Have You Finished Your Shopping? Read Xmas Gift Suggestions DOUBLE TROUBLE FOR YANK BONUS House Committee Refuses Right of Way—Mellon Again Raps Measure. Washington, Dec. 20.—Soldiers’ bonus legislation received a setback yesterday with the refusal of the house ways and means com mittee to give it right of way over administrative provis ions of the treasury’s tax bill. The committee declined, however, to sidetrack It until a decision is reached as to what changes should be made in tax rates. The bonus was given another jolt by Secretary Mellon who declared In a letter to Representative Andrew, republican, Massachusetts, that If the compensation measure vetoed by President Jlarding were enacted the direct cost would total $5,400,526,444, and would average $225,000,000 for the first four years. Mr. Mellon's letter In which he re iterated that passage of a bonus hill probably would prevent "any reduc tion of federal taxes upon a compre hensive plan in this generation,” was in reply to an inquiry from Mr. Andrew as to whether prevlofis esti mates of treasury experts of the prob able cost were accurate. Discuss Tax Plan First. Under the program adopted at a two hour session of the ways and means committee, which must ap prove revenue legislation before It can he taken up by the house, several ^0!cs will be devoted to committee consideration of the tax bill's adminis trative features. Then the question of whether a bonus bill Is to be re ported will be in order, consideration of tax rates to follow. Bonus proponents In tho commit tee made several unsuccessful efforts to have that legislation given priority. At the immediate outset Represents tive Frear, republican insurgent, Wis consin, proposed that tho committee proceed to consideration of the bonus bill. After his motion had been re jected Representative Oldfield, demo crat, Arkansas, suggested that it be taken up by the committee either on January 4 or 15, while Representative Carew, democrat, New York, proposed that consideration should begin by January 10. All three resolutions were voted down, and the committee then re jected a motion by Representative Dickinson, democrat, Missouri, that a bonus bill should be reported to the house by February 10. CUT IN ACREAGE OF WINTER WHEAT Washington, Dec. 20.—American farmers have sown 12.6 per cent less winter wheat this fall than they did last year, the Department of Agricul ture announced on the basis of re ports from agents throughout the country. The total area sown this fall Is 40.191.000 acres, compared with 45, 950.000 acres in the fall of 1922. Con g^gin of wheat crop December 1 was "viY-compared with 79.5 December 1, 1922, and a 10-year average of 86.5. The area of rye sown this fall is 4.377.000 acres, which Is 15.1 per cent less than the revised estimated area sown in the fall of 1922, viz., 5,157,000 acres. Condition of the rye crop was 89.9 compared with 84.3 December, 1922, ind a 10-year average of 89.9. “IT Student Killed Logan, la., Dec. 20.—Klvin Cutler, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cutler of Logan, while riding on a stripped car with Max McLean driving, was thrown against the radiator and killed. He was a. student of the Uni versity of Nebraska. _ ANSWERS? An»wers to Want Ads which have box numbers as addresses may be phoned in. Just phone AT lantic 1000—ask for an ad taker and tell her which advertisement you wish to answer. She will do the rest. Phone l AT lantic 1000 to answer Blind Want Ads—you’ll be pleased. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 15c per line each day. ] or l daya 12c per line each day. J or 5 daya. He per line each Jar I deye or loBter The above ratee apply to all advertise menta In claealflcatione: I,oat and Found. ...... Help Wanted Femala . II Help Wanted Male ....... j? Situations Wanted Female . ji Situations Wanted Mala .. Artifice for Hale ••• .. ]» Farm and Da‘-y Products . ” flood Thing* to Eat. *4 Homemade Th.ngs . !| Household Ooode . Swap Column .. .a Wearing Apparel . Wanted lo Bint . . .. II Room* With Boe^d .. Si Rooms Without Hoard . ” Rnoma for Housekeeping .A” Rooms. Unfurnished . Suburban Board . . * For all other cleeelflcatlone our resulat ratee aa oupted below applv Theeo rales apply to The Sunday OmaL. n„. ii we'l as The Morning and Eve ning Bee All week day art vert litamenii appear In both morning and evening edt (lone at the one cost Ho per line each day. 1 d. 2 days Ho per line rai h day. 3 or 5 days ISO oar line each dav, 7 days nr longer "CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED A PB. Morning Edition .y}9 P- » Evening Edition...... ..11 • JO •» in. Rundflv Edition.9 P m. Haturday BUri«B»lfl**d Ad* accepted at the following M.in^’off'ce .17th end Farnem Hte South Oni.ha N. W cor. 22 *?J*uth Twenty-seventh street. to St. church. 9 h. m. Interment family lot. Holy Sepulcher cemeterv. Direction or Heafey A Heafey. __ SMITH. FREDERICK K . age R1 years survived bv Me wife, one daughter ana his mother Funeral Friday morning from residence. SOI North 41st Ave at 8.30 a m.. to St. Cecilias cathedra 9 a m. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Gen tleman's Mortuary In charge. ___ ZIMMER—Louise C., 78. wife of the late George Zimmer. 6223 North «3d St.. December 18. _ Funeral. December 22. at 2 V m. at J. C Havnes funeral home. 3920 North 24th St Hurial Forest Iwiw i cemetery, the Rev. E. T. Otto officiating. Funeral Directors._C HKAPFT A HEAFEY. Undertaker, and Emhalmera. Phone HA 0266 Of £1 <" «2 611 Fa mam (ESTABLISHED 8INCE 1882 ) KORISKO FUNERAL HOME. 22d and O S«a 1250 8. llth Bt MA. 0680. AT. 187* CROSBY-MOORE 24th and Wirt. WE. 0047. HUFFY A JOHNSTON. 211 8. 33d. new funeral home. HA- 6417. BRAILEY A DORRANCE 1823 CUMING ST.. JA. 0626. HOFMANN AMULANCE. Dodge et 24th Funeral Director.. JA. 6601 H. H. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 6916 Military Ave. WA. 6114. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 3411 Farnam Si. TAGGART A SON. 2212 Cuming St. JA. 6714. HUI.SE A RIEPEN. Funeral d Irectora, 2224 Cuming. JA. 1226 C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3920 N. 24th St. KE. 0257. CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED by LADIES ONLY. 516 S. 20th St. AT. 3689 and AT. 86*0. Cemeteries. D VISIT FOREST LAWN See the beautiful wreaths and red ruscus for sale at the green house. A few more orders for evergreen blankts will be received at the office. North 40th and Forest Lawn Ave. or at the city office. 720 Brandeis theater. Florists. E ROGERS, Florist, 24th Farnam. JA. 1400 JOHN BATH 1804 Farnam JA. 1904. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Personals. j THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Street. NOTICE—I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Nettie Pearl Ashburn. from this date. Harry Ashburn. Theatrical historical masque costumes for DlavH and Parties at Lichen Omaha. WILL give magnetic treatments ia your home. Call WE. 1688 Miss Carey. MASSAGE TREATMENT 210 N. 17tli 8t. Coming Events. 2 NOTICE 1s hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mid land Title Guarantee and Abstract com pany will be held at the office of said company at room 200 Peters Trust Bldg . Omaha, Neb., on Tueaday. January 8. 1924 at 4 p m.. for the election of a board of directors, and for such other business may properly come before said mealing MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE AND ABSTRACT COMPANY. By LESLIE S. SMITH. Secretary. Lost and Pound. 4 LOST—A pair tortoise-shell glasaes In black leather rase Saturday. Hth. between Lord Lister hospital and Morris apart ments. Case had Globe Optical Co. on. Reward. AT 3210. Apt. 304 LOST—Two-year-old child's cloth blue coat, with fur collar. In the World theater. Sunday evening, liberal reward if return ed to Box 274, Missouri Valley, la. RING OF KEYS—Lost Jlun. night at 27th and Broadway at auto accident. Finder call 4430 Council Bluffs and recslvs re ward. _ LOST—Beaded bag between Fontenelle hotel and 40th and Casa. Liberal reward for return to Mrs. Foley. Room 201. Fontenelle Hotel. BULL PUP—Small hrindle, weight 23 lbs., black body and white chest AT. 2040. Liberal reward and no questlens asked. Answers to name of ''Joker.” LOST—Black Boston bulldog, male, bat ears, white collar and blaze; answers to name of John; liberal reward. AT. 2040. LOST—Airedale terrier, male. 7 mo. old. black and tab. Ans to name Ginger. Call JA 4102 Reward. GOLD wrist watch on black ribbon lost Tuesday, Dec. 8. Finder call \VA. 4974 Reward. FOUND—Bo* of sugar walnut dates. HA. 4 8 f> 4. AUTO MOBILES Automobiles for Sale. 5 1032 buick six. We believe you will see this and dtclare it to be the best buy in Omaha. Has new cord tires, has been repainted and looks like a new car. Former owner drove It about 6.000 miles. Any Buick agency would ssk 1760 but our pries Is 1600, with terms. NEBRASKA OLDSMOB1LB CO.. 18th snd Howard Streets. Csll AT. 1770 - - Burdick. HUPMOBILE SPORT ROADSTER Late 1923. driven lesa than 1,000. For sale by owner. Call AT. 6242; evening* JA. 6991. SOME bargain* In ueed Korda. New Ford eon. Kaay payment*. MCAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Service Station 15th and Jackaon St a. AT. 7711 LIGHT mix wedan, five cord Urea* wire wheele. heater, new paint. Juat like new Bargain at $526. AT. 4580. Evening* HA. 7809. BUICK LIGHT SIX, GOOD CONDITION FIRST $126 TAKES IT. AT. 4580; EVB? NINGS, HA. 7809. FORD touring. 1920. late, good condition, will agcrifire at $H6 for quick sale. AT. 4411, Laughlln. ~ CALL AT 1770 When Yrt»i Want A Good Ueed Car. NEBRASKA OLDSMoBILE CO. OLDS FOUR TOURING. Six month* old, perfect condition. AT. 4580; evenings. IIA. 7809. USED CARS O. N. Bouncy Motor Co. 266 t Farnatu. FORD COUPE Practically new, extra equipment. Caah or terma. If. H Marks 630 Sunderland Bldg. AT. 6933. USED parta for all makea of car. Ford used part* at half price Two wrecking plante. Nebraaka Auto Parle. JA. 4931. HIGH-GRADE new and ueed car*. GUY L. SMITH. 1919 MOON Touring. In dandy abape, good tire*. Would arrange terma If ne*c**ary; $150. Call AT. 4411. Mr. Laughlln OLDS 4 touring. 8 inontha old Perfect condition AT. 4680. evening*. HA 7803. Auto Accessories Psrts. 9 USED part* for all makea of care. 50 to ii pgr cent off ll*t prloe two wreck Ing plante. 101J Harney, HA. 4991. and 3205 Cuming. AT. 1»70 BUSINESS SERVIC E. i Service Station—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Gear cutting, steam and gas engine re- i Pairs. AT 2550 IV MELCHIORS A SON 417 S 13TH 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE against piston Flapping and oil pumping enormous gas and oil saving. CROSSTOWN GARAGE. 812-16 S 24th St. See Morris. _ WHY PAINT? We bake enamel, entire car any color. Dehco enameling proceae. 723 South 27th St HNK^hu'o tinner, body, fender and ra dlutorrepnlrlng. 214 S. 10‘h St. J.\. 3570. Auto Livery Garage. 11 AUTOMOBILE LOANS 1120 NORTH 1»TH. WE. 1463. ^BUSINESS jERVICE.__~ I Business Services Offered. 13 JAMES ALLAN’S Detectives. Expert secret service 311-312 Neville Block. AT. 1136 RELIABLE Detective Bureau Sunderland lildg JA 2056; night. K C. 3813 Building Contractors. 14 STORM sashes, made and hung: broken windows replaced. Glazing. H°lman. Ken. 3701, PET our prices on complete*garages. Mor riaon Lumber A Coal Co. WE. 5661. Millinery—Dressmaking. 17 ACCORDION aide, knife! nox pleating covered buttons: ail rtylea; hemstitching. buttonholes. Write Ideal Button at Pleat ing Co., 308 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb . Telephone JA. 1931_ _ NEB PLEATING CO. Hemstitching Covered Buttons. 1804 Fa mam. Second floor. JA. 5670 PURS, suits, dresses remodeled, relined; trarfs and chokers made; reasonable. HA. 6804. Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods, pianos, office furniture. 1107-11 HOWARD ST.JA. 0288. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING, MOVING. SHIPPING. STORING Estimates furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4338. REKINS OMAHA VAN * STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sta. Packing, mov Ing. storage, shipping JA. 4163. GORDON FIREPROOF WHSE A VAN 319 North 11th St Phone JA 3032: mov Ing. narking storage shipping Painting and Papering. 19 WA LLPA PKK SALE—HOOKS SENT BY MAIL. PAPERH ANGINO OUR SPECIAL TY FRT-Tl> PARKS AT-7404. MA-OlOl, PAINTING, papering. First-class work. gains. JA 6550. Patent Attorney*. 20 J W MARTIN 1711 Pod*.. Room 10» Omaha, also Washington, double service single fee Also help sell patents Printing Stationery. 21 COMM ERt T A L PRINTING Eddy Printing CO,. 217 Smith l.'Rh St. Phone JA. 5058. Professional Service. 22 dentistry” All kinds of dental work done. uoJst the careful sunervislon of nrofessnre. at rhe Creighton University College of Den iatry. corner 2«th and California streets Tnke Harncv GIJrning or Ooin'oTui »r. PRESCRIPTIONS carerultj compounded at the 5 Sherrnm A McConnell Drug Stores DENTAL X ray Enc each; S3 fuFTset <19 Securities Bldg 16tb and Firnim. Repairing. 23 EXPERT sewing ma-hine repairing. MICHELS. 15th and HarneyAT. 4361 PHONOGRAPH and sewing machine re pairing. Nothing to sell but service. Miller. 218 N. 16th JA. 2147 M\ 1948 evenings. Renovating and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA PILL*»W CO—Mattresses made over In new o^ka at half the price of new ones. 19C" Cuming JA. 2467. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted Female. 27 SALESWOMEN' and agent*, give thi* ad your attention, as you will pass up the chfcnce of a lifetime. Big money made I tot everyone. Mark* Rapid Sales Co , 630 Sunderland Bldg, AT. 5933 LADIES. GIRLS! Turn your spar* time Into money. Big chance to earn $15 week at home, mailing music anti clrculara. Send for detail* J. Benmatl, 447 E. 174th St., N-w York. WANTED—A lady partner for vaudeville act. Prefer one who Ming*, danc- or plays piano Must Join at once. Jack Raymond. ! Valentine. Neb. WOMEN to do crocheting at home spare time. Material furnished Stamped en velope brings partlcula!*. Betty Jean Shop. Box $03. Fort Dodge, la. GIRL wanted for general housework. 2211 F St. MA. 0985. 1_.■■ Help Wanted Male. 28 WANTED—Manager in Omaha for Aur , monthly premium accident and health de yartment. Must be a personal producer as well as capable of handling no n. To the man who qualifies there in a big fu- ! ture Sell yourself In first letter. Uur policies also pay for natural death. PIONEER INSURANCE CO. Lincoln. Neh. i ALL MEN, w'orn«*n. boy*, girls, 17 to (55. | willing to accept government positions. $1 1 7-1250 (traveling or stationary) write Mr. (lament, 185. St. Louis. Mo., lintue diately. MEN prepare firemen, brakemen, colored sleeping car porter*, $lfib-$250. Nebras ka roans. Write Inter-Railway Dept., 467 Indianapolis. Ind. STEADY position «« makeup man on morning dally. Also want •vxperlence.l fast «d man. Open shop; no strike. Ad* ply American. Aberdeen. S. D WANTED—Experienced bookkeeper. State age, reference. Permanent position. Ap ply W-I24, Omaha Bee. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginner*. $150 $250 (which position?! Hallway. Y-2501, On tl i Bee Salesmen and Agents. 30 SALESMAN WANTED—Fruit and grocery salesman for South Dakota and Nebraska. Must be under 30 years of ag**, high school graduate. Experienced In wholesale meats satisfactory. Only thoeo capable of producing large volume of business nend apply. This position la directly in lino for an executive position which will tie open In a year or two. When writing please a fate age. experience, education. Y-2512. Omaha Bee SALESMEN wanted fo-~'"H.-hmllx Hydro carbon" oil burner for furnaces. Burner has been thoroughly tested and la a suc re.** is a .good seller. For Information, write c*rl 311. Schmitz. 1009 Esat 2d. Mc Cook. Neb. HAL E8M BN—-SI DELI N E MEN MAKING ■mall town*. New Ideas, no sale, no col lection. no sample* to carry, $8 conimls ■lon paid on each trial order taken. State line carried and territory covered. Keeney • Sons Co., 700 E, 4nth Hf., Chicago HA LEHMAN with car to sell the fastest selling lln** of pipe*, smokers' article* end novelties on the market Marks Rapid Sales Co ■ 6.10 Sunderland Bldg AT 6 923 MEN—2, wanted to represent Collier's the national weekly, $24 n week and com mission. See Mr. Lipaut. 308 Baird Bldg.. • .< m to 4 p m Situations Wanted Female. 31 WHITE wnfnan wants work JA ;.8J1* __ Business Opportunities 33 | INVESTORS—100 assoc infea can Join In j operating high « Ins* acreage on equal I division of profits J. L Baird, former | slain treasurer, handles all funds. Write* for details NY «-Mbok Finance Co., M0 Calif Itldg . Denver. Colo, ] HILLARD ’hail lf~t«km by " Jan. 1. at* tables. Doing good business, only on* In! town. Write Cliaa. 11. Denman. Doniphan,, Neb. Investment—Stocks—Bond*. 34 LOW RATE on city property, quickly • lofced; no monthly paytmtita. JA. 16$f W. T Graham*_ CITY real »**tate mortgages and con tract* bought Mr. Larson. 1<>4 North i'irtadnth street Money to Loi»n. 35 77m All A HOMES EAST NEH FARMS O KKF.KK REAL ESTATE Co. 1011 Otn Nat. Uk Bldg. JA. 171ft. < 3 Shopping Days Til Christmas THE days are numbered. Three—that’s all! For the postmen, the clerks and store keepers — for those who work hardest at Christmas time—do your Christmas shopping now! Read Christmas Gift Sugges tions on this page and choose the gifts you need. Read Xmas Gift Suggestions Today FINANCIAL. | Money to Loan. 35 LOWEST RATES. EAST TERMS. NEW RATES SCHEDULE. LOANS. Jl« to 1300 On furniture, plannn, etc. Jpft In your possession. AT LOWEST RATES. PAY ON PRINCIPAL. $ 3 per month on $ 80 loan. $ 6 per month on $ 60 loan. $10 per month on $100 loan. $20 per month on $200 loan. These small monthly payments will repay a loan in full, plug a amall service LICENSED BY STATE OF NEBRASKA. GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY. S. E. Corner 16th and Douglas Sts. 314 Karbarh Block_Teh AT 2442 THIS COMFANY IS ORGANIZED To aupply your money wanta In tha aama way that banka supply tha money wanta of the businesa community. Any amount loaned up to $600 and you ran repay It tn easy monthly payment# Our equal payment plan repay# the loan and all charges. Wo have been In business In Omaha over 30 year# and ran assure you of * quick, confidential and aquare deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. $0$ Karbsch Block Tel. JA. *21$ Southeast Corner 16th and Douglas Bta 5V4 AND 6 PER CENT MONEY Loans on Omaha improved property at lowest rates FRANK H. BINDER. 823 City National _J A. 2661. SECOND mortgages or contracts pur chased by Tukey company. 620 Firat Na tional Bank. JA. 4223. FARM LOANS. Large or small. Weet Neb farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co. S45 om. Nat. Bk. SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences, (’ash on hand Prompt service. E. H Lougeo, Inc., 538 Keeline Bldg. WANT especially apnllcatlons at once for f -.000. $6,000. $1,000. F D. Weed and D. H. B . 310 S. 18th St. _ MONET to loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYERS A RAINBOLT CO.. 424 Omaha Nat'i Bank Bldg. JA. 9746 DIAMOND bans at lowest rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Ixtan Co. 1514 Dodge St. Established 1814. 1 WILL buy roort sages and contracts. Gorkin >46 Oma Nat Bldg.. Omaha. Neb 6 U AND d PER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS. 364 Omaha Nat’i Bldg. automobile LOANS 1120 NORTH 1 STIiWE. 1463 FA KM LOANS— Gibbon Steel. JA. 6604. _EDUCATIONAL;. _ Local Instruction Classes. 38 J7aY (SCHOOL— NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptomerer. short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all Eng llah and commercial branch**. Writ*, call or phone JA 1365 for largo illus trated catalog. Address HOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg Omana. Xeb. EIGHT to 12 week* prepare you for a fine office position Call AT 7774 or writ* American college, 1312 Farnam. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Dodge St. 1304 Dougla* St. Ca‘1 or writ* for information. bwoRAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and bookkeeping. Weed Bldg.. 14th and Farnam. AT. T413. Comptometer »< hool. 3^0 Courtney Hldg Dancing Academy. 39 EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN, 131* Doug laa Claaa nlghta. Monday and Friday, at 7 30 p. m Ten l*saons, $4 Private lea anna any time PROF. DON MAC FAR LANE. Prun ing Master Phone AT. 6645 " LET MR. KEEP TEACH YOU TO DANCE. Keep's, 1413 Farnam Cla*aes Monday. Wednesday, Friday nlghta. Prlvat* lea eon by appointment. Phone JA. 6473. KELPINE. 25TH AND FAKNANL Big class Monday and Thursday, at 7 30 i> m. Ten lessons with teachere, 34.00. Private lessens nny time. Phone AT. 7450 GUITAR, banjo, mandolin go hool eapert Inst rurt Pm. 1414 Saltier St. KK, 3463. ~^ _ .jj:vestock.^ Poultry and Supplies. 44 FOR BALE — Full-blooded Partrldgo Wy andotte 1922 cockerels, 32 each- C. A. White. Rlvert "ii. 1:«. _MKRC HANDISK_ Busines* Equipment. 47 WE BUY. acH aafea. make d«*eks. ahow rase*. etc. Omaha Flitur* A Supply Co. < W nnr llth and Dongiaa JA 3724 Fuel and Feed. 50 KINI »LTNO -|r» truck -load. delivered' Sawdust. shavings. * Phone JA 5740. KINDLING WOOD r For hale, cheap. WB. 4968. Good Thing* to Gat 51 JONATHAN apples, 11.79 bushel basket: potatoes. *6e n bushel; cabbages. Ike pound. Nebraska Potato Marktt. SOI9 N S4th. WK, 47K7 Household Goods. 53 PRIVATE SALK OF HOUSE' FURNISHINGS. 113 N. tlth Bt., any day tietween 10 and- ft. or by appointment. Phone Harney 0160. Grand piano with electric repro ducing attachment, very fine din ing room furniture, modern and antique dr^aseia and cheats of drawers, rug*, oriental and do m'-atiu, flreplar* sets, clock*, lamp*, marble and hronae statu ary and upholstered furniture, etc. 1-UKNITI-llK—Th« klml Hint jrou »»uld Ilka to poaseee. a* well as staple articles Prices within reason. Htcphenaon Auction House. 1608 Capitol. Good* sold at auction and private Sale. HA BY cartings, bed*, living room, din ing room furniture. Chambers tireless stove, Brunswick and records, nil good condition. K17 3717. MAHOGANY bedroom suite, 5 pic ea. Plano, electric lamp, blankets. pillows. WE. 0990. FURNITURE AT AUCTION Thle Afternoon and Tomorrow Nlglit. DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE BEAUTIFUL Mali section bookcases, porch bade and leather couch. HA. 6417 I W F.L« »V I' 1 ■ ■ .. H I « Swap Column. 53A FOR Till: MAN WHO WANTS LAND IIICIIK'M \ CHANt’K TO START YOUR estate t hate a well laid snor>A. 1408 Farnam A fU A L X M AH OI FT 4 Raflnlahad Ha-tlrad uaad car. From futh*r to fnmily. M . „ HA K LAND \H>Ton CO. l°«h and Harnay CIIRFHTMAH card*, baautlful llnan ata tlonarv mnl<* uaaful Xmaa alfta. Corey A M.K.nrla Printing Co. 1114 Harney_ IRlNlT Mntiara for Xm«« Horn# A 1 irrnwn *fock I. l* Tatthla. .718 .4 48th Ava. WA 1*847 Maka flna^nra*-nta ________ A VfOMK will make an Idtal Chrtettna* ptaaani from Dad to tha fnmlly. Hhopfn Mud *'t*. Itaaltorr Keelln* Rida J A. 4.78 \ WATCH will rartalnlv plaw** brothar for t’hrlatmaa NFBI K OVKRHOLT CO . .1 i:\VF, I.Fits. 70S S 17th St YOU will want to look vnur ntceat Xmaa i 'nil at our loauty Parlor. AT. 4818 f<*r appointment _ PHKNKNT lha fni dlf with a Knapy corn popper, all aluml ir> Tha only home popprr which flavor* and aalt* AT I87& :s K WI Nil MACH INKS, tha uaaful, laatlna and praethal gift, Kle.ttlr mncnlnaa In nil Mlt'K KL'H. I f>ih and H at nay XM AH IHKK.s. Mir i r» $10. Maka thla a \ih*»m t «• bo t amomharad ItlVK A HW KN'MilN, "2? H 1 9* h Hi • m:i:UA Xmaa traaa that *tlll retain their pine fragrance Frlra lOo up 11»t«rK A HWICNHtlN. II* «. 18th .*1 PBKHONAL Chrlatmaa Cerda— 21} L*f t*ng Mid* Tel AT 3871 *nd ealaJman will eall. Prlcta Include printing. _MERCHANDISE. _ Xirms Gift Suggestions. 57A PLATER PIANOS: EVEN THOUGH YOU DON’T PI-A Y WHY DEPRIVE YOUR HOME OF THE PIANO'S RE FINING INFLUENCE WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAUES IN PLAYER PIANOS. MICKEL'S. 15TH AND HARNEY. AT 4361. SEWING MACHINE: EVERY WO MAN LIKES TO SEW. SOME MUST. YOU'LL NOT MISS IT FAR IF YOU BUY YOUR WIFE A SEWING MA CHINE FOR CHRISTMAS. MICKEL'S. 15T1I AND HARNEYAT. 4361 PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Po you know that vou can get the biggest Lhonograuh bargains west of Chicago at our store? . ,r, We will nave you money on victor \ ic trola*. Edison*. rolmnhla and other stand ard make*. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CAf,,f RIAI.TO MUSIC SHOP. 1416 Douglas._Rialto Theater Bldg. " SINGERS FOR XMAS. Imported St. Andr-eberg Rollera. »io. other elngmg rannrlte. *6 MAX GE1SLER BIRD CO, 1617 Farnam._;m. A HAVING ACCOUNT for the ynungetera Chrletmaa. What would give a firmer foundation on which .to build? Peter# National B°nk Farnam at 17th LAST MINUTE SUGGESTIONS Framed picture# and Photo atand frgmee, 9tr and up. Fred Parka. 4708 So. _4lh AT. 7404. MA. 0101.___. FLOWERS—We have novelty tlmri. de lightful In their qualntneae. They will fit Into any Chriatma. decoration acheme. Hesa A Hwoboda, 1806 Farnam. RADIO SET will make a delightful ae well aa a laetlng Xmaa gift We have them et »3 45 no. R M. Shlaea Co.. 218 N. 16th. Tel JA. 2147. Open evenlnge. BUY a g»a fonola for Chrletmaa The family will enjoy It. 20 per cent discount now. with record# onlv 37c apiece. DOI.AN A- SHIELDS, 2*.th k Leavenworth. CHRISTMAS TREES—Fin# tine fire very reasonably priced. Make the children s holiday happier by getting your tree early Table .Supply___-_ I VELOCIPEDES kiddie kar*. noil ran*. | toy auto*, a?ooters, toys at lowest prices. Nob. Motorcycle and Bicycle Co. 1512 Howard, opposite gas office_ GOI.D Cuff I.tnkb make an ideal Christ mas gift, moderate In nrioe, excellent In quality. NEBLE-OVERHOLT CO.. JEW - ELKS 305 S. 17th St.___. BEGIN earning vour Xmii d in a Skogmsn Duplex bv Xmas HA. 7045.__ ^•liOKSTINO a Skogman Duplex as a Xmas surprise N J Skogman «-on*. ALL KINDS of potted plants in bios so in. H eg* A Fwoboda. 1*^5 Farnam St SKOGMAN says "A Duplex home will be ?he Place to entertain the Xmas guests WE FI OOEST That vou do your Xmsi shopping at out store » SgJ.1*1‘x. .unt f-orn our regular price Dolan • Shields. Furniture. 25th a*t leaver.worth SOMETHING Vhfferent—Jewelry ^*made to order ' will be the ideal gift at Christ m.. NEBU OVERHOI.T CO. JBWELB8. 3Q& 8 17th 8t.___ APEX SUCTION CLEANER. Attachments free. ORDER h corsage for your wif# of lest friend for Xmas now We will ar range them to suit the whim of th# most fastidious He** A Swoboda. 1105 Farnam Musical Instruments. _58 VICTROL.A- mahofany, practically nr* and 75 records at a aacrifica. Call 1448 8. 17th 8t.. upstairs_ CONN K CORNET, Trumpet model, ar tls's finish ahaoiutcly A-l condition. Boa W-488. Omaha Bee, ___ PI.ATKR PIANO for sa> f'ui as new Write V-i-> 4. Omaha lire __ Radio Equipment.59 OUARaNTBSP radio oeta »S 48 »od no R M Bhlaew 111 North Hth 8t Wearin? Apparel ^0 I V,T.I. PRESS auita and Tuiccdo* for rent JA. II!« !0» N 18lh St John Keldmap. ml is* N 8 E A1. COAT 45-Inch. beaver ■ uff and collar, HOP WA, 8428. Wanted to Buy._61 WANTED to buy, buffet and other arti cle* suitable for good rooming house. MuHt be teal bargain* Phone AT **«*• between I • Rt. and i p nt. \ lBton Ex pros_— DESKS DKFKR. DESKS New dee**. u«o d desks bought. add ana traded. J C. Reed. 1207 Farnaro SL AT, *14* ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With board. 62 FARNAM 4 2 4 6—Room for two. hom# cooking privilege*, tnesla it deelrad; IT SO W A 54 4 2 ____ H2I HARNEY-> Beautifully furnished room* and dalntll> served maals HA 3161 ltld EVANS—Lovely room for two; breakfast If dealred; garage. tVg. >766 2106 CAPITOL AVE —Board and room for two or courle. AT. SSM._ 3o|6 NICHOLAS—Real horn* for two; men preferred BA. *060. ROOM FOR TWO LADIES. HOME PRIV ILEGES HA. 1116. Room* Without Board. 63 TWENTIETH Rt., SOI 8—Choice 0f three Immaculate, elegantly furnished room*, palatial 15-roAm home, every conrelvahle convenience; garage. & minutes walk from court house; Ideal home for gentlemen or business < ouple_ 2*04 Wool worth At e S rooms In modem home gentlemen preferred. Board near by HA *377. M2 BANCROFT Room in modern private home, garage with electric light* 122 a month _ _ _ HEAl’TI FULLY furnished room, cloae In; all kind* of privilege*, very re**ongbl*. .1 \ 421* ROOM for rent. gentleman preferred outside rnlmnu-. adjoins bath 11A 24s 2301 Knrtum. cogy roo.n in nrlvato fam ily. Meam h«‘*te<1 f* 60 to |7 J A *326 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, well lo cated. re a gone hie WA tM4 _____ W ELI. furn'^hed room for two people, board If desired \\ A 3017 _________ BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, close In AT 207 1. Rooms lot Housekeeping. 64 TVVJCNTY rOI’RTil ST. HI 8 — Holla* keeping room a. everything furnished. i augo vindi \ i hone, t c, > lose In. I* 60 and HP TWO or three nicely furnished roome Heat, light and gas Rent reasonable. Hood location 1*14 South loth. AT S676._______________ TWENTY SIXTH. #15 <- 3 modern light housekeeping roome; everything fur nished m’so steeping room. AT 464 5 VERY pleasant housekeeping rooms, pri vate family, nt reasonable, call evening* nd IV h! lilt.__ ONI and two roam* with kitchenette Eo« niMhing furnished Block from car WE. 0#}{i to t I’MINM --Clean, nicely ftrrnlahed housekrenlng or sleeping and up 2614 EMMET 1 w»> rooms, private hath, everything furnished Adults \VK 6466. \ "■* lOv'OV walking distance; reasonable, JA. 4106, 5* REAL ESTATE— FORRENT. Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 HOMELIKE housekeeping rooms In walk ing distance. $7 per week AT. 0916. 12 4 SO. 31 ST AVE.—Room. 17 per week A unfnrn., $3Q a month, HA. 3718. DUNDEE—Attractive /home comforts, price very reasonable. \VA 5981 415 N 2GTH—Front housekeeping room, everything furnished; on car line. WELL FURNISHED front housekeepim room right down town AT. 9446. 2 4 24 JONES—Housekeeping room, kit chenette; close to two car lines. 2t»58 Douglas, wdl-furnlshed room, kitch enette. nn car line. HA. <38 6. REASONABLE well kept hskp room. AT 1071. Where to Stop in Town 67 HOTEL SANFORD— 19th and Kirnam HOTEL HENSHAW—16tb and Farnam Sneclal ratPM to permanent guests HOTEL JEFFERSON 14tfc and Canltol Ave. Steam heated rooms. Weekly rates. 84 and un AT 2*48 Apartments—Furnished. 69 MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL J8TH AND DODGE STS. APARTMENTS CONSIST OF LIVING ROOM. DRESSING ROOM. KITCHEN ETTE AND BATH. RENTAL INCLUDES HEAT. LIGHT. GAS AND MAID 8ERV ICE. APARTMENTS FURNISHED SOFT WATER BY EEFINITE SOFT WATER PROCESS COZY Apt. in mahogany, splendid loca tion. walking distance. Reasonable. JA 0792. 2209 HOWARD—Elegant 2-room aot everything furnished, married couple pre ferred_ HUNTER INN. AT 6960. 24th and Dodge Home for the traveling man and wife. TWENTY-THIRD St.. 38.17 H. Mod sunny ou'sldc 2.r Apt. Heat, light water fre» Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 BRAND new Brick Duplex, nearly completed. with or without garages. Maks your •election NOW and select your decorations N J SKOGMAN St SONS. 3118 Cuming St HA 7045. After office hours call HA 2175: HA 6714. LOOK AT THESE. 2972 Woolworth. 4 r. apt.. 2d floor. 924 S'jfiB N 24th. 8-r. apt . i’d floor, $18 and ( $20. All modern except heat. D C. BUCK 3202 N 24th St. Tel WE 6039 ; TF.N DAYS* RENT FREE Thirtieth St.. 608 S . 3-rm flat m excellent condition, modern *x. heat. $22.50. RASP BROS. 212 K e»Hn«i Bldg.AT. 0721 THE PORTLAND. Park and Leavenworth—A 5-room, all modern. wel| heated apartment. 2 bed rooms, and nnlv f^O per tnon’h. r^all Drake1* JA 2805. 17tb and Howard. APARTMENTS and fiats for rent' PALMER-MUSKIN CO. AT *980 Real Estate Management Specialist* FOR ONE OF DRAKES 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackson ISOS. FOUR modern unfurn rooms, first fioor. Calt daytime. i:iO So. 2Sth St. HA 3700.________ PETERS TRUST COMPANY ••WHERE OMAHA KENTS" AT 0E 44 17th and Farnarn Sta ;v ENTY-THIRD ST. s*2; S—Cheerful : r \ 4-r Apt. Heat. Mght. water free STEAM heaves modern apartment* low 1 -ent G p SreSblna 1*10 Chicago St j THORVALf) APT—3-room. excellent heat ref*“n required HA SCI0 FI.AT. modern, f - mat, five room* and bath %219 S 24* h. WE. 3a»2 Business Places tor Rent. 7' Mod im afeanj-hea»ed store. 170 irmtU. <» P fftebbina. 1610 Ch:< ago Houses tor Rent. 72 LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS FOR RENT. Only 1ST- per mon'h Nearlv new. five -« niaa oak -»nd wh •# enamel finished irgalow Juat being decorated has 'cubla *;•-•*** on paved street. For par «u'»ra call IVi'nut 2%IZ EDGE^ff ioi> BUNGALOW AND OARAGE. For R*nt—Th:» is a new bungalow and up-lo-» he-m!nute Firerlace. oak and enamel fin eh For fall particulars call Wa’nut 2*12 F*ilt RENT—f room brick house atnrtlv modem, n *r Park, double garage S1A«. Or will »e!L A bargain Will not last long 17Q7 9 7.2d St. HA 1 f24. HARNEY 9T . 1216—C-room heated a na ntn e n t lanitor service and water HOC »er month Immediate Da*t»ssior A-l eotidlt'on AT >«0» | I SI 2 N. !*TH—For colored family with out children. Modern six-room houae: S water rent paid #4G per month. JA. ! 41 4 S. 1*'»; AN" N 2CTH—Colored with out children. S rmi e*rh mod. except leaf; water **ert paid S3d. JA 414S N 2STM 91 -Six room bungalow * rletl.y modern: attractive room', futl b.-»*ement go. 1 furnace KE 1322_ F«’R RENT—Eight room*. all modem , double garage, ore-half block to car and «'hool 3222 S lid JA 44*3 KOVNTZE PI Acfe. for rent S-rooro mod am houae oak floors. new furnace, double garage \YF 47*2 «2* SOUTH 20TH—5-room modern house MA M4 Office* end De»k Room. 73 PESIR API E SPAC* WITH DESK AND PHONE JA 4 550. CHOICE office iu*ei» or *ing> office* Firm Natl Dank H Jy Apply Room 400 FOUR mom* firat floor, ell modern but heat 251* G St Business Property. 78 FOR SALE OR RENT. BRICK BUILDING. 15.060 SQUARE FEET. 5 stories and basement: heavy construc tion . floor **parity 210 pounds per souar* foot, electric elevator; sprinkler system, steam heating plant: building In good condition: large loading platform Ren tal 14.000 par year. Sa.a price. 960 000. GEORGE A COMPANY. Realtor* Atlantic 9024 Farms and Lands for Sale. 79 16* Acres good corn land near Harman. Neb fl.900. Part cash WA 4129 FRED A. BAILEY. CPU Military AvaR'A 4904. GOOD \1 -aera farm for sale cheap tf taken eoon. at 114.0 00. Fair Improva* ment. 40 acree in’ wheat. 4*y miles to David City. Write owner Jo* Hruby. PaVtil City. Nab Rome No ? Houses lor Sale. 80 RENT AND SALE BARGAINS 3611 N 44th Ava dandy 0 rooma. nearly mod . ftna lot. 140 par month. 1)016 Torplaton Ava . « room* partly modern. Mg lot. nice location 125 par month. For Sal*—4300. 2323 REWARD ST — A-rootn modern bun jalow 1500 rash, balance monthly. Crelgn, 60S Bee. JA 0200__ 5-ROOM modern bungalow, oak finish, ga rage. good location only I4,i60. Norria A Norris. AT 70**__ r> F. BUCK A CO buy and sell homes Houses—South._82 4 ROOMS—2 LOTS 1300 DOWN A comfortable home of f«ur rooms on 2 lot* with fruit and shrubbery. This home !* priced t<> cell. 12.00*1: »»fV terms Evenings call l: E. Kilgore. HA. 5»27. or C. P. Allen. KE. 6744. PAYNE A SONS CO 616 Omaha Nat Bank. Bldg. JA Ills. LOUIS COHN Has all kind* of property for sals. Pnons MA 01 43 4a23 S 24th St__, 14,750. 1500 CASH—Near Windsor school. 7 re. mod., oak floor*, new ahade* and decorations JA. 14^6 day* W L ?’-63 eve. Tessr A Tesar. specialists »n S *^i4 K ft - ’N E W 1 -ON. K K 1114 1300 ('ASH. balance monthly, brand new five-room modern bungalow on paved at reet Owner, J A “SS* or HA WILL build to your ord*- on our beauti ful Iota In Edge wood: Very easy terms Phone AT 3540 Houses—Benson. 84 BENSON SPECIAL home and two lot? Seven large roor - and hath with e*tr* toilet and lavatory off th« bedroom first floor. Garage. 2 :a-ge lo*s w ’h fine •bade tree*. Owner hs* moved and wi.j well right for quick sale. 11,000 cash will handie. REALTY CO. B30 p#*tere Trust B!dg.laekeor * LOT 9. Minne Lusa, priced right, flpet cash. WA. 4133. FRED A BAILEY, 6016 Military. WA 4304 FIVE-ROOM bungalow, built-in feaures. ... on pavement, w .ft kuage. Near tar and school. 14. '■ JJA 4*23. FRED A. BAILET. 6015 Mllit:.:. w A. 4‘"4 whfi WIDERN six-room boU8« 3 lol* Rood loos, on |5.TOO. Kssy l»rm. WA 4633 FRED A. BAILET. 6015 Military. WA. 4304 For Sale—Dundee. 85 DUNDEE BUILDING EITES. GEORGE A CO AY *«34 GOOD aix*ronm ho':«e in Dunda... large ' Tn-r lot v\,th garage for 67,000. WE »r,><‘ For Sale—Florence. 86 NETHAWAT a«".« to an;’,, only KE 1400 Lots for S«!e. 88 FLORENCE FIELD CELLING 'f Sa.’eamen on grounda every day. C. W MARTIN A CO AT »t«7. BUT A LOT IN BONITA ADDITION *10 Down 6! 0 per Month. MCAGLE INVESTMENT Co JA. 1345 I.OT £0*157. on 33d Ave facing Hantcom park, for saie *t a bargain pe e. C A. GKIMMEL JA. U75. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 , CAR WANTED l as fir*' payment on 7-roorr. modem home, go- d in at:on P * K.tEvening*. IVE 6750; JA 314" EXCHANGES of ail kind* S H Brown# Co r«; s- • uriti* * R:dg at nt" Wanted—Real Estate. 90 hERVICE AND RESDLTS. Competent aaie* f> rr* JA. 2BS0. GLOVER * SPAIN. Realtor* WE SELL HOMES. LIST WITH L'S^ HAMILTON it CO.. 303-4 Neville BlockJA M»7 SEE ua first. Need listings, any location. 5 to 8 rooms Shopen A Co.. Realtor* JA. 4221 23* Kcellne Bldg CHAP \V TOUNU A SON Reft! Estate Rentals. Insurance. l*rj c■ ty Nst'l BankAT Mil. LIST via r r ome with as for result* GRUENIG REALTY CO . Realtor* Jacket n Iff# 14 - First Nat Bk. LIST!NOS for 6 and 3 room hrj*a*; ar.y lc-*atl'Mi Buyers waiting. Held Land Co, WE l«:& M A. ANDERSON CO.. JA 8107 Has buyers for 8. 6 and 7-room t uses LIST your property with Chris Boyar, notary public 23d and Cuming Sta_ ... SLATER A CO.. Realtors Ke*!;ne B;d< WORLD REALTY CO. Realtors AT 34tL WESTERN Rea Estate Co JA 3807. Graham Peters Co., sell homes JA. ••#* ■ 1 3 A SAN DELE Real Eatat* AT. tSIX CITli OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE To the owner* of lota and places of real estate hereinafter described. You and each of you are hereby noti fied that Meredith Avenue from forty second Street to Forty.fifKli Street within Orad.rg Improvement No 17, la ordered g railed by Resolution No. 7*3i, bet lea ms. You are further notified that unless tha record >wmer* representing 4# per cent of the taxable frontage abutting upon s.-’d part of said street, file protest with the City Clerk on or before January IS. I#24 being thirty days from the I’rst date of publication, said grading will be dors. Published to accordance with Resolu tion No. U»§. Series 1*23. Omaha. Nebraska. December 2#, I#73 CLAUDE F. BOSflUE. I>ec 30-2172.Cny Clerk NOTICE To the owners c.f all lota, lands, tracts and parcels of lands, w. thin Street Im provement District No. 2434. and to the owner* of all lota, tracts and parcels of lands, abutting on or adjacent to that part of Ida Street from Thirtieth Street to Thirty-third Street, in tha City of Omaha Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that the-* has b«en filed with the City Clark of the City of Omaha a petition for the improve meat of that part of Ida Street from * Thirtieth Street to Thirty third straat, n the Cny of Omaha, by paving and curb ing. said petition being in words ami figure* as follows Petition for Improving Ida street, from Thirtieth ktreet to Thirty-third Street. To the Honorable City Council of the City of Omaha We, the undersigned, owners of lota or lands abutting upon that part of Ida Street from Thirtieth Street to Tktrtr third Street, in Street Improvement Dis trict No 7434 in the City of Omaha. b« ng record owner* of a n-.Alor.tv of tb* teel frontage on aald part of *aM atreet. *« shown by the generally reccanined trap* of said city, do herebT petition that tha same be improved by raving and curbing And we do further petition the Coun cil to order such Improvement and cause t to be made, and that th tv days be allowed to the properiv osm in a* d District within which to deeianat* the malaria! to he used tu tha pav.ng of as t atreet. Charles W Martlr November tf 1#25 lots •# ft. j: and 24. Block 41. each 48 feet front by 128 feet deer. 1 ol» 25. 7*. I*. 22 and St. Block 41. each 43 feet front by 12S feet deep. Let 26. Block 41 11 • feet front by 43 feet deep l ot 22, Block 46, 43 7S feet front by 47 feet deep; Lot* 21 and lv\ Block 46. each 4' feet front bv 146 feet deep lot 1# Bock 4C 44 fret front b' 146 feet d* - l c. \ t. Bock 40. 12# feet front bv J# feet deep l.ot 1 Block 37. 126 feet f-ont bv 47 fee? dear Irfvls 21 an»l 25, Block 3“ each 4* 4 fee front bv 12# feet deep lot 7* Bi . k J 7. 120 feet front bv 40 feet deep, all m Flora*, e Field Avldtti. n Filed IVvsmUr I. 1323. at • 25 o'clock a m \ .'H si's further notified b veu and '• * h of i ■ " havv *rt da vs f*o*n lVcembe Yd IE - the f ret d .v of tub ballon hereof ip wh h to ( -e pr ‘eat 11V the ofrb e of the Ci v Clerk again?# | the regvi’artty leaatitv or suffu epev of j ?a‘d petition or anv a'Xnatur* the con Bub’ abed in *c,*fd*r e with Resolu tion No 7**2 Her ,-a 1*:.' Omaha. Nebraska, December ?ft t#23. CLAl DW r. BQ9#lKs Dac 26. 11. ?» Of Clark