The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 06, 1923, CITY EDITION, Image 4

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    Mrs. Catt Pleads
for World Peace
Feminist Leader Denounces
Foreign Policy of United
A crusade of women to demand that
' the United States form and put across
an active program for world peace was
• called by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.
feminist lender, before an audience of
600 Omaha club women and their hus
bands Tuesday night in the ball room
of the Fontenelle hotel.
In an address with her old-time fire
and energy, Mrs. Catt proved that her
eloquence has lost none of Its power,
her deep, rich voice none of Its spell,
and her ironic wit none of its edge
since she stumped the country for
equal rights. The ill health which has
hampered the suffrage leader In re
cent years did not appear in her man
ner last night. She swept her audi
ence along for two solid hours. She
set forth the forces urging toward war
and denounced what she considers the
failure »f America to oppose them
actively. ,
America Great Obstacle.
The public opinion of the world
looks upon America as the great
obstacle on the road to world
peace, charged Mrs. Catt. Other
nations have assigned to thlB
country the role of leudeis In the
:trend toward the inevitable next war.
■'Imperialistic ambitions" was the ex
planation she found in Europe, South
America and the orient for America's
1415-17 DougUt Street
A Credit Store for All
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If you can find lower
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you get cash store
prices combined with
most liberal credit
Open a Beddeo ‘
Charge Account
adoption of of an extensive program
of submarine, airplane, and chemical
preparedness whlla refusing to share
In any permanent attempt to safe
guard peace. Never, ahe averred, had
she seen so much hostility to Amer
ica abroad as sha had found in the
last few weeks.
Americans, complained Mrs. Catt,
are "the grandest people in the world
at telling other folk what to do. and
the poorest hands In the world at do
ing It.” i
America Gives Proposals.
The only four proposals of schemes
for world peace which the modern
world has known have emanated from
America, but the country has adopt
ed none of them, she pursued. These
proposals she defined as the sugges
tion, of a United States of Europe,
made by Benjamin Franklin and re
cently revived by some Europeans;
the league of nations, although in
fact, she claimed, the idea of the
league started not in America, IniU
with Queen Elizabeth; the world court,
proposed, agitated and organized, but
never adopted by Americans, and tho
"outlawry of war," suggested by Sen
ator Borah, for which there is us yet
no machinery.
“I am for all these schemes," pro
claimed Mrs. Catt. “I Intend to work
for any common-sense project to re
strain war. I shall work the hardest
for the one which I think most peo
ple can be brought to adopt. Frankly,
I don't know which It is.”
Denounces Polities.
While she denounced the political
situation, “which has brought us to
such a pretty pass that we can t take
issue on an American-made idea with
out getting all balled up In politics,"
Mrs. Catt maintained that the princi
pal blame lay not with Washington
but with the people who have let
minor things take all their attention.
“The American people could bring
permanent peace in this generation if
they would put their minds to it," she
quoted. She urged the women, espec
lally, to “forget about clothes and
canaries" and organize to demand a
constructive peace program of their
U. S. Marshal to
Aid Dry Agents
Cronin Says His Office ^ ill
Make Searches for
United States Marshal Dennis
Cronin is ready to search and seize
for Nebraska prohibition agents. He
so Informed Hubert Suni'iicV k
| Cronin made the statement after
Federal Judge Woodrough handed
I down his opinion yesterdf# that Sa
mardick and other agents werenot civil
officers and therefore it is Illegal for
them to search and seize with a war
"Hereafter, whenever possible,
agents will arrest the bootlegger after
I they make a buy." said Samarlck.
“A search may be made only In the
j room where the liquor wag purchased.
It will be Illegal to search other parts
! of the premises."
Neither United States District At
torney Kinjjler nor Samardlck have
received word from Washington,
where Woodrough's decision has
! caused a stir.
Chamman bnack
to Be Torn Down
Fred Brown’s "shack.” west of Ben
son, made notorious in last year's
news by the chaining of two women
by the bandit, Brown, In the cellar of
the dwelling, recently turned Into a
school house In district 16, will be
torn down.
Announcement came Wednesday
from H. M. Eaton, superintendent of
schools. He also said a new school
house would be erected on the site.
Reason for the destruction of the
-hack was because school district 16
had become so crowded it was made
iinto two districts. New district will
jim known as district 64
1ICORICE—that delightful and health*
* ful confection in a new and convenient
form. A package of Nibs will convince
you that nne quality Licorice Pastes just
as good today as it did when you were a
National’s Licorice Nibs are
welcomed by everybody and
Sold Everywhere
WT ' ' »
A /emeritus quan
tity for a nickel.
Children like them
and mat tat all
they want.
L. A. Writhes in
Municipal Pain
12-Hour Curfew on Dancing
Arouses Movie Folk W ho
Threaten to Leave.
Bt Associated rrcas.
l.oa Angeles, Dec. 8.—Los Angeles
writhed on a bed of municipal pain
today as opposing civic forces dashed
over the permissibility of post-mid
night dancing and a little game of
chance for charity.
While officers of the Western Mo
tion Picture Advertisers association
looked about for some place outside
of Los Angeles In which to hold their
annual hall, as a result of the police
commission'll refusal yesterday to
grant them a permit sanctioning
dancing after midnight, and while
seven patrons of the Jlnntstan Grot
to's charily circus awaited trial on
charges of participating In games of
chance designed to raise money for a
Masonic Christmas fund, various or
ganlzatlons denounced what they
called "unnecessary restrictions on the
rights of citizens" and threatened re
taliatory action against the city ad
ministration unless conditions
Resolutions adopted by the Screen
.Writers guild, branded the 12 o'clock
dancing ordinance under which the
motion picture directors ball was
halted by the police Thanksgiving
eve and the Western Motion Picture
Advertisers request for a 3 a. m. per
mit denied, as "the midnight curfew
law for adults," and heartily endorsed
a proposal to organize the city's mo
tion picture population Into a political
force capable of campaigning for a |
metropolitan government by metro-1
polltau minds."
Meanwhile members of the Los
Angelos Advertising elub who yester
day adopted a similar resolution were
discussing an address of Sol Lesser,
motion picture producer and theater
operator, who reminded them that
"the motion picture industry is not
necessarily rooted here.’’ and that
producers here “have even dlscusaed
plans for taking their entire plants
to New York.”
Clergymen and police vice squad
officers who conducted the raid on
the Jinnistan Grotto circus laat night
were hooted and Jeered as they led
their prisoners away after arresting
a number of participants In alleged
games of chance.
Narrow Mack suede belta that ere
studded with email nail heads are new
and striking.
After Government Ownership
of Railroads—What?
If the Goyemment takes over the railroads, your
business and ours may be next. The arguments ad
vanced for Federal ownership of transportation lines
apply to banks, steel mills, coal mines and lumber
Principle of Private Ownership at Stake
If the railroads were taken over by the
1. It would impose upon the people an added debt
of at least twenty billions of dollars which with
the war debt could not be paid within a century.
2. It would result in loss of revenue to the Federal
and State Governments of about $300,000,000
annually—the taxes paid by the railroads in 1922.
The Government does not tax its own property,
nor permit the States to do so. Railroads under
Government ownership could not be taxed, as
they would be in the same class as post offices
or forts.
3. With the railroad, telegraph, express, and postal
departments in the hands of the Federal Govern
ment about one-fifth of the population would be
on Uncle Sam’s pay-roll. This would invite the
creation of a political machine interesting, but
appalling, to contemplate.
4. Government ownership of railroads has nowhere
been a success and has meant high rates and low
5. The late President Harding characterized the
movement to adopt Government ownership as a
“colossal blunder.” “I believe,” he said, “it would
destroy initiative, infect us with political corrup
tion, create regional jealousies, and impose in
calculable cost on the public treasury.”
Private Ownership of Railroads 4
Is Good Enough to Keep
Merchants National Bank
Omaha ... Nebraska
Bee Publishing
Ernest Scherer
Half tones,Zinc
Etchings, Color
Mates, Photo
Omaha, Nebr.
2 for 1 Sale
Wednesday, P- *"T
Friday!**' DeC. 5-6-/
Omahans and people of this trade territory will again have an opportun,ty to
participate in our ANNUAL 2-F0R-1 SALE. We are offering you weil-rcnown,
standard preparations and sundries at unheard-of prices. Buy One and Get Two.
A wonderful opportunity to buy the fine.t Medicine., Toilet Article. Household Need, end
Chri.tme. Gift, at tromendou. .aving.. Included .n th.. .ele w.ll be a few .tanderd item, that
owing to ruling, of their manufacturer., we are not permitted to offer them to the public at
2 for 1 The.e will be .pecially priced for thi. .ale. We re.erve the right to limit quentitie..
No good, .old to deal or*. MAIL ORDERS. Add 5 cent, on every dollar or fraction thereof
to cover packing and poatage. __
All Guaranteed Perfect
Specially Priced for This
$1.00 Bi-Lite two-way Plugs.
each .. . . .53*
$10 Tucker Heating Pads (three
heats), each .$5.78
$3.00 Electric Curling Irons,
$2.50 Electric Hot Plates,
$6.60 Improved Electric
Toaster, automatically
turns bread, each. .. .$3.39
$4.50 Upright Electric Toatster,
$7.00 6-lb. Perfection Electric
Flat Iron, each.$3.39
$1.50 10-foot Extension Cord,
with all connections for globe,
each .89*
10c Fuse Plug?.2 for 10*
10 to 50-watt Edison Mazda
Lamog. each ... .32*
$10.00 White Cross Electric
Grill, each .85.98
50c box Linen Paper, white and
colors .2 for 50*
50c lb. pkg. Patser. .2 for 50*
16c Linen Envelopes.2 for 15*
10c Writing Tablets, ruled
or plain--....2 for 10*
Drug Wants
Two for One
40c Castoria .2 for 40*
30c Mentholatum ...2 for 30*
25c Hinkle Pills.2 for 25*
25c Pond’s Extract. 2 for 25*
20c Aspirin, 1 dozen Squibb’s,
at.2 for 20*
75e Aspirin,, 100 bot. 2 for 75*
25c De Mar's Liver Pills.
at . ....2 for 25*
25c Beaton’s Cold Tablets
at .2 for 25*
35c Miller's Snake Oil,
at .2 for 25*
$1.00 Massage Alcohol, o^e
pint, at.2 for 81.00
$1.25 I moorted Olive Oil. one
pint, at.2 for 91.25
65c Witch Hazel in pints,
at .2 for 65*
15c Diamond Dye.. 2 for 15*
16c Epsom Salts, in .pounds
at .2 for 15*
25c Glycerine and Rosewater.
.3 ounces .2 for 25*
50c Glycerine, in 4 pints,
at .2 for 5ft*
30c Mustard Cerate. 2 for30*
$1.00 Grant’s Vita Vim Yeast
Tablets.2 for «1 00
25c Just One Laxative Tablets.
at .2 for 25*
20e Beaton's Peroxide, 4
pound, at.2 for 20*
10c Sulphur, 4 lb. ..2 for 10*
Meritol Medicines
for the Cabinet
Two for One
60c Syrup of Figs. .2 for 60*
15c Sewing Machine Oil,
at .2 for 15*
66c Eczema Olntmert,
at ..2 for 65*
15c Camnhor Ice—.2 for 15*
35c Clothes Cleaner. 2 for 35*
30c Catarrh Jelly (for head
colds) .2foT30*
25c Little Liver Pills,
at.2 bottles for 95*
25c Carbolic Salve. .2 for 25*
25e Arnica Salve. —2 for 25*
25c Witch Hasel Salve.
at.2 for 25*
35c Boric Acid Powder.
sprinkle can .2 for 35*
60c Kidney and Backache
Pills, at .2 for 50*
•3."ic t'astorial Meritol 2 for 35*
65c Mentholene Balm.
at .9for65>
35c Milk of Megnesia 9 for 9**
66c Milk of Magnesia ** for 65^
50c White Liniment.2 for 50*
$1.00 Vitamine Tablets,
at .2 for 91.00
25c Tincture of Iodine,
at . 2 for 25*
35c Furniture Polish 2f°z35*
Drug Wants
Specially Pric»d
$8.75 Horliek's Malted M lk.
at .*2.84
$1.10 Mastin’* Vitamon TsbVts.
at .79*
00c Sal Hepatic*..42*
60c Lavori*.37*
$1.10 S S. S.84*
$1.25 Pinkham Vegetable
Compound .89*
25r Lvsol .17*
$1.50 Lyko Tonic.P2*
$1.00 Listerine .G9*
25c N. R. Tablet*.19*
80c Crudol . . . . .19*
Radio Department
$7.50 Radio Crystal S*t *4.78
$6.00 Radio Head Phone*.
8.000-ohm. for . *3.98
$1.50 Ihicon Receiving Plugs,
at . *1.29
$15.00 complete Radio Crystal
Sets, with head phones, aerial
plug for electric light socket
and ground wire, ready to
tune in, at. . . H9.68
Candy Specials
Two for One
Stock Up for Xmas—Buy Now
80c 1 lb. Balduff’s Chocolate
Creams in fancy boxes,
at .. .2 for 80e
45c lb. Hard Xmas Candy, very
choice .. • • »• 2 lbs- for 454*
$1.00 box I.owney’s Assorted
Chocolates, fruit and nut cen
ters .2 lbs. for 81.00
Toilet Articles
Two for One
50c Orazin Tooth Paste.
at .2 for 50*
50c KriUiantine .. 2for50c
60c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo.
at.2 for 50*
25c Stictite, keeps the hair in
place.2 for 25*
$1.50 Goutorbe Face Powder,
at.2 for 81.50
$2.00 Goutorbe Com bination
Face Powder and Rouge in
the new shades of Begonia,
Orange and medium rouge,
gold or gun metal box with
mirror.2 for 82.00
50c Goutorbe Rouge, all shade*,
at .2 for 50C
$1.00 Goutorbe Compact Face
Powder, large gold box,
at .2 for 81.00
5Cc La Meritol Face Powder,
at . ...2 for 50*
75c La Meritol Face Powder,
at.2 for 75*
25c Beaton’s Cold Cream,
at...2 for 25*
50c La Noye Natural Rouge,
at .2 for 50*
75c Pinaud's Tivcli Face Pow
der .2 for 75*
50c 5-lb. bag Sea Salt 2 for 50*
60c Meritol Hair Tonic,
at.2 for 60*
50c Beaton’s Theatrical Cold
Cream. V»-lb. can.2 for 50*
50c Youth Craft Hair Tonic,
at .2 for 50e
$1.00 Glacier Clay (face pack),
at .2 for 81.00
25c Velvet Cream Lotion.
at .2 f°r 25*
50c Graham's Kosmeo Cream,
at .2 for 50C
20c Powder Puffs, 2. 3 and 4
inch.2 for 20*
Toilet Articles
Spatially Priced for This Sale
$1.50 Van Ess.81.00
75c Slacomb .54<*
$1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic,
at .67*
50c Pepsodent .31*
25c Listerine Tooth Paste, 18c
25c Graves Tooth Powder, l8*
50c De Mars Benzoin and Al
mond Cream. 39*
$1.26 Coty’s L’Origin Powder,
each .79*
$1.00 Le Trefle or Azurea Pow
der, each.69*
50c Luxor Rouge, each. .. 39*
50c Clothes Brushes. 2 for 50*
40c Hand Brushes. .2 for 40c
35c Tooth Brushes. .2 for 35*
50c Tooth Brushes- .2 lor 50*
50c Dr. West’s TootL Brushes.
each .29*
$1.00 Hair Brushes 2 for 81.00
50c Ivory Combs. .. .2 for 50*
50c Hard Rubber Combs,
at .2 for 50*
75c Hard Rubber Combs.
at.2 for 75*
25c Pocket t ombs 2 lit 27 O
10c Fiona Hair Nets -ap or
fringe, single and double mesh.
at.2 for JOc
Per doren . . . . .19c
$1.25 House Shears, each. 59C
40c Cuban Wool Sponges.
at .2 for 40r
15c Toilet Paper . 2 for 15C
65c Kotex . 48c
85c Ivory Nail Files. 2 for 85C
Photo Department
Rexo Folding Camera. size 3 V» x
4 !4, w ith double lens and bril
liant view finder. Regular
price $15.00, during this sale,
special at.87.98
$3 50 Rexo Box Camera. 2'.-'
4's. at .82.10
Special Discounts on Other
$1.50 Swing Frames, 6x9 or
7x11 .2 for 81.50
$1.50 Leatherette Loose Leaf
Photo Albums. 7 x 10,
at .2 for 81.50
10c Rexo Art Corners 2 for IOC
Beaton Drug
15th and Farnam
Toilet Water and .
Floral Odors
Your favorite Tower in deli
cate toilet water: lilac, red
I rose, white rose, wisteria, lily of J
the valley, violet, etc. *
50c bottles .2for50<*.’
75c bottips .. 2 for 7oC*
I $1.00 bottles-2 for 81.00' I
$1.50 bottles ....2 f°r 81.50 1
Fer'e Kiss Bosquet Toilet Water,*1
regular price $1.50 in thi*
sale, at 2 for 81.50 T
| 50c Mavis Toilet Water. *
at .2 for 50* •
Meritol Complexion
Powder ™
A very fine face powder that
stays on well. 50c boxes, on
sale at . 2 for 50^
I $1.00 Risley Lilac Yeget*!,
at .2 for 81.00
Perfume Set*
Hudnut’s. Djer Kiss, Colgate's ‘
and other fancy Xmas Packages 1
| specially priced.
Bulk Perfume*
White rose, locust blosom, violet,"
lilac, wisteria, trailing arbutus <
regular price 11.00 per oz, 1
this sale. . . .2 oz. for 81.00
Djer Kiss, regu!ar pmce $2 per
j oz., at.2 oz. for 82.00
Jiekey, regular price $150 bc-s '
oz., at.2 oz. for 81.5Q
Coty’s L’Oriean Extract regular
price $4.00 per oz., 2 ozs.
Perle Kiss, reg. price $1.50 per
oz., at.2 oz. for 81.50
Package Perfume*
Perfume* in Fancy Chriitma*
1 75© package, assorted odors,
at .2 for 75£
$1.25 package, assorted odors,
at.2 for 91.25
Save half on your Christmas
Perfumes by buying now.
Specially Priced
$11.00 Caron’s Black Narc’sse.
fancy package, each. 97. QSa
$8 50 Coty’s L’Origan Extract,
2-oz. fancy nkg.85.29
$2.50 Xarcisse Vendome,
$2.25 Coty’s Paris or L “Origan,
each.81.59 <
15c Lux, rkg.
tpc Palmolive Soap. cake. Of* >
20c Pear's Linscented Glycerine.
| at.12- :
iOe life Buoy.2 for 10
j 15c De Mar's Coco»nut and Al
mond Oil, 8-©z. cuk-’s. ' ,
at . ° for 1
25c Woodbury’s ... .3 for flOC
25c Packer'* Tar. . 3f©n50<2
30e Resrol, each.1ft—.
25e Cuticnra, each.1 ft^
10c Almond Soap 2 for 10<*
For Men
Complete Tine of Xm»i Seta for
; Men tneciaWy priced for tkii
tale. In regular line we offer*
$!.00 Gillette Razor Blades. -.
dozen for ... .j
! 50c Gem blades. 7 blades 36*
40e Ever Ready Blades, 6
blades for . 32C
*1.00 A ito-Strop Blades, full
nku. for .65C ,
; 50e Durham Duplex Blades. 5 m
blades for ... .*6*1
! 35e Ender Blades, 5 blades ' *T
for .2?C
; $1.00 Gem Raior, with blades.. |
at .?Og»>
• Gi,utte Gold Razor, with 6*ree
\ M"de«, for . 7°*
j Si no \ >to-S‘roo Razor, wi*h
b’«4e and stron. 64c !
1 ’l,. p,> i.uxe I atber Cream.
' nt. 9 for 35f*
35e Ss'ww* Shaving Cream
or Stfck . "for 3.">C
35c Palmolive Shaving Cream
at ........21*,
35c Mennen’s Shaving Cream.,
at .. . • 23«* >
40c Pe Mar's Shaving Cream.
at . 2 'or -Jrt«*
50c Mennen’s Shaving Cream. * ’
at .3!>C .
35c Youth Craft Shav'ng Cream
at. 2 ter
5 o Vrank's 1 gfher Kreem.
10e XVillaiVns' or Colgate's S*1"* ‘1
ir" Scan . 6C
25c Mention's Talc for Men.
at . 17C
$1.50 Pinaud's l.ilac \ cgetal. k
at f»2<* j
100.000 Meditation Pt l uxe six*
mild Havana Oirars. wrapped
in foil, tell rejralarly for 20c;
durinr this sale.H'eC
Pox of 25..82.2S
12c Molroae Invincibles.
at . 2 for 12**
Pox of 25. SI.NO
Pox of 50.93.0Q.
No sales to dealers, l imit d
Hexes to a customer. .»
Very Appropriate Xmas Gifts a
All Standard Brands at Greatly .
* Reduced Pricea.