Comings and Go ings of People You Know Jasper Hall returns from Yale, De cember 22. Hubert Sommer will arrive Decem ber 22 to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sommer. _______ 'v I Miss Doris Taimadge arrived home| Saturday morning from Miss Ben-, net’s school. Milbrook, N. Y. < George Paul Borglum. son of Mr., and Mrs. August M. •Borglum. returns/ from Dartmouth college Friday. Clarence A. Guenther of Prince tori is expected to arrive on Thurs day to visit his mother, Mrs. E. W. Guenther. Worland Ingram leaves Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays in Jeff eraonvllle, Ind., and in Chicago witli hik family. Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Huffman of Elgin, Neb., left today for their home following a week's visit with the Carroll Beldens. Mrs. Henry Hiller left for Los An geles Thursday, ufter a visit of more than two months with friends and relatives at/the Blnckstone hotel. Jkflss Ethel Gladstone, who attends YatpSar college, will arrive December L'l to spend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Congdon. who are in New York visiting their daugh ter* Mrs. Robert Forgan, and Mr. I-'dt-gan, will return home for the holidays. Warren S. Ege will arrive Decem ber 21 to be with his mother, Mrs. Robert S. Ege, at the Brnnsford. Mr. IJge is a third year student in liar vafd Law. Miss Ruth Wallace who has been atfipiding the Chieagd Normal school of-Physical Education, returns Friday to'tie with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.jJJ. Wallace. Miss Harriet Binder will return Thursday from Monticello seminary. Mies Jean Trimble and Miss Louise Guenther, who are also students there, will return with her. Miss Estelle Kinney, who is attend ing the University of Wyoming, is. ex pepted home the middle of the week to spend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Kinney. fcapt. and Mrs. Steven Boon of Cul vef, Ind., came Saturday to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ford E.. Hovey. Captain Boon is a nephew of Mrs. Hovey and is instruc tor at the Culver Military academy. r _ Miss Louise Gunther, student at Mpnticello Seminary, Illinois, will ar rive home Thursday. With her par oriffr, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gunther, her brother, she will motor to Albion, where the family will gather for Christmas. Prances Robison, a student at Coif neeticut college. New London, Conn., arid Elizabeth Robison attending Rus sell Sage college, Troy, New York, will arrive home Saturday, December 22, fogr the holidays with their parents, Mf, and Mrs. R. L Robison. ,Miss Margaret Scott who goes to Piftstield Hall at Pittsfield, Mass., and lidr brother, Hunter Scott, who at i'-ads Hill school at Philadelphia, will supnd the holidays in Omaha with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar .Scott, who recently arrived from Washington and are at the Black st&ne for the winter. Harry- T. Haynes who Is a cadet at-West Point Military academy, will arHve December 24 to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Haynes. Mr. Haynes Is In the hospital In the ea4t with a severe attack of bron chitis but Is expected to recover In time to come home on six days’ leg’ve. \ V# - I -. ^Hr. and Mrs. Cecil Wells Berryman wHl leave December 19 to join a fam ily house party given by Mr. and George Christiancy at their country estate, at Hartsdale, N. Y. Another guest there will be Mrs. . George Warren Davis, mother of Mrs. lleeVyrnan, who has been in the enst "^th her son, Clarke Davis. Mrs. i liristiancy was formerly Miss Jessie HM-ton, a daughter of the late Guy C. njfrton. I i Camp Fire Girls I -‘ Mhfi annual Christmas carols which the. ' »IOp Fire Girls sing at hospitals Just before Christmas will bo glv«wi Haturday otgtlt this year. The girls will meet at 0 mO Saturday evening. December 21, at Trtnity Cathedral psristi home, Klglil • fait h street and Capitol h venue, and *i»rt (from there. RegulaSion service • (Wume of white middy and dark skirt win be worn. •The B&toca group held a meeting at 1W* home of Doris Oudath Wednesday. Tfcjf girls cut picture* from magazines to nfstke scrap books for the Day Nursery £fhe Less* Juniors held a service meet inr at the Toy Hhop Thursday afternoon The Henior Dexse group had a short Holiness meeting Monday at the home of Fftnces Harmon, after which they gave '•v? Christ mas party In honor of their guardian. Mrs. C. A. McKenzie. JFtia Lohowl group met Tuesday «t the hgm« of Margaret Beardsley to complete plans fot the mother*’ meeting Friday aft the home of Barbara Kvarts Knrh niother received a large pink rose st her page. The group has planned a Christ mas basket and tree for a family JTh** Walochl grout) held a special meet, l* at the home of their guardian, Mrs. ‘ *kC. Far her, Thursday and dressed dolls trlgt esme from the Toy Hhop. «Jhe Danuta group, with their guardian, NfJgs Gladys Hharnp, and the help of '0** F'hyllis Smith, spent Tuesday after naori at the Toy Shop mending do Ilia. Kach Rgl took one nome to dress. ..The Gabeshawln group held a council fife Tuesday at the home of Margaret •«#J Helen Record. The girls took their 'y*ire at this meeting and the candle lljrntlng ceremony was given by the ,'«eklb»* group of Farnnm *< hoot Candles nw Work, Health and Dove were lighted l.r Helen Minor. Faahei Wright and Vlr laiii Dunlap, while Glavlnna Muaselman ii»v* the Oda to the K1re The Gabe Imwin group meets at Yates school. In the kindergarten room, and is helping to ! whitish a doll house for the kindergarten < hildren Hl'h‘- Detaga group had a council fire Ihiesday at the home of Mina Lyons. Una Lyons, Marian Lyons and Katharine IdHiders took their Desire, while Dorothy atj I Helen Richardson. Dorl* Small and Iftdie F.araen took their Woodgat her* rs’ rank Candles were lighted by Dorothy Iftchardson. Irine Larsen and Doris Small f*fcey planned for a Christmas play and l*r»V. 'The Ayan group met Wednesday at the 1 tome of their guardian, Mlsa T.uclle Flan ai>y datigkieJr HEYN. * PHOTO ... J The most precious possession of Dr. and Mrs. George E. N'euhaus is their six-months old daughter, Ruth. It is apparent she is a beautiful child and if she inherits the abilities of her parents, she will be a remarkable one Her mother was a Denver newspaper woman before her marriage, nnd a lawyer as well. She was liie first woman to serve as an assistant state attorney general, her appointment having been made In Colorado. She was engaged in legal work in New York city at the time of her marriage. Though best known as a neurologist. Dr. Neuhaus is a student of languages and literature. Trinity Cathedral Guild Candy Sale. Trinity Cathedral guild will hold a candy sale. Dec 22 at the Orohard Wtlhelm store. Stuffed dates and figs, candied orange and grape fruit and delicious marshmallow fudge will be specialties. Mrs. Myles Standish is president, of the guild and Mrs. Walter Roberts vice president. For Recent Brides. Mrs. Harry Marsh and Mrs. Edward Phelps, recent brides, were honor guests at a bridge party given Satur day afternoon by Miss Margaret Howes. Schurraan-Wilcox Tea. The Misses Josephine Schurman and Dorothy Wilcox have set Sunday afternoon, December 80. as the day for their holiday tea. Christman Eve Party. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Slbbemsen will give a family dinner party on Christ ma* eve at their home. Saturday Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Havenrich will give a dinner Saturday of next week at their home. For Bride to Be. Miss Frances Krltenbrink enter tained at a tea Saturday afternoon at the Brandels tea room in honor of Mildred Esther Burke whose mar riage to Hale Clements will take place during the holidays. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Schulte have arrived from New YorK City to make their home with their son. Dr. Hermann von W. Schulte, and Mrs. Schulte, who have recently pur chased the residence of Mrs. John N. Baldwin. 406 South Fortieth street. For Katherine Gallagher. Mrs. A. M. Gallagher will entertain December 29 for her (laughter, Kath erine, at a luncheon and bridge. Mias Klizaheth Goss of Columbus, Neb., who is her classmate at Duchesne college, will be her guests and will also share honors. Walter Preston, Jr., a student at Yule will return Saturday of this week to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Preston. Mr. Hlchard human, another Yale student, will accompany him. JEWELRY SALE 25% to 35% Reduction 2,000 Popular Ringa $2 to <45 123 Beautiful Diamond Ring* <10 to <600 New Silver Novelty Ring* <1 to <5 Fin* watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware. Lower rent—lower prices. Larsen Jewelry Store 204 H N. 16th St., Omaha North of Po.toffice Open Evening. Until 9:00 DR. L. C. LARSEN Registered optician and aye culture specialist. 16 years’ experience. KRYPTOK GLASSES The Invisible Bifocal EASY-LITE LENSES Light Protection and Eye Correction— All in On* The eye comfort that goes with a pair of these glasses would make an ideal Christmas gift. The / Finger l Points Headquarters For Dr. Scholl's Zino Corn Pads 90% of All i Foot Troubles Can be traced to the 1) a 11 of your foot. Shoes that don’t fit you properly, pinch— or press the GREAT NERVE — and not only cause great dis comfort, but often prove serious. Bring your worn-out feet to us—we will fit you with real foot comfort besides restoring for you the natural shape of your foot-^Jwhich means a STOP to a lot of trouble. Stryker’s Shoe Service is based upon FOOT KNOWLEDGE and assures a SHOE satisfac tion that cannot be found elsewhere in Omaha. I)r. Weeks is here to serve you. No rhartre for ex aminations. □ Our *t#ff of foot fitter# will ad vi«e vou #* to the rfirht ■ hoe# for your need#. W. S. STRYKER DOUGLAS SHOE STORE, Inc. 117 North 16th Street Opposite Postoffice Window Shopping. The medal of honor, conferred by tin- United States congress upon the British “Unknown Warrior" burled in Westminster Abbey. Is to be k1\ . n u permanent place on the grave, net under gleet*. Four countries were connected with the tomb they were honoring- The coffin rented on Brit Inh white nand and wan rovered with French noil and Belgian marble. while the United Mate* ta Indicated by the rungreaaional medal. JOYOUS SEASON of GIVING Christmas, the season when thoughts leave self and go to others, what better evidence that there lies the road to happiness. If you doubt it join the happy throng that crowds our store these days. Join anyway, there jre many other good reasons. APPEALING MERCHANDISE FOR GIFTS Handkerchiefs Ladies’ all-linen, each— 15r Jewelry Novelties A gift question answer. Novelties In Holiday Boxen, plush lined Had Includes lingerie clasps, cuff but tons, chain and locket, beauty plus, tie clasps, collar pin*, etc; Jewelry Section; each. 91 Perlumery Novelties Your favorite odor In novel con tainers; kIuss deer*, giraffes, can t die sticks, bell* and fancy shaped #, bottles, Koine In fancy boxes; priced.. 25* to 91.00 Men’s Bathrobes They nmke n splendid glfl these large Comfy Hnhen of cotton or wool; choose one Monday from our huge assortment and please (he man ut the house if FUR COATS l Our Winter Clearing Sale of Ready-to-Wear Garments Will Open December 26th EIjIEVING iii fair dealing, we treat all customers alike and do not hold privilege ^ ;ales. £ )n Cloth Coats there will be a i trice advantage in deferring pur I -base until the 2Gth, but Fur Coats because so much desired for Christmas gifts, we offer Monday to everyone at the Same Prices they will bear in the Clearing Sale! Most people know flint <>ur word is {rood. Group No. 1— 2 Caracul Jaequettis; verv mi.i.’ trimmed with \iatka squirrel and fox , Choice— $100 tf Group No. 2— 1 Near Seal Coat, full length. 1 White Coney Cape, 48-in. length; flare effect. 1 PersUn Lamb Coat. 40-lncb length. 1 Natural Muskrat Coat, full length. Choice— $200 Group No. 3— 1 Civet Cat Coat, full length; marten trim. 1 Natural Muskrat Coat, raccoon shawl collar. 1 Near Seal Coat, full length; reverse border. 1 Near Seal Coat, full length: marten collar and cuffs. Choice—$250 Group No. 4— 2 Jap Mink Coats, extra large sizes; reverse border effect; rich colorings Choice— $300 Group No. 5— 2 Jap Mink Coats self, collars; extra fine pelts. 1 Caracul Coat with viatka collar. Choice— $350_ Croup No. 6— 1 Hudson Seal Coat; self shawl col lar. 1 Hudson Seal Coat with watka col lar and cuffs. 1 Hudson Seal Coat, with jap mink shawl collar. 1 Hudson Seal Coat with marten col. iar. 1 Hudson Seal Coat, sport model; tiatka collar. Choice—$395 Group No. 7— 1 .lap M.nk Coal. Kolinsky blend; full length. 2 Jap Mink Coats; natural blend; full length. 1 Hudson Seal Coat; full length; vlatka trim. 1 Hudson Seal Coat; black lynx trim, full length. Choice— $550 1! Group No. 8— 1 Jap Mink Coatee; tail trim 1 Jap Mink Coatee, tail trim; self shawl collar. 1 Near Seal Jacquette Choice— $125_ I Fur Chokers and Inimal Scarf*, Squirrel, stone Marten. Fitch, Banm Marten. Itronn fox, K.-d fox, Amber Fox and Wolf. Special* ly priced. Silk Envelopes and Nightgowns The woman of fastldloua taste will appreciate the lingerie gift which evidences exclusiveness and originality of design — Silk Envelopes. 82.95. 83.95. 85.95 l p«*rd Silk Nightgowns 83.95. 85.95. 87.95 l>w«rd* Silk Boudoir Caps, 59<*. SI. 81.95 I’pwnrd' Silk Garters for 59#. 81. 81.95 IpwanU Individual Silk Gannents Costume Slips of roselle silk. In gold, turquoise, rose and white. Nightgowns of crepe meteor, in hlaek and white trlmminga and Costume Slips of all white Individually Triced. Silk Bloomers Without a question the best styled Bloomer we ever had; a special fea ture, giving to the wearer a feeling of unrestricted comfort and ease They come In Treen Silk Jersey and luxurious Flariswah— 80.05. 810.00 Cotton Pajamas Attractively modeled with hand-cross stitching; square and V necks; colors are pink, blue, orchid and white with contrasting colored trimmings — 81.05. 82.10. 82.05. 83.05 Silk Pajamas In the most fascinating oriental rolor combinations— 87.05. 810.05. 811.05 820.50 Nofflty Apron •—OrRnndlr, KnIo, blnck iulrrn. Xrw l.’Alglon Unuhum |lm>> ft—Sowr l*orto ttlmn hnnri mn4f. ■Inpnnr«r I rcp«- Apron*. !Vfw I.* Alp Ion Kmck* of Mor ion’* Flor*l f'rrpr. I ■■.. ■' ■ '■ .. ■ ■' L_ I.atliea' Malda' \ prana. Berrlng •prom and l a^., Malda* I nlform*. IMi Mmlc— lllark and 4.ray. Baleen Apron I r»»« k« — In Black, hrtmn and na%>. —.. ■ . Give Cobb’s Candies for Xmas Canity reputation goes with II insuring Its welcome Hring your Christmas needs to ns Ia>ok over our beautiful aasortmnot of (.lift Packages select Hie proper package for each-leave us the list anil we will attend to deliver} nnd mailing. Gift Boxes—They re Different I'arked with Luscious Chocolates, Hon Hons, Fruits, Assorted Confections; each piece distinctive In goodness; artistically packed and the Mending of color* makes them different from all others; that Is why most people select Cobh’s 1-pound Boxes, 69c, 80c and $1.00 1' 2, 3, 5 lb Boxes, $1 00 a Pound Assorted French Fruits and lion lions, per pound I For Christmas Dinner large Selected Almonds lb. 91.25 l.*rg* Selected recane, lb. .. 91.25 Blanched Filbert*, lb 91.00 Candy Bella, red or white, lb NOr MarahmalloW* in Craatn, aborted flax ore, l»ound HO# Fancy Filled Hard Candida. lb OO# Mi hnil Nut* in Cream, lb 91.00 Chocolate Homan Nougat, lb 91-00 Chocolate IN#p|»frmmt l‘ *. !i HO# Children’s Hats At After Christmas Price Reductions Our entire remaining stock on sale Monday —those remaining unsold, if any, will he offered the day after Christmas at these identical prices. Velour, Crepe, Duvetyne and \ el vet; smartly trimmed with ribbon, ostrich, rosettes and hand em broidery— oh Children's Hats, priced to *1.75, ijow .79c 43 Children's Hats, priced to *3 00, now .81.49 ,, 65 Children's Hats, priced to *5.50. now ... .82.49 17 Children's Hats, priced to **■50. now.S3.49 6 Children's Hats, priced to *16.50, now. 85.49 Adorable Dolls Of every wanted hind and charac ter; Mama Dolls, Walking Dolls Dressed Dolls, Blondes, Brunette* and Red Heads at appealing prices. A Table of Dolls At Lowered Prices included are Rag Dolls. Spark Plug. Dressed Dolls and Shoenhut Indestructible Dolls— 45f*. 95c. 81.95 and Higher Second Floor. Metal Gifts for Library or Living Room I-amps. Smoking Sets. Desk Blot ter and Trays. Candle Holders. Book Ends. Matchholders. Ink Wells. ClgaYe*. Boxes, Incense Holders. De«k Mirrors. Mala Floor Gift Suggestions For Infants and Children Infant*' Mlk Hood a Infant*' Silk knlllfd Hoad* Infant*' Wool Hood* InfMRt*' IIand-Mmif Drraaes Infant*' ( «*hmrrr Sarque* Infaula* Knitted *ar«jue% Infant*' l)ntlted Kimono* 4 Mldrea'* Swratrr Set* 4 hildren'a Sweater* i SnldrctT* I'ur Set* 4 h I Id re n' * Scarf Set* 4 ktldrcV* Knitted 1 oqu« * Gift Suggestions From Fabric Section Blouse or Dress or t ndergsrmeut Pattern from— Printed Crepe dt Chine, 1914 designs. Printed Canton Crei*-s. 19J4 designs. » Radium Silks. Crepe de Chine in Tints. Silk Jersey Vestings, per • ..$1.39 Jap Pongee, yard. 95c Costume Velvets »ard $2.95 Chiffon Velvets. >.'.rd $6.95 Plisse Crepes, sdk and cotton. yard. . 79f 4lMn Voile, yd.. 50c* and $1 Sale of Thread-silk SWEATERS fuvodo. coat and tie-to-side models; colors, navy, purple, j orown, ian. rose, turquoise. ''