BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES -ISy THORNTON \V. IUROKSS. - I/ittle Robber the Cotton Rat. Somehow Danny and Nanny MemV ow Mouse had lost interest in the) | old woi'd prown cotton field since see I mj? the owner of the private little ipnlha they had found there. As soon ns they were sure that the stranger was far enough away for them to move without danger of being heard, they scampered for their new home. “Did you get a good look at that tail?" Nanny asked when they had reached home. “Yes.” replied Danny, ”1 did.'' “Well, «hat did you think E GO*s*G To A A GASKET P\CM\C — \7 "TKEV \ KEEP OS* SENO\s*G 50 SAUCM \ \5us-*Ssw*E ‘T^E.V'V-l feus* QOTj B>u \N\fvGitNE. ^ Vt~\ ESS GuW UKE~rV4Wr G TO GET ACROSS? 40UV.-0 Hiw£ fM.L WVS nESS On one S\OE J or tne street • j aatd i r^r i do ST MINU'S1. duST ) C & MVNHJTE. * r LOWNT HlS ^ \ Nf\ME. AmD> M5DR.ESS — ujC. .1 (GOT to send him Some PUftCE/! ) _ CftN T UE.T HIM LfVI THERE. --I G7 v« ra\ 'T^ av-L ^'s VA,JtT'1 UJfl‘s V ^.LHhUV . UHVEI GoiNG anV SLOvajEU ID BE^ I Th' wWSON \ \ Racking up : mb dumped in ! ^— — ' /—' 7rt.oHT or MV CftR ftHQ HE ( HftD ft SftD V-OOV ONi MlS J \ \VHCZ UKE ME. UJfttxTEp TOj j—COMMIT SUICIDE. ! _ _ rvi C -- ■ — ——-—-—— I! (Copyrifht. 1924, by The Bell Syndicate. Inc ) Cxi.ft .CT*aQ,V Barney Goode and Spark Plug BARNEY EASILY CHANGES HIS MIND Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck =• Tuxs VJEEX. — ^ LAST LEG oc Tu* 100,0001 ORCW "CONTINENTAL PAGE NEW YORK r;LQS AHfiEIES ■^ar* Hopses mow cuartereo AT GRAND CANYON ARIZONA LEAVE Today at moon sharp EfJ ROl'Te t. 105 ANGECE9 ■ - • • <_ A' •** ■*— » EmT&iES To DATE.' BARBERS *tcm SPARK PLUG Lassie Susie. g i i - nil SI.—v-« > * GVCM BETTING ■REPORTLo "TmROUGHOUT OMITEO STATE'S and ea^camd = Some sectioajs <3i\JImG SPARK PtUA SpidwT EDGE I' Copvrifht 1924 by Kinc Feature# Syivdieat# Tac So You RE. All smoked UP About ooinG so Soon » CHEER UP • T JUST CAME f ROM LOS ANGELES - AND HoilVwocO - Ighats TueRc' To RATueb et, ft\6HT HERB NEAB MV CANTON •, Vmht NOT ■ Uou.vwooo E t, PHuT phut (>hut 'Z '' V, -* X)* TO 1 in 1- A TI irn R SEE JIGGS AND MACG1E ,N FUlx Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus BRINGING UP FATHER U»S P.,'.7oilk. PAGE of colors IN THE SUNDAY BEE *JUOT MADE ^>OME ADDITIONS TO TOUR MEW HGUt>E tEVEN MCHE OS | 0 THE ThiW3FLOC^*ND C ft'NT that i ✓r- ) SICE.: IT"? , J ^ 3c< !‘7 , <2)1924 «y 1st l Fevrunr Sm.ic' 1 sc. JERRY ON THE JOB CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE Drawn for The 0maha B" by Hoban __——i- JJ ~ " ■ — wr ■■ •- • ■ -fT— ' * “ f L BATt To SOUA mc) HES' - LooA AT ME PcP- EVAmPiS, • ) j BtfT Ot>R UPEma>Us7 1 G0tAT03A>» 1 VNOfc*. ■ ' i Germ to Be 'tw> ) e^oam p^om "t a m.To'I Pm . j ) M\t\.A6c Bl)*'. t j ,Av;o MOliBE TOST A UYnX* ) Guest nt vaame. to\ c \»uv oomt woi er' V BAUU- WIW OVTT om L ( account op uim mot ) v__-^ hat\m' / Goto tJCftJC 1 At QtjEM AuO 1 §TAW At \t tlLU^ At Jl N'GVTC ? “-1 -7 NNOR*. r'MtUMb ^ I MODES' A UftV '?? N 9ooo *» 1 XKOO'-O^T 1 BJEU "tuivju. CP . ! SjCM A'XUimg! ) ViEVt * METrure^ ( t Vwcwco 1-, r IT XMAS’ ' - 80ST “iwr "iPcoStfr X-, OP THAT. - man. he expected to. A sharp voice right at the doorway of their home under the old stump demanded to know who was in there. "Two people minding their own business, and that, is no business of yours," squeaked Danny most impo litely, for he hadn't liked the tone in which the question had been asked. "Oh. yes, it is business of mine," retorted tlie stranger outside. "You have been overusing my private paths in the old cotton field, and that is something I won’t allow any strangers to do. If I catch you over there you’ll wish you were some where else ’’ Danny and Nanny knew now that they were talking with the stranger they had seen over in the old cotton Held. They know he must have found their scent and followed them home. "Who are you to say what v.' shall do and what we shall not do?" demanded Danny, trying to appear bold and brave. I have a half mind to come in there and teach you a lesson as it is." "I 11 tell you who I am. I'm Little Robber the Cotton Rat," retorted the stranger. "I told >ou he is a cousin of Rob ber" whispered Nanny to Danr.y. "I'm not afraid of any one my size, and there are some folks bigger than I who get out of rny way when they see me coming," continued Little Robber. "I don't like strangers Just remember that and keep away from that old cotton field. r have half a mind to come in there and teach you a lesson.” "Come right along," Invited Dan r.y. trying to appear bold. But I.itt'e Rnbter had no Intention of doing anything of the kind. He knew that it would be two to one P.es.des, that entrance would be a tight S'l'i'oze to get through. So he was content to say a few more un pleasant things, and then went off about his litis.ne^s. (Copy-rig!.? lift I The next smry: "Danny Finds Out More About Little Robber ' p n ihlp or sleek or ?*' A rat r ". »'*•:> te s rn* — M. i ;*e Grocer Becomes Count Dalmatian Laic Has Place in Romance Bride Stays Countess San Franrisro. Jan. 6—Antor.e Zieu< h, San Francisco grocer, is go ing to heron,* a full fledged count under the old Dalmatian law tumor rum, just because he chanced to tak* refuge on a l*autiful pr.vate yacht : il l g storm in far-off Venice a year ago. The yacht was that of Count Vin cent Spanish. Juga*§lav nobleman reputed to have a castle and an imposing family tree. On board «!*«» was his daughter. Countess Jacomin gpanieh. Zbtkh and the young wom an iii't. She is in San Francis, o now. preparing to become Iris bride tomorrow. Under the Dalmatian lay there was a proxy marriage before she . ould come away. It was at the Cas tie of the Seven browns .n Verde© an 1 was n:i Imposing affair. Unlike some harsh ruling of r ; a!*v. v-»unf*s* Jacomin dc-a n t i**' come the plain wife of a grocer an . sacrifice her title thereby. He be ninic-i the husband of ,t count*-**, and is made a count there!; Southern Leader Die-. Ripley, Miss . Jan 6.—Ca p • Thomas Sp.ght, S2, f nuer : man and for more than half a cen tury prominent in th*' public life of I Mississippi died at h * home Cap ! tain Spighl served throughout the civil war. distinguish.ng himself in seveial important «r,gagernents That Guiltiest Feeling ^ OH HERBERT L ET -5 START j p\_ A.YI rsl G MAH JOMCCb ToDAY / va/ith The set i OAue You j FOR CHRISTMAS - r -J — I l v/E uO~C A 0OOK OF Pyte5 and ' AF^TAl/CT I OAU fs AKlO \A/ff’LL. MAUE A LOT j—' jOF FOM FIGUR'aJC* »T out ouo^ei^e^ " --' JV. A / • • a-1- 1 Volt PROMISE L3 CMARue hamci I D Pi «Y CtOCR 'Ors' Tue Golf -Seas^w,/ listen- i vr •|«, over ! --MATCH okj _ VAJiTw Charlie *rD / Louie He^PSev amd l X'X BILL CLARK t | OLj^ I You rs aujjpys AFRAiD of HURTINlC* ThG RStrUli^OS or I othc-r t But you / J>OAj T *5C To / - c 5 /W/ •b*C/ Ml£> Mlf-4D «3 0*1* MI3 f/AMT __^ '-—— ■——v) ABIF THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Vtilhinc I srapfft llim CY, wow \ HMt TO accept a lunch frcm T^at cheap skate, Minsk:;: \’el ro YYE \ ORbERl!^, /APE - You v.\v.e APcur > "lYe same'i>pm^s / \ i t>ov.: / V t>»WY UktTHM l >CNEw lY TEN 1i RAvKH •• 1 \A\kj$» AGO* vUJST , ,u_.. Vru| rKk_ NICY TO QO IN YWERE WHEN NOU THE (x'MYEH JV -v' Ksf? ti t' Vlaska Feel' Quake. Fairbanks \larka, Jan. 6—An earthquake shock, believed by soma persons here t - be the strongest ter felt In this vicinity, occurred at 1:50 a. ni. today, with no damage be ing reported. _ DIES FROM HEART FAILURE More and more often we hear of people dying from heart failure. A large number of deaths from heart and kidney diseases is due to the frequent use of cold and headach. ■ remedies containing Acetanilide, t drug that destroys the blood, de generates the. heart, kidneys ar.d liver and often forms a habit. To combat the harm done to the health of millions by remedies con taining Acetanilide, chemists have recently perfected a preparation called Nebrin, which is free from Acetanilide or other harmful drugs and which can he used with ab solute safety as a household remedy for colds, headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism and pains in general. Kyerv intelligent health-loving iman and woman is urged to discon tinue the use of cold and headache ; mixtures containing the ham.f , |Acetanilide and to insist upon and .get Nebrin, the remedy that is safe. ! harmless and efficient in every way | Aspirin users will also do well :• I giving Nebrin a trial. They will a* (ways find Nebrin safer, and a good 'deal more 1 Beware of Imitations! Genuine ' Bayer Ta> lets of Asp'.r.r ■ have been proved safe by miihots and p; escribed by physicians over 13 years. As; ,r:n :s *he trade mark of Bayer M intifacturs of Monoaceiic a' idester of Sail' v'icacM Bruises The throb bing ache of a bad bruxte £ it a uaming that delicate fibre* have been injured Sloan's Liniment sends straight to them the increased blood supply they reed to repair them, reliev ing the pain, clearing up the con gestion. Get a bottle from your druggist today—35 cents. Sloan’s Liniment—kill* pa,-. \l>\ I li riM 'll M. Death Blow to Rheumatism Whether tpu have had it ore cr rr.*~T 'Mrs, f your pams uc* not begin to c • - %rre«r by the twelfth day under An* t‘rie t’-ee-ment *» e w refnnd the f that you pay ui for uan That a b o -e * f " ‘ \% r a• t • U' * { ib* drMrod relief bo? *a!e by Sherman MoC» nm ‘1 P .* - ’irv Have You Tried The New Cuticura Shaving Stick. Tht* delicately medicated anttser:'. Soap produces s tiih creamy last Uthrt. ri'.ab’.li'.i; \ >u to shave w tb out the slightest irritation. Ip.i ». pensable tor tho*r w ho sluw tw ,r dally, l'topet’.v used, it will prevef inKtowttrg baits. tT u,.l 1 ' •,», Ostu.r.t.S, •'<"** ''•ri ifr w« * t 1* 5l». k. j t