The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 02, 1923, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 7-C, Image 29

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    To Stay Yong
Is a Duty—To Stay Beautiful Is a
MIi. ROBERTS of the Blank and White Room, Burgess Nash, reminisced
a bit the other day. Coiffure styles, how rapidly they change, yet
each succeeding variation spells In yet larger letters the magic word,
charm. After selecting with the utmost care, the coiffure fashion best
adapted to madam's type, there ts yet much to be done by one who Is abreast
of the times in the world of beauty culture—the subtle style changes thst
the modern besuty cult decrees authentic for the different types of hair
dress. A specialist is Mr. Roberts on conditions of skin and scalp, and ’tl*
a matter of grievous conduct If milady neglects to take proper care of her
skin texture, to watch and care for her scalp and hair. An expert diagnos
tician in matters of beauty culture, one whose sincere advice and tutelage
assure better grooming.
* * • • • •
A Smart Shop for Smart Men—That's
Why the Rohe or Jacket Gift
Bought Here Is Sure to Natisfy.
SOBOTKEK'S, Athletic Club Build
ing, Seventeenth and Douglas, ia
a smart shop for smart men,
where one may make the robe or
jacket selection with the assurance
that in cut, coloring and material, the
gift will surely please. A holiday stock
of assured acceptability.
White Wool Hosiery the Season'*
Newest Style Note.
T1IK KARGKS Hosiery .Shop, Six
teenth and Farnam, Introduce to
Madam et Madantoiselle Omaha,
the season'* style hit, the chic white
wool hosiery. Silks and wool* if
madam desires — then too, among
these smart new things are the Kng
lish wools with colored clocks.
Cobwebs of Gold and Platinum
in Infinitely Delicate Weaving of Metal
Meshed Bags
SO delicately woven the tiny cobwebs along the edges of the gold and
platinum-finished mesh bage that one might think them Christmas
gifts from one's fairy godmother, those exquisite bags on sale at the
C. B. Brown Jewel Shop, 330 South 16th street. One of tnese “cobwebby”
affairs has alternating yellow gold and platinum-finished gold strii>es of
metal meshing, $40. Another, a pouch-shaped bag of gold has a sapphire tn
the clasp with a golden dorine case on the opposite end of its hraided gold
strap, $40. Fine and lovely i? a very plain silver mesh bag, $13. An elaborately
finished little silver bag, very fine In meshing, has a French enameled lid
on ft8 outside opening, dorine case, $65. A fold-over envelope effect is a
stiver bag of cobweb designed border is unique, lovely, $88. Bags to make
the most favored daughter of Eve envious.
* • • * * * »
| From Switzerland, those lovely little embroidered and drawn-work hand
kerchiefs sold in Omaha three in gift box, $1.30 to $3.75.
Lett (S) tJloppin^ villi Itbliy
If it were not for little lightr
Set high above the plain
When darkness comes, I think that there
Would be no ease for pain;
If never more a round, bright moon
Would climb the hills at night,
A million hearts would turn and break
With longing for its light;
If no white candle—anywhere
Would lift a tulip flame.
The grief, for Beauty’s sake alone
Could never have a name;
Bach old loved room would be a bleak,
Ungracious dwelling place;
And oh, dear Heart—If suddenly—
One little casement’s glow
Should fail for me—the light would die
In the whole world, I know.
Flrw Trough the Dusk—By (irate Noll Crowell
Shopping Suggestions and Holiday News
BUT a few weeks until that beautiful festival of Christmas—are we in the mood? ’Tis a good time to begin the little loving kindnesses which char
acterize the keeping of our glorious Christmas time. Very appealing, since we're speaking of the ideal In regard to the gieat. gift time is an adver
tisement from one of the eastern states describing the Christmas trees which after serving as gift bearers for the whole family could he planted
in some selected spot on the lawn or garden. Lovely!
Let Your Christmas Gift Be the Remembered
Gift Reflecting the Thoughtfulness of the Giver for
Many Years to Come
IN the mind of every giver of gifts there is an ideal of generous thoughtfulness—truly generous in every regard the sentiment expressed by a gift
so selected that it gives pleasure for many years to come. The Albert Edholm Jewel Bhop, 2d floor City National Bank Bldg , 16th and Harney, la an
exquisitely appointed shop of the continental Influence, that Is, when one enters, there Is an utter absence of vulgar show of gems. One at once
appreciates the daylight lighting facilities for the showing of marvelous Jewel treasures, the row of northern windows affording the finest light for
diamond examination. Mr. Edholm's utter lack of salesmanship tactics in showing his collection of artistic pieces is In itself most restful. Rather
does Mr. Edholm wait to get a bit acquainted before deciding just which of his remarkable pieces to display—you see everything depends upon the
personality of the visitor. This one might be entirely bored by a queenly piece which contains great pear-shaped diamonds unique in cutting, rarely
lovely In ring mounting of platinum—whereas, if a small diamond, more adapted to his resources was displayed he would be entirely pleased. Another
type of shopper would find a breath-taking pleasure In viewing the wondrous collection of a jewel connoisseur who has earned an enviable reputation
in the jewel world. Mr. Edholm exhibits the enthusiasm of the artist when displaying the lovely new oxblood coral bead strands which, when compared
to more regal jewels, Hre quite negligible in price, but $23. Then, too, his pleasure Is unmistakable in showing the brilliant cube crystal beads, each
one more beautiful by contrast with the rondels of green Amazonlte which alternate with the sparkling crystal beads. Or the new-cut crystal choker
at $40, the fiery Brazilian topaz beads strung between crystals. $65; the amber beads of unusual size range, exquisitely live bronze amber coloring. $20.
Crystal earrings, fairy teardrops are a perfect match for the crystal strands, $35. A jewel shop well worth the visiting, whose quiet seclusion affords
an ideal privacy for the Important jewel purchase.
A Revelation in
Accomplishments of Nebraska
TUB long show window of the Hen* k Swohoda Flower Shop, lfcfia Bar
naul, at all times proves a revelation to passersby In what may he done
In the way of flower and plant growths when the culture is scientific
ally done. Orchids, tropical lily growths, palms of all speides. from tiny
palms for purposes of massing to the giunta which graze the ceiling. Kerne
of unusual effectiveness when planted tn gift ferneries with masses of fin
grant purple violets. Kxotir lll|es1 exuulsite in flower arrangements for gift
basket or funeral * * flower shop which satisfies every longing for
the beautiful to which the human soul falls heir.
Cards in Hundred* of Different Senti
ment Vixpressions, Hullahle for Ad
dition of Kngraved Name I'lates.
TDK Braudels Hook and Station
ery Department, main floor, of
fer unusually lovely senilruant
expressions for holiday greeting pur
poses. Hundreds of cards from which
to select, all of them suited to en
graving of personal name plates.
Braudels engraving services have al
ways given satisfaction. Better order
at once for Christmas delivery—the
time Is getting very limited. A word
to the wise!
Personal Attention ami Expert 'dvice
Have Proved Business Builders for
Beauty She p.
MISS PKI !>li; ‘of the le BJou
Shop, 207 South Eighteenth
street, Atlantic 0991, is respon
sible for the personal attention and
expert advice which the patrons of
her bitop have enjoyed. Service which
has proved a splendid business builder
—this evidenced in the large riamber
in the shop on the day before Thanks
giving when Polly herself felt the need
of a curl or two.
Merchandise Gift Coupon Solves
Problem of What to Give This \ear
THE SICK SHOP. 1517 Douglas, are nobly solving tlie difficult problem
of a gift at once suitable and at the same time acceptable to the
names on the gift list which represent the fairer members of the family
and friendship circle. Surely nothing could he lovelier than a frock for
evening wear, a dress of silver tissue and sheerest chiffon, a gift dress U
ever there was one. A Silk Shop Merchandise Gift Coupon will mean jnsf
this to that fair haired little niece of yours. Or, when you're planning a
gift for mother, why not try the scheme of enclosing a Silk Shop Member
ship Gift Coupon In her candy box this year? Her delighted surprise will
well repay the outlay of money represented, probably less than you spent
last year for that pin she never wears’ One might continue indefinitely,
for there's no end to the exciting possibilities if on- indulges in the gift
coupon habit. State the amount in your order, send check or money-order
payable to The Silk Shop. I ll be glad to attend to the matter for you.
» » e • • *
Chantilly lace, black, to he sure, makes lovely garters. The stores
have been selling hundreds of yards this week, 10 centk up.
A Lamp for the Family Gathering
THERE is never quite enough light even in a small room, that is one reason why there is such a diversity
in lamp standards and shades. Every possible nook slid cranny of the living room must needs be lighted.
Corte-Aldous-Hunt, 24th and Farnam, have a very attractive showing of lamps which they have specially
priced for preholiday buying. The very lamp for which you've longed to light up that difficult corner of the living
room may now be acquired for a price infinitely lower than you had thought possible. With shade, complete. Is
a floor lamp at $22.50. Polychrome decorated bases have the bridge lamps whose shades are lavishly decorated
in harmonious colorings. $27.50. Unusually suitable desk lamps with lovely polychrome metal bases, hand
wrought, $3.75. Painty little lamp affairs for the boudoir, $5.50. Lamps to grace your home during the holidays
or to purchase with a view to holiday gifting.
Bridge Dress Presents Brave Bark
to Assemblage of Fashion Followers.
MADAM’S bridge frock is gayly
decorated—but in the back—for
'tis the whim of Dame Fashion
to weave intricacies of beaded em
bellishment on silken fabrics which
fashion Milady’s bridge frock. The
Edward Reynolds Shop, 1613 Farnam
street, has a striking little dress of
lustrous black satin. Its contrasting
color, chalk white georgette. Sur
prising style note of the new bridge
dress is that the white which decor
ously follows the neckline In the front,
this little yoking Frenchiiy beaded in
black jet bugles It tells quite a differ
ent story in the back of the bodice.
’Tis continuous to the waistline, white
georgette beaded in back, the design
continued on the black banding above
the waistline in white crystals.
* • •
Handbags of Dainty Smartness
Fitted Hags of Quality—Ideal Gift
Fueling & steinle, Eighteenth
and Farnam streets, have an un
usual Christmas selection of
handbags, an embodiment of all that’s
desirable In the gift sure of apprecia
tion. New and swagger are the com
binations of light and dark brown
leathers, gray and black, these rang
ing in price from $3.60 up through the
prices you can afford to pay—$6, $6,
and $7.50. Really fine bags, these.
For a gift that involves a hit larger
expenditure there is the fitted suit
case. Lovely. 811k linings Bhow to
advantage the daintily shaped fittings
of ivory and tortoise shell. These at
*15, $20, $23.75 and $25.
Kiddies Set New Styles in Toys;
the Years Approved Gift Offerings to
_Be Tiny and Imported_
IF you’ll ask any kiddie you know Just what are the most treasured toys
acquired during the year, the answer will be, my tiny, tiny doll carriage,
the cunning "teeny" tea service, the very small laundry set, the fully
flttefl little doll house, oh, all of my tiny toys, you know! There you have
It! A new style In toys has been established since you and I wrote our let
ters to Santa—’tis the day of small toys, and these you’ll find In a rare
showing on the floor below, at the Matthews Book Store, 1620 Harney. / A
collection to delight—well worth the viewing.
Jewel Shop Kills Windows With Gift
Offerings of I'nusual Interest.
THE Reese Jewel Shop, Sixteenth
and Harney, have a most attrac
tive window, gift suggestions for
both men and women. Diamond rings
and bar pins for the girls seem to find
first and foremost place In the ar
rangement. while the showing of scarf
pins would surely suggest the pur
chase to every feminine gift seeker.
Watches for both men and women
prove of exceeding interest to the win
dow shopper—for almost everyone
gives at least one watch gift during
the Yuletide. Watch the Reese Jewel
Shop gift windows during the next
few weeks. 'Twill pay.
• « • •
Omaha Dressmaker plans Jolly
Frocks for the Holidays
MRS. GREENE, 207 Neville block
16th and Harney, will fashion
exquisite little frocks in which
to celebrate the holiday season. Her
service* are especially pleasing in re
modeling the worn apparel of our
wardrobes. Phone, JA. 3357.
Such a Shame, Several Needlework
Gifts Lacking Finishing Touches; too
Late to Finish Them—Still—Listen
HE IDEAL BUTTON & PLEATING CO., 3d floor. Brown block. l«th
and Douglas, keep a large staff of skilled needlewomen, each of them
with her own hemstitching machine, to say nothing of two skilled hands
for fanciful ’broideries that require the hand work only, and at this Mme
of the year they quite expect you to find at the last moment before Christ
inas that this and that prevented the completion of your needlework gifts.
Vou will find their interested helpfulness most stimulating now that the
holiday rush la on. Let the Ideal finish them.
l“*" " * ' 1 1 1 ' ■ —■ ■ i
Old English Greetings in Booklets of
Paj-(hinejit Bearing Artistic Decora
tion; English Prints of Unusual
IN the Nabstedt Studio Shop, 509
Drown Block, Sixteenth an I
Douglas, one will find card* of
only one design to a customer. When
one makes selection of a quaintly dec
oratfed English print booklet to carry
the engraved name of the sender, an
, engraved print lovely enough to
i frame, he doe* ho with the assurance
; that hi* will he the only order Hold in
[ Omaha. Card* of distinction which
should be ordered engraved at once,
or at least before the 15th.
• • *
Spick and Span New Toy Stock of
■lobbing Firm Bought hy Omaha
HUNDREDS and hundred* of
spick and span new toy*, the
entire stock of a Jobbing house
which they purchased through a mis
construing of order*, will be found In
the Hayden Bros, toy department.
The cutest, dearest little toye, tiny—
but no, you see for yourself, my dear.
They're priced one-third t oone half
less than you'd expect to pay for
Store of Specialty Shops Offers
Holiday Suggestion of Value
GOLPSTEINCHAPMAN'S big shop on the second floor presents tu
Madam (lift Seeker, favored by alt the shop owners Just now, a
collection of costume blouses of exquisite style dotail. Lovely gift
offering!. Exquisite lingerie gifting* are offered In French Importations
and copiee In the ever-popular silken pieces and sets In colors which vie
for vividness with the rainbow Itself. Negligees, t>oudolr caps, bathrobes
and the popular Nellie Don house frocks complete the gift offering unusual.
• s s
GOLPSTEINCHAPMAN'S art needlework shop, 2d floor, has many gifts
stamped for working which really require but little lime for comple
tion. Oueet tovvele In cross-stitched and darned design* on pure
linen hemstitched are 85c and 11.25. Cotton towels at 50c and 59c. Peltght
ful are the rose, blue and gold etrlped strips, when one has added a floral
design in English poelee.
e e e
GOLPSTEINCHAPMAN'S costume shop Is cutting coat prices—surely
you've seen the beautiful coat modele which represent their etock
this season, lavishly fur-trimmed, the winter's loveliest fabrics nnd
styling*. Coat* that formerly sold from $89.50 to $110 are now $38. $48
and $68. Interesting!
Gifts to Delight Her on Christmas Morning
A VISIT to the new Silk Underwear Shop, 5U8 World-Herald Bldg., will result in "Oifis That Delight Her.'*
for the display in this Omaha s newest shop is quite irresistible. The models shown represent the posst
hilities of custom tnade underwear for all the family. Out slues, so difficult under ordinary circumstances,
are made easy here. Silk and wool and all-wool •■undies'1 have arrived in the latest shipment from New York^
The latest creations in underthings. Do your Christmas shopping here. Many Omaha people will be de.ighted
to again meet Miss Minnie Earl Williams who has charge of this delightful place. Phone AT. 5241.
Diamonds to Mark the Christmas
Gift Season Offered Omaha Public at
Prices Unusually Low—A One
Week Diamond Sale
BURCE8SNA8H have secured at remarkable prices a marvelous show
ing of diamond jewel pieces which will mark in a delightful way the
Christmas gift season, ail of them to be offered at prices represent
ing a discount of 25 per cent- Gifts to fill with delight the heart of the
recipients. In white gold ring mountings are gmall but brtlliantdiamonds.
$11. Glints of sapphires In their white gold mountings prove delightful
color contrast in rings at $53.5*. A gift "find" of true satisfaction, the
group at $35.25. Watches, bar pins, scarf pins, and cuff links, In workman
ship decidedly fine are priced exceedingly low*. Even though she has a
strand of pearls or semi precious stones Rhe will appreciate the gift of a
diamond clasp. While another emblem pin. if it's diamond set, would de
light the loyal member of a secret order, even though he now has a collec
tion of smaller pins, pin* more ordinary. A sale of diamonds which will
last throughout the week and represents gift pieces ranging in price to $317.10.
r.ngratrd l aids to t arrj the t liriM
Mas Greetings Should Be Ordered
Before the Tenth.
WB. Dailey Stationary shop, joi
South Fifteenth street, has on
• unusually fine selection ol
cards on which you may have your
name engraved—unite the most ap
proved manner of sending the Christ
mas greelng "Orders should be in be
fore the 10th or 12th of the month,"
warns Mr, Dailey, who has selected
hundreds of useful gifts to be found
In his Christmas stock.
• • •
Art Exchange Proves Excellent
“Find" for Those with Skilled
THE Book and Gift Shop, second
floor Bushman hlock. Sixteenth
and Douglas conducts a splendid
book rental system. All of the up-to
the minute books are to be rented at
6 centa a day. This shop also con
ducts an art exchange which niakwi
It possible for a woman who Is skilled
with paint brush or needle to market
her work. Tour opportunity.
Slippers—The Gift of Comfort for Every Member
of the Family
THE Kinney Khoe More, Sixteenth and Capitol, have a splendid showing of comfy slippers In colors bright and sobar a suitable gift for everv member
of the family. In nil colors are the felt slippers with padded soles, these In all sizes for women, 89c. Quilted satin slipper. In all colors for wo
men, 98c. Men's soft sole felt slippers In gray and brown are. 98c. For the kldtlles are the jolly little "Pus* in Boots’ slippers In red or blue sizes
5 to 8, 79c; sizes 8V4 to 11, 89c; sizes 11H to 2, 98c. Send checks with orders.
Silken I ndln the filft of Ft moat
NO MATTER what color or shad
ing of dainty silks, ribbons and
laces, there's no gift quite to
be compared to the gift of silk undies.
There's a wealth of satisfaction to
know that your gift is the erne that
is lingered over* longest when the
packages are opened on Christmas
morning. Particularly lovely is the
selection of silken gift pieces in the
Hersberg Main Floor Shop this year.
• • •
A Hat Service Fnexcelled—Feathers,
Furs and Marabou Remodeled.
TH E Kruger Hat Shop, JOS
Barker block. Fifteenth and Far
nam, offer an unprecedented
service. They reblock hats, retrim
ming them if ordered, and they also
extend a remodeling service on feath
ers. furs and marabou.
Daintily Decorated Softly Silken Wool
Frocks for All 'Hound Winter Wear.
TO BE worn under the luxurious
fur wrap is the chosen frock for
winter, the silken wool frock of
exquisite tailoring. The Lamond
Shop. Seventeenth and Farnam, has
an unusual showing of these little
frocks each different in styling, an ex
pression of the loveliest in modish de
signing. A navy wraparound In navy
lias a tucked fold of net inside its
rolled collar to the waistline. Htraight
lined is an all over embroidered gray
and gold threaded design. Brightly
embroidered Russian models have fas
cinating sleeves, flares in unexpected
places, the gay swaggering styie we
associate with the temperamental
Russian. Lovely frocks, all priced
from II® to 120 lower than they were
a week or ten days ago, when thwy
arrived front the east.
• • •
Milady Fashion’s Whim Turns to the
Collapsible Dance Hat of Vatk
Tinted Faille twilb.
Shop, 3rd floor Julius Orkin
Store, 1512 Douglas, has the
honor of introducing to Miss Bobbed
Hair of Omaha the masielous little
collapsible dance hat of rainbow tint
ed silk. Ail over ’broidered In Eng
lish Towers, they’re gayly tied in sil
ver and gold ribbons. Enehantingly
chic, they're moderately priced, but
lit 50! Fee them.
e • •
Tailored Clothe* for Occasion* of
Christmas Merrymaking.
LKN'EKTER, tailor. *econd
floor, 1916 Farnam. will tailor
• lovely apparel in which to greet
the holiday tlm* at prices radically
reduced He ha* also reduced th*
prices of his entire stock of fabric*,
both silk and wool.
The Rarity of a Gift May Depend
Upon the Artistry of Its Initialing—the
Distinction of Its Monogram
Mt'CH of the Individuality of the gift depends upon the artletlc in in
itialing which decorates it. If a single letter, it will of course be a
large one. perhaps hy way of variation it will have a bit of drawn
work about It—if a monogram, there ia a chance that out of the three let
ters ons of them will he a bit taller, or a bit bigger than the other two. I'm
sure If the clever worker# In Y# Handyekraft Shoppe. 635 Securitiee Bldg..
Uth and Farnam, create the Initialing on your handkerchief, towel, pillow
rase or aheet gift you will find It a gift to elicit delighted appreciation on
Christmas morning.
Mystic Symbols to Decorate Bone Bracelets
■ Favored by Dame Mode—Milady’s Silken Envelope Bag
Petit Point Embroidered
i (TTT KITE about my treasure chest” La Boschin’s decree the other da y when I slipped Into the amethystine Interior of her smart shop In the Hotel
yy Kontenelle, Eighteenth and Douglas. A pleasure Indeed decided P oily after a leisurely examination of the lovelies encased. Just as they met
’ T f*16 eye, my dears: gold and Jade threaded velvet, the colors repealed in the metal framework and painted heads which hold the tassels.
Knotted tassel cords to hold a tortoise shell dorlne with mirror In the lid, tie ever-necessary lip stick cunningly concealed In the fluffy tassel. Big Isme
bracelets with carved flowers, groups of two und three. Priceless. Many strings of peurls to wear In strands of two, three or four depending upon the
fancy of the moment. Pearl tassels on black silk cords. Pearls of every Imaginable arrangement known to art. Unusual curved Jades, wide cut pendants
and earring", marvelous accentlngs for the costume of neutral tint. Beads to satisfy every taste—conservative heads for the very quiet person, exotic
creations of the jewelers art for the barbaric taste. Beads large In chok er style, graduated from large to smull and the tiny new seed heads. Onyx
hat pin sets prove a welcome gift suggestion. A soft little gold edged leather elgaret case another. Bags of every description, hag* for morning, after
noon and evening—hags of exquisitely tooled leather, black clipped velvet hags with tiny pieces of coral Individually applied In fantastic design, hags of
severity, these In pleated eilk, $8. Clguret holders In leather cases, perfume holders from famous importers, hundreds of exqulsltrles yielded by La
Boschln’a treasure chest. Christmas shoppers are Invited to view the collection.
• ••• See
Omaha Cafe Operator Returns From
Successful Season at Carter I*ke
MRS. M. S. PIERCE, having fin
ished a most successful summer
at Carter Rake Club, has re
turned to the city to open the cafe
teria at the Hotel Castle, Kith and
Jones. Well do we know the dellcaclea
cooked and served by Mrs. Pierce—
and we’re going to run In for a la
' arte orders as well as the carefully
planned table d’hote dinners which
she arranged so well. Call AT. 6672
for party reservallons to he served In
the large dining room.
• • •
Irene Castle dance frocks feature
black net edgings on white chiffon
frills on a white and silver comblna
I, tion, black on s'ltiarecut tuidc edges
of pink, with a delicious big net cors
age to match, from which are sus
pended rainbow ribbons to the skirt
One Week Bale on German Roller
Canaries, Japanese Fish and
IN THE Flower Department of the
Hrandei* Store, main floor, there
will be a one-week sale on Byfer
German Canaries, 110, the exquisite
song birds which make such delightful
pets throughout the year. A gift that
appeals to the Imagination—n delight
ful reminder of the giver every day
of the year. Japanese goldfish, the
silvery graceful creature* so lovely
In the sun room, are offered at sale
price* during the entire week, also
aquarium* of all kinds In which to
place them. t
• • •
One of the Omaha gift shops has a
lov ely .collection of hand dressed dol
lies—dainty little creatures ttint say
"Mamma” In baby voices, also the
boyish little fellows who particularly
appeal with their ehubby little bodies
These, too, are "talking" persons.
Bright little beaded bags to rnnl<» A spacious laundry bag In gay col
gay ttie Christmas landarape. $1.98 ored figure* to be ambroldered Is 4'J
and $2.98. . cent*.
Jewel Gifts Best Express the Spirit
of the Donor, They’re so Truly Exquisite; They’re in Fact
the Gifts People Do Not Buy for Themselves
UHK John Henrtckaon Jewel Shop. Sixteenth and Capitol each week All thl* list, A ret printed by Tolly In blank form for the convenience of th\ie who
had not Kent In their own personal shopping list. Different Jewel gifts for each member of the family—could anything be more truly Christmas
For Her—A Silver Flower Banket, 120.
For Him—Sterling Belt Buckle (engraved free of charge), $10.
For Mother—Diamond King, $75.
For Father—A Howard Watch, Just what he a always wanted, $«0.
For Slater—A Blrthatone Bing teald to bring good luck to the
wearer), the atone In hand carved and pierced white,
green or yellow gold mounting. $15.
For Big Brother—Sterling Clgaret Caae, $16.
For l.lttle Brother—Silver Mug, $2.50 to $S.
Kor Son—Emblem Ring or Charm representing his secret order.
Kor Daughter—Oruen Wrist Watch on dainty ribbon. $1.’>
Kor Aunt—Silver Coffee Service, $15.
Kor V’ncle—Big Silver Water Pitcher, $10.
Kor Grandma—Seth Thomas Clock. $15.
Kor Grandpa—Watch Chain and Knife (grandpa likes the new
styles aa well as you do), $15.
Kor Maid—Silver mesh bag, $15.
Kor Man—Cuff I.lnks. $10.
< ha«k the Itcn.n which you <1 like to have packed in the m-ii! order department of this jewel phop and pent to you for your selection. Send refer*
I’licM with order. It w*lll save a great deal of time.
BUAMjKIS TOVUANU la the attraction to all (lie kiddle* for they're exhibiting a circus of -c.irtltng iillt>•. roily s chuckle,., were almost .anilide
when ehe over heard different crowd* of «.|| I It tinl.i xl !<• tittle people tllaoussina Hit xtm Hlng allmi I'hex are too n tl. this iho little sistei el Hi.
crowd. "Ah, no, they aren't, either." thle from Ida brother. "Well, look at the Inns'inn lx lady mid the i lit who linn;* from the rope ! > hei
teeth, their tlreaaee lilow all around In the breeze." "That'* llo algn." Ida brother again, lint, lenlly. It m a nniixol In toy ummitoeturo big may ele
phaniH that tieat a renl drum, sente that balance dolls on their sleek noses, Jolly clowns yylio ride bicycles ’round the ring. "Hamhlno." a baltoon yy ho sup.
at a center table with one of the clowns. Htatue groups of whitened horses and riders, o calliope which walla after tin approved manner of such
musical Instruments. An acrlnl troupe of gayly appareled Japs, a brave lion tamer who »trlke» at the Infuriated snlmul- A wholly satiety.ns clrcu*
spectacle of Impressive »lze, It oceuplee a whole side of Toyland. the men four feet high "We Juat tov* tha clivus," cry all (lie klxldlr* a* wall one
Omaha Tailor Fashions Swagger Hoi
Iday At!Ire. •
PROCOPIO, tailor, main floor,
Italrd Block, Seventeenth and
l>ougla*, le making his great
heais work overtime as he skillfully
nip* out fascinating new tailored
Iressrs. Mills of a modern smarmeaa
ini groat top civil* to cover entire
■ ostimie* underneath, these for motor
ing, lovely creatlona in fur trimmed
wraps for afternoon and evening
wear. "The prices -less itmn one pays
'or the ready-to-wear apparel,** to
HUMS till* artistic designer of
madam's wardrobe.
• • #
Slightly damaged along the edge
ar* beautiful little squares from ori
ental loom* rugs for ball stairwax
landing or th* odd cornar under the
window, |7.S0 and |s».
KrvMenn Shop Trove* llnd l nique
In Many Christina* Shopper*—
"Snch a Relief After the .lain Down
town "
Till' Lady Pavl.l Kibhon N veltiea
have quite taken the stft seek
era by storm, so unusual are
they—and the only place in which
they're to he found is in the residence
of \lre. N. 1. David hereetf, 17SJ
South Twenty ninth street. Harney
S2t7. An Kast Dirk car and stop at
Twenty ninth 'Tts done!
— Till* «n4 TT«4#m«rte *»f:«l»r+4 W. flh