The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 16, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    Former Omahan Dies
in Oregon; Funeral Here
Mias Tillle H. Pleuler, 31, formerly
6f Omaha, died December 8 at Sa
lem, Ore., after a brief illness.
♦*>6 was the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pleuler. She is
survived by a brother, Fred W. Pleu
ter, and two sisters, Mrs. William
Trttz of Omaha and Mrs. Charles
Webb of Silverton, Ore. Her brother
was on a train, hurrying to her bed
side at the time of her death.
Funeral services will be held Mon
day afternoon at 2 at the Masonic
temple, Omaha, in charge of Vesta
chapter No. 7, O. E. S., of which she
was a member.
Omaha Girl Is Member of
| Mount Holyoke Orchestra
Miss Beatrice Reichenberg, 117
South Thirty third street. Omaha, Is
* member of the student orchestra at
Mount Holyoke college, South Had
ley, Maes., which will give Its first
concert of the year at the close of
the Christmas vesper service Sunday
night, December 16.
The orchestra will play numbers
from "The Messiah," the overture,
the pastoral symphony, "He Feedeth
His Flock,’ 'and the Hallelujah chor
us. 1
State Independent Oil
Men to Meet Tuesday
Members of the Nebraska Indepen
dent Oil Men's association will hold
their annual state meeting In Omaha
Tuesday, December 18, at Hotel Rome.
\V. C. Platt, edltr,» or the National
Petroleum News, Cleveland, O., and
L. V. Nicholas, president of the Na
tional Petroleum Marketers associa
tion, will address the gathering in the
afternoon, and nrw officer* for the
coming year will be elected at a busi
ness session.
Present officers are D. L Coryell,
Lincoln, Neb,, president; G. A. Steele,
Omaha, vice president, and Charles M,
Sutherland, Omaha, secretary.
Bungalow Roadhouse Is
Ordered Closed for Year
No sooner had Dave Howard, pro
prletor of the bungalow, Weet Center
street roadhoise, been fined flOO on
a charge of Illegal possession of Uri
nal In district court Friday after
noon, than City Prosecutor Dennis
O'Brien filed application for an In
junction closing the place for one
The court granted the injunction
forthwith. Howard was convicted of
the charge against him, on appeal
from police court, by ■ Jury which
remained out 14 hour*.
O'Brien* success in obtaining the
restraining order was unexpected a*
the liquor Introduced as evidence was
found outside the place.
• The gifts to the earthquake suf
ferers In Japan from America by the
Ited Cross, the army and navy and
by private subscriptions amount to
Zionist Mass Meeting
in Omaha December 3(
Louis Lipsky. chairman of th*
Zionist Organization of America, ana
a member of the World Zionist com
mittee, is to address a maaa meet
ing in Omaha, December 30, accord
ing to word received by J. J. Fried
man, chairman of the Omaha Zion
1st district._
Do Your Christmas Toy Shopping
in The Brandeis Store Toyland
For it is a delightful place, complete in stock, rendering excellent
service^ taking interest in the personality of the child ftQd giving
advice as to the beneficial and most enjoyable tor.
Let the Kiddies Have Their Picture
Taken With Santa Claus
The Tovland photographer will take “Kiddies’ ” pictures sitting
>n Santa’s lap, two for 25c. What a privilege to be in such a proud
position right with the King of “The Toy land of Children.”
Boys and Girls—
Come See the Circus
The wonders of the circus would
make P. T. Barnum turn green
with envy. Why, there are per
forming lions, big wonderful ele
phants, seals, that actually move
and do marvelous tricks; funny
clowns, great acrobats, a thril
ling slide for life, a wonderful
revolear, trained monkeys, a fat
lady, bareback riders. The kid
dies open their eyes in wonder at
the operations of this wonderful
Santa Circus.
. •
_- •
Brandeis Has the Toys
and it has the circus too—Just like the old time sawdust ring
The most wonderful toys for boys and girls, everything that they could wish for. Beautiful dolls that
sleep and talk, all the things for dolly’s home; tea sets, furniture and all other lovely things for dolly. Then
there are toy animals that p’ease any child; pianos that actually play, games of all kinds, all kinds of
musical instruments and just loads of other toys for little girls and boys. There isn’t anything in the way
of toys that the Brandeis Toyland doesn’t have. Mechanical playthings that are educational as well as fun
to work with; tool chests, games and every conceivable thing that a real boy would just love to have for
his very own. _
“The Best Toyland
I Have Ever Seen”
is the exclamation of many of
the happy youngsters. There are
playthings that make the hearts
of the little ones beat faster.
Gifts for children from all parts
of the world; at prices to suit
every pocketbook. Santa is
there to greet you, and you can
tell him about everything you
want for Christmas.
Some of the Many Toys
You Will Find on the 8th Floor
Magic Lanterns
Steam Engines
Construction Autos
Electric Trains
Key Wind Trains
Celluloid Dolls
Bisque Dolls
Mamma Dolls
French Dolls
Austrian Dolls
Italian Dolls
Soil Clothes
aseball Games
Imported Trainj
Football Games
Basketball Games
Stuffed Animals
Wooden Animals
Austrian Animals
Lead Soldiers #
WickeY Furniture
Shooting Games
China Tea Sets
Tin Tea Sets
Rocking Horses
Kiddie Kars
Coaster Wagons
Doll Carriages
White Enameled
Doll Houses
Washing Sets
Roller Skates
Ice Skates
Erector Sets
Sewing Machines
Friction Toys
Rubber Balls
Tin Horns
Mechanical Toys
Christmas Trees
Christmas Tree Lights
Christmas Tre*
Stone Blocks
Building Blocks
Alphabet Blocks
Mechanical Boats
Sail Boats
Doll Houses
fSferffn jSS tkfimfCfov/ls7b-/ormtnq
(Jans, ban t>ac£ riders, Marne four
'JFVoor^ \ trained manfci/s-.S'eals
The Brandeis Store Bought
Toys in the Markets
of the World
The Brandeis Store Toyland is, one of the largest and
most complete in the country. It is so for the reason that
we sent a special representative to the toy markets of
Europe and others scoured the toy markets of America
in search for up-to-date playthings for the little ones.
Toys bought at Brandeis are toys bought at the lowest
price. The reason is that we saved the importer’s or
middleman’s profit and pass the benefits to our cus
tomers. We believe that outside of St. Louis we are the
largest importers of toys between Chicago and the coast
We also believe that there is not a store in the United
States that has as large a variety of toys as you will find
on our Eighth Floor, and the p rices eoa.yare favorably
with the lowest.
y... . i l» ' ■ —
Dolly Primrose—An extraor
dinary doll with a smooth fin
ished papier-mache body;
beautiful curls; goes 3.00
to sleep; priced.
Self-Steering Sleds — 30-inch
long hard wood, steel runners.
painted in bright col- 1.50 i
ora; special, each,
Little Marion—The pride of
the toy department; a genuine
Heudren doll with pretty curl*;
she walks and talks and j* ATI
toe* tt> sleep, each, OeVAJ
. ■ —.—t—--—“I
Erector Set—Wonderful crane
can be built with one of these
sets; visit the booth; set as
low 1 00 np to 20.00
Long Racy Anto — Painted
red; disk wheel, rubber tired:
faat running; ape- 14.00
dally priced, each,
White Genuine Kiddie Kars—.
Rubber tir£s, ball bearing
wheels; beautifully enameled
2.25“ 4.50
Meccano—Greatest structural tor
and will make more mechanical
working model* than any other;
real mechanical engineers hare
started with Meccano sets—
1.00° 20.00
Woven Fiber Doll Cab*—Rub
ber tires, adjustable top; col
ors blue, bro'm and pray;
large enough for 10.00
mamma dolls: at.
Drama—Genuine akin head
drums with sticks; buy him a
drum and let him beat 1.98
it;-priced, each,
Wolverine Laundry Sets—
Tub, wringer, clothes rack,
basket and clothes pins and
washboard; specially *> Af)
priced at, all for, *
American flyer Train*—Have al
ways given satisfaction; with a
key wind train and plenty of track
your boy will bo absolutely con
tented; one engine, three coaches,
twelve sections of track; QO
guaranteed; special at, £e«70
k Real Flivver—Made right
near the flivver factor)*, solid
iron painted black;
specially priced, each,
Key Wind Tin Engine
Looks like the reel engine;
heavy spring, genuine rubber
tires and goes like | BA
sixty to a fire; each,
Auto — Rubber tired wire
w’heels; painted brown; a nob
by little car that will delight
the youngsters; 10 00
specially priced at,
Sturdy Staoofly — For little
Bobbie; white horses; red
seat, 10 inches wide; 1.50
specially priced at.
: Tot Can—The next step te
kiddie can; have rubber tired
wheels; adjustable seat and
4.00 *7.50
Mechanical T r a i n—Figure
eight track, engine with beet
Connecticut clock work motor
14 pieces of track and Q 50
cross over; special, *
Janesville Coasters—The real
coasters; swift, silent and
stutdy. Ask Jimmie, he knows,
10.00 “d 11.00
Lionel Electric Train—N. Y.
Central type engine, long
track; two pasRenRcr care, a
wonderful train; spe- Q CA
daily priced, each,
This Imported Rooking Horse
—Plush covered, looks like n
I real horse; very 10.00
strong [ special at,
F 1 ■ ■■■■■—— ■ ■ ■■■■ <|
Solid Oak Roll Top Daak—Chair
to match; two drawera at the
aide; pigeon holes for the young
ster's business papers; 3 feet
high; two feet, I iq.jja
Inches wide; special. li/iUU
Easy Running Velocipede—
For children from 3 to 12; ball
bearing; heavy tired—
8.00 * 20.00
Tool Chest—Our tool chests
have real tools that you can
build real things with. Spe
£22* 3.00 ° 10.00
~ ' Hi I I t
Over and Under—Tha new me
chant-al tor; the eeneatton oi the
Toy department; the little <au
jme over and under; over and
under. Come and eee w A/T
It Specially priced at. 1 eUU
Airplanes—Painted In bright
yellow; works with a durable
motor; wound with a key; 16
inches long; spe- . 2.00
daily priced at, each,
Beantifftl Set of Tin Dishes—
Six cups, six saucers, six
plates, tea pot, sugar arid
creamer, decorated in the lat
est Dresden design; 1 yg
specially priced at, 4 * * **
Schoenhut* Piano a—Heal
player*, and you enn ploy real
tune* on 75c'»5.00
.Whit* Enameled China Cloi
•ta — While enameled chif
foniers and bureaus for the
little girl's plav room, spe
SS. 1.50 "15.00
' Imported Steam Engine*—
Can be attached to other toy*
and a whole machine shop is
soon in opera- f Cft to £C
tion: special.
Soft Doll*—For bed time;
mo*t every little tot like* to
t*ke a doll to bed with them;
these ean be "washed CHr
anil dried; *peeial. aJVC
Mamma Doll --Dressed in pink
and blue organdy dress, shoes
and stockings, dress 89c I
trimmed with lace, I
Icestara—Ar* tha popular wbaal
toy thla y*ar for lb# yoan*»t*rt;
tbla aubatantia) acoota: baa baa»7
rubbar tlrH. Ion* ataal hand!* •
and ball baarln* Hnab Eft
•haala: apactaJ at. Mai