"Young Mother Hubbard" and her danring children. 4 At the extreme right is Mine. CaQiope Charissi. noted ’ French dancer, who might be classed as the only competitor to our own Eddie Foy. Mine. Charissi h _ shown with 10 of her 11 children, all of whom take part in her danring act, sown to be seen on the Amer ican vaudeville stage. There are five sons and six daughters, whose terpsirhorean reputation is as well known throughout Europe as is Mne. Charissi'a choreographic artistry. 1 A dress of tresses at English fashion show. One of the most novel exhibits ever seen was the one displayed at the rerent hair dressing exhibition at Holland Park hall. I.ondon. The rostume Is made entirely of human hair, of various rotors. The skirt was brushed, romhed and rurled to represent a ballet skirt, the boilire bring interwoven. In them days of knlekera, M b hard to tell the girts from the boyrs, but you win see she •till demands the fern in in* prerogative of being swung. Mrs. J. E. Gatehell is in the •wing and Robert Barr b fur ■bhtng the motor power. _ Rpell It out, boy*—for tlie navy. Here b> ' an unusual view looking from Hie fighting top of Ihr f. H. H f'nlornd i, mighlieol ■ American vewiel afloat. On the (leek may ; be iweti Hie name of llie *lilp. «|ielled nut It 1 in liiiman tig ore* formed by member* of I j.) Hie crew. Officer* of Hie alilp, I'nlfeif | Rtate* marine* altaclied to the ahlp, and able *eamen collalMiraled in creating this 1 very excellent tableau. 1 b Dorothy Dial of Dal- ■ f la* was chosen “The ■ Queen of the Soutn- ■ west” in a recent J contest. So what did ■ Dfirotliy do then? I Naturally, she went _*1 into the movies. Here 1 I are the measure- | ments wlilch won ,< 1 fame for dainty Dor- 1 othy: Height, 3 feet . A 4 I ? inches; weight, Hi pounds; bust, 34 inches; waist, 56 «»—, Indies; hips, 39 inch es; fliirh, *1 inches; \ calf, 14 inches; an kle, 8 inches. I |Va hieh powered mtererncT 9M hel|M-r, I js \nceir*. Joe Hllctktr. famous animal W trainer, found that hi* JF knowrledce didn’t help murk when has flivver IB went had and stalled. So ; V Joe railed out old friend ’ Pachyderm, and the old " rry of “ret a horse” w aa supplanted by rries of "cot an elephant." Old Jumbo __rame in handy and Joe Berber got his machine Solving Hie moving problem | in tierniany. When moving fj day rdk around in Berlin the moilng ian* have their Bll ~ I of the work, but some people solve the problem in a differ ent way. Flat ram on the street railways are employed, and the household gooda are piled up. Of course, the house- ' wife walks alunaside the ear. to make certain that nothing la taken. — ^ I Tammany chief planning national campaign Oiarict K. Murphy. Tammany chieftain. (a pit I«ni'il at the right, with lilt henchman. Tom Taggart. Neither hat committed him aeif regarding their choice for the democratic pretldential nomination, but it teams It Well that both will a up! tort the candidai y of tiot Alfred K. Smith A net platform it alta fawned by Taggart and Murphy The ulralo naa taken at trench IJck Spring*