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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1923)
Don’t Forget a Gift for the Children; Read Xmas Gift Suggestions IN CORRECTION _In the Oakland Moter Car Co. advertisement Sunday, December 16, the lines that read: We Are Going to Sell an QQ Overland Touring Car for 2/ J7C Should Have Been We Are Going to Sell an Q Q Oakland Touring Car for 27 2/C ANSWERS? Answers to Want Ads which have box numbers as addresses may be phoned in. Just phone AT lantic 1000—ask for , an ad taker and tell her which advertisement you wish to answer. She will do the rest. Phone AT lantic 1000 to answer Blind Want Ads—you’ll be pleased. ■*** BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 13c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 1 or 6 days. 10o per line each day. 7 daya or longer The above rate* apply to all advertise menta In classification*; Hoat and Found. 4 Help Wanted Female . 27 Help Wanted Male . 28 Situations Wanted Female . SI Situation* Wanted Mai* . S2 Article* for Sale . 46 Farm and Da'-y Product* . 49 Good Things to Eat. II Homemade Things . 62 Household Goods . 63 Swap Column .A53 Wearing Apparel . 14 Wanted to Buy . 41 Rooms With Board ... Room* Without Board .. Room* for Housekeeping .. Room*. Unfurnished . Suburban Board . For all other classification* our regular rate* a* quoted below appiv. Telephone ATlantlc 1000. THE OMAHA BEE reserv*a the right 'a reject or rewrite all copy Call for Classified Ad Department. An experienced Classified Ad taker will r#» CLASSIFICATIONS. AVNOCNCFMENTS. funeral Notices . a \»ultn and Monuments . "r Funeral Directors .. ’*f! Vmeteriea .. . . “ n Florists . 1**15 f'nrd of Thanks . ’ '|f i odge Notices ...*' l loniing Events . 2 Personal* . 3 Lost and Found .’..*...’ 4 AUTOMOBILES. Automobile* for Sale. 6 Automobile Agenrie* . a Motorcycles and Bicycles .* 7 \utomobfles for Exchange ............. 8 A uto .Accessories, Parts .......! 9 Service Station—Repairing .19 Auto IJvery Oarage ....11 Mrfto AUTO LIVERY GARAGE. anted—Automobiles . .18 BUSINESS SERVICE. Buxines* Services Offered .,,...18 Building Contractor* . 14 Heating and Plumbing .16 Insurance . 19 Millinery—Dressmaking .'.17 Moving—Trucking—Storag# . 1* Painting and Papering ....19 Patent Attorney* . 28 Printing Stationery.21 Professional Service .22 Repairing . 23 Renovating and Dyeing . 21 Laundries . 24 A Tailoring snd Pressing.26 Wanted Business Service .26 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female . 87 Help Wanted—Male . .... 28 Help Wanted—Male and Female .*5 Salesmen and Agents ..80 Situations Wanted—Female .31 Situations Wanted—Male . 82 FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities ...83 Investment—Stock*—Bonds .84 Money to toan . 35 Wanted to Borrow . 36 EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Courses . .37 Local Instruction Classes .88 Musical—Dancing—Dramatic .89 Private Instruction..40 Wanted—Instruction . 41 LIVESTOCK. Dogs. Cato and Pets . 42 Horses. Cattle. Vehicles .43 Poultry and Supplies .44 Wanted—Livestock .43 MERCHANDISE. Articles for Sale .. 46 Business Equipment ....47 Building Material* . 48 Farm and Dairy Products . 49 Fuel and Feed . M Good Things to Fat . 51 Iflonie-Mnde Things . .62 Household Good* . 53 Swap Column . . ..63A Jewelry and Watche* ..51 Machinery and Tool** ..56 Seeds. Plants and Flowers .66 Specials at the Stores . 67 Vnius Girt Suggestion* .57A Musical Instruments .68 Radio Equipment . 69 Wearing Apparel ..60 W'anted to Huy ....61 ROOMS FOB RENT LlLKuni With Hoard ...62 Without Hoard .63 Robins for Housekeeping .6t Room*. Unfurnished .64A Suburban Hoard ....66 Where to Jfllne ..66 Where to Stop In Town .67 Wanted—Rooms and Hoard .68 REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartment*—Furnished .69 Apartments—I nfurnished ....,7« Business Places for Kent.71 Houses for Kent . .... 7* Houses. Furnished .."8A Offices and Guest Room .7'j Out-of-Town Property . ...74 Suburban for Rent .... 75 Summer Place for Rent. *6 Wanted to Rent .77 REAL ESTATE— FOR HALE. Bunin* «* Property .... 78 Real Estate—Investments.78 A Farms and Land* for Sale .7|* louses for Hale . 8‘J Guises—North ..11 I ouses—South . JJ* I Otises—W'est ...• • 2 t fousen—Henson .. 81 or Sals—Dundee ..8.5 'or Halo—Florence . . . .. 86 'or Sale— Council Hluffs ....• {}< Isds for Sale . . . .W Real Estate for Exchange .•••••9* Wanted—Real Estate . .90 AUCTIONS. Auction Sales .. J] Real Estate at Auction . Funeral Notices. A JoifNHON—<*. J, dl**d December 15. 1923. He is survived by bis wife. Mr*. Augusta J Johnson; two daughters, Ml*. John Hawkins of Omaha and Mrs. C. It. Meyer of Portland. Ore. and three sons, C. A. Johnson an*! C C. Johnson of Omaha, and H It Johnson of Portland. Or*. Funeral Wednesday afternoon, December 19, at the residence, 2516 North f»*th 8t,. at 2 o’clock. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. ItMYCJJ. HELEN, Dae. ififh, at the reel den re of her sister. Mrs J D. Young Tiixn, after « lingering Illness. Aged. 12 years, 9 months, snd 2 days. _ Besides her sister she Is survived W her mother. Msry I. Tuffa, of Grand IsJiinu, 01.e son, Dr. Claude C. Hoyce, o Hxi n Francisco, slid one brother, Frank Tuffs, Wood River, Neb. Funeral service* will t># held at t h* . r of Mis Youngman. 2740 Hedhk , Tuesday, D< * ember 18th at 2 00 1 Inter maul Forest Lawn (Vmctcry TuFFm*;* (J.or*., ««M 77 y.«r.. .‘"•■I 1... . riili«r !« In * Im .l 4 l 17 !,»rlnioi" »*«nu» , .. K.n.rnl Tu.lKl.y »t J I’ m »t ' ilavfin. fun.mi how., **>U N<*r*h rw.uly* *-u m ,u».L luiwui.ul VUilur. 1*. ANNOUNCKMENTS Funeral Notices. A JAMES—Mrs. Barbara. age 68. She ie survived by one eon. Louis F. of Omaha; one daughter. Mrs. James Acton; two brothers. John L. Durbin and Charles K. Durbin, all of Omaha, Funeral Wednesday afternoon from resi dence. 4031 Charles St., at 2 p. m. Inter ment West Lawn. Funeral Directors. C HE A FEY A HEAFEY. Undertakers and Embalmera. Phone HA 026r>. office 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882 ) CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY. 516 S. 20th St. AT. 3689 and AT. 1600 KORISKO FUNERAL HOME. 23d and O Sts. 1250 S 11th Bt MA. 0680. AT. 1873 CROSBY-MOORE ,24th and Wirt. WE. 0047. DUFFY A JOHNSTON. 311 8. 83d. new funeral home. HA. §417 BRAILEY A DORRANCE. 1823 CUMINO ST.. JA. 0526. HOFMANN AMULANCE. Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. 1901 H. H. KRAMFR FUNERAL HOME. 5918 Military Ave. WA. 6314. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 8411 Farnam £fc. TAGOART A SON. 1112 Cuming 8t. JA. 0714. "7 HULSK A RIEPEN. Funeral d irectors. 2224 Cuming. JA. 122t Cemeteries. D VISIT FOREST LAWN. 5, e the display of wreathe and evergreen blankete for sale at the greenhouse. The cemetery le more beautiful than usual at thla season of the year. Offices at the cemetery (north of city limits) and 72# Brandela theater. _Florists._ E ROGERS, Florist, 24th Farnain, JA. J«00 JOHN BATH 1804 Farnam JA l#»g. __Personals. 3 THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing furniture, maga zlr.ea We collect. We distribute. Phone JA 41*5 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Street I INFANTS and maternity cases taken In j my home under doctor and graduate niiraea care. 4120 Lafayette Ave. WA. 7111. Theatrical historical masque costumes for Dlava and partlee at Llebgn's. Omaha. WILL give magnetic treatmenta In your home. Da 11 WE, 1638. Mi«s Carey. Lost and Found. 4 LOST—A pair tortoise-shell glssses in black leather case Saturday, 8th. between Lord Lister hospital a.nd Morris apart ments. Case had Globe Optical Co. on. Reward. AT 3210 Apt: *04 I.rtST — Monday morning In Brandels or McCrory'e, black ailk handbag containing money and keye. Phone JA. 6685 or JA. 4470. Reward. LOST—Gray overcoat and gloves In Han acom park. Please return to 3409 T,cav mworth, or phone WA 7222 *]<> reward. LOST—Male poodle dog. t hln haired, part ly deaf, name Baby. 70* .V. if, St., Rm 6. Reward. LOST—Airedale terrier, male. 7 mo. old black and tan. Ana to name Ginger. Cali JA 4102. Re *ra rd. _AUTOMOBHvES^^^ Automobiles for Sale. 5 OUR REMOVAL BALE *600 cara for . $350 *500 care for .$;jou *400 cara for .$2 60 $300 cars for . 1200 $250 cara for .$150 TOURINGS, ROADSTERS. pEDANS. Small Cash Payment. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO. 18th and Howard. AT. 1770. SOME bargaina In used Korda. New Fordson. Easy payment*. M'CAFKHKY MOTOR CO, The Handy Service Station. 16th and Jackson Pf*.AT 7711 USED parta for all makes of car. Ford used parts at half price Two wrecking plants. Nebraska Auto Parta, JA. 4981. FOR PALE—New 1911 Superior model Chevrolet sedan, driven 1 422 mile* Leav Ing city. Will sacrifice WA. »’433 CALL AT 1770 When You Want a Good Used Car. NEBRASKA OI.DHMQHILK CO. 1919 MOON Touring, In dandy shape; good fires. Would arrange t**rn>* If neretaary. 1160 Call AT 4411. Mr. Laughlln. USED CARP. O. N. Bonney Motor Co. 2554 Farnam. HIGH GRADE new and used care. GUY J* SMITH. BARGAIN—1921 Chevrolet touring, |160 If sold Immediately. AT 4580 Automobiles for Exchange. 8 OAKLAND five-paesenger sedan, motor A-l shape, good paint, wire wheels, apare wheel, maroon color, good upholstering I will consider another smaller car and i'*me »ash Call AT. S3**. now. This will go soon Auto Accessories Parts. 9 I’ftF.D part* for all makes of cars, 60 to 75 par cent off Hat price, two wreck ing plants 101* Harney, HA. 4*11 and fuming AT 1*70 Service Station—Repairing. 10 INI>rHTHIAl. AlirT|lMArMINIFTM* fleer rutting, efearn nnd gas engine re pairs. AT 2R60. P. MKLCHIQPB A BON, 417 H 1ITH in.OUO MILK OUA It A NTKK against piston slapping nnd oil pumping: enormous gas and oil esvlng CAOBHTOWN HAKACJK. HI 2-1* H 24th H*. Hee Morris or Lindsay. WHY PAINT? We hake enamel, entire car any color Pehco enameling process. 723 Month 27th Ht FINK au'o tinner, body fender nnd ra rM'nlrtiu. ait H mil SI ,IA .U7H ^_BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service* Oilrrrd. 1J JAM KB ALLAN'H Detectives K* pert arc ret service 111-113 Neville Block AT 111* (tKMARl.K petectIvc Hureau Hunderland Hldg IA 20b*. night, KL IHI1 Building Cuntrtctors. 14 HTORM aash*B, made and hung broken utnduwe leplaned. (Hating Melmen Kao. 3701. _ <»MT ot|t prices on Complete pisin Mor rison Lumbar 4 Coal Co. Wit All* 1 BUSINESS SERVICE. Millinery—Dressmaking. 17 ACCORDION, aide, knife, oo* pleating covered buttons all rtylea; hemstitching buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleat in* Co.. 168 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA 1936 HIOH-GRADK dressmaking a specialty: hemstitching, remodeling: work guaran teed MRS. LULU HAMPTON. 636 World Herald Bldg. AT. mu. NEB. PLF.ATINti CO. ffemetttchfnir Covered Buttons. 1804 Farnam. Second floor JA. 8670 FURS, suits, dresses remodeled, relined; scarfs and chokers made; reasonable. IIA. 6804. Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN Co! MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household roods, pianos, office furniture. 1107-11 HOWARD ST. JA. 0288. BEK INS OMAHA VAN & STORAGE 16»h and Leavenworth Sts. Parkin*, mov inr storage, shipping JA 4163 GORDON FIREPROOF WHSE * VAN 119 North 11th St. Phone JA 3032 mov Ing. Marking storage skiurln* Painting and Papering. 19 WALLPAPER SALE—BOOKS SENT UT MAIL PAPERHANOINO OlIR SPECIAL* TY. FRED PARKS. AT-"404. MA-0101. P \INTING. papering. First-class work. Winter bargains. JA 6560. Patent Attorneys. 20 J W MARTIN. 1712 Dod*e. Room I0». Omaha, also Washington, double servlee single fee. Alao help sell patent*. Printing Stationery. 21 _Professional Service. 22 PRESCRIPTIONS carerutty compounded at the b Sherman A McConnell Drug Store* DENTAL X-ray. lor each. 93 full set 619 Securities Bid* 16th end Farnam Repairing. 23 EXPERT sewln* machine repairing. k.w ^ « MICKELS. . 15th and Harney_ AT. 4361 PHONOGRAPH and sewing machine re pairing Nothin* to sell but service. Miller. -_l^_N_2_5tli. JA. 2147 MA, 194S evenings. Renovating and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the prlca of w ones 1907 Cumin*. JA. 2487. l.aiinrtrie*. 24-A HAND laundry. rouKh dry 10c, flat 7c 4703 W>"h <C' ,at,,,act‘on euarantsed. WE EMPLOYMENT. _Help Wanted Female. 27 EXPERIENCED OPERATORS AND LEARNERS. • To sew nn power machine* mak ing Mina Taylor wauih dresses and Apron*. Apply factory office. M E. SMITH AND CO. Tenth and Douglas. Omaha, Neb. WANTED—LA DIES TO LEARN BE ACT T CULTURE. It pays. Just opening newest branch with all modern facilities Our short course—day ,»r evening—qualifies for best position*. Write toda\ MOLKIt I'OLI.BOK. PHI S 16th 8t . 2d floor. LADIES. GIRLS! Turn your spare time Into money. Big chance to earn $16 week at home, mailing music and circulars Send for details. J. Benenati, 447 E l-4rh St., New York. SALESLADIES—3, wanted to represent Collier'*, the national weekly, $24 a week and commission. Sue Mr. Lipsut, 304 Baird IvdL- i* n m. to 4 p ni Help Wanted Male. 28 WANTED—Manager in Omaha for our monthly premium accident and health de partinent Must be a personal producer a* well a* capable of handling men. To the man who qualifies there la a big fu ture. Sell yourself In first letter. Our policies also pay for natural death. PIONEER INSURANCE CO. ___Lincoln. Neb. MEN- LEARN BAItHEKJNG .hi*t. mov ng into our new? location. Strictly mod ern our short course day grid evening— qualifies for best positions Write. MOL MR BARBER COLLEGE. 10$ 8 15th. 2d Floor._ • STEADY position a* makeup man on morning dally. Also want experienced fast ad man. Open shop, no strike. Ap« piv American, Aberdeen. 8. D. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginner*. $150 $250 (which position ?) Railway, Y-2601, Omaha Bee. Salesmen and Agents. 30 WANTED. Salesmen for Omaha and contiguous ter ritory In Nebraska and Iowa. General line of work clothing and rnen’e furnlah lnge. State experience, give references. LA CROSS B CLOTHING CO. La Crosse. Wisconsin. ! SALESMAN—Wo want h live, convincing i salesman who can sell hankers and lead ing business men In Omaha and outside j territory a class rationally known line of advertising specialties and calen dara. To such a man we offer an exrep-i floral opportunity to dose up permanently ! with one of the largest specialty houses In the world, rated AAA-1 Call Monday] or Tuesday for personal Interview with our Mr George F. Williamson. Fontenelle hotel The American Art Worke, Coe hoc- I ton. Ohioj I hai.ehm e n—si deli ne mkn MAKINII small towns. New ideas, no sals, no col lection. no samples to carry, |f> commis sion paid on each trial order taken Mtale Iln* carried and territory * over-d Keeney A Hone Co . 700 10. 40th Bt . Chicago. Situations Wanted Female. 31 A WIDOW with threw children would like a place to keep house Will w'ork for our board this winter. Address Omaha Hoe, Hot Y-2f.ll. DAT WORK. WHITE LADY. 16 PH NTS AN HOUR JA 6391. NEAT girl wants day work WE fl'i7 2 \^JinTK^^YnnT*^^^«riDUdB^jworl<NjLA^^nL Situations Wanted Male. 32 IflRST-CLABS all-around baker: day work. In or out of town. JA. 6130. Room 121. ^ _ Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34 LOW HATE on city properly, qulelily doted; no monthly payments. JA. 1613 W T Grahnm. CITY real estate mortgages and con tracts bought. Mr Larson, 104 North Fifteenth street. _ Money to Loan. 33 LOWEST RATER. EAMY TERMS. NEW RATES SCHEDULE. LOANS 116 to $300 On furniture, piano*, etc. left In your possession. AT LOWEST RATES. PAY ON PRINCIPAL I 1 ner month on I SO loan 9 6 per mon» h on • 60 loan. 110 ner month on ||00 loan. 120 per month on 9200 loan. These small monthly payments will repay s In m ii In full, plus a small service charge LiCENRKp BY STATE OF NEBRASKA GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY R E Corner 16th and Douglas ‘•'ta 314 Karhach Block Tel. AT <’462 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply your money wauls In the same way that banks supply the money wants of the business (iiiumunlt v Any amount loan* d up to 9690 and you ran repay It in eaay monthly payments Our equal payment plan repays the loan and all charges. We have hem In business In Omaha over 10 years end ran assure you of a quick, confide,i*l*l and square deal. OMAHA f.OAN COMPANY 601 Kerbs, h lllo, k Tel. .1A 1996 Houthesat Corner )6tS and Douglas Sts " i *4 ANI» • PER I Loans on ••msIts improved proparty at lowest rates FRANK II HINDER. »1I City National J A 1691 UMAIIA IIOM EH KAMI I A It M M o KEEFE REAL ENT AT E Co 1016 Out. Nat. Rk Rblg JA. SHI. What Will You Buy for the Children? $ • W-) EMEMBER when you were a kidj? K How you used to try and stay awake until Santa Claus came. How you used to pray—Please Dod have Santa bring me a gun and some skates or a dolly and please let us have a big tree with lights and candy. Let the/kiddies of today enjoy a real old-fashioned Christmas and thank your lucky stars that you are able to give the youngsters a bright spot to look upon. Read Xmas Gift Suggestions Today _FINANCIAL._ Money to Loan. 35 SECOND mortgage! or contract! pur chased by Tukey Company. 620 First Na tional Bank. JA. 4223. FA KM LO ANS. Large or small. West N>b farms, ranches I Kloke Investment Co.. 845 Ora Nat. Bk J SIX per cent loana on Omaha residences Cash on hand Prompt service. E H. Lougee. Inc.. 538 Keellne Bldg WANT erperiallv applications at on<e for *5.000. *6.000. *1.000 F. D. Wead and 1>. H B . 310 S 18th St MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real ©state. MYERS * RAINBOLT CO 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. JA. 0746 DIA.VOND Pans at lowest -atea, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan ! Co, 1514 Dodge St. Eatahllshed 1894. I WILL buy mortgagee and contracts. Corkln 14* Om> Nat Bldg.. Omaha. Neb 64 AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY" GARVIN BROS, 364 Omaha Nat’l Bldg AUTOMOBILE LOANS 1120 NORTH iSTH.WK. 6413. FARM LOANS—Gibbon Steel. JA 5504 _EDU CATTO NAL. ~ Local Instruction Classes. 38 DAT SCHOOL—NIGHT RCHOOU Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometer, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wlre lesa telegranhj, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, '•all or phone JA 1565 for large illus trated catalog. drees BOYLES COLI.FOK. Boyles Bldg Omaha. Neb TRI-CITY BARBER C'iLLFTGE. 1402 Dodge St. 1306 Douglas 8t t a’l or write for Information.i DVORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and bookkeeping. Wead Bldg.. 14th and Farnam. AT. 7416. Comptometer achool. 300 Courtney Bldg Dancing Academy. 39 EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. 1514 Doug las. •Class nights. Monday and Friday, at 7:*0 p. m. Ten lessons. *4 Private les sons any time PROF. DON MAC FAR LANE. Pant ing Master Phone AT .r.*.45 LET MR. KEEP TEACH YOU TO DANCE. Keep’s. 141S Farnam Classes Monday. Wednesday, Friday nights Private leg son by appointment. Pnnne JA 6470. KELPINE 2 5 Til AND FARNAM Big class Monday and Thursday, at 7 SO p m. Ten lessons with teachers. *4 00. Private lessons any time. Phona AT. 7150. _M t ;lt< IIA MUSK Business Equipment. 47 WE BUY. sell safes, make desks, show cases. etc Omaha Fixture A bunolv < o W cor 11th and Douglas JA 2724 Fuel and Feed. 50 KINDLING—15 truck-load delivered. Sawdust, tha\ing*. Phone JA 6740. KINDLING ~Wf»OD _For sale cheap. WK 4 4 61 WOOD for sale, *1 per rick, furnace or stove; delivered. KE. 0452. Good Things to Eat. 51 PEC A NH F<>K SALE 10 lbs good dry orchard run, postpaid. 12.25 I 100 lbs here .* 14 00 10 It*, hand picked, largest grown \ here, postpaid .*1 00 i P*»< an meats, per lb.*0c Under *10 draft or money t.rdei , over *10 | 10 per <#nt with order Dealers write I for prices and term* We are reliable. OKLAHOMA WHol.K l-KCAN Cl), Clarefiior#*. Ok I DELICIOUS extracted honey, ni'ld flavor, sue 10 4* pound pail. *1 MS post paid Neb and tneide 3 son* J. Tapken. Platte Center. Neb Household Goods. 53 FOR HA LB—ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAHOG ANY DAVENPORT. MA HOGANY COLONIAL Sofa. MAHOGANY DRESSER AND AND HKD ALSO LADY'S DESK AND ARM CHAIRS. 1IA. 010*;. S. 33D AVK. PRIVATE "SALK OF IlopSK FURNISH ISOS, li.l N 39th St . Saturday, Derain ber 15. Pp m to 4 p in.. Sunday, Decern ber 14. 9 a m to 4 p. m . ur by appoint ment Phone Harney fn»47 Grand tiano with electric reproducing at tachment, very fine dining room furniture, modern and antique drearer* and cheat* of drawer*, rug*, oriental ami domestic, fireplace ret*, clocks, lamps, eti FDlV.NiTcRK- The kin7 that you would like to poN*»aa, aa wall aa atapl# article* Price* within reaaon Stephanaon Auction, Houfle. 1199 Capitol. Good* sold at auction *ndw private *alo. i BABY carriage, bads, living room, din ing room furniture. Chambers ftrelee* stove. Hrunewuk and record*, ail good condition. KK 1717. _ STOVF "Hk heating at ova. $14 a-burn er Perfection oil atov*. $10. 1504 N 4&th W>. 0f»44. k URN ITU 111. AT AUCTlYiN" This Afternoon and Tomorrow Night DOWIIH AUCTION HOUSE BEAUTIFUL Mah section bonkra*ee porch l.ed* end leather couch HA b4I7 FURNITURE of 5 room hou*e for sal*, good condition ?lr**,.n*bl* WE 44b2. ELECTRIC popcorn machine for Ford or lot. Mr. Stock. WV 3411. Swap Column. 53A &0 SHARKS Ovetland Tire and Rubber stock, for what ha\e you 7 8 424, Omaha lies ! NATIONAL cash regltler and Toledo a* a lea, *wnp for w hat hava you. Addreaa s 477. Omaha Pee_ FIFTY dollar*' worth of fuitCture ** full payment on cheap lot. H- 4 4 4, Omaha Re* WILL trada Kurd Sedan body fur tour ing c«r pad $f>0 S 4 47. Omaha llee Ft HID SEDAN t •» trade fur Ford touring < at H tlv 4 Mnaha IJ*»e 490-AcRE good. hard, level land. Im proved. near Vum*. Colo, will trad# for a hardware or g< nernl merrhaitdi** stock 200 Hire* near St l.out*. Mo I3Q air** farm land, a » ■•* timber, will trade fur a grocery or meat market or what hava it on? S 4.12. Omaha Bee NK ll fin l. ,.Thi .liver fittlah llueacher; new pad avatem. *t tunat new. for long dletanc* Radii H 443, t no*hit Her. HAVE a brand new $100 phonograph. • »*k finlah. n"\er hern taken from *hin ping i i *• e Trade a* whole**!*. S 424 •nnnhe lice. I MAY 11 a good I Mi ovad Mint Co f*r tit to mi hnna* for titnaha income oi what have voti ? Hurt Welch, Tckamah Nab D-4S MUlcK piano and mua for later model cat. preferably cloaed Addreaa S 471, Omaha Her HNcfcid «PF*DI A Britannic* for diamond ilng tmixiiitl InimmiMil i adlo, or what iiava mu M ill Omaha Uta _MERCHANDISE._ Swap Column. 53A A NEW Corona portable typewriter, will swap for camera or something of equal valu«» S-440, Omaha Bee. LOT, outside Carter lake, clear. Paid $JM). Want piano in exchange. WE. 6717. JUNIOR CLASSICS—10 volumes, com plete. In excellent condition, for anything I ran use S 4 59. Omaha Boc. LEAVING town—must dispose of new Dundee bungalow. What have you. S-429 _Machinery and Tools. 55 T.,Rrot, Eleetrl'-al Work,. Sis-20 So. i;th NEW and second-hand motors, dynamo* Xmas Gift Suggestions. 57A PLAYER PIANOS: EVEN THOUGH . YOU DON'T PLAY WHY DEPRIVE YOUR HOME OF THE PIANO'S RE hning influence we have WONDERFUL VAUES IN PLAYER MICK EL'S. 15TH AND HARNEY. AT 4361. SEWING MACHINE: EVERY WO MAN LIKES TO HEW. SOME MUST. YOU’LL NOT MISS IT FAR IF YOU BUY YOUR WIFE A SEWING MA CHINE FOR CHRISTMAS. MI OREL'S. lf.TU AND BARNEYAT 4361 PALM*. Beautiful and lasting decoration* for the home They give an air of distinction thftt no other plant can. A. HOOGK. AT. 0fI4. 3617 South 20th Avenue. TOYS, coaster wagons, kiddle k*r*. large variety of mnrntna dolls, buggies, scoot ers. all size* toy tralrs. WE SELL FOR LESS. OMAHA TOY CO. 1411 Barney St. NOTHING the family would like better than to be presented with a home to call their •‘OWN** GROVE HIBBARD. 222 Bankers Reserve Bldg AT. 1*12. 19th and Douglas FLOWERS—Certain musical selections rail to mind certain persona, so 'll* with flowers Come In and see our select tone of flowers and send violeta to a Violet and rose* to a R»se and if you have a Lily on your list, we have them too. Hess and Swoboda. 1806 Farnam. A DANDY typewriter for little money makes w big hit Low sa 110 Agents for Remington A Underwood Portable* Sold cash or easy terms. >LL MAKE'S TYPEWRITER CO. INC. 30f. S Mth 8t.AT. 24U SEWING Machines—Every woman likes to eew. Some must. You'll not ml## It far if you buy your w-tf# a sewing ma chine for Chrlatmas MICK EL'S. IHh and Harney AT 4361 FOR XMAS GIFTS Fancy cro* hating, complete (lining and bed room set*. alto many beautiful **rt pm* e* to sacrifice. Call 1444 S. 17th St , upata r« " IMAGINE the expression of Joy on your f | Xmil morn when you present her with ait electric sewing machine from WICK EL’9 16th and Harney. GIFT HUGS Ft»R X M AS. Persian ruga A big shipment of mga arrived to b* told at a very low price Open nights PERSIAN RUG CLEANINO CO.. 1»T Farnam StHA 1««? SING ERR FoR XMAS Imported BL Andr***berg Rollers, 110. ■ iper singing « anaries. Jv MAX OK1SLEK BIRD CO. 1417 Farnam JA. 1174 I’Et’ANH—Texas soft shall pecan* and Rocky Mountain clover honey A rarload of each H« lllng direct to th* people in any quantity nuy her# and save money : I $3 < »■ : I •id A ve ORATO STUDIO. A portrait that pleases 6C*4 Lyric Bldg . ISth and Farnam. AT. 4Ht. THE SAVING HA HI T— W hat could mak e a mors useful and auggeatful gift than a, hank account • Start your son out right on the New Year. Peters National Bank. 17th and Farnam t MY new T-room modern, oak and enamel finish. 1-car garage home, paved atreet. close to cathedral An excellent place to spend Xmas. Only 16 0. AT 404A. K F. mi. A SAVING ACCOUNT for the younsetera Chrisms#. What would give * firmer foundation on which to build? Pet STS National H-nk Farnam at 17th FL« >VVKKA— VA e have novelty flowers, de lightful In th$!r quaiutnrse They will fit into any Christman decoration scheme Hess dt Hwoboda. l*o& Farnam. RADIO SET will make a delightful aa well aa a lasting Xmas gift. We have them at It 46 up. R M. Sh'.ass Co . Ill N. 14th T*1 JA. S147. Open evening*. I DURATION - -Tlis Ideal gift Give your son or daughter a scholaiahlp In Mlsnsr’f School of the Spoken Word Adults and children’s classes 1171 Dodge Kit K F XMA S GIFTS to si! home owners. Re* \\ edneada) a 'advertisements Fred Parka. 470* M 24th MA til 01 AT 7 4*4 CHRISTMAS TRUER-■ ■ Fins pin# fits very resennably priced. Make the children’s holiday happier by getting your tree early Table Supply_ A~ HUrTni 'SR i'OURKF, at the AMER ICAN GOLLEOR assures suocese Cltve your boy or girl a scholarship Call AT ^ 7 7 4 or will* 1*12 Farnam Sf_ VELOCIPEDES kt<7dl#* kara. doll caha toy auto#, a ooters, toy* at lowest prices Neb Motorcycle ant Bicycle Co lilt Hnwnrd. oppoatte gas offtce _ OOI.D <’tiff link*, make an Ideal Christ mas gift, moderate in price excellent tn quality NF.BLKoVKRHOLT CO. JEW ELMS .106 S |7th Et ORPEH m corsage for your aleter. wife or beet ft tend for Xmas now. We will ar range them to suit the whim *<f the most faatldloua Hew 4 Rwobodk. l a tv Famnm WK Ml GGI’RT that vou To jour Xmas ehoppinv at out store 26 per cent die count from our regular price Dolan A Shield* Fiji niton . VMh ■» Lesvenwotih RUM ('.THING Different—Jewelry "made to ordei ' will he th« Ideal gift st Chiiat mu* NCBI.K OVKRHOLT Co JKWKl.Rrt. a06 8 1 7i h Ht_ !» I I. mih sec i make Ideal Xmas present* for anyone IIA 1417. ___ IKlNtl Ret (eta for Xmas Soma A-1 grown • lock L «* Tsuble. Ilf M 4*th Ave XVa 0**1 Maks fins presents A HOME will make an Ideal Christmas present fiom Dad to the fatnlLy. Ahotven mil Co Ren It ora hr din* I* Me JA 421* A WATCH will certalglv pt*a»» brother f.-r » hrla'mne M ill K OVERIIOLT CO, II w I I.EHR, 206 R 17th gfc_ i HIIINTMA4 cetds. beautiful linen star ib i - r v man*' useful Xmas gift* Cnrsy A McKvnale FGnnug to. 1114 Ham*) • • ' ( all at our beauty Pallor A l' 4*11 tp| Int instil _ I KJ V Wit It 4 K [popper, all aluminum The on I* home Uwe*t*«i wlii.h f avuia and Mils. AT itll. MERCHANDISE. I Xmas (sift SiiURPHtions. 57A PAIGE 6-66 SPORT MODEL TOURING CAR. This rar Is n wonderful mechan ical condition and is ready for the most rigid inspection. It is painted a beautiful blue and has good tires. Wit! make a most pleasing gift for the entire fam ily for Christmas. Come in and let us demonstrate this car to you. J II. HANSEN CADILLAC CO.. HA 0710. Farnam at 26th. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS Do you know that you can get the biggest | phonograph bargains west of Chicago at nur store ? We will save you money on Victor Vic- i ftolas. Ed Isons. Columbia and other stand ard mak*s LIBERA I. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. RIALTO MUSIC SHOP. 1416 DouglasRialto Theater Bldg APEX SUCTION CLEANER. ^ Attachments free. GET AN AUTO FOR XMAS—A Willvs ! Sedan, driven only 2,600 miles, and I will take a Ford as part payment Be a Knight rider Xmas. Cal! KE. 36*6. BUY a grafonola for Christmas. The family will enjoy it. 20 per c^nt discount now with records on!;- 37c apiece. DOLAN *• SHIELDS. 2$th k Leavenworth WE suggest on** of our good used cars, refiniahed and overhauled for your Xmas ' gift to the wife. OAKLAND M«»TOR CQ,. 20th and Harney. | YOU KEEP THE DIFFERENCE. Dolls. tovs and novelties at wholesale! prices. Prpsent this ad and receive sou- I venlr. Globe Novelty Co, 1206 Farnam BIRDS, dogs. fish, any kind of pets. See ua before Xmas MAX GKIHLER BIRD CO. 1617 Farnftm St.JA 2174 BASKET FLOWERS—Our basket flower* here are so lovely that you need not go farther for nicer Chrirtmaa gifts. HESS A SWOBOPA. 1*05 Farnam. . A REAL XMAS GIFT \ Reflnlsbe.d. Re-tired used car. From father to family OAKLAND MOTOR CO.. 20th snd Harney r'nXm—CUTE ONES FuK XMAS Mother wants a chair Just like this, ao rail HA. 4724. SEWING MACHINES, the useful, lasting and practical gift, Electric machines in all sires MICK EL'S. 13th ami Harney XMAS TREES. 50c to $10. Make this a Xmas to be remembered HI CK A SWENSON, ”22 8- 19th St < HEERY Xmas trees that still retain their pine fragrance. Price 50c up BUCK A SWENSON. 3 2 2 S 19th St SAXOPHONE FOR XMAS A most beautiful silver and gold finished It's h bargain. HA 4724 SEWING—Farcy and plain, dainty little I'hrlatmaa gifts made. Get aorne real serviceable gifts this year. AT 7334. PERSONAL Christ ma* Cards—212 Lef lang Bldg Tel. AT 3t7* and aalearoan wiii call. Price# iP'-'ude pointing SPECIAL price* in diamonds, watches and tewelry. E L Kennan. 601 Securt ne* Bldg AT. 3259._ SH1NE your car up for Xmaa the rew low-priced wav. I»*h o Auto Enameling Co . 72 3 So. 271 h at. •SILVER plated cornet with box If* *o reasonable arvnn* can have music for Xmas. HA 6178 AT 4**3 WHITELKY S SHOP. 32<» 8 13th. Coaster wagon*—velocipedes—aleds. Fix anything, metal wood or rubber. A REGINA Electric Home Cleaning Perv l* a make* an Ideal Christinas preaent JA 0412. MOVE in to Skogman Duplex for Xmaa. N J. Skogman Sous. 3111 Cuming HA 7 M. ENJOY Xmaa in one of our roomy, clean, new Duplexes N. J. Skogman A Son# HA. 7046.__ PIANO and Furniture rerairtng. reflnlah ing and polishing. Brighten up for Xmas AT. 3M0 BRAND new Skogman Duplex will be an Ideal plnce to spend Xmaa. HA 7045 XMAS will be more pleaaant in a new Implex home N J Skogman Sons. PLUM PUDDING fnr Xmaa and angel cake*. Call JA 4737. _ REGINA. "Service with a smile' aasurns the buyer of satisfaction. JA. 0411. WHY not be seined in a Skogman Duplex by Xmaa. HA. 7045. SUGGEST I NO a Skogman Duplex as a Xmaa wurpnse N J Skogman Sons. ALL KINDS of potted plant# In hioa nm. He#* A Bwoooda. 1405 Farnam St SKOGMAN sari "A Duplex home will he ’he place to entertain the Xmaa gueeta” BEGIN earning vour Xmaa money now We teach Beauty Culture. AT. 4619. Musical Instruments. 58 ALMOST new $200 Cheney phonograph. It* tone quality cannot be duplicated, has violin rei-nnator cabinet of American^ wal nut. n»ted for it* sweat tone AT 5376. V1UTROLA. mahogany, practically new. and 7 3 records, at a sacrifice. Call 1446 8 17th 8t . upstair*. FOUR brand new $200 Cathedral phono graph*. walnut cabinet#. $60 each. 1511 Harney, upstair# 2AA PHONOGRAPHS, part of bankruptcy stock, at warehouse. |4o ea> h AT **59. PLAYER PIANO for sale, good a* new Wrif Y-2308. Omaha Bee Radio Equipment. 59 GUARANTEED radio seta IS 41 and up R >1 Shlass 111 North lith 8t Wearing Apparel 60 FULL DRESS SUIT made by one of Omaha's h***t tatlore. Never been worn Slse 42 Call WE. *146 Mfl'S'N SEAL COAT. 41 Inrh, b.»v*r • uff and c Mar, |U>0 WA. 64*6. FULL DRESS suit* and Tutedo# for rent JA 111! If*# N l«th St John Fe dtnan TUXEDO—Practically nsw. Including silk vest Si so 34 1 heap WA 1154 Wanted to Buy. 61 DESKS F~ «k S lTfsks New desk* used desk* bought sold and traded. J C Reed. 1207 Farnara HP. AT 4146 KNARF BAHT GRANT* or parlor grand* or t«a equal for cash W-lSi. Omaha Hee ROOMS FOR RENT_ Room* With board. 62 IX>VKLY room snd good meals for two men. private, modern hum* KE P48# WELL FURNISHED room in private family, eacellant board IIA 4571. 2S0A CAPITOL AYE —Hoard and room f*>r two or couple. AT. §51# 1015 NICHOLAS-■Heal home for two. men prefen rd 11 A. 4040 ROOM FUR TW< • LADIKS. HOME PRIV ILEGES HA 13:» Room* Without Board. 6J I64 Woolworth A bum*, gentlemen pieferred. H«»»rd near I'* HA h * 1 7_ ROOM in private fantUv. one or two. earega. elertrlo light*, near carltne. AT 0S»8 i'IJA PINK NET—-t^ovely bright room in «l»*lrahle location, worth looking at. very reasonable Wl‘ 1164 I’INKNKY 12 >11 Large room. 1 win do a *, main gany furnished, in private f»in 11 t References WK «2S2 -5ol Fatnam, cosy roo.n tn private fern ii\ ateam healed I* #0 t« )' JA 4315 UFAUT1 FULLY furnished room, well lo > ated, reasonable \V A 4;>#4 Room* for Housekeeping. 64 TWO or three nicely furnished rooms. Ileal, light and ga* Kent i.aaonnhle Good location 1614 South nth. AT. MT« ST MARYS AVENUE 1420 -Two' or three housekeeping rooms south front, private enttattce. everything furnished JV ft*.## I AIINAM, Ts i w o goo<t housekeeping room* eleotru lights, steam heal. «aa range _ VWF.NTY SIXTH. #U s y modern light I ueakeeglng rooms; eve • (ut n<*hed also steeping room AT v'4 \ HU pleasant housekeeping rooms ptt Hi* femilv , rent tcaaonable. «all evenings or Sun«l «v KK 1 • Will ITMN ISH I I * m« .1* n we.I heel 1 light housekeeping room* very reason ehle. walking distance Y\ F §044 t oy.Y little housekeeping apt , eveiythmg furnished m car tine, very leasutxebis, • Iso eleev in* room \' A |R|, _ROOMS FOR RENT- ^ Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 SIXTEENTH ST. 20*7 N -ONE. TWO. THREE ROOMS. EVERYTHING Fl’R NISH ED. 63 I P __ H29 PARK AVE—TWO furn. or unfurn rooms for light housekeeping. HA u43<. * OI NDEB—Attractive home comfort*. ! price very reasonable Wa 3981. j 2614 EMMET—Two rooms, private hath. everything furnished Adults WE. 343r 2310 Cl'MING—Clean, nicely furnished housekeeping or sleeping. 12 r.O and up. 415 N 25TU--Front housekeeping room, everything furnished; on «ar line._ FURNISHED 3 room apt., all modern, private bath; garage if desired HA. 1479 WELL FURNISHED housekeeping room walking distfciv e; reasonable, JA 4906 HOMELIKE housekeeping rooms in walk ing distance. 67 per we-k AT 0915. 124 So. 31ST AVE—Room. 6 7 per week 3 unfurn . 620 a month. HA. 3718. 2424 JONES—Housekeeping room, k It - • hf-net'e. cIqvp to two car lines TWENTY-FIRST. 833 8. — Modern house keeping rooms and kitchenette. 265* Douglas. w*-ll-furniahed room, kiteb **r‘*'te. on mr lino HA. 638 6. W DEWEY AVE . 2608—Warm, clean front rooms, reasonable AT. 9491. WEBSTER ST. 3018—Furnished room In private family. HA. 3402. £oorr.s—Unfurnished. 64A 7 -ROOMS upstaira. mod. except heat. AT 6339. 717 8. 18th Street. Where to Stop in Town 67 HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam Special rates to permanent guests HOTEL JEFFERSON. 14th and Capitol Ave. Steam b-ated rooms. Weekly rate*. 64 and up. AT. 2848 ~ REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. . Apartments-#-Fumished. 69 DANDY apt in private home; 4 room*. Bleeping perch and bath; private en trance; h*»at light, water «nd gas fur nished Rent reasonable. KK. 1194. TWO-ROOM, steam, well heated Apt.; private bath; first floor: beautifully fur nished Under new management. 636 S 29th. HA. 1360,_ TWo-ROOM apartment, first floor, south ern * xpoaure, everything furniahed. 606 S 26th HA. 0641._ HUNTER INN. AT 24th and Dodge Home for the traveling man and wife. TWENTY THIRD St . 3837 S. Mod sunny out«ide 2-r . Apt. Heat, light water free. Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 BRAND new Brick Duplex, nearly completed, with or without garages. Make your selection NOW and select your decorations. N J. SKOOMAN * SONS, ill! Cuming St HA 704a. After office hour* call HA 3175: HA 6714 NEW 6 ROOM DUPLEX FOR RENT. $ 70. OS PER MO. 3n* h and Fow ler. 16th and Grant Tou will appreciate the unuaual value when you **« It. No trouble to ehow you. but Come In Today DRAKE RENTAL AGENCT J A 8803. 17th and Howard LOOK AT THESE 3*7? Woolworth, 4-r apt . 3d floor. «34 Jiol p, 34th. 3-r. apt. 3d floor, lit ar.d 130. All modern except heat. n. C. BUCK 1302 N. 34th St.Tel WE 4*l?» I STRATFORD TERRACE. APT 1— Park Ave and Jarkaon Bta Beautiful B room • team hea'ed art . flrat floor South and east exposure. Immediate possession. HA. 30«6 TEN DAYS' RENT FREE Thirtieth S’ . «»• S. 1-rm. flat In excel lent condition modem ex heat, I.. -0. * RASP BROS, 312 Keellne BldgAT 0731 APARTMENTS and flats for rent. PALMER-MUSKIN CO, AT 11*1 Real Elite Management Spec.alttta. FOR ONE OF DRAKES IPOD APARTMENTS itall Jarkaon 3B0S. FOUR modern urf-rn. rooma flrat floor. Call. daytime, 1616 So. 2Bth SL HA 3706.__ PETERS TRUST COMPANY “WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT 6644 17th and Farnatn St* TWENTY-THIRD ST. JUT 8—Cheerful, mod 4-r Apt Heat, light, water tree STEAM nested modern apartment!, low rent G P S'ehbtna HU* Chicago St THIRTY-FIFTH ST. 114 8—Four rooma, hy, J:ght and water >40 HA. 3343 TllORVALD APT—!-room. excellent hep* --f-n ea reuuired. HA- 661" FLAT modem, for rent, five rooms and bath. 1316 N It'll WE. 2>»3_ BURT ST. 2*61 — Brand new *lx-room du plex, garage, laundry. HA ill*. FIVE-ROOM apt , modern 2422 Casa St Business Places tor Rent 7* xiodrrn ateam-be.vad atora, IT0 rr-otL. 0 P Stehbin«. HU Chicago Houses for Rent. 72 CLOSE IN 111 N. 24ih St. 7-room modern. $*■ 7 40f Capitol Ave . modern, FIRST TRUST CO-. 404 First Nat. Bank AT *T2* HARNEY ST. »:1C—4 room heated apartment- lanlter service and watet S100 per month Immediate ro**-*sior .4-1 condlt'on AT **00 4 SOS Fit A N K l.TN BT —Unfurnished. near-' lv new. 4 room* and Pultman br*akfn«t ruorn; ihoroukhly modern. $45 a month. VVA. 474$. i THE heft time to rent a house la w heu \ oil ran ««“t one 5-‘7i N 77d now \ scant New etuceo. only |4T .0 ; KF 54*2j NINE-ROOM modem house, close in; 4 ’oration; for rental of room to responsi ble party In ;ulre l.r54 Do-Jglaa, Apt 2 £50 4 X. JSTH ST - SIt room bungalow, strictly m.dern attractive, roomy, full haaement, good furnaPe KE 1*22 Kfl'NTEE rLACK. for rent » room mod ern houae oak floor*, new furnace, double >ar«H| >VK 47*1 LEAVENWORTH ST, Jill - 4-roam houae 113 50 RASP BROS. 211 Bldg. AT 4731._ 7-ROOM modern cottage newly decorat ed, fine furnace 2541 Jones. 150. HA. 1M?__ *-ROOM HOUSE, nice, modem e* eot h->gt. reasonable. 42d and Nichols* A' A. lilt. . NINE ROOM houaa; close tn Inquire 1211 5 14th SIX-ROOM modern house, cheap 14*1 Spencer 8t AT 751$ '.4 YIN TON— 7-room house. *tr»ctly - odern. HA 5*7$ __ Office* and Drill Room. 73 DESIRABLE SPACE WITH DESK AND l HON E JA 4Mft CIIOICR office au'te* or single office*. Ftr»t Natl Bank B dg Apt v Rovu i''* HKAJ^R —KC>K SAI F Farms and Lands (or Sale. 79 OOOD lit*'* .ute farm for »»’e cheap If taker) soon, at $14 ooo Fair imp ment f“ acres in wheat. 4W tv.lies te Pgv id City Write owner. Joe Hruby, David (’lit. Neb Route No* CAMl FOR YOUR 1 AND Sale* made in five •tetee and ** coun ties of Nebraska Mark Carraher. Real he’ ate Auctioneer. Central City, Neb s4> ACRES south of Yuma C o. two seta improvements 144 acres tn crop* r % * \ terms $13 50 an acre John R. Han n )* \ **. Washing ion Nri' House* for Sale W M h rLWiVOP builder of modern bemee W e will help you finance. 4tt Sunderland Bldg JA >4*» MW niisnn CO! ON l At HOME FOR >AIF BY OWNER New b room .enter hall Colonial home, oak floors, enamel f<nteb, marb'e fireplace, {tit# bath, built-in tub. breakfast nook, i cnrtnusil sun por» h, hot water beat, laun j dry tubs, shower and eatra toilet tn !♦*•* J ment, garage tn match bouse, * ft «lrtve, yard beautifully landscaped Quick posses stem. Priced right, with reasonable term* 5 selling a phone ««n*i, W A In sit ITT* REAI^ESJAT^^O^ALR \ Houses—North. 81 NEW JUST rrifPLPTED MOVE RIGHT IN just |4 oo9—take? uoo cash Brand new 4-room and bath modern bun galow, dealrabl- locution, all good aix*d rooms, lots of built-in feature* heavy oak floor™ throughout full cement basement,' floor dram, coal bln. heavy type furnace. * hot and cold ■■'•ter ''onnection Complete In every respect. Well built, the b**at of materials being used Tour choke of light fixture* and window shade* Full sired east fron* lot Call Schmits eve nings atid Sunday. WA 1232. R F CLARY Co. REALTOR? 24th and Ames. KE. 0176. WORKING MAN S OPPORTUNITY 12 409 1469 CASH. BALANCE $28 PER MONTH Five-room, all modern, excepting bath room. located at 3l!d and Maple. Garage and chicken house. 60 ft aou’h front lo». A tea! snap for someone Th!i price t* good only up to and including Sunday, r»**cember 3* Can give possession De cember 17. '"all owner evenings and Sun day only. WA. 1232. $160 CASH Look at 4523 Larimore Ave A 6-room home with a guaranteed furnace. electric lights, 933.59 per month. This mould sell today. HA. *044 Evening! AT. 7412 daya. Auk for Mr Carse__ NEW modern up-to-the-minute, large 3 room home; til* bath, fireplace, nice decorations, good east front lot. concrete block garage and full cement drive. Terms to responsible parties Call owner, KE. 5572._ - f*23 SEWARD ST—A-room modern bun galow $500 raah. balance monthly Cretgh, 6'»< Be* JA 9290 6-ROOM modern bungalow, oak finish, ga rage. good location, only $4,780 Norris A Norris. AT 7 06 2_ D K BUCK A CO bur and sell homea. _ Houses—South.82 FOR SALE OR RFNT—»-rtx>m all rood ern. newly decorated double garage: one half block to car and school; 3222 South . 23d street: now vacant; only $5,260; $394 down, balanc* like rent. GEORGE SEATER, Real Estate. JA. 44»3. LOUIS COHN Has all kinds of propeyy for ■#!* Phona MA 0143 4*23 8 24th St $4,730. $5^0 CASH—Near Windsor school. 7 rs. mod . oak floora. new shades and decorations JA 1426 daya WE. 3243 eve. Tessr A Teaar. specialist# In 8 Bid# homea. Houses—West. 83 I ROOM CLAIRMONT BUN'OAMW OWNER MOVING TO DETROIT We must eel! this week this dandy six room home with a beautiful living room, colonnade opening and a dream of dining room, kitchen has built-in cabinets. 3 good bedrooms and built-in bath, tile floor. A wonderful basement, paved street and can be bought right if you hurry. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO- AT g969 1700 CAPH BUTS CASS ST. BUNGALOW Large living and dining ro^m on the combination plan, a mother's kitchen, ar.d 2 bedrooms each one has * windows, good basement and a garage, south front, paved street. Price Just reduced to 14 £00. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, AT 5960, WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots in Edge wood: very easy term*. Phone AT 2540 For Sale—Dundee.85 NEW DUNDEE BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED, IS 659. Five-room, one story colonial bungalrw, heavy oak floors ax.d finish; exceptional large living room; lots of built-in fea tures; floored attic; full cement base ment; floor drain: coal bin. heavy type Nesbitt furnace, high and sightly loca tt ba seen to be a: for the pries asked—|7S0 cash, balance name as rent A good vacant lot will be accepted same as <•»*h as first payment. Call Schmits. evenings and Sunday. Wl 132?. n F CLARY CO . Realtors. ?4th and Ames { Kg 9171. DUNDEE BUNGALOW FRAME AND BRICK CONSTRUCTION. 5 largs rooms finished in oak and white enamel, firsplaca bookcases and buffet: * front porch screened, rear porch screened and glassed. full basement, furnscs heat Lot 50x122 ft. Price 16.750. Easy terms. GEOROE A COMPANY, Realtors Atlantic 3924 BRAND NEW DUPLEX FOR HOME AND INCOME. P.x large rooms and tiled bath cn each side long room a roas front, oak finish on f -at flof'r. white enamel up stairs. doub *■ garsge High and sightly location. 15.009 caah wi.l hand’s. Let us ; show you. OSBORNE REALTY CO . | 520 Peters Truat Bldg.Jackson 2211. ■ DUNDEE BUILDING PITER GEORGE A CO AT 1034 For Sale—Florence. 86 SHHiH AT •• • 10 whit#. on>T KEIttl Lots for Sale 88 FLORENCE FIELD SELLING on ground* every day. C W MARTIN A CO AT *1*7. BUT A UT IN BONITA ADDITION. *10 Down HO per X! >oth M CAQVE INVESTMENT CO JA 111* LOT 14x117. on ltd Are. facing Hanaconx park, for sale at a bargain price. C. A. ORIMMKL JA. liU. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 EXCHANGES of .11 k'.niSk S. 11 Brown. Co 441 Securities Bldg AT. HI* Wanted—Heal Estate* 90 KKRVIi'K AND R KSDLT8. Competent •*>*• L ' * JA. »K JVF.R A SPAIN. Realtor* ™WL SELL Mi MFS. LIST WITH UB HAMILTON A CO.. 141-4 Xevliie P.ockJA 4SI7 SEK us first. Need listings. any location, i to S rooms Shaper. A Co., Realtors. JA 4:i* Zlt K-e. ne B.dg CH AS W. V UNO A SON* Real Eel at# Rentals. 1 r.surare. 1«»I i a Nat l Bark4T Mil LIST jour noroe with ua for result* ORDEX!Q KKALTT Cv» Rea tors Jar keen ,»4<_lfO Flfat Nat RH. LISTINGS for 4 and 4 r m h -see ar? tecatiru Puvers waiting Held Lard Co. WK. lfTe. I M A AN I ’1SR SON CO. JA I lit Jtas buyer* for i. A and 7 room housaa. LIST your property * «h Chris Bojer, notary public. Ud and Cuming Sts S i, A TK U~ A CiV w7*1'c»s~' O' 4 WORLD H K A LTV CO Rea: ora AT >441. \\ KST1RN 1Beat Ff.ats Co_JA S4<?■ lira ham Pet era m+W homes JA *- >4 Chaa F PC.m an. AT Rex •»’■*+ HaetVelmaier Real Fatale—AT _ H W Vo Und Co forheai bsrvn'# n »»»> ~ 4 SANPKLL Heal Estate AT fllL COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACT! RS Noti-'* is bepri'T g ie hat^ Frank Dewey. County Clerk. Oms4». Nebraska, will recane sealed hide up to and until 14 A XI on Monday. December ft IA;s for the furnish ng and *f a tng of sufficient tire escape* <M» ihe I'oug* ias Count? Moapltal Building to property protect the inmates In *a:d hospital. Each b dder must submit w.ih h’» bid th# plans and tpe - f>. aliens upder which he is b dd o« and must turn eh his own proposal blank Fa h btd must be accompanied be a cet ified cneck or cash tn th* amount of $104.04, aa a guarantee of the acceptance of the contract if awarded. B da a ll be opened b? the Board of County Commissioners tn their meeting chamber. Court House. O-mab* N.i ass*, at the hour of l* 4 M. on Monday. I'* camber 14. till The Hoard of County Commissioner* Ireeeivs to ham*. ;he r*’t to re tea** an- or an bids revived Ha ordef of the H**ard of Count? Com m aw -' f i * under re* n of Ivremler FRANK DRW FT. p n :;* * HM \\ \\I Mix YtKIM? HI M I 1 X I mm. ......... .n.