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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1923)
Martha Allen PROBLEMS THAT PERPLEX. “What la happiness?" asks Joan In her letter, and adds, “I haven't been able to find it.” Perhaps this girl, like a good many other*, hasn t yet realized that there is no happi ness In having or in getting, but only in giving. Happiness is attained by full use of powers in unselfish service. It doesn't seem to be found In the possession of something. Of course, some measure happiness by various things they seek. One girl might long for luxury In the way of beautiful clothes and yet another find real joy In the .artistic things about her such as the drama or music. Joan, you'll have to decide lust what is going to satisfy you in this life and go after it. When you get what you’re after then you will tlnd happiness in one way, the happiness of achievement. But if you have already found what you sought and are still unhappy then begin to look around you. Others may be striving for something and If you ran help them to their goal you will prob ably find happiness. There are so many roads to happi ness it is hard to name them. Place others' wishes above yours and you may And what you arc seeking. The basis of happiness is usually in a satisfaction of higher intellectual kind. Happiness In viewed from some worthy consideration or satisfaction. THE NEBBS— WHERE. IGNORANCE IS BLISS. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hew ^NES THE FOLKS ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT) THE PARTY - MY FATHER-IN-LAW THINKS \ DADDY IS THL FUNNIEST MAN HE EVER MET—HE LAUGHS EVERY TIME RETHINKS nr HOW HE WALKED AROUND PEEKING J THROUGH THE SCISSORS HANDLES p IMITATING THE MAYOR'S WIFE / ---1—ifflllllllllllinitiT /g-7 _ fl WAS SO PROUD Of DAO ! HE WAS] (SO AT EASE AND AT HOME - S MOS. ALLEN ISGWlNG APARTVSOON AND SHE ISGOVNG TOIN^TE VOU J AND DAD AND SHE HOPES NOU \ WILL COME BECAUSE SHE J DOESN'T "THINVC \T WILL BE A jS 1 paww without h>m jj=T >H«H. »»T1. *■* Hrl> ■v/EN'S SAKE^DONtJ] 5,^° &Tc£J WHEN HE'S UNjl icaqqs °r tT -> r (O.A G»,0j.Sor4. Barney Google and Spark Plug SPARKY MAY BE DOWN, BUT HE ISN’T OUT. Drawn for Th. Omah.B« by Billy DeBecU /TZ.'. .TV.C *N ST LOUIS YOU OAfO\ JJ tAA/ A., \ GET « SO OOO To A dime) betting on i that ■spark PiuC-i \wont ) The cross - <3fr To Chicago by j ^COUNTRY RAeE’J SATURDAY S y-j / I BET A <S»UY FRO^ t OMAHA THAT 'His MAJESTY | \ '«JOOlD COME THROUGH ' _—FOIST . EYBM AAQNEY^ \ A HEELYOU love SYlU / To TOUCH ' HAS A ‘S.^ L GOOD CHANCE To COP )r2^'NfM H,s V ASK Bill BRONS tEH^NO IN HS \ HE 5 Got The J \. UD'1LC 3l,MPe‘>/ N _^DCP " VJWAT else W »T say - No MATTAH HOI*, ^ UOES THE FftST SPAHK PLUG TRAVELS NOVkl paper say vie Cam meVah ketch up pjif , QOyt?»J 06 OODAW HC.SSES • OUT IM ^ —/ ST LOUIS OS OOPS is fifty ^/-~ “ - ^ I D*MS — ^ Cot>yri«kt. 1923. by Kin* FntarM Synd>c*tm imc. lZ’ ^ BRINGING UP FATHER— U. S. Patent Office _ __ — , ■ —■ . mm ■ - 'V ■ j SEE J1GCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus (Copyright. lltt) " |T'S> NO OtjE • * AN'T OTANO IT ANT LONGER - I'M COMMA JUMP OFF THE COCK • I'LL ([" LEAVE THI^j NOTE ON THE . ta&le for mac,c,ie * I r* ] CAN’T t>TANO ISEIN poor another OA-fiJn HOW'b A CUV CONNA JUMP OFF A OOCK WITH ALL that NOIt>E COIN' r -C^ HELLO COME ON'C'T IH THE C»A.ME _ _ ^ WHAT ' ALL. j TH1^° S - JERR't'b COT l A> joe* watchman on THlt> OOCK I ©l»23 «Y IWT L ftATVJWC «Q»V»C«. IWC. t>AY'CAOEY RUN OVER TO MY HOOtE ANO AKE THAT NCTE OFF MY_ JERKY ON THE JOB _just an oversight_ Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban K'odvright. lt:t » v.0. $ Swhev .8so Sbinvi r*omt St h C'"»V DEAR. mr Q'mmEv » CObOM A>J3 , DaRAGRaPh SimCE MOi \MAS StRiCttEM ^ OO'.'IM \M'TH ■TUE ORE AO 'lOGOES OM "THE p o^aoES’’ Comma * /vte Ri&sBh has v" ASSUMED Co MM AMO 0t\ MOuR. CailROAO AmD I E\^RSTTH>MQ \S ^ ASTr.C ) * \NWiLE rr lS TTiue ~TU«T BuSNESS AlWT MO ^§j| Setter tuamtwe law allowl' . wE kh>e '*0 Jg Sell a Couple at “c>c*rrs "Tomorrow to a /rri Bros amo groom,PER'OO*new Paragraph y So^Ovi Caw SteE that * '"tVERES mo R&aSOW Tor voo to worry asj the Place »s Got ns y Along AS usual. J PeuioPy—'7 - [ MouS. ■ L Spwamt etc-J V-IOUU. AmS "10 O'CTAft, ' t*Arr LETTER. AGaw * 1 y S Pott&Ot -To Pot TUE p VS- Paper, \ntwe 00** _ It iii up to the individual to find It. Happiness cannot be passed to you on a silver plate. You have to work for it and reach high while you're working. I*; You are very foollah to let lack of Interest in your school work keep you from graduating in the spring. If you get good marks when you study let your pride keep you going instead of studying only at in tervals. Never give up when you are so near the goal. It is impossible to tell you how to become interested In your work. , That is something you can do if you'll Just realize that in later years you’ll thank yourself for getting yoOr diploma. You may need that piece of paper to exhibit when you want a certain job. Worried: Silver for the dinner par ty depends upon what food you plan to serve. A dessert fork is placed on the table with all the other silver to be used. Question of bread and but ter plates or small butter dishes Is a matter of choice. Adele Garrison “My Husband’* Love” Madge Was Not Sure What OiQftln terview Accomplished. I had a distinct qualm of uneasi ness as I hurled at Dicky the in ference that Alfred's car had been wrecked on a Joy ride in which ®e, Alfred. Bess Dean and some other girl had been participants. From many little things which I saw and heard at the Durkee home, I was rea sonably certain that Bess, Alfred and Dicky shared the knowledge of the car "laid up for repairs,” in Alfred's mild phraseology, but my words, ■'and the other charmer” had been pure invention, and behind my mask of apparent anger I watched Dicky narrowly for the effect of the accusa tion. Instantly, however, X saw that the wild arrow had struck home. For a second h^ forgot even to be angry in his absolute amazement. "What the-" he stammered, "How did-” "I know that?” X finished sweetly. “My dear Dicky, consider! Would you have me betray a confidence?" ‘‘Bess'” he exclaimed as if in sud den enlightenment, then bit back the word and tried to cover it by a crack ling volley of abjurgatlons. But it had been uttered, and I permitted myself a mental chuckle. I would be no match for Dicky in a battle of wits for which he was prepared, but I had taken him off his guard, and that, with an uneasy conscience, had put him at a distinct disadvantage. K suited me perfectly, however, to have him believe that Bess Dean had told me of the escapade, even while pre tending to him and Alfred that my knowledge would mean Leila's. I had a distinct memory of a warning I had overheard my former colleague give Alfred. It was no part of my* plan, how ever. to give Dicky any tlrtfe to rally his deductive powers. I meant to keep the game in my hands as long as possible. "The source of my information isn't important,” I said loftily. “Neither, to me, is the fact that you were present upon the expedition which left the car in a Farmingdale garage, or was it an Amltyville one? Alfred had It located in both places, when he was trying to give ms a plausible reason for the car's absence. Oenerator trouble, I believe he said. I am passing these facts on to you in order to save you the trouble of in venting new ones.” The volley of shrapnel broke over my bead again, but I paid no atten tion to it. “But there is one thing of vital im portance,” I continued in even, emo tionless tones, “and that is L<ei!a’s peace of mind. Dr. Bralthwaite evi dently considers that her condition, physical and nervous, demands the utmost care. His request that I tell him everything I knew concerning things which might have affected her was virtually a command. That Leila's happiness is being affected by Bess Deans pursuit of Alfred is evi dent to everybody except two such blind bats as you and Alfred—I am giving you both the benfit of the be lief that you would not willingly wound her—and I had no hesitancy in telling him all I knew or suspected concerning that girl's maneuvers!. “I suppose Alfred is as furious at file for the revelation as you are. if. as I suppose, you have told him that 1 am responsible for Dr. Braithwaite's knowledge But for that I do not care, any more than I care for your anger, or Bess Dean s rage when she finds out, as she eoon must, that 1 have blocked her little game, fty after your brother in law gels through with Me and Mine I .— ■ 1 By fyiggs VsM f\~r Tirvte. /*" * ’N H/SV/S You LET Mt (SeoRfiE *? MV 3woui You 5C6Mi 3CMCTHIN6 / To --/ ^ 3ToPPep - j ) "1h6«c'.S A WATch That -s 0G£w Go»nJ(» for Ten Ye*«.«» w'Tnoot SToPPirJO AMD WlTHOof A foR rgPavRS WELL. - vSAV |.(STEv( There'S a waTch mT OLD GRAND - Daddv omce. owwed AnD Good as even.* ) i VA/Oour>N' « TRADie ) iT poR- Th*- BEST (?(u£ MADE Toe*/ y - /\-- r -' j)o You /now This WATCH DOESN'T VARY - * Two minutes a Year.. The most rceu/aBle , T}nis- KeePcft. Y'ever. did -see - - LOOK AT The BeAUTiFOL case /^\--— f WCu. I LL. Be bOGGOf^Eb \ if he Coesw t take / ThC CAK£ R>P 8ftA<s6<M6 I |F IT ISN'T owe TwifOG V ITS ANOTHER_/ r *•**•»•*. ims, m. r. t*i»m u«. ’ Frank |S am avajPuL. BRAGGART V. tP IT WASN'T FOP. That HE\D BE A I To«-eRAB(.e. ECLL.CAM - • » I HC 5 A'l t _. ABIE THE AGENT_Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Some People Really Believe In Signs. f WOO, THVS winy « WEATHER SROULO^ PosaTioel'pe vjooo Tor my Picture theatre «the pwooy , OJEATHER. EHOOLb bRlVJE PEOPLE / »M* X CAH'T U^bERSTENb VT:j:'yf« f NO, (WONDER-*40 (WONDER’.”, rrs UX*^ r ^ NET 1 SEEN \YS” » WHAT'S ail this. N£l?V)OOS ^WALk/AfcE? > / 'Hou KNCao Wouj ?*ooy ' THE BUSINESS HKS BEEN U)TH ME IN THE lA*v FEU) WEEKS - UEVl ,1 \ft>UNb OUT WHV!!^ / 'too fCMCMOER THE &\Q*i N 1 HW \H fROUST Of MY riCtVRC THEKmErao® Cooler 1N&IOE TW*N ON THE L STKEtf?-W)EU.,I ^FORQOT TO TAKE>T iNVty »* ir ■ -. him 1 do not believe he will hesitate between J-adla'a happiness arid the fear of wounding Hess Dean's vanity. ' I did not glance at Dickey until i had finished, and I was surprised and a bit nonplussed at a curious look in his eyes. The anger had fled from his face, and there was almost a smirk on his humorously twisted lips What had I said to affect him in that manner? CONSTIPATION m. ^ gow, and energy, pep and rim return when taking CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS Kaep stomach sweet—liver active - bowels regular—only 25c. AD) KKTIhEMF.NT. Simple Way to * Take off Fat There can be nothing simpler than tak ing a convenient little tablet four time* each day until your weight is reduced to normal That’s all—Just purchased a box of Marmola Prescription Tablets from your druggist for one dollar, the sain* price the world over. Follow direction* —no starvation dieting or tiresome exer cising. Eat *ub*tanla! food—be a* laxy a* you like and keep on getting slimmer And the best part of Marmola Prescrip* tlon Tablets i* they are harmless Tha* is your absolute safeguard. Pur'-ha** them from your druggist, or send direct to Marmola Co.. 44512 Woodward A\ Detroit. Mich. ADVERTISEMENT. ■ "* ~ ‘ few I_■ I % Say “Phillips”- Protect Your*" Doctor and Yourself Beware of imitations of genuine "Philips' Milk of Magnesia.” the origi nal Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years. Accept only the genuine "Phillips.” 25-cent bottles, also larger size, con tain directions and uses—any drug store. Neglected coughs A cold often leaves behind a cough that hangs on and on wearing you out with its persis tent hacking Dr. King's New Discovery will stop it quickly by stimulating the mucous mem branes to throw off the clogging secretions. It has an agreeable taste. All druggists. Young Gris Gear Away Pimples With Cuticura Gently smear the pimples with Cuti cura Ointment on the end of the finger Wash off the Cuticura Ointment in live minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue bathing for acme minutes. Tha treatment a best on rising and retiring. Busy Men need not b* handi •rapped by colds. A few Weeks’ tablets will kelp clear tkem up in a jiffy. Y reeks Tomorrow Alright Night ■ Tonic* — freah elf, a |m4 altap and an Nt Tablet lo naka mi daye baiter. Natura'a Ramadr (W Tablatal eterte a banaAclal Influence an the dlfnative and eliminative evetem—tha Stomach. Liver and Boeeeta. Tonl«ht —take an Nl Tablet — Ita aclian la ao different you will be de lightfully auipnaed. 'ted (braver k 4 Sharou A McConnell drug tterai