The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 18, 1923, CITY EDITION, Image 4
?irl Tells of Drowning of i 2 in Missouri i a _ !iees Ice Cake Upset Craft t and Two Men Sink After Fight for Life. # i - I Through a powerful field glass from the porch of her home at Elev <*Hth and T streets. Isjulse Fredericks, rfeughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank l^-edcricks, Sunday afternoon watrhed two men struggling for life after :ar ice cake overturned the sjfnall boat in which they were at tfm pting to cross the Missouri river, • The boat filled with water and sink, she told police this morning, cArrying the two men with it. Struck Amidships. I Mr. Fredericks and his wife, their daughter, Louise, and their niece, ijouise Albrech, 15, were sitting in (be front room of their home when they observed the boat put out from tie Iowa side of the river, they said. tJie current at that place Is swift and turbulent and the crossing is attend e® with hazard. For that reason they became interested in the progress of the boat. Louise obtained a pair ot (fcid glasses and the family went oub cAi the porch to watch. 'About the middle of the stream according to their story, a huge ice cfcke floating down the river struck the boat amidship, overturning it. 1®ie two men clung to the overturned Mpll, while the water swirled about rheir bodies, turning the craft to which they clung round and round, ljinaliy the boat disappeared, and with it the two men. No Identity Clue. .They hastened to the river bank and advised several persons of what they had seen, but all were incredu lijus. •Police have no clue to the Identity si the two men. Tragic Comedy in Sailstad Case ‘Sunshine Girl,” in Superior Jail, Says She’ll Wait for “Teenie” Forever. ( By Associated Press. , Superior, Wls., Dec. 17. — In Huperior today are three group* of pjarsons, bound together in a tragio comedy of fate. ♦ Ross Richardson and Mrs. Leona J^dlstnd-Richardson, who married be lieving the woman's husband, Edward ,L Sailstad, to be dead, and Sallstad’s t$vo children, form one group. Their whereabouts In the city are unknown, tit It Is believed they are here. ‘Mrs. August Sailstad, aged mother oi the former Eau Claire manufac turer. who mourned her son as dead, s|ts In her home past which he was driven on his way to Jail laat night. ♦Edward J. Sailstad and hla "Sun fne Girl,” Dorothy Anderson, one le Chicago cabaret performer, are the Douglas county Jail awaiting aignment on a charge of arson in tfie case of the man and of being an accomplice in the case of the girl. Dorothy is suffering from Incipient tuberculosis, and Sailstad appeared greatly harassed when brought to the jail last night from Napa, Cal., b^’ Sheriff and Mr*. William A. 11a gyeen. Both prisoners appeared de jected. and when interviewed on their r^ay to the Jail last night expressed undying love for each other. Meld Incommunicado. ♦ Sailstad Is charged with burning a chttage at Lake Nebagamon, in A*ugust, 1920, to create the impres sion that he had died, so he could e^ope with Dorothy Anderson. A sen sltional trial was held in which his supposed widow sued eight insurance Epanles for $80,000 Insurance on Insurance policies held »by Sall , and after bone* of a human body burned In the cottage were pro duced, a compromise was affected. It has later transpired that Sailstad jjaced the body of Allan McPhee, a friend, in the cottage before firing It. • The prisoners will be held lncom riunlcado pending the arrival here of District Attorney Robert E. Kennedy, 'fhe date of their arrangement has nbt been set. }One of Sailstad’# chief concerns When he arrived here last night was hV)w he would be received by his tiother. I "I wonder how my mother will re <*lve me," he told reporters, "That Is chief worry now. Alio, I wonder flow she’ll receive ’Mumsle’—Miss Anderson." 1 Miss Anderson also was anxious as to whether Sallstads mother would like her. "I pray that she will not tjitnk that I am to blame for all th* Double." 7 She said she would wait for "Tee pie," as she calls Sailstad, "forever." Judge Would Tax Non voters > i - Chicago. Doc. 17.—A plan to tux voters who full to cast ballots wan presented by Judge M. F. McKinley Ht a joint meeting of University of Michigan and University of Iowa alumni at the Hamilton club today, ■fudge McKinley advbcaied passage ol a bill “to be presented to our next legislature In the nature of ‘voters tfcx, based on the same principle «■ 4)e 'poll tax' with a provision that tliere shall be levied say $15 to $25 or tfyo against every voter, man or vjfornan with specific nnd stringent ilrovlslons for collection.’’ ■i • Miniature Suitcase Latest in f haul bans Hy Assorlwtrd J’rrns. f Parle, l)e • 17 —When Hecna frwer "ttcpn off the boat now carrying h«i borne for Christmas, New Vorlt Is du* in get a new thrill. Hanging froti pie of Miss Owen's ilulnly wrists sir* ferr ies the doom of iho hitherto onim liiotent handbag In the shape of a ran SlgsUin mlr$lHt ui * fluitcuMfi ineanurlm 7 by 0 by :i Inch*** mid fitted up will powd»‘f, i*ouk<* nnd othai fbniplexlun munition*, iik well hi XjKitn hftn<fl(*rchlefii ami writing tnu t<*r lain '* '•••** U 11 it »* I • »f tl UUIU'I Youth Borrows Plane ■ for Flight All His Own; Legs Broken in Descent Fairfield, la., I)cc. 17.—An over whelming desire to ride in an air plane proved the undoing of Carl Millane, 15, high school youth, who yesterday removed the plane belong ing to a Waterloo (la.) pilot from the hangar where it had been stored for the winter, and started on his first flight. Everything wpnt all right until he sought to tilt the control lever to descend, young Millane told his mother this morning in the hos pital where he is cbnflned with two broken legs and a possible frac tured skull. The airplane was wrecked. Splendor of Tut Coffin Dazzling Sides Resplendent With Blue and Gold on Background of Yellow. By Associated Press. liUxor, Egypt, Dec. 17.—All precon cciveci Ideas of Tutenkhamun's gold en shrine l^ere upset by the sight ot this impressive coffin, for the first time disclosed in almost Its full pro portions by the removal of the parti tion wall, when the correspondent vis ited the tomb today. The first impression of this gigan tic receptacle for the dead, its sides resplendent with decorations of blue and gold, set against a background of brightly colored painting on yel low, was almost overwhelming. The feeling was of something incredibly bizarre—something that seemed ut terly to banish the presence of death In this casket of wonderful artistry. One of the first details to catch the eye was that the fact that the golden lid of the canopy does not, as one imagined, from the view obtained from the opening In the wall, slope down from one end to the other. II rises again at the other end, giving a graceful curved effect which lf^ de dared by competent authority to be unique in Egyptology. The lid Is nqt solid, but hollowed out, roofing over a space of about four feet between the first and second shrines. In this space the correspondent was able to see—for the doors of the first shrine had been removed—a remarka ble species of wooden racks or scaf folding, erected to carry the immense golden spangled linen pall resting over the second shrine. It is very like open cage work and Is painted a glis tening black with heavily gilded carved feet. In the front where the removal of the doors of the first shrine renders it clearly visible it is seen to be made of two parts, rather awkwardly bolted together with two largo bolts, probably wooden. From the top hangs the ragged edge of the pall turned blackish brown by age. showing where the part which con cealed the doors of the second shrine had broken away. This part of the pall, except for a small piece crum bling on the ground, has already been removed to the nearby laboratory. Ask? Big Credit for Germany. Washington, Dec. 17.—Establish ment of ll.OftO.-COO.OOO credit for Ger many by this government to be used in the purchase of food Is asked tn a bill introduced by Representative Berger, socialist, Wisconsin. for Mother Sister Wife or Daughter This beautiful White Elec tric Sewing Machine. Elec tricity docs the work—you •ontrol the speed with your aiee. • It. i.s a handsome piece of furniture as well as a prac tical sewing machinp. Come in and let 11s show you how easy it is to own one. Mickel’s 15th and Harney. AT. 4361. OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL. CHRISTMAN—WE IM) THIS FOR THE ACCOMMODATIONS OF OCR * FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. COME NOW! BUY YOUR NEEDS FOR CESS AND GET YOUR CHRIST MAS TURKEY FRF11' We Find We Have Made Too Much Money This Year and Don Henry & Co., our Tax Accountants, say we can give part of it away and charge the cost to our Income Tax— So Here You Are— A Big Fat Turkey with Easy Charge Accounts | iii a BIGGEST BUSINESS IN OUR HISTORY! We are getting ready for our January Inventory. We find from the total of our monthly statements that 1923 has been the biggest in the history of the Harris-tioar Company. All of our six stores have done a phenomenal business. Thousands have profited by our lower prices, better styles, superior qualities and easy terms. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy ?few Year, and Invite you to boy ail your needs here on one easy charge account—buy as many Items as yon llke-and on all accounts amounting to 120 or more, you get Free a Rig, Fat Live Turkey as our compliments. FINEST WATCHES Elgin—Illinois 4 Hew dtfl# Klein and llltnole—fine white and yel low gold rnve—beautiful thin model*. IS die— gold and art dial*. N»»*>r before In the htetory of the wateh bn*lneee hare th* fartorloe produced •urn exquisitely hand some design* — many In Individual vflvM lined boxes — and at Harris - Goar's you really save money with term* as low as 60c a weak, COME TOMORROW, WHERE TOUR ACCOUNT 15 WELCOME! r LADIES’ BRACELET WATCHES Every nmw ihapt and atyla. Elfiiub AvtIm, Hamilton* and IlllnoW. I awn* I pr%*m, |U, Itl-Ad and ap to AM. t&y A Diamond^ y^^Save 25 to 35% ^ jf |W»n't Be Foolish — Bay Toar Dlamoi \ M Right. Ju*t Because It Is for Your Sweet- \ I heart. Don’t Think That You Should Not \ Shop Around a Bit. No Matter How Much ] Money You May Hava, Buy 1 our Diamond Right—Don't Throw Vour Money Away salens you fsel that you jnn hare to get rid of It. You may need It later. Harris Goar Company Imports their Diamonds direct—we tare two profits—the Jobber and the Importer—our prire tagi tell the story 'quality and low price* some th lap at this etore- -Maee your *c ml on i on approval—mat* any comparison you I like—it ear prieee ARK NOT 1/)H Kl / THAN ANY CASH PRICE YOl CAN / GET ANYWHERE, you are invite! to/, return the good* for your small / ^ deposit. Prices l!3 to $A00 ^ 9 P E C I A I. TOMORROW. Y ALL Eft—ON I V $49.75 li.M a ivr.i.k Buy All Your Gifts and Clothing Here On One Easy Charge Account And Get This Big Fat Turkey Free OOMF. TO THE STORE THAT TlK.,S ITS STOCK MANY, MAW V. w*» a year and t!wiy» ha* the newest styles at the Wrst prices. Come— wue:e you atsure of a square deal—Open an account now and include as many items as you like—all account', amounting to $20 or m*r^ get a b g fat turkey for Christ mas Free. Save and be happy—join the thousands who now trade at 'his popular store. HUMMING BIKD SII.K HOSE—Every pair guaranteed. Finest Hose for the price In America. Some get 92 a |ialr— we sell at 91.or 3 pairs for 91, In a Christmas box. LADIES' FIVE SHOES—Freer new design—Satins—Suedes, Patent* and Combinations—all shades—*U si*es—ail heels-S.Y9S to S9.9&. MEN’S-YOUNG MEN’S I IVERC( IATS k OREGON CITY VIRGIN WOOL 8 GREATEST OVERCOAT VALUES IX THE CITY—BAR NONE. f See these genuine Oregon City ovwcoata—many of them Skin ner Satin lined, every one pore virgin wool that will outlast two or three ordinary coat*. BOYS’ OVERCOATS, TOO! JUST THE KIND TOC HAVE alway* wanted. Made like Dad'* coat, plaid back*, $9.73 to $13.00—and you can add hi* shoe* and suit, too. $24.75 - $29.75 to $39.75 MEN’S—YOUNG MEN’S TWO PANTS SUITS ••KNOCK OUT” PATTERN'S—TWO AND THREE BUTTON Model*—Till* department ha* more than trebled Ita volume the past year. The answer Is our low prices and high ipiallty. See !>ur I’rinrlpla Fashion Clothe*. Seldom lira and Rex Design ing Company—No better fitting clothe* anywhere at any price, >«<ked by a guarantee that means something. $24,75-$29.75-$34.75 to $49.75 WOMEN’S—MISSES COATS LUXURIOUSLY FUR TRIMMED DELUXE FABRICS RADICAL RKDt'CTIONS ON AIJ. COATS—THIS IS VOCR greatest opportunity to get that fine coat at a big money uy Ing price. We hare cut the price* all along the line In advance of January Inventory. Many of three coats have Just arrived— many of them have been piirchiftnl at big reductions—you are sure to save money hero If you buy now—and remember you get a big turkey Free at Harrls-lioar's. $19.75-$24.75-$39.75 to $79.50 SALE OF DRESSES CANTON'S, CREPES OK CHINK, VELVETS— Vlso dainty party and dance frocks. Beautiful colorings—handsomely made dresses at big re lurtlons—they are worth much more than our present price*—large stock—now Is the time for a fine selection—also new Spring Style* arriving dally. Conte In and see the dress you have al ways wanted at the price yon ran afford to pay. $14.75-$19.75-$29.75 MEN’S TOWN AND COLLEGE SHOES— Featuring Ralston's newest style*. They are all guaranteed to you and they are guaranteed to us. Shoes In every new style, vlrl kids and soft calf skins, goodyear wnlta. shoes whose quality you will recognise the moment you see them.$0 to $10.73 nOTH* HMOK8—Kvrry pair guaranteed—large stock for your selection—lluy all your shoes here on one eaay charge account. Get our price* and see the** qualities before you buy—If you do, you will buy all your shoe* at Harrls-Goar's. 4 BEADED CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES All new style* new color*—they are full of snap »nd really I beautiful... $0 75 to $14.75 VKW WOOI, SWEATERS—New colors, brushes anil knit—slip irers and sldetle effect* . $5.75 to $7.95 KINK ITU CHOKERS—Make wonderfully Christmas gifts— ■ ray aiyttlrrel, Ilrown and Itol Fox, Blue Fox, Platinum Fox. Fitch and Stona Marten. We sate you money—see them before you buy. $9.75 to $75.00 THIS STORK WILL UK OI*F.N CYlllt NIGHT L N TIL ( HHIsTMAS KOR VOIR OONVKNIKNCB VOl! AIUB ALWAYS WKI/OOMK TO A CHARGK ArCOINT. LKAVB VOL It TO! KKTHOOK AX HOMK. • I •*, i « , 507 to 511 So. 16th St. KFEr YOVB CHRIST. MAs RAVINGS IN rill HANK — YOU AN III A HKRK ON I'RKIMT FOR I I sS THAN « ASH STORKS. TRY IT — I.IT VS CROAK IT.