The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 25, 1923, CITY EDITION, Image 16
^ * Christmas Greetings To all our Patrons and Friends and a cordial invitation to all to visit us and sample our cooking. Special Christmas Dinner <1.80 P«r PUf Oyster Cocktail Puree of Chicken, Mushrooms Stuffed Olives Celery Salted Almonds CHOICE of i i Roast Turkey with Southern Dressing . ^ j Club Sirloin Steak with Virginia Ham J Fried Spring Chicken, Murphy Style Candied Sweet Potatoes, Marshmallows Mashed Potatoes French Peas en Cases . Cranberry Sherbet Hot Rolls Bartlett Pear Salad, Yuletide Swedish Wafers Frozen Egg Nog Assorted Cake Steamed Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Hot Mince Pie with Cheese Tea Coffee Milk “Have Murphy Cook It” MURPHY’S HUT Open 11 to 3 A. M. 521 S, 18th St. AT lantic 2890 i Season's Greetings We thank you for the many kindnesses of 1923. We hope to be able to merit your consideration during 1924. Shop and SAVE at FLYNN’S South Omaha’s Biggest Omaha’s Best Trading Place 1 Christmas Greetings We wish to take this opportunity to publicly thank our many friends and shippers for their support through out the past year, George A. Roberts Grain Co. 230 Grain Exchange AT lantic 0446 Hearty Christmas Wishes to All Our Friends and Customers UPDIKE Lumber & Coal Company SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL 1924 will find me again endeavoring to meet your demands in efficient service. Mrs. Lulu Hampton Dressmaking Hemstitching Remodeling 530 World-Herald Bldg. AT Untie 1810 XMAS GREETINGS From Koritko Funeral Home " MERRY XMAS TO ALL May the New Year Brin? You Happiness and Prosperity HULSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors 2222 Cumins Street Seasons Greetings! May 1924 Hrin* You HBAI/TH, JOY and PROSPERITY DR. anton Rani 502 Paxton Blk. JA 3T41 1 .^.a^aa « a -A I « • «4 \ •• PERSONAL GREETINGS to our many pupils and danca attenders and Xmas Greetings TO ALL KELPINE 25th and Farnam PERSONAL GREETINGS to our customers and friends and XMAS GREETINGS to All Omaha Stationery Co., 307 South 17th St. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS XMAS GREETINGS TO ALL And Best Wishes for » Happy, Prosperous New Year Is the Wish of NEBRASKA PLEATING 4 BUTTON CO. 1806 Farnam St., 2d Floor MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Robt. R. Neil extends seasons greeting to his friends and patrons. JA ckson 3866 A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NKW YEAR to alt la tha wiah of tha J. C. CALLUP flora# and Mula Ca, MA 3128 30th and L 1 SKOGMAN Wishes Everybody a Merry Christmas N. J. SKOGMAN, SONS BUILDERS 3118 Cuming St. HA 7045 vw r» A WORLD OF SINCERE GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year BIRKETT A CO. Raa! Eitata 4 350 Patara Traat JA 0633 A Merry Christmas to All May the Coming Year Be One of Great Prosperity B. E. PRICE REAL ESTATE 224 Kaaliae Bldg. Best Xmas Greetings TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS IS THE WISH OP FRED PARKS Wallpaper Paint* Glasa Picture Framing Painting Paperhanging 470S 3. 24th Street MA 0101 AT 7404 A j May Christmas i Be Most Joyous i for You i and the New Year j Prosperous and Happy CLINK CLAIR I 318 3. 18lK JA 9862 jj We With You ! the Merriett Kind ; of a Christmas j and a Jj Successful New Year P. F. COLLIER IJ 308 Baird Bid*. AT 8316 i; I; XMAS GREETINGS (• Wa aitand fo nil nur fr!*nda and (f patron* ulncara gn«»d wiahaa. i A. HOOGE. Florlat j* 'SIT Sautli 30tH Avtmi* I AT loot!. 09*4 [• - ™ Holiday Greetings | Again the Merry Christmas time has -J come with its spirit of good cheer. ,i May your share of it be ample. ; ' Shopen & Co. \ REALTORS !» JAcluon 4228 236 Kealin* Bldg. ( d SEASON'S GREETINGS To Our Many Friends and Customers This Christmas Day. : : : : LOUIS COHN Real Estate, Investments 4823 So. 24th St. MA. 0143 I I XMAS GREETINGS i t to All • and Best Wishes for a |i Happy and Prosperous j New Year Is the Wish of CHRIS BOYER t Real Estate j 2103 Cuming JA 2049 ■ *. XMAS GREETINGS i to All Our Friendi and Patron* GORDON FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE & VAN 219 N. 11th St. JA 3032 Moving Packing Storage Shipping t WE SINCERELY WISH OUR MANY FRIENDS A VERY Merry Christmas and Very Prosperous New Year Chas. E. Belman Co. RmI Eilat* and Iniuranc* 723 Paler* Tru*t Bldg. A MERRY XMAS and a PROSPEROUS HEW YEAR to You Is the Wish of C. L. Nethaway REAL ESTATE Florenc* KE 1409 j Compliments of the Season From th« WOODROW CAFE 214 S. 14tH AT 2447 « Mon Yen Lo Extends Season’s Greetings Wc assure our friends that it is our desire_ to please the most fastidious and meet all llieir tennis at 1508 Howard Street JA ckson 4488 t: Sincere Xmas Greetings and Best Wishes for a j; Happy and Prosperous ] Xetc Year \ J. H. KOPIETZ \ Real Estate 4733 S. 24th MA 0960 ] 1 ; May X mas Be ; !; Most Joyous | for You and j the New Year jj Prosperous I; and Happy S' I- Creigh & Sons j* Real Estate K !■• 608 Pafert Tru»t JA 0200 MERRY XMAS! j> May the New Year brinr you |'l Happiness and Prosperity I! FRED A. BAILEY !• Real Estate 6015 Military WA 4304 r S SEASON S | GREETINGS i i HOTEL NEVILLE | I- Wm. Koenig, Mgr. I . 107 N. 16th AT 8164 r We Wish AH Oyr Tetrons ji A MERRY CHRISTMAS »; and want to assure them of j our hospitality in 19-4. e HOTEL KEEN HOTEL FLATIRON MERRY XMAS i‘ and a }' HAPPY XEU YEAR ; MILLARD HOTEL ; f irrpToof 13th and Douglas AT AA5& ^ : A MERRY XMAS atul •$ HAPPY NEH YEAR -j Is the Wish of ij THE FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY 1819 California A I 1>291 fj Yulrtulo (irrt’hnfs 3 To You mu! Yours nmi j'l Prosperity in 1924 .4 Electric Appliance Co. (\ 1900 H«tn»y Si. JA J.lliO .j - * rsi, tv. -V .TV- t..tJ ^ Sincere Greetings to All My Pupils Prof. Don MacFarlane Dancing Instructor in Ballroom, Tango and All Styles of Dancing Now at the EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDENS 1516 Douglas A Cherry Christmas What could make a nicer, more appropriate gift for the wife or daughter than a fine rebuilt Type 59 Cadillac Phaeton? Let Hansen help make your Christmas enjoy able to its fullest extent. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Company 26th and Farnam HA 0710 A Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW ) E AR to All Our Friends and Patrons Oakland Motor Car Co. Harney at 20th 24th and O 2212 Farnam 4528 S. 24th 24th and Lake 125 S Main, Council Bluff* i Happiest Xmas Greetings ' And Many Wishes for a Successful • Year in 1924 | * Ralph W. Jones Co. •; Chandler Distributors U Try Our 50-50 Sy»tem of Automobile Repeir Work We Keep Down the Upkeep i I •j i Nash- V riesma | AUTO CO. SENDS ALL •i Happy Christmas Greetings ^ t! And Best Wishes for a Successful 1924 Year 3; (Used Car Department) !•; 2045 Fai-nam St. AT 4580 _ Merry Christinas We wish all our new friends a Merry Christmas and assure them of our good will to serve the coming year. Ralston Service Garage Stella & Jones, Proprietors Ralston 19-J CHEERIEST XMAS ' GREETINGS I to Every One of Onr ; Friends and ; * Customers UNIVERSAL AUTO \ TOP CO. 406 S. 18th St. • HAPPIEST GREETING to Each and Every One of Our Customers P. Melchior^ & Son 417 S. 13th St. AIMS GREETINGS t to Our •' Friends and ; Customers • H. MaUuo Lake Studio 2506 N. 24th WE 6311 J MERRY CHRISTMAS Wr assure our pslmw* the same expert individual unlimited service f throughout the com inf *e*r Marvel. TSc; with Boh Curl. $1 # Shampoo and Mamcme W* SALON LXHARME 212 Courtney *1 4SIP • II MBRRi XMAS > Wo extend seasonV irreetmjrs i to all our friends and patrons, j' J. P. Cooke 1 ItK and Farnani MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS BLACKSTONE GARAGE 3814 Farnam St. Road Service. We are equip ped to take care of you. If you have car trouble of any sort, cal! us. Prompt Serrica HA 0800 * i Our Best Season s j Greetings ! WR TRUST WE MAY HAVE • THE OPPORTUNITY OF SERVING YOU DUR ING 19:4 \ • ENGDAHL’S AUTO TOP CO. | 614 N. 18th St. JA 5877 H r Sincerely Wish Our Many Patrons 1 VERY MERRY XMAS Airs. Baker's Cafe City N.l l Bk Bldg. i