The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 18, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 12, Image 12

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    Omaha Grain
Omaha, Dec. J7.
receipts at Omaha were 34 7 rara,
rara last year Tolnl ship
fgt* cars, against 123 cars a year
There waa rather a elovr demand for ail
grains on the Omaha market. The early
asiea Of wheat were made at unchanged
prices, but the demand was soon filled
And the market turned weaker. Home late
aaiea of low grade wheat sold 3c lower.
Corn sold title lower. Oats were ’* vt
'io lower, being geuerally V»c lower. Rye
e.nd barley were quoted unchanged
At the opening of the Chicago futures
market, prices were inclined to easiness,
influenced largely by the weakness in De
cember corn. '.Scattered commission house
buying came Into the market on the dip
and atarted ghorta to covering and brought
?bout a reaction. Cash corn was heavy,
but there was good buying of the distant
jut urea. There waa some export demand
or Manitoba wheat, but the domestic de
mand was very slow.
IMarket News.
Export, New York; A small business in
Manitoba wheats continued the feature
in export circles here over the week-end.
t ash interests reported a very dull de
mand for all grains.
Russian Famine: Berlin: Reports from
Russia confirm the rumor that there will
be something like a famine in Russia this
winter if the grain exports movement is
pushed. Export sales up to December l
were 72,000,000 poods of which 60,000,000
poods have already been shipped. The
newspapers of Finland are reporting se
rious hunger In northern provinces of
Russia, particularly Petrograd and the of
ficial Russian publication, “Pravada,* ’ad
mits that a partial famine la threatened in
the eaetem provinces.
Chicago: More com le being loaded 1n
the west and the primary movement last
week exceeded the previous week's and
last year while wheat showed a heavy
reduction. Aggregate arrivals of all
grains at primary markets last week were
.’2,394,000 bushels, an increase of 987,000
«»\er the previous week and a decrease of
2,177.000 from last year, while as com
pared with the five-year average there
whs a lose of 2,381,000 bushels.
Chicago received 6.277.000 bushels of
grain Uust week, an increase of 32 per
cent, but a decrease of 31 per cent from
last year. There were gooa increases in
corn and oats for the week and heavy
loesea. in ail grains from last year.
Rains in Argentine, ltueuns Aires: Rains
are falling in the north. In Buenos Airos
7he weather is cloudy. There is no doubt
hut that the Argentine will have h wet
harvest and that deliveries will be con
siderably delayed.
Omaha Carlot Sales.
Vo. 9. hard winter; 6 car*. 11.02; 1
fcar. $1.01.
No. 3, hard winter: 1 car. $1.02: 1 car,
•7c; 1 car, $1.00; l car, 96c; 2 cars,#96c,
llva weevil; 1 car, 96c, 6.8 per cent dam
age; 1 car. 99c, live weevil.
No. 4. hard winter: 4 cars, 98c; 1 car,
• 4c, 7 per cent damage.
Vo. 5. hard winter: l car. 91c; 1 car,
S7c, musty; 1 car. 88c, musty, smutty;
4-5 car. 85c, smutty.
Sample hard winter: 1 car, 75c, smutty,
44.4 pounds; 1 car. 82c, smutty.
No. 3. yellow hard: 1 car, 97c.
No. 4, yellow hard: 1 car. 95c.
No. 1, spring; 1 car, $1.01.
No. 3, spring 1 car, $1.00; l car, 96c.
No. 4, spring: 1 car. 96c, smutty; i cur,
• lc; 1 car, 91c.
No. 6. spring: 1 car. 87c.
Sample spring: l car, 83c.
No. 2. mixed; 1 car, 89c.
Mo, 4, mixed; 1 car, 89c.
No. 6, mixed; 1 car. 89c; 1 car, 85c,
Sample mixed. 1 car, 84c, smutty, 50
pounds; 1 car, 83**. smutty.
No. 2 white: 1 car, 66c.
No. 3 white: 1 car. 62>ic. special bill
ing: 4 cars, 62c.
No. 4 whit*: 2 cars. 01c, special billing;
3 cars. 6lc; 2 cars, 60V$e; 1 car, 62c.
No. 5 white: 1 car. 58 Uc; 2 cars, 59c.
No. 2 yellow: 2 cars, 6»c.
No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 63‘ic, special bill
ing; 7 cars. 63c.
No. 4 vellow: 3 cars, 61 Vic; f cars,
«0V4c; 10 cars. 61c. . ,
No. 5 yellow: 2 cars, 60c; 1 car, 59c; 1
car. 59 Vic.
No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 68V*c.
No. 3 mixed: 8 cars, OL'c.
No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 60Vic, 6 6 per cent
damaged; 3 cars, «0r; 5 cars, 60V*c.
No. 6 mixed: 2 cars. 59c; 1 car, 58 Vie.
No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, 68Vic.
No. 2 white: 1 car. 41 %c. heavy; No.
Mo.V white: 3 cars, 41c; heat damaged;
l car. 41 Vic; 13 cars, OlVgC.
No. 4 white: l car, 41 Vic; 1 car, 40Vic;
' £amp?iCwhite: 2 cars. 8»V4c, heat dam- .
aged; 1 car. 33 ^p; 1 car, 39c, 22 per cent
heat damaged; 1 car. 38c. 24 per cent
heat damaged; 1 car, 38c, 40 per cent
heat damaged, 1 car, 37c, 4$ per cent
heat damaged.
Ho. 1! 1 car. 61c.
Vo. 2: 1 car. 6<>*ic.
No. S: 5 cars. 60c.
• car rye and wheat mixed, see.
1 car No. 2 red winter wheat, $1.02Vi.
No. 4: 3 cars. 5 5c; 2 cars, 55Vie.
Sample: 1 car, 54 *jc.
(Carlota.) _ .
Receipt,: Today. Wk Ago. TT Ago
Wheat ..t.m 139 «"
Dorn .1*7 l« *\
Oats . *4 «1
Ry* .§ *•• J
Barley ."• • • • 4 4
Wheat . J*
Corn . J, 5,
Receipt,— Today. Wk. Ago. Yr.Ago
Wheat1 . . .J,01«,000 1.979.000 2.260,000
Corn ... 2,311.001) 1 953,000 1,774,000
L’,ata .1,296,000 1,330,000 921,000
WhMt"1*"'*- 545.000 473.000 799.000
com 900,000 091,000 457.000
Data •• .591.000 437.000 630,000
Buahels— Today. Yr Ago.
’Wheat and Flour - 61.000 1.7j5,g0J
v:::::::::::::::: *».’•••
Bushel,— Today Wk Ago. Yr.Ago
Wheat .. .23.595,000 26.921.000 74.427.000
Oat, * 739.000 ».72« 000 2,954,900
Carlot,. Today W'k Ago. T r Ago
Wheat . 35 16 19
Corn .450 147 26,
i '(«« . 1 35 *7 7*
Wheat .331 30„ 152
, om .l*n 9J
"atl HT. Loins receipts’
S5r‘..::::::::::: ::i!l •"» *8
(>ata ..146 136 • 8
Minneapolla . 629 431 646
Duluth . ®« .I*
Winnipeg .1920 1664
Buahtla— Today Wk Ago Yr Ago
- Wheat _73.909.000 72,547.000 34.847.000
, orn . 4.722.000 4.340,000 13,111.000
oa*h .11,157.000 19.069.000 31.952.000
Rye .18.365.000 18.266.000 9.464.0O0
Rulay ... 3.319 000 3,337,000 2.401,000
Buahela— W'k Ago. Yr. Ago.
Wheat .3,764,000 2.0 541.0 0 0
l orn . . 358,000 79Y.0OO
.1,580.000 2.245,000
Kyl . 276.000 188 001)
Barley".:::..:. 116.000 30,000
Kansan City tiraln.
Kane** City, Mo., Dec. 1/.—Wheat—
No“ hard. Jl.Olftl 1»: No. 2 r»d 11 M
If 1.0,: tie-ember. 99%c hid: May. It.02%
split bid; July. II.01% asked.
Corn—Slo ., white, No- 2 yel
low. «7t»«7%c:No. S y*'1,'w'' .*5c:„No
•• mixed, 66c; December. 66 8fco bid; May,
*9»4 aplit ».*ked; .Inly, 6»%c aplit bid;
September. 68840 asked
Hay—Unchanged; Alfalfa choice. 126.*»0
<#27. bO; prairie No. 1, $1 6.0b® 1R 60 ; tlrn
othy. No 1. $18.00018.50; clover mixed,
light, 817.SO® 10 50.
Mlnneapolla Ovalit.
Minneapolis Minn . Pec 1 ^Wheat
i'aah, northern. 81 11 % ® 1 1 ; No. 1
dark northern aprina. choice to fxncir
81.18 % « 1 22S : UoM to choice. 11.1 4 H ®
11784: ordinHrv to rood. $1 1284 ® 1 1 4*4 .
December. $1.09; May, $1.1284. July.
^*Corn—Ne. I yellow. 42««%e
Oati—No n whit*. J9’*«39%o.
Bariev—47® 61c.
Rye-~No. 2. 66»4®6SSc
Visible Hopnlr of f.rwln.
Vew York. Per. 17—Ths vlattile «upnly
of'American grain shoes the folloWMl*
- bangea, In bushels:
Wheat Increased I.**19®*'
Corn Increased 34.:.not).
Oate Increased 100.000.
Rye Increased 49.000
Barley decreased It,. "00
Ht. lattlla «ir»ln.
r t.uia Dec. 17.—-Ulnae: Wheat- Df
c^be,r:7.%.'v Mav ..
mV;. 747c.
Minneapolis Kluur. _._
I m't'.a'i'Ved'!1' f a m dy" patents. « o;»6.S0c.
I Iran—121.00 ■ 27.00._
Mew Ynr?*T»< c "*$1. * fl!« market for
..ffec futures »a» only
influenced by the issuance of about 4, lie
.. mber notices at the openlnf this morn
.i.flinsd io 10.30c. hut aoOn rallied, If*'*'
edvan'tn* to 10 40c or 12 pol'd, net
h'rb**r The Kcn*-ral inaik**t openrd
»it*dacllno of 4 point* to «»' advam* of
to point" and ruled genarally flrm on
higher Rio egrb,tl*« rates llttl r.|Wd» ™
a firmer coat and freight alluatinn There
were oloo that the government -
valortiotlon coffee hlld been li'idb '*
vosed of May id tawed to I »U In the
'ate trading end r'osed at * Mo, with
the general market rinsing at »>•«
vanre. of 3 to 10 boln'- *»>"» "*™
estimated at about 23.0f>o bag. Itecember.
10 80c, March. #.»»-. Wav * .lid).
» 74c September. 4 49c, October, »4,t.
rtecember. 1924. 9 Sic. .
A pet coffee, si es tl > ; Fllo ,0. 11c. Fenlot
4a 14 4. to l»%r
4 hloago I'otntoee.
I'hlrago. 1 tec IF I'olatooO A bold
■ toady; rocslpt*. 16 mn; total ljnll®«l
i8t*ta* ahipMian t* 671 egra; VVlM’otisin
••<kad round tvhllf*. 1 h No 1 $1.0®8f
I if., Mlnnssotft .»f k*d round *hlt*a. N*»
1. tftafPl* 66, Mlfin»*ota *4* k«*d ruaMli,
ft $6 Idaho *Aik*d ri»«**is, 1 P. No. 1,
VB»r quality. II 0-3 1 *6. •
| Chicago Grain ,
r-mt.JSJ,Pr. 17.—Sustained strength
ream ed the wheat trading today, price*
‘HuZlg al ,op * *ommission houses
with eastern connections took all offer
ings out of the pit early, offsetting sell
ing bv cash interests ami spieaders. and
covering by shorts caused a flurry at the
ben. t >n t he whole tha volume of busi
ness continued small.
V\ heat dosed V'i'l%c higher; corn was
fc'U' V- rugher; oats were unchanged to
lower and rve ruled % ® %c advanced.
l’b« formal appeal by Germany for per
mission front the reparations commission
to negotiate a loan of I70.omo.OOu for the
purpose of buying foodstuffs aroused con
stdei able cheer, while expectation of a
bullish government report. :ssued at ihe
close, also helped stabilize ;he market.
The seaboard confirmed sales of 200,000
t’orn ruled weak most of the day. par
tlcularly the December, In sympathy with
the liberal receipts here end favorable
weather conditions for hauling over the
belt. However, all buyers were in the
spot market and prices carne hack fast,
in the pit, shorts rushed to cover and
j forced prices upward
Oats were easy at the close Trade
most of the day was tame. Cash inter
e*ds offered at times, while cm mission
house buying took the surplus out of the
Rye was uo with wheat. Scattered
shorts offset the continued selling by
houses with northwest connections.
Provisions were irregular most of the
day, but firmed late to h. higher close.
Paid was unchanged to 5c higher and
ribs were 10&>12%o higher.
Pit Notes.
December wheat at the close today was
4He r*der th»* May compared with tic
recently. While the primary arrivals
were larger ami the United States visible
increased 1.261,000 bushels for the week
• nd cash wheat was easy In all markets
it wan difficult to many lo figure Just,
why the December should continue to
display such strength.
It has been contended for some time
that the surplus of wheat of the world
was passing rapidly into consumptive
channels. The shipments last week to
talled approximately 15,000.000 bushels,
and the decrease of wheat and flour on
ocean passage the while aggregated 7,
911.000 bushels.
Seaboard exporters in seme instances
W’ere credited with talking bullish for the
first time In a year, une mentioned the
fact that he was bullish on Manitoba
wheat. This news coming with the In
timations that export sales have h^en
larger recently than Uie daily reports
Indicated was given no little credence
by the trade.
Many comments are being heard at this
time regarding the heavy disappearance
of Canadian grain. Of the total crop of
4t5.ftftO.MOO bushels, there have been mar
keted 296.000.000 bushels. Some grain
men claim that the Kansas 1923 wheat
crop must have been under estimated.
Stocks of wheal at Minneapolis decreas
ed 15,000 bushels for two days.
By Updike Grain coinpanv. Atlantic 6311.
Art. i Open. I High, i I«ow. ■ Close, f_Sat.
\\ heat I till
Dec. 1.03%’ 1.06 * • 1 03%' 1.05* t.07%
May I 1 08* 1.09 % 108% 1.09% 108%
' 1.08%
July 1.06V 1.07 V 1 06* 1.07 1.06%
Rye. 1
Dec. I .68% .68% .68%' .68% i .67%
May .73% .74% I .73%| .74%, 73%
July .74 .74 ! .74 ! .74 ! .73%
Corn l I i I I
Dec. .70* .70% .70% .70 8* . .70%
.70% I .70*1 .70%
May i .73 I .73%' .72%' .73%' 73
I .72%: ! I I .7,3%
July .74 4 .744 .734, .744, 734
' .73 4
Dec. .424! .434.' .42 .434 .424
May I .464' .45 4' .454 454. .4544
[ .4541
July .43 4 .434. .43 4 .434 .43 4
Lari :
Jan. 32.12 12.15 1214 11210 112.10
May '12.17 12.20 12.15 ’.2.15 112.15
Riba I
Jan. I 9.42 1 9.42 9,42 9 42 9.70
May I 9.95 10 115 ' 9.95 I 9 97 9 97
New York Produce.
New York. Dec. 17.—Butter—Firm: re
celpti. 7.551 tube; ereatnerv. higher than
extras. 64 4 065c; creamery extra* (92
score), 54«-; creamery first (88 to 91
score). 47©53*4c; packing stock currant
make No 2. 31c.
Kgga—Unsettled: receipt*. 6.720 cases,
fresh gathered extra firsts. 48050c:
fresh gathered firsts. 43046c: fresh gath
ered second* and poorer. 30 0 42c: New
.lersev hennery whites, cloaely aelected
extras, 62c; nearby hennery whites,
closely aelected extras. 62c. state nearby
and nearby western hennery whites,
firsts to extras. 56061c; nearby hennery
browns, extras. 55058c; Pacific coast
whites. extras. 60062c; Paeiflo coast
whites. extras. 60062c; Pacific .-oast
firsts to extra firsts. 54059c; refrigerator
firsts. 27028c.
Cheeae—Unsettled : receipts. 108.438 1
pounds: state whole milk flat#, fresh
specials, 22 »4 0 24c; stare whole milk,
average run. 210214r; state whols milk
flats, held, fancy to fancy specials. 2n0
27c: state whole milk flats, overage run,
23 4 0 24 4c. ___
Chicago Stocks
Close Bid. Asked.
Armour * Co 111 l*d ... 79* J®
Armour # Co Del pfd.... 9- V t#
Albert Pint . il “
Com Edison .12I!^ 32!..
font Motors . •]?
r’udahy . *\
Dan Boone .*4
Diamond Match ........119 320
Deere pfd . $1% J*
Eddv Paper . 2-3S 33%
I.lhbjr . «*»
Nat leather . *
Quaker Oat# .*J® ""2
Ren Motors . 16% 17
Swift * Co .1J®, 3®2 *
Swift Inti . jjr* J}„
Thompson .** JJ ’
W.hl . *» ,4“u
yellow Mfg Co . J*
Rlou* Pity
Sloui f tty, I« . D.r 17-Cat tl»—R»
celpts. 6 00" head; market slow, killers,
steady, weak; sfockers. steady, weak: fat
steers and yearlings. $6.60© 11 60; bulk.
$7 0009 00; tot cows and heifers. *3 5«iw
s no. cgnners. 12.6002.75; grass rows and
heifers. $3 00®:, 00; veals. IJ 00016.00;
bulls $3 0005 0<» feeders. |5 oo«7 60^
atockera. $4on®7.25: stock yearlings and
calves. 34 0007.60; feeding cows and heif
ers. 52.5005.00. „
Hogs—Receipts. 12 000 head: market
strong top. 16R5: hulk of sales $6 4049
6 80; light lights. $6 25 0 6.50: butchers.
$6 7506 85: good mixed $6 6006.70; f^avy
packers. $6 3506.56. ... . 4
Sheep and I.amba—Receipts. 1.606 head
market steady.
New York Dried Fruit.
New York. De< 17—Evaporated apples,
firm: choice. 16% 011c; farwiy. 12 018c.
Prunes, steadier; California*. 5% 014*4c,
Oregons. 50124c.
Apricot*, firm: choice, 104 011 He, ex
tra choice. 12% 018c: fancy. l7r
Peaches, unsettled: rholce, 8c, extra
choice. H 4c: fancy. 9%c.
Raisins, firm; loose m
choice to fancy seeded, I4 016%e; seed
less, 74 0164c_
61. Joseph TJvietork.
«t Joseph, Mo.. Dec. 17— Hogs— Re
ceipts. 8.000 Market generally steady;
■top. 16 95; bulk of sales, $6 40®6-IJ.
Cattle—Receipts, 3,000. Market steady
to weak, steers $6.60 012.00; cows and
heifer*. #3.50010.6"; calves. 14 0008 00;
stockera and feeders. $4.7505.60
Hheer, and 1*mbs--Receipts, 6.000. Mar
ket alow, lambs, $11.50 0 12.25; ewea, $6.00
N. Y. Curb Bonds
■ ■■ .- - ■' ■■ 1
New York. Der. 17. — Following fa the
official flat of transactions on the New
York curb exchange, giving ail bonds
traded |ni
Domestic Honda.
IS Allied Parker (la... 63% Cl €3%
20 Allied Packet X*... 77% 7/ 77
I Aluminum 7a. 1923..106 106 106 |
137 Am a A K fia .. 95 91% 95
1 Am I, I T In w w.100% 10o% ]0o%
15 Am Roll Mills fie . 9*% 99% 9X%
I Am TAT he. 1024.100 100 100
9 Anar Copper S»\ . 101% 101% 101%
II An* Am Oil 7%0.102 101% 101%
1 Beth Hi oel 7a. 1936.103% 103% 103%
3 Can Nat Ry < q 7a 107% 10«% jo7
13 Cities Hr r 7a MC". 90 »9% 69%
2 Cities Her 7» x« X7% 97%
22 Col (Jr Xs panic ctf. 19 lx ix
2 Con Mas llaft 6a 101% 101% 1 •• | *,4
3 Con Taxi ha x« 99% *9 *9
2 I Minin p Tire A it 7a 93% 9 3 93 I
2 Fed Huger fie 1931 97 % 97% 91%
2 Fisher Body 6a I92X 97 % 97% 97%
1 Calr Robert 7* 96% 96% 95%
I Catena Hig (Ml 7a 106 I06 106
6 Cen Petroleum 6a 93% 92% 93%
9 Brand Trunk 6%a 106 104% 104%
4 Culf (Ml i.« . 94% *4 94
1 Mock V alley r,a..|0t T*f l«l
M Inter Match 6%s 9 4% 9 4 *4%
10 Kennecott <*op fa 104 104 104 |
2. Libby.McNeil I«il# 7a 9X% 9*% »X%
2 New nr Pul. Her 6a X7% *7% X7%
.3 Phillips I* 7% w w ino ]on loo 1
6 Pub Her ‘ or NJ 7a 101% 100% 101
6 Ptlb Her Can A K 6s 9». % 96% 9fi%
I HI no*. Hlini, 'in . ...103% 103% 103%
4 . Hoi v ay A. I‘le Xa 104% 104% 104%
104 HoUlb < .1 Kdis ..a 104% 104% 104%
7 Ht Oil NY 7a 192, lnl% 101 % |0l%
• Ht (Ml NY 7a I 9.7 104% 104% 104%
3 Ht oil NY 7a 19 4* I of, 1 of* |06
1 Ht (Ml NY 7a 1929 | Of. % jOf, % 10f> %
I Ht (Ml NY 7a 1930 106 I ok 1116
•» Ht oil NY 4%*.. lor, lf»6% | Of, %
• *»»n oil 7a ......|0|% ]o|% loiAg
1 H*|li (Ml 6* . ... 9H PM 94”
6 Hwlft A Co 5a .... 9|% •« | % 91%
2 Tidal O'«o*e 7a . ...100% 1 tin % lou%
X C A N W 6a .... 9:l % 93% 93%
II K C T 6 %a ....lon% loot. 100%
14 N V P 6%a ••)»% »f% 117 %
11 Web 61111a 6%a Inn 99% jm.
Foreign Honda.
?7 Argentine la 99% 99% 99%
12 Rioalan 6%« |o% |o% 10%
147 IliiHSlan K % a cl fa 9% *% •» %
23 Ruse lari 6% a I'' 9% 9%
ItuMlan 1 % a rt fa 9% a a
1 HvO*a J»%* ■ 6' 9a 9*
II HvOae 6a 97 % 97 07
.. I H Mr-ikii 4* • • ’■» I % C \
2 Mexican guv oa ... 14% 14% , 1%
Omaha Livestock
Estimate Monday ... 9,600 13,000 12.'>00
Same day last wt-ek .15,924 13.173 12,529
Same day 2 wka ago.. 10.310 h,10l 10.11H
Same day t wka ago.. 10,1*1 10,229 13,023
Same day yr ago. 9,09* 10,499 10,645
Cattle—Receipts. 9.600 head. Monday’s
moderate run of cattle did not stimulate
the demand to any extent and trade
was very alow, with prices about steady
at last week's decline West of the handy
weight beeves were perhaps r lltle firmer,
but the general market was very dull and
the undertone weak. Shipping cows and
heifer* were in good demand and strong,
hut the general cow market was dull
arnl lower. In stockers and feeders there
wa* some activity, with best heavy grades
strong as high as $7 90®*00. although
•ight and medium weight kinds ruled dull
and unchanged.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choipe
heaves, $v759 10.00; fair to good beeves.
$7.7593.60, common to fair beeves, $7.00
97.75; trashy wartnedup beeves, $6.00©
7 00; choice to prime yearling*. $10.75©
12.00; good to choice yearlings, $9.25©
*0-60; fair to good yearling*, $v00©9.00;
common to fair yearlings. $6.50© 7.75;
good to choice fed heifers. $6.75© 8 00.
fair to good fed heifers, $5.25 9 6.60; com
mon to fair fed heifer*, $4.00©6.UU; good
to choice fed cow*. $5 00 ©6.50: fair to
good fed cows. $4. MO ©5.00; common to
fair fed rown. $2.00© 3.50; good to hoh e
feeder-*. $7.15 ($ 7.75 ; fair to good feeder*.
$6.60© 7.1 *>; common to fair feeders. $5,60
rt 6.50, good to choice Mockers. |7 00?n
t.6't. fair to good Stocker*. $6.26© 7.00:
common to fair stockers, $5 00$>6.00;
trashy stockers. $4.00© 5.00; stock heifers,
$5.76©6 00; stock cow*. $2.A5©3 69;
stock calves, $4.00© 8.00; veal calves. $3 50
1 (q 9 76; hulls, stags, etc.. $2.75© 4.,5.
A v I’r. No. Av Pr
J*. 703 $0 85 1 7 . 862 $7 16
31 . 1020 7 25 1 9 .11 1.3 7 75
4. 1042 8 25 21 . 1100 9 00
25...... *40 7 26 22....... 779 10 26
2o.1032 S 00
>*o. A v. Pr.
I 1.1 feeders ... .1064 $6 MO
."0 feeders ..830 6 25
south Dakota
26 feeders ... 8 41 7 IS
£0 feeders . 8(lg 8 00
12 feeders . 895 6 40
II." heifers . 6 3M
*> cow a .. 810 :: 2n
3 cows .. 8 73 2 25
Hogs—Receipts, 12.900. A fairly active
demand was apparent from shippers this
miorning and trade in this division get
under way early, at prices around steady
with Saturday. Packers, however, were
slow to act, and up to a late hour in the
forenoon nothing of consequence had
moved in this direction. Top price for
th“ day was $6.66 and the bulk of the
sales w as at $6.35© 6.80.
J°•.200 $6 50 32..213 ... $6 65
-1• "45 110 6 hO 60..329 6 66
7*• .217 70 6 70 73..216 1 40 6 75
50. . 264 160 6 80
Sheep and Lambs—Receipts, 12.000. The
general sentiment in the fat Iamb* mar
ket was bearish. Eastern reports were of
an unfavorable nature, and with local
supply moderate, buyers took a determined
stand for sharply lower levels, first bids
being fully 40© 50c lower. The feeder
lamb trad** showed a fair tone, with the
market looking around steady. A fully
steady affair was apparent in the aged
sheep division.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Fat lambs, good to choice. ... $11.60® 1].90
Fat lambs, fair to good. ll.UOfri 11.60
Clipped lambs . 10.40® 10 50
Feeder lambs . 11.25© 12.45
Wethers . 6.00© 8 00
Yearlings . * 0'tfr 10 25
Fat ewes, light . 0.00® 7.10
Fat ewes, heavy . 4.25© 5 76
No. Ac. Pr
:*S Wyomlnir . (4 112 45
IO f*<l .Ill T 00
Receipts and disposition of livestock at
the Union stockyards, Omaha. Neb., for
24 hours ending at 3 p tn . December 17:
Horaea A
Cattle Hogs Sh'P Mules
C . M A St. P. lfi 3 2 1
Missouri Pa rifle .... 1 . .
Union Pacific . 31 27 27 1
0. A N. W. east 12 1 1
C. A N W . west . . 76 8»". 6 6
C., St. P . M A O. . 7 10 4 1
C.. B A Q . east .7 .
•' . B. A Q.. weat 7» J7 14 4
C . R. I. A P . east .10 2 1
C.. R. T. A P . weat 2 l 2
1. C R R. 20 3
C. O. W. 14
Total receipts. ... 322 170 65 14
Cattle. Hogs Sheen
Armour A Co. 614 2188 1375
• ’udahv Pack. Co.... 1014 27*0 1794
Hold Parking Co . . . 211 2M4
Morris Packing Co.. 546 IF,13 714
Swift A Co.1267 2281 1118
11 off man Bros. 13 ... ....
Maverowlrh A Vail.. 12 ... ...
Midwest Parking Co. Ifi .... ....
Omaha Packing Co. . 22 ....
John Roth A Sons... 7 ... ....
Murphy. J W. 1006 . ...
Swarti A Co .... 8 54 ....
Anderson A Son. 38
Benton. VS A Hughes 42 .... ....
Hullo. J H. 20 .
rheek. W. H. 17.1
Dennis A Francis ... 1«4 .... ....
Ellis A Co . 7 6 .
Harvey. John .. 270 .... ....
Huntsinr A Oliver... 7 .... .. .
Inghrarn. T. J.. 3 ... ....
Kellogg F. O . . 291 .
K’kp'k Bros A L'dg’n 1*2 .... ....
Krebbs A Co. 79 . .. ....
Longman Broa . 24 .... ....
Luberger. Henrjr 8 173 ^. . ....
Mo.-Kan. c A C- Co. 20', ..
Root. J. B. A Co.... 260 .... ....
Hoaenatork Broa. ... 24 ...« ....
Sargent A Finnegan.. 90 .... ....
Smiley Broa . 170 .... ....
V. Sant. W. B A Co. 94 .
Wertheimer A Pegen 94 ....
Other buyera .1174 .... 1721
Heaa . 616 ....
Totals . .7^29 13461 1324
Chicago livestock.
Chicago. Dec. 17.—Cattle—Receipt# 27.
000 head; market slow; uneven, killing
quality, plain; short fed. moat killing
• lasses predominating, better grades year
lings, matured steers and beef heifere
about s'eady. other spotty, uneven to 25c
lower; beet long yearlings. S12 6°; seven
loads at that figure, less desirable young
steers. $10.00 to $12.00; Christmas de
mand for yearling* end handywelght
steers lagging, most weighty ateera. $7 25
$•60 kind, choice matured etears. $11.oo
many short fed kind unaold at noon;
cannera and cutters about steady; best
• annars. $2-2502 50, cutters upward to
$3 00 and above. hulls. week to 26c ,
lower; most bolognas. $4 000 4 25 , few
weighty kind $4 60. vealers closing most
ly 50c lowor; light end handywelght
kind showing most declines, few lots
dehorned western greee steers to feeder
buyers. $7.10, feeding eteers, carrying
weight fairly active; others and light
etorkere. slow at last weeks decline.
Hogs--Receipts 70.000 head; market
•pened slow, steady to strong, mostly to
traders /shippers and small packers;
closed uneven, mostly around steady;
spots, tc to 10c lower to big packers;
bulk 325 to 100 pound butchers, $7 100
7.25; top, $7 26. 170 to 200-pound aver
age mostly $4*607 06; packing eows,
mostly $4 <000.75; etronght weight pigs.
$• 6004.76; lighter kinds. $4 5u down
ward; estimated holdover 16.000 head.
Sheep and T.arrfbs—Receipt* 22.000;
■ iv; fat lamb* 35060c lower;
mostly 60o; bulk fat lambs, $lt 000
12.60; few' $12.76; beet clipped lambs,
$11.00; cull natives, largely $9 000 10 00;
$0 60 popular, sheep and feeding lambs,
steady to Z6o lower; good and choice
fat lightweight ewes $7 26. medium to
Tood wethers, $7.60; bulk feeding lambs,
II 00011.60.
Kansas City Livestock.
Kansas 4*1 fjr Mo., Per 17.— 4'attfe—Re
ceipt*, 2$.000 head; calves, 4,000. few de
sirable handywelght steer* and yearlings
steady: other classes dull; nothing strictly
• hole* offered; f-d yearling* $10 26; hulk
short feds early, 17.60011 60; she slock
very uneven mostly steady; In between
grades cows and medium heifer* not mov
ing, bulk beef cows. $3 6006 00. cannera
snd cutters. $2 0002 26; bulls, steady,
bologna. $1,600 4.00; calves weak to 25c
lower: top veals. $* 6<i; bulk mediums
and heavier*. $4OO0$4 5O; better grades
Stocker* and feeder*, steady; others slow
and lower, feeders. $7 40. stnckere, "?7.S0:
bulk nil • luasew. 1C oo if 7 25
Hogs—Receipt*. 17,000 head; slow;
mostly to shlppess; psckera bidding I Off
I6e lower: top, $4 >6; bulk of Males. $6.(6
'ah 96 bulk 25% to 270 pound butchers.
$4 *604 ;«5. desirable 176 to 210-pound
averages. $4 660 4*0. bulk 120 to 160
t*nund accragee $4 2004 60; packing a«*ws
mn*t|y, $4 260 4 46. stock pigs. 10 016c
higher $6 2606 75.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 9.000 head.
Lambs aiound 26c lower, best Colorado,
$1?00; early sates fed Inis mostly. III 76
012 00. sheep, steady to strong, shorn
wethers, $7 25: few ewes. $4 76.
H4. 14> ill s Livestock.
/'.net Ht I,mu* III, pe« 17 Cattle
IvMcHpis, 4.000. beef steers. generally
stsadv spot*, strong; bulk $4 yi |i 26,
top. |935, light yes’lings and heifei*.
steady, beef cows, sternly to 2&c higher.
• snners, I•» to 26c higher, bologna tmli*.
strong to 26«* higher. light vesler*,
Mteady. stock* r steers, steady to strong,
bulk* follow light yearling*. $7.*.'>09 1 6.
cows $4 0005 00. m nners, $2 0002 16.
can ns fa. yearUnge. $2 26 0 2 60, bologna
hull*. $3 603/4 26 calves, $9 60.
Hbeep and lamb* ft'ceipl*. 7 000 fs<
lamb. i ml yearling*. mostly 2.*.« lowei
• •nil lambs and sheep unchanged, two
decks good 90.pound fed lambs to p*1 *
•>•■ 112 40 hulk good natives $12 Olio
12 2.'i, south went kinds, $11 .io. good year
ling wethers. $• 60_ •iicgium to good
Southern wet beta, $4 /.». light mutton (
sees, $4. 00 V/ *■ 60 |) e* V |c*. $4*10
I log it. . p* s, to.Ofn hog* 1# te
good weight ,dg- $7 3" o , 1b. ton. $7 |4
bulk 140 pound* and up 17 l"©! 74,
bulk 130 pound* and Up $4 .00.00. good
"eight killing |»ig- 14 250 4 60 light
kinds. Including peewees, $.. *'0 4 00.
packer sow*, $6 16 largely.
4 lilmgit I'rndwre.
Chicago he. n Hull*' H«shor:
vnaitisi • evils* w standards
•i»rv fii-i- 4$Wtf firsts, 4t> «V ;
• • ofid * t lit
tests ft»..diits '94 ♦**•*• lower
fuels 4" , ordinal* fuats i4.
Total atock sales, 1,190,300 share
Twenty industrial* averaged 9’-.21; net
gain, 03
High. 1923. 10538; low. 86.76.
Twenty railroads, a. eraged, 62. tO; net
lo*s. . 19.
High, 1923, 90.61 ; low, 70.63.
New York. Dec. 17. — Weakness of the
railroad shares, based on speculative fear
of unfavorable legislation <>, further dlvl
dend cute by some of the northwestern
railroad^, caused some unset t lenient
among standard industrials 1 n today's ac
tive stock market, but failed to halt
bullish operations in the oils and certain
There was a good sized a <cumula tion
of week end buying orders at the open
ing, duo in part to the publication of the
di i alia of Secretary Mellon's tax reduction
plan, and the favorable reparations de
veloptnenta. Wall Street reports that
brokers’ loans had increased catupiira
lively little In recent weeks, despite the
rapid advance in stock tirlcea also were
considered s good omen In some quarters
on the theory that It indicated mocks
were moving into strong hands.
Speculators for the decline, taking ad
of the fight over th»- chair
manship of the senate committee on
interstate commerce, launched an attack
on the rail shares. concentrating on
1'nlon Pacific, which was forced down
mure than 3 points to 126%, although it
rallied laler to 127. Selling of this par
ticular issue was somewhat of r sur
prise because of the fact that net rail
road earnings this year are running well
over 1922 with an increase also reported
ill income from other sources.
**Soo" preferred broke 6 points to 75.
a new 1023 low. on one sale, and Omaha
touched a new bottom at 32. or 2% point*
below the previous sale Net losses of
a point or more also were, recorded bv
Southern Pacific. Atlantic Coast Line,
La<‘kawana. Louisville- St Nashville.
"Nickel Plate" and Pittsburgh & West
Virginia preferred. "Big Four" broke 6
point 4.
Independent strength was shown by a
number of specialties. < orn products was
again file favorite, being nushed up 4%
joints to 167*4. ■*. new high for all time,
on buying attributed in some quarter*
to specula live »-x pert at mu of * special
dividend distribution and In others to a
renin of the short Interest. Continental
' Ja n was another strong spot, climbing
2% points to 62% American Pan was
f-ushed up Co 107%. the highest price
this year, in speculative expertat ion of
an Increased dlvhffmd at Friday's meet
ing of the board of director*
Revival of a demand for the oil share
waa baaed on a report of a further reduc
tion in output by the fields In the Los
\nge)e* basin Standard OH of California
led the advance w ith a gain of 2 *« points
an«l good buying was also noted in some
ordinarily Inactive lapues. such as Invin
cible and Trans-Continental. 'Wall atreet
estimates that Standard oil company rash
dividends will total nearly 1138,000,000
this year.
Baldwin. Studebaker. T’nlfed State* Steel
and American Woolen all showed fraction
al recessions at the close. Davison Chem
ical again moved rather erratically, open
ing at 76%. dumping to 75% and then
moving up to 79 7». closing slightly below
that for a net gain of nearly *2% points.
Call montv opened at 4% and then
dropped to 4%. The time and commer
cial paper markets were dull with no
change in rates.
Foreign exchange* were quiet with frac
tional recessions being recorded by moat
of the principal currencies. Demand ster
ling sold -round 84.37% and French
francs around 6 24 cents.
| New York Quotations
hffir*?0?, eiors. T.hc‘hn/v“c°.,?ti;;
Um.ha National Bank building:
. . _ ,, High. Low. Cloaa. Cloa*.
Ala* Rubber - 8 >. i 14 414 114
Allied Chemical... 7u*i 898 70*4 8»*.
Allig. Chalmers . .. 44*. 44 44*1 4 4
Am Beet Sugar... 42 8k 42 42 42
American fan .1078, ms 106S 108
American CAP. 147
Ant H A L pfd. 43 '4 4 i V 4 3 *4 41 S
Am Inter Corp . 24», !;8k 23«k 23*k
Am Lfneeed Oil. . .... 178 171,
Am Locomotive .. 7 3 72 34 73 *. 778
Am S A C. U14 1] i| 11^
Am Smelting - 6467 44 678 sea
Am Steel Pdry... 37% 374 37% 378
American Sugar.. 5IVk 67% S7R 644
Am Sumatra . :o% is3k 18% 20%
*"» I * T.127*4 127 127 % 127 %
Am Woolen . 7 2% 71 71% 72%
Anaconda ...... 37% 17 34 3 7 34 1 7*4
Aa®d Dry Good* 99 7f
Atchiaon . #7% 96% 99% »«*
A O A M T . 15% 16 16 14%
A u*t In - N'l«’ho!* ... 26 24% J5 25
Auto Knitter .... 9% 9% ju
Mnl.lwm 127% 13 % 136*; llil.
Baltimore A O. . 59% f*% r,» % *«%
Bethlehem Steel . 63% 63% 63% 43%
Boacta Magneto . . 37% 26% 97% j;
California Packing SI % hi % *1% xu%
California Pete . 25% 25 26% 25%
Canadian Pacific. 146 145% 146% 145
Central Leather .11% 10% Jl% 11. V
Chandler Motors . f,6% 44% 44% €5%
Cheaa. A ohto ..71% 7 c 70% 70%
Chicago A N W. . 61% 60% 61 % 6!
C M A Ht P ..13 11 % 12 % II
C M A St P pfd . 23 21 % 22% 22%
£ ff %* P . 22 V4 22 *4 22 *4
Chile Copper .... 27% 2 7%
Chluo . 17% 17% 17% 17
Coca-Cola . . 73%
Colo Fuel A Iron 21% 21 22 21 %
Columbia Gaa . . 23% 22% 31% 13%
Con. Cigars . ... l♦.
Con. Can . 53% 60% 53% 8«%
Corn Prod.157% 1 53 157 % 153
Coaden . 36% 96 % 25 J5%
Crucible . 65 % <5% 45% 6*%
Cube fane Sugar 14% 14% 14% 14%
Cube Cane 8 pfd. 69 % 6t % 69% F <* ’
Cuba-Am. Sugar.. 11% 32% 33% 19%
cuyarael Fruit.... 4a *1% 47 64%
Davidson Chemical 71% 76% 76% 77%
Delaware AH. . 107
Dome Mining . 19% 19% 11% 19%
Dupont Da N.13“% 12»% 129% 120
Erie . 20% 2“ % 2«% 2“%
Famous Playera... 64 67% 47% M
Flak Rubber. « 7% 4 a
Freeport. Tex -13% 12 % 12% 12%
Gent Asphalt. 3<% 36% 37 36
Oenl Electric.197% 196 194 197
Gen-1 Motors. 16% 14% 14% 15%
Goodrich .22% 2 2% 22% 21
tires’ Northern Ora 29 2*% 24% 29
<il Nor. Ky r*fd . 67% 6*% 64% 67%
Gulf State* Steel. «1% *1 91% 9?
Hudson Motors . 24% 24% 24% 24%
Houston Oil . 71% M% 70 49%
Hupp Motor* . 17% 14% 17% 17%
Illinois C-ntrsl ... 101% 102%
In*p» rat Ion .24% 24% 24% 24
Int’j Harvester . . . w. 7s 74%
Inti M Marine... 4% 4% 4% 6%
Int i M M pfd . 20 % 29% 29% 10%
Inti Nickel. 14% 13% 14% 11%
Inti Paper . 14% 13 14% 12%
K. C. Southern.. 14% 19%
Kelly S. 32% 32% 3?% 32%
Kennecott . 14% 34% 24% 14%
Keystone Tire .3 2% 2% 3
Lee Rubber . 14% 14% 14% 14%
I#ehigh Valley 4. 4! 40% 604* 60%
Lima Loco . 64% 60 44 % 46%
lx»u A Nash ... 90% 99 99 |0 %
Maxwell A . 4h% 47% 44 49
Mack Truck _ 91% 99 99% 19%
Maxwell R . 17% 34% 15% 34%
Mar land .. 17% 34% 14% 34%
Me* Seaboard ...14% 16% 16 15%
Mid State- Oil ... t.% 7 7% 4%
Midvale Steel ... . 29% 24%
Mm Pacific . in 9% 10
Mo Pac pfd . 29 !•% 29% 2x%
Mont Ward .26% 24% 24% 24%
Nat Fnarntl . 42% 41% 42 42 %
Nat Lead .127% 126 1 27 124 %
N Y Air Brake ... 41 % 41 %
N T c**nt .105% 104% 104% 1 “6 %
NT Ml A II _ 14 11% 11% 14
North Pac . 63% 62 62% 63%
Otpheiim . 1 * % 16% 14% 19
Owens Bottle. ..44
Pacific Oil . .... 44% 44% 47% 47%
Pan American .. .*4% 63% 63% 63%
Pan Airier B . *1% 61 61% 41%
Penn Ft R . 42% 41% 41% 42
Peoplea (In* . / 96 % 96
Phillip- e |*f e .... 24% 21% 81% J<%
Pierce Arrow 10% 9% 9% 9%
Pressed Steel Car. 64 64%
Prod A Ref.30 »4 59% -9% 2t
Pullman . 1 2.1 122 122 % 121
Pure Oil . 21% 20% 21% 20%
fty 8teel Spring.107% l’»9%
Rey Consol . .. 11% 11%
Reading . ?7% 77 77 % 7*
Replogle .. 12% 12%
Rep IAS . . RO 49% 49% 49%
Roys 1 Dutch N T 41% 41% 44% 49%
St L A S F . . 19 14% 14% 19
Sears Roebuck .17% "6% 47% 95%
Shell Union Oil.. 14% 15% 14% 16
Sinclair Oil _ 24% 26 24 % 24%
Sloes Sheffield 60% 54% 59% m
Nkelly OH 24% 21% .4 J 4 %
Southern Parlflo.. *7*. 96% »**% *7%
outlier n nsllwsy. 37% 37 37 37 %
Standard Oil Cal. 41% 59% 61% 69
Standard OH N J. 37% 37 37 % 37
Slewart Warner .. 94 99% «“% 9“%
Stromberg Cnrh.. . . . *1 41%
Studi-baker .106% 1“6 1«>6% 1“?
Texas Cm . 4’ % 42% 42% 42%
Texas A Padflfl .. 19% 19% 19% 19 ,
Timken Vlollerhg . 39% 19 29 39
Totuicco Product® . 75 71% 73% 74%
Tober « 1. P “A". . . . 92% 91% 92 %
Tran® <MI . 3% "% 1% i
Union Paclflo .124 1?T.U 12? 126%
United Fruit .141 1»n% In 1 110
U S Ind Alcohol . 47% 46% 44% «*•* %
IT M It ilhbei. 21% 19 H 36%
IT 8 8ieel . 96 95% 95% * %
If S Sle*| pfd. 12“
Utah (Topper ...... . 4 4% *; %
\ an ad him . 37% 11 11% G%i
VI vnudou ........ 13% li% 11 % lr.%,
Wabash . 11% 16% 1 “ % 11
VI h ha all "A" . ... 14% 4 » » % 11
While '•«*> Oil .. .5*. 2* « 25% :6%
While Motor* . . 67’* 66% 67% i*7 %
WMlyp * tv«i land l»% lft I ft % 1 0 %
Wilson 24% 1’ 4 ;♦ 24%
Worthington I’mp. .... . . 26%
Total stocks. 1.174,069.
»w Vork Bonds.
N*»w 1 ork. Dec. 17. Trading In listed
ottnia on the Netv York Htock Fxchange
today whn rather listless with a general
shading of prices The market for new
I km u oft however, was active both In point
of placing the bonds and discussions of
forthcoming new finir.elng
Hlda were opener. >n Detroit for an Is
huh of Detroit Municipal bonds aggregat
ing about $15,000,000 but local ban It era.
who submitted hlda, were informed that
the award would b« delayed until tomor
I mprovenic*nt in (he oil tiiftiisfry has
caused a cancellation .of plans by the
l ure Oil to negotiate H. new bond issue
Internal Ions 1 Hankers declined to discuss
■ able reports that an offering of Argen
tine bonds would be made this w M#k
They admitted, however, that negotiations
point to an early announcement in the
inti tier.
There was gome activity in secondary
rairosd mortgages and the local tra*
tlon company bonds. St. Paul refunding
4%f, off 2 points, touching a new price
for the > Some of the American gov
ernment liberty bonds recorded moder
ate improvement.
I . N. Bonds.
It’ s Bonds In dollars and thirty
seconds of dollars.)
Sales (in $1.nodi High Low. Close
122 I.ihertv 3 % b . . 99 70 99 28 9» 2h
11% I.ihertv 1st 4 % s. . 98.16 98.13 9' 14
772 I.ihertv 7d 4%e.. 9% 14 98.12 9%. 12
1930 I.ihertv 3d 4%*.. 99.9 99.7 * 999
779 I.ihertv 4th 4%».. 98.16 9% 13 98.16
415 U. S Gov. 4 %s. 99.19 99.17 9916
20 A .Turgen M W 6s.. 78% 78% 7*%
20 Argentina 7a..102% D»1 % 1"2%
10 Aiih Gov gtd In 7s. 87% 87% $7%
25 City of Bordeaux 6s 7b 76 75
I C of Chrialania 8a..100% lu6% 106%
10 4* of Copen 6%s. . . 87% 87% 87%
JO t’ of G Prague 7%a. 7*'.% 76% 76%
II City ol Lyons «w ... 77% 77% 77%
61 4’ of Marseilles Us.. 7% 77% 7%
7 P of K de .1 8*/47 . %8% 88 88 %
1 City of Zurich 8s .110% 110% 110%
99 Pchezo-S Rp ctf. 94 93 94
31 Dept of Seine 7s... . 82** 82% 81%
6 D of P 6%s 29_101 100% J01
M D of fan t»s 52 ... 99% 99 99
31 Dutch F 1 6s *62... 94% 94% 94%
39 Dutch K l 6s ’47.. 96% 995%
8 7 French 8s .96% 96’* 96%
86 French 7%s . 93 9 2 ', 92%
8 Japanese 4s ..80 79% 80
29 Belgium 6s .9S% 97% 97%
27. Belgium 7 %■ .97% 97% 97%
9 Denmark 6s ...... 93% 93% 93%
1 Daly 6 % s .98% 98% 98%
7 Netherlands 6s ... 96% 96% 9*»%
2 Norway 6s .93% 93% 93%
29 Serbs Cr Slov is.. 66% 6?% 63%
2 Sweden 6s _104 104 104
2 Orient Dev deb 6s. 88** $8% 88%
24 P L M 6s. 70 69 % 69%
:> Bolivia $» . 86% 86% 86%
10 chile 8a ’41.104% 104% 104%
21 Phil# 7s . 94% 3 4% 94 %
5 Colombia 6»%s .... 94% 94% 94%
73 Cuba 6 %■ . 90% 90% 90%
1 Haiti 6s A *52_ «8% $8% 88%
10 Queensland 6s ....100% 100 100
11 Rio Gr do Sul 8•. . 94% 93% 93%
11 San Paulo s f 8a.. 97% 96% 97
4 Swiss Confed 8s... 112 111% 111%
6 K G A 1 5%a *29. .109 109 109
38 G B A I 6 %a ’37..100% ir.o% 100%
22 Brazil 8s . 95% 95 95%
1 Braxll 7%s . 96 96 96
19 B-C Ry Fleet 7s.. 78% 7i% 78%
22 Mexico 5s . 47% 46% 46%
Hallway ami Mlecellaneoue.
31 Am Ac Ch 7%e... 97% 97% 97%
1 Am Ch a f deb 3a. 93 • 92% 9. >
13 Am Smeltlnr 6a...l03% 102 V 103%
4 Am Smeltlnr 6a... 92% 91% *!%
26 Am Snmr 6b.100% 100% 100%
.3 Am TAT cv 6a. ...119% 119% 119%
9 Am TAT col tr 6a 97% 97% 97 %
2 Am TAT r-il «■.. 92% 92% 92%
It Am W W A K 5«.. 32 S 0 3% *3%
II Ana Cop 7* '33... . 99% 99 99
47 Ana Cop 6b '63. .. 96% 96 96%
1 Armour4A Co 4%». *4 94 94
40 ATASF'cen 4«. »7% 96% 97%
2 ATAHF adl 4a etpd 90% 30% 60%
4 All C I. lat con 44. 97% 97 6.%
2 At 1 Ref deb 6a.. 46 % 96% 9«%
SB A O 6a. 101 100 4, 100%
29 B A O rv 44« 92% 92% 92%
■;:{ J4 A r> cold 4a.. .. 92% 91% 91%
16 B T Pa lit rfa Ca 9»% 9t 49
4 Beth St c 6a Her A 97% 97% 97%
15 Beth Steal 6%a .. 94 *■ % II
4 Brier Hill St S %e 9.3% 91% 93%
4 Bkl Ed can 7« D.109% 109 109%
4 c»„ So 7, .HI? 111% 11;
41 I’an Par deb 4a .. *4% .9% .*%
10 C C A O 6a. 96% 95% 9..%
3 Central of <j> 6a .100% 100% 100%
46 Central I.ea'her 6a. 42% 41 *;%
24 Central Par ctd 4a. 46% 96% *6%
7 Cerro de Paaco 9a 139% 139% 131%
26 Ch-a A Ohio cv 5a 94% *9% *9%
24 Phi A Alton I %e. . 11% 3j% 13%
J C B A Q ref 5a A.. 99% 49% 49%
11 Ch! A E I 6a.77% 77 77
C O W 4a . 51% 61 51%
90 C M A St P .-v 4’,I 53 52 52
92 C M A ? P ref 4%« 44% 46% 46%
47 C M A St P 4a '25 66% **% **H
10 Chliharo A N.H’5 104 y .104 a
4 Chbaco Rea 5a .. 71 ;3%
7 C R I A P «*n 4a ;»% .9 ,1
60 C R I A P raf 4a .3% 71 71
92 Chic A 3V Ind 4a . 72% .2% 72%
IT Chile Copped 6a 99% 44% 49%
3 tVC A SI, ref 6a A 101% 101% 101%
9 Clave U T 5%4 102% 1"2% IJ-S
1 Colo A S ref 4%e 91% 91% 91%
14 Co! O * B l> • •*% J* 56 »? %
6 Corn Pow 6a 9i% 97 I.
13 Con. C of Mary *a J;% «;% »;%
4 Con Power 6a ■■■*'*• J/J
11 Cuba C S d*b «• 95% *5> *JJj
11 Cuban Am Sur >a 109% 106% 106%
5 D A R H ref 6a . 45% 46% 45%
1 Detroit Ed ref 6a ...103 103 103
6 Detroit 1' Rv 4%a *4 *1% *3%
4 DuP da S 7%e I0« 109 jol
16 Du Dlrht 6a 103% 10.1% 103%
15 Eaat C Sur 7%a 103 105 105
I 3 V. il A F 7%e etfe 90 54% 40
17 Erla" pr lien 44 61 % 91% *'%
-1 Frlc r<-n lien 4a S4% 54% Hi
2 Flak Rubber la ...101% 101% 101%
4 (loodrloh 6 % a .97% 97% 4.%
II tldvr T «a 1931.. 101% 10b% 101%
30 tldvr T 4a 41 . . 114 *a 11*% 114%
3 lid T Rv of C 7a 11% 11% %
13 fid T Ry of C 6a 103% 103% 103%
11 OI Nor 7a A ...106% 106% lo;%
14 fit Nor 9%a B . .. 4SS 45% 45%
26 H chocolate 6a ...101% 101 101
7 H A M ref 6a A .11% *1 91
It H A M adl '6a 31% 11% 6«%
5 H till A Ref 6 % a 47% 47% 97%
57 71! H T ref 5e etfe 44% 94 44%
4 III ten 6 % a 101 161% 101
10 111 C.n ref ta '63 *0% 74*, 7t«i
1 Ind S' 1 Sa 1004, 100% 160«,
1 Inter R T 7a . . . 14% *5% ‘1%
15 Idle' Rin T It .54 56% 56
19 Inter R T ref fa a 64% 59% 69%
4« Inter A Clt N adl 6a 42 47% 4! %
1 Inter P raf 6a H . 41% 31% *1%
6 la Central 4a 17% 17% 17%
15 K C Ft S A M ta 74 73 % 73%
J K C r A 1. ie . *1% H% ««%
I Kan citv South 9a 69 % 64'* *9%
63 Kan C T 4a . 11% 9! »2
4 Kan fl A S ta .9’ 41% 43%
I Ke! Sp Tire 9a 101% 102% 102%
14 1, S A M H 4a 92 % 41% 43%
7 l.lrratt A Myer. 14 46 46 46% 11%
1 I-ortll.rd 94 . 95% 95% 95%
7 T,ou!avllla 0 N 5%el"4% 104%ll'4%
97 I.ou A V Sa . . 47% 47% 97%
30 1,011 A N tin 4a ... 49% 44% 54*.
3 Marrnn ''np 7a ..132% 112% I’*1'.
3 Manat I Sue 7%e... 94 47 % 47%
I MaVket St Rv 64 43 % 9.1% 9.1%
24 Mid St cv la .66% 96% l ■
I Mil El Rv 6a .. 3b % 30% 90%
11 M.nn A St I. *a l«% '«% ’
1 Minn St P A S 9%el02 1«2 1"2
4 M If * T la C .... 46. % 46 9
50 M K A T 6a A ... 74% 74% 71%
111 M K A T la A . 61 % 13% 1 .
5 Mn Fir 6a 44% 49 9 9
41 Mo Pec r»n *4 .11% 91% 51 %
4 M,.n I'nwer 54 A fSS f«.u
1 Mon Tram 66% 66% 66%
4 N i: T A T la ... 4« 47% 49
27. V II T M 5a . *6 35 % 56
67 V T Cen 6«. 103% 101% ini%
0it N' Y C 6a . 96 95la 95%
1 N T Pen *a . 61 % 6t % *1 '
5 NT p A St I. 6aA 100% 100% 1 HP
7 N T Ed! 4 %a 1111% 110% 110%
IIS T II I I 5a 47 % 47% 4 7*
10 N' v N’ H A R 7 . 69 64 64
4 NTNHA11 rv «a *4 54 % S5% 5t«,
11 VV Tel ref «a '41 104% Ml 104%
tr, NT Tel cen 4 % a 41% 91% 93%
15 N T 56 A B 4 %4. . 39 '«'♦ 35%
4 N'or A IV cv 6a 104 >5 M'«% 104%
SNA Fd a r 6a 41 40 V 4"%
14 No I'.. ref 6a P 102% 101% |n|%
2 N Pa raw 5a D rtf 41 % 91 % 91 %
What nre the future prospects of
this company?
Fully covered in our market re
view .
/I free copy on request.
()••!•*• in Stocks and Bond*
35 S. William Si. Naw York
Updike Grain Corporation
< Privet# Win Dvpat teivatl
| Cklrvfv Beard al Trad#
ktr.MBr.RS and
a ' All OtWvr l.aadmf Pirfcaat"*
Order* for grain for future delivery in the pna
npal market* given rareful and prompt attention
BIH25 Omaha Grain
I’honr AT lantlr H1I2
724 2ft Terminal hulMmj
Phon* R-12.1.1
I.onf Oiatanra lJO
V N Pac pr lien 4* . 81 4 *l\i *14'
13 N Slates P t.fl R 10U 4 1U« 100
121 N Bell Tel 7b.... 107 4 lu7 4 M>7 4 !
19 ore a I'hI 1st 6* 994 99 >4 99 \
20 o,e S 1. r^r 4- 9J4 9-4 924
21 t tr*-W HR "ft N 4* 794 79 4 794
].• Pec t» ft K 5s .. 91 t«»s
6 Pa-: TftT 5* 52 91 90 4 * 1
4 P Amer PAT 7*.1«2 4 1024 i"2 4
3 Penn K K 6 4* 10»U I'M 10*4
16 l’enn K R gen 5a 99 4 99% 99%
3 Penn K It gen 4 4a 9" 4 90 4 9« 4
11 Per*. M ref 5a. 914 914 914
4 Phila Co ref 6»., 1«0 994 1"" I
7 Phlla Co 5 4a . . . . 9" *9 4 9“
20 Pierce Arrow 8a... 76 H *76 4 7 6%
23 Pro ft Ref *» w W./106 4 106 4 1®®4
1 Public Service 5*. . 7*4 79% 79%
1« Punt a A Sug 7a.. 1"9 1"9 109
39 Reading gen 4m Hi. 4 86% "6 4
l Kei„ Anna « f 6». . 934 934
3 Rep f V s &%«■. 8*4 hh 4 h*4
JH n r A ft L 4 4s. . 75 4 7 4 7 4
12 St L 1 M ft S ref 4a *2 4 ‘‘ 4 * :H
« SLTMftS 4a Kftfi div. 73 73 7 3
17 S L -V fl r |.r In 4«A 66 4 664 «*• 4
61 Sr I. ft S F adj 6a.. 724 '14 714
34 St L ft S V Inc 6a.. 5»c i-74 67 4
1 St L S W eon 4a .. 77% 77 4 77 %
12 Sbd Air Line con 6«. 6*4 6* r*8
46 Shd Air Line adj 5a. 44% 44 4 4
12 Shd Air Line ref 4m 4k 47% 4“
If. Sinclair *’ < Ml col 7a 94 4 93% 9 4%
22 Sinclair C Oil S'4a. *7S *7% *7%
2 Sinclair Cde «Ail 54a 9: 4 97 % 9.4
9 Sinclair P Line 5a hi 8f,4 91
3 S«. Porto Rico S 7a 101% 1014 1<>I%
56 So Ph< ific CV 81, . . . 92 4 92% 92 4
27 So Pacfficc ref 4a. 864 86 4 *6%
7 So Padffee col Ir 4m 83 4 83% 8 3 %
10 S.» It v gen 6%a.100 % 100 4 100 4
7 So Ry .on 5a. 9. , 95% 95%
32 So Ry gen 4m 69 68\ *.9
3 S »t of Orierite 7a 964 9** 96 4
26 Tenn Klee ref 6s. . 94 93 % 94
.32 Third A \« adj 5m.. 434 42% 43 4
26 Third Ave ref 4a. . F-3% 63 53
l Tide O 6%a int ctf.102 4 1«2 4 1*»2 4
l Tobacco HrotJ 7a I074 l""7* 100 4
1 Toledo KMison 7a. . lo>. 1 *’*• •*'*•
11 In Pac 1*.t 4a 904 90 4
12 1 n Pa<- cv 4s 95 \ 95 4 • &%
1" In Pa* ref 4a 82 4 *2 4 ,s ~ >
I I n lank Car 7a .1034 1®*4 103%
3 L'td Drug Km . ... 1 I " 4 110 1 * 1104
10 r s Rub 74* 1054 lo®4 1024
19 1 S Rubber fa . . *5 84 4 *' 4.
3 8 C S Steel -f 5b 102 \ 102 1"2%
10 Ltd Store Illty 6* 9*4 9*4 98 4
11 1 tah P ft L 5b . . 8»4 8k 8 8
1 Vertlenteg .Sug 7a.. 93% 92 4 «
17 Va *’r Chin 7 a....* 69 4 *>9 4 69 4
23 Va-t’r Chm 7a 82% 81 4 ** 1 *w
12 Va Ry 5.*.91 9* 4
1 Meat Mil l*t 4a.. 6' 58 8
22 Wear Pac 6a . 814 H" * *
3 West L'n C4n .109 4 109 4 10J4
7 Weat Klee |7s ...107 4 106% 107
♦ Wick Spent Sr 7* 82 J»1
2 Wilson a r ‘f 7 4" 9i 4 l ‘ 9
14 Wilson ft C 1 at «* .. J*
2 Young PftT 6a 94 4 *6 4 *4 4
Total bonds. 10.089.000
New York lieiieml.
Flour. >iuiet ; spring paten -. *6 1 a
6 50, apring clear*. $5 00©6 50: soft win
ter straight. $4 7 5 © 5 00; hard \ginter
straights 5.50©6.1O.
f'orn meal, quiet; fine white and yel
low granulated. $2 157*2-35; buckwheat,
.lull: milling. *2.15 nominal; Canadian.
*2.10 aaked. c. i. f. to New York duty
Pa\ apot, *teady: No. 1 dark north
ern apring < |. f track New York, do
mestic, $1364: No 2 red winter do.
$1.24; No. 2 hard winter fob $1-214^
N o 1 Manitoba do. $1 114. and ^°- -
mixed durum do. $1 09.
Corn spot, easy: No. 2 yellow and No.
2 white < j. f New York rail. 59 4c.
and No. 2 mixed do. 89c
Gate spot, steady, No 2 white. *4 4c.
Hav steady : No lr~ $l0.0f© 3 1 «'0 ; No.
? $27.00©1’9.0O: No 3. $R O0®26.0O;
ahipning $19 00© 21 00. ..a.
Hop*, steady; s’a’** 1923. 50w5fir: Pa
Clfic coast. 1923. 37 ft 32c; 1922. 22©26c.
Pork quiet; mess. $25 50 4/-* **0; fam
^ steady; mlddlewest $$2 30©13.40
Tallow, firm; special loose, "'jc; ex
Rice, steady; fancy head. 74 ©80.
f hlragu Hatter.
Chicago. Dec 17 —The lone of the mar
ket on top mores of butter was fairly
firm todav. (hough trading was Quiet.
This Hass of butter was scarce and buy
ers who needed it were generally will
ing to pay the below listed prices
Sales of *9-91 S'ores w ere made at
Irregular prices, buyers being willing to
pay premiums of ** to 1c for desirable
line* of who!* milks. Flighty eight a-ors
butter was hard to sell and som* con
cessions were reported f’henper but
ter was fairly well cleaned up.
The » ar market was very quiet Some
pressure to sell was noted hut practically
the ony outlet was delivery on December
con* rad «
Fresh* butter--92 score $?^r, 9’ score.;
62c; 90 S'fir** 49,n< . 9 9 e< ore, 47l*c; *1
score. 4ic; 9 7 e« ore. 4 4' 90 s* ore I ‘
Centralised car lots—9" score. 49>- .
19 acoVe. 47c; SS score. 45c.
N»w Turk. D»c It.-Biw «u\tar »"*
firm on the spot with • ‘□has quoted
cost and freight. equal to 7 41 for cen
trifugal No sales were reported
Fluctuations in raw sugar futures "ere
narrow throughout the day. the mar
ket opening 4 points h.gher to 4 b*wer ■
and < losing 4 points h.gher to 5 points
lower; the only feature was the aland meas,
of near positions. refje< ting the flrmn'-c
of apote sugar January !•*«♦ •!. € 3*" .
March 4 6€« May. 4 7*v Julv 4 77
Refined sugar was unchanged t«. 10,
points lower at 9 ' <*nti for f’.ne grsnu
fitted and only a light Inquiry reported
Refined futures. n-mlrV
bmilon Uiml.
T.or. don. Doc. 17 Offerings at the wool
sales today amounted to 12.463 bales
Therai was a good demand for cross bred*
which are now rul ng from 10 to 20 per
cent above the November auction*_
Omaha Produce
, Omaha, Pec. 17.
Creqreery—Local Jobbing price to retail
era: Extras. 63c; extra* in 6U-lb. tuba, 62c;
standards. 52c; firsts. 50c.
Dairy—Buyers are paying 16c for beat
table butter In roll* or tub*; 3<»ff32c for
common parking Htuck lor best iwtet,
uusalted butter. 39c
Fur No. 1 cream Omaha buyers art pay
ing 4*' at country stations. 64c deliv
ered Omaha.
12 o per rat. for fresh milk testing 3.5
delivered on dairy platform Omaha.
Delivered Ornriba. In new cases: Fresh
selects. small <tn*J dirty 23 02..'
crack*. 20c. On loss off basis around
$10.50 per rase 9om« buvers are paying 3 <
for nearby, pew-laid. clean and uniformly
largM eggs, grading U. S. specials or
Jobbing price to retailors: U. 8. specials,
45c; V. 8. extras, 41'-, No. 1 small, 30c.
check*. 224/-24c; storage selects, lie;
low’ grade' stui age. considerably leas.
Buyers are paying tne following prices;
Alive—Heavy hen*. 5 lbs. and over. lt*»
4 to 5 Ibr . 15c: light hens, 13c;,
16' : Leghorn sprin*?* 12c; roosi
> r*. lb* ; du' ks. fat and full feathered. 13c
lb., geese fat and full feathered. 13 014c.
No. 1 turkeys. 9 lbs. and over, 19020c;
| old Tom*, and No 2. not culls. IS^IT* j
pigeons. $1.00 per dozen, no culls, sick or i
I crippled poultry wanted.
I "-c-Meil Buyers aie paving for dressed j
chicken*. dtnks and geese. 102c above
alive prices; ami for dressed turkeys. 64/
j 6c above Jive price*. Some dealers
I are an epting shlpm^eta (<t dressed
| poultry and selling same* on 10 per ceut
i committer n J>hbIb
Jobbing prl. e* of dressed poultry to re
tailers: Springs. 23026c: broilers. 35c,
hens, 21025c: roosters. 16 017c: ducks.
20023c: geege. 20023c: turkeys. 30035c.
frozen stock, ducks. 15c; geese. 15 018c
Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective
today are as follows:
No 1 ribs. 26c. No. 2. 23c; No. 2. lCc;
No 1 rounds. 18c: No 2. 16 4c, No.
Hi'j'.; No. 1 loins, 35* ; No. 2. i9< : No. 3
17c; No 1 chucks. 13 4c; No. 2. 114*
No. 9» ; No. 1 plate*. fe4«:. No. 2, 8c.
No. 3. 7c.
Swift Ac company's sales of fresh bee'
in Omaha w#***k ending Dec. 15 averaged
111.41c per pound.
! Cottontails per doz.. $2 00; Jacks, per
dot.. $2.uU. delivered.
••maha Jobbers are selling af shout the
following prices f o. i» Omaha: Fancy
white fish. 20c; lake trout. 2*c; halibut,
market; northern bullhead* Jumbo, 21c:
catfish, regular run. 25c: fillet of had
dock 25' . black cod sable fish, steak. 20c;
smelts. 25c; flounder*. l*c; crapplee. 200
26c. black bass. 25c. Frozen fish. 304c
less than prices above. Fresh oysters,
per gallon. 12.650 3.95
i ocal Jobber* are selling American
cheege, fancy grade, a* follows: Single
daisies 28c; double daisies. 28c; Young
Americas. 30c; longhorn* 30c: squara
prints. 30c; brick 294c; Swiss, domestic,
4*c: block. 3*« . Imported. 60c: import
ed Roquefort. 65c New York white. 54c.
Grapefruit—Per box, $3.500 5.00.
Cranberries—lt/0-lb barrels, $11.00: E0
ib. boxes-. $5.6b. late Howes, bbl., $12 50
50-qt. box, $6.i»fi
Orange*—t'allfornia nav»l, fancy, ac
cording to size $3 2504 50: choice. 25c
lefts: Florida, per box. $3.0r': Alabama
Sii'suma. extra fancy, half box. $4,000
Apple*—In boxes \\ asnlneton Delirious,
extra fancy 93.254*3 50; fancy. 9-75®.
3 00 ; ch-ic*. 92 '6 ; Washington Jonathans,
extra fancy. 12.50; fancy, $7 00; Colorado
Jonathan*, extra fancy. 12.25; fancy.
f.’.Oti; choice, 91.50; Winter Bananas,
fa nr \. $2 25: Washington. < holce. II 76;
Hpi:*.* nb-rger. ^choice. $1 75; Delaware
Rede, rhoue. 1176; Rome Beauty, extra
lam y. $2/.- fancy $. 25.
Ibi mar—Per pound. 10c.
Pears—Colorado Ke.fer*. basket, about
50 I))'. r»r. $2 75. Do Anjou, box. $3.76.^
Avocado*—(Alligator pears), per dot..
$c na
Grapes—California Emperor. k*ga. 95 00.
Aimer la. keg. So 00.
I.em "i—«'a iifornla,* fa’-cy. per box.
$C ■>" choice, per box. S- 6006.0$.
Quin* es 4'a’ forma. 4“ lb. box. 9$ "0.
Armies—In talkers 42 to 44 lb*. Idaho
Jonathan*, extra fancy. f:.75; do fancy.
$1 Delicious, ring par k 12 26. Rome
Beauty. $1.75; oid-fasbiotied Wineaaps,
I) *1 ...
/A*—In barrels of 4 45 lb*.: Iowa
Winsap*. fancy. *4 $0 Missouri Black
Tw z fmn $6 ' Jonathar*. fancy.
I • ' . Missouri York Imperials, fancy,
t 4 p.-n Davis, fan- v *4 50; Jonathar*.
•"tiimere»a! pa k. $4 25 ; Ganos, fancy.
$6 00.
Jobbing price*
Peas—New. per lb., 25c.
unatot** -Crate* *.x basket*. $4^0.
Peppers—<3reen mango. r>er !b . 2f*a
Shallot*— f*«»uthe*-n. $100 per dox.
Souaah—Hubbard. 2c i>er lb.
Kggptnnt— J*er dozen. $2 <’0.
« 'nf umbers— Hot » use. per doxen. 92 00
b $ $4
lettuce—Head, per crate. $4 5$; per
•1 7 SI . leaf 4
Rod's Turnips parsnips, beets and car
rot*. n sacks. 2 4f14c per lb; rutabagas
In suck*. 2r; lees ihen sacks. 2tiaC.
Onion*—Yellow, in sacks, per lb., 4c.
red. -arks. 4c whites, in sacks, 5c par
Id . Span *h. per crate. 92.75.
Calery Idaho, |>er dox.. according to
»!*•-. $1 44f 2 00 Michigan, per dox . 75c.
Peppers—Green Mango, per lb., 20c.
Beans—Wax or green. per hamper
$4 10
Potatoes—Nebraska Ohio*, per hundred
pounds $1 1- Minnesota Ohio*. II 96;
Idaho nakkrn !',o p*r lh., Whit# Cob
biers. l*/ac P« r lb
H«p»i Pol a toe*— Pout berr hamper
$2 00; .l*»r«ey. extra fancy, H'O-lb. crate*
f I •»•», Port-/ It -j. -at . 5- -
Cakbuge- Wia< onain 25 50 lb lots, per
Ib.. 2i^r; in '-reates. 2\ke: 2.ftft0-lb lot*.
2c , r**d, Ic por II . celery cabbage, 10#
per ib
Cauliflower—Co -rado. cratts, $2 21.
First patent. In 9fc-ib. bag*. 14.2003.St
pet bbl : fancy clear, in 4«i-lt> Lags. *6 1ft
per bbl . white or yellow cornmeal. pel
wt., 9l.$ft Quotations are for round lo*e.
f. o. b UiTitha.
Ornaba mills and jobber* are aeidnt
their product* in carload lots at the foi
lowing pru;**. f o. b. C.TOaha:
Wfieat feeds, Irnmegfate Meltvery:
Bran. 926.60; brown shorts. 127.90: gra*
shorts, $..'9 50; middlings. 931.00; rddog,
932.60; alfalfa meal, choice, 632.60; No. 1,
927.00; linseed meal. 3* per rent. |?>0.3"j
cottonseed meal. 43 per cent, 953.201
hominy feed, whit* or yellow, $29.00)
buttermilk. condenaed. 19-bbl. lota. 3 4 o
per lb.. flak* buttermilK. 500 to
1.500 lbs. 9* per Ib : eggshell, dried and
ground, iii«i (2l.Ni per tog; < -
getter feed,ng tankage. 00 per cent, 156 Of
per ton.
Prices at which Omaha deaiera ara
selling in carlo** f. o. b. Omaha:
Upland Prairie—No 1 fl4Oft#16.C0|
No . . tl 1.00012.00; No. 3, 17.0009 00
Midland Prairie—So. 1, 113.0*' Q 1 4.00/
S'- 2 II 0.00# 12 *0; No. 3 93 00 0 9 00.
Lowland Prairie—No. 3, $9.00#10.90f
No 2, |9.o0#7.00.
Pa* king IC ay — $6.90#7on
Alfalfa —Choice, $22 0"V 22 ftQ: No. 1,
920 04021 Oft ; standard. 117.00# 20 00; No.
_. f 15.00 Q 16.00; So *. $12 "ft 14,O'
F'ra*—Oats. 9fc.00Q9.00; wheat, 17.00#
Prairie hay receipt* were slightly
heavier last week than the week pre\•
ious. the ***tal run on prairie fnr the wee <
ending Saturday being IS cars, as com -
pared with 7«» cars for the week pre'
Ious. There was h slight improvement «u
the demand, but rereip’s are sufficient
for the current demands of the trade.
There was considerable stained and off.
*rad« prairie in the receipts, for whi*h
there ia a very slow demand. Price*
Re'-elpta of a'falfa were fairly moder
ate, ■* « hrs. as compared with M cars
for the week previous Alfalfa mills sre
s'ill buying some alfalfa, purchasing
about two-thirds of the receipts last
week; although It Is reported milling al
falfa !* hard to eel 1 Price* steady.
Total hay receipts Omaha from Ja*v
uary 1 to December 15. inclusive. 3.2f!
Shipping1 adv .-e* tnd ate pretty heave
receipts for the weft although nm«t
dealer- are advising country producers
and shipper* to iioid si» patents. ex#ept
f*.r the normal requirement* - f the trade,
unti; af'e*- ’ -.e f.*st f ttm year
Prices printed o* o» are on the has'*
of buyers' weight and selections, delivered
in funa ha
Hides Strictly short haired bides. No.
1. 6c; No. 2. 4c long haired hides 4c grid
3c. gr*en hide* 4c and 3c. bulla. 4c and
3c. branded n‘dea. No. 1. 3Vfcc, glue hide*.
No 1. ic. calf 10c and I’^c, kip Ic and
4t^c. deacon* 30 cents each giu# steins.
No. 1. 2c. horse hide*. S3 60 and $-50
ach ponies ai<d glues $1,50 ea h colta,
-5c each; hog skins. He each; dry hides.
No. 1. Sc rer ib. dry salted. No 1, 9o
per lha drv glue. No 1. 3c per Ib.
Wool: Pe!r s. *! 25 to *2 'ft each. for full
woo'ed sains, clip* no v*lua; wooL 25
I allow snd Ores«e—.<k« 1 tallow ft^c;
B tallow. 5 c: No 2 tallow. 4Vfcc; “A’
grease. 6t^c; “B" grease 6 ^r, Telloy
grease 4!.j< Drown grease 4r; per*
Tackling*. 155 Cft per ton beef rr»rg'tnga,
135 00 per ton: hee*w* t 12*00 per ton.
I ottos Future*.
New York t - ' ■ n -lx- oange quotat r.a
f';-niched by J S Ba* he and company,
2 4 Omaha Nat'! Bank bldg JA. 61fc7-sft
Open Hirh Low Close Close
J *e* V* ~ 7 3.9ft *5
Jan. .72.25 34 35 33 25 34.23 35 13
Mar. 37.9ft "itO 32 7* 74 7ft 32 53
May 34 15 14 95 33.97 34 90 33 75
; lv 23 33 ■ 4 17 r 25 34 1ft 32 6"
S*ep. ■ 4ft* 29 3* 2*.#5 29 20 2*19
(»"*. 27 70 2h 49 27.6" 2x25 27 2*
Vfw York Drygoods.
New York D**- IT—The cotton goods
nv«rk~t* were quiet today with prices hold
ing sb<-ut «teady Soma offer ng» from
•ecord han 1* were reported !n gray goods
market* Wool goods ru ed quiet and tbe
*pr:njr output w ks not sold in m *m of
ha!f the possible production S:!k* dis
played some improvement in printed anti
fancy line- Burlap* were *'eady Job
ber* reported a seasonably quiet trade.
Tnrprntine and R**-in
"’van <ia De 17 —TurpenDrs
stead>. 5€*i,c; *al»s 3ft bbls; receipts.
« shipments, 299 bbla. stock. 14
R-»»;n. firm sale*. 141 casks, receipts.
914 casks shipments, 9 042 a»k*. stock,
13” 7 42 * a«V
Quote BDF*. 435; FOHI 44ft; K 440;
M. 44a. N. 5**5; WG 545. WWX. 575.
4 hl«ago Poultry.
Ck ago, r»e< 17.—Poultry—A ! ▼#, *oie
ej f - 14 4i 11 Sc; springs lt^c; roos
ters. 12 4c, gee*--. 14c. turkeys. 23c.
Dulu:h. M no . Deer 2 7.—Close—Flag
seed— December and January. 12 43 4:
February, t: 45; May. I? St.
New York 4 often
New York. Dec 1“—The general gotten
marke- '■•ed strong at cat of
>? to 11» points.