The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 02, 1923, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 3-C, Image 25

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Fathers to Serve Mother and
Daughter Banquet.
A mother and daughter banquet to
bo held soon after the holidays Is
^Hieing planned by members of the
\Kountze Memorial Lutheran church.
Men of the congregation have volun
i teered to prepare the dinner, under
direction of H. P. Engel.
Mrs. E. A. Van Fleet, general chair
man of the affair, announces that the
banquet will also be In recognition of
the work being done by Miss Mette
Blair, missionary worker in India, who
is a member of Kountze Memorial. A
committee consisting of two repre
sentatives from each society of the
church met Friday to make further
plans for the banquet. Those on this
committee are Mesdames Paul Spring
er, George Dorn, L. Guy, L, Frank,
H. 1’. Engel, O. A. Malstrom, F. C.
Luge, William Jebens, and the Misses
Nellie Meline, Alvina Kolanchick,
Martha Frank, Margaret Fischer,
Mary Fischer, Mildred Jensen, Doro
thy llesbacher, Helen Jensen and
Anna Peterson.
Reception at Old People's
The board of directors of the Old
People's Homo on Fontenelle boule
vard, Mrs. E. It. Hume, president,
will hold its annual reception and
open house at the home on Tuesday
afternoon from 2 until o o'clock.
Woman’s Press Club
llr. George E. Neuhaus, neurologist,
will address the Omaha Woman's
Press club Sunday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Auer
bach, 4506 Poppleton street. His sub
ject will be “Guy De Maupassant as
a Mental Case.”
The manuscript section of the
Omaha Woman's Press club will meet
Tuesday afternoon, 4 o’clock, at the
home of Mrs. Henry Doorly, 322
South Thirty-sixth street. There will
a business meeting of the general
•flub following the manuscript meet
Get Acquainted Club
The Get Acquainted club meets
this evening at 7 o’clock, First Eni
tarian church, Turner boulevard and
Harney street. Mrs. Frank W. Fogg
and Miss Adelaid Fogg will be host
The program will include vocal
solos by Harold Thom and the Get
Acquainted club orchestra, under the
direction of John Reagan, will play
several numbers. Lonesome folks
and strangers are welcome.
South Omaha Woman’s Club
The South Omaha Woman's club
literature department will meet Tues
day, 2:30 P. m. with Mrs. J. D. Mc
Bride. 2309 F street. The subject will
be “An Afternoon with the Poets."
readings will be given'by Mrs. A. D.
Majors and musical numbers by Mes
dames J. D. Ringer, Perry Wheeler,
W. Ingraham and Miss Laura Peter
Dundee Woman’s Club
The Dundee Woman's club will'
meet Wednesday, 2 p. m., with Mrs.
C. B. McDonald. 118 South Fifty
first avenue. The book, “Men Like
Gods,” by JI. G. Wells, will be re
viewed by Miss Olive Ferguson, as
sisted by Mrs. Grant Benson and
.Mrs. D. T. Quigley.
Card Party.
The young women of the Loyola
club of St. Johns Collegiate church
y ill entertain at a card party Thurs
day evening at 8 o’clock at the parish
hail. High five and bridge will be
The hostesses will be the Misses
Inez Kline, Mayme Dineen, Helen
Dineen, Stella Kelly, Margaret Dee,
Margaret O’Rourrke, Rose McDer
mott, Mary Eastman, Catherine East
man and Lucile Schall.
Mrs. Ray Millard I
Saturday at 12 o'clock high noon
Miss Gertrude Kountze, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze. and
Ray Milliard were wed in St. Igna
tius church, New York City.
Miss Catherine Cartan of this city
was Miss Kountze's only attendant.
Willard Millard, who goes to Yale,
was his brother's best man. The
ushers included Kenneth Norton of
New York, formerly of Omaha; Les
lie Kountze of New York, cousin of
the bride; Harknehs Kountze, brother
Jewish Women’s Welfare
The December meeting of the Jew
ish Women's Welfare organization
has been postponed from Tuesday, De
cember 4, until Tuesday, December
11, at which time,election of officers
for the year 1924 will be held.
The meeting will be held at the
Jewish Community Center at 3 p. m.
All members are requested to be
Walking Clnh Entertains.
The Omaha Walking club camps
committee will entertain at a dance
and card party Tuesday evening at
the Burgess-Nash tea room. Prpceeds
from the affair will be used for fur
nishings for the new addition to the
Blessed Sacrament Cards.
The ladies of the Blessed Sacra
ment parish will give a card party
at the parish hall, Thirtieth street
and Curtis avenue Friday evening,
December 7. Hostesses will be Mes
dames J. 8. Pugner, R. C. Barnett.
Hunt, J. Whalen, J. E. O'Brien and
Miss Rodna Mergen. Mrs. Pugner
in charge. Bridge, high five and
bunco will be played. Many valu
able prizes. Everybody welcome.
Alpha Clii Omega.
The Alpha Chi Omega meeting will
be held on Thursday at the home of
Mrs. John Headman.
40A> Anniversary
Christmas Sale
Are Your Dollars Traveling?
We Make a Christmas Dollar Go Farther
Than Any Store in America
An Exceptional Sale of Genuine
Whiting & Davis Mesh Bags
At Less Than Half of Regular Value
Lot No. 1—Green gold solder
ed Links, all new, up-to-date
patterns to select from. Reg
ular price $12.00.
Sale Price $4.95
Lot No. 2—Swell patterns, sil
ver Mesh Bags, all soldered
links, many styles to select
from. Regular price $8.00.
Sale Price $3.95
Wa Giaa
S. & H.
16th and Douglas
Rail Order* Promptly Shipped
Add Poataga
We Give
S. Sl H.
of the bride; Harry Clow and Ken
neth Handley of New York, who
attend Yale college.
All of the Omahans who are In
the east at eastern schools were pres
ent. Among Omahans in the east are
Mrs. E. \Y. Nash, Mrs. Frances Nash
Watson, Mrs. L. F. Crofoot, Mrs.
Harold White, Mrs. Louis Meyers
and Mrs. Albert Sibbernsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Harkness Kountze
and Luther L. Kountze left a week
ago for New York to Join Mrs.
Kountze. Milton Darling and Father
Lloyd B. Holsapple of St. Barnabas
church accompanied them, the latter
to perform the wedding ceremony.
The decorations of the church,
where high ritual service similar to
that at St. Barnabas in Omaha Is
conducted, were in fall colors. A wed
ding breakfast was served at Sherry's
after the nuptials.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard will be at
home at 1255 North State street, Chi
cago. after January 1.
Catholic Daughters
of America
On Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock
the Catholic Daughters of America
gymnasium class will mePt at the
clubrooms, under direction of Stephen
Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, reg
ular meeting and election of officers
for the year 1924.
A dancing party will be held In
the clubrooms on Wednesday evening,
and will be in charge of the Misses
Connors and Conlon.
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock
a high five and bridge party will be
given in the clubrooms. Mrs. Mar
garet Shawgo will be In charge of
bridge, and Mrs. 3. M. Craney and
Mrs. Edward Dee, high five.
.Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock
the Glee club will have its rehearsal.
Henry Cox, director.
Cltih Women to Repeat
Matinee Program
The speech education department
will repeat the matinee program given
November 21, by request of the
Omaha Woman's club house commit
tee. The matinee will be given Sat
urday afternoon, December 15, 2
o'clock in the Burgess-Nash audi
The program will include two plays,
“For Distinguished Service,” and
"Joint Owners in Spain,” and a pro
gram of instrumental and vocal se
Brownell Tea.
The associate alumnae of Brown
ell hall, will give a tea Tuesday, De
cember 4, from 4 until 6, for the
alumnae and the patrons of the hall.
Mrs. Miles Standish, the president of
the alumnae is prevented from pre
siding because of Illness, and Mrs.
Walter Roberts will receive for her.
Assisting Mrs. Roberts wrlll be Mes
dames F. H. Davis, John W. Towl,
Miss Dora Lee Newman, principal. In
the dining room will be Mesdames
Phillip Potter, Jack Summers, John
Caldwell, Robert Storz, Olenn Miller,
Lewis Clark, Frederick Bucholz, Rob
ert Hartley, Walter Roberts, Harold
Pritchett, Misses Catherine Thummel,
Betty Bruce. Marion Towl, Dorothy
Smith and Gladys Peters.
Kappa Kappa (ianuna.
The regular luncheon of Kappa
Kappa Gamma will be held at Mrs.
Lee Kennard's in Falracres, Saturday.
December 8. The entertaining com
mittee includes Mrs. Rody Ryan,
chairman, Mrs. Lynn Storey, E. W
Julian, Misses Lucille and Winifred
Lathrop and Adele Plummer.
Tri I)elt Luncheon.
Mrs. R. A. Van Orsdale, 3505 South
Thirty-fifth street, will entertain the
Tri Deltas at luncheon December 8.
Mrs. W. A. Hixenbaugh will review
Paplni’s "Life of Christ.”
Zata Delta.
The Zeta Delta gave a Raggedy
Ann tea at the home of Miss Arter
| Beach on Friday.
Weekly Club Calendar
Old People's Home. 1-oiitenelle Houle
vard—Sunday. 3:3o p m . Rev. C N. Daw
sun. pastor of Walnut 11111 Methodist
church, speaker.
lift Acquainted Club—Sunday,* 7 p. m.
First Unitarian church. Turner boule
va rd and Harney street. Program and
social hour. Open to all strangers and
lonely folk.
Onmhtt Woman’s Press Club—Sunday
evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Auer
bach. 4506 Poppleton avenue. Dr. George
Neuhaus. neurologist, will speak on **De
Maupassant, as a Mental Case."
House of Hope, 1915 North Thirtieth
Street Sunday. :: p m. Rev. N. H. Haw
Inis pastor of Hillside t 'ongregat ional
church, speaker Church choir will give
a program of Thanksgiving music.
Omaha Walking Club—Sunday, 7:30 a.
m. from Webster street station. Fifteenth
and Webster streets, on M. & O. train
for Calhoun. The walk will lie from Cal
houn to Florence. Campfire lunch at
Nathan's lake. Marjorie Siert, leader.
.lobs Daughter* Officer* Rehearsal—
Monday, 4 p. m., at the home of Mrs. T.
P. K. O. Sisterhood. Chapter B. 8.—
Monday, 2:30 p. nr. with Mrs Paul Wil
cox, 3159 North Fifty-ninth street.
Roosevelt Clmiituuqim Circle—Monday,
7:30 p. in., with Mrs. F. A Cressey, 4204
North Twenty-second street.
Dundee Chautauqua Cirri**—Monday,
1:30 p in., with Mrs. Helen K. Morton,
1003 North Forty-ninth street.
Tennyson < haiitaiiqua Circle—Monday.
2 p. in , with Mrs William Hurton, 149
North Thirty-third street. Social meeting.
Omaha Woman’* Club Polltleal and
Social Science Department—Monday, 2 p.
m., Y. W. C A Col. David Stone will
speak on “The United States in World
Politics.” Mrs Millard Langfeld, lead
or. Open to all club women and their
Omaha Woman’s Club, Education Com
mittee— Monday. 4 p m.. Burgess-Nash
auditorium. Health program. Miss Char
lotte Townsend, speaker. Subject, “Health
In the Public Schools.” Dr. Jennie Callfas
will have charge of program. Mr*. F. H
Cole, leader.
Delphian Study finis—'Tuesday, 2:80 p.
m.. Burgess-Nash tea room.
Altman Club—1Tuesday, 12:*0 p. m.,
luncheon. Burgess-Nash tea room.
Dundee Parent - Teaelier Association—
Tuesday, 8 p m . Dundee school.
Omaha H Maine** Woman'* Club—Tues
day. 6:15 p. m., Y w. C. A. Dinner and
I*. E. O. Sisterhood. Chapter B. X.—
Tuesday. 1 o'clock, luncheon with Mrs.
Anna Sype. 5006 • 'ass street.
Woman's Auxiliary to Typographical
Cnion—Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. P. J.
Boyle, 1228 South Eleventh street.
Prettiest Mile Indies* Golf Club—Tues
day 2 j» m. with Mrs Frank Ogel, 6129
North Twenty-fourth street. Monthly
!'. S. (.rant Woman’s Relief Corps—
Tuesday, 1:30 p. nr. Memorial hall, court
house. Election of officers. Old Guard
post invited.
South Omaha Woman's Club IJterature
Department—Tuesday. 2:30 p m. with
Mm. J D. McBride, 2309 F street. Sub
ject, “An Afternoon with the Poets.”
I„. O. K. C hapter NJo. 1—Tuesday, 1
o'clock, luncheon and card party. Black
stone hotel. Reservations may be made
with Mesdames Pratt Harwood and Mrs.
A. A. Cork Ip.
Omah'ft Woman’s Press Club. Manuscript
Section—Tuesday. 4 p. m, with Mrs. Henry
I ‘curly. 322 South Thirty-sixth street.
Business meeting of general club follow
ing manuscript meeting.
Sermo Club—1 o'clock luncheon with
Mrs. J. J Hess. 5416 North Twenty-fourth
street. Mr*. Iv S' Nickerson, president of
the Second district. Nebraska Federation
of Women's Clubs, speaker.
Omaha Walking Club, Dance and Card
Party—Tuesday. * p m . Burgess-Nash
te.-i room Proceeds will be used for fur
nishings for new addition to club house.
Members and their friends are Invited.
Omaha Women'* Club. Speech Education
Department—Tuesday. 10:15 a. m ; Bur
g-v« N. vb auditorium. I.p-sson 8 Text
book Prof Edwin Pul*, instructor: Mrs
H .1 Holmes, leader. The program will
l>*» given by Mesdames Henry Rlhner,
You'll Find Earl & Wilson Shirts Only at Pray's
♦ t
12 Months
of Complete
with Each
Earl & Wilson Shirt
An improved Idea of shirt
selling that has evolution*
iaed the shirt buying hab
its of thousands of Omaha
In every Earl & Wilson shirt you find
quality fabrics, perfection in workman
ship, unsurpassed fitting qualities, and
now at whatever price you pay you get
one year’s insurance against "even the
slightest shirt dissatisfaction. Can you
afford to consider any other shirt
when buying?
$2 »o $10
Buy Earl and Wilson Insured Shirts
for Personal Use or for Gifts
Select‘His Gift’Early, It Pays
The ClevereNt of New
Knit and Cut Silk
50c '• $4.00
Kid-Cape \
Mocha and Dcrrakin
$2.00 “ $6.00
Silk and Knit
Wonderful Showing:
$1.50 '”$15
T The Npw and Wanted
Thing* in
Lounging Robes
$6.00 '• $50
New Brushed Wool
and Fancy
$5.00 '”$12
1509 Farnani
190H Farnani and Women
Frank Wray W. J. TraverB, A. P. John
ston, A. D. Nunn.
P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter H. K.—
Tuesday. 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. J.
M. Patton, 91fi North Thirty-eighth street.
Mrs. J. 11. Wallace, assisting Mrs. T. L.
Combs will give a report of the supreme
convention held in Seattle recently.
Omnlm Woman's Club. Current Topics
Department—Tuesday, 2 p. m., Y. W. c. A.
Bible lesson, "Moses," Mrs. B. A. Me.
Olassan leader. Mrs. Anna Lane Wilson
of Pekin, China, will speak on the "Chi
nese Situation." Song group, Miss Estelle
Cat! Lecture—Tuesday. 8 p. m . Fon
tcnelle ball room. Mrs. Carrie chapman
Catt. noted suffrage leader will speak
on ‘ Peace or War,” What Are We Going
to Do About It?” under auspices of Oma
ha League of Women Voters. Open to
tho public.
Yates’ Parent-Teacher Association—
Wednesday afternoon school auditorium.
League of Women Voters—Wednesday,
2:30 p. m., Y. W. C. A , annual election
of officers.
Omaha Rockford College Club—Wednes
day afternoon with Miss Sara Sears, 1102
i’ark avenue.
Carter lake Kensington CIuIh—Wednes
day. 1 o’clock, luncheon and card party,
Wellington inn.
Minne l.usa Chautauqua Circle—Tues
day. 2 p. m„ with Mrs J. P. Johnsen.
4400 Bedford avenue.
War Mothers’ Kensington Clul>—Wednes
day, 2 p. m., with Mrs. William Ebert,
2402 Poppleton avenue.
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter H. p.—
Wednesday. 1 o’clock luncheon with Mrs.
F. C. Patton, 320 South Fifty-second street.
Washington Girls’ Club—Wednesday, 8
p. rn.. with Mrs. If. B. Russner. Carter
Lake club. Business meeting and bridge.
L O. E. Chapter No. 1—Wednesday,
8 p.m. Elks club rooms. buBiness meet
ing. All members are requested to
Mu Sigma- Wednesday. 9:30 a m . w ith j
Mrs Frank Bovd. 3703 Cass street. Mrs.
L. W. Lavendar. leader. Subject. “Car
lyle. Literary Lion ".
P. K. O. Sisterhood. Chapter C. R.—
Wednesday. 1 o’clock, with Mrs. H. G.
Pike. 2124 F vfreet Mesdames W. E.
Reed and W. W. Fisher will assist the
_ Cjrcle 8. First Presbyterian Church—
Mednesday, 10:30 a. m . church parlors.
Members will sew for Child Saving insti
tute Mesdames George Bullock, W. E.
Davis and William Bryden.
Dundee Woman’s Club—Wednesday. 2
P in., with Mrs. C. B. McDonald. 118
South Fifty-first avenue Book review,
"Men Like Gods.” in charge of Miss Olive
Ferguson, assisted by Mrs. Grant Benson
and Mrs. D. T. Quigley.
Omaha College Club. Book Review See
tion—Wednesday. 4 p rn.. at the Ath
letic club Mrs. Bertha Neale, chairman
of the section, leader "The Able Mc
Laughlins.’’ by Margaret Wilson, will be
Omaha Woman’s Club Mu«*ic Depart
ment—Chorus rehearsal. 10 n. rn . Y. \\
‘’ A.. Robert Cue* ad« n. director. Mrs. i
Florence Basler Palmer, lender; 2 p. m.
program of folk songs. V W. C. A. audi
torium. Open to the public.
J. F. W. Club—Thursday. 1 o’clock, with
Mrs. S. R. Elson, Fairview apartments.
Alice K. Howard Chautauqua Circle—
Honor Army Couple.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Benjamin
Sheets who are stationed at Fort
Crook, and who leave soon to be sta
tioned in Hawaii, were honor guests
last evening at a bridge given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Buc
Ames Alumnae Dinner.
H. H. Henningsun, president of the
Ames College Alumnae association, is
taking reservations for a dinner dance
to be given Friday, December 7, at the
Prettiest Mile club. At least 150 diners
are expected.
Large Holiday Tea
Miss Frances Castetter and Miss
Lydia Burnett are planning a tea for
December 29. They will entertain at
Miss Castetter’s home. Invitations
for 200 will be issued next week.
The Duncans Hosts.
General and Mrs. George M. Dun
can will entertain at dinner Monday
Updike Dancing Club.
The Updike Grain company em
ployes held their opening dance of the
season Friday evening at Prairie Park
club. •
St. Rose Paiish Cards.
Ladies of St. Rose parish will give
a card and bunco party Thursday
evening at 4102 South Thirteenth
street. Nice prizes.
Thursday. 7:30 n. m. T. W. C. A. Mias
I* lorem e Johnson. leader*
Parliamentary Ijuv Department—
Thursday, 2:30 p. m.. V W. r. A. I.e-son.
flret and second amendment* a* outlined
In Mr*. Mary Redfleld Plummer’s "Prac
tical Lewona in Parliamentary Proced
ure,’’ baaed on Robert's Rule* of Order.
Mrs. John Haarmann, leader.
Dundee Pre*byterian Woman'* Aid—Frl- ,
day. 1:]:. ru ni.. church parlors, luncheon
and meeting.
Westminster Presbyterian Woman's Aid
—Friday, monthly meeting In the church
parlors Luncheon at 12:30 p. m.
Extension Nocietv Card Party—Friday
afternoon at Knight* of Columbus hall.
Twenty-third and Harnev streets M*s
darnes T. S. Dunna and W. Savage, hos
Job* Daughter*—Saturday, 2 p. m ,
Masonic Temple.
Omaha Walking Clnb—Saturday. 3 p.
m . from end of Albright car line to
Walking club shack. Fontenelle forest.
Alpha Omieron PI—Saturday, 1 o'clock
luncheon with Mrs. Benjamin Harrison.
30fl South Fifty-first street. Founders' i
day celebration
Rockford College Club.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Omaha Hockford College club will
be held at the home of Miss Sara
Sears, 1102 Park avenue, Wednesday
Wise Memorial Alumnae.
The Wise Memorial Hospital Alum
nae' association will give a dance
Wednesday evening. December 6, at
the Burgess Nash auditorium.
of Council Bluffs
Says to You:
—Do it in the spirit of
“show me!” Come over
to this store and per
sonally view the splen
did stocks that are
usually carried in a
reliable department
—Then you’ll under
stand why we feel it
our duty to call the
attention of Omaha’s
thrifty people to the
fact that we mark all
fine things at a low
margin of profit.
“Come on Over”
A Store of Over a
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ftBisscmcmuK £0.
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Our Coat
Prices are
Sharply Cut!
Come in Monday and see what
truly exceptional garments you
can buy at
*38 *48
Winter’s most fashionable modes, in the
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with the furs of your choice.
Values to $ 69.50 at $38.00
Values to $ 89.50 at $48.00
Values to $110.00 al $68.00
A Special Showing
Exclusive M id-win ter
A rare collection of advance modes in fashion
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models for the dance. Charming creations in
'maline, metallic cloth and rich velvet. A few
slipper satins, dressy tailored and kid trimmed,
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erately priced, starting at SEVEN-FIFTY.
Millinery Shop, Third Floor—
"Whom you are sold becoming
hats that arc individual.'*
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Gift Novelties to Embroider
For the Kiddies - For Mothers and Sisters-For Ho pi' Chests
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Animal Polls to embroid
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»«.25<* to MV
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Carriage Pillows
«t.7r><* to (MV
Presses . .$1.25 $1.40
Painty Gowns. Teddies.
Negligees, P a j anias.
ranging in priee
from. $1.00 $1.50
Silver and l.inen Case
at.«5* 'o OS*
Pillow Cases, pr 91.50
Bed Spreads
at. 91.08 to 95.25
Aprons. 50* to 81.00
Buffet Sets
at. 35* to 81.00
Guest Towels
at 50* to 91.25
Tea Towels 23* to 20*
Art Needlework Shop -Second Floor