Mad Bull Attacks Three Men; Is Shot Byron, Neb., Jan. 7.—An Infuriated bull In the pasture of Robert Harms caused considerable disturbance and a near fatal aecMent. L>. L. Robinson of Byron, neighbor of Harms, went to the pasture to taka out some cows belonging to him. Tile bull attacked Robinson and tossed him into the air. His life was saved when ho fell out side the fence where the animal could not reach him. He sustained serious injuries. Chet Robinson, nephew of the in jured inan, who had accompanied him, jumped the fence and started after the hull with a pitchfork. The mad dened animal %lso vanquished the younger man and tho fork in short order, and would not allow any per son to come into the pasture. Harms,later shot the animal to save his own life, when it attacked him as he entered 1he fence to try to get the cows out for Robinson. OTTUMWA—The Chicago, Burling ton & Quincy railroad spent a busy year of construction here. A new machine shop, a mechanical coaling station, a water treatment and pur ifying plant, and a new storehouse were erected, and the union station was remodeled. Some track work incidental to the new buildings was done, and the road shared with the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific rail way and with the Morrell Packing plant the building of a viaduct over Iowa avenue. THE NEBBS ' OH DOCTOR’ Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess RUCV NEBB was; ulNOCvctD down e>v A LARGE LIMOOS'NE wiMILE CROSSING THE | STREET ! HE UJfvS CARDED TO UvS won\E \S* AN ' f\^BULANCE 1-8__ r U\S T>UlSE IS NOfcMM. - MIS MEMCT SEW '3 GOOD PvND STRONG: ftND ME "DOESN’T SEEM TO BE BR-U\SED , MUCH -- '-->'“* Avi-n.. V 1 (I CANT F\NO ATH\NG THE I MATTER VsIVTH him but ujell I wavje Some x-ra^ pictures 1TAREN - PERHAPS VaJE CAN I FIND OUT OUST LOHATS THE II MATTER V^nTH H\M_/ ^ r inyrigli.. 1W«. by The ngll Synd.ct. .no (J(H\ M I ■DOCTOR, TxT' THERE'S RQSOLUTEt'j SOO THINK NO DANGER - I'LL f HE’LL PULL OfVLL BACK. IN ft THROUGH? I YEW HOURS - *N .. \-^-'l THE MEAN TIME - , (LET HICH REST iurTrr^^ ) ARE THEM GONE ? FANN\E. HOU ; OUGHT TO HAME SEEM THAT D'G ; SWELL MACHINE THAT U\T ME ! i i I WOULDN'T I HAME SEEN A GuCkER S I VT I HAD GOTTEN UP AnD WALKED | 1 AVUAM ? I CAN MAKC A LOT I MORE MONE.M LMlNG IN SEO A > j vaJEEK OR 60 THAN GC*.N6 DwCRK ( — THAT DOCTOR TICKLED ME SO • I THOUGHT I'D DURST OUT LAUGHING _and uumEn he got hold j i OF MfM FOOT I THOUGHT pj, ^ Cj. -—-I Barney Google and Spark Plug SUNSHINE FINDS AN ACCELERATOR D">"" Th' B« Bnl>’ DeBeck VUE SHO' AM STEPPlN' ALOnG. BOSS - DEM ODDAH NAGS A*NT GONNA KETCH OS now no. Som »we keep dis Gait an iwe'll a IN LOS ANGELES BEEO SAT*DOY . M I yes. sum. am "spose yo ail gjill Go ig OUT To MOLLYOJOOO DC mem- DAY UJE /gg MAH \§L (aOODNESi.. V IF £>6 BOSS Kg^s*, COolo see ^§§1 Dis - f Art HOPE HE UlON-r r~v ( (J. I J nni\mi\Tr< nn CATOPD R«*uter*d SEE JICGS AND MAGG1E lN FULL Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus BRINGING UP FA 5 HLK U. S ^ PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE , Copyright 1021, MR«>. UlCtOt) INtil'bTED ON MV COINO OVER THE RLWN^> Cir TOUR NtW HOUtE- WITH TOU: THAvT WOMAN IN^Wrr> ON EVERT THINqr _ __7! _ | 0 1924 by In-tl Fcatuwc Scwvicg, Inc. 1 | NOW - OEONNtNCiTEEC\NNINC. IHVERXMUCH \ HAVE LA\D OUT the CELLAR. G.O - lo or^ FEET OT 80 AHO - —rg 1—V-r "Cl»--riiit-I /-- SORRY - I’ve C.OT CEE I EOT YOUV^e / "TO CO I left THE TOOVE won some WHERE. tN C nearly every the cellar: \ _3-r1 L—TrtvT-' I WSD MOW ( V7E COME. | To the THIRD I FLOOR: l___r-J JERRY ON THE JOB ISN’T THAT TOO BAD Drawn for Bee by Hoh‘" _ —---c-!-- ' ■■■■■■■ . r- .J.»I -■ '"' Tig ( OAMOMV MBS' (aNNfcV*] { Thacs' yoo Bao - I'm w \^/h$euL Soecv v-—) (To UEAa VY J /sust 'WHEN Nte- S'*®/ I / IS GCVA>M& /AlOKiG VwU UE WAS A REIAPSF W l 'TWEV WAME "Tb VlTr WUA \ Back oi'iwe v—> ^GcoawimG ^3B*ch^ Smocw.*? ) j Sep« Some- •->. [ <3&tr ShSVTEO Hw\J l 'TUlS* MStMKS \ (' -4M0 S= - s= 'TUlS- vws» V we kwected"ib Vlgu. /ACaiW. -- •-- » ^ * The Days of Real Sport ^ ^ ' *2?" tr' *«> V Tncs ptfiTsT SKuWfAtL _& sw *«x , DU'S MOINES—Federal employe* who have office* in the federal buildings’ in Iowa cities have to lie careful what sort of calendars they put on the walls. There is a federal ruling against the display of any calendars Issued by advertisers and the. only safe course 1* to display only the calendars sent out by each federal department for the use of the local officials. There is an Rnnual wall, however, at the scarcity of the fed eral calendar supply, when the an nual shipment of calendara i* re ceived. CALLAWAY—The first annual poultry and corn show will be held In Callaway on Thursday and Friday, January t!4 and Zu. ADVERTISEMENT Gray Hair Is Quickly Darkened Make* One Ixwk Twenty Years Younger. Men and women who used to be called Grandpa and Grandma are now setting the styles by darkening their gray hair with a simple home mix ture. For instance, J. A. McCrea, a well known Californian, recently made the following statement: ‘‘Anyone can prepare a simple mix ture in five minutes, that will darken gray hair, and make It soft and glossy'. Merely take a half-pint of water, add 1 ounce of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, >4 oz. of glycerine. These ingredients can he bought at any drug store at trifling cost. Apply to the hair twice weekly with com*. It does not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and will not rub off.” Shave, Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap.— Cuticura CntJeorv Soap I* th« favor f forvafetyratorvhavigg ADVERTISEMENT. 666 It • Prefcription prepared for Colds, Fever and Grippe It if the moft fpeedy remedy we know, Preventing Pneumonia AKVKBTlsKMENT. § Famous Old Recipe | for Cough Syrup | X EhUt and rheaply mad. at horn., ® bat tt beat, them all for quirk result., © Thousands of housewives have found that thev can save two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough preparat ons, by using this well known old recipe for making cough syrup. It is simple and cheap but it has no equal for prompt results. It takes right held of a cough and gives immediate relief, usually .topping an ordinary cough in 24 hours or less Get 2',. ounces of Pinex from any druggist, pour it into a pint bottle, and add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint. If vou prefer, use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either wav. it tastes good, keeps perfectly, and lasts a family a long tune It's truly astonishing how quickly it acts, penetrating through every air passage of the throat and lungs— loosens and -aises the phlegm, soothes and heals the membranes, and gradually but surely the annoying throat tickle and dreaded cough dis appear ent.rely. Nothing better for bronchitis, spasmodic croup, hoarse ness or bronchia! asthma. Pinex is a special and highly con centrated compound of genuine Nor way pine extract known the w orld over for its healing effect on membranes. Avoid disappointment bv asking vour druggist for “2Vi ounces of Pinex” with full directions and don't accept anything else, Gqaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co’., Ft. Wayne, Ind. ADV KRTTkr.MKjrr. % Good Thing-DON'T MISS IT. Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co, Dee Moinee, Iowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial, “flu” and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamlierlain’e Stom ach and Liver Tablets for stomach trou bles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousnese and constipation; Chamberlain's tsalae, needed in eTery family for bums, scalds, wounds piles, and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t miss it. ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield' A Credit to the Community. J. y VM QETriN^ IN WITH SW6U. ^ > | PEOPLE LATELY-TODAY. VM OUT "TO LUNCH WlYW A SELLER MAKING PtRTY THOUSAND n ANtAR- m^H ciESS P PEOPLE V.-. QSEAHt-S BIG \ ^ I weoMtT/wn WO *JOKE - Co ^ C-DUP't You FEAUIE '' iJOKi'Y \ UlHAY »Y MEAK.S ME AM MUCH \ ~TO A FEUOU 'Jo A SMALL \UKE ME?? / \ FEELEF UKE ME*. BUY LLJ'tVL You L ,W~- \oy,my:. ~ \YS vosvYtv'Ev. A. OLiGjHY To BE ^EBlOUS TVIIN^C, ) ' ?Yu7'WHAi^ e^eualyo a" ! I ,n ^IME Feller uwt Public ujas, you, M^yclw<^ i \COKiSIbERED'.'.’ FIFT/ YbOUSAKfc 1 — —J^ t>OLLAR^ A Near** NE$.» ANb \E Tfcey'u. CUT THE tUCONNE V TA* ^CU)W/1 LL \. PAY SOME'.'. / Say "Phillips’ - Protect Your Doctor and Yourself Itefusn imitations of genuine Phil lips Milk of Magnesia,” the original Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phy sicians for fifty years. Accept only the genuine ‘'Phillips.” 23-cent bottles, also larger size, con tain directions and uses—any drug store. once" Slops Cold* in 24 Hours Hill's Cascara Bromide Quinine gives quicker relief than any other cold or la grippe remedy. Tablets disintegrate in 10 seconds. Effectiveness proved in * millions of cases. Demand red box bear ing Mr. Hill’s portrait. AU druggists— ADVERTISEMENT. PIMPLY? WEIL, DONT BE People Notice It. Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards’ Olive T ablets A pimply fa^e will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' 01i\e Tablets. The skic should begin to clear afte/ you havs taken the tablets a few nighta. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet*, the success ful substitute for calomel; there is no sick ness or pain .after taking them. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and Just as effectively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Oliva Tablets la ever cursed with a “dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good” feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. O i e Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil: you will knew th**m by their oliva color. Pr. Edwards spent years among patienta affltctH wi’h hver and bowel complaints and Olive Tablets are the immensely ef fective result. Take one or two H.ghtly fcr a week. how much better you feel ar.d ’ook. 15c and 30c. ADVERTISEMENT If Ruptured Try This Free Apply It to Any Rupture, Old or Recent. Large or Small and You Are on the Road That Ha* Convinced Thousand*. Sent Free to Prove This Anyone raptured, mac. woman or child, should write at once to W. S. Rice, 209-C. Main St.. Adams. N. Y., for a free trial of his wonderful stimulating application. Just put it on the rapture and the mus cles begin to tighten; they begin to bird together so that the opening closes na turally and the need of a support or t-msa or appliance is then done away with. Don't neglect to send for this free trial. Eves if your rupture doesn't bother you what is the use of wearing supports all your life? Why suffer this nuisance? Why run the risk of gangrere and such dan gers frtfm a small ard innocent littia rupture, the kind that ha* thrown thou sands on the operating table? A host of men and women are daily running each risk just because their ruptures do not hurt nor prevent them from gettmr Around. Write at once for this free tnal t» it i« certainly a wonderful thing and has aided in the cure of ruptures that were as big as a man’s two fista. Try and write at once, using the coupon be low. Free for Rupture W. S. Rice. Inc. * 1’09-F Main St.. Adams. N. Y. You may send me entirely free a Sample Treatment of your stimulating application for Rupture. Name .... Address ... State. ADA EKTICEMEN T AN OPEN LETTER JO OMEN Tells of Mrs. Vogel’s Terrible Suf fering and how she was Restored to Health by Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Detroit. Michigan.—"My trouble* wore severe pains in my back and u-mnio roaring - down pains in my right side, also headaches and sleepless nights. I first began having troubles when 1 was lb. and they have increased as l grew older. A little booklet was left at my door, and i read what l.vdia E. Fink* ham's Vegetable Compound has den* for women and decided to try it. Af ter the first w eek 1 could go to sleep every night and 1 stopped having that nervous feeling and got a better ap petite. The doctor had always said that an operation was the only thing that would he’n me, but l never had any faith in an operation. Since the Vegetable Compound has started helping me 1 do net suffer the sever* pains, feel stronger, and am able to do my own work. 1 am more than t glad to tell my friends that it help* where other medicines have failed ” - Mrs. Grs Voctet, fitkifi Pelouao bt., Detroit, Michipan. A record of tifty years service most convince women of the merit of Ijrdi* ! E. Puikbaw'a VtgetaU* Compound,