The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, January 07, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Mercury and Auto Prices Are Both Down. Read Autos For Sale
Beef Butchering
Resumed on Many
Farms This Winter
J wo Reasons Ascribed for Re
vival of < >ld l ime Phase
' of Meat Prepara
Columbus. Neb.. Jan. <>,—With the
approach of the winter butchering
season on the central Platte and
lower I.oup river valleys, an old-time
phase of homo meat preparation has
been revived. It is that of beef
butchering. On many farms beef
butchering has not been practiced for
10 years or more. This winter sees
is resumption.
Two reasons arc given for this ac
'lion, One is owing to the fact that
many farmers disposed of all or near
ly all of their hogs because they
feared pork prices were going lower,
while they saw no hope of disponing
of a large amount of the mouldy
corn, much of which they found sick
ened both cattle and hogs when used
for feeding
The second reason is that many
hogs were disposed of when farmers
found cholera and infleunza in their
lierda were threatening to become
epidemic, and the inclination of
gp many farmers to dispose of scrubs
w and give herds a new start with pure
blooded stock.
Added to these reasons cornea the
decline of farm market products, with
the refusal of living commodities to
show any sigp of a downward trend
The last few days has resulted in
a sudden rise in the prices of eggs.
Muring the warm davs of December,
egg prices fell to almost summer
quotations, with the result that farm
ers held their eggs. The cold weather
has decreased production ami in
creased demands. Buyers are pay
ing more for eggs and farmers art
selling. The demand of poultry Job
bers for hens continues heavy, but
the sale of chickens to produce men
continues unusually light for this
season and produce packers announce
they plan to lay off help because the
supply Is much lighter than usual.
In spite of the cold weather, farm
its are inclined to view recent snows
ns a boon to the winter wheat crop
since subsequent thaws will supply
moisture which lias been lacking for
more than nine weeks in tills sec
Good Seed Corn Chosen
by Careful Tests
Beatrice, Neb, Jon. *.—That the
Farm bureau department was on the
right track when it urged Cage farm
ers to take every precaution In the
selection and storage of seed corn is
shown by testa of many specimens by
County Agent Boyd Rist.
A test* of the corn entered at the
Wymote corn show and from other
* Cage county farms gives convincing
proof that a considerable portion of
our 1923 crop will not make good
seed,’’ Mr. Rist says.
“At the corn variety trials held at
the Ben Carsten farm went of Cort
land and the Joe Soheve farm near
Beatrice, farmer* from all parts of
the county reported immature, soggy
and moldy com in practically every
community. The 1924 seed corn sup
ply was discusse 1 at that time. Care
ful selection and proper storage was
urged as the remedy.
"As a result of these discussions
there are hundreds of bushels of dry.
mature and high germinating corn
now hanging in sheds and cribs on
farms all over the county.
"Tests made recently on some of
this early selected corn which was
properly stored and dried show a
germination of 90 to 9S per cent
strong. On the other hand corn tak
en from the feeding cribs show sev
eral samples under bO per cent.
"A few months ago com taken
from the seed supply on tlie farms 1
of John II. Buss, Joe Believe, L. J. [
Koenig, and Cloy Stahl, show an av- j
erage germination of 94 per cerit. In
each case, however, the corn had hern (
hand selected and stored so It would
dry rapidly.
"Similar conditions apparently ex
ist in other Nebraska counties. Sam
ples taken by Mr. Stewart of the col
lege of agriculture from the Richard
ion County Corn show showed a
range of 15 to SO per cent germina
tion, with several samples under 70
^ per cent. ’
Pipe and Giffar Smoking
Prohibited in Huitraria
Sofia, Jan. 6.—A law prohibiting
Hie smoking of pipes and cigars went
Into effect throughout Bulgaria to
day. This measure was introduced in
order to Increase the consumption of
cJgarets. which ns a government
monopoly would be calculated to in
i rease the public revenue.
Want Work to Go On.
Plattsmouth, Net).. Jan. 6. — Con
tinuance of the home extension de
partment work in Cass county In
connection with the Cass ( ounty
Farm bureau In 1024 hinges upon tho
success of a campaign that will he
conducted to raise funds to meet the
Hilary and traveling expenses of tho
county home ng'-nt, Miss Ida W li
kens. Under the Hmith Hughes bill,
a federal appropriation of $000 will
be available for the work in this
county, provided the other Ineiden*
lal expenses are met. The Platts
mouth Chamber of Commerce is
backing the move to secure the con
tinuance of this work.
Mystery of Lost Pets Solved.
Hy Associated Press.
Hamburg, Jan. 6.—Residents of
Hamburg and the adjoining oily of
Alton* have found the skins of so
many of their pet cats and dogs for
sale in fur shops that the police have
begun a general prosecution of fur
dealers who buy sklris from the gen
.. i id public. The charge made
igaimt them i« receiving stolen
1 mods.
Sister of Publisher Dies
Clilcugo, Jnn. <!.—Mrs. Ueorge Rob
lnson, 7H, sister of John C. Hhaffer,
publisher of the Chicago Evening
Post, died today at the home of hot
duughUy-, Mrs. ltuy Hearcs.
I.~. ' ~ _
Brief News from Iowa j
IOWA CITY—Coach George T.
Bresnahnn of the University of Iowa
track team will personally conduct a
European tour in 1924 with a party
made up of Iowans. The trip covers
63 days, starting with the sailing
from Montreal, June 20. and the
landing again at New York, August
22. Places of interest in. England.
Prance, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium
j and Holland will be visited with possi
ble trips to Austria and Germany,
flie party will remain in Paris front
July 4 to li to attend the Olympic
DBS MOINES—The lies Moines
City Railway' company introduced a
new method of keeping its tracks
clean during the ree ut blizzard. Ear
ly on the day of the storm a new
"flivver tractor ’ made its appearance,
equipped with a big brush in front of
it. The machine cleaned only' one
rail at a time, taking a swath of less
than a yard, but it mode tip in speed
for what it lacked In range and made
short work of cleaning the tracks in
the downtown district. Company of
ficials say the machine in useful be
cause it can be operated cheaply—
with one man—and because it lessens
congestion In the business district,
being less unwieldy than a large
snow-shov ling apparatus on a, spe
cially-built trolley car.
GAI’NER—The Garner Commercial
club has evolved a novel method of
i noouraging young people of the city
to attend college. Hitting the Christ
mas holidays it gave a banquet in
honor of all the young people of the
community who were home from col
leges or universities for the holiday
season. Sixty students attended, ami
heard addresses by several speakers
on the value of athletics, the religious
side of education, and the value of
college training.
ATLANTIC—County officials of
Cass county are expressing alarm at
cracks which are developing In the
walls and ceiling of the courthouse.
Some of the county commissioners be
lieve it will be necessary to remove
or remodel the dome of the structure
to prevent the settling of the building.
MANCHESTER—This city will lay
48 blocks of paving next summer.
Contractors' bids will be opened thus
MASON CITY—The National But
ter Makers' association will bold its
convention here in Ci tober or No
vember of this year, it was decided
recently by tie. board of directors of
the association. Six hundred butter
makers from throughout the country
will attend. H. G. Earson of Madi
son, M is., is president of the associa
tion. A. W. Rudnlek of Ames, la
ia treasurer and Albert Erickson of
Clear Lake Is a director.
TOLEDO—The Tania county engi
neer announces that the average cost
of graveling the primary road from
Toledo north to the county line
amounted to $ 1,729.68 per mile.
Twelve miles of the graveling cost
an average of $3,660.76 per mile, and
the remainder of the project cost
$3,065,13 per mile. The difference
was caused by tho use of local gravel
on the south twelve miles of road.
WATERLOO, — Waterloo citizens
are becoming more law abiding ex
eept in the matter of traffic viola
tions. The police court records show
147 arrests during December, 162 of
which were for traffic law Infractions.
Of twenty-eight defendants arraigned
during the month in district court,
the great majority were charged with
violation of the prohibition laws.
i 165.000 Feeders
Shipped to State
I Since September I
: Approximately 200,000 Lambs
ami 125,000 Hog- Are Re
ceived in Nebraska for
Feeding Purposes'.
__ I
Lincoln, Jan, fi.—Approximately
iO.'.OOO (attle have been shipped into
Nebraska for feeding purposes since
September ", (limit L. Shunuvuy of
the department of agriculture an
•‘Cattle whic h were put into the
feed pens at top prices ranging from
$12 to $12.71, and which are marketed
or me ready for the market bring
approximately the same figuie at this
time," Shumwny says.
“In the meantime choice cuts of
beef also have remained approximate
ly stationary, ranging from $17.90 to
"Probably CO0.O0O lambs were put
on feed In Nebraska.
“Top lambs put In tlie yards in
September at $14.20 and now ready
for market or already shipped,
brought $12.90 in December. True,
there has been a corresponding de
cline in the price of lamb chops and
choice cuts.
"There were 120,000 hogs shipped
in besides the 1,000.000 or so raised
in Nebraska. Top hogs put in the
feed yards in September at $9.35 and
ready for the market in December or
January 1, brought $7.15—a decline of
$2 ja. There w as a corresponding de
cline in the price of pork in the mar
“Wo can here see where the CO
cent corn is going.
"Agricultural Nebraska had one
bright sunspot in 1323—tlie corn crop
and price. It becomes evident that
someone proposes to take a large por
tion of that through tiie Nebraska
feed yards."
i\Ybra-ka Rifle Teams
W ill Compete in Meet
Ily Aiwoelaled
km* >!n, Jan. fi.—Twenty-on* mem
ber* of the r**«rv* officers training
corps of the T’nivei s ty of Nebraska
will comprise three rifle teams to com
pete soon in th^ national lifi* inat' h.
Capt. V. (I. Huskea, in chargo of
rifle marksmanship a*, the university,
announced. 10ach team will consist of
12 students.
More Business in Dakota.
Pierre, ft. D., Jan. 6—Agricultural
and mineral production in South Da
kota for 1923 scored an approximate
22 tier cent increase in value over the
1922 figure, according to summary’
contained in the South Dakota Re
view of Progress for 1923, which se*
the production total nt I339.361.c00
compared with $278,264,000 for the
previous year.
The net money return into the
state from this production is set nt
approximately $51,000,000, as shown
by the t’nlted States eurtey ai, 1 ot
this amount about $33,000,000 was re
turned by grain and livestock pro
duction, the report says on the basis
of railroad transportation figures.
Pumpkin seeds nre very attractive
to mice, Balt your traps with them.
With the County Agents
Unadilla—Fifty-nine cents per bush*!
was : lie < out of producing *7 acres of
com on the farm of Nick Schreiner near
hers, who co-operated with the stale ag
ricultural extension service in keeping
coat account records during 1923, Man la
bor was figured ut 30 cento P*r hour ami
horse labor ut 1 5 per hour Husking *<>«t
6 cents per bushel. Two-flfiha of the crop
was figured as rent on th< laitd. Charge
was made on machinery at 4 cents per
horse hour, f* ■ • v *n hundred and twelve
man hours an*! 2.020 hors* hour* were
used in producing th* 67 acres of corn
Lexington Thu It farm poultry
flocks kept during 1923 In cooperation
with the state agricultural extension serv
Ice, made a profit of 19.697 above the
roat of feed f• r their owners, or an aver
age fi• r each flock of more than $>0
Wahuo—The rural women of Saunders
countv will take the home care of the
Htk project of the agricultural extension
IVI-M as their major project In 1924,
Af . i PM It h Martin, eta'* extension ng'iit
in this work, la scheduled to visit the
• ounty one day of each month to glvu
demonstrations at tho women's meeting*.
Werj ing Water- *’ • mty Agegt L ft
f*nipe* has urged fanners and th“lr wl- es
In I'lntH count> to attend the organ zed
agriculture meetings at Lincoln. January
x r<> 11. and offered to mail them pro
grams of the went.
Omaha—Hat selection was the major
project of agricultural extension work se
focted by tho Douglas « ounty runrl wo-i
men for 192 4 Miss iC ■ ' a ’ *■
extension agent in clothing work, will
come into the county once every month
to give demonstrations at masting of the
women. It is expsot*d that ten groups
of women In the county will take the
work. All phases of tho selection of hats,
their making, and renovation of old hare
will he taken up at these meetings, It is
Reward—All officers of the f-eward
County Farm bureau wers re-alecied at
the recent meeting of that organization
hero. Joel Stably of Milford i* president
of th* farm bureau. A d* finite program
of agricultural work will bs selected Sat
urday. .
Tocumseh—The hens kept by the flvs
CO-nperators In tho accredited farm flock
I reject of the agricultural extension serv
ice. averaged 119 7 • ggs pet hen In 1 923.
hs compared with th** general average of
67 eggs per hen on the Johnson county
Fremont—O. M, Somers and flaorge H
Hoomer. both s»st* • xtension agents from
II n state agio iltural colleg. . have be* n
secured by the county extension agent.
K. S. Houser, for meting* January 16
and 19. ft' the homes of aomn of th* «•'
credited farm flock owners. It Is planned
to hold gctisrul tnestlnfs the fits' day
and an amateur poultry show tha second
du/ \
Lexington— F T Schmeckle, * farmer
near h*r*. won flrat on his exhibit of
corn and second on his hale of alfalfa
1 i a th" Int • mat Ions I Hay and Drain
show at t'hloigo Mr Sehmeckle won tho
grand championship last year on his al
Reward—Two ga* engine e< bools will he
held In thi* county during February, the
•ounty ngeut announced today. Theory
of gaaollne engines and their operation
and repair will be taught to farmers at
tending t ho school.
Dakota « ii > at tho monthly hoard
nrc! |ng of the Dukn* i County Faint bu-|
r «au hot''. It was ilfi bled that th" t fh P
.4 nnu.'i I celebra I ion *»f the origin **t farm
bureau Work In U»« county would b* h* >d
*. a bun'juot, to be staged February 9.
further plans for tho gathering ar* lu
be made.
Wah*" luml -s * ounty l "'iltry fan
ciers Hi* preparing their exhibit" for lb*'
annual Humidor* County Poultry show,
beginning January If*
Fairmont- Nearly 200 birds were *»
d in the Fillmore County P"’1 ">
and Pc' "how held here and Judge"
Hinted that It was olio of 'h* beat small
poultry allows they bad wllm-ased 'Ins
n < ffi< < re of the poultry us*"'lo
tion wers < I* t ton NMt ysara
win bo stag' i U«tan hai 16 to Ii. 11 a•"«
a nnounced.
Nebraska City—Pr«pi»rat Ions nr* being
, laded f'*r the poultry, And corn
-how to tm staged her* lanuarv 14 »" 16
riJi prizes, premiums and "flier awards
to be made for ih.. hading exhibits
in th*» three sections of the show
Fremont Dodge county poultry rslasts
and breeders v iR (met soon In this plan"
In die* us* poultry raising and im kindred
i-ublccts Two members "f D’* state
., grlcultural coltagM staff w ill nddress the
meeting". •' xv a “ announced
jAttkuU L'lt) AL O. J.vainer, ascrslaty
iif th** 1>tko*a county farm bureau, «• ;;i
take tliaffirmative In -i debate: '!<■
solved That The Tractor im Imp- act lea h
on Nebraska Farms.” nt tbs Kui mi Equip
ment association meeting f Organised
Agriculture th 1* \ve; b ur d*r>'tera
will argue rv'h - do if the question.
tJenevi-Three of the extension women's
dubs planned ChrlstnuiM program* f-r
their communities dulse at Stanton
Chelsea and Strang made up. <>*■ a**sist. 1
!n making, the community Christmas
Wnhoc Efforts will be mad# to a*
sen bio ail petitions now being clrcu- |
lateii in the county for bovlna tubercu
lords eradication by th*- end of the n* |
week. The petitions lack but « fen j
natm-n of having more than tl « leg
number required to bring tbs federal .< ■ l ,
► tut * anti tuberculosis work into ti
Dakota City- Four moving pictures mill
be presented before farmer a meetings In
this < oimty beginning about January 1'•
Tb<- pictures ar«» t*» be educational reels
from the United Flutes department of ag
riculture. _
Answers to Want Ads
which have box numbers
os addresses may be
phoned in. Just phone
AT lantic 1000—aak for
an ad taker and tell her
which advertisement you
wish to Bnswer. She will
do the rest. Phone
AT lantic 1000 to answer
Blind Want Ads—you’ll
be pleased.
Hfl per tins ear h day. I or 2 d*'»
12c per lln« each day, 1 or 4 da vs
10c per lino each day. 7 days **r longer
The ntinvo rat*-s apply to all advertise
merits In < Usalficutloii*:
Host and bound . 4
II* Ip Wanted Female !
Help W«n'*d Mar* . ; ■<
Hi l tint Ions Wanted Female. 11
8ltustlons VVsnted Male . It’
ArtkdeH for Hula. 4»*•
farm and Dairy Product*. 4*
flood ’1 tuns* to Eat. ...... **l
Morm in «de Things *
llouR«hol*l flood*. -t
■ p column . %5|
Wearing Append #0
W anted t* 14*i 41
Itoom* With Hoard . *'
Itoom* Without Board . M
Booms for Housekeeping ... »t4
Itoom*. Upfurni*he<l ..... . A 4
Huburbari flonid..
For all o' her « ».■ • -if * -r. Mon* our regular
r#i**» »»p quoted b*1 *ow apply
These mk* apply t > The Huntley Omaha
lb* a* wall dm Th*1 Mo-him. and Evening
lire All week day advertin'ment* ap
pear In ;><< t h morning mid m-ihi'ij edition*
it t t ho One . opt :
I*** j er line «*a«di duv. 1 or 2 day-*.
If,.- |j# r line e«« h ‘lay', 1 or »i dnve
lie per llna ah * 11 day. 7 days or longer.
« hopin'; irtH’itM for » i appifii t»
Morning Edition., . 1't p. m
Evening Edition I J .4° "
Honda v Ed t Ion « p to Haturdn
f'lnnalflad Ad* U'l'pt'-d nl the follow m
* ff'*-* ►
Main Office.17th and FnMtam *
•- ■. • i f n rtninbn N \V. f'oi '.‘4th nod N Mi
Council JJluff*.-1ft tivotl b» j
Atlantic 10UO.
HIM OM All \ HI-:l'. re.- r.»• the r gbl
i io ruled or rewrite all copy.
Call for Classified Ad Department. An
I t xperieir ed Classified Ad laker will re
| < eivo your ad and i hill will be mulled
| ! lie; The rates quoted •‘•ov« «M-dy to
either charge or cash o d* rs.
Tin: evenin'i iu;f:.
t F Vssl lit \ I IONS.
\NMH Nil MIN I* n .
j Funeral Notice*
1 Vault* ami Monument* . .
1 I unet a! Director* ....
' I emeterie*
! Florist* .
Card of Thanks
l odg** Notice* .
fuming Events .
Personal* .
I ust utid Pound
\ otoniohile* for sale .
Vutomobilc \geiieie* .
Motorcycle# nnd IJlcyrle* .
1 Vutomobilc* for Exchange.• .
Vuto Accessories. Part* .
i “service Station—Repairing
Auto Livery Parage
Wanted—Automobile* Pi
I llunine** Service* Offered . 13
Itiiilding Contractor* . II
| Heating und Plutnbing ... I'
Insurance 16
M lllliier.v—Dressmaking 17
Moving—Trucking—storage .16
Painting und Papering . lb
( Patent Attorney* . . 20
Printing Stationery .
I Professional Service 22
Repairing 2:.
Renovating and Dyeing . 21
laundries .34 A
Tailoring and Pressing *'•
, Hunted—lliisiiie** Serriee .. 20
Help Hunted—Female .. . 27
I Help H unted — Male .... 7H
I Help Wanted — Male and Female . 29
I saiewroen and Agent* 30
I situation* W ant'd—I emulc ... •!
I situation* H anted—Male .. 32
I IN V N( I \ I.
Husi u«*s* Opportunities ... .
, luveHtment—Stock*—Houd« 31
Real Estate loan# 34A
' Money to Loan . 35
Hauled to Harrow' 36
( orre*pnndence Course* .. 37
local I list nod ion C’lu*se» .... 38
'lusicnl— llaiicirg—Dramatic . 39
Private Instruction 40
Wanted—Instruction .41
Dog*. < at* nnd Pets . .... 42
Horses, futile. Vehicle* 43
Poultrv and Supplies 41
W anted—Livestock .45
Vrticle* for Sale . . . 46
i.(Mines* Equipment .. 47
Halloing '! iteriul* 4#
Farm and Dairy Product* .49
I ind and Feed ... .VI
(ioorl 1 bints to Eat .51
lloiue-Made Thing* 57
Household foods . 5
s.vop ( olumn 63,-V
fewelry and Hatches . M
Maclilnerv and Tool* . 55
seed*. Plant* and Flower* . 58
Special* 'it the store* 57
\ma* lilft S|jgge*tloii* .57 V
Musical Instrument* 5*
Radio equipment 59
vl caring \pparel 60
Wanted to Huy HI
Room* W ifli Hoard . . 62
Room* Without Hoard . 63
Room* for Housekeeping .... ... Ml
Room*. I (•furnished . 61 V
suburban Hoard *•’
Where to Dine . . 66
Where to Stop In Town 67
Wanted—Room* and Hoard . 68
apartment*—Furnished 69
Vpartment*—I nfurnlsheri 7*'
Kusine** Places for Kent ..71 |
House* for Prut . 721
llouse*, Furnished 72A
Office* hikI (illest Room • . 7
Out-of Town Property 71
suburban for Rent .7*1
mminer Place f(»r Rent 76 !
Wanted to Kent 77 j
Itiainrx Property 78
Real I •«tate—-Investment* ... 78 V |
Farm* and Fowls for sale .... . 79
( ity Vcreage for Sale ....... 79 V
Mouse* for Sale 9b1
House*—North 8
House*—Smith s"
House*—W c «t .93
Houses—Henson 81
I yr Suit?—Dundee *
For Sale—Florence . . 8
For Sale—< ouneil Hluff* ........ 97
I At* for sale 98 ,
Real Estate for I v« hang* - 9b |
Wanted—Ken! I state 90
At < 1 IONS.
Vuction Rale* .91
Real E“tn#e at Anetion W
Vaults and Monument*. B
"Aulo/IU'l 8. • fig t "■ '-le I'M' I A.! Vl'i'tn 1
• *rn»nm-led by le t ling undertaker*
\ffe hv '»vunh* nerrte Hurlal Vault ro.
Funeral I C
V.» I'rtHkera an'* ' iiIh inri
Phone HA. 02*.*i office 2811 Karnam
23d an.l o Sr 1250 S 12th F*
MA cfiSO. AT. 1873
■ ' Ti:i> 1 • Y 1..MM ES ONLY
Sir, S’. 2 0th St. AT. 3*09 and AT. 8890
N* I*. SWANSON 17TH AN'P CUMING, Dignified Supervlalon.
S4th and Wirt. WE. 0047.
3920 N*. :(th S' KE. 014.7
311 S Z i-I r v funeral home IIA. (HIT
1*2.1 i.TMINU ST.. JA. 012«.
D< "Treat 4th. Funeral Dlr^ctora. JA itOl
&819 Military Av# WA. 5314.
..(11 l-artum St.
2.1. t'um!'n: St JA 0714.
Funeral dir..flora 1.14 Cuming. JA. 1221
Cemeteries. D
r* illEHT LAWN
_'Q irp * i’et I r-ninl ' air Off!”# at
lli«> rniuotary. North 40’h St and Kor#at
I.uwit A\» , a* d 71 j Ilrendela Theater
Florists. E
I tniKRS Klorlpt 2 4th Karnatn, JA T400
J i i II N HATH, l**"l K.itnnm, J A
Personals. 3
THE SALVATION Army Industrial home
anllrite your old clothing furniture. mngH
fM,t» we collect. U i» diptnhutn I’hona
tA 413•*> and our wagon w .1 call Kell
and Insprci our new home. 1110-1113-1114
I nidg» Street._
KAT folks may learn how to lose 1U 2H
. t nr nv»rc pounds by writing fur fr* '•
booklet and tr 1*« I treutmetit to I»r. It
Newman. I»ept A. No. 3*6. F.fth avenue.
New Ymk City _^
Thrat rteal historical manque rnmitiifi for
l>lin < and part % at tdek*n r Omaha
\1 A HK A111 i IK I A TM KMT.
* 1 *1 N I.TII
I t and Found. 4
l.os i - t HI a f' fnoon |»i •! ibly n
World theater, an I g" l w uat wet. h
■' i • i n bmcelei W <’ *1 en|frav»‘d
on i M" ai d iiuiiQi r fi.imr inslda Itc ar l.
r til \\ I 6*07 or AT [067 _
LOST Mrown por-U1'! ". with bln* k onr
nit inside, with $1 t ' f • I
pi- i in - »• .' • k • . n l
mrd MA 1 - - _ _
, • . Call WA,
fifty 'j I ,}!••' I ,| 1 fflVHt ll
Automobiles tor Sale. 5
iiri'HHX Ht*KI;r>HTIOU—S »tm>l wh*»l«,
gin»d * it . good pn > *»vei hnuied nn<l t •
.1 IT? Cl u y 1. Smith
INI I* pnrie for "II makes of ». hi. !• ot d i
tn.ed n * I - " I h « r I I I* I- Two * recking I
N. If I. An .. |*.I ; t* IV 4 i< l 1 I
IA "t,i : i
in * h *• fur kill" h> I • nn . ,1 hargiitn II A j
'|‘HI • l\ I * ton foi mi ■ In good iliap*
hut .'o If »n ai t »i- . 11 A *1*4 4 ••
. j|n Kill i r . io||.a . 1 I •» V * fit at • ideas
umJiiii .. b) owner. W t. 7127
Going Down
AUTO prices are now at their
very lowest—many dealers
will now be pleased to make
prices that sound foolish, for
ready cash must be secured for
payment on shipments of 1924
cars. Read Autos for Sale right
now, then take a jaunt up Auto
Row and look at the cars adver
tised. You’ll see that it is wiser
to buy—not wait.
Read Autos for Sale Today
Automobiles for Sale. 5
A OK.. 211 N 10 T11 ST.. OR
PHONE JA. 2668.
h«*MK barfair i in u-**d Ford* New
Fordaon Kaay pa.ymei,'s
The Handy S*r vice Station.
15'h and Jii-l'inti St*.AT. Till
FDR USED CARS rome* to our new ln
ca'lon. 2<>4i I'arnam hr Nebraska Olda
mobile Co. AT 17 70.
O. N Ronney Motor Co.
257 4 Farnarn ,
1924 FORD >it i eon off
pavement. Wann to sell Immediately.;
h or - : Ul« at 44 11 M' Miyd'-r
Auto Accessories Parts. 9
i -!)!> pi its 1 all makes of rare. 5° I
to 77 pe- rent off list prices, two wr^k
In* ; ant* 1015 Harney, HA. 4931, and
Service Station—Repairing. 10
1" MILE GUARANTEE ajramet plfton
sJui.iune *•?.•! i-’l j i" Fm'; en.-irmous gaal
wrd ...I **• j- i*|U SHTi'WN OARAGE
HU MS - 2 4th1 St s«*. Mr Mot ; s
] M 11 TRIAL A 1 1 • • M A * MI i N 1 STS
(i-ar cut Mr. a *tea t and fas c n * 1 n • re
t>a m r i t j * ri; i -» a sov±11 9 nTtl
WHY J'AINT? er.atr.e. Hitllr
r in) Dfhco tnaroeiiog procew
'27 >. 'h -'th S'
Business Service Offered. !3
RELIABLE I •*■*!- BurM i S .nderland
Bldg J A 2 A. n *' ' KL hi!
JAMES ALLANS !'*?-• !,v*. Experts* ret
Building Contractors. M
L'JW PRICES on to 11 •? t combinations
lavator *•*• *:nks. bath tuba, range botlars !
Now Rood*
22d and Pat:' Hie W L t *•1
Millinery—Dressmaking. 17
ACCORDION, aide kn!f«. bo* pleat n y
• ■ vert d buttons at lea kemtlltt hint
buttonhole *. Writs Id*.*! Button A Pleat*
In* t » 3 4 Rrow n Block. Omaha. NeO .
Telephone JA 1935__
Hemat hn* 1 '•••red Ruit°na,
1604 Farnatn S* * ond floor. J A. 5670
Household good*. r’tfoi, offh • furniture
1107 n hoVard STJ\ Q2*»
E«t .in*? m furnish'’ 1 AT « 3 ■ r J A *_6
219 North 11th 5*'. Phone JA. MSS; mov
In*. packing. nor.-ig*. t1;-. umg
16th and Leavenworth S'* Pu< king. n*ov*
]ng at • - r a K*. shirt ' g ■' A 4 ' * -
Painting and Papering._19
ATTENTION—Hole’ apartment and
home owner* fit eoal tu ■ * cti wallpgP'T.
i a*erhanging Fred PjiKj AT. 7 4 4 \
FAINTING. pa par me. Ktrel*cle -a work
Winter bargains. JA ( 0
FOUR room*, dtcoriiird for price of thre.
r..r 111! led tin * V Lu * Wl t
Patent Attorneys. 20
i v. martin' . I'itr R 1 "
, , h ,; . v , - ! . ' • >n A nit* •• * • f- *
f *
Printing Stationery, 21
n .mm KKi 1 A I. rillNTINi; I.My ft Inline
It) 213 h Ith 1 ’ll ' F' 1 \
Professional Service.
PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded a»
the L Hht rtiiiii A M« ConnaB Dtug st- re<
DENTAL V rav. f»Oc enrh: U full set
fiv Se urine* II dif . IMh at-*1 Ua“*»atM
Repairing 23
I III A I'll and aewlng marh irpn r
:PK Nothin* to "Hi but serv-■ a Miller ‘ 1* (
\* IMh mv ;i >: M \ itt*. «»v ■ ninn* |
liXl’KllT mnrhlna r**p tlring
IMh and Harney _^T_4 3 1
7 7 vTTTmr ITIK'I^TKHKH. 4^1
sol ril 4 H AT t> ?" MA
Renovating and Dyeing. 24
i VIA HA |»ll,f')\V t «> Mn’ircMf* made
over in new tlrke **♦ half the 1 *H of
new fine* 9 <7 > nr * M A . « _
Help Wanted Female 27
rxprnniNviT) oith \thiis
ani> i.kAnxHits
To §r\v on power nwi< I mo ma’»
in* Mina Taylor " < a drfio-e*
an-J apron*
Apply factory off -
Tenth and Pouglue,
tries a ha. Neb.
in rim w r\ .41''i vi i*• r
Hum and t • ? n* d wink Hi* d« n <:d fori m aihi.o." I'. «ni. n* wailing Short j
n.ur ■ ■ |>a> or "venlnfr lnq
MHi.rit ft»t i if or
10# S IMh hi._
KIIIICN«'KI> dlppet wanted
I V I'v* I-*.I !•).I In. 1
Help Wanted M 2$
l,i. V It N HA It UK H Tit All l'n> . « • v
ini.* «*»ir e'etatn turn* >ou out .» v »od
i hi U ui u ! t. aide to tiiimr.iod l *
in*if «i *1. Kira f training give" >• ;l
p. * <n<UjMt'* ’ Hi or writ*
I * V |< it pit f t rl.t It. I , i Of s 11b
Dili MtiN wi boy# • - IT lo II
>i 111 i n * ) i) a -pi go\e| nmon I pi<*|l Ito'><.
111 . $ * f. tl (t r u v e t uk ft nt it i . n a t' » witie
\| • * ineri t. 1 * tl, f t I M" Hit i o»
t i I t »HN WH i" wMt«rn city »«* '
' ..ff. .* ,tiid pi... life vdilre*-h v 7.s i
. 'luaha Hen
1-Tlti’MI.N hmUemen t.'ktnnei* *
f ' t Wl< I* h p ' IOIi ' ) It:» . w .*' V
.’ i in >• _
S > ' 1 NO loan i * * r ?«x * 1 I " * ■-* • la ■ v a o I
11. ii .! • hom e f >» edvaut .-ineo* .‘**’e v ^
| t Ui h, It olel liointi
Help Wanted Male. 28 j
wanted—-«*<) men
’I j tut re a? Seymour lai;e
Mt-nda . January 7. 192 4 Fr t*
judging at company hotel if you
hu desir-- Hood ineaD nerved at j
• umpuiiy a . •s'auryn’ Taka Ra'a
ton car at 24* h and N Sr- South
uruaha or ltith and Capl •,i A . **
Omaha Wag <>8 40c p**r huUt.
' T'DAIIY PACK 1 X* • ' •
South Omaha
I SELL thr *- |M>j. ,nr* »*f tarn m
t'maha with a w i-j*1 jt, a range an 1 a!!
body type* Al»*> uj j * fs of i -st any
v y ••• rs •
imiK.un nh any party who t i>« m« oft
t o . „ no- Y**Jr nan e not tritlh
: You know a • ^ r roapeet*
Turn into eaey mone fur your*, f
Strictly ( *nf:d« r* i jl. tin In touch with
rue t .»? R v \y ] Omaha Be*.
umtn and Agents. 30 j
SALES MA N AGKRH— Here i* a t.g rropn-j
mtlon f«.r state managers cap.Foi** <f han-l
il'lng nub-agents A new f.t n prudu tj
ritstim tiveiy interesting. Every farmer J
w.-n's it A permauent roi.nt i.Cid with,
reliable firm No joker* her* It a u j
* i**an cut * «»n 11 for quailed men.}
Cuumil Ii: jfih 1 *y •'«•> F.i;.off>. la. j
SALESMEN -.••anted to represent us ini
your own county Steady posttioi Eas ,
rules with large profits our men ares
making $75 a week up. Chicago Premium!
•Mkj j' N V. * . ■* St , I t. g. . I J
Situations Warned Female. 31 .
BUNDLE washing by wh *e woman care
ful work, want permanent * qatoinrr*. 1
Called for and de’ivere 1 KE f*♦ 54 j
WHITE woman wants day work. WE.
(« J
WHITE Woman w nta day work JA &6D ’
Business Opportunities. 33
HOOD retail monument Ruatnrs*. lc
ited In I • nt - r. la Only shop In
Crawford county Fine chance t . make
’* *n*-> Pf*e*nt o\rt r gang in large
quarry r e nr 1 mat ufa ‘u; ng business
and u.ii .taae attractive i>r position. W
4 < moaho Her
1 »7 * * ■ t.g r-rait menu mat • i ,« naaa
• out* pH ICoJffe la he. s. good
< i.arFO fur a h> «'!er l*r-a» nt owner g
mg in large w > - ».i ** : l quarrying hue
in *•#• H! " . . ef «, *■
k’ 23 9. Omaha He#
HARDWARE imolement and coal bjsi -
">• f"i rale in good Nebraska town
Must b*» aoM to aettla otate. No trades,
'’ll »• 11 r.ght to the rn/in lnone>
Addre.w \ t'maiLa line
F"K SALE OK KENT IF, ding In Mur
dock. Neb for cream etat on restaurant
or small business Two stories o !
< • ’’nr Shenandoah. la
Investment—Stock*—Bonds. 34
•W LATE on my property. . ;
‘*rd; rnr monthly payments. JA. XS3
W T Hrsharn _
I fY real » state mor'gseea and con
tract* bought Mr. I-arson. Hi North!
E f* rent h at reft
WILT, I.iiAV $0 t > $ ■* on e v prop
K**al fcMMc I,oan*. 34A
Loan-* on Omtlu Improved property at
lowest later.
f11v National JA. rs$l.
FA KM ! ■ i N
f ares or small M»s’ .Not. farms, ranches
KC..V *■ lnvo-t.ti.ent f.< >4. * <m Nat Rk *
FIX per cert !>•*-« on umaht residences ?
*' »rh on hand i*r a. i t s* rv|. c. K. II
l.tiuges. Inc.. S " K< * ,* s I’.jdg
s AN r fiptriilh ti uli • ns at ono* for
t . 16. Oon, $1 r. D. We ad and
D H R ons Hih S'
N . t Mk li dg .1 A 7711
SEFOND ic*-. rr cortra {a pur
chased by Tukt v t .• - any. €7u First Na
" I J A 4 .
1 WILL buv mertpap.* an ! contracts
1 "rkm. 9 4» <>tu N a ? 14 dg ilir.aba. Neb
i t AND •» FEE FEN I N»> I >K I. A Y
; M:\-iN IH’.F cl c:nC.,t N.t j Rldg.
Money to Loan. 35
To nips 'y v, , r uiuKfv *nnta !n the name
"m> ’fiat i m-s n ip{ ' lb# mono uanit
of ih1- \ i* ’ “a c mnunlty.
Any nitMimt I »i d up to $re© and > ou
• an repax t: r .«\ monthly tMxinrnt*.
Our • sum! t \mcnt v’tui repo» th* loan
and all char kwh
W« h ive |.« erj in buMneaa In Omaha over
3<' x . si*, h .1 ..n nr-nire yoj of a quick.
<onfiiletitlai and aiuara deal.
f06 Karbach ll’.cok Tc- J N
SouthfHPf ■ ornor an.! 1 '«>m la» S’*
I • I A M* ’ \ ! » '9 II x*e*t r a 1, * n e«e
• Hi tlx , onf.d n t ml ili« l»*«mond l.**an
fh» . l it | • . SI )>’.»' Mtlir.l t*?4
\1 r. "sT- Mll.t 1 « * A N >
lire NOHT: 1 licit F* M f 3
Local Instruction Classes. 53
nii Mit'\vi\rr:i tkrm
or H'lVl 1 s ooM.Kdfc
or* M M‘i\'l'AY.
IN J’oTH Till'
I» \ T AND M(M1T St’SSluN’S
i h> C*«"tkgo Offs » en d.x •’
t r : • gw«tNO Ion 1** y i ' ■ c lain
k > \ 3 I’ofPpl*-' »■ • “ttra- 9 in Hit
lomtncr.lai hiatnbe-. - Hook
U e, pm it » . ; t p rm ' ' Short
hand T>p»x\! in. Teleg i at)hy.
Sr. r< ta11u), lUokiu*. Sale*
inanah.p Cx ne'\ •. I'nyiUh
\\ l ie, . u II i • pli. i » fax U«.»n
1 fi r . 1 ed reta
in \\ I S UCHIMAS 'H'I.I,K(ir
mh and H «• • r' Hte
Omaha. Neb
1»\\ . v - ;• i * 1 \ i sk x .'i id’f.i:
,v ' In a • t |>.x,.l, keeping
w <i • nd Firnim \'i lift
1 Ixlll. i. w prepaid you for a
( sin i i'n' t nel* it i' a i AT ' t or
xx me \ u • •: in • 1!* >•»* 11*) 3 Karnmx
rtu i y pAHuicH « ■ m . o
1 ' • ] - HI 10MK i« Si
•Mil h "Pin f r ini. rmaMno _
11! 4«
Musical— Dancing—Dramatic .VJ
li ( , i,i.. M,.nilii' .n.l n.i•!..!.> -it xi'
ii mi fen 11 iC' i'x x« h ’ hei ■* |«
I t x mi t i"-. 'ii* Hilt 11 id x’ l’' AC • '
Musical—Dancing—Dramatic. 39
' 1M? I .mam. Classes Monday,
\'tilti1 . ,i * Fr.-iav night- Private leaHon
J t• v ,i in i * i’lmne JA. .rl7".
Dogs, Cats and Pets. 42
ir.i i! v \TKR si'ANTKf, |.ut« f.,r
l. .1 Myr’aml. Ottawa la
!<*.V, .ire.I x n -■ <1 male hound. $10.
41 0 Wii.'i w .*i i d
Articles for Sale. 45
| '■ iitKW. s :.i i kk< 'K ) ' 'll s*ia:
1)1 \ \l' M.t'.'. II !- . ':* ~ ’ I' ■"! I ' ■ ■' I
Business Equipment. 47
iyi: id y ,«:■ uiu ntik, ....flcs. aliow :
i i'• . hi :.iha Fixture Ac Supply '<>
: *’ *V *• 11? . hi ! |u*ucl»s JA.
K l Nl»LI NO W- » jl>
F■ ir . - . WF
Household Goods 53
FURNITURE -Tr.t: kud that yiu would
j like tu pvwefis ■ \v- , 1 as ■* ;»; '« ar?'.' .->
Prices ' ith.n r* yon. ,~d : *t< r. ' n Au' tion
Houae, 15U9 <*h ; 4 * * -1. Good# t !d at aw t»on
;ind 11I* ate «a;«* __
1- : Ha. 1 i he AT Al'i'TJuN
This Afterroon and Tomorrow Night.
Large fumed oak in good condition, 112.
W V ilf. 5 9
AS R A 1 , L — . nVBNS. 4 TOP IlUKN
M \ 8l’?1
Swap Coiumn. 53A
-Ti'UE Oh" ery an! meals, (rood io^a
*. k *■! !-as* \* ! i! i-ade f r farm Sr d. j
ihtUHCr h rfiige or what have you? S-47 '
<»rr.ahn Lee._ '
4 n; PI.ATE or film camera printing,
:• value for f
-.;<o 3!* or 4f* WA. ■ 11*4. j
To 'lKW'K ? r r.< rthw-itern Nebraska.’
ar.<t full !:«*• of farm^nt ateefc i
and r a* hlnery. Address Box 491, fcul
Nton. N*-*-._/__i
ELECTRIC range coat new* 9 200: n *
2dii I condition auip for what have
5 mj ’ Addrcpx H-7L unuta Re** I
WIU •r#-ls s-tul.M isilii eel C"mr!"«!
u *h joud »(maker * n lot or for u hoi have ,
i ' > s• 4 * i -wha ]-;*•»• 9
THIRTY A'*)'. KS r iesa *f Florida rir.«
t- id to «-*n d 1; ■ *.a I 1 n* ' * j
■ r whft' have you ' R '*'. »>maha H*-c
VICTOR % i 1 D^ large will tra_d j
f - rilaino’ i or what ha%® you 8-74.1
• >maha Ree _ I
T t < * X, run F"RT» RUNABOUT WA.
81 4n._j
for ‘ • ha - j - "_•. P»< J
PAIN? ^ n fc- I.:b#r- '
! . w St. • '■ * ha I’'-**
I- ;■■■, KADI'I ta:.« ’ • con4«t.»*r J
- • . . • . n -
'DT.HH AN - I I T .8—0 to '.'Site for
p-i.l . , r - lol '.VKSTt 1
IIANIAl J'a '. t Jill! ushtrsd. for j
Machinery and Tools. 55 j
11 ty.irlu ' *T') So. 1 :>h j
vi v■ „. - i r - .) n ■-r. dfnarr.o*
Mus cal Instruments. 53
V. Ull'l A I'll- V -DBA ; »v. sv "C
T A \ i i: A' -j' I.I.V >■ K 1. <• T_
list ,„ki» r,,„.p ,11 LVOWt '. t-RVM out-1
f ! a • ■ • y .? i i*- A T fc 4 i
Radio Equipment. 59
(.CARA. El* rid '* hf * $ 4S Up. |
T: M V!i..t »: • . . • N - 1 1*M. e
Wearing Apparel. 60
MW* * r. r **r v $ ’ k. muaarat i
4 HA. i 9Mi
FI LI I'P.KSfe W..-V n- ' roxf'Vi for rent, j
Wanted to Bujn_M
'•K<KS IAAK? i'l>K8
N*w .te»n> uavd c«aa, .* sg * so'3
J C. Re i i:;-T St. AT j
Roo.tis With Board. 62
iK!fl>T rLA.<v board front room. larfe
land wartn first f.oor, neat to hath, tub
j a B d IT • . • D K K 194**
I -M AND HOARD, res- n»Me. pr'ate
fatw.iv, I jf t.. ..." 1 \s a . ^ t *_
'I-; S-irTH i«TH—-Modem. *n private
> • \ * ■ ' • J A ~E
Rooms Without Board 63
*»■ • I \ It n A M - Purr. ish*d room* me -
• : l < r " for ! 4 ne I
furnished marred - tuple or ladies rr*
fer.' -l lief* ren ts required. Phone H.\
If M2_________
liEATTIFria r *m in private b^roe Very
host board, vlo-te in. reesonabls, HA.'
! v * 1. _ |
THIRTY i HJ-T AVK . 771 S N -c room."
suitable f**r -re or two private home,
; ert.«* r,tbi> pr; 1 1IA 44:1v
ATTP Ai'TlVK fum.s ‘ *1 roor’S w :h
.ate bath; breakfast if d*>.r*d. HA. Mi
^r ft >f»n« e*
• :4 ll WARD Attractive s ar.-hea’rd
t ■ :»t. ml' d .fan • AT 4 4' f
r.i'VF! Y ? Hi ' r p*■ r t >nta" outside
rat e adjoins ' * *1 H a . '
i i !!\bHhD U< <•'» ^ ( two
cent'em. - n * Kh 1' » .
| Niri: warm sl**epins rooms two hlnrka
w I - . .* n i " IT ' A*‘ h
F mi H 0UI4 k 64
Rooms Uniurn shed. 64A
II -III l'H I'll I uni II I "»
[lull!. In*; »r..| Killer (urnluhed IIA
’ 4
Where to Stop in Town 67
In I i II. |||i - end F* rut m
I It it i- I, IIINMUW tf.n «nd I »rr»m
N| r . ' *•
^kfap AsJAIl'
Apartments—Furnished 69
j lilCAOo ST . Mi. I -ho, «• f.i.nis» 1*- 1
I .. *• - Mill four yIIV T • • ail. .* II a
j i:*o__ ____
- V \ \ I H J N \. IT' • 1 Iff*
j NT' \ : r. hi t 1!. . ? \ tlu, v -i«r f*r •
Apartment*—Unfurnished. 70
?~T T" M • 'NTll
I i Hindi- * * ai.,1 I ,,l>i \r-w modern
-»nd \ ■ 1 Kh - - «*1.1 tv' -*r
\ , 1 \ \UM \
... -e , r
; i’<i v n sirsK’N it «*»o
• •
\ • *«
MUK’ S ' \ | ' !NT|
i n i n k■».»". :*
I " \ J~i * us ; *■: i s~i* “ r>': 1 "v N V
VY llKIU’ v -i U< l K I N VS *
s • \ V > \
I d.a « • jm ’ * • ax ».,•» f -
<- \ . I. . M A I i A V S ' l.
Hu si TICKS Places for Kent 71
1 at*m*. | ih
|u r i b i v lbiu ntiini-'
REAL _ K S ;r ATE -- F O R R E N T
Apartments—Unturnisned. 70
BRAND n**w Brirk I>up!e*.
pearly completed. with or
without garage*. Make >our
tt**lr>< 11on NOW and select
’.our decoration*.
V J SKO<*M AN ft S' NS
311 * Cuming St. HA. 70 4..
After office hour* < all
HA :iT5. HA 47H
ti hxkh court
Per auhleai- hi once one of our bust
exposure* faring pa: . and bou!cvar<i
Janitor, HA 6186
tjn; Dodge HA 714
House* for Rent. 72
Opposite Hanaro in park a-l modern doi
hi . * ik>• condition Immediate
... l'uon* HA 1134. or call 1707
South 33d_ _
>'EYH\ K‘ »• *M modarn cottage, fine -
dition. good furnace. June*. BA.
i :&s3_ ,
KOUNTZE PEACE, for rent, l-rootn Ml*
|ern h< a . fl"'1 »• r .v furnace, doub c
g f» r a g t S ». U W 1C 4' • « | a
7~ • ASS M ■- d-rn • '«• K.JSC Wilk
■if- HA ___
-; V ? ■ - < .. 4;. iv ■ • 1 1 < ■
Houses Furnished. 72A
MOMRRN' room J.'-Uh** com plot*-v
fiirnmh-l : garage till May
i AduR « -1r H \ >. ■_.
NR K l”v fill- it oni h* .*•*- on *arlli‘.
».* reiial-R ■ pm rt > 21-1 K 1 f ;f H \ 1
a i \ r m« modern for r-r* n partk»
buying 1 :r o'turn 331 r* 24th Ft _
— — --- - ~— ■ 1 —' "
Offices and Guest Room. 73
i'lliV \TK off e In law office.
i*,t; .T a .58
Out-of-Town Property. 74
WANTE • - Experienced dairymen. .a»t\
rent or * •■ ba* • n rr : k five
mile* from .tv limit*; paved load. Vt -
- \ Omaha Bet. __
-- ■■■ ■—
City Acreage for Sale _79X
S1U!. . KAKM. -T.'«<E IT
Ro.,w |.‘ j- i Om ,h» ■ -■■■ to irr»
• •47. goo i matlon for ■ - 1 yards pou ; .
■ r gif • -!**n?ng W. 1 <?*■ bang® * r • N
JA 153 3 7 * I'etr-ra Truit Bldg
Firms ar.d Lands for Sale. 79
ORE1 fON off* * .ent opportunities ?
permanent farm home* ard i<-r renting
a ,.od farniH Land low pr 1 and tan
l.e f. 'ur. I on . *.w- term* S.-nd for fr-e
btn.k d. scribing grain and !;v- cr-c
m i-ini' r.rvlng and fruit growing
f r Inform a t no ab •*. 1 w *■* ur*i n rate.
Wm Bionder. Great Northern Ka. wa .
T , • M i « > B x ':•■ ■ - aha, V- h
NEBRASKA —Mr. Renter, can furnish ? <’t
g. j h v i*. enough ground for poult r-.
and p-ir'ien payment* enei-r than ren*.
faxe* , g i.• V.eep the chi. ren n k ' 1
s-ho s x nd in con h r.e Write a’.
• i • t I _. • n e •
Houses for Sale. 83
s . i. ' e.- :ate ap.ap.t
. ■ - VNBR
T 4 o 4 M A f'■ I * I _«
v H r.I. • • I 1 der f modern home*.
\V. « h- '.r» ■ vu 4:8 Sunderland
l Ja v-d:
Houses—North. 81
I he * I .St s-o--;'tsed one o' 'he** da' ’
tror.i and bash ta»n»*'»«* 1: '» *
r.ady •-* nine rah.t fitrletiy snort
err orner let; ; a.ved e re** A!' ep*>'xa *
in and ; . :d for i: can i-e bought ch'Ap
now rh*:: lattr or. »- J » ama ; d-wn
It a > -» “~'J‘ . ^V- ■. J* *!\d
to iha«v yctt any ttme. Can *• A **--■
NlVS bungalow sacrifice
A f * r(Hm beauty—oak finish—*pe€Ja
full b*s - • * g
r-v* ? uih front b>t-—-f > 1 ha'* t .
[we an ►*.. you ih.t brand new home f-’
- g tfcAT*.
. sis iRS'K REALTY C
- - Pete e Tries DMr'» » * " •
:,!• SEWARD ST — A-roora modff. ' -
n'j» ISO’' - ash balaaca moatkiv- <-re.s
!(<.| Be. JA S!RO.
~~T oil n Sera t t* "• e*k_f "•••';• •*:
r«E.* gcod location, only It *
% Norn* AT T* ____
1 * LI modern except itgM. The Mazda
j ^.trir Shop rr.&kea hom*» modern.
j wi: m:
I'C K <« CO bur and ae~ h~:nc«
it - is. ? t i -hr -N*r tvsadacr act. ?1,
• r» t fui; f’oora new uta-les am
■1. MS- - •' ■■-'■ : <■• e: ’ wr. »”■
ha* a 1 Wind* > t r-cpertr fur *»’•*• Pto-e
V A cut 4‘.I s~ M'h !~s
i . i.• .. \j -s-'ttag* f r ‘a’.* mod except,
1 4] i» South 2«:h y Thcm-iS Gear1
IS r CASH Si in e n'.or'b!;, b.nd r>*<*
f v*.roc hr. it' N * > I'’na
e -«• c • r .1 I ' * »l or HA £.?
•,v i j L t i 'd see your order oa cur beautt
fui lot* :t re wood tery •>»» terns*.
, Fheib* AT tan ___
. FIE' D i I.' H - • •- " I ‘'S' ' *
r.i*. " A.
For Sale—Dundee._85
: •. :f ’ • m DIM'. SITES.
GE* > C A CO.
A ■ -fM
r Sale—Florence. &S
' a \V *• v • • *. ■ > KF ’ * ’
J )tl I Se k
Po»- I'.'' rer Month
I • »T i *1*7. on 32d Ate, facinff
• ark. f» - etle .■ t a b*rgatn ie
C. A C,RIMMEL J A. !<!*■
S. •*.» n rr .-■<!» .1C1 '*>T
Real Estate for Exchange. 8^
port \ HANOK » r
•r urttl *n * 1*< » r«» impii'v*’.! Mtnr^*
. if*- 5 Vk . * t *t t* f ■ a ' ''
a t*. ♦, : V - a. Dakota - r Vm-wca
iln i, > h'k .*• H ■* \ Fomeuu*
11M* M r neap- « V. ;nr
TvTt. >VKn * Mr* r * > •
f * 9 - * ' '
4*.U V* M \ iU .. f V ,, v A' •.
\V A 4,*'4__.
f \ ‘ ’ v N fa knds. ' T WrtWBi
,• 14. • v .« KWs AT _
W.inie.1 —Kf«l Estate. 90
\ «\\ « ^ to .**' ' ’-IT 'V
: u ' i - 1 s«' Pr.-t.H •nipnelH'r.
-.U - 4 •*>••»
I »,r! •• 1 .! r't I :»• 7
R r Alt 9 PflBTt Tr .*! I4 *S JACn
j \\ R 5't ! D TO F
,’V.n.E XUKAY. I N
k' • ”,yf tr nt h 11 * t ' *
TK *«' •> ii! OVKH * SPUN R»AltC"*
vtT:'j*Kl.t N ' v r - 1 VsT W ITII VIs
H VMU N .v CO .
, *f? 4 Vr\ e It >_JA t**
v. » \ a 'i».f Na t ’ » P»i> *u\ At ten.
• • • » 9 m v To R ^Alters,
I v _
TU* k- K. . $ !- •* *■ #||t
j v
9 ,99
11 R t » NM P '' A ’ > <''' *• "j
x ,9 ’ Par.
T. H fcHfelL
Tfk\ r* n «* A. • rsff
U * ParrAm
! .»»- A! •' p ' * » su its HkVvt Ub«1
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