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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1923)
THE GIFT AISLE ON OUR MAIN FLOOR Gifts from every corner of the world are moderately priced to fit every pocket book. Our personal representatives selected this merchandise in all the countries of Europe and the orient and vou can now select easily, on tables arranged for quick selling, these gifts and save from one-third to one-half the usual price of imported merchandise. Tuesday Special in Our Cafeteria 5 to 8 P. M. Potted Pigeon, 30c Mala riaar—North 111 1 " " I Enlarged Portrait Special to Advertise Our Portraits Cut out and bring this coupon with any small photograph, ko dak or post card picture of some friend or relative and we will make for you a beautiful 14x20 inch bromide enlargement. This offer is good for a limited time only; a 2.00 photo enlargement for only, • Fill Out Below Name . Address . We Also Bake Portraits in Sepia, I’nstel and Crayon at Greatly Reduced Prices { Come and Watch the Artists. Basement—Near South EleTator =====Attend These Important Hour Sales Tuesday- ‘ - lOto 12A. M. While 1,000 Last I i Beautiful | Imported ' - Vases Regular 50c values; for two hours, While 1,000 Last—Imported Czecho-Slovakia colored glass vases; six to eight inches high in assorted shapes; these lovely vases filled with flowers make a pleasing touch of color in any room; on sale for two hours only at this greatly reduced price. Fifth Floor—Center 10 to 11A.M. While 2,000 Last Imported Artificial Fruits Regular 10c values; for | one hour, / ^ While 2,000 Last—Imported artificial frui% pears, apples and peaches; regular 10c values, on sale for one hour. No phone or mail orders. ✓ \ BllCBMt 6 to 7 P.M„ While 3,000 Last Women’s Fancy Sateen Petticoats Regularly 1.00 to 2.00; for one hour, S.000 petticoat* for thl* big hour sale; these pretty serviceable petticoats are plain, hemstitched, fancy ruffled or pleated. Just a* you wish; many have trim mings of contrasting color*; all size* Including ex tra sizes. ■■want—East |7to8 A. M. While 3,000 Boxes Last Delicious Matinee Chocolates • __ I Regularly 59c values; for one hour, Higii-grade confections of our own make; de licious fondant centers dipped in high-grade choclates. Limit of 2 boxes to a customer. Eighth Floor. * —-■ We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities—No Phone or Mail Orders ' J Free Engraving On Gifts Engraving Gives Indivi duality to the Gift We aae now giving 48 hour service on jew elry. silverware and ivory engravings. Shop Early and Give tht Gift the Personal Touch of Engrav ing Mala Floor—East Sweets for the Holidays The cool breezes from the north remind us 1 that the festive days are near when we think of Santa Claus and candy in the same breath; connoisseurs who have inspected the ■nperb quality of Brandeis’ confections will look no further; our standard packages of pure, wholesome and delicious candies packed daintily in good looking boxes can be equaled by few and surpassed by none. For those who are particular and exacting we offer the following Brandeis quality atandard packages of chocolates and choco lates and bon bons. Remember , they arc made fresh every day in our own candy kitchen. One pound Matinee Chocolates, 59c One pound Milk Chocolates 80c One pound Bitter Sweets, 60c One pound Cherries, 1.00 One pound Pompeiian, 60 c One pound Gold Medal, 75 c .One pound Fruit and Nut, 1.25 We pack these confections in 2, 3 and ft-pound boxes. Kata raw -w—t Gifts for Boys Practical and l Pleasing * Boys' Bath Robes—Made of heavy, warm blanket ing in attractive color i ings and patterns; com fortable and practical for the boy; very specially priced at 3.95 and 4.95 Boys' Indian Suits—“Beal Indian feathered headgear, beaded or paint- I ed jacket; fancy trimmed trousers; a regular chieftain's suit: sizes 4 to 14; special offerings atl.48 to 3.98 Cowboy Suits—Regular “Bill Hart" suit: big hat, fancy trimmed coat and pants, rope lariat, red ban danna, pistol and holster; sizes 4 to 14; special at 2.48 to 8.75 rratth n*«f This Store Is Brimful of Christmas Gifts Perfect in Finish, Latest in Style, Complete in Assortment, Best in Quality, and All at Lowest in City Prices; Do Your Shopping Tuesday Store Hours Until Christmas 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Last year the Christmas hours were from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. For the benefit of those shoppers who cannot conveniently shop dur ing the day time it is necessary to keep the store open until 9 p. m. We recognize, how ever, the heavy burdens placed upon our employes by the large holiday buying. We decided, therefore, to extend the morning opening to 10 o’clock, thus giving our em ployes a longer period of rest. The results will be helpful to shoppers, also in the im proved service. The systematic efforts of our management to keep stocks ever well supplied and of large variety makes it possible for us to offer at this late date nearly complete stocks in every department. Every hour now finds the shoppers increasing in number and this week the de mand will be unusually large. For this reason we ad vise immediate selection of goods by those desiring to avail themselves of the choice bargains found on our counters this season. Never have our stocks been more varied or desirable than they are this year. This is so generally recognized that the shopper feels when he en ters The Brandeis Store he approaches the best markets in the world. * Womens Gloves The Gift of Good Taste Gauntlet Gloves — For women; imported suede fabrics; heavy embroidered backs; in beaver, mode, covert and gray; sizes 5\'o to SVa; per pair, 1.25 Leather Gloves and Mittens—For girls and boys; gauntlet styles with strap wrist; fleece lined: special per pair. 1.25 BUY GLOVE BONDS For Christmas Gifts You may buy glove bonds of any denomination, redeemable in our Glove Department for face value. This enables the recipient to choose any style or color that she desires. A most unique, - practical and pleasing gift. Mala Floor—Sorts Beautiful Gifts of Leather Goods and Jewelry Sale of Beaded Bags Imported Beaded Bags— Draw string styles in an as sortment of wonderful combi nations of colors: one and two handle styles; long full fringe; all nicely lined; very special at 3.75 Leather Hand Bags— All gen uine leather, nicely lined with silk and fitted with a good looking purse and mirror; you are sure to find your favorite style here; special at 3.50 Just Arrived From France, 50 Sample Beaded Bags— Drawstring style, beautiful colorings; 30.00 values: Tuesday, while they last, each, 19.50 Mash Bags—Different shape*: Dorine holders: green gold and burnished gold; also silver finish and sterling; many dif ferent styles; prices range from 3.00 to 45.00, i Lovely Pearls for Gift Victor Pearls—Beautiful Spanish Pearls in won derful luster; guaranteed not to peel, craek or dis . color; in two different qualities; all indestructibh fi Moonlite Pearls 24 in. length, 2.98 27 in. length, 3.98 Sterling silver clasp with rhinestone set ting. Beautiful French Pearl*— 24 inches long; wonder lu*- j tre and finish; all indes tructible; nicely graduat ed; sterling silver clasp; rhinestone set; specially priced at, 2.98 -- Dawn 61 o Pearls 24 in. length, 6.75 27 in. length, 7.75 14-karat white £old clasp, diamond set. La Tausca Pearl* —Every one knows them; 24 inches long; solid gold clasp; every one graduated; each head contains the gold seal “La Tausca”; each in a gift case. 5.98! Li>_rw^— French Pearls — -4 inches long; all nicely graduated; solid gold or platinoid clasp; very special for only, 1.00 ' ' ~1 I Sterling Silver Gift Pieces at Low Prices Pie Servers, Serving Pieces, Cheese Servers. Napkin Rings Cake Servers, Pickle Forks, Baby Cups. Compotes, Candle Sticks. Fancv Pieces. Every piece marked “Stirling”— 1 A/j to OK AA every piece guaranteed; special for Tuesday A.VU 1 Baby Marie Osborne The famous movie star, will be in Brandeis Toyland, - Eighth floor, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 10 to 11 A. M., and from 6 to 7 P. M. She will give every caller^ her pic ture autographed. A most attrac tive child artist; don’t fail to see her. ___ Fine Glove and Knitted Silk Undergarments Women’s Glove Silk Underwear— Vests, Step-Ins, and Bloomers. A | wonderful lot of | fine underwear, in cluding Kayseri fine erlove silk vests in bodice top, in all popular shades; built-up ana evenmc styles _ in flesh only; also knitted silk vests of the Munsinc make in flesh only; clove silk, knee lencth bloomers of Kayser make; 3.25 to 3.98 values; ^necial, Tuesday, carment, 2.95 Kayser’s Marvelfit Bloomers—In knee lencth: lovely quality clove >ilk in nil shades; sizes 5, 6 and 7; recular 4.95 value: special. 3.98 Knitted Silk Bloomers of Munsing Make—In knee and three-quarter lenethp all popular shades; priced, in recular sizes, * 4.50 In ont sizes, 4.95 Tklrt nor-CnlM Tuesday Specials in Art Department Lovely sew ing baskets, incense burn i ers, lily bowls andartneedle work pieces offer a va riety of gift, suggestions at low prices. Padded Sewing Baskets With places for sewing ac cessories; satin lined in pink, blue and green; regu- O CA larly 3.50; each, Lustre China Incense Burners Yellow and blue; pot shape with dome cover; regu- JQ larly 75c; .each, # *f«/C Imported Bamboo Fruit Baskets—With heavy round handles; three sizes; special, cach" 75c1.25 Hand-Embroidered Scarfs Centerpieces and pillows. These tare imported; hand made by expert native ar tisans. Regularly 1.00 to • 66c ,o 16.66 1 Third Floor—Watt Tuesday Specials in Fine Gift Luggage for Men and Women Complete assortments of quality luggage most attractively low priced. =s. Every article guaranteed to stand the hard strain of travel; a handsome I piece of luggage always , makes an ideal Christ mas gift. Ladies Fitted Cases—All sizes, complete with high quality, serviceable fit £Si. 14.75,. 59.50 Ladies' Traveling Bags— In various leathers and SL; 3.95 ,.19.50 Hat Cases—Of moleskin; black enamel; round or square styles; special— 5.50,. 14.75 Men’s Genuine Leather Suitcases—All sizes; ex cellent constrnction; spe r 7.95 ,.22.75 Men’s Traveling Bags— Various sizes, leathers and £52. 3.95 ,.37.50 ! Men's Gladstone Bags— All sizes in various leath era; rich in appearance— 19.75 ,.35.00 Remember--We are agents ! for the famous Hartmann i cushion top wardrobe trunks; complete stock I and assortment of sizes and models; the best ward robe trunk in the world; 51 27.75,. 185.00 , Fourth Floor | fourth floor J Tuesday—Special Offering of Women’s Smart Undergarments Two groups of fine undergarments in silk and Philippine wear are offered at low prices for Tuesday. Buy for gifts. Silk Teddies, Step-Ins, Petticoats and Camisoles Made of crepe de chine and radium; beautifully tailored or fancy trimmed with lace**, ribbona and French flow era; all made of jrood qual ity pure ailk’; offered at a fraction of their Philippine Gowns and Teddies All handmade and beauti fully embroidered in dainty floral designs with scalloped edges; thia offering of Philippine lingerie is a rare bargain at this 4 qq low price, each, JL • S O Tlilri Floor—ConUr Specials in Gift Handkerchiefs For Men, Women \ and £ Children M Of Fine Ik Linqn ^Sk and Silk Exquisite gift handkerchiefs, our own direct importations, are offered a^ low prices Tuesday. Men’s Imported Irish Linen Handkerchiefs — 14 - inch hemstitched border, good quality, large size, 79c quality special, . CA_ each, vvC Women’s Imported Irish Linen Handkerchiefs— Sheer quality white with corded borders, narrow hemstitched edges; very special, three in 1 AA a box, at 1»VU Men’s Japanese Silk Hand kerchiefs— Medium and large sizes, extra heavy quality, 1.00 value, CQ-, each, UlfC | Boys’ Imported Mercerized [ Initial Handkerchiefs— White with colored border | and colored embroidered i initial, six in box. 1 AA special, 1»UU j Women's Irish Linen Hand kerchiefs—White and col ored linens, fancy embroi dered corners, assorted width hems, three 1 AA in box. per box, l«Uv Donegal Hand- Worked Handkerchiefs—All pure linen handkerchiefs for women, 1-15-inch hems, white and fancy embroi dered corners, 59c value at, each, Women's All Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs— White and colored with fancy embroidered corners, four in a box, 1 AA special, I»UU Women's Jap Silk Crepe H a n d k erchiefs — Hem stitched, plain and fancy colors, all styles, 25c qual itq, special, each, Main Floor —Conlor j An Always Accept- - able \ Gift Women’s Fine Silk Hosery A gift to please any feminine heart is fine silk hosiery. In medium, light and heavy weight; ail full fashioned and reinforced: clocked, lace boots and novelty heel styles. In black, brown, fawn, cocoa, beige, sand and gray. Values from 2.25 to 2.75; 1 QO per pair, l«*/0 Women’s Silk Hosiey Clear, sheer chiffons and me dium and heavyweight silk; plain chiffons, all silk lace clocks, plain all silk Pointex heels. Such makes as Kay ser, Lehigh. Van Raalte, Onyx. Phoenix, Allen A and other popular brands O QP included. Per pair, l>.VD Hosiery will be packed in dainty Christmas gift box if desired. Msia Floor—Norik