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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1923)
Platte County Refuses Taxes ore Than $5,000 Offered hy i Banks on One-Fourth Basis Turned Down. Columbus, Neb., Deo. 6.—During ADV ERT1SEMKNT. 9 Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspir in" have beeh proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds and grippe misery. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost only few cents at any drug store. Each package contains proven directions for Colds and tells how to prepare an Aspirin gargle for sore throat and tonsllltls. the Inst 10 days the Platte county treasurer ha* refused to accept more than $5,000 tendered aa tax payments, although the greater part of It has been offered in gold coin. County Treasurer William Boettcher's refusal is due to the fact that it Is offered by the banks of Platte county, seek ing to pay their personal taxes on the basis of one-fourth of the amounts clialked up against them on the records. Acting on Instructions re ceived from the state board of equal ization, the county tieasurer greeted them with the Information that It was "all or none.” He said he would accept payments on the basis of 100 per cent, but that not until the court orders It will he accept one-fourth and receipt It In full. The /Union Pacific railroad has paid its taxes here in full. The Burlington and the North western have only tendered payment for 75 per cent, since the two roads last year Instituted suits to have their valuations reduced, alleging they were too high In comparison with other property. The case Is still pending In the courts. New $350,5000 Beatrict Hotel to Open January 1 Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 6.—The direc tors of the Beatrice Hotel company announce that the new Paddock hotel will he thrown open to the public on or about January 1, 1924. Some of the furniture and fixtures are being Installed in the building, and all of the storerooms have been rented and are occupied by tenants. The building complete will cost approximately $350,000. . York Pioneer Succumbs. York, Neb., t>ec. 6.—Casper G. Th;uner, S7, pioneer resident of this city, died at his home here. Mr. Thnmer was a veteran of the civil war and a member of the G. A. R. post. He came to York county In 1883. He is survived by four sons, six daughters) 15 grandchildren and thipe great grandchildren. Express Rates Benefit State Nebraska Will Save Thou sands Through Readjust ments by Commission. Lincoln. Dec. 6.—As a result of the readjustment of, express rates ordered by the Interstate Commerce commis sion, the state of Nebraska will bene fit to the extent of many thousands of dollars. Railway Commissioner Brown declared here today. Although the new rates and classi fications will not be uniform In this territory, Mr. Brown said, the de crease will be considerable. In the east, rates will be Increased, Mr. Brown said. Heretofore that ter ritory has had a big advantage over the west. Chairman Taylor of the Nebraska commission was chairman of a com mittee representing the different state bodies, which made a showing be fore the Interstate Commerce com mission In favor of a more equitable adjustment of rates. The Outcome is regarded by the state officials as being ih the main a recognition of their contentions. * Eppley Plans to Retain Fontenelle Management Lincoln, Dec. 6.—Trustee F. B. Baylor of the bankrupt Nebraska Hotel company said today the trustee ship was prepared to continue the management of the hotel properties In the event that Eugene C. Eppley, present leaseholder, failed to renew his bid for them. Mr. Eppley had .been quoted as saying he would not attempt to retain the management, with the exception of the Fontenelle at Omaha. Mr. Eppley's bid for the properties expired today. - Entire Stock of JEWELRY We are moving to the Aquila Court Building and in order to sell our stock AT ONCE we are going to stage the most sensational jewelry bargain event ever attempted in Omaha! Everything in our store MUST BE SOLD. We can’t quibble tbout prices. They’re so low you can’t help but buy! DISCOUNT Do Your Christmas Shopping at This Great Price Slaughter Think what this great sale means for Christmas shoppers. It means that you can make your Christmas dollar do the work of two if you come to this great sale. Remember we MUST VACATE January first and every article MUST be sold. • l Everything Must Go Regardless of Cost Price Cost price doeH not mean a thing to us now. The thing that’s worrying us right now is turning this stock into cash at prices so low you will be glad to help us do it. Do your Christ mas shopping here and save money. Select from the stocks of one of Omaha’s most reliable jewelry firms. Make Your Christmas Dollar Do Double Duty at This Sale \ Louis A. Borsheim 117 So. 16th J A. 3648 I Poi'ket Editions of Comedians tit Theater Two pocket editions of the princi pals in the show aro hack stage at the Gayety theater this week. Shan non and Deeming, juniors, sit back stage In their gocarts very interested in all tlie tilings that go on about them as (heir respective fathers, Harry Shannon and Artie Deeming, go through their performance in "Hip pity Hop.” They clap and coo their approval as the play goes on. John Thomas Shannon, who is 19 months old, isn't such a small edi tion as Arthur Deeming, 5 months. John Thomas .weighs 33 pounds, for he has been on his father's dairy farm at Sturgeon Bay, Wls., before starting on his tour three weeks ago. He mimics everyone and is learning many things from the actors about him. Arthur Deeming Is a tiny baby, whose mother is also appearing? in Ihe show. The dressing room is his home. A real Christmas party Is planned for the babies. The company will be ip Detroit during the holidays, where Santa Claus is expected to call overloaded with gifts for the pets of the entire cast. "Irish Eyes of Love,'* "Laddie Buck O* Mine" and "A Broth of a Boy" are three songs that have added much to the undis puted away of Ohauncey Olcott in the realm of stage favorites. All these rlng Ine ballads occur In Mr. Olcott’a most pop ular play. "The Heart of Paddy Whltck,” and this enjoyable presentation has bpen selected for the dlstlnguiihed actor singer’s first tour under the management of the gelwyns appearing at tne Brandeis tonlcht and tomorrow, matinee and night. For this occasion the management has assembled the original cast of "Paddy Whack.” Including such well remembered Olcott players as Wllla FYedrlc. Kalman Matus, < 'harles E. Verner. Richard Qullter* Helen Gurney. Ella Rock. Nina Saville. James Marr and Francla Connors. An augmented orchestra la carried by Mr. Ol STORE-WIDE C-L-E-A-R-A-N-C-E It’s our January clearance with January reductions on all Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses and Sweaters. Watch windows d\ily. BENO’S of Council Bluffs Says to You: —Because our merchan dise is selected with as much care as in any store, we always show pleasing assortments. —Practically every good nationally advertised product usually carried by department stores is shown here. —We mark fine things at a low margin of profit—that's why you ought to visit us for your needs. “Come on Over” A Splendid Store for All Your Neede Store hours 8 to 6 each day. “Hell’s Hole’ TOMORROW “The Man From filengary** from iKo olorj by RALPH CONNOR N N . O O W W A story of flaming passion DOROTHY DALTOH Theodore Koslofl, Tully Marshall —in— “The law of the Lawless" It's Dorothy Dalton's graatast colt to lend the necessary spirit to th# rendition of the famous hallada. The w»»k start Inr tomorrow matinee at the Gnyety will be known as Jubilee Week In celebration of the return of the Inimitable Hebrew comedian Abe Rey nolds, to Columbia burlfeli after an ab sence of three nenson* He will appear In Bubble Bubble a show that ia mad* Up of real burlesque a* enea—lrave*ti*a on homely topics, on matter* and things that are alireii from lift These are baa* <1 M the "dollor down and dollar a week" system of furnishing a home. William E Browning figures as a one-man col lector who strips the “home” of Abe Reynold*—-takes the st 'ak off the table, the silver tiom the lianda of tl)c diner* and Jerks the rug* from under the feet of the newlywed* who are living bevond their meats. “Hlppity-Hop" closes Its run with today’* two performances. A poor, lowly worm Is “Hector Wimp" in the musical play “Keep Smiling." which the Grave* Bros. Player* offer for their new bill starting* tomorrow. “Keep Smiling" is a musical farce of the beat i lass snd marks the fourth week of th* present company who are growing In popularity with each succeeding bill Harry Morey and Maty Astor In “The Rapids’’ and the fifth ’Fighting Blood" story are the screen feature*. With an organisation of 10 star art lata. Including Billy Adame, funmaker, "The band of Tango” headlines the new va riety bill at the World theater etarting tomorrow. Robinson and Pierce have an absurdity called "No More Saloon*." Art Hail and Nate Shapiro offer one of vaudeville's biggest hit*. "How Hoe* She Do It?” Monroe and Gratton Introduce taugha In their aong and dance playlet. “The Girl Next Door.” El Cota ia a master of the xylophone. Samaroff and Sonia offer “A Bit of Old Russia." Ar thur Hays plays "Mamma Goes Where Pupa Goes." ".1 uat Dike a Women" la the principal photoplay feature. Beaton’s 2 for 1 Sale NOW Going On Take Advantage of This Unusual Opportunity I Can a Womaa Liva iDoarn^FaatT^^^^^^ A Parltcllf Caat Pktam BLANCHE SWEET WILLIAM RUSSELL • CHIEF BLUE CLOUD and Hia • INDIAN SYNCOPATOA3 WILL ROGERS la "UNCENSORED MOVIES" -1 TONIGHT 5 _I Saturday Mat lore is Chauncey Olcotf The Hurt •! Paddy Wbaak HEAR OLCUTT'S NEW SONGS . Ev'nia. 50c to >2.00; Mat.. BOc ta tl-30 4 Nights Com. Next Sunday Seats Now Selling First Tima In Omaha * America's Greatest Annual Rerun GBEENWKHmUfiE FOLLIES A VIVID ALL-STAR COMPANY OF St Direct From Apollo Theater, Chicago M Weeks at Shsshert. Ness Yeah LOWER FLOOR. If BAL.. Il.tS. 12 00. 12.50. 2nd BALCONY. $1.00. sow ri,ATi*<i-i.»A ui «m BENNY LEONARD Tka niMttat Miktarlikt Ckaa alaa tka WarM Haa Enr Kaaaa ta a Kaaaa Praaa Hla Saw Tatk _W’lwtor Hardow Kaaraaa MIL HYMACK HIMinS A BLOSSOM j FRANK VAN HOVEH I “THE MAP HAOICIAH" PIXIE Font JKA* MIPPLET07T HERMAN TIMBERG and j “IlHOTHKB SAMMY” ta “MTTU SIT»“ > rahlaa—Taptaa—fa tka E»at *.,« w**k-IRKSE IHASKLP aAai a J<rr>a Omaka'a Fua Oatat ^GyC(y Mat. .ad Nlta Today Hirry thinrtn «■! Artla l nwmy hippih nor" - 'LIZA sS MIFFlir Mil" Tbt Epitome of Colored Art lot • Ladle*' 2Sc Bargain Mat .. Si IB Wk. Day* ™c* START SATURDAY MAT. JUBILEE WEEK I* Celebration of the Return to Columbia Rtirlesh of the Inimitable tlsbiew Comedian ABEREYNOLDS .‘.■J™ K.-iimi >111111" Just as Presented at the Columbia Theater. Times Sq., New Yarh City SEATS HELLING Ne Increase; Gayety's Modest Prices Pisvail ^NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS GRAND.IStb and Binaey WESLEY BARRY in "HEROES Or THE STREET” It s tha fellow who doea It differently who ge ■ rf unity with It nowadays At leant this la true m vaudeville Frank van Hoven la a living •■i«inpif of this Van Is at the Orpheum. "doing it differ ently.- this week He started out as n magic-inn. and waa a good one—but there are score* of good magician* ao to dif ferential e himself. Van Hoven decided tot be the. worst magician on earth—and he won. "I started In doing tricks badly." ha explained recently, "and that made folk? laugh Bvery time I missed a got a loud guffaw I saw what it maant -—that if I made a foolish break I could win attention. Wo I decided to do nothing but bad work. I muffed every trick. 1 added a line of nonsense talk to mv work. Instend of working in alienee and I found that helped. More and more. T went In for nonaensa—*nut stuff* we call It And more and more my salary went up.” Omaha m the 12th city In America •to inspect the fourth annua! edition of of the gay and vivid Greenwich Village Follies, coming to the Brandela Sunday for four night* of spectacular song %nd dance and antic hilarity. Thin revue opened at the Shubert theater In New York one year ago last September, and for 36 weeks was an outstanding hit at that theater Following this engagement It. played five-weak engagements in Bos ton and Philadelphia,* respectively. This season it has played Cleveland. Detroit, c’hlcago. Dayton. Columbus. St. Louis. Indianapolis and Kanyas City In that order The current “Follies" Is conceded bv the critical proas of the cities men tioned to be the moat noteworthy show In the aeries of Village revues devised and staged by John Murray Ander on After Its (Tinana engagement It plays Lies Moines, 8t. Paul, Mlnn-apolla, Milwaukee. Cincinnati, Buffalo, Toronto and Pitta-' burgh In that order. Bru*li Along Roadniflt* Ciuhw Auto Sma»hup Wymore, Neb., Dec. •>.—Lloyit i men. Liberty farmer, sustained three broken ribs and severe hod.v broken w lien his automobile collided with an auto driven by James Nelson of Lib* c-rty. Trees snd brush along the roadside interfvied with the view. Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Cut or in has been In use for over 30 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no' narcotics. Proven directions are on each package. Physicians everywhere | recommend It. The kind you have always bought bears signature of -r r# - ■' ■» n’wmrwm Another Hit at "The Theatre of Hit*" Starting Sunday - ' —■■■■■■ ■ 1 ■ COMING SUN ATTRACTIONS BABY PEGGY in Hnr Fir«t Bij Production “The Darling of New York” Elinor Clyn't “SIX DAYS” “DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS” 1..—. I “The Sun Has the Picture' V i udeville—Photoplay* frprnyg Announce* a Bill That for Comedy and Entertaining Qualities CHALLENGES COMPARISON With Anything Offered in Omaha Regardless of AdmissiSa Price! STARTING TOMORROW The Wonder Novelty of the “Landof Tango” A South American Fantasy With Yankee Pep and Comedy. —Cast of Ten— ADDED FUN FEATURES ROBINSON and PIERCE in “No Morn Snloonn” HALL 0 SHAPIRO How Does He Stand It?’ The BJg Supporting Bill MORROEMMTTOH SAMAROFF t IONIA El COTA ARTRRR NAYS Exclusive Screen Feature MAR61ERITE DE LA MOTTE Km “Just Like a Woman” With Gearge Fawcett and Ralph Graves ossa ay bi.tLMO” TOMORROW *‘Th« EUrnat Thr—M _JL STARTING TOMORROW THE SIDE-SPLITTING STAGE STORY OF ONE “HECTOR . WIMP” Whose highest ambition was to play the * harmonica and who was so bashful that reading a corset ad made him color up like a boiled lobster! IT’S THt ' COMEDY RIOT OF THE SEASON 4 SHOWS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2 rOO—4:20—6:50—9:15 Continuous From 1 :00 P. M. GRAVES BROS. PLAYERS Offer the new farce comedy with music, “K P SM NG” With Roy Kinslow as "Hector Wimp" and cast of 28 favorite*. SCREEN ATTRACTIONS. HARRY MOREY MARY ASTOR In a Great Adventure Romance “THE RAPIDS” 5TH ROUND—NEW SERIES "FIGHTING BLOOD" ^ TH«y -Vamping along” tary Cali up your best girl right now and make a date for Sunday. Then take her to see LITTLE Old NEW YORK An exquisite love story of Young America Festering MARION DAVIES A» a »ws*t Colleen who maasuer adet a* a Roy and get* away with it. HARRISON FORD GYPSY O’BRIEN MONTAGUE LOVE head the cast SUNDAY AT THE W di I |y I ■" 1 ■