Norris Fires Broadside at Partisan Rule Not Only Bryans, but Men in All Parties Guilty of Spoils System, Sen ator Says. Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Washington, Deo. 28.—There are others besides the Bryan boys who in the opinion of Senator George W. Nor ris have destroyed their usefulness in public life to a great extent by their extreme partisanship. It is with an idea to make it plain that he isn't making a partisan at tack on the Bryan boys for their par tisanship that the senator issued a statement in Washington today set ting out clearly that the intense spoils in partisanship to which he objects has been evident in republican ranks as in democratic ranks. “In an interview printed in Nebras ka recently in which I criticized Wil liam Jennings Bryan and Governor Bryan for their partisanship, I said in substance practically everything the correspondent has alleged yet he gave readers but a small portion of what I actually did say,” Senator Nor ris said. Both Parties Guilty. “I was talking to quite a number of gentlemen on the question of par tisanship and was showing what I believed to be one of the great evils in our governmental affairs. I gave them quite a number of illustrations where, in my judgment, prominent men in public life have injured their usefulness by being unri "'nablj partisan. I gave more illustrations from lives of republican party men than I did from that of democrats. “The correspondent picked out what I said about the Bryans and omitted the balance. Besides, the interview would purport to be one where the object of it was to make an attack on both William Jennings Bryan and on Governor Bryan, when as a matter of fact, I gave them only illustrations of the rule I was condemning. Thus the interview as printed is given a setting which in reality, made prominent one of the illustrations and omitted al most entirely the real object I had in view. Drawback on i'rogress. "I am not apologizing or retracting anything that I have said in regard to the partisanship of either of the Bryans. They, of course, like all other men, have a perfect right to be as partisan as they please, but I am not selecting them as a class by'them selves and condemning them for this reason. There are just as many re publican partisans as there are demo cratic partisans, and I do not wish to he placed in the attitdue of condemn ing one more than the other. "I wish it also to be understood that I frankly admit many of our great and good men have been and are bitterly partisan. It is my judgment, how ever, that ih every such case, Buch men injure their usefulness and stand in the way of. human progress. I have often admired William Jennings Bryan in the attitude he has taken on various public questions, but I have often seen him destroy the good ef fect of hid own work by what seem ed almost a slavish obedience par tisanship. Cites Attitude Toward Hitchcock. "One of the first things that Gov ernor Bryan did after his election was to give a public interview in which he bewailed in the most sorrowful manner the fact that Senator Hitch cock had been defeated In thy same election, and that a republican legis lature had been elected, and yet I knew, and I think everybody else knew, that Governor Bryan regarded Senator Hitchcock as the embodiment of all that w'as wrong and objection able in public affairs. If the voters of the state had heen as partisan os he was In that interview, he would not have received the thousands and thousands of republican votes he did receive at the polls. "From what 1 could observe at a distance, the legislature and the gov ernor gave to quite an extent at least, an exhibition of the evils of par tisanship, particularly in stale gov ernment. each trying to get a party advantage over the other. CilizeiiH No Conger Partisans. 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