The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 16, 1923, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 6-C, Image 28

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    Furs a Practical as Well as Beautiful
Gift—Shopping News From
_Store of Individual Shops
GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN'S, Sixteenth and Farnam, present to holiday
shoppers a showing of fur gifts specially priced for gifting pur|>oses.
Fur chokers and acarfs in a price range from $5.95, $12.50 to $24.50.
$t $5.95 are Fitch and Oppossum pieces; In the $12.50 group Thibet scarf*
*n gray, beige and white; priced at $24.50 Fox scarfs in brown and taupe,
for pre-holiday buying are coat values at $98.50 up. Interesting.
GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN'S drapery department on the second floor
has a lovely showing of polychrome base bridge lamps which they're
placing on sale Just before Chrismas, complete with shades, $16.75.
Ideal for brightening the guest room for the holidays, sunfast voile curtains
with valance drape across the top, double ruffled, choice of orchid or
blue, $6.45.
GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN'S Lingerie shop, greatly enlarged, has moved
down to the main floor, an Interesting note for the Christmas shopping
book! Here you'll find, in holly boxes, exquisite little lingerie blouses,
$1.95; blanket robes of fine fashioning, $4.50 to $12.00; petticoats in
jersey and radium, smartly styled in lovely fabrics, $3.95; bloomers of
jersey in colors gay or somber, as Milady's taste decides, $3.95; silk gowns,
daintily made, embellished in delicately done lace and thread decorations;
teddies, $1.95 to $5.50; sweaters in the popular vest models and the golf
coats of equal favor, $4.95 to $6.95. A shop in which to fill one's entire gift
list needs.
FLAMINGO crepe In softly draped crown scarf caught under two big
pins of enamel is the color note on a little pull-down chapeau of rain
bow straw braid at Golsteln-Chapman's, conclusive proof of the charm
ful psychology of color—for whether we’re bound for sunny verandas of
Florida resorts or the awninged patios on California beaches or the gay oc
casions of our holiday season in Nebraska, we marvel at the color fantasies.
• * *
Vividly checkered is a hand-crocheted Afghan, $15.
Frocks as Lightly Joyous
as a Gayly Lilting Dance Measure
Promise Happiness Through
_the Hoildays_
IN the Edward Reynolds Shop, 1613 Farnam. one will find gayly bouf
fant little dancing frocks, combinations of taffeta, silken soft chif
fons, glittering along edge, round neck and arm holes with gay tracer
ies of gold and silver lace and ribbons—velvets of lustrous softness,
sparkling taffetas of vari-tlnted beauty combinings of fabrics soft and re
sistant in quality, an altogether bewitching showing of frocks for holiday
downing, $20, $30 and $35. Lovely!
* • • ...
Omaha Art Shop Present* Gifts of
Rare Beauty, Moderate in Prices
THE Milton Darling Shop, 18th and
Farnam, offers to the Omaha pub
lic the opportunity to buy at
moderate prices gifts from beauty
and art centers the world over. An
exquisite bit of blue glass, the bon bon
dish at $3. A priceless offering, the
golden flower bowl, widespread, $10.
High and heavy, the brass door stop,
a gift to be appreciated by anyone.
Finely framed pictures from foreign
ports are to be had as low as $3. A
group of pictures In polychrome
frames are priced at $2.50. A gift
showing not to be found elsewhere—
visitors are especially invited during
the next few days before Christmas.
Smart Shoe Styles for Holiday Merry
THE Shoe Market, 320 South
Sixteenth street, offers shoes
for holiday merrymaking
events, which, though excellent in
quality of materials and workman
ship, smartness of fashioning are
priced to appeal to purses taxed by
gift shopping: Sutins. dull kids and
patent models with fancy trims are
quoted at $8; silver brocades, field
mouse kid and patent with suede -
trim, effectively strapped, $9. All of
the models shown up-to-the-minute .
in lines, Louis heels with the new ]
semi-stage toe. Hosiery to match is l
priced from $1.50 to $3. Silver and ]
gold hose, $1.95 and $2.25. True ;
Up on the City W all are Northern soldiers,
Six of them, ivho blow bright bugles
Made of brass.
They do not call for troops to wake,
To go to bed, or battle.
Chinese bugles are quite free and purposeless.
They are as much a part of every dawn
As sivift, black wings of looking birds
Against a gold-lashed east;
So much a part of dusk.
When soft, smoke blankets
Dim the western fires,
That I shall find
The twilight incomplete in other lands.
—Chinese Blights by Dorothy Itone, Harpers, December, I9?3.
II VMV. tVfc*0><fc«3(5tw<W
, Jo drrrtz.
Hytex. eoi
- WnJow/: *Mwe wfH*rtS1” CcL
J P««nl/ Onatwofcr Grvcn <*2
CVffl _
■—■■■■ ■ —
Why Not Build a Home With That Christmas Gift Check?
[T'S h good time of tho year to change that remark of yours "When I build a home" to "I'm building a new home." this made possible by the
Christmas gift check. And it goes without saying that when you build a home it la going to !<e of the Hydraulic-Press Brick Company*! ex
quisite brick product, Hy-Tex, which has so engaged the admiration of Omaha's first families that one has but to drive through the city to see
laiutial homes now under construction, all of them attesting the artistic properties in texture and tint of the Hydraullo-Prcas Brick Company's manu
acturing artistry. No matter what the type of architecture chosen, the elxe or shape of the lot on which the home is to be built, the showing in the
lydraulio-Press Brick Company's showroom on the main floor of the WOW Bldg, Fourteenth and Farnam, will furnish the brick best suited to
■our needs. You'll find here men well versed in the art of home building who will not only discuss with you the properties of brick but will show
•ou the different brick as they will look in the living wall when put together with the various tinted mortars. A Hy Tex home for beauty.
Little "Last Minute” Dance Frocks
Need but a Drape Here, an Ornament
THOMPSON HAZENS Silk Shop. 31S South sixteenth street. Conan*
Hotel Bldg., have materials wondrously adapted to the draping re
quired of busy fingers who fashion a "Last Minute" dance frock:
Satin Crepe. $3 45, $3.95 and $4 95: Satin Panne, $4.60; Brocaded Crepe*.
$3.50 to $8.50; Printed Chimring exquisite when combined with velvet, a
new Mallinson creation whose design has been tailed Belleau Wood. 40
Inches wide tt is $8.95; Cleopatra blue and gold, it is best combined with a
blue of the same shade in chiffon velvet, 42 inches wide it Is $6.95. This
same velvet, all silk, may also be had in a lovely line of color* and
in black. Sample* sent the same day orders are received by the mail order
department of this silk shop. Values extraordinary.
For gifts this silk shop has arranged the following: Muffler silks In the
desired colorings, 24 Inch width, $2 50; shirtings, heavy broadcloth with the
woven stripes, each broken a bit, very dainty and desirable, $1.95; tubular
vestings of a drop stitch effect, a three-quarter yard piece which costs
about $1 is sufficient; radium silks for pajamas and the lingerie gift, $1.79.
• • ♦
A croM-ititched and hand quilted spread for the small |>erson carries
very interesting Mother Goose pictures, $18.
• • • ...
Omaha Florist Prepare* for Christmas
JOHN' Bath, Florist, Eighteenth
and Fa mam. Jackson 1906, Is
a very person Indeed In his
preparations for the Christmas rush.
You will find his shop well equipped
to handle the orders from those who
find that It Is Indeed a happy way tc
wish Merry Christmas via the flower
route. ‘'Christmas thoughts conveyed
by flowers,-’ whimsically remarked
Mr. Bath. A shop whose service is
always an assurance of prompt de.
liveries, flowers carefully wrapped,
properly packed. Oh, yes. my dears,
distance Is no obstacle to Bath serv
ice, they'll telegraph flower gifts for
you la manner most pleasing.
A set of Bayberry candles for the
Yuletide burning Include a branch of
real berries in their gift boxing.
For Faith Tis the Wisp
of a Feather Fan Which Blows Straws
of Romance This Way
THOMPSON-BELDEN'S have lovely new fans to be purchased for
gifting purposes or for the correct color note struck In Milady’s cos
tumes during the gay holiday season now at hand. Ostrich feath
ers, every one, seems to be curled this way and that, fairy lookouts in a
world of romance. Lady Fair! Three big tips, the central one much longer
than those at either side is a deep gold tinted dream on amber sticks. $#.
A bit of a thing, the blue feathered affair on ivory sticks, $1.50. Exquisite
combination of colors, rose feathers mounted on tortoise shell, $2, the
coral feathers on white, $3. Truly regal, a rarely lovely gift, five tips on
tortoise sticks, $16. or a single feather on either dark or white stick. $10.75.
• • •
To cover the telephone, a big crepe paper flower of exotic beauty. $1 50.
• • • • . «
Jet Comb* Which Might Hare Hailed
From Sunny France, Full of (harm
When Placed at Coquettish Angles.
THE F M. Schadell & Co. hair de
partment. 1522 Douglas street,
JA. 2870. suggest as gift of al
lure, the Spanish combs of black set
with jet in solid lines. Exquisite
rifts, 80 to 89. Charming combs in
hell are shown from !l up. Pretty
new barrettes are shown from 50
cents up to 82. these for every hair
lress. in colors to match every frock.
Bracelet* either singly or in sets, 50
cents to 82 00.
Painted China Gilt Pieces Added to
I-arge Stock of Gift* in Art Ex
change Shop.
THE Book and Gift Shop. 2d floor
Bushmin Mock. 16th and Doug
las. has added lovely painted
china gift pieces to their stock, which
is unusually fine. At $2.60 and $$75
are the mayonnaise sets of two and
three pieces: tea sets of quaint shap
ing. lovely decoration, $12.75: big nut
bowls, heavily incrusted with gold to
lighten their nut paintings of brown.
$5. Handdresaed dolls, line after
line of them, in t$iis shop. Have you
seen them?
Silk Underwear Shop Presents Idea of Welcome Newness
to Omaha Women—Exquisitely Fashioned Models Made
to Order With an Appreciable Saving on Purchase Price
THK Bilk Underwear Shop, 528 World-Herald Bldg., Fifteenth and Famam, ia a decidedly new experience to Omaha women, and a most delightful
one, for one may have made to order from the models on display in the shop marvelous creations of finest materials at a saving on ready-to-wear
pieces, this to Introduce the shop to the public. Very full is a nightgown made Jenny neck, lace trimmed, With the wide armholes outlined in the
same val edge, a circle of the lace holding In place hand laid pleats of the silk. On each shoulder and in the center of the lace placque Is a flower or
nament with knotted ends of two-toned satin ribbon. In radium. $12.50; crepe de chene. $11.50; Oeorgette, $10.75. Finely tailored slips of radium are, $11.45,
crepe dechine,$10.45. Very full bloomers of radium w ith pointed scallops round knees. $4 95; rrepe de chine, $4.75. A -holiday special in teddy hears la a
model trimmed round the top in real filet lace, $4.95. Lovely! Tea gowns and negligees may be ordered In Milady's chosen color. $15 to $29 50. Pa
jamas in love y color combinations are, $11.45 to $15. Breakfast Jackets. $7.75 to $8.50. The garment will 1*- delivered one week from order date. At
tractive these. Minnie Karl Williams who Is In charge of this lovely shop Is well known to the Omaha public as a person of unusual business ability,
on* Invite* you to vlait the new *hop for a leisurely viewing of Its exquisitries.
Sale of Columbia Records Offers
Excellent Opportunity to Seeker of Gifts
Blue Label and Red Seal Records
of Exquisite Selection
Hakxmaxv s, 414 South Sixteenth street, are offering on sale any Columbia record in their stock of 10-Inch,
regular blue label quality, 75c values and the red seal $1 values at one price, 3»c. A placing on sale of
their entire catalogue series, which represents a reproduction of the world’s foremost artists. In the II
thtal**murtca^eChHBtm«25 and *15° valu**' one may have a cholce at 69c- Olft news of startling Interest; Make
ess - - ^
Corset Whop Obtains Agency of New
Storking Especially Suited to I/se
of Teachers.
HATTIE PUTMAN In the Barcley
Corset Shop. Sixteenth Floor
City National Bank building,
Sixteenth and Harney, has obtained
the agency of a hose which would be
splendid as a gift offering to the
teachers on your list. A seamless foot
for comfort with a fine fitting foot
and ankle. Thin in the Onyx for wear
ing qualities, $:i. Vt-ry moderately
priced, 11.78, are new hose models
from a line which pays particular at
tention to outsizes. Thcne with the
new elaatlc tops. Dnlnty little bras
nlerea for gifting, 80 cents up.
Lady David Ribbon (ilfta to Meet the
Fastidious Requirements of tlio
Most Critical Recipients.
MRS. N. L. DAVID, 1733 South
Twenty-ninth, HA. 6217, creates
exquisitrlee of ribbon and lacs
which are so truly fine that the most
critical recipient will find them en
tirely acceptable. Just finished Is
the little cap of blue moire silk
with turn hack edge of gold lace.
Novelties of all kinds to drllght the
one who unwraps gay tissue
package on Christmas morning.
• • •
Fashioned just like daddy'", is n
blue quilted robe of Japanese silk, ex
qulaltely embroidered In pink plum
blossoms. $6.#fi.
HAYDEN BROH. men's department has bought 700 bags and suitcases,
the entire sample line of a New York manufacturer, which they have
placed on sale "at about 40 per cent off the lolwest wholesale price,"
to quote Mr. Culklns. In flue selected leathers, haifd sewed frames, leather
lined, they’re priced at $4.98. $0 96, $9.98 and up to $14 98 A represent!!
tlon of values from $8.50 to $26. Items of Interest from the department are
silk fourlnhand ties 49c nnd 69c; Angora mufflers, values to $3, now.
$1.60; men’s aweaters and sport coats, all wool, $2.95 to $6.95; Manhattan
shirts. $2.60 to $10; I'njamas, outing, silk, nulnsook, $1.26 to $lu. pownrs
dress gloves, gray, tan and hrown. $3.50.
* * •
"Hammy Stocking" Is a cuddly sort o' little fellow, soft and comfy fur
tiny Angers. In all colors—a parson to hold close to a childish heart, $1.60.
Gifts That Last in Profusion of Beauty Presented in
Well-Known Omaha Jewel Shop—The Treasured Gift Is
the Jewel Gift—Its Loveliness of Duration Even
__to a Lifetime of Possession_y
THE John Henriekson Jewel Shop Christmas display for the season 1523 makes everyone quit© in accord when one declares thst the gift of accept
ability on C hristmas morning Is the gift that lasts. Essentially a gift thst lasts is the Jewel gift, for one oft^n sees a diamond worn proudly In the
second, third and even fourth generation, not one but several lifetime s. Listed for the convenience of the busy shopping persons are the follow
FOR HER—A diamond ring, *15 to *500. the rarely beautiful
new mounting* in white gold and platlnuh..
FOR HIM—The gift of *11 gift* for a man. a watch. 125 to *90.
FOR MOTHER—Platinum bar pin, *45, or platinum and diamond
dinner ring, *200.
FOR FATHER—To mark the happy days of many happy years.
a prideful possession, *20 to *S5.
FOR SISTER—Strand of Richelieu pearls. *25.
FOR BIO BROTHER—Solid Gold watch chain. *20.
FOR LITTEE BROTHER—Knife, fork and spoon act. sterling
silver, *7.50.
FOR LITTLE SISTER— Add-A Pearl necklace, genuine pearls,
*5 to *25.
FOR SON—Smoking set of unusual usefulne**. Interesting de
'tail, *20.
FDR DAUGHTER—The gift of true loveliness, the costume
addition to strike & note of luxury, a gold
mesh hag. 115.
FDR AUNT—Long string of tiny pearls to be worn double round
the nsck. 130.
FDR UNCLE—Decanter of engraved glass with silver chain and
padlock on the unique stopper. 313.50
FOR GRANDMA—Blat k onyx 14 kt. w hite gold and platinum
bar pin. diamond set. 337.50.
FOR GRANDRA—Cigar jar of glass, silver lidded, a generous
sixe to keep fresh the hotldae cigars. HO.
FDR MAID—White gold bar pin with or without stones, 110.
FDR MAN—Scarf pin, a gift of lasting usefulness, an assurance
of many pleasant wearing occasions. 310.
n jewel shopping by mail. 1* sure to give references from your hotr.e town bank—you'll enjoy the mail service* of this long established Omaha
Jewel shop located at Hlxteenth and Capitol. *
• • • ___
Unique is the cutting of four pieces
of onyx In a dinner ring of platinum
which carries 17 diamond*. 1200.
Company of Decorative Accomplishments
Offers Service Unique in Satisfying Sug
gestions—Lavish Embellishments
TH1-: Meal Mutton A Pleating Company. J.l Floor Brown Block. Sixteenth and Douglas, ia an unusually
satisfying place to take problems of all kinds if yo .'re putaled ns to the kind of decoration best suited to
your hit of apparel, the way to attain a desired effect, often the achievement of the seemingly impossible. The
Ideal Button A Pleating Company's expert needle-works rs and designers will quickly solas and smooth out all dif
ficulty. a minimum of effort on your part, a decided saving of time. Very often when you're in a truly frantic
hurry they'll finish your work so that you can have It the same day. Sere Ice' Their watchword at all seasons,
not alone at this the busiest (and happiest) time of all t he year. If you haven't one of their booklets, write f
one. They're flee of charge and prove very helpful to t he home dres-maker.
"Learn Quirk" printed and script
blocks have the numbers for an eager
little learner, f!.
Books and Toys, “A Thousand Joys,” for Omaha Girls
and Boys on Christmas Morning
MATTHEWS BOOK BTOUE,- 1320 Harney, t« a place of magic the last few day* t^fore Fhristmaa, fur there are literally thousand* of thing* to
bring the Joyou* sparkle to children* aye*. Book* of an exquisite nicety of binding, type end IlluetraUon of which we never dreamed In our
childhood days—hooka by famoua wrltera who well know how to gather up the thread* of Imagination, weaving a fabric of dream* to carry
the child Into the hnppleet world he will ever know, the Land of Make Believe.
Once Upon n Time *torle*. 75c; Really Truly Fnlry Tale*. 75e.
Roly Poly, 75c. All the** in word* easily read try a young person of 7 year*
Remember Rhymee. $2.00; Mother Goose In l“rn*e, $2.50; Wonder Hook of Mother (loose. $2 50, Mother Goose tVollaiid edition), $3 00: Boy*
and Girl* of Bookland. $2.00. (A lovely big. flnt hook In which are the graciously lovely pictures by Jessie Wilcox Smith stories l>> Nora
Archibald Smith.) The Aeaop Children. $2.00.
Old. Old Tales Retold, $3.50 la gift book of eilch exqulsltenea* of binding that It might well take Us place among priceless editions erf th*
finest library).
In the floor below toy room one finds hundreds of the tiny Imported toys which never fall to delight the fanciful hearts of children;
In a foreign-made merry-go-round the tiny figures really "go round" much to the delight of the assembled kiddles, 40c.
Arrangerl according to the beat musical directors’ dictates are the musicians In a doll house »ixe orchestra pit, each member with
his own tiny tnuslo stand before him, $1.
A glass carafe with glHsa tilting tightly over the top la of a slxo to hold a drink or two (three-drop capacity) for Mis* Uoll, 20c.
“Pollyanna" Is u ready to make doll clothes set rontslnlng a dress with the lace laid on ready to sew. also thread, snaps slid thimble. 40c.
New Bathroom sets to make modern the doll house are delightful Indeed WMh real faucets, tub. lavatory and stool. $4
“Little Molly All-F*lr” seta carry perfume, powder. Cream, fnce and talcum powder In decorative boxes, $1.75.
Sewing Mai bines I hat truly aew are $2-50.
Electric Irons just like mother* with cord sml everything, $2 50
My Name Is Huxle Birdie” I* the tag carried by a young doll wlnme cheek* are muchly teai'stained
Others of the c harnrtar dollle* ana the Mad March Hare, the two Frog Footmen, Jolly little monkeys and the patent leather anlnia
l or the little birdie that hover* loonrt the window sill for rruinloi from the holiday table are the liny enameled bird houses $1.30.
Crowded with tiny furniture piece*. Hie doll hnu*e at, 13.
oh. what joy, a doll slxed "electric” player piano. $3
"inatructo" block* In lett*r *h*p*s enable the youthful person to wil r big signs foi Ins play sliu» and to make all the words needed
In hla business career, $2.35.
Tool cheats for the "handy man about the house' the little man of two or three years $ I id.
Vine piece aluminum kitchen seta of a six* to cook enough for a little hostess and her tiny visitors. $1 50.
Bird Cut Out*— Animals or Bird* are 13c a set.
Foreign Mad* Jack In-the Boxes, Itr.
Mend check with order, please, and glva ua enough Urn* to pack and ship before iasu la ataitad on hie wav
Vivid Towels of Linen,
Stamped, Ready for That Bit of Em
broidery You’ve Just Time to Do
_Before Christmas_
YE HA.\'P\E KIIAFTE SHOPPK. M.f> Securities Bldg. Sixteenth and
Farnum. has lovely towels In colored linen, each stamped with decor
ative designs which require hut little stltchery. just the few stitches
vou II have time for now that Christmas I* just round the corner. This is
the shop where one find* such pretty gift* In hand-made exquisltrles. towels,
handkerchiefs, hlhs. luncheon sets Mah Johns: and card table cover*,
dainty giftles for hahy, caps bootees. dresses and cuddle dolls, with a
marvelous showing of tlnv gift* of imported novelty. Ask one of the ar
tistic ladies who reign* .net this pretty hop to how vou a towel d. dgned
to order with su Ineetstihle little sachet tucked Inside iU solidly broidered
nosegay m lacey frill. Cntqjje: 5
• • •
A crepe de chine carriage n-b» and pillow case exquisitely hand em
broidered makes s delightful gift get. }v
Rl ark hoard* Kduratitr (lain** Score*,
Mottnea, IVna and IVncUa Spot I a
Merry l'hrl«tma».
Till' 'V. FI lailrj Stationer}
Shop, 313 South Fifteenth
*treet. hate an interesting
showing of gift*: blackboard* of hylo
plate In 24 by SO oak frame* to hang
rm the wall, 33 76, smaller one* from
31 up: educative game*, and novel
mechanical toy* *cor* iwd* tajlle*
>nd card* In gift package*. 31 60 to
•3; flamed motto#,*, *6 cent* to
*1 60: Crane * fine correspondence |vt
cera In holiday array. 76 cents up
i onkltn ami Kveraltarp pen and jwcn
ell **ta In gold and atlver. 3s 60;
ard*. tag* and wrapping* of rich
tayely that fill every holiday need.
• • •
\llrn Soil,. WsWl Markelvm.
1 Id . London IHstlnctive Markings
in smart New Nrckurar
KNOW N thr world over are tho
m«*io names Allen 8dly, Ltd .
and Welch Market son Ltd . as
London makers of smart neckwear for
nn-n Sobotker* shop for Men. Ash
Irtlo dub building. Kth and Dougina,
have an exi'ellent selection In knit 1
neckwear. so purely silk that whan I
tliry re gat hr rest up In i*ne'a fingers
tin scrunch delightfully. All ot ■ n. '
designs of an effectiveness to ho
achieved hy the discriminating man.
i il silk in martvlously smart nindola.
Neckwear Imported ard domestic at
Pno.s surprisingly moderate