is sold at one dollar by all druggets the world over, or tend the price direct to the Marmots Co. 4612 Woodward Ave . I*etroit. Mich Now that you know th;*, >ou have no excuse for being fat. but can teduce steadily and easily without going through long sieges of tiresome exercise and starvation diet or fear of bad effect*. M¥lTl3uyl HvFill J1ill Force of habit causes millions when they need a tonic to ask for SCOTT'S EMULSION You are familiar with the salmon wrapper and the honest, robust face of the “fisherman." You^S should always ask for Vjh SCOTT'S by name. Tf STOPS the COUGH HEALS the CAUSE IM for over fifty years and in variably preferred for children and grown persons where Mother Is ; the ‘‘Home thvtor.** Acts quickly, j costs little, no narcotics. More bottles used each year than of any other cough remedy. Sold artd momitwrslel riVryu'Are*