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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1923)
BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES -By THORNTON \V. BLRGESS. -' i ne trutn or tms is very clear: Familiar things ar© never queer. —Old Mother Nature. Danny Sees a Queer Fisherman. Danny Meadow Mouse kept think s. -- — lng about the dreadful story of Egret, the beautiful white cousin of Eong legs the Heron. It filled him with such sadness that he began to think the Sunny South a very dreadful place. But a day or two later when he visited the bank of the river In the hope of seeing Egret again, he saw Instead a stranger who looked so funny that he forgot all about Egret and his sad story. It happened that where Danny was was very near to where the river entered the ocean. As Danny reached the bank the first thing he saw was a great bird with very big broad wings flying in from the ocean. He was flying low just above the water. He would flap his great wings a few times, and then sail. He appeared to have no neck al nil, but a very big and queer bill. Now right in front of Danny, two or three feet out In the water, was an old stump. Straight to this came the stranger and alighted on it. Then to Danny's surprise he discovered that the stranger had a long neck. He had simply had it folded back on his shoulders, much as Longlegs folds his back when he is flying. But the queerest tiling about this stranger was his bill. It was very long, and under it was a great hag. As he sat on the stump he held his bill pointed down so that the bag rested against NEBBS— HAPPY, HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hes» /ow LOOK , ‘LECTatC CA£S -TMAT'5 \ WHAT l ASKED SANTA WASN'T I (Santa GocD\ H To vou, \ ooNioRjy /AMlftftV CWR\STM&S\ (TO woo , I SuRPCHSE- ! iy (cm wou deplp. old sweetheart A vou \ VOO'QE THE N\OS>T WONDERFUL 1 HUSSPvND IN THE WORLD! ISN'T _^y IT &E&OTIFOL 7 I COULDN'T-/ W(WE PICKED ONE OUT TO (SUIT NIE Q.ETTEQ MSSELEy (IT TOO* SOME DOO&H to wjRAP THAT LiTTLL'l TAT WOMAN IN TOP BOT IT>i WOPTO IT _ _ vNWWiS MONEV GOCO TOP ANYWAY IT ) NOO CAN'T MAKE PEOPLE V4APPY 7 - f - 1UUWE TO S.TMCT »«2“" sn TO BOV MOTH GALLS TO PAUC-Y 1 IT AWAV nE*T «SPR _g-af 1 II I ! i i-' 11 uni i !■ hi ih; i, t>» i h< Mrll •(•■illrau i Barney Google and Spark Plug BARNEY TURNS KIDNAPER. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBecb (Copyrlcht. 1921) ^DON'T WORRY, SPARKY. ' III GET • SUNSHINE" BAG* X »s your jockey ~ That traimA Mg’s uicRkiNG on stops at A "The nekt station for Two I HOURS - WEIL SEE IF he CAM ' y LEAVE US FIAT Like this'!, I \. he aint Got a chance / in THE TOLD - o (AU.TOOK. \ DfM fifty f \ TVlOUSAN 0 V DOUAMS - J SHOW’EMWHOS £ ,C AROCKD HEBE.' f Vs AM ft FINELY Vjaw To r ) SPEND CVUSTAlASj. /'come CN.YoO 4 SPARK PU/<; Copyright. 1923. by King Future* Syndicate Inc BRINGING UP FATHER— uVsrrJ. SEE J1GGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManuf <C4>t>> rlcht. 1*:* > f MERRv CHRitiTMA-b • DEAR r HE<?E‘t> a UITTUE CiIFT ' EOR. You : ^ *>AME TO voo • MACCIE • HERE 5 FIVE HONORED -J POLL ARE)! p ( tSERR-Y CMRltTM^-OADOY- LOOK | WHAT I COT: yOU F~QR, CHR'bTW^'' I W I P THANKS - ME ) \ J OARLIA*-- HERE’S L K/ 'TVJOHUHORED -L./%°OLLA>Rt>' I 0 ^JP' MERR'f CHRWt*»A,^-l'‘W*.OlCiG»> • J I OION'T FQR6ET VOO • j i knew \ou ;— WOULDN'T -HERfb TWENTY DOLLARS - > WOFF WUFF _-J HERE'Sl— TWO dollar^: ©1323 tv nrru fturutt Stwvict. Imc. " 12-SS JERRY ON THE JOBT SWEET GREETINGS i i ii ii — Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban Merry Christmas By Briggs | = THAT GUILTIEST , FEEUNG ^ (when the bOGdOMG STR'NG To THE SANTA CLAUS, MASK I busted) _ There's at least owe in Cv/eav Office rr "slicht ex pi* ess i ow 00 The hush ESteEM we, You ft loyal and faithful EMPLOYEES I HOLD for 'ijjU SIR OUR BELOueO,/ \ Kind and Considerate Chief- y —,r~— HOW To START the DAY WRONG A CARO The \ MffCA«OS AtoO l «EVER I 5CNJT THE^ 0*jG \ ! j-J \ GOOD HEAVEW5' p\E AND MINE --- OuR PAAH ^TonjG SET IS SOLID I VORV and COST four Thousand dollars'-• The Characters are i inlaid uuith Gold amp diamonds/ — < Yes* we HAv/£ A SET Too / Tedious Pastime.-waiting FOR REPORTS OF CO/'IMITTEES Before Annual O/striQutiqn of CHRISTMAS C/FTS Y<X)R EUTgraTAiisiMewT J COMMITTEC SUBMITS ' Tug fou.ouui.j6 Re Port For TOe Ye:ar 1923 \\ OH-H H POY! aim t «t A 6RRRRAND and GLOR R R R'OOS FEEUM’ To VAJ»5H 'TOO \ MERRY \ CMTtAftM - \ /'**'*&' 1 / hls neck. Somehow It made him look very dignified. His coat was chiefly brown. The back of hls head and hls neck were white with touches of faint yellow. Hls feet were webbed like the feet of Honker the Goose. Danny was trying to get courage enough to speak to the stranger when the latter spread his wings and sailed out over the water. Suddenly he dropped Into the water with a great splash head first. A second later he tossed a shining fish Into the air. "What is that hie bag under his bill far?" Danny asked. opened his gjeat hill and the fish disappeared head first down his throat. Danny saw him catch several fish In this way. plunging Into the water for each one and making the water fly In all directions. Finally he re turned to the old stump and settled himself as If he Intended to stay there awhile. Two or three times Danny opened his mouth to speak, but he v as too hashful, perhaps if the truth Were known, he was a wee bit afraid. The stranger appeared to be taking a nap when Mocker the Mockingbird happened along. "Hello!" exclaimed Mocker. “What are you doing over here, Danny Meadow Mouse?" "I'm watching a queer fellow sit ting on that stump,” replied Danny. "He has been fishing, and now' he seems to be tak ng a nap. Never in all rriy life have 1 seen a queerer looking fellow Who is he?” "Oh. that's Grandpa Pelican, the Blown Peiivan I thoueht everybody down here knew him.” replied i Mocker. "What is that big hag under his bill for?" Danny asked. "To catch his fish In of course," leplled Mocker. He just scoops them into that and then he has them." Copyright. 1#23. ^ The next story: "Danny Has a Sud den Fright " Births and Deaths. flirt h*. William and Mary B — n», hoepi*a!. boy. Rudolph and Enjt.ia Prinz 1611 N at reef. ho \. 9 Joseph and <>r* a Pu!t*. 2432 North Tl»:rt>-♦ hlrd street. girl Frank a”d Kate Tat*-.- 5106 Under wood av^nu- girl •T U ar.d Ka'herine Knowles hospital,, e .HilMja and Th*re««< Res# hospital hoy. •T L a:l Josephine Bandy, hoapitai gi-l or ha and Ma“ e K rg 1 3 45 North Twen tieth street hoy Ari h u* and H*«u« Rate 1632 North Tw enty-thlrd »*r*et glri. •Tan'.* a ar-d Mary Turner. 2721 North Twenty-sixth street. ctr! •T*s’»s and Ram a Rqstro. 13 T B A Q ss^tiAn hour*, gir!. .t. m*a and Anna Fivry. 49: S gourh Eighteenth street r and Minn e Hanson, hospital. i boy. w*id« -*rd Mabel Bankur. 6*49 Ohio streef. girl. *.**t v and I ro'hr ' hlison, 2y North Nineteenth street. hnv WtMIsm and Ruth Ml^k. 5:29 Evans «’r»*' boy I>*wt ha. Mnhael K'-ar Christensen. Infant. 2*lu B*' Sf o| «tr*S* Fran •* William Arton 74 years. 2107 No**th r-. ehteenth. l*oute* H»rr|et’a Schmidt. 50 xears 1524 Castelar street Omaha Marriage Licenses Name and Rssiden'** Age. Arthur K SitMer. Omaha . 24 Dorothy V Culve- Omaha II iso-ee A Bloomer Omaha .over 2t Maude Brooker. • *maha .. o\er 21 George Grtffln. Omaha . 25 lX>rofhv Weitt-n. Omaha 20 R*re Rixard. Rourbomalr. Til ........ 27 j Ma-ruerlte Bonnes*. Omaha . 22 I Ralnh E Carev. Omaha . Martha M Drake. Omaha . F•■»**j h Pre? osil, Omaha . arte Durlnia. Omaha . Omaha Di\orre Petitions. Jorss against A tnreni O Jor.e*. I cruelty rhsrged t*n!l!n* tra r** John W, Colllra. cruelty and nonsurport cha-ged ' snrhr K " *>' srt.n.*! Da-*! $ \V:!e> cruelty an 1 non-support charged Anna Ma* F aria a gamut John Al i bert Edward*, cruelty . ha-g» d Omaha Marriage Application? Name and Reside* e Aye Paul Anderson Waterloo, la .....22 KdHh Larson. Omaha .. ....... 21 Merry I* Brcwp Valley. Neb. . 21 Lucy J tlerkla. Valley. Neb. . 21 Building Permits. H \V Smith SD* North Thirty-seventh a \ snu*. frame dwelling • »* • »* 1* ti Thompson. SK South Twenty fourth Mr* **«. build * candy stand t?0«» Jim Johns *n .’*11 vj »:reet. frame Incline | * ft AblE THE AGENT— _Drawn tor The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Broadcasting Joy. 7ZT UMU. l\ RuiW MAWY \ A RADIO . COKiCfcRV / \To>0U^r/ Road Conditions. (Furnished hv tht < Uriahs Au'«* Club) Lincoln Highway, East—Road* good. Lincoln Highway, West—Rpads good. J>. L. D.—Itofid* good Meridian Highway—Road* good Cornhuaker Highway — Road* goon. Black Hill* Trail—Rond- good George Washington Highway —Hoads good H Y A —Roads good Highland Cutoff K.-ads good. Omaha Tulsa Highway— Bonds good Omaha Topeka Highway—Roads noo<l. King of Trails, North—Loads good King of Trail*. South—Roads good. Itiver-to-Rlver ft- d—R'ad« go- I White-Wav "7” High v. n; Poad* good. I. O. A Short line—Road* good. Real Estate Transfers. Christian F Knaaek and wife to Myrtle Rhamey. Kvani ht.. 90 ft V. . of t't . S Hide, 10dxl%" I 2.400 Traver Bros to Oeorx# W. Gorum and wife. Burdette St , 425 ft W. of .loth St . N Side 27 4x125.. 1.4 9 Margaret M Buckley and husband to James Johnson. Q St 1"0 ft. W. Of 2fth St s Side 50x150 James S Coulter .tut v. if • t<* Hu1 - B*ii M Bailey. 56th St. 15" ft. N. of Harney St.. W. Side. 50X 1.4 . 1.750 Westmfnste" i'r*- d»y t> • ri Chur* h to John Kiln rtin. S.W cor. Iftb and Mir,' -i i . ijtx1 ! i i . • 3,000 Henry I». S -hi* and v. f- to Leonard j ! End oti j • 19tii St 17" feet S >.f Center 1.IH Christine N .le» •* • *• ’ etiael B. Jensen. N I. • 17 th and Madi IOQ Sift 1 ■ fl 7 I S. Leavitt anu wife t., William I ft. 8 of Cass S' W SMe. 5/.xfSl*^. l.«5® L 8ul • Rhamey. f 4th St 205 ft N. of Pinkney St 100x13% Minnie B (V>bh to Anna and husband S.W r>>r. 32*1 Ave an*l Valley St.. 43.5x120 ... 700 Bertha Reagan to Joseph A Kober owski a» <1 wife. 15th St.. 4" ft. N. of M St . W Side. 40x150 . 2.000 Ezra Hayes and wife to H V. HArlington, pie St . 2(»0 ft. K. of John A Or- :*hto:i Bivd 50 x . 9 1 Talma*- Tl.-irst- n ' ■ to Hay ■* Gaantner and v\ fe. Mason S* . %6'J {• W ,f 4 i \v«. N di*ie. 4ol("» 1.050 Hansen It.\ ' to Ivan J Hult man an 1 w f Ma v berry St.. 172 ft W of 4 *1 St S Side 44xl"i 7.800 Oertrude M - , • ar.d • :**band to Jei-su H*-'dm. Dewey Ave 4' ft . * | Emma f’ ’ ’ ’ ?* V -*r r‘s R-*»en - stein. S \V. ***r Florence Bivd & Sahler St.. 100x124 10.500 Hue it f P «>ra *• a I t*» .1 hn Pe' erson. B owm S 4 0 f' K of 24th • N' S.lJ-. 4 A O h; 1 Rodmor.d Johnson w W H Ben ton. 29* h S 114 ft. S of Dewey Ave., W S i - . 7 ’ x 1 4 ■ ® Ch renc- H Pit .is . nd wife *o Hav-u r *n S* . 315 f w o' 4 Aye N S'd* 45x 1 *• 1,100 Hi s1 •••:► <v }' C F- • f*B A. Kliine- t I husband \» :rt S'.. l?n zo ft NV. of 45th St . S Si*ie. 4 4 x ' 7 7 . i •__ _‘ ' Stop Coughing The simplest and best way to stop . coughs, coble, croup, bronchial, “flu” and lagripp*- coughs is »take CHAMBERLAIN’S “ COUGH REMEDY Every user is a friend \l>\ I K1 hUJKVT. 666 is a P-eacription prepared for Colds, Fever »nd Grippe It it the most speedy remedy we know, Preventing Pneumonia 4 Sherman & McConnell drug store* \I»\ KKTIM MENT. If Ryplured TrylhisFree Apply It to Any Rupture, Old or Recent, Large or Small, and You Are on the Road That Haa Convinced Thousand*. Sent Free to Prove This Anvorr ruptured man. woman or rhitd, *|u u d writ a at me* ta W S kkt Man St . N i fo- a tree tr-'l of hi* wonderful Mi mu 1st in* npri rat on. JuM put *t on the rupture and the muse'ey begin to t.ghten they ^tgm to bind to «e*hei *o ,sat »he . nenmc close* n.v.urailp tfld the reed .fa 't or lru«- or ap pliance i» then .! re away w b. Don't eci to *ond fo* -hi* t . * trial. Evan f your rupture dwr I No her you what i * the use of wearing support* a'l your life* Why suffer this nuisance* Why run he risk of gangrene and *u. h danger* Ns m a email and nrocent itt-e rupture, the h»wo ’hat ba» thrown thousand* on he operat ng table* A host of men sad aomen are dai.% running »u.h risk ju»t Hecnuse thnr n p'.ure* do r. t hurt nor prevent thee tn'm get ting a- ,ird W nta at on.e for thi* free trial, a* it i« ce-tainly A cure of rupture* that *rit a« big a* a man* two ft»t* Try and writ *t once, i using 'he *oupon tvelow Free tor Rupture W S Rice. Inc . Msm St Adam*. N Y You mav »«*nd me entire y free a • Sample Treatment of your stimulating I application for Rupture. I Name..... I Add re* a ... W1 IF \ IN NM I1 OF 111 1 r i m om mi \ m * >\ \n i Mm 1 —-1-r~ — -