The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 21, 1923, CITY EDITION, Image 4

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    Mexican Bandits
Murder Former
Iowa Teacher
Farm Laborer Held for Death
of Mrs. Emily R. Earhart,
Formerly of Onawa—
Planned to Return Soon.
By International News Service.
Tula, Mexico, Dec. 20.—A Mexican
farm laborer was arrested today
charged with complicity in the mur
der of Mrs. Emily It. Earhart, an
American woman, formerly of Ona
wa, In.
Tho murder was not connected with
the Mexican revolt.
Tho original plan was to lake the
l>ody to California for burial, but due
to interrupted communication and
delay in obtaining government per
mits, it was decided to bury the body
here. Interment took place amid
scenes of widespread grief, os the
woman was popular in this district.
Military honors were paid by troops
from the garrison, t
Carl R. Earhart and his wife,
Emily, came to Mexico from Long
Beach, Cal., but they had also resid
'd in Baker, Ore., and in Iowa. Ear
hart was a successful farmer, ac
quiring considerable real estate and
Masked Men Enter.
The Earhart home was called the
Hacienda Deabra. On the night of
December 13, when the husband was
absent, two masked men forced an
i ntrance. They demanded to know
where the family Jewels and money
were hidden. Mrs. Earhart refused to
tell them.
One bandit then placed a small
caliber revolver against her breast
and fired pointblank, killing her. Mrs
Earhart's two children, Carlton, 5
and Robert, 2, witnessed the murder
Children Scream.
Screams of the children awakened
the servants. Little Carlton kept
“Carlos! Carlos'”
This gave the authorities a clue
for a former employe of that name
who was known to he living on an
adjoining hacienda. He was question
ed and eventually arrested. The au
thorities are confident of making an
other arrest soon and promise a
speedy trial of the accused.
Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee.
Onawa, Dec. 30.—Belief that Mrs.
Emily R. Earhart, 47, a former resi
dent of Onawa, was killed by two of
her former servants who were at
tempting to rob her was expressed
by her brother, A. T. Christenson,
here today.
Mrs. Earhart was born and reared
in Onawa. She taught school In
Mapleton and Onawa, la., in Baker
City, Ore., and in Ookland, Cal.
She met and married Carl R. Ear
hart in Bong Beach, Cal., six years
ngo. Earhart was a dairyman at that
time. One year ago he moved with
his family to Mexico and became a
The Earharts had planned to re
turn to the United States this year,
but had postponed the event for one
year in order that the sale of their
property might be completed.
According to'Christenson, Mrs. Ear
hart was generous to a fault and had
been warned against excessive kind
y ness to native servants. She had
been in the habit of giving them
articles they admired. On several
occasions servants stole articles from
the house. Some of these she traced
and forced the thieves to return. She
believed that this would show that
she was willing to give her employes
anything within reason, but would
not tolerate being robbed.
Mrs. Earhart had only one child of
her own, Christenson said. Robert Is
the son of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Pen
rod, Baker City. Mrs. Earhart took
the child at the time of her sister's
death two years ago.
ABBION—The Albion school, under
the direction of Miss Helen Miller,
dramatic Instructor, gave two enter
tainments at the Rex theater Monday
and Tuesday evenings. Four one
act plays were given. The music de
partment assisted.
Bonus Looming as Party Issue;
Its Defeat Seen in Strong Veto
House Expected to Override President’s Action, but Senate
May Re Forced to Take Into Account Public Senti
ment and Coolidge’s Bold Stand Against Rill.
Washington, Dec. 20.—Temporarily
and in a half hearted way, tax re
duction has been given a partial
rlght-of way over the bonus. But if
tax reduction is really pushed to final
consideration and passage, it will only
he through a triumph of the pressure
of public opinion over the preference
of individual members of congress.
The republican leaders In congress
did not intend to deal with tax re
duction at this session. They were
deeply disturbed when they learned
what Secretary Mellon was Incubat
ing, and they tried to persuade Presi
dent Coolldge not to urge it. Their
Intention was to manage the present
session with a view to the coming
election, and with that point of view
their wish was the less legislation
the better, except the essential ap
propriation hills.
It is still by no means certain that
tax reduction will actually he con
sidered to a finish ahead of the tionus.
The great majority of Individual
members want to pass the bonus.
Whenever it comes up It will pass
both houses and will pass the lower
house over the presidential veto that
everybody now takes for granted.
The only possibility of a real fight
will arise when the effort is made
to pass the bonus through the sen
ate over the veto.
Majority for Bonus.
Nearly everybody soys the senate
will pass It over the veto. That Is
the present best judgment Inside the
senate and outside it. Careful and
accurate tabulations of the positions
of all tlie senators willing to let their
positions he known, seem to indicate
two more than the necessary two
thirds are in favor of the bonus. But
there aro some imponderable aspects
of the situation which will only arise
after the veto and at the same time
the final vote in the senate takes
If Coolidge’s veto is direct and un
equivocal, that fact, coupled with
other conditions, may rally enough
votes to sustain the president. It Is
true that 11 anti-bonus senators who
helped to sustain Hardln’gs veto in
1922 have pnsRed out of the senate
by death, resignation or defeat. It
is also true that nine of their suc
cessors are pro-bonus.
But the writer has talked with
many of those listed aa pro-bonus, and
has found in some cases a half-hearted
and disgusted indecision, which in the
final test may cause them to vote
against it. Some will vote for the
bonus but kick themselves as they
do so. They are conscious of an em
barrassment they detest. Many of
them lay the blame on the late Presi
dent Harding and on the vacillation
of other republican leaders.
Wiggle and Wobble on Bonus.
They say that if Harding had op
posed the bonus unequivocally and
on principle from the beginning. It
would now he out of the way. But
Harding's veto and all his opposition
was qualified by ‘'ifa” and "whens”
about a sales tax and an Improved
state of the treasury. In the early
agitation, many of the senators
avoided making any individual com
mitment with their constituents until
the party leaders should take a posi
When these senators came to Wash
ington they found the party leader
ship vacillating. Thereupon, in the
absence of the unequivocal leadership,
the individual sengtors followed the
easy way each for himself, and wrote
letters to their constituents which
committed them to the bonus. Those
individual commitments in the shape
of letters to constituents are what
embarrass the senators now.
Today, the party leadership in the
person of Coolidge has taken an un
equivocal position. Many senators
would like to follow him, and may
yet do so in spite of these embarrass
ing letters they have written in the
past. Some democratic senators may
vote for the bonus so long as that
course embarrasses the republicans,
but may refrain from doing so if
Special for Friday
43 Men's Smoking Jackets
that should retail at
$7.50, $10.00 and $12.00
All sizes 36 to 46.
Colors: Navy, Brown and Oxford.
At this price they
should sell quickly.
their votes would actually bring the
Economic Aspect Seen.
Some senators, on record as pro
bonus. may find a way out in the
fact that their states have already
given the local soldiers a bonus. Some
sections of the south tell their sena
tors they oppose the bonus because
they say the colored ex-soldiers would
not work so long as the bonus money
lasts, and the farmers and other em
ployers would be subjected to Incon
venience. There are many other cir
cumstances of various kinds which
may change the attitude of senators
who are now half-heartedly pro-bonus.
Much will depend on the evidence
of local public opinion in their re
spective districts. Much more will
depend on the language ami the firm
ness of Coolidge's veto message. If
that message should strike the coun
try well, many republican senators
will hesitate to go on record ns help
ing to defeat the clear will of the head
of the party.
Youth and Wife, 51
Are Remarried
Raleigh, X. ('.. Dec. 20.—To make
more certain their union, Burton B.
Tucker, Jersey City, X. J., youth,
and the wealthy widow of Joseph
Simpson today were remarried be
fore Squire Jesse Fry at Carthage,
X. C., according to a story sent the
Raleigh News and Observer.
The second marriage followed a
lengthy conference of the couple with
U. L. Spence, Carthage attorney, and
took place In the attorney's office.
The license was issued this after
noon by E. C. Mattheson, register of
deeds, and as no statement of per
mission had been filed by the parents
of the young bridegroom, Mr. and
Mrs, Tucker made a deposit of $200
with Mr. Mattheson in case he should
l>e sued for the penalty allowed in
such cases under the laws of North
CALLAWAY—The annual Christ
mas food sale and bazar held by the
Catholic ladies of this place, netted
more than $200.
Jerry Howard Finds
Governor Out of State
Lincoln, Dec, HO.—With his Irish
brogue working on all six cylinders
and blood in Ills eye. Jerry Howard
of Omaha, Inspector for the state de
partment of labor, stamped into the
governor's office today demanding the
instant dismissal of Municipal Judge
Frank Dlneen.
He was met with the announcement
that Governor Bryan had gone to Chi
cago to attend a meeting of persons
interested in the Great lakes and St.
Lawrence deep waterway project. He
charges Dlneen dismissed a number
of cases against those accused of
working women employes over the
legal number of hours.
4 Boys Admit Store Robberies
Chicago, Dec. 20.—Four boys, none
older than IK, found living together
in a flat, told the police today after
their arrest that they had made a
specialty of robbing Great Atlantic
and Pacific Tea company stores. Two
of the boys who said they were
Joseph and John Morgan, IS and 14,
respectively, of El Paso, Tex., de
clared that they had run away from
home and beaten their way to Chi
cago on Santa Fe trains.
( Established 1890
/ . " >
Best Yuletide Values
Await You in Thorne
Store - Wide
Coats, Dresses, Sweaters, Blouses
A Christmas Piano
We Have a Few Most
Extraordinary Values in the
Following Famous Makes:
Kurtzmann Steinway
Estey Ivers & Pond
Aeolian Gulbransen
419 S. 16th St. Omaha, Neb.
Something Electrical
in Your Christmas Gift Pack!
Pancake Griddles
A breakfast assistant that can't bo beat.
Makes delicious brown cakes in a few
minutes .$15.00
Percolators and Urn Sets
Pot styles In urn type with sugar bowl
and creamer to match. Silver, nickel
or aluminum—
Percolators, $7.50 to $27.50
I'm Sets, $31.50 to $110.00
The year round gift now offered at
special Christmas terms. It Beat*—as
| It Sweeps—as it Cleans.
Water Heaters
Nice these cold days when you need
warm or hot water frequently—
$8.50 and $9.50
Electric Washers
Thor, Maytag or Automatic. Every one
i, guaranteed by the maker and us. Priced
»t .$101.50 to $175.00
Electric Table Stoves
. Pry, broil or boil rlgiit at the table. This
111 is the bachelor maid's pal—
* $10.50 to $12.50
Heating Pads
Better than a hot water bottle because
It is safer, quicker and more service
able. A very useful gift—
$5.75 to $10.00
Household Irons
Something Mother always wants and
need* . 85.00 to 87.50
Tumbler Heaters x
Just drop them Into the glass. Hot
liquids In 2 to 3 minutes. At three
price. ....85.00. 86.00. 86.25
Radiant Heaters
Warmth where and when you want It—
86.05 to S15.00
Waffle Irons
Better waffles In lesa time at a smaller
cost. Four guaranteed makes—
810.00 to 818.00
Hair Dryers
Mother and Sis have been wishing for
one. Why not fill that want now—
83.50 lo 822.50
Something everyone wants, needs and
should have. Prices are low
65* to 85.00
Electric Shaving Mug
Dad wants one of these. Just ask him.
Save time and money .87.50
Soldering Irons
For the man about the house or ths
radio fan .86.90
Art Mirrors
Equipped with electric lights. A home
beautlfler . 830.00 lo 837.50
Christmas Tree Lights
Electric lights tn series of eight.
Prettier, brighter and safer. Per
Electric Toasters
he brenkfast table accessory,
rlsp brown toast Just as you
want It with a guaranteed elec
ted toaster 85.00 to 80.00
Electric Toy Trains
Just the real thin* for the real
boy. Made Juat like a renulat
train - $5.75 and up
Electric Curlers
A real utility In this present
a*e of bobbed hair and curia.
With comb nnd atnnd complete,
an 25 to $7.25
An Ideal Gift —because
1. It is useful and necessary on a dresser or dressing table.
2. It is beautiful and sure to be a delight to the recipient.
H. It lasts forever—a permanently beautiful reminder of a
thoughtful giver.
4. Under this special offer it is a very economical gift.
Price $6.00—Special, 2 for $7.00
Thurtdny Evening and
Friday Morning
Nebraska S§ Power €.
Make it a Gift of
for all the family from
Orchard &Wilhelm Co.
Genuine Mahogany
—or chair, constructed
for service, authentic in
design, of superior fin
ish and general appear
ance. This is an es
pecially good value at,
A [Sen- Shipment of
Foot Stools
Covered in velour, tapes
try or fabrieoid with Ma
hogany Queen Anne or
Bun feet. VERY SPE
Blaiti or Cop/ter Bound
Cedar Chests
A very complete and satisfying
showing of genuine Tennessee
Red Cedar Chests may be seen on
our fourth floor. High Points of
Value are at
9.75 12.00 16.75
Period types in American Walnut
or Mahogany, Cedar lined—
32.50 39.50 45.00
NS4 ^
Carefully built from fumed
oak, with auto spring seat
upholstered in genuine
Spanish leather—
~ in a Big, Big
Dollar Sale
—hundreds to choose from—many of them north
1.50, 2.00 and 2.50
Red Chairs or Rockers, 1,00
1.25 Toonerville Trolley,
at .. 1.00
2.00 Flower Building
Sets . 1.00
1.50 Accordions .1.00
1.75 Pinky Pup. 1.00
1.25 16-piece China Kitchen
Sets . 1.00
10-inch Dressed Dolls, 1.00
1.50 Trumpets .1.00
1.50 Wagner Cooking
Sets . 1.00
1.35 Laundry Wringers,
at. 1.00
2.00 to 5.00 Chemistry
Sets . 1.00
1.50 to 1.75 Big Drums,
«t . 1.00
2.00 Kid Body Dolls, 1.00
1.25 Skeerix .1.00
1.75 Rock and Roll
Ducks . 1.00
Big Dogs, Elephants, Bears,
each . 1.00
1.50 3-piece China Mush
Seta . 1.00
Pianos . 1.00
Tumbling Clowns and
Monkeys . 1.00
1.25 Fulton’s Steamboats.
at. 1.00
Hickorv Chairs or Rockers.
at . 1.00
Circus Clown Set.1.00
Junior Golf Bag with two
clubs . 1.00
Only a limited quantity of some of the above
items, but new things are being added hourly.
Antique Mahogany
End Tables
An almost endless show
ing of End Tables will de
light customers looking
for a furniture gift that
does not make too great
an inroad on the pocket
book. Models in Antique
Mahogany, 4.50, 6.50,
9.00 and up.
Type illustrated—
With book trough below,
at ....7.85
« J
Children's Chairs and
Finished in Vermillion
Red these chairs and rock
ers are not “just toys.”
but furniture that the lit
tle folks can use and en
85c 1.00 1.45
Many of our friends,
adept in the “Art of
Giving” give—
—blankets—comforts *'
All-ff ool Kemcood
In the very best of bedding
colorings, satin bound, 60x
84. each.13.75
72x84. each. 14.75
Attractive sateen covered
pure lambs' wool filled, full
size comfort, scroll stitched
or tied; blue, rose, lavender
and green; special, each,
Com forts
Guaranteed to be filled only
with superior white cotton—
at... 3.95, 4.50, 6.75
fCamsutta Percale
Size 81x99, finished with
wide hem. each . . • ■ 4.75
W ith hemstitched edge, each
at .5.25
Pillow Cases to match, 45x
38 4, w-ith wide hem. each
at .1.00
A\ ith hemstitched edge, each
at.1.15 !
W amsutta Sheets make most
acceptable Christmas gifts.
A Red Star Oil Range
Will Make Cooking Easy for All of 1924
The Red Star uses common kerosene, gasoline or distillate for
fuel without wicks. The patented Red Star Burner gives two
rings of clean, hot, blue gas heat. You bake in a piping hot gas
oven. And you get results that no gas stove could improve with
-5rV less fuel.
F'O rr| A White Porcelain Top Kitchen Table (value
Sft.7')) with white enameled underparts will be
given away with Red Star Hi Oven Ranges during December—
g? OO delivers your Red Star Range; con
ijpw/*v/V/ venient monthly payments will be
arranged on the balance.
Small Rugs in a Sale
Especially Suitable for Christmas Gifts
Several hundred standard makes from the loading mills of the country are offered
in an excellent assortment of patterns and colors so that you can easily find a rug
to suit your room at any of the prices quoted below:
27x54 Mahal and Oakdale Wilton
Ruga . S.50
36x63 Mahal and Karadi Wilton
Ruga . 12.75
27x54 Hundhar and Hnrdwioh Wilton
Ruga ... 10.(H)
.".tixft.'t Hundhar and llardwich Wilton
Ruga . 15.75
27x54 Hartford Saxony Kxtra Heavy
Rugs . 11.75
27x54 Kxtra Quality Velvet Ruga 2.75
36x63 Hartford Saxony and Plain Chenille
Rugs . 17.75
27x54 Karnak and Highland Wilton
Rugs . 12.50
.76x6.1 Karnnk and Highland Wilton
Run . IS.75
27x52 Good Grade Axminater Rugs . . 3.05
.16x61 Good tirade Axminster Rugs ({, itv a
27x54 Sanford Axminater Rugs . 5.75
76x70 Sanford Axminater Rugs .8.05
27x52 Good Quality Brussels Rugs .. . 2.25