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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1923)
1 Social Calendar i___ Mr. ami Mrs. J. E. Mcgeath at their ■ home, Christmas tea. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Engler, dinner of 16 covers Christmas night for Mrs. ^^Unnle Smith of Owatonna, Minn, fjl^^ort Omaha, Christmas dance at vice club. Misses Alice and Martha Drake, lancing party for 22 guests. O. T. club. Central High school, lance at the Fonteneye hotel. Sigma Chi Omicron sorority. Univer sity of Omaha, dance at the Black stone hotel. Miss Jessie Millard, dinner at home for Mrs. Walter Head. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hughes will ?tve an informal Christmas afternoon party honoring Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Sturtevant of Kansas City who arc visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. '’lugene Duval. New Year’s Breakfast. Gordon Smith will entertain at breakfast at his home New Year's nornlng. IJninger Travel Club Parly. Miss Neva, Morphew, former presi lent of the Lininger Travel club, will mtertaln the members of the club. Central High school girls, on Dc tember 29 at her home, 5016 Emmet itreet. MEW: - For the Gantt*. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gantt leave Friday for Los Angeles to remain for a year. A number of affairs have been given for Mr. and Mrs. Gantt. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lowman enter tained at a dinner Friday, Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison a dtnner on Thursday evening, and Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson entertained. Party Christmas Night. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hum will en tertain 12 guests Tuesday evening at the Brandeis in honor of their gu<sts, the E. J. Heiners, Mrs. Alec Whit ney and Mrs. Theodore Hurts of Lin coln and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurts of Chicago. Visit the D. F. Davises. Miss Ann Morton of Platte City, Mo., left this morning after spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. David Renton Davis. Miss Morton was a guest Saturday evening at n dinner given by the S. R. Kirkpat ricks at the University club. Today Dr. W. H. Winnlnghum of Trenton, Mo., arrived to visit his daughter, Mrs. Davis, and on Friday Miss Mar guerite Davis, sister of Mr. Davis, will be their guest. We Wish You a Merry Christmas Lovely Presents FREE to "** Christmas Day Babies To the FIRST Baby Born on ChrUtma* Day A “Lloyd” Baby Carriage Free To All Other Babies Born Christmas Day A Beautiful Bassinet Free The only stipulation is that the parents of each baby arriv ing on Christmas Day must present by January first a Birth Certificate signed by the attending physician, stating that the child arrived within the 24-hour period, with time of birth; also that the physician be a regular practioner residing in Omaha. It is also necessary to show that the baby is living at the time the gift is presented and that both parents have resided in Omaha for one vear previous to the little one’s arrival. BIB - - - • — ■ ■ — ■ ■■ ■ — Under the Glittering Christmas Tree All o\er Omaha today there will be mothers {tnd father* who will wish the camera could preserve for them scenes as pretty as this one, taken last year, scenes which will include their own little folk playing around the glittering Christmas Ire*. The picture shows the three beauti ful children of the Charles Hannan*, jr., of Council Bluffs, the baby daugh ter Jessapie cooing happily In her cradle, and her sturdy older brothers, Charles and Kelley. Christinas Dinners Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Ritchie, jr., will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Melkop, Jr., of Council Bluffs, r _ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rock and laughter, Betty Jean, wdll give a Christmas dinner at their home, when Mrs. Thomas Watson and her sons, Howard and Stewart, of this city, and Charles Milner of Madison, S. D., will be their guests. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Rock will give a children's party. Now that production of movies has been curtailed In Hollywood and some salaries chopped, several leading screen lights have had to postpone their divorces against mora prosper ous tiroes. Personals | Mamie* Block is spending Ulnist inas in Chicago. Henry Dozier of tits United States Naval academy at Annapolis, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dozier. Mr. and !*!>s. E. A. Lindberg and son of Oakland, Neb., and Mrs. A. W. Olson and daughter of Kansas City are spending the holidays with Mis. Paulina Albach, their mother. Joseph P. Cleland, Jr., of West Point Military academy. Is spending the holidays With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cleland, sr. Mr. and MYs Cleland'* daughter, Mrs. P. D. Selby, and Mr. Selby of Ipswich, 8. I)., will also be here for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Rogers of Dav enport, la., are spending Christmas with their daughter. Mr. Edwin Busch, and Mr. Busch. A. M. Corrigan arrives Saturday from St. Louis to spend Christmas with Mrs. CorrigHn's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Becker. His wife and daughter, Jean, are already in the city. Dr. W. H. Schantz has returned from Philadelphia, where he is dolflj graduate medical work with Penn State medical college, and will be here this week. • Mr. and Mr*. Dave Goldman of St. Louis. Mo., arrived last week and will spend the holiday* with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Heraberg of the Colbert apartments. Mrs. Goldman was formerly Angela Herzberg. Mr. and Mrs. William Gunlock and daughters. Misses .Jar-quellne and Na talie Ounlock. arrived Monday from Chicago to spend the holiday* with Mrs. Gunlock's father, Andrew Mur phy. Mrs F. S. Martin will entertain at the tea dance at the Omaha club Fri day afternoon in honor of M *s Wini fred McMartln. Joseph M< Martin and his guest, William Nicholas, of Chi cago. Robert JeViklns, who attends th< Chicago university, !b spending the holidays with hi** parents, the Rev and Mrs D. E. Jenkins He has as his guest. Thorpe G. Drain of Wash ington. D. C. , Forrey—Williams. Miss Helen Williams, daughter of Mr and Mrs. E. ('. Williams, an nounced her engac ment to Charles R. Forrey. at a bridge tea at her home Saturday afternoon. Mis^ Williams graduated from Central High and is a member of Kappa Pei Delta. at the University if Omaha Mr. Forrey graduated from Central High In ISIS. No date lta* b»en set for the wedding. High Fees Denied by Bank Lawyers Counsel for Defunct Ameri can State Receivers Answer Charges of State. Two Omaha law firm*, Rrogan, El lick A Raymond and Brome A Ram sey, filed answers In district court yesterday to an application made by the state of Nebraska for attorneys to turn over assets, files and palters reluting to the defunct American State bank. The two firms, employed by Fred E. Bodte, first receiver of the defunct bank, deny that they have demanded exorbitant fees or that they refused to deliver assets and files of (lie bank They allege that neither the state department of trade and commerce nor the guarantee fund commission have the>capacity or authority to f.x fees for attorneys retained by Bodi* or K. O. Knudson, present receiver. They reqfcest. that the court approve their acts, and that their fees and disbursements he allowed. "In compliance with the request of the commission we have turned over all matters not In litigation, but have retained all papers necessary to prop erly conduct pending lit gation." a member of the Brome & Ramsey firm declared. \ The Selby* Hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Selby will en tertaln at a dinner at the Brandel restaurants on Wednesday evening Teeuniseh Pastor Dies Suddenly •> Rev. Henry F. Grupe Had Served Lutheran Pastor ate for 19 Years. Tecumseh. Neb., Dec. 24,—Rev. Henry E. Drupe, 75. w ell known min ister, died suddenly at his home south east of Tecumseh. MRev. Mr. Drupe was a native of Dei-many and came to the United States when «. The family located at Crete, III. Rev. Mr. Drupe was grad uated from the Lutheran Theological seminary of St. Louis. His first charge was near Illmo, Mo., where he preached for 19 years and for the last 32 years he had been pastor of St. Peter church here. Rev. Drupe was married to Mis Catherine Hoffman in St. Louis ir ISM. H r wife and five children fur vive. the children being Raul Orup« of Deshler. Mrs Amelia Kniggs o' H-ref id Tex Henry Drupe or I>* trolt, Arthur Drupe of Beatrice, Neb. and Mrs. Hedwig Brekmnn of T* cumseh. There is one sister. Mrs Fredericks Rust of Crete, 111. Funeral servieea will be hel2 at St Reter church Thursday afternoon at 1 Should Not Freeze. Linen dealers tell us never to le linens freeze on the line in winter as it strains the fiber and in a shor* time cracks will a op ear In the folds Rather nacrifice purity of color anc dry them in the house in bittei weather. STYLt WITHOJT OOUGLAffsT fYTBA/AGANCE DCWOL^ Sr During Our Great A fter Christmas Sales we offer f--—----- — V Your unrestricted choice of any pair of Pumps or Oxfords • in the entire Herzberg stock y at exactly. All the new and desirable PriC6 creations — every new leather—ell coltws—sixes are broken. > 16th and Harney 16th and Harney Jr 6V®ktVin9\XkAiftesA^ ^)ec. 26 £ G\G(\NT\C ftfTtft CHSASTNAS £H A sale that is all-inclu sive in scope. Positively no reservations. DISPOSAL Of ALL COATS'SUIT# JMESSES’TURff aSkieto km MiMim uatmcnX \n OrW $<o$. 5\ock Wo\ve<\ This startling reduction of half off is based unon the Orkin Brothers’ regular low est-in-the-city prices. Whatever your apparel need may be, right no\fr in the most advantageous time to supply it. 'fy.VtcV&vW VUcAwcsAm Dec. 26? STYLE WITHOUT 1519 1521 EXTRAVAGANCE DOUGLAS ST After Christmas Clearance in Girlie Nook The event for which thousand* of Omaha mothers have anxiously awaited. The one outstanding opportunity of the year to secure quality apparel for the girls at money-savings that are simply irresistible. Half Price Disposal of 435 Coats and Dresses Girls' Dresses Sizes 6 to 14. Wonderful creations in Serge, Wool, Crepes, Jer seys, French Flannels and Velvets. 250 Dresses All $6.95 Dresses now. .$3.48 . All 9.75 Dresses now. . 4.88 9 All 10.75 Dresses now. . 5.38 All 12.50 Dresses now. . 6.25 All 13.50 Dresses now. . 6.75 All 14.50 Dresses now . 7.25 All 16.50 Dresses now. . 8.25 All 18.50 Dresses now 9.25 All 22.50 Dresses now.. 11.25 J Girls' Coats Sizes 2 to 6, 7 to 10, 12 to 16. Velours, Chinchilla, Camels Hair, Mixtures, lined and interlined, fur collars. 185 Coats Ail $10.75 Coats now. $5.38 All 12.50 Coats now. . 6.25 All 14.50 Coats now. . 7.25 All 16.50 Coats now. . 8.25 All 18.50 Coats now. . 9.25 All 22.50 Coats now. .11.25 All 24.50 Coats now. 12.25 All 29.50 Coats now. .14.75 All 34.50 Coats now. .17.25 .-.\ All Children's <■ . FURS 1A Price To Close ' & - --....V All Girls ~ , HATS i » Price To Close ^ “ ========================================== Clearance of All the Remaining Stock Dresses in silks, velvets and wool crepes; Coats in velours, marvellas, and all the finer fabrics. Girls’ wool and cotton middies, girls’ cotton dresses, girll’ sweaters—your un restricted choice at