Steal $40,000 in Stamps. Eldorado, Kan., Dec. 6.—Prying open a small window In the mall re ceiving vestibule, bandits last night gained entrance to the Eldorado post office and escaped with money, reg istered mail and stamps, said by poet office officials to be valued at $40,000. Swap what you have for what you haven’t. Read the Classified ads. Jeremiah Leary Dies. Jeremiah Leary, 66, former Union Pacific employe, died yesterday after noon at his home, 501 North Forty first avenue. _ He is survived by his widow, three sons, James and T. J. Leary of Coun cil Bluffs and Dr. William J. Leary of South Omaha: a daughter. Mrs. James Savage, and 13 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thurs day morning at X:30 at the home, and later at St. Cecilias cathedral. Burial will be In St. Marys cemetery. Bee Want Ads Produce Result*. Saltzman U. S. Signal Head. Washington, Dec. 6.—Selection of Colonel Charles McK. Saltzman to succeed Major General Georgre O. Squler as chief signal officer of the THE NEBBS_ ' the CAT’S ou.T 0F the bag. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess ^ELIO.'OAD T tWOOGNT I D DROP IN FOft\ A MVNUTE TO SEE WOW VOO WERE Getting Along ant>incvqentm.lY , GWE NOU A BT or NEw/S TNAT l } (jj TUlMK VOU OUGHT TO KnOj / you KNOW THAT UNION TOOL AND WIPE STOCK VOU BOUGHT on NW Tip 1 - WELL X SOLD t MINE THIS MORNING — I think Tou better get r»d ( —y or vours_) fvoo-v/E got a nkX PRonr now ano\ ithwKTHE STOCK »SGOING TO \ FLOP - TIME CHANGES -DOESN'T IT 7 A FEW WEEKS AGO I'D HAME BEEN GLAD TO SEE IT FLOP OUT FROM UNDER WOU J _ AND VOLVD HAME HAD A LOT OF FUN PICKING OUT A "BROKEN WHEEL" OR LV A "GATES AJAR" FORME - BUT '-^THAT'S ALL PAST NOW r-— fWU -EH. DAD ? 5-^L, 1 ® v—- * f^PO\ w.f -vr* i i 1 r i*» w y%» w»n »r—«»•«»• »■» fNOU BET IT'S DIFFERENT NOW AND IF^V SfaLl WANT IT TO STAN DIFFERENT DONT ] THAT STOCK! I NAD (T ON ( aSSBS1 AND it COST ME IOOO BUCKS T^ErVXnW* ON PRINT IT IN WASNINfiTON —> OUST ACT THAT TIME YDIDN’T NEED IT IMUCH - ANVMCR.eI THAN l NEEDED MV BREATH ! THAT S < 7«SSS5S5S-c== V. X WAS SOtRAXN / FV.. i ( ABOUT vou y Q _' (jU & ■ GvttV»SOr-~> - Barney Google and Spark Plug Barney Displays Some Wonderful Headwork. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (Copyright. Hit.I " ' 1 I INTCmjROAN CAR BARNS X Guess they're all eatiNG Their LUNCH — FAT CHANCE OF US Getting -fo CHICAGO GY SATURDAY • You say not a Soul IS ONER THEBE.HEY* f QUICK. SUNSHINE., 1 CRavml uR On "rw'': STREET CAR AND UNMOOR THE. TIiOLLCY pOtE • VlURRY ' VNO ONE'S AROUND iC^Sjtrtmby Kvf'^Ilur«!Syn lucktO WAIT UNTIL » «IT 'NET ‘ ' ME PAT ENVELOPE AINT EATEN || AN- ILL take tou DOWN TO OINTVe I OKI'S. FOR A t)WELL FEED WHEN I *»E£ THE * MEN C'TTIM PAOD CREA.T CUT , -bOMETlME-b THACT INVENTED feel like pact-dacv WHO COIN‘ TO work: ever he WUZ . [—u—a v i i—— i7 WELL! THAT WOMAN HAt A HEART A“3 e>l<4 At) AN ICE WACiON AN' JUt)T At) - . COLO! JERRY ON THE JOlT ONLY ONE OBSTACLE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban (Copyright. 1IJI.) \f 'wU/Mirr o'w»'T^) [Utt»*f a»9oer'> O OU** / !> sjeEB»KM3 9osr Sant I jt VET SnU'®31' . (‘Lo6oer om-wi. EoeoK ^ '■MO VJIU. EE ^ OunE a < SrasrCM-J [ 'TU\S‘ ooswr Tb IE A \ I <3QE£r ~HmE To 9tft TVC 9EEj l Ow NO.'*yx&’A K N>———7^ ca\se uiTwn «®5- V VMSS-r^ ( L I CamTOiT] VC CAMT VCIOC (wsr WACfW*) WE Off EBEO i , M'Scjt / 7 *w S4 Bonus-J Lurr- ( 1—'Wv«—^ j ir!) All Tit LCAVt ^OORa OUT, You keep look»m<» For it each day for T«jo vueeKS , eeFoRe hopc BEGINS To WANE ■ And Then too DECIDE, YOO’H MEv/Efc'«See IT «N» PK.tHT - AMD Them onr cay You Run across it RY ACCIDENT BY GEOf?T. RED PEPPER FOR RHEOirar Red Pepper Rub take* the "ouch'’ from sore, allff. aching joint*. It can not hurt you, and it certainly stopa that old rheumatism torture at once. When you ere suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pep per Rub and you will have the quick est relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes It warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and soreness are gone Ask any good druggist for a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sura to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package. (U»^IS tonsiIiti*i w I pneumonia. Prevent tW I I on tivtr >n.| L *ct (UTBCtiy I ”dl!? ^ ^ body J I ZlTT ^ up tie whoU I 7TT Resaant (d I b«»dy. aJw,^01™” KeeP « boa I A DTEBTISEM *>7. Why Druggists Recommend - Swamp-Root. For many years druggists have watched with much interest tha re markable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid ney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp Root is s strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys. Uver and bladder do the work nature In tended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood ths teat of years. It I* sold by all druggists on its merit and It should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and ^ _ start treatment at once. However, If you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, X. T., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. ADVEBT1SEMEM. Grandmother Knew There \Ym Nothin* So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard But ths old-fashioned mustard plas ter burned and blistered while It acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without ths plaster and without the blister. Musterole does It. It Is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that It works wonders Gently massage Musterole with the finger-tips. See how- quickly It brines relief—how speedily the pain disap pears. Try Musterole for sore throat, hron chitis. tonsillitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion. pleurley. rheumatism, lumhago, pains and aches of the back or Joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains. frosted feet, colds of the ehest (it may prevent pneumonia!. To Mothers: Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children's Musterole. 35c and 65c. Jars and tubes; hospital size. IS.01'. Better than a mustard plaster COLDS GRIP Fortify tbe system sssinst Colds. Grip and Influents by tskint t^Quinini^ which destroy (terms. act ■« * ionic laxative, and keep the sys tem in condition to throw off all attack* of Cold*. l>rip *nd Influent*. The Nix hears this *i*n»tiue ^ Price She. _j