The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 30, 1923, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 1-C, Image 17

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    ™s2sizk». | The Omaha Sunday Jee i ggnggjv
Undoubtedly the people most Interested in these pictures will be the fond parents of the (harming young people photographed, for this In all proba
bility is the only protracted study they will have of their offspring, and it undoubtedly is the only opportunity they will have for a "still life” view during
the holidays. . . . . . , ,,_;
Society has been taken by storm. Without so much as a "by your lea ve, which, we admit, Is obsolete anyhow, the younger set have taken these
holiday weeks and have made them what they will. And what they will is dancing, and then dancing and more dancing. There have been more parties
than the social scribe can remember, and mothers and fathers have had to glimpse their darlings ’tween times.
Miss Nash, the daughter of Mrs. F. A. Nash, is the only member of the I’epper Pot club to stay In Omaha this year for schooling. She Is a
student at Duchesne convent. She is a widely traveled young woman, and has spent a great many of her winters In Florida, Cuba and California, and
her summers in Wianno and Saranac. This summer was a real thriller, for during her stay in Quebec, she saw the Prince of Males, who was in the
city incognito. _ , , „ ,
Miss Jane Stewart is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, and the niece of Meredith Nicholson. When her father was asked if she seemed
to Inherit her illustrious relative’s literary talent, he replied, “She drives a car mighty well.” Miss Stewart Is spending her first year at Miss Master’s
school, Dobb’s Ferry, N. Y. .
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roberts and their daughter, Elizabeth, gave up their beautiful home, Grey Rocks in Fairacres, and took up
their residence in the Blackstone. Early this week Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorl.v and family will take possession.
Miss Roberts, who is a junior at Brownell, will enter Mrs. Somers’ school in Washington, D. C„ In the fall, after an extended summer trip with her
( family. The year after that she will enroll at Vassar. On Friday afternoon Miss Roberts was honor guest at a tea given by her mother for 100 of the the
\ jounger set. . •(
Jsl ft e
7/odinl Gtty
Days of Lucullus Return
Cream-Filled Chocolate Cake and Cheese Sandwiches
Have It All Over Humming Birds’ Tongues
and Lion’s Tail Soup.
HIGH pries teases of cookery must
preside prayerfully over the am
brosial viands one has served
to one at teas.
Gabby Is In a continual state of
wonder over them. Things look so love
ly arranged one would say more for
the aesthetic than for the material
self. Such deceptive pretties, too.
Ond" thinks of them carelessly, rather
as one thinks of a chiffon gown,
lovely and airy, hut not practical.
They’re really Madame Calorie’s
staunchest allies.
Friday at the tea given by Mes
dames Huff, wide silver platters
on which pretty cakes and sanwiches
made a pattern, were balanced at
each end with tiny bouquets of violets
In which roses nestled, flavors a little
of the feasts of Bucullus, Gabby
thinks, but cream filled chocolate
cakes and cheese sandwiches have It
Mill over humming birds' tongues and
of boiled lions' tails,
JUST for the convenience of those
who don’t already know It, Gab
by mentions that this Is official
"Mothers and Sons Reconciliation
Week.” The second week of Christ
mas vacation always Is, when pos
sible, for something must he done
for mothers who have rushed In
where angels fear, and would even to tread, In accepting invltac
tlons for their sons, who sit by, help
less. In some out-of-town school.
"The gooseberries I have drawn,
through mother's kindness to suffer
ing hostesses.” said one youth, ’’has
almost estranged Us,”
Yes, Gabby thinks, this Is a week
we ought to celebrate.
SUB Is that most unusual of crea
tures. a demure girl, so It was
without suspicion lier Intimates
saw her dashing down to the station
Saturday morning to see a ’’friend”
who was stopping off for the day.
Besides, she wasn’t wearing a carna
tion. that time honored badge by
which strangers meet, so who could
have guessed. The anonymous one
it later developed was Upton Hlm-lalr,
that Iconoclast who ha» torn educa
tion and the prees to pieces In his
latest books.
Their friendship grew through a
tter sent to his company, not ln
nded for him.’ wherein she ordefed
i book In a far froth businesslike
fashion. The clever phrases, for
wide. , she Is famous, caught the sec
fc>etev?’e eye. and he relayed them on
^ t'oi author, who himself sent back
-*an answer, Including a few flattering
flo highly did ths writer value her
comments In the subsequent (Nt-hange
of Ideas that he stopped off heie en
route to the west, ignoring promi
nent local Intelligentsia, who would
have given much to hear his blister
ing Invective.
Inquisitive Gabby remembered that
in the "Book of Life," Mr. Sinclair
had mentioned that he wa still wear
ing the same overcoat after 14 years,
object being to fool sordid commer
ciallsts who so wilfully and woefully
change the styles each year. The de
mure one answered Gabby’s query as
to whether or not he wore said coat
in Omaha, by saying that unless ap
pearances were more than usually de
ceitful, he did.
RUMOR has It that Judge Frank
DIneen, who so recently organ
ized and then disorganized a
speeders' parade. Is soon to put on
a parade all his ownself. This one,
a parade to the altar, where he Is to
wed a young woman now employed In
the city hall. The young lady Is
wearing a diamond ring, on the sig
nificant finger, and the Judge admits
he put it there, but that no definite
date has been set for the wedding.
A ROLLS-ROYCE purring expen
sively by, could never have
achieved such attention, Gabby
opines, for It takes more than the
finest of equipages to make a whole
bridge party leave their tables In the
midst of finesses and redeals. But
they did leave the cards, to rush to
the window of the George Flack
home thb other afternoon to see Mr
and Mrs. Charles Morton pacing by.
They were leading Zeus, their rangy
limbed Great Dane, harnessed with
the smartest of leathers to a small
rart, In which little Patricia Ann
Morton sat fur wrapped, ss dignified
as royalty.
A style In the making Is alwaya
distracting. This Is one, undoubtedly,
"the babies will all cry for.”
ITS NOT ss chilly ns usual at tills
tlmo of year. HtIII, It's too cold
to go barefoot, most anyone would
admit. Little Marjorie Ann Uhl,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel •Uhl,
Jr., is far more practical minded than
one would suspect to see her eyes of
cornflower blue, snd the cloud of
golden curls which encircle her rhlld
iah head, and she thinks It's really
foolish. One day Inst week she dls
covered that the Hawaiian dancers
who have born swinging grass skirls
and iels around the dance floor at
ttie Brandels restaurants wlule ukn
lelcs wall, were doing It without the
aid of footwear. Her fear for the
health of the dancers led her to the
Announcement ua* made last evening at a iliiiner given by Mr. nml
Mr*. 4. II. Conrad, of llie engagement of tlielr daughter l.ila lie Weenta, to
Howard Cramer tiray, non of Mr. and Mr*. Carl It. tiray.
Ml** Conrad ha* licen a popidar member of society *lnre her grndna
tion from llnna Hull two year* ago, and la*t year wa* a princes* in the
Court of Ak-Har Hen.
Mr. tiray lia* had a most unusual record. A graduate from Princeton
In Aune, he wa* awarded the Poe cup, llie highest honor the college offers,
grnnted on merit* of character and m^devement. President of Ids class
for three year*, and end on the football leant, he wa* chosen (or the All
No definite wedding dale h»» been *et. Mr. tiray till* year Is a
student at the Nebraska university college of medicine.
On New Year1* day Ml** Conrad will give a candlelight tea when Mr.
firny will receive with her.
orehcatra, where ehe naked them wl>>
they didn't "wear ahoen nml atork
in*n mnvT" They were highly am ueed
nnd a little nonplunsed.
Of couraa you all want to know
why they don't, hut will yi.u Ik* h.m
akaptiml ni dabby, wh^n you h »iu
that thay told har tin v didn’t \Noi»r
'fin Ynua»' thnv warn “afraid thay'd
(Turn to I'n|« Two. Column Thrro.)
Miss Huse Sets Date
for Wedding.
Miss Josephine Huso has art Jan
nnry 22 as tha data for her wadding
to Harry J. Krlly of Port Arthur.
Tot. Tha marriage, which will ha
nttondad hy mambara of tha family
only, will taka plnce In tha nftarnoon
nt tha homo of tho hrlda'a alator. Mra
It. (!. Nnaburg. A recaption will fol
low for close frlotida.
Mrs. Fraser Hostess.
Mis. \V A Fraser will give n
luncheon nt har home Wednesday for
tho Christmas house guests of Mrs
(I tor ice Hrnndels, Mrs. M. J. Carney
>1 nd Miss l.llllnn Holers of New York
I ml Mrs. Ilnrry Hosworth of Chicago.
For Army ('nuple.
Mr nml M m. M. a Tlimttnon on
tartnlnod nt dinner nt their homo
Hat unlay In honor of f'npt«lti and
Mrn Addlnon <\ Townaand of Unnh
inglon, I). C. Covara **«• Uld tot U
I _
i New Year Eve Festivities
New Tear eve parlies divide them
pelves into distinct groups. The
largest private party to watch for
he witching hour, wiil be entertain
d by Mr. and Mrs. George Brandels
or Miss Vernelle Head and her fiance
Uymond Baur. Dinner parties of
' arious size will precede the assem
1 lage of more than 100 guests at the
Brandels restaurant where, to exotic
music, the dance will go on.
The Brandels theater with Guy
Bates Post the attraction, will prob
ably experience one of the hegvy
nights of Its career. Dinner parties
and supper parties will go "fore and
aft.” Orpheum parties will he popu
lar amusement with a special mid
night performance.
, Private elulat open for the occasion
include the Omaha club and the Ath
letic club. The Funtenelle hotel will
house a dance for 400 guests given
by the Hiahlnnd Country club. No
large public place will be open that
Supper-Watch Parties ”.\t Home.”
Numerous watch parties will he
given at private homes, hosts and
hostesses Including:
Mr. and Mrs. Huff, sr
Mr. mul M'« A1 Tlusrh
Pr and Mr* Kmklne Rum**
Mr and Mr*. K J U*h)tns
Mr and Mra. II. R Rowan for thalr
•ott. Raymond
Mr. and Mr* P .T Hutphan
Pr and Mra. Fall* Dnprciir At thalr
Ralston chalet
Mra W. Todd d«nra Mr h*r daush
tar*. Ml**** Harrat and Vjrfinla
Mr and Mr* W H PUinm, 40 *u**tr
to danra at thalr hotna
Mr. and Mr* t'lam Waldron, for Mr.
and Mr*. O. 11 Talning*
Dinner Fartlea at Home.
Dinner part lea will h* gt\en At
home by:
Mr and Mr*. Taul 0*!l**h*r.
Mr and Mr* Georg* Print
Mr. and Mr*, .loaaph Barker.
Mr. and Mr* Adolph htora.
Mr and Mra Karl Kent*
Mr and Mi* JAP Kennedy.
Mr. and Mra W altar brad
Mr. and Mr* Tamp!* M l'avdan
Mr and Mr* R S Prthyl
Omaha Club Dlmiort.
Dinner parties at the Omaha rhib
will be given by M!*a Klcanor Burk
lev for Mist Vernelle Head, Or. and
Mr* W. O. Bridge*. Mr. and Mra T
L. Da via, Kved Hamilton. Bandall
Brown, Harlan Allen.
Athletic Club Dinner*.
At the Athletic club numerous din
net* will l*e given. A Dutch treat
group will Include Mr and Mr* A l
fred Magnuaon. Mr and Mr*. W.
Culle.v, Mrs M. V, Oakley, Mia* Ve
Hutu Boyd l>\.-Tt ami \ r M»1n |
t\ie Kinnot* Murphy, whose mat I
rim: » to Ml** Marian Wetter will be
an event of January 2, will be host
at the club for members of the bridal
party. Mis* Evelyn Newbranch will
be a hostess at the Athletic club.
Another party at the club will ins
elude Messrs, "and Mcsdames J. HJ
Beaton, H. C. Jeffry, Earl Sherman,
Roy A. Ralph and N. H. Tyson.
Special Evening Affairs.
Omaha Walking club will welcome
In the New Year at their shack.
PI Tati Pi eocial fraternity wllj
dance the old year out at the Black
stone hotel ballroom.
flitmmu Mu of Central high echool
have Issued Invitations for a dance at
the Burgess Nash tea room.
A theater, supper and bridge party
will lnilude Mf»«r» and Mesdame*
Terry Relmers, William Herdman.
Ralph Euikhart. Frank May. Harry
O. Steel. Leslie E. Troup and Miss
Georgians Sutherland.
Masquerade dance. Fort Omaha
service club.
Marriage of Mis* Lucile Fensmore
and Edward A. Condy at the home
of the hrlde'a parent*. Mr. and Mr*
Charles A. Fensmore, 9 o'clock New
Tear'* eve. .
During the Day.
Long before the twilight hour, so
cletv will have begun to move. Sev
eral luneheon* sre scheduled for Mon
day Mr and Mrs. Theodor* Maen
oer will give one at the Cnlversltv
club for Miss Marian Weller's wed
ding parly Mr*. Fred Daugherty
will entertain at noon at the Omaha
club for Mrs Myron Hoohatettler.
Mlsa Helen Cole will be a bridge hos
tess In the afternoon. *
First M. F. I.adit’s Plan
The Todies' Aid society of (he Kir*
Methodist chmvh will give a luncheon
on the first Friday of each month
during the year in the parlors of the
church. Mrs T F Sturgeas and Mrs
Ford Hovey are chairmen of the com
niittees in charge of ihese luncheons
and announce the first of them for
1 o'clock on Friday. January s. Miss
Jessie Town*, dean of g rla at Central
High sehool, will give one of her en
joyahle talks. Her subject will be
"What the Omaha High S hool Can
l'o for the Ulrls. and What Their
Mothers Can IV for Omaha High
School." There will he community
sin.ting under the dire, tlon of Mrs
James 1 lodge, and Mrs IV K. Kind
shaw will gi\e a song group, tteserva
lions should he made by Tuesilav with
Mrs Sluice** Jackson Mil. or Mrs
Ford Hovey, Walnut lilt.
Holiday Feast Goes Merrily On
Omahans Will Dine, Sip and Sup Today in Gay
Groups—Matrons, School Set and
The holiday feast goes merrily on.
Otnahans will dine, sip and sup to
day in gay groups, matrons, school
set and brides. Kven artists figure in
the events of even date, though, as
one would rightly suspect, their sus
tenance will be of the spirit.
Miss Wiila Cather'g portrait, done
by Jjeon Bakst in Paris last summer,
will be unveiled at the library at 3:30
p. m., given to the library by women
of Omaha. Admirers of both the
writer and the artist will attend the
ceremonies which are open to the
Bulfet supper parties will be given
by Mr. and Mr*. W. F. Baxter for
their daughters, Misses Kllanore and
Katherine, by Mr. and Sirs. Ware
Hall, honoring Miss Marian Weller
and her fiance, Francis Murphy, and
by Mr. and Mr*. Francis Gainea In
compliment to Miss Vernelle Head
and her fiance, Raymond Baur. Mr.
and Mrs. George Payne will honor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Payne of Al
bert Bee, Minn., at their buffet sup
per tonight.
Miss Jessie Millard will have Mrs.
Arthur Baur of Paris as her dinner
Tea hostesses include Mr*. A. V.
Kinsler with Mrs. Baur her guest of
honor and Mis* Josephine Bchurman
and Miss Dorothy Wilcox, who will
receive at the home of Miss Bchur
man for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp
bell, recently wedded.
Years Day
| • Hospitality
Js'ew Year day. teas have legendary
significance. A generous number of
them planned by Omaha hostesses will
uphold the city's reputation for hos
The largest New Year's day tea
will be given by Rev. and Mrs. Trank
G. Smith. They have issued cards
to 500 guests who will call between
the hours of 3 and 6. Dr. and Mrs.
Smith will receive in the church par
lors. The West sisters' string quartet
will give a program during the after
University club memliers will find
open house at their club, with tea
and dancing during the afternoon,
and a btiffet supper and dancing in
the evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Casady will
receive at AH Saints rectory.
Hostesses at tea at their homes will
include Mrs. Byron Hastings, honor
ing her son and daughter. Miss
Natalie and Byron: Mrs. J. A. Linder
holm for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buck
ingham; Mrs. Rudolph Rix for h*r
daughter, Miss Margaret; Mrs. W. F.
Megeath for her sister, Mrs. F. H.
(Crawford of Minneapolis: Miss De
JWeenta Conrad, candle light tea for
fier guest. Miss Nancy Leach of Min
neapolis; Mrs. G. W. Todd, honoring
jier daughters. Miss Virginia and Har
riet, and Miss Mary Larmon will give
a bridge tea.
' Dinners will be given on Tuesday
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shirley for
i(Irs. J. Crohn, guest of Mrs. Sophie
Shirley McDermott: by Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Trimble; Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Burgess for the bridal party, of Miss
Vemelle Head and Raymond Baur;
Dr. and Mr*. W. F. Cal If as for 12.
guests at their home in celebration
of their 37th wedding anniversary;
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller for mem
ber* of the bridal party of their
daughter, Mies Marian, whose mar
riage to Francis Murphy will take
place the following day.
Mrs. Harry Weller will give a
luncheon for the out-of-town guests
here to attend the Murpby-Weller
wedding. Drexei Fibbertisen will be
host at luncheon at the Omaha club
for Miss Vemelle Head and Raymond
Gordon Smith will be a breakfast
boat New Year's mom.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Owens will cele
■brate their 63d wedding anniversary
by receiving caller* at their home.
The wedding of Miss Gladys Pearl
Stewart to Forrest E. Wylie of Hous
ton. Tex., will take plate at the home
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer E. Stewart, Rev. J. M Wileon
officiating. The couple will go to
Europe and Africa for a wedding
Breakfast Dance
Tests Theory
of Science
At our social system la to be
made the subject of scientific study.
The theory that life la at its lowest
ebb along about 3 a. m. is to be up
set by Gordon Smith. He, with ths
assistance of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Smith, who have loaned
their home for his experiment, will
prove that life is then at It* gayest
and liveliest.
Mr. Smith will givs a breakfast
dance from 3 on New Ymr s morning
until the guesta begin to droop, or
have to go to work, and has im
ported a special orchestra as psrt
of his laboratory equipment.
Fifty of the younger set have been
Invited to the test
Mr. and Mr*. Martin Harris
Honor Robert
Mr and Mrs. Martin Harris will
entertain at dinner en Saturday eve
ning for Robert Theobald of Toledo,
who will be their gueet over the week
end. This is Mr Theodbalds fire#
visit to Omaha, The late Mrs. Theo
bald. however, will be remembered aa
a bridesmaid at ths wedding of Mis.
Kugenle tVhttmore Dinkins several
years ago. Mr. Theobald it vice presi
dent of the Toledo Scale# company, of
which hie father is the founder and
Business \\ omen’s O.ltib
Molds l’art>.
Fun, frolic*, fooltuhmos* mthI thrills
are promised by Hi** Wart Jerk*,
chairman of the toci&l committee of
the Omaha HusmfM Wonwn » o'A,
to *11 mtmben and gur*(* of the oluh
who Attend its New Year* party *t
th* Y. \Y. i". A. TuwJiy evening.
January t. at 7;S0 p. m. Mia* Jenk*
hga announced a* bt| committee of
asatatant* Mr*. I'/uime M>ikUrmM,
Mr* J. II Mo*, -nnetee, Kmnta
Saentrom, Kmm v Worm, Anne Hasktn,
Selma Brook*. Kiirabeth Garrett. t«e*
nora Woiveeter. \d.v Morneon* Min
nie Goettrhc. I'thel Wtereon, Kliu<
b«lh Shahan and NeUie kucklt),