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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1923)
President Favors Early Revision of Freight Rates on -- _ _ ____* Farm Products -Puts Home Affairs 0 Above All , • Message to Congress Favors Tax Cut, Opposes Bonus— Against Price Fixing—for 1 Stricter Immigration Laws. Lays Out Big Program — By Associated Pres*. Washington, Dec. 6.—The text of President Coolidge'g annual message to congress, delivered today, follows: Since the close of the last congress the nation has lost-President Hard ing. The world knew his kindness and his humanity, his greatness and his character. He has left his mark upon history. He has made justice more certain and peace more secure. The surpassing tribute paid to his memory as he was borne across the continent to rest at last at home re vealed the place he held In the hearts of the American people. But this is not the occasion for ex tended reference to the man or his work. In this presence, among those who knew and loved him, that is un necessary. But we who were asso ciated with him could not resume to gether the functions of our office' without pausing for a moment, and In ^J®s memory reconsecrating ourselves *^^to the service of our country. He is gone. We remain. It is our duty, under the Inspiration of his example, to take up the burdens which he was permitted to lay down, and to de velop and support the wise princi ples of government which he repre sented. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. For us peace relgus everywhere. We desire to perpetuate it always by granting full justice to others and requiring of others full .histice to our selves. Our country has one cardinal prin ciple to maintain in its foreign policy. It is an American principle. It must l>e an American policy. We attend to our own affairs, conserve our own strength, and protect the interests of our own citizens; but we recognize thoroughly our obligation to help oth ers, reserving to tfie decision of our own judgment the time, the place, and the method. We realize the com mon bond of humanity. We know the inescapable law of service. Our country has definitely refused to adopt and ratify the covenant of the league oik nations. We have not jfelt warranted In assuming the re sponsibilities which Its members have 'assumed. I am not proposing any change in this policy; neither is the senate. The incident, so far as we are concerned, is closed. The league exists as a foreign agency. We hope It will be helpful. But the United States sees no reason to limit its own freedom and independence of ac tion by joining it. We shall do well to recognize this basic fact in all na tional affairs and govern ourselves accordingly. WORM) COURT. Our foreign policy has always been guided by two principle*. The one is the avoidance of permanent political alliances which would sacrifice our proper independence. The other iS the pea*c*ful settlement of contro versies between nations. By example and by treaty we have advocated ar bitration. For nearly 2f> years we have been a member ot The Hague tribunal, and have long sought the creation of a permanent world court of justice. I am iji full accord with both of these policies. I favor the establishment of such a court In tended to include the whole world. That is, and has long been, an Amer ican policy. Pending before the senate <s a pro posal that this governmnei give its support to the permanent court of international Justice, which is a new and somewhat different plan. This Is not a partisan question. It should not assume an artificial Importance. The court is merely a coavenlent in strument of adjustment to which we could go, but to which we could not be brought. It should be discussed with entire candor not by a political but by a judicial method, without pressure and without prejudice. Partisanship has no place In our foreign relations. As I wish to see a court established, and as the proposal present the only practical plan on which many na tions have ever agreed, though it may not meet every desire, I therefore commend It to the favorable consid eration of the senate, with the pro posed reservations clearly indicating our refusal to adhere to the league of nations. RUSSIA. Our diplomatic relations, lately so largely interrupted, are now being resumed, but Russia presents notable difficulties. We have every desire to see that great people, who are our traditional friends, restored to their position among the nations of the earth. We hnve relieved their piti able destitution with an enormous charity. Our government offers no objection to the carrying on of com merce by our citizens with the peo ple of Russia. Our government does not propose, however, to enter into relations with another regime which refuses to recognize the sanctity of International obligations. I do not propose to barter away for the privi lege of trade any of the cherished rights of humanity. I do not pro pose to make merchandise of any American principles. These rights and principles must go wherever the sanc tions of otir government go. But while the favor of America is not for sale, I am willing to make very large concessions for the pur pose of rescuing the people of Rus sia. Already encouraging evidences of returning to the ancient ways of society can be detected. But more are needed. Whenever there appears any disposition to compensate our citi zens who were despoiled, and to rec ognize that debt contracted with our government, not by the czar, Jbut by the newly formed republic of Russia; whenever the active spirit of enmity to our institutions is abated; whenever there appear works mete for repent ance; our country ought to be the first to go to the economic and moral rescue of Russia. We have every de sire to help and no desire to injure. We hope the time is near at hand when we can act. DEBTS. The current debt and interest due from foreign governments, exclusive of the British debt of $4,600,000,000 Is about $7,200,000,000. I do not favor the cancellation of this debt, but I see no objection to adjusting it in accord ance with the principle adopted for the British debt. Our country would not wish to assume the role of an i pressive creditor, but would maintain the principle that financial obliga tions between nations are likewise moral obligations which international faith and honor require should be discharged. Our government has a liquidation claim against Germany for the ex pense of the army of occupation of over $255,000,000. Besides this, the mixed claims commission have be fore them about 12.500 claims of American citizens, aggregating abopt $1,225,000,000. These claims have al ready been reduced by a recent de cision. but there are valid claims reaching well toward $500,000,000. Our thousands of citizens with credits due them of hundreds of millions of dollars have no redress save In the action of our government. These are very substantial interests, which it is the duty of our government to pro tect as best it can. That course I propose to pursue. It is for these reasons that we have a direct interest in the economic re covery of Kurope. They are en larged by our desire for the stability of civilization and the welfare of hu manity. That we are making sacri fices to that end none can deny. Our deferred Interest alone amounts to $1,000,000 every day. But recently we offered to aid with our advice and counsel. We have reiterated our de sire to see France paid and Germany revived. W'e have proposed disarma ment. We have earnestly sought to compose differences and restore peace. We shell persevere In well-doing, not by force, but by reason. FORKIGN PAPERS. Under the law the papere pertain ing to foreign relations to be printed are transmitted as a part of this mes sage. Other volumes of these papers will follow. FORKIGN SERVICE. The foreign service of our govern ment needs to be reorganized atjfl Im proved. FISCAL CONDITION. Our main problems are domestic problems. Financlall stability is the first requisite of sound government. We can not escape the effect of world conditions. We can not avoid the Inevitable results of the economic disorders which have reached all na tions. But we shall diminish their harm to us In proportion as we con tinue to restore our government finances to a secure and endurable position. This we can and must do. Upon that firm foundation rests the only hope of progress and prosperity. From that source must come relief for the people. This is being accomplished by a ^ Put Kodak on the gift list Beginning with the first picture on Christmas morn ing, Kodak is a constant reminder of the pleasure you gave. As this store is given over to photographic sup plies exclusively, our sales men are able to specialize in their subject. In select ing a camera you will find their advice and suggestions well worth while. Kodak and Gradex Cameras of every style and equipment alvuays in stock. < Eastman Kodak Co. *— - .— > Absolutely Pure Imported POMPEIAN (HIVE OIL Only 16 More Shopping Days Before Christmas ,Toys! Toys! Toys! | Make the Kiddies Happy by Giving Them the Playthings That Delight Their Little. Hearts. We Have Every Kind of Toy Imaginable in Our Eighth Floor Toy Dept, and You Are Invited to . Visit, Even Though You Do Not Buy. Motor Race Game . The Great Motor Race Game—Made of metal; has six metal autos and spinner on reverse side; beautiful checker board; fun for the old as well as the young; regularly 1.00; spa- A Q dally priced, each. “tJ/V 20-Inch Mama Doll Beautiful 20-Inch Mama Doll —Hard leg* that can be washed, pretty bobbed hair, eyea that open and close; lovely blue and yellow lawn dresses; patent leather shoes and dainty stockings: regularly 6.00; ft Oil special at, each, Daisy Pop Guns Daisy Pop Gun*—Shoots a cork with a terrific bang; a toy that delights the older child aa well aa the younger one; regularly 50c; GP apeclal at, each, China Tea Sets Beautiful Floral Design China Tea Set—Six cups and saucers, tea pot, augar and creamer; the little mother will be delighted with this lovely w ng set; regularly 2.50, Dominos, Checkers I Dominos, Checkers — Single Hizes at.. .25# Double 9 ..1.00 Double 12 .1.25 Fiber Doll Cabs I These wonderful woven fiber doll cabe come In blue, brown and Ivory; 2 feet, 3 inches long, large enough for large mama dolls; specially 1 A AA priced, at, each, lUeW Cook Stoves w Every little girl want* a atove to cook ilolly’a meata; tin atovea with four cooking uteualla; OC* apeclally priced, each, tJUV Steel Rangee—With ahelf, caat Iron cooking utenalla; ape- 1 OC dally priced at, each, A »m**J Steel Runabout Solid steel runabouts, IS Inches long; painted Cadillac blue, Silent Knight motor; non-skid rubber tires, disk wheels with extra wheel on back; specially priced A PA for this selling, each, AsOU *e China Tea Sets China Tea Sets—Three cups, three saucers, creamer and sugar; tea pot 6<4 inches high; 3«4-lnch saucers; -a | Q 2-lncn cups, decorated In pretty floral designs, at 1 • 1 ag Old 666 Old 666, the great big red engine, li'fc feet long; heavy drive wheels; made entirely of steel; the Urgent engine of It* kind on the market; *trong enough for a child to n AA ride on; specially priced for this selling at, each, W Elahth Floor Little Miss Muffet Little Mite Muffet—Haa bobbed hair, pretty crepe dree*, bonnet to match; ahe walka, aha talke and oh, A nn how you will love her; at. ‘feVrU Meoanno Meccano No. 1 set. you chii build about RO working models; O AA special al. per set, J«Uv No. 2 Set Meccano. 6.00 No. 3 Meccano, special 0.00 l-arger alius up to-20.00 drastic but orderly retrenchment, which Is bringing our expenses with in our means. The origin of this has been the determination of the Amer lean people, tho main support has been the courage of those in author ity, and the effective method has been the budget system. The result has Involved real sacrifice by depart ment heads, hut it has been made without flinching. This system la a (Turn Ur rage >’tn«. folema One) BEE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Friday—Christmas Offerings are Plentiful in Every Department in This Big Store TChristmas Suggestions for Baby^ No better time for shopping than right now. Winter stocks are complete in every detail and our department is alivd with lovely things. 2V Infants’ Sacques—Many hand-knit and imported, with sleeves or in nightingale style, made very at tractive with satin ribbons, embroi dery and fluffy edgings; the dain tiest gift for baby; “I A Q special, Beacon Wrapping Blankets—Warm and a very good weight, size 36x50 inches and shown in pink or blue with nursery designs in white; make delightful and prac- 1 OQ tical gifts; special, l.sKJ Imported Hand Knit Dresses A long-waisted slipover model with a clever vestee, turndown collar and full skirt; white 1vith insets of pink or blue and narrow cro cheted finish to match; sizes infants to 2 years; O OC special, k Hand-Knit Dresses—Another style with hand-crocheted buttons, nar row edges and a touch of hand em broidery; all colors and color com binations; pretty styles for 1 £A baby; priced, Infants' Handmade Dresses—Very dainty, but plain Finished neck and sleeves with nar row lace edge and French knots; make charming everyday dresses and the material is a fine nainsook which laun- 1 (“Q ders perfectly; sizes 0 to 2 years; AetJas special, Infants’ Two-Piece Toilet Sets are gifts for the shower or Christmas. Brush w'ith fine bristles and a double faced comb, dainty flower *7C designs in colors; special, I civ Third Floor—East Imported Rattles—Novelty shapes of animals, human characters and Mother Goose characters, a wonder ful assortment to choose OF from; special at £t#v _ . A Art Specials Lily Bowl*—Of Japanese pottery with insets for holding artificial or natural flowers; brown and green coloring; tastefully oma- CA — mented; 6 Vi-inch size, aJwl* 8 Vi-inch size.1.00 11-inch size .2.00 Round and Oral Bamboo Fruit Basket* —Substantial and attractive; large round handle*; QC» t0 1 OE three aizes, OOC 1 Third Floor—West Women’s Hosiery Wom’i Silk Hosiery—All first qual ity; suitable for gifts; heavy, medium and chiffon weights; plain j high %nd pointex heels; i out sizes; plain andf clox; black, brown, ^ beige and gray; regu lar sizes in all the wanted popular shoe shades; all are good standard makes; all silk and silk lisle tops; Tm 1.95 Fine Thread Silk—All are first qual ity; pure thread silk, with fine soft lisle tops; reinforced tops and feet; come in black, wood, gray, otter, nude, beige, sand, cocoa and brown; 2.00 values, | OQ special, 1*05/ Fine Soft Warm Wool and Silk and Wool Hose—Plain and with contrasting clox; warm lovely shades in combina tions of heathers; also black, sand, gray, brown: sixes from 8H 1 Oft to 10 ft ; special, * Main Floor—North Lovely Lingerie A Big Sale of 500 Sample Garments Silk Lingerie (lightly (oiled from handling but theaa are of good qual ity material!. Will Ituiidtr well and be just at good at new; tare H to H on the follow* ing desirable item*: Gowns, Chemise, Step-Ins, Bloomers, Step In Sets, Two-Piece Pajamas, Bed Jackets and Princess Slips—Of heavy crepe de chine and silk radium; displays tailored and fancy models with lace trimming. The styles are sufficiently varied to make se lection of one of personal preference; in all the new soft shades; extra sizes are in cluded in this lot; spe- 1 QO Q QO ciallv priced for selling, to *)•*/O I A Moat Exceptional Offering in Gown*—Large assortment of the newest models; made in dif ferent novelty fabrics, Ray batiste, Fil-Tare French dimity; all of them have silk French rose buds and beautiful two-toned ribbons to match; V, round and square neck; flesh, orchid, honey dew, light blue; special sizes, 15, O PQ 16 and 17; specially priced, “ •***' Lovely Chemises —Of Ray batiste, Fil-Tare and French dimity; new and durable fabrics trimmed with the finest laces and silk rose buds; all the new wanted shades. These garments are ideally suit able for the young woman; O OQ specially priced. fceOU Third Floor—Center Long Suede Fabric Gloves 16-button length; come in brown, beaver, mode, covert, heavy embroid ered backs; our direct importations; $2.00 qual ity; special, per pair, 1.50 Main Floor—North Toilet Specials Military Brushes—Set in alumi num back, ebony finish, ‘white or black bristle; O QQ special, 0 Men’s Three-Piece Set — Lilac .Vegetale shampoo and QQ Quinine Tonic, alt for jOC Melba Manicure Set Miniature size at Nickel-Plated Shaving Stand— Extension style, 6-inch; mirror, cup and brush; all for only Three-Piece White Ivory Set—In nicely lined box; brush, comb and mirror, Du Barry A QQ style, 4.JO A'ovelty Toilet Water—Put up in glass bottle; when empty JQ suitable for rosebud vase, Main Floor—West Medium Weight Union Suits Kay Mr Marvelfit and Other Makes of Women’s Medium Weight Union Suits—They come in heavy and medium weight lisle; some have cotton silk stripes; bodice or band top; ankle or knee length; all reinforced, which insures excellent wear; flesh or full bleached; regu larly 1.75 to 2.25; regular and extra sizes; 1 OP special, Third Floor—Coator Buy Ties for Christmas 4 a 4 Q All fine art silk knits in a wide range ill 400 of nice patterns, heather mixtures or plain shades; the silk ties are new attractive patterns, made with slip-easy band, safety pinned at ends. A a * fl/"! are most unusual. The knits are X ovr vl hand-framed of our own importation, also plain shades in either narrow or wide sleeves in pure silks. Main Floor—Soutk Christmas Suggestions in Jewelry and Beaded Bags Beads The Desirable Gift We have a most complete assortment of cut , crystal beads in beautiful combinations, 36 inches long with extra full tassels; O OQ special, dbsOJJ Men’s Pocket Knives—Ih green gold and silver in engraved or engine turned, with < OP two blades; special, X sfcO Men's Gold-Filled Watch Chains -In green gold and romhlnation; good assortment of 1 QO links; special, X sa/O Spanish Combs--In stone set novelty styles; white, shell, amber and many colors; | QO nil stone set; 4.00 \alue, X saeO Main Flo New Drawstring Beaded Bags—In bright, shiny beads with four rows of loops, all lined, in blue, O OQ red, green and combinations; special, Leather Handbags—In pouch style, all genuine leather, in black, brown, tan, gray; all silk lined and nicely fitted,-'' 2.95 Manicure Seta—In boxes. These are imported. In pretty colors, red. Rreen and black; sets contain six and eiKht pieces, in a velvet lined box; special 3.98 »r—Eait