The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 22, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 9, Image 9

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    Fire Fighters
Answer 2,172
Calls in Year
Number for 1923 Is 300 Less
Than for Previous Year
—Loss Amounts to
Omaha Is now In the "dangerous
age,” according to officials of the
metropolitan fire department, due to
increased danger from the ravages
of the god of flame. For with the
coming of autumn there has come
the seasonal increase in the number
of fire calls over that of summer.
During the past It months 2,172
fire calls have been answered. Four
hundred and thirty-three calls have
either been false alarms or calls from
outside the city. In 1922, 2,766 calls
were answered.
During that time 17 men have left
the department, while 23 have been
piaced. The department now employs
306 firemen. The maximum capacity
of the force is 332 members.
One fireman has met death in ac
tive service this year. Eight persons
have been rescued from burning
buildings. Two head of horses have
been lost through burns.
Most of the fires ure announced
to the department over the telephone.
Of 17 large fires, which totaled
$2,949,726 in damages, all have sus
tained losses of $5,000 or more. The
largest was the fire at the Armour
packing plant, February 14. Damage
amounted to $1,750,000.
Fifty-one firemen have been in
jured during the past year in the dis
charge of their duties. Twenty-five
citizens have been injured in fires—
eight fatally.
Records show that- fires in coal
dumps and other sources out
line of buildings have totaled over
one-third of the entire number of
fires reported.
There are 30 companies in the
Omaha fire department, although
there are 23 fire stations. On an or
dinary fire two companies answer the
call, accompanied by two chiefs. An
engine company has 12 men. a hose
company, 10 men. Earge hook and
ladder companies have 16 men each,
while others have 10 men.
On a second alarm, twice the num
ber of a regular call turn out, while
on a third alarm, three times the
original number are required. Dur
ing the last 11 months there have
been nine second alarms and but
three third alarms.
Stock Judging
Team Is Honored
Red Cloud Business Men
Banquet Webster
County Trio.
Red Cloud, Neb., Dec. 21.—A ban
quet In honor of tlje Webster county
stock judging team was given by the
business men of this city. A large
crowd was present. The team, com
posed of (Veil Means of Red Cloud,
Karl Portlneir of Guide Rock and Al
lred Sommerfeldt of Blue Hill, haa
.brought prominence to this county
^0|0KvinnIng (!rst. at the statp fair at
Kincoln, the Interstate at Sioux City,
the Royal stock show at Kansas City
and taking first amoung the different
states of the union at Chicago in
After refreshments had been served
tho members of the team described
their trips t( the different cities where
the contests were held, Karl Portlneir
telling of the methods used in decid
ing which team was best.
Throughout the several contests In
which this team took part Mr. Som
merfeldt usually took second, while
Sir. Means or Mr. Portlneir stood
either at first or third place; where
cne took first the other was always
to be found at third.
County Agent H. R. Fauche, coach
of the team, also gave an Interesting
talk on his experiences with the team.
Cass Street School
Pupils Sing Carols
Fifty boys and girls of Cass street
school favored The Omaha Bee yester
day noon with Christmas carols. They
were in charge of Nora Figum. teach
er of music at the school, and Juliet
McCune, supervisor of music In the
public schools.
The young singers also visited the
city hall and courthouse. Superin
tendent J. H. Beveridge and Assistant
Superintendent Belle M. Ryan visited
Cass school yesterday to hear the
j^epls and other features of a Chrtst
■nrafc program. \
Fondness for Horst Meat
Lands Man Behind Bare
Casper, Wyo, Dec. 21.—Because
he “loved horea meat" and admitted
Jt, A. Mitchell today Is confined In
thi city Jail on the charge of horse
With Christmas coming on and his
craving for this delicacy Increasing,
police*charge Mitchell with stealing
end slaughtering the animal for food.
A fresh carcass, said to be that of a
horse, and branded “Smoky Ronans”
was found In Mitcheirs possession.
Tot Dies W hen^Mashed
Potatoes Lodge, in Windpipe
Hheridan, Wyo., Dec. 21.—StranRU
'fltlon, oh the result of mashed po
tatoes lodRint? in his windpipe, caused
'lie death of T,nrry Dillon Ulrich, 2
vear-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William
K. Ulrich of Hheridan.
Christmas Cards Are
Advised for Duelists
If you feel that your honor must
he satisfied, (J°u’t K®t any old-fash
ioned Ideas and insist that someone
necom|>any you to the field d'honneur
for a polite little shooting serais*.
Included In the list of felonies in
the police manual, recently issued for
guidance of officers In the perform
tnee of their duty, Is a reminder that
^0rffeee Is a state law, not only against
"inching, hut sgnlnst offering a for
innl challenge to a duel. Police,
therefore, advise that If you fee) like
••ndlng your card to someone, send
a Chrlsfmas card.
Compensation Fee
Schedule Not Definite
Lincoln, Dec. 21.—The medical fee
schedule issued by the state depart
' ment of labor for use in compensation
cases may not always apply, but Is
for the guidance of doctors, the de
partment announced today In the case
' of Drs, P. A. Condon and C. H. Newell
of Omaha against E. H. Hennlngson
and E. G. Taylor, contractors.
| Condon and Newell attended an em
ploye of the contractors, George
Parmer, after he had been injured In
the course of his employment, and for
their medical services the doctors sub
mitted a bill of $485. After a hearing
on the case, L. B. Frye, labor com
missioner, allowed a charge of $450
and stated in his opinion that “med
ical and surgical treatment may each
be determined on their" merits consid
ering the service rendered, permitting
at all times due process of law for the
collection o$ bills rendered.”
Bank Robbery Suspects
Are Held in St. Joseph
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 21.—Two men,
suspected of being implicated in the
Barneston, (Neb.) 'bank robbery some
weeks ago, are being detained at St.
Joseph, according to reports receiv
ed here/ One was wounded In a gun
battle In an eastern Kansas town and
papers found in his possession led
officers in Beatrice to believe they
are part of the robber gang, which
visited Barneston. t
No Santa Claus
for Drinking Men.
Police Declare
Holiday Toasts Must Be
Drunk With Hootch—
‘Real Stuff" Not FU- '
tering Past Guards.
"Oh, where are the snows of yester
Has the “good old stuff" of former
Christmas cheer finally faded Into le
gend over the Volsteadean horizon,
leaving the holiday celebrant with a
sdrry choice of renouncing a cher
ished custom or toasting the occasion
with his life In one hand and a bottle
of bootleg hootch In the other?
Conditions, as observed by the Oinn
ha police dei>artment, appear to es
tablish the fact that the customary
influx of bonded varieties of liquor
into the city, in preparation for holi
day trade, is this year entirely non
existent, for not one bottle of "real
stuff" hue come to light in the nu
merous raids that have been staged
recently, although hundreds of gallons
of homemade Intoxicants have been
Although gradually dwindling in
volume, each year has seen large con
s Knments of prewar brands pouring
into the city through numerous un
derground channel*, despite efforts of
the police to rob epicurean palate* of
their annual oiling.
The central location of Omaha is
believed by police to be largely res
ponsible for the fact that so little
foreign liquor reaches here. All the
talk about rum running off America’s
coasts and across international bord
erlines Is but the "rumble of a dis
tant drum" to Omahans.
Despite the facts, however, that
good liquor probably will have no
part in the tinsel and mistletoe of
the season, and that modem Ameri
can drinking lias resolved itself into
a dangerous flirtation with the under
taker, there are indications that the
local bootlegging fraternity are mak
ing extensive preparations to offer
citizens their version of a merry
Christmas and a happy New Year.
In the Free State, Ireland, not a
single divorce has taken place during
the pa»«t 12 months.
eenth street and Capitol Ave.
Stephen E. McGinley, Dean.
8 a. in., Holy Communion;
9:30 a. m., Church School;
5:30 p. m., Young People’s
Fellowship; 7:30 p. m., Christ
mas Carols sung by full choir.
Railroad Halts Cut
Fares for Ministers
Lincoln, Dec. 21.—Conductors and
ticket agents employed by the Chi
cago. St. Paul. Minneapolis & Oma
ha were today instructed to charge
clergymen traveling to points in Ne
braska full fare. The Instruction fol
lows the Injunction against a state
law that permits clergymen to travel
at reduced rates.
The order does not apply to tickets
purchased to or from points outside
l ' ■ " —^-l
“The Virgin
Does Xmas
Need It?”
Is it true that
faith in the Virgin
Birth is needed
to keep the spirit
of song and high thanksgiving in
Christmas? Why is there such
tenacious insistence that Jesus was
miraculously born? Which view af
fords more cause for religious re- | f
joicing — that Jesus was super- I
natural, or'that He was human?
This subject will be discussed
by Rev. Ralph E. Bailey at the First
Unitarian Church, 8114 Harney 8t..
Sunday, at 11:00 a. ro.
No rented or reserved pews; all
seats free.
/ built this business
“showing” people!
Brodegaard Diamonds
Invite comparison
Square Deal price tags
are friendly to strangers
Brodegaard /
Square Deal Jeweler
16th at Douglas
f Unheard-of Values
fake advantage of this great money
saving sale—Don’t pass up this op
This watch we will sell you for 810
and guarantee you a good timepiece.
Case guaranteed for 25 years. Beat
N'0".. $10.00
—as long as they last and only one to
a customer.
Small Wrist Watch, beautiful de
sign, 20-karat solid white gold;
dependable 17-jewel movement;
fine timekeeper. Regular price
$55.00. Price on dJO'T 7C
this watch cut to.. f • # O
Rectangular Wrist Watch—15-jewel.
One of the very best movements.
Judge the beauty yourself. Smart
women will recognise it. Regular
price $35.00. We * Q 7C
have cut the price to »P * e
Ladies' Watches That Live Up to
Every Expectation.
Greatest and Most Complete New
Stock of Sheffield Silver
Bread Trays, Saturday.$1.95
Fruit Bowls, 18-karat gold lined, Satur., $4.95
Flower Baskets, pierced with handle, only $4.95
Bread Trays with handle . . . . .$2.95
Bread Trays with handle and pierced,
Sandwich Tray, pierced and beautiful,
only . $3-95
Special Low and Attractive Prices on y
Our Entire Sheffield Silver Stock.
Make Dad Smile !
We can show you plenty
of *Cuff Links that
“Dad” won’t “ex
change,” at—
a pair
Saturday From 8 to 10 A. M.
Sterling Silver
All Sizes
Sugar and
Cream Set
Heavy silver quadruple
plate, set—
—as long as they‘last.
Only one set to a cus
Dutch Silver
S. & H.
Brodegaard Bros. Co.
./ewelry—Sliver ware - Diamond»
16th and Douglas Mail Orders Promptly Shipped
S. A H.
the state, affording to G. H. Maculae. |
general passenger agent of the rail
HOLDREGE—The fourth commun
ity Chriatmajj tree will be given by
the Holdrege Commercial club at the
-- - - ii a
auditorium Monday afternoon and
evening, with the local U. C. T. lodge
acting aa Santa f'laua.
SfeJUftntofca | =
“His” Gift
a Pleasure |
WHERE such vast selections
abound—where such good val
ues prevail—where all is serv
ice and attention for you—you’ll find
the buying of “His” gift a real pleas
ure at The Nebraska. '
Prisma Silk Cloth Shirts
An Eagle Shirt production particularly
suitable for a gift. They sparkle with
newness .
Manhattan Qnallty Shirts.$2.75 to 17.50
Eagle Sli-Hntton Shirts.$2.00 tu <9.50
Bates Street Cnutom Shirt*...$2.00 to $5.00
Nebraska Featore Value fthlrtv . ,$1.50 to $2.50
Cardiff Cord Shirts
Another popular Eagle Six - Button
Shirt; sturdy Cardiff Madras cord.
Feature value at.
Silk and Knit Neckwear
Hundreds of beautiful new Cut Silk a*
and Knitted Four-in-Hands. Feature ’ I i;
values . "*■
Berkeley Qnallty Knit Ties.$2^0 to $3.50
Imported t’nt Milk Neckwear.$1.50 to $3.00
Silk Crochet Neckwear...$2JK) to $1.00
Tteney SUk and Wool Neckwear at._■ $1.25
Men’s Cape Dress Gloves
A quality Street and Dress Glove of
dark brown and gray cape. Feature
value at.
Warm Lined Tape Moves.$1.50 to iXjQ
tomb Lined Anto Wilts.$.V»(> to $<U*>
Scotch Wool Moves at.I1JW to $2.00
~Fowaes* Fine Silk Moves.$1J0 and $2^'
> Men’s Silk Hosiery
Holeproof and Interwoven quality
Silk Hosier}-; all wanted colors. Good
gift at ..^.
Wen's Fine Silk Hosiery at.fl«(W to $2.00
Imports Wttol Hosiery at.. . . .$1.00 to $2J<0
Silk and Wool Hosiery at.$1jOO to $2.00
Lisle and t'otton Hosiery at.Sic and 40e
Men’s Warm Bath Robes
They’re Beacon Full Blanket Shawl
Collar Bath Robes; attractive pat
terns. Feature value at.
Wen's Lonnglng Robes.$10 to $g;
Smoking Jackets good gifts. $.w(l to $20
Blanket Bath Hobes.$.UW to $20
^ Wen's Warm Sweaters.... .ttUKI to $1*
Men’s Broadcloth Pajamas
Made by Faultlesa of fine imported
English broadcloth; double silk frogs.
Blue, tan, white.
Men's Warm Wafflcm.$1.00 to IlkOO J
Leather Belts tor Wen.SOc to $2^0 j,
Initial Belt Boekles.tOe to $*.00 *
Handkerchiefs, » In bos, per bos, $1.00 to $IUW
Stetson Hats for Men
The new rough and smooth finish
Overcoat Hats. You'll delight “Him”
with one of these Stetsons at 97 and
Celebrated Mallory Hat*.faJM and |M>
“Meg" Capa for Men....$1^0 to $S-A0
TTinTlaps for Boys at. . $1^0
Far Tape for Mea.V..Ho to $22J>0
Men’s “Hi-Lo” Slippers
A warm, comfortable House Slipper,
in gray and brow n. Always a prae- ▼ |
tieal gift. Feature special Saturday..
Wen's Comfy Slippers at...
Mea'a Soft Kid $$j>Q
Men's Indian Moccasins..$|j»jj tn $i.45
lianlel Kroon Comfys at.$l.»k~to $2.«i
Leather Traveling Bags
Black Colira Grain Leather Travel- f-W -W ca
ing Bags. Hand sewed. Throe in- * I | !
side pockets. -*• J
Madstone Cases at .$K.W to
Boston Bag*, priced at. $MW to $•.?(
t ravel Ing Bags a I . $<UM to I
Women's Fitted Cases at.$l«vA«f to $”^0