The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 02, 1923, CITY EDITION, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 38

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    You may feel sorry for Jigga,
oven for Maggie, perhaps, but
don't worry about the welfarr
of George McManns. their
creator. Note the twinkle In the
artist'a eye. He's just drawn his
salary cheek. Mr. McManus’
cartpons appear in The Omaha
Bee, morning and evening, and
in colors on Sunday.
/s //te
_ Inshtration
,©! »/ '
UJ E find- a great
™ deal to be thank
ful for when we con
sider that the past
year has brought to
us the satisfaction of
having pleased hun
dreds of discriminat
ing customers.
Moderate Prices
Big Daylight Tailor Store
S. E. Cor. 15th and Harney
Omaha. Neb.
Sample* and measure
ment blanks sent upon
request to any address.
She is No Longer Fat
She found ■ way to reduce her
fat. It waa a way far more pleas
ant than dieting or exercising
would have been. This new way
allowed her to eat foods without
danger of becoming fat again.
She found Marmola Prescrip
tion Tablets. They aid the diges
tive system to obtain the full
nutriment of food. They help
Nature to turn food into muscle,
bone and^pinew instead of fat.
Marmola Prescription Tablets
are made from the famous Mar
mots prescription. Thousands
have found that these handy
tablets give complete relief from
obesity. And when the accumu
lation of fat is checked, reduction
to normal, healthy weight soon
All tood drug store* the world over
•ell Afar mole Prmmcriptimn TmtUii mi
one dollar a box. Ask your druggist for
them, or order direct and they will he
••nt in plasn wrapper, poet pa id.
2XS Garfield Bldg., Detroit. Mich.
For Man, Woman or Child
t *1t—prd w<l« Tow Nmm
Art mm l ife/ t'| i*cke».
Deliver)** n.*.1e »*nrv* d»» -
"• o.. ' or Mimpa arc received
reams wfo. co . i«e yt- «7 «wi»i. *«« r«t chj
Solve This Puzzle. Get Fine Prize.
Here are seven ponies in (his pen. By drawing three straight lines you ran put
each pony in a jwu by himself. You can do this if you tty. When you have
solved tnis puzzle I will send you 5 Beautiful Bird Pictures and tell you
how to get a Beautiful Shetland Pony, Bridle and Saddle valued at $150.00 fot
your own. Ponies are gentle. They are trained to rule and drive and will be
shipped by express. We will pay all charges. More than 100 boys and girls
already have their ponies, and they .re all delighted with them. You mi gel
a fine pony and be as happy as they are. Send for my Vug plan right away.
BIG BILL, the Shetland Pony Man.
872, Popular Building. Dea Molar*, Iowa
I have solved voui puzzle, tell me how to get a Pony, Bridle and Saddle on
your Big Plan and send me 5 Beautiful Bird Pictures for answering promptly.
My Name is_._.__Age__
St. No... . R K. |).
Hello. f'alifm nia! I'm from \ irginla. Above Is shown an
exceptionally fine photograph oi the Riant army roaat
to-mast bombinR plane from langley KieU. Va.. in flight
over lam Angeles The Riant plane was caught by the
"Inlerna ional Newsreel" cameraman, flying in an ar
rompanyiiiR plane, as I lie bomber sailed majest ieally over
the western metropolis.
Beautiful as
the day we married”
LEAR, youthful, lovely skin, lustrous
hair and sparkling eyes! How for
tunate is this woman who has retained
these priceless possessions of her youth!
She is admired by all about her because
she has learned to keep all the beauty of
girlhood. Let us tell you her secret.
Science has only recently discovered that
those poisons which mar the beauty of
your skin, eyes and hair originate in a
clogged intestine. Faulty elimination is
fatal to a clear complexion, says a famous
health authority. The impurities which
start from clogged intestines are absorbed
by the blood. They thus reach the skin
and inflame it,resulting in manyunsightly
blemishes. These intestinal poisons even
invade the hair and the eyes. The hair
loses its sheen and silkiness, often turning
gray, and the eyes become dull, with a
yellowish tinge,and lacking in brightness.
Women arc avoiding these dangers and
preserving their loveliness by maintain
ing internal cleanliness through the regular
use of Nu|ol. They have learned that
Nu|ol by lubrication overcomes intestinal
clogging. It lubricates and softens the
food waste and hastens its rate of flow.
Thus it prevents the creation of those
poisons in the intestines which cause
skin and other disfigurements.
As Nujol has helped maintain the heaury
of these women, so can it help you. Take
Nujol as regularly as you brush your teeth
or wash your face. Nujol is not a medi
cine. Like pure water it is harmless. Nujol
establishes the habit of internal cleanli
ness—the healthiest habit in the world.
Ifyou would be always attrac
tive, youthful and healthy, in
ternal cleanliness must be ha
bitual. Keep a bottle of Nujol
in the bath room cabinet to
help you acquire this health
habit. For sale at all druggists. <
itinxi clogging 15 so prrvxlrnl ihai u ,s not
considered a serious ■ I Irsc-ss Horn ever when one
stops lo realize that no* onlv is intestinal clog
gmg a cause of minor ailmentv bur the starring
place of full* 71 per cent of human disease it
ts apparent that proper measures muu he taken
to overcome and prevent it
IVky Physicians Favor
Laxatives and cathartics do not overcome fa u I tv
elimination, says a noted authority, but bt their
continued use tend only to aggravate the ton
dinoti and often lead to permanent iniury
Medical sc lencr.through k now ledge gained of the
intestinal tract by X ray observation and exhaus
live tests, has found in *ahaaiitt the best means
of overcoming faulty elimination The gentle
lubricant. Nu|ol. penetrates and softens the hatd
food waste Thus it enables nature to secure
regular, thorough elimination Nutol is not a
laxative and cannot cause distress Nutol hastens
the rate of How through the intestine, pre
venting intestinal sluggishness
Nutol is used in leading hospitals and is prescribed
by physicians throughout the world for the re
lief of faulty elimination m people of all ages
Inf omit and Children: The mother who permits
intestinal clogging in her baby or older child is
jeopardizing the health, even the life of her little
one For a c lagged system is • weakened system,
and leaves the child a prey to serious disease
Nujol. given to the infant or child, gently softens
the act umulated w aste, thereby speeding up to a
normal rate its movement through and out at
the body
Let your child have Nuiol regularly and see rosy
cheeks, c lear ryes and happiness return once more
Etfiev font and Nnnmf Mtnhm; Faulty riinwimw.
• Im"« mtiniNi prrvm china* piy|iui>n and the iwik
•na PCTMtd. IS particularly ilnatnw n wchnmn hr.iuw
of Ml Hint upon the infant 1 he potions fs>ro»eJ in ihe
intern nr en art the c irralaiHW and toon appeal in the milk
Launtfi or cathartic! taken to relieve inteitmai sl-yta<n«
preaent a umilai tianim Sec auv they are alio itnorM
with iiNne^Misi til Hfr\i to the hahs throuah ihe milk
Nutol u ritenvivelirpervnSed by pkiuoant for tbe n
pcitant and nurvtna mother became it n not absorbed m
the c ivane of in petvaae iSt ouch ihe unarm and thus can
not affect the child Natol can also be given nub areat
bene ft i to the infant in armt
Nufol, Room 8*1* H, - Hanover Square, New York. Ft*
rh»i coupon and lOcenrt. ttampt of tom. to cover packing
and pottage, pirate tend me a trial bottle ol Nufol *nd
16 page booklet. "Faulty Mimmanon ' (Fih booklet only,
check here and tend without monet
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