The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 25, 1923, CITY EDITION, Image 15

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    Xmas Gift Suggestions Will Help You Decide on Last Minute Gifts
Answers to Want Ads
which have box numbers
I as addresses may be
phoned in. Just phone
AT lantic 1000—ask for
an ad taker and tell her
which advertisement you
wish to answer. She will
do the rest. Phone
AT lantic 1000 to answer
Blind Want Ads—you’ll
be pleased.
16c per Una each day, 1 or 2 days.
12o per line each day, 3 or 6 days.
16c per line each day. 7 daya or longer
The above rates apply to all advertise
menta In classifications;
I«ost and Found. 4
Help Wanted Female . 27
Help Wanted Male . 29
(Situations Wanted Female . 3i
Situations Wanted Male . S3
Artlclei for Sale . 46
Farm and Da'-y Products . 4U
Good Things to Eat. 61
Homemade Things . 62
Household Goods .-. 63
Swap Column .....A53
, Wearing Apparel . 40
Wanted to Buy . 61
Rooms With Board . 62
Rooms W’ithout Hoard . 63
Rooms for Housekeeping .. 64
Rooma. Unfurnished .A64
Suburban Board . 66
For all other classifications our regular
rates as quoted below applv
These rates applv to The Sunday OmaU
^ Be*- aa vve’l as The Morning and Eve
^nlngj^ea All week-day advertisements
in both morning and evening edi
■i^ns at the one cost.
per line each day, 1 o» i daya.
16c per line each day. 3 or 6 dayr
Uc per Una each dav, 7 clays or longer
Morning Edition .It p. m
Evening Edition.11:10 r. m.
Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday
Classified Ads accepted at the iollowing
Main Off'ce.17th and Farnam Sts
South Omaha..N. W Cor. 24th and N Sts
Council Bluffs..15 Scott c*t
ATIantlo 1000.
THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right
to re.thet or rewrite all copy
Call for Classified Ad Department. An
experienced Classified Ad taker will re
ceive your ad and a bill will be mailed
i £r* The rates quoted above apply to
either charge or cash order*
' Funeral Notices . \
Vault* and .Monuments I.* ‘ft
Funeral Directors. . c
Cemeteries . *.n
Florists j... . ......'.’/..//.‘.'.‘.'.'.“k,
Lodge Notice* .V.*** 1
Coming Events .#.111.11 t
Personals . | •
Lost and Found .4
Automobile* for Sole. 5
Automobile Agencies .. .. 6
Motorcycle* and Bicycle* .7
Automobile* for Exchange . 8
Auto Accessories, Parts . 9
Service Station—Repairing .10
Auto Livery Garage . fl
Wanted—Automobile* . 12
Business Services Offered .13
Building Contractors .14
Heating and Plumbing .lit
Insurance . ...10
Millinery—Dressmaking .17
Moving—Trucking—Storage .18
Painting and Papering .19
Patent Attorneys .20
. Printing Stationery. 21
^Professional Service . ....22
^■MKjydng .2:1
and Dyeing ..24
^WWqndrle* .24 A
Tailoring and Pressing.25
Wanted Business Service .26
H.In W.ntfd—r.m.I. .*7
IfelD wnntrd—Mnl. .s*
Help W'unted—Male and Female .29
Salesmen and Agents ..39
Situation* W'antcd—Female . 31
Situation* Wanted—Male .*2
Enes* rfpport unities ...33
stment—Stocks—Bond* .31
Estate Loans .84A
Money to Loan . 8ft
Wanted to Borrow . . .{.36
Correspondence Courses ....87
Local Instruction Musses .88
Musical—Dancing—Dramatic .39
Private Instruction .46
Wanted—Instruction .41
Dogs. Cats and Pets . 48 !
Horse*. Cattle. Vehicle* .43
Poultry and Supplies ..41
Wanted—Livestock . 45
Articles for Sale .. 46
Busin*** Equipment . 47
Building Muterials .48 f
Farm and Dairy Product* .49
Fuel and Feed .6U
(food Thing* to Eat .51
Home-Made Things . 52
Household Good* .53
Swap Column ..53A
Jewelry and Watches .51
Machinery and Tool* .55
Seed*. Plants and Flowers.56
Specials at the Store* ... 57
Xmas Gift Suggestion* .57A
Musical Instrument* .58
Radio Equipment .59
Wearing Aimarel ..60
Wanted to Buy .61
Room* With Board ..62
Rooms Without Board .63
Room* ror Housekeeping .61
Booms. Unfurnished .61A
SBurbup Board . 65
here to Dine .*6
here to Stop In Town ..67
anted—Rooms and Board ....68
Adjurtniento—Furnished .. .69
Apartments—Unfurnished .70
l. Business tor Kent.71
Bdoasa for Rent .- 72
S^bnnn. Furnished .7*A
^fTPIu and Guest Room .T
Out-of-Town Property .72
Suburban for Rent ..... 75
Summer Place for Rent..76
Wanted to Rent .77
Business Property .. 78
Rent Estate—Investments.7HA
Farms and Land* for Hale .jj
City Acreage for Hale. 70A
Houses for Hale. 89
House* -North . 5]
House*—South ..
Houses—W est .
Houses—Benson ...8 *
For g*le—Dundee .85
For Sale—Florence . . .. JJU
For Hair—Council Bluff* .••••52
Real Estate for Exchange.89
Wonted—Beal Estate .
. Aoctlon Sales .. .. ..J}I
Real Estate at Auction .••_!_LL_r
Funers-1 Notices. A
J O HU E N H H*i —M ra. Elite, age 82. Hun
day at her hem®, eight mllea enuthweat
of f’aDilllon. She ta eurvlteil by her hua
bami. Alfred, end two email aonr. Re
main* at Brewer'* chapel, 24th and K Sta.,
until 1 p. m. Thursday.
Funeral at 2 p. m. from Telia Lutheran
church Burial at Hprlngwell cemetery.
IP-aa ... ■ " -'11" m
Funeral DirectoryC
Undertaker* and F.mhalmora.
Phon* HA 0265. Office 2011 Farnam
818 H. 20th HI. AT. 2«8» and AT. 1820.
lid and O 8ta >260 8 12th ft
MA. 0880. AT. 1872.
21th and Wirt. WE. 00«T.
111 B. I8d, new funeral home. HA. 04)7.
^gF* 1823 CUMING ST.. JA. 0628.
Dodge at 24th. Funeral Director*. JA. 8201.
8211 Military Ava. WA. 6114.
Funeral Directors. C
. 3411 Farnam at.
*212 Cumin* St. JA. OTli.
Funeral d (rectors, 2224 Cumin*. JA 1226
3920 N. 24th St. KE. 025T.
Cemeteries. D
See the beautiful wreaths and red ruscus
for sale at the green house. A few
more orders for evergreen blankts will
»>e received at the office. North 40th and
Forest Lawn Ave. or at the city office,
720 Brandeis theater.
_ Florists.E
ROGERS. Florist, 24th Farnam^A. *400.
JOHN BATH 1804 Farnam JA 1906.
Coming Events. 2
NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual
[meeting of the stockholders of the Mid
land Title Guarantee and Abstract com
11 any will bo held at the office of said
company at room 200. Peters Trust Bldg.,
I Omaha, Neb., on Tuesday, January 8, 1924,
at 4 p. ni., for the election of a board of
directors, and for such other business as
may properly come before said meeting.
By LESLIE S. SMITH, Secretary.
_ Personals. i
THE SALVATION Army Industrial horns
solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga
zines Wq collect. We distribute. Phone
JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call
and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114
Dodge Street. 0
Theatrical historical masque costumes for
plays ami i>a r^l-i at Moben’s, Omaha.
210 N. 37th. St.
Lost and Found. 4
LOST—Beaded bag between Fontenelie
hotel and 4Uth and Cass. Liberal reward
for return to Mrs. Foley. Itoom 201.
Fontenelie Hotel.
BULLDOG—Large brlndie lost, license No.
1690. Little hoy’s pet. Answers to name
of ’•Bob." Return to 322 N. 21st St and
receive liberal reward.
For return of bank deposit book contain
ing checks and cash. Victor H. Rooa, HA.
WILL PARTY who found red Irish Better
pup belonging to boy return same. No
questions asked. 44u2 Barker Ave. WA.
TjOST-—Light brown Scotch collie, white
around neck, scar on hind leg near flank.
Rewar d. Otto Benke, Elkhorn, Neb.
LOST—Fox terrier, about 6 months olds;
male; black and white marking; answers
to name •'Spike." Reward. WA. 0109.
GRIP—Double handle, lost from running
board of < ar. Pall KK. 0676. Reward.
LOST—Plain gold weddinp. ring, initials
Inside. Reward. WA. 4692.
FUR—SILVER FOX lost In Hrandeis
ment. Howard. Call WE. 2864.
LOST—An Airedale pup. 6117 Pratt. WA.
Automobiles for Sale. 5
Ford Coupe, best bargain In
town for . .1260
Hudson Super-Six Touring,
atlll in paidt shop, bargain. ISOO
Ford Roadster, 1919. with
delivery body ..$ 80
Good Light Six touring 1918,
starter, motor overhauled. 1100
Must sell these cash. 108 No. 18th
* St-, o: AT. 6613.
Come down to 14th and Jackson and
these cars. Every one has been recon
ditioned and repainted, and in Al me
chanical condition.
1 Buick touring .$150
1 Columbia touring . 285
1 Ford touring. 1923, new . 295
1 Ford touring. 1923, W. S.300
1 Cadillac 6J. winter top ........... 350
1 Star touring, 1923.. 375
64 Years in Business.
14th and Jackson AT. 4411
BUICK 4, good running or
der, good tires. Priced for
quick sale. (95. KK. 6674.
SOME bargains In used Fords. New
hordson. Easy payments
The Handy Service Station.
15th and Jackson Sts.AT. 7711.
CALL AT. 1770
When You Want a Good Used Cat.
O. N. Bonney Motor Co.
_ 2554 Kara am.
FORD COUPE—Practically new, extra
equipment. Cash or terms. H. a Marks
330 Snnderlnnd Bldg. AT. 6933.
DODGE touring, an exceptional value,
$65 Immediate sale. Call AT. 4411,
Andrew Murphy A Son.
USED parts for ail makes of car. Ford
used parts at half price Two wrecking
plants. Nebraska Auto Parts. JA. 4931.
\UBURN. good mechanically, sacrifice at
$75. CaJI AT. 4 ft 1J. Andrew Murphy &
Son. 14>h and Jackson.
1919 MOON touring, good *hape. a bar
gain if sold today. AT. 4411. Andrew
Murphy A Son, I40i and Jackson Sts.
HIGH-GRADE new and used cars.
Auto Accessories Parts. 9
USED parts fur all make* of cars, SO
to 75 p»*r cent off Hat price, two wreck
ing plants 101« Harney. HA. 4931 and
2205 Cumin*. AT. 1970.
Sefvice Station—Repairing. 10
Oenr cutting, steam and gas engine re
pairs. AT. 2550.
I*. MELCHIORS A BON, 417 «. 1.1TH.
10,000 MILK GUARANTEE against piston
slapping and oil pumping; enormous gas
and oil saving. CIV'SSfOWN GARAGE.
hi 2- Pi S. 24 th St. Hoe Morris.
WIIY PAINT? We bake enamel, entire
car any color. Dehco enameling process,
732 South 27th Ht.
FINK iu'p tinner, body, fender and ra
diator repairing. 214 S. I9*h Ht. JA. 3570.
Auto Livery Garage. 11
lilt NORTH I9TH.WB. M»».
Business Services Offered. 13
JAMES ALLAN S Detectives. Expert secret
service 311-312 Neville Hlock. AT. 1136
RELIABLE Detective Bureau Sunderland
Bldg .1A 2059, night, KM 3 M1 2
Building Contractors. 14
STORM Sitahee, made and hung; broken
windows replaced. Glazing. Helmun. Ken.
GET fur priots on complete garages. Mor
rleon Lumber Se Coni Co. 6661.
Millinery—Dressmaiung. 17
ACCORDION, side, knife, not pleating,
covered buttons all rtyles; hemstitching,
buttonhole*. Write Ideal Button A Pleat
ing Co. 306 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb..
Telephone JA 1**6;
Hemet Itching Covered Buttons.
1 c, '4 I . • ? • ri> "Mtl floor, JA, 6670
Flits, suits, drease* remodeled, rellned;
acarfs and chokers mad#; reasonable. HA.
Moving—Trucking—Storage, J8
""‘ fidelity STORAGE A VaTCO.
Household gMf>ds, pianos, office furniture.
I I f» 7 I I HO WARD ST._JA, 02HS.
Estimate* furnished. AT. 0330 or JA. 4331.
Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18
16th and Leavenworth 8ts. Packing, mov
Ing. storage, shipping. JA. 4166.
Sit North 11th St. Phone JA. 3031: mov
Ing. nacking. storage, shipping.
Painting and Papering. 19
TY. FRI7P PARKS. AT-7404. MA-0101.
PAINTING, papering. Ftrat-class work.
Winter bargains. JA 6550.
Patent Attorneys. 20
J. W MARTIN. 1712 Dodge. Room 10*
Omaha, also Washington; double serylca
■ingle fee. Also help sell patent*.
Printing Stationery.21
COMMEBCIAl, I'RrNTINU. Kdily Printing
f'O., its South 13th St. PIiohb JA. 601.8,
Provisional Service. 22
PRESCRIPTIONS carefuity compounded at
th» 5 Sherman Jb McConnell Drug Stores
DENTAL X-ray. EOc each; 13 full aef
Ilf Securities Bldg 16tb and Farnam.
EXPERT sewing machine repairing.
15th and Harney AT. 4361.
PHONOGRAPH and sewing machine re
pairing. Nothing to sell but service. Miller,
218 N. 16th. JA. 2147 MA, 1948 evenings.
_Renovating and Dyeing. 24
OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Mattresses made
over in new t’rks at half the price of
^evj^ones^^0^CuniiDg^^A^ 2467^^^ |
_Help Wanted Female. 27
LADIES—Our course of hair dressing,
m&rceling. permanent waving, manicuring,
massage, enables you to have a profitable
business or good paying position in short
time, day or evening; just opening our
new branch, with all modern facilities.
" rite Moler College, 109 S. 16th St., sec
ond floor.
SALESWOMEN and agents, give this ad
your attention, as you will pass up the
chance of a lifetime. Big money made
tor everyone. Marks Rapid Sales Co., 630
Sunderland Bldg., AT. 6933.
AT ONCE. W*A. 0552.
_Help Wanted Male. 28
MEN—Learn barbering. day or evening;
our system of teaching includes barber
ethics and salesmanship, which qualifies
for best Jobs; Just moving into our new
location; everything new and modern,
write Moler Barber College, 109 b. 16th
St., second floor.
ALL MEN. wom»n, boys, girls. 17 to 45.
a<,cep* government positions.
4117-4.j0 (traveling or stationary) write
Mr Ozment, 1so. St. Louis. Mo.. Imme
ri ately.
WANTED—Experienced market milk
man capablo of superintending small sized
pasteurizing plant. Answer Box W-1008,
Omaha Bee, stating experience, references
and salary expected.
KIREMK.V. brake men, beginners. $150
«.»o0 (which position?) Railway, Y-2601,
Omaha Bee.
PORTER and car washer, white. iVebra
ka Paige Co.. 2047 Farnnm r
^ Salesmen and Agents. 30
SALESMEN—Sideline men making small
towns. Jvew idea: no sale; no collec
tion; no samples to carry; $5 commis
sion paid on each trial order taken.
State line carried and territory covered.
Keeney & Sons Co.. 700 East 40th SL.
SALESMAN—Experienced boiler compound
salesman wanted for Omaha territory.
Prefer engineer who thorouahly under
stands the business. A wonderful oppor
tunity for right man. Write Strong Chem
Ical Co., 1329 W. 9fh ft, Kansas City, Mo.
SALESMAN with car to sell the fastest
selling line of pipes, smokers' articles and
novelties on the market. Marks Rapid
Sales Co.. 630 Sunderland Bldg. AT. 6933
Situations Wanted Female. 31
WIDOW wdth one child wishen position
as housekeeper In good home. Y-2614,
Omaha Bee.
WHITE woman wants day work. JA.
Situations Wanted Male. 32
YOUNG man wish** position attorney's
office. Address Y-M13. Omaha Be.
Butiness Opportunities 33
HILLARD hall If taken by Jan. I, six
tables. Doing good business, only one In
town. Write Chas. 1L Denman, Doniphan.
Neb. _•.
GROCERY, meat and automobile busi
ness, trade or sell on easy terms. 1917
fuming St.
Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34
LOW RATE on city property, quickly
closed; no monthly payment* JA. 1533
W T. Graham.
CITY real estate mort^at'e* and con
tracts bought. Mr. Larson. 104 North
Fifteenth afreet.
Real Estate I-can*. S4A
Loans on Omaha improved property at
lowest rates
823 City NationalR H«1
SECOND mortgagee or contracts pur
chased by Tukey Company. 620 Firat Na
tlonal Rank. JA. 42 23.
Large or email. West N«*b farme. ranches
Kloke Investment Co.. 8 45 Ora. Nat. 13k.
SIX per cent loane on Omaha residences.
Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. II.
Lougae. Inc., 636 Keeltns Rldg
WANT erperlaJiy npollcatlons at one* for
15.000. 16.000. 11.000. F. D. Weed end
D. H, B.. 316 fl. Hth 8t
MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha
tea' estate. MYERS A RAIN BOLT CO.
424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. JA. 0746
1015 Om. Nat. Hk. Hidg. JA 2711
I WILL buy mortgages and coatracta.
Corfcln. 646 Qma Nat. Bldg.. Omaha. Nab
OARVIN HROfl, 366 Omaha Nat'l Bldg.
rAK»f'LOANS—(JlAot*, JA. H04.
... .. J JJ- jJ-8—V.- . 1 " Loan. 35
To supply your money wants In tha aame
way that banka supply tha money wants
of tn© business community.'
Any amount loaned up to 9500 and you
can repay It tn easy monthly payments
Our equal payment plan repays tha loan
nnrl all charges.
W© have been In business In Omaha over
10 yeara and can assure you of a quick.
conHdentlal and square deal.
H?9 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2296.
Southeast Coiner 1 fit to and Douglas Ste
DIAMOND leans at lowest rates, business
strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan
Co.. 1614 l>>idgw St Established 1694.
mo north iothwp. i4«».
Local Instruction Classes. 38
Complete course* In accountancy, ma
chine bookkeeping, comptometer, short
hand and typewriting, rsllrosd and wire
teas telegraphy, alvli aervlra and all Eng
lish and commercial branches. Write,
call or phone JA. 14IG for Urga Illus
trated catalog. Address
Boyles Bldg, nrrutiw. Nab,
EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for «
fine office position Tail AT 7774 or
write American college. 1812 Farnam.
1402 Lodge »t 1105 Douglaa St
_CaM or write for In format loti._
Htenogi iiphy and bookkeeping. *
Weed titdg Uth end Karnwni. AT. 7416.
Comptomatar aohooL 100 Courtney Bids
Dancing Academy. 39
ina L'iuas niahta. Monday wild Friday at
7.34 p. ni. Ten lewaons. $4 I’rivatr Um
eons imy time. 1’RoF. 1>(>N MAf KAll
LA NO'I^IUnchjrMaaUr.Ph on# AT. 654ft
Big < la*s Mondiiv »nd Thursday, nt 7:80
Im. Ten lessons with teachers, |4.00.
’rivet# leaaona any tltna. Phone AT. 7840.
When a Fella
Needs a Friend
AFTER spending two weeks thinking
and not being able to decide on just
the right gift for her—and then you
think of reading the Xmas Gift Suggestions
and you find just what will please her most
—Oh, boy, ain't it a grand and glorious,
feeling! Why don't you take advantage of
a friend—
Read Xmas Gift Suggestions
Dancing Academy.39
Keep’s, 1818 Farnajn Classes Monday,
Wednesday, FridaMiIffhts. Private lea
son by appointment Phone JA. 0470.
J_ ur - -
Dogs, Cats and Pets. 42
BOSTON screw tail \ uppies for aale.
Finest In city. 4728 N 39ih KE. 5211.
Business Equipment.47
WE BUY. sell aafes. make deska. show
cases, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.
S W (’<>r 11th and Dom»i»a JA 2724
Fuel and Feed. 50
KINDLINt; -$r> truck-load, delivered.
Sawdust, shavings. Phone JA 6740.
For sale, cheap. WE. 4861.
Good Things to Eat 51
JONATHAN apples. $1.78 bushel basket:
potatoes. 85c a bushel: cabbages.
pound. Nebraska Potato Market. 2018 N.
24 th. WE. 4767.
Household Goods 53
FURNITURE—The kind that you would
like to possess, as well as staple articles.
Prices within reason. Stephenson Auction
House. 1603 Capitol. Goods sold at auction
and private pale.^
This Afternoon and Tomorrow Night
COUCH, roek**rs, library table, rug, piano,
etc. Call WE. 5 4 52.
Swap Column. 53A
THREE-PPEFD twin cylinder motorcycle
with motor just overhauled, to exchange
for Ford car In fair condition. £.449,
Omaha Bee.
EQUITY in 120 acres near Dunning. Neb .
for livestock and equipments and rent of
larm. Addro*a K-44S, Omaha Bee.
GOOD truck and Brunswick phonograph
for touring car or roadnter. Lodge pre
ferred. 8-469, Omaha Bee.
FOUR LEAF CLOVER 120 acres land at
Salem, Arkansas, for what have you. 5
469. * ’rrialu
MERCHANDISE. new goods. to exchange
for rcul estate, or what have you7 5-479,
< >maha B«-c.
WILL trade 1920 Bulck "6" as payment
on real -state or what have you. S-462,
Omaha P
13-PLATE. 6-volt Willard battery, good
condition, for 32x4 tire. 5-458, Omaha
LATE model White rotary cabinet eew
Ing machine for tube radio set. ■-446.
U m aha He.
WILL SWAP—Queen sewing machine for
typewriter or what have you. 5-461,
<»maha IW,
MODEL K Ha vwood vulcanlxer, for what
have vou? 8-416, Omaha Bee.
GROCERY and meal business, trade for
house and lot or land. H-481, Omaha Bee.
LEASE and stork on 320 acres, near Oma
ha. for what have you? 8-451 Omaha Bee.
TO TRADE—A clay b*d for a wardrobe
trunk. 8-10, Omaha Bee. J
ELECTRIC popcorn machine for Ford or
lot. Mr S’ock, WA. 3411.
Machinery and Tools. 55
I,#Rron Electrical Works. 118-20 80. 12th
NEW and second-hand motora dynamos
\m;is (.if! Sii^i;rstions. 5< \
•V DANDY typewriter for llttl, money
makes a big hit. Low as 110. Agents
for Remington A Undsrwood Portables.
Sold cash or easy terms.
206 a 16th Ht. AT. 1414.
SEWING Machine*—Every woman likes
to **fw. Some must. You'll not miss it
far If you buy your wlfo a sewing ma
chine for Christ mas.
18th and Harney. AT. 4341.
PE It St 'NAL f'hrist mae Cards—212 Lef
lang Bldg. Tel. AT. 3971 and salesman
will call. Prices In-'ude printing.
MY new 7-ro«m modern, oak and enamel
finish. 1-car garage home; paved street;
close to cathedral. An excellent plrfce to
spend Xmas. Only 160. AT. 4066, KE.
"Radio Equipment59
THREE flrit-diM radio ret* for aale. WE.
GUARANTEED radio eats 13 44 and up
It M. Hhlae.a 218 North 16th Ht
Wearing Apparel.60 DRUMS pull, port Tuxcdoa for r*nt.
JA 3I2H. 10« N. IBth St. r.Mnun.
_Wanted to Buy.61
Naw deaka. us*»d deaka bought, aold and
traded. J. C. Read. 1207 Farnaru 8t. AT.
Rooms With Board. 62
FARNAM 4244—Room for two. horna
cooking privilege", meals if dealrad; $7.60
I WA f. 442.__
112ft HARNEY — Beautifully furmahad
| rooma and daintily served meals. HA. 2161.
Rooms Without Board. 63
812 BANCROFT—Room In modern private
home; g.iiuga with elootrlo hghta. $23 a
BEAUTIFULLY furnlahed room, cloae In:
Sil kind* of privilege*; voiy reaaunable.
A. 4216_
ROOM for rent. gentleman preferred
OutHid« entrance, adjoins bn 1 h II A 1486.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooma, close in.
AT 2071.
DUNDEE -Attractive In me comforts,
price very reasonable. WA. 6481.
BEAUTIFUL room In private family;
everything ltom«Hko HA 4f>tt0
Room* (or Housekeeping. 64
TWO dean light housekeeping rooms
Everything furnished 605 M. 27th St. HA.
2*.G8 DOUOLAH ST light housekeeping
room on main floor block from car lino.
II A. fl»Hfl. ___
WELL FUR NIMH El * front houwekaaplnc
room tight down town AT 4446. _
R KA80NA ft LB well kept hakp room. AT
2071_ ___
ONE end l wo rooma w ith kitchenette. Ev
erything furnished. Him b from cur. WE.
Where to Stop in Town 67
HOTEL rtANFORD -Ttlh and Earnsm
HOTEL HENHIIAW—Iflth mid Farnsm
knee la I rate* to (orinanent r.uaata
HUT EL Jeff EM NON, 1 4 • ta and Capitol
Ava hteam heated rooma. Weakly tales.
It Ht up. AT. IIU
_Apartments—Furnished. 69
Living room. Murphy bed, cabinet kitchen,
bath. A clean, comfortable modern apart
ment. Only 140. Call DRAKES, JA.
2H0t>, 17th and Howard Fta. «
Strictly modern, to 6-room apta., with
janitor service. WE. 0932. «
COZY Apt. In mahogany, splendid loca
tion, walking distance. Reasonable. JA
HUNTER INN. AT. 6960. 24th and Dodge
Home for the traveling man and wife.
TWENTY-THIRD St.. 3837 8. Mod. aunny
outside 2.r . Apt. Heat, light water free.
FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, also
sleeping room; modern. Phone AT. S294.
2210 HARNEY ST.—Furnished 2-room
Apt., close In. JA. 4005.
Apartments—Unfurnished 70
BRAND new Brick Duplex,
nearly completed, with or
without garages. Make your
•election NOW and select
your decorations.
S118 Cuming St. HA 7045.
After office hours call
HA. 2175; HA. 6714.
list and Capitol Av*.
Four room, liome-llko apt. East front,
facing court. One-half block from Dundee
school. Rent. $75.00. winter; $65.00. sum
mer. See Janitor or rail.
AT. 8HO.
FOUR-ROOM steam heated apartment,
hall and basement inquire at 2013 Dodge
APARTMENTS and flats for rent.
Real Estate Management Specialists.
Jackson 3805.
AT. 0544.17th and /arnam Sti.
STEAM heated modern apartments. lo»
rent O P 8tebb!n*. 1610 Chicago St
TWENTY-THIRD ST.. 3537 8.—Cheerful,
mod. 4-r. Apt Heat, light, water free.
2315 HARNEY ST.—Two-room apartment,
St. Clare. HA. 0647.
Business Places tor Rent 71
Mod srn steam-heated store, !?• ir^otL
O. P. Sfebbins. 1610 Chicago.
Houses lor Rent. 72
2971 Wool worth. 4-r. apt . 2d floor, $24
.'•208 N. 24th. 2-r. apt , 2d floor. $18 and
$20. All modern except heat.
3202 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. $039.
EIGHT-ROOM, all modem bouse, with
garage. 3011 Miami St. Newly decorated,
suitable for two faralllos. $40. Call WE.
7188 or AT. 7674.
3221 LINCOLN BLVD.—f-room house and
bath. Modern. Newly decorated. Rea
sonable rent. Will lease to responsible
tarty. HA. 4339
SIX ROOM, modem brick. 3407 N. 24th
St., $50.
hour rooms, with bath, 2816 Pinkney 8L,
<25. WE. 2686.
HARNEY ST. 1210— 6-room heated
apartment: lanltor service and water.
$100 per month. Immediate posseaaior
A-l condition. AT. M00
FOR RENT—9-room brick house, strictly
modern, near Park, double garage $100.
or will sell. A bargain Will not last
long 1707 3 3 3d St., IIA. 19:4
1812 N. 28TH—For colored family with
out rhlldren Modern six-room house;
water rent paid. $40 per month. JA.
4145. ’
1802 AND 180* N IITft—Colored with
out children. 6 rmi each; mod. sicept
beat; water rent paid >‘.0, JA 4145.
8-ROOM modern house at 112 So 44th.
on West Farnam-Dundee line N'ewir re
modeled. >75. Tel WA. 3361.
FOR RENT, Jsn. 1. eight rooms and ga
rage, corner lot, east front. 61 block.
Florence Blvd. Call owner. KH. 1088.
KOUNTZB PLACE, for rent. 9-room mod
ern house, oak floors, new furnace, double
garage $60. WE. 4782.
NICE 3-room cottage, all modern, one
block from car. KK 3**7.
824 SOUTH 20TH—5-room modern house.
MA 5044 •
5 HM rot tag* cl<iee-Ui $30 HA. 1679.
Offices and Desk Room. 73
ONE, t and 3-room office a. Reasonable.
Available at once. JA. 4743
R g AJ^K^
Farm* and Lands for S»le. 79
140 ACHES, near Omaha. all leveL email
house and barn. SO a< rea, li» cultivation,
balance hay, pasture fash reni. fe4# a
Voai4, one-half down. 2447 Farnem St.
AT. 3tf8.
ISO acres Improved. 7 milea northwaat of
O’NelU. Addreii* Mark C«rrah»*r. Real
estate Auctioneer. Central Etty. Neh.
14ft acre* food corn land near Herman.
Neb. Ill.OfiO Part Cash WA. 4133.
4SIS Military Ave. WA 4304
Houses (or Sale. 80
8. H. ELWOOD. builder of modern home*
We will help you finance. 419 Sunderland
Hide JA aias
Houses—North. 81
When you ran buy this brand new five*
room, oak finished bungalow, large liv
ing room two corner bedrooms, kitchen In
the new Fr«*n< h giay, good attic, deep full
cement basement, on a south front lot,
paved afreet, new district, for |.«,5t»0? Rea
aonable term* <‘al,
530 Peters Trust llldg_J A EC
3*21 SEWARD sT.-A-roorn modern bun
galow $500 cash, balance monthly, freigh
<C>* 1W JA 0200 _
Idt'iOM modern bungalow, oak finish, fa
rage, good toentton. only 34.790. Norrle
A Norris, AT. 7043..
1> E HITCK A CO bus and eell homes
Houses-South 82
Louts Cotin
Ilia all hinds »>f propeiiy for sals. Phone
5!i 0141 4"‘ L* "4th 8t.__
14.790, | no CASH -Near Windsor achool,
7 ra . mod. oak floors, new shade* and
decorations JA 142R daya WE .'-243 e\e
Teaar A Tesat. specialists tn 8 Slds bomea
Houses—Henson. 84
In loO per cei l condition, all modern. 3
room home, fine corner, full of fruit
trees and ah rubbery, faring southeast,
most desirable locution In Henson, at
25flfi N. «:id 8t. May take In good used
C. Tt rehl richer.
lilt Yiuluu tn.. Owner. AT 9101.
Houses—West. • 83
1300 CA'RH. balunc. monlhly, brand n.w
five-room modern bungalow, on paved
street. Owner, JA, or HA. 3229.
WILL build to your order on our beauti
ful lots In Kdgewood; very easy terms
Phone AT. 3340
For Sale—Dundee. 85
AT. B03<
For Sale—Florence. 86
NETHA WAT ,«!!■ in whit., only KB. 1«0»
Lots for Sale. 88
$10 Down. Ho per Month.
LOT 60x157, on 32d Ave.. facing Hanscom
park, for sale a bargain price.
C. A, (HUMMEL JA. 1615.
Salesmen on grounds every day.
C. W MARTIN A CO AT 01 $7.
Real Estate for Exchange. 89
EXCHANGES of nil kind,. S. H Brown,
Co.. 543 Securing, Bldg AT. 336».
Wanted—Real Estate. 90
Competent sates force.
JA. 3*50. GLOVER A SPAIN, Realtors
303-4 Neville Block.JA. 0«81
SEE ua first. Need listings, any location.
5 to 8 rooms Shopen 6c Co., Realtors.
JA. 4228. 23C Keellno Bldg
Rea*! Estate Rentals. Insurance.
jg03 City Nat’I BankAT. 966*
LIST your home with uw for results
Jackson 1906.1400 First Nat Hk
LISTINGS for 6 and 0-room houses; any
location. Huyeis waiting. Held Land
(’ o., WE. 1076.
M. A. ANDERSON CO., JA. 6107
Has buyers for L. t> and 7-room houses
LIST your property with Chris Boyer
notary public. 2 3d and Cuming Sta.
SLATER & CO., Healtore Keellne Hldg
WORLD REALTY CO.. Realtors. AT 3492
WESTERN Real Estate Co. JA. 3«07.
Graham Peters Co., sell homes JA, t>»63
Chaw. E. He I man, AT. 6260. Real Estate
Huettelmaler Real Estate—AT. 8250.
H. W. Volland Co. for Real service. At ftbt
G. A. SAN DEI 1, H^al Ebtave. AT. >212
Real Estate Transfers.
Christian F. Knaack and wife to
Myrtle Rhamey, Evans St., 90
ft YV. of 61st St.. S. Side. 100xl30 f 2.400
Traver Bros to George YY'. (Jorum
and wife, Burdette Ht., 425 ft W.
of 30th Ht.. N. Side. 37>*xl2S.. 1,400
Margaret M. Buckley and Jiusband
to James Johnson. Q St.. 100 ft.
YV. of 29th St.. S. Side. 60x150
James S. Coulter and wife to Ru*
s-11 M. Bailey. 55th St., 150 ft.
N of Harney St.. YV. Side, 6©x
128 1,7-0
I Westminster Presbyterian Church
to John Kllmwrtin, H W cor. 29th
and Mason Sts.. 65x140 . 3.000
Henry L>. Schlnker and wife to
Leonard E. End icon and wife.
LHh St.. 170 feet 3. of Center
St. E. Side. 66x132 .. . 1.200
Christine X Jensen to Michael H.
Jensen. N.E cor. 17th and Madi
son Sts. 60x132 . . 1
L H. I^avitt ana wifa to WilUjht
A Elkins, 4*»th St. 223Y, ft. 3
of Cass St.. YV Side, 53x111 4 . 1.850
A. L Sutton, Admr.. to Jdytrle 1
Rhamey. 54th Ht . 205 ft. X’. of
Pinkney Ht . ]00x!23 1,705
Minnie B. Cobh to Anna Bering and
husband, S.YY'. cor. 22d Ave. and
Valley St. 43 8x120 ~. 708
Bertha Reagan to Jofteph A Kober
owski and wife, 15th St., 80 ft. X*.
of M St. YV Side. 40x130 .. . 2.J90
Exra Hayes and wife to If YY'.
Harrington, Maple Ht., 200 ft. E.
of John A. Creighton Blvd.. 50
x • 9 1
Talmaga Thurston Co. to Hayes
Gsuntoer and wife. Matin Si.. 360
ft YV. of 43d Axe.. N Sid*. 45x108 1,050
Hansen Inv. Co. to I\an J Hult and wife. Mayberry St.. 173
ft. YV. of 43*1 SL 3 Hide 44x108 7.390
Gertrude M. Smith and husband to
.f<>**a Holden, L>ew»-y Ave 45 ft.
w of 33d St.. N. side. 50x90 3 5 8.350
Emma Bartlett to Morris Rosen -
stein, S W. cor. Florence Bled. &
Sahler St. 100x124 .i_ 19,600
Clarence H J*uilis and wife ?o
Hay* a Gs anther. ku.-on Si 815 v
ft YV. of 4 *J Ave.. X' Hide, 45x10% 1.100
Hastings <fc Hayden to Frances A.
Kliment and husband. YVirt St.
170.30 ft. YV. of 45th St.. X' Side.
44x1371 . 8QQ
<C cntlmied From Page HKx.)
All of Let 2, Elliatona Park
Place .. 75.00 19 91
East 60 feet of North 50
feet of Jg>t ), E!liaton«»
Park Place. 10 00 47 II
Boat 69.33 feet of West 67 *
feet of North 50 feel .*/
Lot 3. EUistone Park
Plaea . 61 33 44 46
North 40 feet of North 77
f. et of West 134 25 feet of
East 161 76 fe**t of I»t
4. Klllatunt Park Place . 40.00 31 96
North 4o feet of North 77
L et of Eaat 136 25 fr,-t of
Well 141.25 feet . f Lot
4 5, Elliatona Park Place 40 00 31 99
West 49 feet of Lot 47. Elii
• tone Park Place ... 49 00 39.11
Ee«t 50 f.»t of Lot 43. Eili
atone Park Place .129.00 103.34
To cover the coat of the extension of
gaa main In Has Main District No. 191
upon tha following described uiacas of
real ee'n’e in the Pity Df Omaha. Dout
laa Couuty. Nebiaaka.
_ Ft. Aaoeaa
Property Front. merit.
South S of Lot 9. Block 2.
Evanston . . 35.00 S 22 35
West 4 4 feat of Lot Id.
Block 3. Evanaton . 1«O.0© 99.40
ihouth Vi of Lot 9. Block 4.
! Evanaton ... . 35.00 22 35
East 4 4 feet of I^ot 10. block
4 Kvanaton .100.00 9J40
North 24 feet of Lot 19.
Block 2. Drew'* Dundee
Height. . 24.00 21.45
All of Lot 20. Block 2.
Dr«w'a Dundee Heights 60.00 44 69
i All of L«t 21. Block 2.
! Drew’i Dundee Heights. 60 00 44 69
All of Lot 22. Block 2.
Drew a Dundee llrighta .. 60.00 44 70
All of Lot 23. Block 2.
Draw's Dundee Height*. . 60.00 44.70
Weft 4 4 feet of Lot 24.
Block 2. Drew a Dundee
Heights ... 60 50 46.16
Kant li feet of Lot 1. Block
3. Drew's Dundee Height*. 65.86 65.69
Eaat S of Lot 2. Block 2.
Drew'a Dundee Heights.. 60 00 44.49
Ea-t tv of lot 3 Block 3.
Draw* Dundee Height* . 60 00 44.70
Host >4 of north »v of Lot
4. Block 3. DfoW* Dundee
Height's .. ?* 00 75.35
East of south *v of Lot 4
Block I. DTOira Dundee
HHghts ........ 26.00 22 85
East V*. of lot 6, Block 3.
Drew* Dundee Heights... 50.00 44. *0
Ka*t *4 of no-th 24 feet of
t.ot 6. Block 3. Drew's
Dundee Heights . 24 «0 21 46'
To rover the « n«*t of the extension Of a
gas main In <li* Main District N«» 19.
upon the folh'wlng describe.t niece* nf
real e*tn*e In the City u? Omaha. Douglas
County. Nebraska
Propr-rtv Front.
gotilll "I fret nf l.nt 1. Bloch ....
J» Writ Ki,t-- V-M M. n S« 00 Its •»
W —t <1 fo.t nf lot IS Block.
JO Wr-.t SlA. Addition .. 111.00 lo ss
Went 1-3 of lot It. Bio.Is 4.
Shrlv.r Piker - - lp fl# S4.ll
All of l.nt IS. Itlotk 4. Shrl- ....
vor Piker SO 00 54 11
All of l ot 1*. Block 4. Shrl
v.r PUrn .SO.10 14.11
All of l ot 17. Block 4. glut
v.r Piker .SO oo 54 11
All of t ot ll. Block 4. Shrl
ver Plnco SO *0 54 11
All of lot It. Block 4. glirl
ver Plnco.SO 00 51 S*
All of 1,.| 10, Block 4, Shrl-.
v.r Pirn r» 50.00 34 11
All of l.nt ll. Block 4. Shrl
ver Ploco . .. SO.00 14 11
All of l ot 15. Block 4, Shrl
ver Piece . 60 ft0 34 31
All nf l.nt 23. Black 4. 8hrt
vrr Place . 60 00 34 81
All nf lot 34 Bt»ck At Shrl
ver Place 60 00 34 31
West 1-1 of Lot 25. Block 4.
fthrlver Place ..... . 60 00 34 31
KaM 36.1 feet of lot ),
Ambler Subdivision rf
Bint k \ K.« kerman Pi* •• 1 10 00 75 45
AH of l,«tf 9, Ambler M» !»
division nf Black 3. Kckcr
man Place - 40.00 46
\\\ of Lot 10 Ambler Huh
dlvlalnn of Block 3. TCcker
man Place 40 00 57.46
All of Lot 11. Ambler .Sub
<ltv|a|o?t nf Block 8. Kcker
m»n Pise# 40 00 8, 46
All nf T,ol. t? Ambler Sub
division of Block I. Kcker- v
man place 40 00 8. 45
AH nf 1 *ot 13. Ambler Silb
dlvialnti nf Block 2, Kcker
man Place 84 90 40 16
All of Lot 14 Ambler Sub
division of Block 2. Kcker
man Plat e . 40 00 3. 46
AH of Lot 15 Ambler Vub
dlvlalon of Block 3. Kcker
man Place . . 40 00 51 45
AH of l.nt 16. Atnbler 8ub
dlvUInn of Block f. Kcket
nun Pl»c» ... «0** IT SSj
All of Lot 17. Ambler Hub- *
division of Block 2, Ecker
nian Place . 40.00 17.41
All of Lot 18. Ambler Sub
division of Block 2. Kcker
Tu.i n Pin.. . 40.00 17.44
All of Lot IK. Ambler Sub
division of Block 2, Kcker
man Place . 40.00 17.44
North 17 feet of Kant 1-3 of
Lot 20. AnibPr Subdivision
of Block 2. Eckerman
Place.17.00 11.67
To cover Hi* rwst of the extension of gas
main In Gas Main District No. 194 upon
the following described piece* of rial es
tate in the city of Omaha. Douglas coun
ty. Nebraska:
Foot. A»«e*s
Property Front, menl.
South 1-3 of Lot 9. Block 9.
Jetter n Addition ........ 59.00 S 43.33
We t 2-3 of Lot 10, Block 9,
Jotters Addition . 33.33 If.88
East 1 ; of Lot 10. Block 9.
.letter’s Addition . 16.67 14 44
West 1-3 of Lot 11, Block 9,
Jotter's Addition . 16.67 14.45
Ka*.t 2-3 of I^ot 11. Block 9.
Jotters Addition . 33.33 28.88
All of Lot 12. Block 9. Jct
ter's Addition . 60.00 43.32
All of Lot ].;. Block 9. Jet
tors Addition . 60.00 43.33
Ail of Lot 14. Block 9. Jet
ter'a Addition . 60.00 43.32
.All of Lot 1.*. Block 9. Jet
ter'a Addition . . . 50.00 43.33
West 6.7 fe» t of Lot 16. Block
9. Jett * r s Addition. 1.70 6.80
Went 28 3 feet of north 65
feet of Lot 1. Block 10.
Jet ter'* Addition _ 28.30 24 52
All of Lot 2 Block 10. .fet
ter's Addition . 60.00 43.33
All of Lot :<, Block 10. .fet
ter's Addition. 50.00 42.33
.All of Lot 4. Block 10. Jet
tor's Addition . 60.00 43.33
All of Lot 6. Block 10. Jel
ter’s Edition .. 60.00 43.22
All of B 6. Block 10. Jet
ter's Audition . 50.00 43.33
All of Lot 7, Block 10. Jet
tcr’s Addition . 50.00 43.32
Kant 6.7 feet of Lot x. Block
10. Jetter’s Addition . 6.70 6.81
To cover the cost of tne extension of
gas main in Gus Main District No. 211
upon the following described pieces of
real estate In the City of Omabf. Doug
las County, Nebraska:
Ft. Asaess
Property— Front, meat.
Kant 1-2 «<f Lot 1, Block 1,
South Exchange Place.... 43.00 6 25.64
All of Lot 2. Block 1. South
Exchange Place. 42.00 26.04
All of Lot 3. Block J. South
Exchange Piace . 42.09 23.64
South 42 l f< et of Lot 16,
Block 1. South Exchange
Place . 127.00 76.73
All %>f Lot 17. Block 1,
South Exchange Place.... 60.00 29 81
All of Lot 18. Block 1,
South Exchange Place... 60.00 29.82
All of Lot 19. Block 1,
South Exchange Place... 60.00 29 82
All of Lot 20, Block 1.
South Exchange PlacS... 60.00 29.82
All of Lot 21. Block 1.
South Exchange Pla e. . . 60.00 29 81
All of Lot 22. Block 1.
South Exchange Place,... 50.00 29.82
All of Lot 23. Block 1.
South Exchange Plate ... 60.00 29 81
All of Lot _*4, Block 2.
South Exchange Place.,.. 43.00 25.64
Ail of Lot 25. Block 1.
South Exchange Place..., 42 00 25.05
All of Lot 26. Block 1.
South Exchange l’iace... 127.70 76.15
North 42 3 feet of Lot 1.
Block 1, Maple Grove.127.00 75.72
All of Lot 4. Block 1.
Maple Grove . 45.00 26.84
AH of Lot 6. Block 1.
Maple Grove .. 48.00 26.62
All of Lot 6. Block I.
Maple Grove ... .. 48 00 28.62
All of Lot 7, Block 1,
Maple Grove . 48.00 28.63
All of Lit 8. Block 1.
Maple Grove .. 48.00 29 92
All of Lot 9. Block 1.
Maple Grove. 48.00 28.62
All of Lot 10. Block 1,
Maple drove . 45.60 26.83
East 4- feet of Lot* 11. 12.
and 12. Block 1. Maple
Or ve. 42.08 15.04
North 4 2.7 feet of West 8 6
feet of Lo’s 11. 12 an 1 13.
Block 1. Maple Grove.-.. 85 00 40.65
All of Lot 12. Block 2. Cot
ne- Ac Archer's Addition. 42.00 25.01
AH of Lot 13. Block 2. Cot
ne: A At'her * Addition. 41 00 25.64
All of I^ot 14. Block 2. Cot
ner & Archer's Addition.. 4190 25.64
All of Lot IS. Block 2. Cot
ne' & Archer's Addition.. 42.00 25.04
West 1-8 of Lot 3 6. Block
2. Coiner Ac Archer s Addi
tion . 48 00 25 r
To cover the cost of the extension of
?as min In Ha© Main District No. 214
i poti the following described niece© of
real estate in the cliy of Omaha. Doug
laa County, Nebraska:
Ft. Assess
Property Front, n.ent.
South l-n of Lot li. Block 2.
Hoffman Terrace . 60.09 S 30.27
All of Lot 19. Block 2. Hoff
man Terrace . .60 00 SO.17
A : of Lot 29. Block 2. Hoff
man Terrace . 50.00 31.27
Ail >f Lot 21. Blo-k 2. Hoff
man Terrace . 60.90 36.27
Ail of I i 22. Block 2. Hoff
man Terrace .r. . 60.00 26 23
All of I t 23, Block 2. Hoff
man Terrrce . 80.09 36.27
All f Lot 14. Bio A 1 Hoff
man Terrace . 00.90 31.27
All of Lot 25. Block 2. Hoff
man Terrace . 60.00 36.27
A] lof Lot 20. Block 2. Hoff
man Terrace .. 60.00 36 27
All of Lot 2 7. Block 2. Hoff
man Terrac* .. 50.00 16 26
North &7 feet of Lot 2. Block
3. Hoffman Terrace. 42 90 30.47
North *7 feet of Lot 3. Block
X. Hoffman Terrace . .. 46.00 32 65
All of Lot 4 B1g< k 3. Hoff
man Terrace . 48 00 32.65
All of Lot 5. Block 3. Hoff
mar. Terrace .. 60.00 36.27
All of Lot 0. Block 3. Hoff
man Terrace . 60.00 36 23
All of Ix»t 7. Block *, Hoff
man Terrace . 60 00 36.27
All of Lot 6. Block 3. Hoff
man Terraco . . . 50.00 36.27
All of Lot 9 Block 3. Hoff
inun Terraco . 50.00 36 27
All of Lot 10. Block 3. Huff
mar Terrace . 50 W 36.27
All of Lot 11. Block 3. Huff
man Terrace . 50 00 36 26
All of Ig»t 12. Block 3. Hoff
man Terrace . 60 00 36 27
Ail of Lot 13. Block 3. Hoff
man Terra* e . 60 00 36 27
All of Lot l«. Block J. Hoff
mn Terrnce . 50 00 36.27
All of Lot 15. Block 3. Hoff
man Terrace . 50 00 36.27
AH of Lot 16. Block 3. Hoff
man Terrace . 60 09 36 26
North 1-3 of lot 17, Block
3. Hoffman Terrace . 60.00 36.27
To cover the roet of the extension of
cas mam in Oas Main District No 2lt
upon the following describe*! piece* of
real estate in the city of Omaha. Doug
las I'ounty, Nebraska
Property Front ment.
Ft Assess
South « feet of lot 1. Block
. t. Hansen s Addition 6.00 8 3 <0
All cf Lo? 7 Block I. Han
sen's Addition. 50 00 30.72
All of !h>» J Block 1. Han
sen* Addition 60 00 30.71
All of Lot 4 Block 1. Han
sen's Addition . 48 61 20.10
All of Lot 5. Block 1. Han
•en* Addition . 40.00 30.10
All of Lot 4. Block 1. lUn
*• n'a Add.tlnn .. ... 40 00 30.10
AU of Lot 7. Block 1. Han
sen's Addition .. 46.01 20 81
All of Lot «. Block 1. Han
sen's Addition ... 40 00 30 It
All of Lot 9 Block 1. Han
son’* Addition ... . 40.00 30 10
All of Lot 1*». Block 1. Han
S. n’s Addition . . 80.00 30 7?
Ail of Lot 11. Block 1. lian
sen*© Addition 60 00 14 71
Weal 4 4 fe^t of I«ot 13. Block
1. Hansen's Addition . 60 00 30.72
Smith 4 feet of east 12 2.7 feet
of Lot l Block 2. Hansen ©
Addition 4 04 lit
Em 1*3.7 feat of Lot 1
Block 7, Hni’on> Addition (0 00 JO 71
Em 122.T faat of I#ot I,
Blocks. Har^n * Addition #0 00 JO.71
All of Lot 4. Block 2. I tan -
Mre Addition . 4*01 71.SI
All of Lot 5 Block 2. Ban
nan *< Addition 44 00 10 10
All of Lot «. Block S. Han
nan** Addition .. .... 44 00 10.14
AM of Lot T Block 7. Han*
ran* Addition 45.45 14.54
All ’f Lot A Block J. Han
arn't Addition 41 00 JO 10
All of Lot 5. Block 2. llan*
•an* ... 44 04 10 10
All of T.ot 10 Block *. Halt*
•ana Addition . ... 50 00 $0.71
All of l ot 11 Block 1. Han
•on* Addition . 50 40 JO 71
Faat 44 feat of Lot 12, Block
2. Han« n'« Ad i on 50*0 10 71
Fa at U fed of |jot 1. Block
lUhMn’a Addition . 45 <4 30 43
AH ct Lot 2 Block 3. Han*
«'’n • Addition . 44 54 10 41
All of Lot 1 Block .1. Han
aan'a Addition 45 50 30 41
All of l. t 4. Block S Han*
apn> Addition 44 50 JO.40
All of Lot Block S. Han*
»* n’* Addition 44 14 S' 41
All f Lot 4. Block 1. Han*
•an * Addition 44 50 M 41
All of lot T Block S. Han
aan s> V tdlliMi 44 50 SO 40
All of Lot s Blok S. Han*
aan - Add• lion . 45 SO SO 41
All of Lot s Block S. Han
•at. - Addition 45 50 SO 41
All of Lot in. Block S. If an
aan’a Addition 45 50 10 41
All of Lot 11 Block J. Han*
lan s Addition 45 54 SO 40
Fa at *4 faat of l^ot 1?. Bio. k
3. Han«.<n * Addition 45 50 SO 41
Wrat 4 4 Bat of I.Al 15. Block
t r-r«-nV addition 45 50 10 It
All of Lot 14, Block 4. Han*
wnd Addition . 45 50 |0 41
All of l -*i l Bio, k «. Han*
•an » Addition . 45.50 SO 41
All of Tot 1 • Block 4 Hait
ian « Addition 45 54 SO 41
All «*f Lot 17 Blo.-k 4 Han*
aan * Addition 40 50 JO.41
All of Lot 15 Block 4. Ban* i
aan - Addition 45 50 SO 41
AM of Lot 15 Block 4. Han*
•an a Addition 49-50 10 41
All of Lot t«V Block 4. Han*
aan • AddiUaa •••«»•«»••• 45.59 10 41
All of Lot 21. Block 4. Han
sen’s Addition . 49.50 10.41
All of Lot 22. Block 4. Han
sen’s Addition . 49.50 SO.41
All rt Lot 23. Block 4. Han
sen’s Addition .... . 49.50 10.41
West 4 4 feet of I*ot 24, Block
4. Hansen's Addition .44.11 29.94
To cover the coat of tba extension of
gas main la Oas Main District No. 225
upon ths following described pieces of
real estate in the City of Omaha, Doug
las CtfUnty, Nebraska:
Ft. Aasess
Property— Front, ment.
North 2 3 of Lot 24. Hickory
Place . 73 30 9 90 68
North 2-3 of Kast 32 5 feet
of Lot 2*. Hickory Place 73.36 90 E7
To cover the cost of the extension of 4
gas main in Gas Main District No. 228
upon the following described pieces of
real estate in the City of Omaha. Doug
las County. Nebraska:
Ft. Asaess
Property— Front, ment.
booth 1-3 of Lot 11. Block
28 West Side Addition- 63 00 f 31.15
All of Lot 12. Block 28. West
Side Addition . 63.00 21.16
All of Lot 13. Block 28.
West Hide Addition . 63.00 31.14
All of Lot 14. Block 28
West Hide Addition .. 63 00 31 14
All of Lot 15. Block 2b,
West Side Addition, ... 63.00 31.15
All of Lot 1C. Block 28.
West Hide Addition . 68 06 41.14
All of Lot 17. Biock 28.
West Hide Addition . .... 63.00 31.15
All of Lot 18. Block 28,
West Hide Addition ... 63.00
All of Lot 19. 7 Block 28
West Hide Addition. 63 60 .31.14
South 1-8 of Lot 20. Block
28. West Hid* Addition. 63.00 31 15
North 1-1 of Lot 1. Block
29 West Hide Addition. 63.00 21.15
North Vt of Lot 2. Hlo' k 29.
W*st Hid** Addition . 63.00 31.14
North of Lot .1. Block
29 West Hide Addition... 63 00 31.15
North V4 of Lot 4. Block 29. Side Addition. 53.00 31.15
North H °f Lot 5. Block 29.
West Hi fie Addition .. . 63 00 41.14
North % of Lot 6. Block 29.
West Hide Addition... 53.00 3L15
North 4 of Lot 7, Block 29,
West H;de Addition .... 63.60 3115
North 4 of Lot *. Block 29,
West 8lde Addition . .. 58.00 41.14
North 4 of Lot 9. Block 29,
West Sid* Addition . 53.00 11.15
North 4 4 feet of Lot 10.
Block 29. West Side Addi
tion . 53.00 41.14
All of Lot 18. Block 6. First
Addition 'o West Side . . 20.00 17.«*
All of Lot 19. Block ti. First -
Addition to West Hid*... 50.00 29.2s
All of Lot 20. Block 6, First
Addition to West Side... 50.90 23.39
All of Lot 21, Block 6. First
Addition to West Sid*... 50.00 29 39
All of Lot 22. Block 8. F.rst
Addition to West Hid*... 60.0C 29.39
All of Lot 23, Block 6 First
Addition to West bide... 50.00 29.39
All of Lot 2 4. Block 6. First
Addition to West Sid*... 60 00 29.39
All of Lot 25. Block «. F irst
Addition to West Sid*... 50.00 29.39
All of Lot 26. Block 6 First
Addition to West Bide... 50.00 29.39
All of Lot 27. Block 6. First **•
Addition to West Hid*... 50.00 29.39
South 1-3 of Lot 2# Block
6. First Addition to West
Hide . 50.00 49.39
North 33.3 feet of North 40
feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block
7. First Addition to West
Hide .100.90 59.74
All of Lot 3. Blpck 7. First
Addition to West Bide... 50.00 29.39
All of Lot 4. Block 7. First
Addition to West Side... 50.09 29.39
All of Lot 6. Block 7. First
Addition to West «d*... 50 09 19.39
All of Lot 6. Block 7 First
Addition to West Side... 50.00 29.19
Ail of Lot 7. Block 7, First
Addition to West Sid*... 50.90 29.39
All of Lot 8. Block 7, First
Addition to West Side... 50.00 29 39
All of Lot 9. Block 7. First
Addition to West Side... 44.09 29 19
All of Lot 10. Block 7. First
Addition to West Side_ 40.00 29.39
All Of Lot 11. Block 7. First
.Addition to West Side_ 49.00 99 19
AJ! of Lot 2 2. Block 7. First
Addition to West Side... 29.99 11.74
East 30 feet of Out Lot 2.
Block 8. First Addition to
West Hide . 14 99 IT 81
South 4 4 feet of that part of
the Missouri Pac.flc Rail
road Right -of-W&r In
Block. 6. First Addition
to Welt Side .120 0# 74 81
Eart 56 feet of that pa rt of
the Missouri Pacific Rail
road Rtght-of-Way in BJk.
0. First Addition to West
Hide . 44.04 42.94
To rover the cost of the extension of
gas main In Gas Main District No. 244
upon the following described pieces of
real eststs in the City of Omaha, Doug
las County, Nebraska:
Ft. Assess
Proper’v Front, ment.
Ea*t 7.4 feet of Lot It. Block
2. Baker Place . 7.40 | 5 25
All of Lot 2 4. Bloc* 2.
Baker Place .. 10.09 15 49
All of Lot 15. Block
Baker P ace . 40.99 45 47
AM of Lot If. Block 9,
Baker Piacb . 10 00 41 47
All of Lot 17. Block 2.
Baker Placo . 50.00 15.47
AM of Lot 14. Block 2.
Baker Placn .59.00 25 4f
AH of Lot It Block 2.
Baker Flare . 10.09 15 47
South 33 33 feet of South 42
feet of Lots 20 and 21.
Biock 2. Baker Place ..199 99 79 94
N'Tth 1-3 of Lot 2. Block I.
Baker Place . 10.99 41 47
All of Lot 4. Block 4.
Baker P.ace . 10.94 45 41
All of Y,ot 4. Biock 4.
Baker P.ace .. 5-3.08 If 47
Al! of Lot 5. Block 6.
Baker Placn .. 50.00 45.47
All of Lot «. Biock 5.
Baker Place .. 48 09 16 47
All of Lot 7. Block 4.
Baker Placn ... . 59.00 15 41
All of Lot 4, Block 4.
Baker Place ..59.40 45 47
All of Lot 9. Block 4.
Bake- Tare . 50.00 45 47
Eas* 7.4 feet of Lot 10,
H’ock 8 Faker Place TP 5 25
To cover the cost of ths extension of
gas main In Gas Main District No 24*
upon the following described piece* of
real estate in the <*lty of Omaha. Doug
las County. Nebraska:
Property Front, meat.
South 1-3 of Lot I. Block
2. First Addition to M»*
*our Are Park.21.00 9 21.10
All of Lot V Block 2.
First Addition l© Mis
souri A^ pRrk . 20.00 tl If
All of l,ot 19. Block 2.
First Addition te Misecuri
tvr Park . .. 29.00 II 10
All of Lot 11. Bic- r i. First
Addition to MiMucri Ave.
Park ..20.40 t! 10
Last 22 feet of Lot 12. Block
2. First Addition to Mis
souri Avc Park .22 40 IT 01
All of Lot 19. Block 1.
Vmw»1| a Treeiiun'i Ad*
dition .. 28 00 IMS
All f I,©! li. Block 1.
Maxwell A Ft reman'a Ad
dition . 21.09 29 18
All ,.f I*>t 12 Block 1.
Maxwell A Free man's Ad
dition _ _ 28.99 10.18
All of Lot 12. Blok 1.
Maxwell A Freeman’# Ad
dition . 21 99 29.28
All of Tot 14. Block 1.
Maxwell A Freeman's Ad
dition . 25 99 19.14
All of l.ot 18. Block 1.
Mxxwell A Freeman* Ad
dlt on .. 28 00 29.15 .
All of I.ot 19. Block 1.
Maxwell A Freeman* Ad
d’t.on . .. 28 99 19 14
All of Lot IT. Block 1.
Maxwell * Freeman * Ad -
d;t*on . 28.09 24 18
All of lot lv Block t.
Maxwell A Freeman * >d*
dlt on. 28 90 IMS
South M of Lot 10 Block 7.
Maxwell A Freeman* Ad
dition .. .. 22.09 19.12
North 4 of F#»t 21 feot of
Lot t. B’i-s k 2. Maxwell
A Freemans \dd‘:iov 21-99 12 99
North 4 of Ut 10. Bio'k ?.
Maxwell A Freeman* Ad
dition .. 25.99 29 94
Nor h 4 of Lot 11. B!ock 9.
Maxwell A Freeman** Ad
dition . 25.00 20.21
North 4 of Lot 12. ltlo k 2
M xwell A Freeman * Ad
dition .2109 10,14
North 4 of Lot 7 2 Block ?.
Maxwell A Freeman** Ad
dition .21.09 ff.lf
North 4 of I t 14. Block 2.
Maxwell A Freeman • Ad
di-n 25 00 »9t4
North 4 of Lot iv. Block 2.
Maxwell A Freeman ■ Ad
dition . . .. 25.00 20 18
North 4 of Lot li. Block 2,
Mix well A Freemans Ad*
«1 t, « *$ 00 99 )4
North 4 of I.-'* 1“. Block T.
Max w all A F»eemen * Ad
.1 18 00 90 51
North 4 of Lot 18. Block t
Maxwell A Freeman** A4
dit ion 11 90 29.94
North 4 , f l ot 14 V . h t
M*xw©il A Freeman » Ad
dit n . . 25 09 29 98
North 4 of Lot 20 Block 2.
Mxxwell A Freeman a Ad*
dit on . ... 95.09 20 24
North 4 of Lot H Block 2.
Maxwell A Freeman* Ad
diuon . ... 28 90 20 11
All of 1 ot 21, Block 2.
Maxwell A Freeman* Ad*
Ultlon. ., 49,29 15 *9
Nor h of* T ot r*. Towle
First Addition to South
Oivxha 94 0* 200 29
loti and each of yon *re hereby noti
fies! *o appear before the Board of M*
rectots of the Metropolitan Utilities Dis
trict *■ tt r g a* * Hoard ©t Kuwaiiaetton at
the time and place a bore specified to
make nn\ complaint*, »tater'*nt* or ©h
teetton* x ou max dr* re concerning ary of
said proposed **w»»nrnl» and >x tea ©f
special taxes.
• T A. LF19KN*
•oct-eta’-y of the B »a«xl ef IMreftWk
Mr ",’.■» it*-. V tee PisIHat
Omaha. Neb. pec. 10. ltil