I --- -I rr i She is No Longer Fat She found a way to reduce her fat. It was a way far more pleas ant than dieting or exercising would have been. This new way 1 I I allowed her to eat foods without danger of becoming fat again. I She found Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets. They aid the diges J live system to obtain the full | ,• nutriment of food. They help j Nature to turn food into muscle, | bone and sinew instead of fat. Marmola Prescription Tablet*^ j are made from the famous Mar ti mola prescription. Thousands If have found that these handy II tablets give complete relief from ft obesity. And when the accumu II lation of fat is checked, reduction to normal, healthy weight soon follows. 11 All S' >d drug Horn I hr world ovrr > Iorll Mur,i.o/w Pfnrriorion TuS/oIr I, «l oor dollar a box. Aak your druggist I lor Ihrm. or or.'rr dorr, and ihry will II br sanl in plain wrapprr. postpaid. M II MARMOI-A COMPANY Li I 225 G.rfiald Bldg . Dalroil, Mick I L I Lrn — THE MUSIC 1 BOX MOORES, Florence I and Grace. Not sisters, but leading comedienne and prima donna, respec tively, of the third edi tion of this popular Ir ving Berlin annual pro- / duction. / p o - - »- J, 'i SMILES SDK L .J ROUNDED BY A 1)07. Im »EN STARVED DOGS. It Q is charged that somebody V sent these diseased mon grels from Germany to be ^ sold in Chicago as police ™ dogs at fancy prices. The consignees refused to pay charges and they were sold by customs men for what they’d bring. THE LEVIATHAN OF BONFIRES, built by students of SantA Clara Col lege, Cal., of barrels, ties and park ! ing boxes, and, reversing the usual custom, sent up in flames the night before their annual football (fame with St. Mary’s College. Three stor* I ies in height, one ran imagine the spectacle made by this flaminir pyr* • I I> A N I K I. CHESTER FRENCH, the noted American sculptor as modelled by hia daughter, Margaret French Crer ion. The hunt, which is consid ered a remarkable like nesa, is now on view in t the winter exhibition of ^ the National Academy H at the Vanderbilt Caf | hry. Dorr — - ■ NOT DANNY DEEY’ER, but “Old Man Detour” — the obsequies featuring the opening of the Pacific Highway as a continuous boulevard across Oregon and Wasi. ington from British Col um’;a to the California line. “Old Man Detour” was hoisted over the side of the interstate bridge across the Columbia River and lowered to a watery grave. p a a — . * —i PHOTOGRAPHED FOR THE FIRST TIME. A remarkable picture of a wild as* of Moncolin I "crossinir the bow*'' of . the Roy Chapman An drew* Asiatic expedition at forty miles an hour, A herd of the animal* was chased twenty nine miles across the dearrt wa*tis by the membets of the party in autoa.beforr one wa* finally captured flawTn*« n m