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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1923)
Buy Her a Gift to, Suit Her Taste. Read Xmas Gift Suggestions Today BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 3 5c per line each day, 1 or 9 day a. 3 2c per line each day, 8 or 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. The above ratee apply to all advertise nienta In classifications; Lost and Found. 4 Help Wanted Female . Help Wanted Male . 28 Situations Wanted Female .. 31 Situations Wanted Male . >2 .Articles for Sale . 46 Farm and Da'-y Products . 43 Hood Things to Eat. 21 Homemadfe Things ..•••••• 62 Household Goods . 23 Swap Column ..A53 Wearing Appare#. 66 Wanted to Buy . 61 Rooms With Board . 62 Rooms Without Board . 63 Rooms for Housekeeping .. 64 Rooms. Unfurnished .A6*i Suburban Board . 65 For all other classifications our regular rates as quoted below applv. These rates apply to The Sunday Omal.. j Be* as we'l as The Morning and Eve ning Bee All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening edl tlons at the one cost. 13c per line each day, 1 o> 1 day a. 15c per line each day, 3 or 6 days 13c ner line each day. 7 daye or longer. THE OMAHA BEE reaervee the right to relect or rewrite all copy CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning Edition .16 p. ns. Evening Edition.11:10 a. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday. Classified Ads accepted at the following offices: Main Office.17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha...N. W Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone ATlantio 1000. Call for Classified Ad Department. An experienced Classified Ad taker will re ceive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash order* THE EVENING THE OMAHA MORNING BEB. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. A FUR BUSH-—Mrs. Cordelia, 64. died Turn .day evening at her home, 6804 Maple St. She i« survived by her husband. G. W. Furbush* mnd two sons, Rex L. of Council Bluffs, la., and Howard W. of Kansas City, Mo.; three-brothers. Edward Pang burn of Centralla, Wash.; Oliver Pang burn of Sioux City, la., and Bert Pang burn of Cleveland, O., and two sisters, Mrs. P. H. Morrison of Council Bluffs, and Maude Horton of Portland, ore. f^ineral service will be held at her home Friday at 2:30 p. m.. Rev. Mr. Van Horn officiating. Burial at Mt. Hope cemetery. OL\fSTEAD—Miss Eloise, at residence, 3123 Wlllet F . Dec. 6. 1928. She moved here from Cincinnati. Ohio. 8 years ago. She Is survived by one sister, Mary Olm stead; three brothers, R. H. Olmstend, John Olmstead of Omaha; T. J. Olm stead of Dalton, Mont. Funeral services from residence, 3123 Wll let. Friday afternoon at 3 p. m. Inter ment at Felicity, Ohio. HOAGLAND—George A., age 80 years, died Dec. 6. at his home, 610 N. 48th Ave. Funeral arrangements will be announced later bv Burket chapel. Funeral Directors. C HEAFEY A HEAFEY, Undertaker* and Kmbalmera. Phone HA 0265. Office 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1862.) CRANE MORTUARY CO CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY. 61S S. 20th St. AT. 3682 and AT. 2820 KORISKO FUNERAL HOME. 23d and O Sta. 1250 S. llth ft MA. 0680. AT. 1171 DUFFY A JOHNSTON. Ill ■. lid. new funeral home. HA. HIT. BRAILEY A DORRANC*. 1823 CUMINO ST- JA. 0821. HOFMANN AMULANCK. Dodge at 24th. Funeral Director*. JA. 1101. H. H KRAMER FUNERAL HOME 6918 Military Ave. WA. 5814. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 3411 Farnam St. TAGGART A SON, 2212 Cuming St. JA. 1714. HULSE A RIEPEN. .. Funeral d irectora. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1226 CROSBY-MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WE. 004T. Cemeteries,D | ' VISIT FOREST LAWN. See the display of wreaths and evergreen blankets for sale at the greenhouse. The cemetery Is more beautiful than usual st this season of the year. Offices at the cemetery (north of city limits) and 720 Brandeia theater. Card of Thanks. F WE WISH to thank the W. O. W. lodge and our many friends for their sympthy and'floral offerings at the funeral of our husband and father. — Mrs. Lulu Chrlss and Children. Florists.E ROGERS, FI print, 24th Farnam. JA. IHIO. JOHN BATH 1804 Farnam JA- lit*. Personals. 3 TO AM. WJIOM IT MAT r'O.NCERN, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the Surprise Gold Mining company, an Express Acttve Common Law Trust, or 317 £ South Montezuma rttreet, Prescott, Ariz.. will not be responsible for any of the act.* of one w C. Metzger, of 119 Lincoln boulevard, Omaha, Neb., after the date of November the second, A. D. 1923. nor any transaction not reported to this company prior to the second day of No vember. A. D, 1923. THE SURPRISE GOLD MINING COMPANY, I THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magi zlnes. We collect We distribute, Phone •JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. -Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 j Lodge Street.__ CONFINEMENT cases received In my j home under doctor and graduate nurse’s care. 4120 Lafayette Ave. WA. 7111. Theatrical historical maaque costumes for plays and parties at I.lehen'1*. Omaha. j C.—WRITE YOUR FATHER. • Lott and Found.4 m.ACK wei'it-end tm*. cnntainln* Ivory toilet set, lost In Omaha on Douglas St g^iween l«th and 17th fit.; *10 reward. ^Wlurn to Campbell Printing Co., Harlan, la.____ LOST—Tuesday night, small black bag containing surgeon's headlight and Instru ments. Liberal reward. Dr. Charles J. Wonder. AT. 2067. LOST—Lowellen setter dog. answers to name Duke. Notify American Hallway Express Co AT. 6264. JajHT—Three band gold ring, name en- I giaved Inside. John W. Dlsbrow, 4524 V 21st. KE. 1*08.| LOUT—Tuesday evening. coral cameo brooch. Reward. Call AT. 033*. AUTOM OBI LES. Automobiles {or Sale. 5 I'OKD COUPE. l»:i model. » car; paint, upholstery and tires Ilk* new; lot* of extras, big wheel; speed brakes, distributer Ignition and heater. A bar gain for $375. Terms. No finance charge. WILI/Y8-OVERLAND, INC. 2562 Farnam. OAKLAND MOTOR CO. U8ED CAR BRANCHES ?4th and Lake. 2212 Farnam. 24th and O. 126 8. Main bouth Omaha. Council Rluffa For the Buyers' Convenience GOOD USED CARS AT BED ROCK PRICES WI LLY8-KNIGHT touring, lees than a year old, In perfect shape. A Knight improves with use. and this one Is just right—$860 cash or terma. No finance WIlT/YS OVERLAND, INC.. 2662 l arnarn. FORD touring. 1922. the best running Ford In town, for $200. Term*. No finance ' l"ir,**WIU.TH OVEHI,AND. INC. 2562 Farnam. HOME bargains In used Ford*. New Ford eon. Easy payments. M’CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Hervlce Station. 16th anti Jackson HtsAT. 7711. NEW ard used Fords, cash or term*. C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealer*. gjmi end Ames Avc_KK. 014$. ^ DODGE TOURING. Fins Condition. Atlantic 468b USED parts for all maaea of car used pirts .at h«Hf Price Two wrecking giants. Nebteska Auto I arts, JA. 4921. AUTOMOBILES. BUT TOUR CHRISTMAS CAR AT FELTON’S. We are giving Christmas present! abso lutely free with every used car purchase. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Bulck 6, 6-pass, touring .9376 Bulck 6 coupe .9776 Bulck 6 7-pass, touring . 9776 Ford Sedan. 1923.9626 Ford Sedan. 1921.9350 Ford Sedan, 1919.9225 Essex Coupe, 1922 . 9650 * These cars are thoroughly overhauled and reflnished. Every car guaranteed as rep resented. Easy Terms. Open Evenings. FELTON’S, 2019 Farnam 202k CALL AT. 1770 When You W'ant a Good Used Car. NEBRASKA OLpSMOBILE CO. 1922 SEDAN. Light six. Perfect condition. AT, 4380. STEARNS-KNIOHT coupe, selling regard less of value; leaving city, 122 North 40th St., HA. 5437. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Moter Ca 1684 Earn am. _ DEPENDABLE USED CAR8. ANDREW MURPHY A SON. 64 Years in Business. Buy Here Safely. NASH. Nash. I .-at 4 model, A-l condition through out. HA, 7809. HIGH-GRADE new ano used cara. GUY L. 8MITH Auto Accessories Parts. 9 USED parts for all makes of cars. 50 to 76 per cent off list price, two wreck ing plants. 1016 Harney. HA. 4931. and 2205 Cuming. AT. 1970 Service Station—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL aUTO MACHINISTS Cylinder re-borlng—general machine and blacksmith work. I\ MELCHIORS & SON. 417 So. 13th St. AT. 2560, 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE against piston slapping and oil pumping; enormous gaa and oil saving CROSSTOWN GARAGE. S12-1 #1 S. 24th St. See Morris or Lindsay. WHY PAINT? We bake enamel, entire • ar any color. Dehco enameling process, 723 South 27th St. FINK auto tinner, body, fender and ra diator repairing. 214 8. 19th St. JA 2670. Auto Livery Garage.11 ■TORAGE FORDS. 13.50. OTHER CARS. $4.00. BIO 4 AUTO CO. 1120 N, 1ITH ST. AUTOMOBILE 5.0ANS. 11*0 NORTH 19TH. WE. 1413 ^^^BIJSlN^SS^ERyiCEr^^" Business Services Offered. 13 JAMES ALLAN S Datectlvea. Expert secret ■ervlce. 311-313 Neville Block. AT. 1114 RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg. JA 2056; night. KE. 3811. Building Contractor!.14 STORM sashes, made and hung; broken windows replaced. Glasing. Heiman. Ken. 2701. _ GET our prices on complete garages. Mor rison Lumber A Coal Co. WE. 6541. Millinery—Dressmaking. 17 ACCORDION, aide. knlfa, no* plutln*. covered buttons; ell styles; hemstitching: buttonholes Write Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co., 808 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb.. Telephone JA. 1M4. TAILORED dresses from your old suite furs remodeled, chokers made; reaaon ahle. HA. 4804. NEB PLEATINO CO Hemstitching Covered Buttons 1804 Farnam. Second V our JA 6470 Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE Sc VAN CO. MOVING PACG1NO STORAGE SHIPPfNO Household roods, pianos, office furniture. 1107-11 HOWARD BT.JA. 0244. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING. MOVING, SHIPPINO.STORINO. Estimate, furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4331, BEKIN8 OMAHA VAN A“8TOBAOE. 14th and Leavenworth Bta. Packing, mov in*, storage, ahlpplng. JA. 4141. GORDON FIREPROOF WHSE Sk VAN 111 North lltb St. Phone JA. 30ti; mov In*, nackln* storage, shipping. _Painting and Papering. 19 WALLPAPER SALE—BOOKS SENT IIY MAIL. PAPERHANOINO OUR 8PECIAL TY. FWF?r> PARKS. AT-7404. MA-0101. PAINTING, papering. Flret-claaa work. Patent Attorneys.20 J. W MARTIN. 1713 Dodge. Room 14*. Omaha, also Washington; double eervlee single fee. Also help aell patents. Printing Stationery. 21 EDDT Printing Co., ill ■ 11 Bt JA t«H Profeitional Service. 22 DENTISTRY. All kinds of dental work done, under the careful supervision of orofeaeara. et the Creighton University College of Den* latry. corner 2«th and streets Take Hirnev, Cuming or rvosstown er. PRESCRIPTIONS carefuli? compounded et the 6 Sherman A McConnell Drug Stores DENTAL X-rey. Eftc eacb. 93 full set 419 ycurltles Bldg 14th and Tarnana FIHHKR hatha, massage. 324 Arthur Bldg. Repairing.23 EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICHELS. 16th and HarneyAT. 4341 PHONOGRAPH and eewlng machine re pairing. Nothing to aell l>ut service. Miller, 21 H N, 14th. .J A. 2147. MA, 194M venlnge. Renovating and Dyeing. 24 OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Mattresses made tiver in new ticks at half the price of new ones I9u7 Cuming. JA. 2447. » Help Wanted Female. 27 HO (.'HE KEEPER w»nt»<l by jntildl. s K-tl widower with thru*; glrla. <]. D. Waaaal, Auburn, la,. H. F U. WANTED -Two women to travel^ lo Cali fornia. .Salary and eapenaca Call Mlaa It Me hell. Hotel i.'nn nn t, for appointment. Help Wanted Male. 28 MEN—Learn bnrberlng The Molar aya tom ahowa a »ure. may wav to make big money Benefit by our co-operative ndv. plan which makea our graduate In demand everywhere Lay or evening danaea. Call or write. Moler Barber College, JIQ rt. 14th HI. ALL MEN, women, boye. glrla. 17 to *6, willing to accept government poaltlona, $117-1260 (traveling or ataflonary), write Mr Oamant, iff. Ht. Loula. Mo.. Immediately. MEN prepare Firemen Braketnen. Colored Sleeping Car Portera, I160-$260. Nebraaka run da. Write Infer Hallway, Dept. *02, Indtanapolf, Ind FI HEM 15N. braketnen. beginners, $ ISO* $260 (which poult Ion 7» Hallway. Y 2601, liliimtn and Agent*. 30 HA LEHMEN" wanted to aril HeptPi Tanka and Chemical Tfl$1eta. We develop «alea men Into aadilation engineer* for uneew ered dlatrliie. Write Kuuatlna Company, I tic.. Buffalo. N. Y. EMPLOYMENT. Salesmen and Agents. 30 SALESMEN OWINO TO ENLARGEMENT of our Iowa branch 1924 operations, we are now readv | to consider applications from experienced, successful salesmen to sell our nationally advertised specialty line of Whis Auto Products to dealer trades. Liberal com pensation to men selected. Prefer men with cars. Write complete details to W. L. Lushbaugh. 700 Cherry St.. Des Moines. Is. AN UNUSUAL opportunity for tha man who wants to cash in on his sales ability. Very interesting compensation paid week ly If tho salesman la a diligent and hon est worker. If you are sincere about your future and want to mane a permanent connection with a concern that Is develop ing, call and see Mr. Edison for a per sonal Interview Monday or Tuesday. 312 Courtney Bldg. SALESMEN Don’t answer this ad unless you want |to mage some "JACK." I DARE you to see what we have. Room 330. Hotel 8an |ford, Wade & Brand. WaNTED—Ten got^l specialty salesmen. Good money, easv work. Hustling great est essential. Phone Bruce Cunningham, Atlantic 1258 noon hour. SALES MANAGERS wanted' Local man has earned $48. $45. $60, $17.50 last four days. Mr. Cotten. Hotel Couant. Situations Wanted Female. 31 EXPERIENCED double entry bookkeeper wants position. Best references. Can operate Elllott-Kisher machine and type writer^_ WANTED—Office work. 8 years' exper ience In plumbing business. References. WA, 5020. EXPERIENCED lady wanta day work. WE. 0984, EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS, WE. 6H80. DAY work wanted, references. WE. 6004. Business Opportunities. 33 I WANT 20 Creighton college or Nebraska Medical students to earn big money after school. Clean, easy work. None but hustlers need apply. Phone Bruce Cun ningham. AT. 1258, between 12 and 1 p. m. INVESTMENT In Okmulgee Industries pny big returns. More millionaires in Okmul gee tnan any town of its size in America. Fortunes all made from small investments here. How muca would you invest pro viding you were satisfied It wan safe and a big return. Write Chamber of Commerce. Okmulgee, okl. FOR quick sale, on account of falling health, will sell by going business of general merchandise, located in a rich farming country; stock and fixtures will Invoice about $12 000: building, including living rooms, extra. Box Y-2504. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE—Good confectionery and lunch counter and popcorn popper, in best loca tion In town of 10.000 population on main line of R. R. in central Neb. Doing a fine business and la priced to sell. Buf- , falo Co. Realty Co., Kearney. Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A real drug store, in a town of 700 population; only store In town; a real snap; will discount; will accept real estate up to $5,000. Y 2505, Omaha Bee________ BILLIARD parlor for sale, four Gulley tables, fixtures. Mozart Billiard Parlors, 2801 North 16th St. Inquire after 7 P. M. A GOOD opening for agricultural imple ment shop or garage In Neb. town of 3.000. Write Mrs Frits Haefer, Aurora. Neb. FOR SALK—Cafe doing a good business. In eastern Neb.; good town, population 3.000. Box Y-2503. Omaha Bee. Investment—Stocks—Bond*. 34 LOW RATE on city property, quickly closed; no monthly^ paymanta. JA. 163S W. T. Graham. Money to Lo»n.35 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply your money wants In the seme way that banka supply the money wants of the business community. Any amount loaned up to fSOO and you . can repay It tn easy monthly payments j Our equal payment plan repays the loan and all charges. Wo have been In business tn Omaha over SO years and can assure you of a quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 601 Karbach Block Tel. JA. ISM. Southeast Corner lttfc and Douglas Ste 6 6a AND < PER CENT MONEY. Loans on Omaha Improved property at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER. »2S City National.JA. 2581. DIAMOND Inane at lowest rates, business atrlctly confidential. The Diamond I<oan Co. 1614 Dodge St. Established 1804. 1100 to 110,000 loans. Prompt aervlcs. F. D. WEAD A D. H. BOWMAN, 210 8. 18th. Wead Bids. AT. 0161. MONEY to loan on farm* and Omaha real estate. MYERS A RAINBOLT CO. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg JA. 0744 OMAHA HOMES- - EAST NEB FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA 2711. SECOND mortgages or contracts pur chased by Tukey Company. 420 First Na tional Bank. JA. 4222. FARM LOANS. Largs or small. Wsst Neb. farms, ranches Kloke Investment Co.. 848 Om. Nat. Bk. SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences. Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H. l-ougee, Inc., 638 Keellns Bldg. 6 66 AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY. I GARVIN BROS.. 364 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. I WILL buy mortgages and contracts. Corktn. 046 Oma. Nat. Bldg.. Omaha. Nab FARM LOANS—Gibbon Stael, JA. 6604. _'~jSDUCAT10NAL. . Local Instruction Classes. 38 DAT SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL Complete coureeg In accountancy, ma ohlna bookkeeping, comptometer. abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wlra ie«a telegraphy, civil aervlc. and >11 hni 1 lih and commercial branches. Writ*, call or phono JA. 1565 for larga Ulna* tratad catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylea Bldg. Omaha, Nab. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and bookkeeping. Weed llldg., 18th and Farnatn- AT. 7415. EIGHT to 11 weeks prsoart you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or writ* American Collega. 1511 Farnsm. Tltl-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1401 Dodge St. 1106 Douglas St Cat| or writs for Information. Comptometer School, 300 Courtney Bldg. Dancing Academy._39 LET MR. KEEP TEACH YOU TO DANCE. Keep’s, 1615 Farnatn Classes Monday, Wednesday, Friday nights rrlval* lea sort by appointment. Phuna JA. 64t0. KEI.P1NB. 25T1I AND FARNAM. Hlg Claes Monday and Thursday, at 7.10 p m Ten lessons with teachers $*■#<* Private leaeoua any time. Phone AT. 7850. ~ ["merchandise._ Poultry and Supplies. ^4 EAU.IE RHODE ISLAND HENS. i 1311 H. 65TH XT. WA. 6181. I Busincgs Equipment.47 WE BUY. eel I eefee. make desks. Show cases. etc. omeha I I*ture A Supply Co. X W cor 11th and ItoilKtaa JA 1714 Fuel and Feed. 30 FURNACE and atove wood. 1.1 per cord. Cord wood. 17 per curd. KE. 0452. KINDI.INC Ti truck-load. delivered. Hawduet, shavings. Phone JA. 5740 Good Thing* to Eat_51 PKCANH, mw crop, fraatt ahellad. !>• IIpIuiih Dal|v®r«»d IO you parr#| p<>at i At urn mall. $100 lb Hand money order today. Chamber of Comm«rw, Okmulgaa, OkI7 DELICIOUS axtractad honey, mild flavor, family ■!*« 10‘^-pound pall. $1*1 post paid Neb. and Inalda 3 lone. J. Tapkan. Platt® Cantor. Nob l>< ITATOKH—North Dakotas 7fte buahol. dHIvarfd. In mh« U* fall AT. MU Household Good*.53 KIJRNITUH K --Th® kind that you would Ilk* to poaaaM,- mn will aa atapla artb’la* l'rl>-®M within raaaon. ktaphanaon Auction H'iijisp. 11*014 Capitol. Oooda sold at auction and prlvala aala.___ ► URN ITU It 1C A'r AUCTION Thla Aftarnonn and Tomorrow Night. DOWDH AUCTION DOUHE Happy Christmas Marion 117 HEN you wish your lady friend good cheer on Christmas day, you will feel happier and as secure as mere man is able if you are positive that your gift to her has been a suitable one. Glalice down the suggestions listed in Classification on this page—they will help you decide. Read Xmas Gift Suggestions Today MERCHANDISE. Swap Column. 53A 640 ACRES. Cheyenne Co.. Colo. 40* A. ,11100th. 100 A. In cultivation. Loan $10,400; long time; trade for Iowa or Ne braska or city property. S-318, Omaha Bee. pOR Sale or Trade—Two quarter* of land near Omaha. Have a bargain that $9,000 cash will handle Res.. WA. 4833. 6015 aWilitary Ave. Fred A. Bailey. WA. 4304. A FINE mounted Elk head. Will trade for double-barreled *hotgun, gauge 16 or 20. Muit be a good one, or for Shet land pony. T. J. Hatfield. York, Neb. EASTMAN O. GRAPHIC camera, hlghlj corrected anastlgmat lent, focal plane shutter, with case, for tube set radio. S-327, Omaha Bee. TOURING CAR, standard make., run less than 10,000 ml., good as new, to swap for diamond, piano, mortgage, or what have you? .S-3Q7, Omaha Bee. EIGHT-ROOM light housekeeping Ap’ house downtown, cheap rent, for sale or trade for what have you? JA, 6$33. HAVE a dozen Partridge Rock pullets. Will trade for equal number of White Rock chickens. 8-632. Omaha Bee. 8TEGER upright mahogany piano to swap for Ford car. Call JA. 3024. Aak for Ryben. UNDERWOOD—Good condition, Just over hauled for what have you? Addreaa S 308. Omaha Bee. PLUMBING, heating or pipe fitting to ex change for automobile, diamond, lumber, or what have you? KE. 2tlt. TWO AND ONE-HALT ton truck with $25 per day contract, 'or city property or caah. Black 4610, Council Bluffs. DINNER RING—Cluster with emerald center. 18-K. white gold, to swap for dress, size 36 or 38. WA. 2487. 8 E V Eh’-PAHS ENG ER car to trade for 1923 Ford coupe or sedan. 8-606, Omaha Bee. EQUITY In 9-rm. rooming house to swap for what have you? H-311. Omaha Bee. LATE model Overland touring, like new. for what have you? 8-302, Omaha Bee. COMMERCE truck with closed body to swap. What have you? 8-303. Omaha Bee. FURNISHED five-room modern house and car for grocery store. 8-607. Omaha Bee. KIMBALL upright piano, to trade for lot or a*, part payment. 8-317. Omaha Bee. Machinery and Tools. 55 NEW and second-hand motor*, dynamo* LeBron Electrical Work*. 118-20 So. liRti Xmas Gift Su$|N(ion$.57-A BE AT HOME CHRISTMAS ANTWAY Let thia Christmas he a real home on# with the holly hung in a window you can call your own. If you will only see our new 4-room and bath bungalow and haar about our terms thia will be made possible, $500 down and easy monthly payments. Our houses are beautifully finished throughout with oak and have all hard wood floors. KE. 017$. Eve nings and Sundays call Schmlt*. WA. 1 2$2. CHOICE CLOSE IN BUNGALOW. 32(1 Avenue near Leavenworth. Largo living room with bookcase*, beauti ful buffet In dining room, built-in cabi net a In kitchen, two lovely bedroom* and bath, elegant oak woodwork, handsome tapestry decorations. This is a anap for $6 500 W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., Realtor* 1820 Farnam. JA. 0564. Eva. HA. 2217 NOTHINO the family would like better than to be presented with a home to call their "OWN" GROVE HIBBARD. 228 Bankers Reserve Bldg AT. 1882. 19th and Douglas. HMOMNO STANDS—Father haa been wanting a smoking stand for aver so long. Get him one from out of our aelactlon We hav»< unique one* and reasonable. Dolan A Shields Furniture. Co., 25th and Laaven worth BIRDS, dogs, fish and pets. Sinters, five days' approval Imported St. Andreaberg Rollers. $10. Other singing canaries, |6. MAX OEISLBR BIRD CO. 1617 Farnam St.JA. 8174 BALLROOM dancing—If you'va got • | friend or relative who Juat "get* around" a ticket good for 10 or more lessons would make an Idaal gift. Call Don Me Farlane. Kelplne academy. AT 7*50. HEWING TABLES—Mother need* a sew ing table or perhaps a little end table for the davenport. Mle have lovely one# at Xmaa prices. Dolan A Shield* Furni ture Co. 25»h and Leavenworth THE 8 A VINO HABIT—What could maks a morn useful and auggeatful gift than a bank account T Start your ton out right on the New Year, letters National Bank. I7fh and Farnam. TELL DAI) for the family—18*40 bevel plate rnlrfkr. 3-Inch gold frame, a 985 value for 822.69. Fred Parks, 4701 So. 84th MA. 0101 or AT. 7404 DOLLS dreaaed for Xmas: bring your little old dolls. I'll touch them up and drges them gaily for the trees, save money by calling KB. 4711 or HE. 5849 SOMETHING Different—Jewelry "made to order" will be the Ideal gift at Christ mas. NKBLE-O VBRHOLT CO . JKWELR.H. 906 8. 17th St. A* REAL XMAS GIFT A lleflnlahad. Re tired used car. From father to family. OAKLAND M« * I ' »R CO . 20th and Ilartiev. H »t could make a more useful gift for the young one* than a dancing ticket. Cali AT. 7850. Don MacFarlane, Kalplna acadamy. VELOCIPEDES kiddle kar*. doll cab#, toy autos, scooters, toys at lowest price* Neb. Motorcycle and Bicycle Co. 1512 Howard, opposite gwa office. GOLD Cuff Link*, make an Ideal Christ mas gift, moderate In price, an ellent In quality. NKBLK-O VBRHOLT CO. JEW KLRH. 605 H. 17th Si FELT HOUSE SLIPPERS all colors. Dreaa HhoO or Hltppar that please Her A rulr of Silk Hugo. Kinney'#, 205 07 09 N. 16th Ht__ W L suggoit one of our good used cars, taflnlshed and overhauled fur your Xmita gift to the wife OAKLAND M< >TQlt CO . 20th and Harney. PRE0H HHOES that pleas# him. A pair of felt or leather house alipnera. A pair of hose or Boston garters. Kinney's 206 07-09 N 14th.______ MAN. If you had to do the work, you would own an Ape* electric suction clean er end a Rotors* electric washer. 414 H 17th Ht AT 4299__ INSTALL an oil burnpr In )cng rook stove, range or furnace, spend Chrietmae In comfort Agent* wanted Reliable oil Burner Co . 606 N. 18th Ht . AT. 8*1.1 A SAVING ACCOUNT for the younaater* Christmas What would give a firmer foundation on which to build 7 Petiri National H«nk Farnam at 17th GIFT RUG0- -Oriental rug* make useful gifts. Prbed eo low you rannnt help buying them Perilsn Hug Cleaning Co 3267 Farnam IIA 144? __ _ RAPID SET will make a delightful a* well aa n lasting Xmas gift h*\« them at 83 46 up. It M. Shine* C«» 21* N. 16th T«l. JA 2147 (»|.en evening*, j YOU KEEP TUB 1)1 FFE It K N( TR Polls. love and novel* la* at whnlaaale prices. Present this ad and receive eon \ enlr iiimIh> No)alt? « o . 1108 Fal A llttMK will make an Ideal Christmas preeent from Had to the family Sho**e»» and Co, Realtor*. Keallna llldg JA. 4*21 _MERCHANDISE. Xmas Gilt Suggestion* .57-A CARDS—Personal Christmas greetings' cards. $1.50 pet doz.. Including name and envelope. HA. 3353. Salesman will call. PERSONAL Christmas Cards—U2 Lef lang Bldg. Tel. AT. 3$78 and salesman will call. Prices include printing. AT—6603—Whltely's shop. 320 8. 13th. Coaster wagons, velocipedes, sleds. Fix anything. Metal, wood or rubber. A WATCH will certainly please brother for Christmas. NEBLE OVERHOLT CO.. JEWELERS. 305 S. 17th St. LET US install an oil burner, spend Christmas In comfort. Reliable Oil Burner Co., 600 N. 18th St. YOU have been looking for this oppor tunity for some time. We want "I will" men. Call Room 9, Wead bldg. PERSONALITY plus a little capital and you can make your dear oneg happy Xmas Call Rboin 9. Wead bldg. GET your money to produce something for you and make everyone happy Xmaa fall Room 9. W<ud bidg. IF you are dissatisfied with your busi ness and have a little capital and eorna personality, call Room 9. Wead bldg. MAKE your family happy for Xmas. I can help you. See me. Room 9. Wead bldg. INCREASE your small capital and make your family happy for Xmas. Call Room 9. Wead bldg. AT. 6007. PAINTED FLOWERS—Give mother a bouquet of our dainty painted flowera. or see our plcturea 2413 Leavenworth at. PIANO and Furniture repairing, refinlah ing and polishing. Brighten up for Xmas. AT. 3890. CHRISTMAS cerds. beautiful linen atat tlonery make useful Xmas gifts. Corey 4c McK'-nzie Printing Co. 1124 Harney. YOU will want to look vour nicest Xmas Call at our Beauty Parlor, AT. 4118 for appointment. BUY your boy or girl a portable type writer for Christmas. Call AT. §053 after 6 p. m. _ A REGINA Electric Home Cleaning Serv ice makes an Ideal Christmas present. JA. 0812I MOVE In to Skogman Duplex for Xmaa. N. J. Skogrnan Sons. 3118 Cuming. HA. 7045. ENJOY Xmas Id one of our roomy, cieen. new Duplexea N. J. Skogman A Sons HA. 704j. ( SHINE your car up for Xmas the new low-priced way Dehco Auto Enameling Co. 72 3 So 27th st. BALDWIN PIANO. EXCELLENT CON DITION PRACTICALLY NEW. HA. S31S. BKOIN earning your Xmaa money now. We teach Beauty Culture. AT. 4818. REGINA. "Service with a smile'* assures ths buyer of satisfaction. JA 0412 SKOGMAN says "A Dupleg horns will be the place to entertain the Xmas guests'* WHY not be settled in a Skogman Duplex by Xmas. HA 7045. SUGGESTING a Skogman Duplex as a Xmas surprise N J. Skogman Sons XMAS will be more pleasant In a new Duplex home. N J Skogman Sons. BRAND new Skogman Duplex will be an ideal place to a;«-n»1 Xmas. HA 7045 PLUM PUDDING for Xmaa and angel raiiM. Call JA. 47f*7. Musical Instruments. 58 MUST dispose regard!**#* of cost 11.00* Stein way upright mahogany rase. Will glvs terms to responsible party. Address Omaha B*e. HAWAIIAN STEEL GUITAR - Practically new, used only 2 months. 1011 N. list. WE. 0447. NEW Vletrols. f125 machine. J40 worth of records, will «*crlf!*e for MS. HA. Radio Equipment.59 GUARANTEED radio aria 13 43 and up R M. Shlaaa ill North l«lh St Wearing Apparel. 60 PULI. DRESS (ttlia and Tutrdoa for JA. 113* 103 N. llth St. John Feldman —a—i——— Wanted to Buy. 61 I>K8KS. PKSK8. ItKSKs! New desks used desks bought, sold snd traded. J. 0. Heed, 120? Karrtam 8L AT. 4146. ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. 62 TIIRKK beautifully furnished room In a modern home, with all home privilege#. In desirable location; beat of references can he given, and this room is rented st a very low price; excellent hoard la (Ivan. JA. 4M» FAHNAM. 4247—Beautiful room all home prlvlledge*. delirious home cooking, for a refined person; reasonable WA. 3017. TWO beautiful rooms. with first-claas board, for two or more employed people, home privileges IIA 7&2Q 230H CAPITOL AVK—Here Is a room for two gentlemen. single beds, well furnish ed. with excellent hoard, for 18 a week. AT. 8f.f». LA ROE, warm, modern room, twin beds, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. 124 M 24th st . corner of Douglas _ VERY warm clean southeast room; lots of hot water; board If desired, garage, walking distance IIA. 1748. COZY, beautifully and artistically fur nished rooms In Ideal location. ReasJn a hie AT 4 474, .HAHNKY. 332* -Large east front room, 'wonderful cooking, a real bachelor horns. HA 1184__ BKMT board In Omaha and very com fortable moms reasonable at 2SM llarney. Rooms Without Board. 63 NICK pleasant rooms, very reasonable; home pro lieges, home-cooked meals, walk. Ing distance, near two carllnes. HA 7^40- _ STRICTLY modern room, for one or two refined Indite nr marrlsd couple employed. 4«4 8 3 i J ' HA im._ PINK N K V NT ~128 -Mouth front room, him k from car. no othsr roomers. 14 week WE. Sib4_______ CL All KM«'NT, 17th. near Jackson; ren tral 'oration, with privacy of home; re*, aonnble. T\v~o~lXh7Ii: sunny rooms furnished. Ore double Four door* from cmr 12 minutes out LI?*; Seward, HA 7341 _ llK'AITTlFULLY furnished room In mod ern home, all home privileges, vet y tea sonable 11A 7427. lloMKI IKK room In new private home, everythin* convenient, beautiful location KB 2847 __ PI.KAMA NT room In desirable location for anyone looking for real home. AT. 1427 NP'l.LV furl) t shed room In new home, with yautac I -i gsiHIonian HA 138$ TKL IIA 4711. a arm room, new home. u board next door. Pi KAMANT room In dealrsbls location, plenty "f heat and hot water HA 4H7 8 Nil s 20TII l.ovelr sleeping room, walk ing distance JA MAX ^ LAIUIl sunn} rooti n*w modem home 4 windows. Call evenings IIA 8378 ^^koomsjpos^rent. Rooms Without Board. 63 3928 FARNAM ST.—Firat-ctaea room In A-l Apt. Reasonable. HA. 2885. 211 SOUTH 4 2d—Nice 8oiith«aat modern room and garage. HA. 1505. . ROOM In modern private home, and ga rage. AT. 0396. ___ BEMI8 Park, near new Tach High ecbool HA. 8748._ , HOWARD St. 2224—Attractive, clean. warm room; very cheerful; steam heat, VERY DESIRABLE room In nice lora ttlon. Homelike and reasonable. KE. 0473. Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 (127 8. 17TH Ave.—Houeekeeplng rooms, completely furnlehed; clean and comfort able. 84.50 per week,__ TWO bright front houeekeeplng rooms everything modern, well furnished, lot* or hot water, reasonable. HA. 2373. 2 or 3-r6om light nouseneeping rooma In desirable location, very reasonable, w A. I 6513. _ LARGE furnished room and kitchenette, with running water, to adult*. 2554 Douglas. EXTRA larg« room for light housekeep ing. also beautiful sunny sleeping room. HA. 4866. ___ 124 8. 31ST AVE—Furnished rooms, 14.50 up; also 3 unfur. >20 mo. ]jA_—__1____ Rooms—Unfurnished. 64 A FOUR modern unfurnished rooms, first 'floor. Call day tlm». 150# 8. 2811 Where to Pino._ 66 WHERE TO DINE. IN TOUR OFFICE. YOUR SHOP. DINE ANYWHERE WE WILL DELIVER A OOOn LUNCH EVERT DAY FOR 25 CENTS. CALL AT. 888*. STANLEYS BOX LUNCH. Where to Stop in Town 67 DID you ever stop st the Hotel Loyal. 16th and Capitol Ave ? Within a equare or two of all activities. Roomy rooms and several beautiful aultea all newly carpeted and decorated. Excellent coffee ehop with cafeteria ser vice. . . We both loee If you don’t etop here MODERATE PRICES PREVAIL. HOTEL SANFORD—l»th and Farnam. HOTEL HHN8HAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent gue«*a__ HOTEL JEFFERSON. 14th and Caoltol Ave Steam heated rooms. Weekly rates. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished. 69 MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL 18TH AND DODGE STS. APARTMENTS CONSIST OF LIVING ROOM. DRESSING ROOM. KITCHEN ETTE AND BATH. RENTAL INCLUDES HEAT. LIGHT. OA8 AND MAID SERV ICE apartments FURNISHED 80ft WATER BY DEFINITE SOFT WATER PROCESS.___ TWO-BOOM Apartment; steam heated. with tile bath- 220 N. 23d St. VERY desirable 2-room apt-. run"J,]f water in kitchen. »team heat, bath. 2063 Fatnam. _____ 2-ROOM apt . 132.80 an.1 |4U; ’-r/,*in\»P!*: $60. Steam h*at IJrown apt*. 508 North ■ 1 wt Hr AT. 7469__ HUNTER INN. AT 24th end Dodge Home for the trav-llng mun and wife. 3837 SOUTH TWENTY-THIRD—Furnished or unfur., mod . ’rami, out aide 2-room apt. Apartments—Untarnished. 70 CHOICEST DUPLEXES IV OMAHA. 3111-17 CUMIN*:. Near Cathedral. Technical High. Creighton and St John church. Juat finished 6 room* tiled bath, furnished breakfast nook, hard wood floors, built-in bookcase*, fireplace, artistic light fixture*, on beautiful French terrace overlooking Berois park. Call own ■■r, AT 7173 BRAND new Brick Duple*, nearly completed, with or without garage*. Make your •ejection NOW and select jour decorations. N. J. SKOGMAN A SONS. 8118 Cuming Si. HA 7048. Af*er office hour* call HA 2176: HA 6714 A I. A ROE 5-ROOM APARTMENT The Portland. Park Ave. and Leaven worth. Living room, dln.r.g room. Kltrnem two bed room*, and a bath. An Ideal apartment for the large family, or to rant out * sleeping room Rent omy 880 per month. Call DRAKE'?, JA. 2806. l«th ft n d Howard.. TEN DATS FREE RENT St. 410 S. 3-rm. flat In ** rell.nt rendition. mdrn. .. h.ot, 1-3 50. RASP BROS 213 lirelln. H)*tr. AT. *1721. TEN DAY S FREE RENT Thirtieth Si . 510 x . 3-rm flat In e» c.ll.nt condition indrn .1 hoot. 123 50. RASP HltuS , 312 Kreltn. DM* AT. 0*21. apartments nnd llau for rent. PALMBR-MUSKIN CO. _ AT MIO Real l,s-.«tn ManiRrmrnt Sj'ecloltoto. FOR ON E OF DRAKE'S iron APARTMENTS Coll Jack.on 1505. Stll MILITARY AVU-Tm Beta with heot and woter furni.hed 33 A * >33. _ PETERS TRUST C031PANY "WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” AT 054* 17th »nd Farnom S*» St' 141.EASE evolloMe ,t on*.; eoutheoal eopoaur., on, block from for lint. HA. *n>3.__________________ FOUR mom". S»lmo Terror*. ,30 Pork Av# Hey bp !il AT 3301. 724 City Noll. STEAM neatod mod.rn oi-orirn.ato. lo» rent O P Slebblna 1510 Uhlrooo »t Business Pisces for Rent. 71 FOR RENT Double atore: ground floor Petera National Bank with large basement. ^ vault and Storage apace, inquire treat* urer Bee Publishing Co.. Room 204. Feiere National _Bank FPACK In «#]l'<KiulpMd office and die play room Use of furniture and phone. Good lot-a tlo*, on Harney at reel. W *111. Omaha Be* Garage In rear of 2215 Leavenworth it 94. HASP BROS,. 212 K*-eMne Bldg. AT. OTII. Modern ateam-heated atore. 179 ir-'Oth. G P Ftehbina. 1*10 Chicago, Houtri (or Rent. 72 UNFfKNiHiiBi) 11 or IBS s room.. 171* s :«ih 8. . f 10. 5 rooms. 4413 N iOth. 135 v rooms. l&o* Yits* St.. 14b 5 rooms. *33 4 N. 31-1 St . I MV 11 rooms. &2K s 32d St. >60 7 rooms. 4 2bl California st 166. 7 rooms (garage), 101* S 14th it . >45. h rooms. 4312 Pacific it.. 4*0 * rooms (duple*) 1168 Mason St . >65 a rooms (bungalow), new, 644 N. 4 4th Ave . 475. 10 rooms, 1421 Emmett St . >76. n rooms. 112 S 37th St . >>o 6 rooms 4as l Dodge Ht. $106 * rooms (duple*) 4*46 Fernam Ft , 475. PKTKIIS TRUST CO.. ■ Where Omaha Rente. 17th ati-1 Fame mAT *644 MY new 7-room modern, oak and enamel finish. I -car g«taa<> home; paved afreet, clots to rathedist. Am gotAg to Chicago. Only >*0 AT 4->M KK 1711. HARNEY ST. >210—• room heated apartment lanltor eerxlcs and water I too per month Immediate oosaessior A-l QondlCon AT 6600 FOR RENT- 7-room house, all modern, single garage Injure. 1416 No 34th Ft. Telephone \VF *24* ?**7 DODGE FT '» tm modern e*«ert heat, suitable for two familiea. >36. WE. 10 It.__ ELEVEN ROOM 5FODKRN HOUSE Hurl Hi near 14th (all .1A 6313_^ FOR RENT—Fix •-room house, all mod ern. >20 131? H. Fifth St HA H7> ; ROOM bungalow, desirably located. all modsrn >4b Tel. \V A *077. FIVE-ItooM i ottag-' Modem enept heat. 4 124 No ;tlh St . KK 1454. FIELD CLl It house, oil burner. 6, 414 9th HL ______ HRAND new 6 room. strictly modem house. |Mt Call HA 1675 1214 oak St. s Rnt'M modern house, -»K floors, new furnace WF 4?»r ______ ItTlie nr, h H Cue i i*o ma. ga« and water HA 3926, __ HA )*?• cottage, close in Komi nil the rows In thg Claggt fled news. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Houses—Furnished. 72A FOR RENT. Sltl N. 41st st.. excellent T rooms end sleeping porch: modern. furnished: gsrsge. Immediate possession. Adults only. References required. Offices and Desk Room. 73 CHOICE office suites or single office. First Natl. Hank Bldg Apply Room 400. DESIRABLE space, with desk. JA. 4IS0. MmM^Bmaam^^BamHm^BsmHaasmasBmBBHBMa City Acrea>t| for Sale 79-A ONE ACRE. THREE BLOCKS TO CAR Fine 6-room house. partly modern; stue co; nearly new; fine chicken nouse; lote of young fruit. A bargain at $3,975 Eas terms. Sunday, WA. 5032. J. L. HIATT COMPANT. AT 9900. ACREAGE HOME One of the choice* acres in Benson Gar dens. Only a lew blocks west of car line and school. on paved road. 6-room bungalow cement basement, furnace heat. Rough pluming in. Oarage. A better acreage home is hard to find. Eve. call WA. 1 744 Voorhees Realty Co., AT. 3281. 208 Keeline Bldg REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Hougeg tor Sale.80 S H. ELWOOD, builder of modern homes. We will help you finance. 419 Sunderland Bldg. JA. 3686.__ HALF ACRE. 3-roora home, like new, electric light. $2,960. Very easy terms. WA. 7050. evenings. Hougcg—North._81 M1LI.ARD PARK DISTRICT 5-room keilsslone with *srs«re to •n.tth. Heres a dandy brand new house welt constructed on paved street, only 2 blocks from street car and Millard Park. It has oak finish in main room and oak floors through out. Lots of bulit-ln features, large j attic, full cemented basement with , everything complete. Can be bought for only $750 down and balance leas I than rent. Purchaser may have choice of electric light fixtures and window shades. For further Information call Lewis, WA. 1422. R. F. CLARY CO. Realtors. KE. 0176._ WILL BE COMPLETED DECEMBER 16 A dandy 4-room and bath, modern bun galow. Heavy oak floor*, built-in fea ture®. full cement basemnt. floor drain, coal bin. hot ard cold water connection®, heavy tight furnace. AM good ®ized room®. Large rant Pont lot in a community of new house*. Price Is $4,000 A small cash payment down and balance same as rent, a good vacant lot accepted same a« cash or down payment. Evenings and Sunday call Schmitz. WA. 1222. R F CLARY CO.. REALTORS 24th and Ames Ave. KE. ©176. FOR COLORED 3-room modern bungalows at 24th and Decatur, beautiful location, all im provement* In and pa'd for. Prices only $4,000 each. When completed price will be advanced to $4,200 each. Good terms, call e\enings. 8. D. Lewis, WA. 1422. MILLER PAR k'baRGAIN $54© Cash Will Handle A dandy good siz-room place with every convenience, right close to the park. !• now vacant and can be bought for $1.-00 less than the price la®t spring, as owner i* very anzious to aelL Now priced at ,6l'l°T.VE INVESTMENT CO. AT. SK» N.wlon, KB inn,Pfrrou. WE Pit. CHOICE M1NNE I.USA BUNGALOW. BHAND NEW Five large rooms and bath, choice oak finish; tiled bath, wall tub. pedestal lava tory breakfast nook; Just a beauty: $1,100 cash. balance like rent: call* OSBORNE REALTY CO F JO Pet era Trust Bldg.Jackson 22$2 NEW BUNGALOW — $45© DOWN. Near 3*'h and Kmiat Ave. 6 rooms ard bath, garage. large lot and lot* of fruM tree*. You c*n move right in. Get started on roar home r J. TEBBENS CO. JA. 2112. YFS ONLY $1,764 Dandy $-r home near car line, all mod ern but heat tiled bath, screened in porch, iarge garage *1.000 down, bal ance like rent. Hoettelraair. Keeline B.dg. [ At 4250 .1A 2»4.__ » ROOMS Kountze Park Owner need* mcncy and wtil *eM cheap and on fair term*. Good garage JA 5544. Gibbons Steel : Evenings. HA 4444 5-ROOM modern bungalow, oak finish, ga rage, good location, only $4,764. Norn* 6 Norris, AT. 706 2 rs23 SEWARD 8T —A-room mod*rn bun galow $60© cash, balance monthly. Creigh 4*4 Bee JA 02*0 !) K BUCK A CO buy mod sell bomee House*—South. 82 MUST 'CI.OSF. F.8TATK South 16th 81.. dandy 6 rooms, nearly modern fine lot; waved and raid; clo*s to car and rchool. It. 144 on term* -HAH w YOUNG A SON 14*2 City Nat l Bank. AT. MU. HA. HU; WA. 7><5__• 14.750. f.O© CASH—Near Windsor school. 7 r».. nu»d . oak floors, new shades and decoration*. JA 14 26 day® WK. S24S eve LOUIS COHN Has aM kinds of property for sale. Phone M.\ 0143 4»tl 8 34th 8t. Teaar A Te*ar. or»ecia«i**a »n 8 Side home* Houses—Weit S3 ADJOINING DUNDEE. JUST COMPLETED Beautiful I-room bungalow, oak floor* end ftn!*h Large living room, built-in feature* It la modern and complete from ba*en*nt to attic. Good, heavy furnae*. Houae i* well ronttru«ted Your bote* of light flxtur *« and window shade* Beautiful location- Thi* r*n he bought for I7S8 down balance lea* than rent a good vacant lot accept same mx . .i*h on firxt \ «>ment Be aure to *•# thi* h*f.»re bu'lnc a home. Evening* rail Mr Schmitt Walnut 1222. R F CLARY CO REALTORS. KE. ulT.V 24th and Amea Av* 1417 N 44T1I AV F. Spiend d room*; nearly modern; fine furnace; all In fine vendition. Poaaeee on Dec I* CM AS W YOUNG A SOU, 1402 City Natl Bdnk AT. 4441. It A 5«61 WA. TICS. HELD Cl.UH HOME Thia wonderfullv located home ia going to b* gold in next 18 day a * rdom* •un room and eleeolng porch, oak ftoorg and finlah Double garage J A 8811. Mr. Vogel. Celklna Company WTLL build to your order oa our beauti ful lot* In Edtewpod: v*rv ea*v terma Phone AT 1S40 ___ COLLINS COM PANT Bulld*ra of Built Right Home*. 48f Arthur BldgOffice AT >121 Houses—Benson. 84 • BKNRi'N $ room im>d*rti bungalow with two Sd-ft. lota oh'** to car and achool Large floored attic Owner leaving city. Imme diate pn***aalon IS. 888; term* Real .lance. WA 4422 4815 Military Ay* Fred A Pailev WA 4 » \ For Sale—Dundee. 85 UUNPKK SmLIlINO SITES OKoncir • co it mi For Ssls—Florence. 88 STTH>WH»llilo.miMMH KK IQS Lots for Ssls 88 Kl I 'IlKM K PtKLI' SKI.l.tNil fnleatnen on ground* *very day. C W MARTIN A CO AT 814?._ BUY A LOT IN POMTA ADDITION tic Down 118 per Month MCAHUF INVESTMENT > .1 A Ij45 Real Estate for Exchange 89 KXOHANOES of .It kind, R It Blows* <v m w-nni'n K ,U AT .’»« Wanted—Real Estate. 90 RXRV1CX AND- II KrTm-TX Competent an'ex force •LA ?IS8 OIOV FK % SPAIN, b wait ora WF SKI 1. HOMES. LIST WITH CE HAMILTON a CO 982-4 Ne\ ill# Block JA- 8411 IIA A K buier* f.*r good home* Du >*'u • ant to ae'l vonr»t Lift It with C A Grlmmet. Realtor JA ISIS- ! MvK U* flr*t Need llatlng*. any location to 4 rooma Shopen A Co., Realtor* • A. 4224. 124 Keel in* Bldg REAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. , Wanted—Real Estate. 90 CHAS. W. YOUNG * SON Real Eatate Rentala. lnaurane*. 1«81 City Nat l BankAT. 1«H LIST your home with ua for reaulta. GRUENIG REALTY Co. UaaMora Jackaon 1065._1400 Flrat Nat. Bk. "WB BUILD TO PLEASE" TEMPLE M'FAYDEN CO. 1804 Farnam 8t. _ AT 00*0 O. T~ HAMER. Inveatmrnta. Acreara- _ 1808 Farnam. _ AT, »>80. M. A. ANDERSON CO., J A. 6107. IIaa buyera for 6. C and 7-room houaee. LIST your property with Chrla Boyar, notary public. 23d and Cuming Sti SLATER A CO., Realtor! Keellne Hide. WORLD REALTY CO.. Reaiiora. AT l«H. WESTERN Real Eatate Co. JA. 880». Graham Patera Co. aell homes JA. »e*«. Chaa, E. Belman, AT 6:50 -Heal Eatate. Huettelmaler Real Eatate—AT. 8:60. O. A HANPKLL. Real Eatate AT. 8817 H. W. Volland Co. for heal eerviea. At »654 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 11926 An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 10998 a* amended by Ordinance No. 11637 and Ordinance No. 11845. being an Ordinance assigning to the differ ent department* of the City of Omaha, the officers, employee, auhdepartment* and line of work of the city ov»r which each department shall make supervision and repealing aU ordinance* *nd parts of ordinance* In conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1099S of the City of Omaha a* amended by Ordi nance* No. 1 1637 and No. 11845. he and the name i* hereby amended in that the ■ uperlntendency, administrailon and con trol of th“ Department of Weigh'* and Measures 1* assigned and transferred to the Department of Public Affairs. Section 2. That so much of Ordinance No. 10998 of the City of Omaha a* amended by Ordinance* No. 11637 end No. 11846, a* conflicts herewith be. and the •aine 1* hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be :n force from and after fifteen days sfter It* passage. Passed: November 27. 1923. JA.VTES C. DA ftLMAN. Mayor and President of City Council. At test: CLAUDE F. BOSSIK (SEAL.) City Clerk. • ORDINANCE NO. 21943. An Ordinance vacating Leavenworth Street West from the Missouri rivsr In the city of Omaha. e Where**. A petition representing owners of 100 per cent of the abutting property on Leavenworth Street Westward from the Missouri river has heretofore been filed with the City of Omaha: and Whereas Said property owners have In snd by said petition waived any and aU damages that may be* occasioned by the vacating of said Leavenworth Street. BEh*!Tf°rORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA. Section 1. That Leavsn worth Street described as follows: That portion of Leavenworth Street be tween the East line attended of Sub Lot 5 of Government Lot 3. Section 23-T 16. North. P.ange 13. East of the Sixth Principal Meridian on the West, and the West boundary line of the right of way of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad company on the East, be. and the same is hereby, vacated: the City of Omaha reserwnr the right, however, to grant permit* for the con struction of pole line* with th* necesaary lateral connect-on* along said part of Leavenworth Street; and also the right to construct sewer, water main*. con-t du ts and any otheT aub-*u»-faee struc ture* which may be found necessary for properly serving shutting property. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be In force after fifteen lay* from and after Its taaaage. i’aeaed. November 27, 1923 JAMES t DAHLMAK. . Mavor and PrHidfnt of City Coun II. AttMt. CLAUDS F. BOSSIK. I SEAL) Cl_ly_Clg?L— LEGAL NOTICES. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Offlc* of the Supervising Architect. "'nahingtoo. I> C IW. 1, 1#23 —SEALED PRO POSALS wit! be opened In thi, office at 1p m. Dec. I*. 3>:i. for rhim.i in the lobby screen and miscellaneous reraodellnic and repair, in th« C. S Court House. ; Custom-House. and Pont Office. at Omaha. Neb. Drawing* and specification* may b, obtained from th. Cuatr.dian of the bulldln* at Omahau Nett, or at thla office In th« discretion of the Suporvis,^ Archi tect. Js, A Wetmor,. Aetin, Suporvtn In, Architect. ■ " Expense Limit Exceeded. Lincoln, Dec. 6.—Claim* for travel in? expenses filed by J. A. Little, rate expert for the Nebraska railway com mission, have met with objection* on tha, par! of Deputy State Auditor Monza, who declares that be will re fuse to issue warrants for any more such claims. It appears, according to the deputy auditor, that Little ha* overrun the $5 a-day limit for meal* and lodging on several of hi* trip*. While in Denver recently, and on a trip to Minneapolis, Little charged up hi* hotel room and meal* at rate* in excess of the maximum allowed, it is claimed, and the auditor s office gave notice that in the future such claims would not be allowed. Little, it is said, had an Interview with Honza and, as a result, it is said the account will be pared. Real Estate Transfers. ' Vf a nett a A. Hirrold and hua j l*And to ‘"harlea Sxropoa. iltk 1 Ax w. 18* fwt f of Grant St . aide 50x1-« - 1 !!• I R<«*iHnd A. Bt'.ak to Joowph T. Markoviti And wtfw. 8 St , Sit feet « of 41 At St . n. Aid*. 2&X US . 2.444 Uftrk«^ Ck to Hwnile Conwt. Co., a. e"cor. 28tfc And Mim St a,. 43 84x140 . l.SSt Park«r Co to H»n*te Con#' Co, •4th St St€ fwwt • of Majfch St.. «. aide. 4S X4X140 . ua Cla renew K Corwy And ntfw to Lloyd Cartwr And wife. 12th St . 1 150 few! n of Missouri Ave., m - !e 50*130. Ml 1A If rod I Ralston Ard a ?• to Z*- hsnsh W Shrader, n * cor. 18th And Blnnwy Sta . 74x124.... 2.004 OIxh V. Rltchex And husband to Maurice Ldpsni*n, et aL, 22d St . lib fawt n. of k St.. n Udo. 21x150 . . . J Henrietta Eden to J«mei K IMivl* •on. et al.. N St SA0 fewt xr of Uth St . *■ Aid*- 54xlJ. 10t William Smdh. wt »L. to Conttan* 1 ttne Kundrat, a. w. cor. 22d and 1 N 81. *5x*t>. 2.204 Jennie E I'Altlka And husband to Mollto t\ Clary. Bedford St.. 280 !>rt r. of «*ih SI » si.l*. ie«*K* «#• Awe’. K Sprlnaer and wife to Rowe Sprinner. Rtf* St.. 512 fewt » of ! Bancroft s- . e wldw. 54x122 .v 2.004 I A»e| K Spiinswr And *ifw to Rose Sprinctr. >th St. 227 fwwt n of ! Sprint St w wide. 82*14*'- 2 2*4 Mad* Mar* to W 1! Backu*. 24th St. 1*0 feet A. Of Bdyd St., a cite. 1**124 . . 704 Bert .1 Ra> » and wife to Rwrkwr I Co Mason St 272 feel w. of 4 Id Axe. *. v.le 45x104, l Catherine M Moirison to Banker Co., 4*'th St . *5 fewt a of Miami S’ w aide *44-8*130.. . 434 Thfr'dor* H Mwenner and »tfw to Barker Co.. Maion S’ 128 foot x* of 4 3d Avw, A- Aid A. 45*101 W of 47d Axe. a aids, 45*108 1.404 Bert J Ra.vIa and nr Iff* to France* l' MeVea Cumin* St. IKS f»0t w of Orwron Trail. 4**120.. 2,244 Louise l*w S Attbtn to Jamew H Bono. n. a cor. 4*th and Marin - da S’ . 1*0x127 . 14 ConBnwntai Realty Co. to Clar emw J Bradlsy. lx*rd S- K4 fewt w of 4 7th Avi . n Aide. 8. x 154 , .. 7 4? Ephraim Nordstrom and a fe to Walla* w K Spear, wt al W wet wrn Ax w, 18* f wet w. of 8!*t St. I a aide 5flx!4t .. . .. 12.SC2 Hoad Condition* (fkntiiNrd hx Omaha AtHo Cl«h> l.fnoolvi Highway Fa at Road a c hvI Ldnoaln Highway Wm—Road* *oo4 OK IV —Rv«.1i good Vf hi n, Hik wnv Koada good Oornhu*k#r Highway Roada |.vd Highland Out off—Road* good. S T A lloada « od Rlack HI * Trail-* Road oCwad two * mil#* mil of K)k t'hi, diti ta paving Ailarrai* rout# to Ktfm.'itt x ,a. Ltaooln Highway Roada good F th»*»oi*t to No*• folk Ot ' i* V .xah J, ghwnt Road* C<i*h1 « maha Txilaa Hiuhaai Honda good Omaha-T.'oaka Highway R*Mid* good K»ng of T#a * \ >rth Road* fair Kit a of Yt «. * South Rvwdi goo-4. Rival lo R1 xw r Road — Road* good U hHt Wn* t 11 Hi'- hn »y— K *nd» g# d \ O y Shortliitr - It. ad* good Primary Na s Road* good Want hat i#yoit#d ci#ar *| g|| giat .oaa