The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 01, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 10, Image 10

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    Nations Respect
U. S., Bishop Says
We Should Use Opportunity
to Serve — Message of
Thanksgiving Address.
Bishop Homer C. Btuntz, address
ing members of tho Continental club
at luncheon yesterday In Hotel Fon
tenelle, stated that this country has
a unique opportunity to serve human
ity. He was applauded when he as
serted that tlie United Slates should
exert an influence with other na
tions, hut should not become involved
politically with other countries.
“It was not intended that this
country should be Involved in the age
oM feuds and Intrigues of other na
tions," tho bishop said. He spoke in
a spirit of thanksgiving—of the
things that should Inspire a feeling
of gratitude among the people of this
“America has a tremendous Influ
ence abroad," fhe speaker added.
“The world now knows that this
country can fight when necessary.
Hven Japan is convinced of that. Wo
should he thankful because we have
. shown such marvelous recuperative
powers since the world war. We
should he grateful when we think
that we are so prosperous while other
parts of the world are hungry.
There is reason for thankful hearts
when we realize that this country of
ntns has furnished tho world the
norm of political grow'th. I thank
tlod for the measure of prosperity
we have, for it is real prosperity
when measured by the standards of
the past."
Bishop Stuntz exposed tne person
who continually refers to the "good
old times." or refers disparagingly
to present-day conditions.
"We are the most comfortably
housed and fed people under the sun,"
the speaker added. "We arei in a
more hopeful" condition than any
courageous prophet would have pre
dicted five years ago. I heard a man
the other day—he was a preacher
and should have known better—refer
to the good old times. There never
was such an animal. It Is an illus
ion of mortal mind. In the good old
times that I remember I arose in the
morning in a cold house, hroke the
ice in the wash basin, milked 10 cows
before breakfast and rode to town in
a box wagon. We had no paved
roads. Think of the comforts, lux
uries and refinements we enjoy to
day, and then tell me not of the good
oH times. We are in the good old
times, here and now. bet us he
thankful and grateful, bet us pro
mote brotherly love and good will.”
Frank Beaston,. Fred Trowbridge,
H. James Montgomery, and Robert
Dllts of the May Robson company at
Brnndels theater this week, sang sev
Woman Wears Costume;
Made of Newspapers
Above is a very novel costume made
From :t Philadelphia evening news
paper, being worn by Mrs. Samuel
Hii" h. It is attractive and economical,
to say the least.
eral vocal numbers. They were ac
companied to the luncheon by Gould
North Loup Man Says
Bank Lent to Director
Lincoln. Nov. 30.—Charles Steln
ecker of North Loup, in a letter to
the attorney general's office today
arks "what recourse at law have we
if the directors of a bank let one of
their number have S7.500 of its money,
and he then goes broke." Steinecker
says lie is a stockholder In a bank
where just such a transaction took
place. He wants to know whether
the bank must stand the loss, or
whether the directors are Individually
Managing officers of banks are for
bidden by law to make loans to them
selves. but a director who Is not an
officer may borrow with the approval
of the board of directors, it was point
ed out at the attorney general's of
Farm Bloc Ready
to Launch Fight
Program Includes Shifting of
Tax Burden and Cut in
Rail Rates.
B.r International New* Sendee.
Washington. Nov. 30.—The inter
ests of American farmers will he
'amply protected in the coming ses
sion of congress under a tentative
program of legislation drafted today
hy leaders of the two congressional
farm blocs.
Revision of tax laws, shifting more
of the tax burden from the poor to
the rich, and heavy reduction in trans
portation costs will lie the chief planks
in this program, according to Sena
tor Arthur Capper, republican of
Kansas, chairman of the senate farm
bloc. The program will be finally
adopted at a meeting of farm bloc
members as soon as congress con
Capper announced a tentative legis
lative program, favored by farm lead
ers in all sections of the country. It
1. Revision of tax laws, with the
reduction of taxes on Incomes under
$10,000 as the immediate goal, and
the placing of heavy taxes on all In
heritances and those securities now
listed as tax exempt.
2. Partial revision of the Esch
Cutnmins act with repeal of the so
called rate guarantee clause and such
legislative action as is necessary to
bring lower freight rates.
3. Creation of an agricultural ex
port corporation, probably with a
capitalization of $100,000,000^ to ex
pand export trade.
4. Endorsement of the cooperative
marketing movement by providing
wider government credit facilities.
While these will he the chief farm
bloc demands. Capper declared numer
ous minor measures would also be
supported, such as the "truth in
fabric" bill and others which failed
of passage in the last congress.
Saunders County Trio
to Attend Stock Show
Wahoo. Neb., Nov. 30,—Mr. and
Mrs. Walter F. Huberts, Mabel Gus
tafson and Franklin Cook, all of Saun
der3 county, will leave tomorrow to
attend the international livestock
show at Chicago.
Mr. Roberts goes as a delegate of
the Nebraska County Agents assncF
ition, to the National County* Agents
convention, which will he held dur
ing the week of the International
livestock show.
To Cure » t'ohl in One I>»t
Take laxative HROMO QUININE Tablet!
The box benm the signature of E. W. Grove.
3 Or.—Advert taement.
- . ■ ■ J - .
—Another Feature Day—
Regulation make O. D. wool shirts, double
elbow, 2 pockets with buttoned flaps.
Regular price $2.95, (Pi QO
Saturday only.tDAai/O f
Limit 2 to a customer.
Navy Blue flannel wool (Pi QO
shirts, Saturday .tj)Aot/O
Heavy moleskin khaki shirts, the kind
that wear longer. Sfit- (Pi QO
urday only . cpAet/O
A few odd lots of blankets at very attractive
Double wool mixed
plaid blankets, colors
pink only, large size
and extra heavyweight
Saturday <J*PT A £
per pair ...
Double all wool
gray blanket with
blue borders,
only 6 pair of
these left. Satur
2.. $5.98
Double all wool plaid tdanKtls, a./.u goon
weight, splendid assortment of colors, about 25
pair of these left. Saturday per
Regulation U. S. Army all wool O. D. blankets,
used but In perfect condition. A FI
Saturday only. tpu.xiJ
All our odd lots, broken lines and discontin
ued numbers of overcoats, sheepskin coats, > I
1 leather vesta and many other seasonable
items, have been grouped together for a
quick disposal. Saturday we Will allow a
discount from the low prices In effect
now. The quantities In most cases are very
limited so we urge early shopping.
\ll odd lots marked with red tag", look for
English Army blankets, all colors, grays, tans,
buffs, etc,, averaging In weight from 4 to uVi lbs ,
«J5% to 90% wool, these blankets have been used
but are In good condition, make splendid aulo
robes, camp blankets, extra bed QQ
covers, etc. Saturday only .
oi Guaranteed
Regulation make U. S.
Army Kussett dress or
work shoe. comfortable
yet dressy, service guarttn
Chrome leather work
shoes, made o»» the If.
Army Munson last, guf.r
anteed all leath- fhlT
vr. per pair...
Officer’s dress shoes, as il
lustrated, best quality calf -
skin uppers, solid oak
soles, durable rr» a
and dre»ay, pair
For tho man who want wy
real warm ahort coat, »l j
can’t ho heat. Made of V !
ounce Melton, the gcnutu1 V
navy pea coat. A remark
able value
at only.
u. F. Army Officer*' O. I), wool mack
inaw. belted with patch pocket* to7 i)ft
U. 8. Navy caehmere sox. 3 pair $1.00
U. S. Navy watch cape, a dandy stocking;
cap for ekatlnir. etc.70<*
LI. 8 A. Motor Transport mittens, woiTi
lined, pair . $1.00
r. fl. A. o D. wool gloves per pair 2ft*
Genuine Gillette or Auto Strop blades,
per dozen . 69*
Gold I'lated Gillette or Auto Strop Uh
*ora. each . H9*
Dress Gloves, a splendid assort nont to
choose from, per pair only . 91.9H
A I I merchan
dk« sold In
Kuurnnteed to
meet « I t'li
jour a|i|iroial
or your money
refu nded.
Mali order* filled from llii* ad. Mend no money{ jnst send In
jour order llslimr llie various article* you desire and your or
der will ro forward iimnedlnlely. When the postman delivers
(he parcel to you, pny him for the cost of the merchandise nod
postaue. He snre to trlve size. Mend 1011 II.MSTHVITO t’AT
Ntnro ()[M>n
Itully N A. W.
to « P, M.
S A. M. to
It i.TO I*. M.
-The Omaha Bee: Satur
By Bookmakers
By International »n-p Swvlrf.
London, Nov. 30.—Former Premier
Lloyd George carried his political
fight Into North Wales today, cam
paigning with the picturesque vigor
that formerly marked the "swings
around the circle of the late Theo
dore Roosevelt In the United States.
Some days he delivers from 20 to 30
With only four more days of active
campaigning before tl'ie general elec
tion on December 0 the betting has
become lively. Bookmakers are lay
ing odds of 30 to 1 against a labor
government, 4 to 1 against a liberal
government and 4 to 1 against the
tories getting a majority of 100 in
the house of commons.
The Classified ads are railing you.
Read them now.
day, December 1, 1923
Offices of Omaha
National Robbed
Thieves Loot More Than Half
Dozen Firms in
More then half a dozen offices In
the Omaha National hank building
wore ransacked Wednesday night by
prowlers who gained entrance by
crawling Up a fire escape.
From the office of Amos Thomas
and T. J. McGuire. 419 Omaha Na
tional ban'.; building, the prowlers ob
tained a quantity of stamps and pn
Omaha National bank savings clock,
No. 651, containing about $100 in
Other offices were unable to say
whether anything was missing.
Among the offices entered by the
prowlers were those of Woodland
and Morley, 1050-61; Concrete Engi
neering company, 1145; C. M. Ry
lander. 845;' officers' dining room,
1116; Sheppard and O'Hara, 656; and
Pratt and Ralt, 554.
Runaway Returns to
Marry Chinese Lover
Cedar Rapids, la., Nov. 30—Naomi
Deason, 21, of Cedar Rapids, who
disappeared from home last Saturday,
saying that her parents sought to
have her marry Harry T. Yee. Chi
nese chef, reappeared today and was
married to Yee tills morning. Justice
J. U. Travis officiated at a private
wedding ceremony, which followed a
reconslliatlon between the girl and her
Chinese lover.
You are not finished till you have
read the Classified ads.
New York Cotton
Market Irregular
New York, Nov. 30.—Cotton prices
were very Irregular today with the
market fevcris hthroughout the ses
sion. Following a strong Liverpool
market over the holiday, prices here
Jumped to new high levels at the
opening, with December contracts up
to 30.70c and January 37.05c, or 43 to
G3 points over Wednesday's close.
The advance attracted very heavy
realizing, however, from Wall street,
the south and the west, resulting in
a violent break which carried active
months off fully 120 to 140 points, or
{6 to $7 a bale from the highest with
July, the weakest position, selling at
A late covering movement brought
recoveries of 30 to 45 points from the
bottom and the market closed irregu
ular and excited, at 37 to G5 points
rrt decline, aft< i * “rratlfl
movement In mjr one 't....
October government report . •
sued. ,
-- 1 »-*
Married at Sidney, Ta. vv
Shenandoah, la., N'ov. 80.—Marriage
licenses Issued to Nebraskans recent,
ly at Sidney Include Paul Enterllne
of Albion, Neb., and Gladys Llngl#
of Albion, Neb., and Charles Binlon
of Brownsville, Neb., and Iva Omega
Lyons of Peru. Neb.
New Party Frocks |
Very Special Values
Caih 29.75 Carry |
Deterred Payment i
Gladly Extended
Jiigcsl Detail
in the World
Neat pedestal
type with loose
yifias ash tray.
As Illustrated
t-.50 value....
A* pic t u r e d
I n • * p enalve.
yet practical.
Shelf without
pipe accofnmo
iatlon. Only
Martha Washington
Sewing Cabinet
An article highly appreciated.
Rich brown mahogany finish,
roomy drawers with divided
tray for needles, etc., handv
compartments for unfinished
« e w l n g. A
115.00 value 75
at. •=
Fine Mirrors
An extraordinary purchase
makes this sale possible. Many
designs in the oblong style,
mitered panels, etc., poly
chrome and other finishes; 4i»
and 48 Inches In
length; values
to $25.00; spe
cial at—
3-Piece Overstuffed
Velour Living Room Suites
L’nuaually beautiful Three-Piece Overstuffed Living Room Suites
as illustrated to left, above, upholstered in fine velour combi
nation, loose cushion seats, Queen Anne frame, excellent spring «<
construction, complete wilh tassels as pictured; only 9 of these
suites are available at this sale price Sat- *
urday. An exceptional offer at Hartman's
The 3 pieces complete. $215.00 value, on
easy, deferred terms of credit if desired..
A limited stock to
offer Saturday dur
ing this special sale
of Living Room
Suites. Davenport
and Chair at
Dining Room Suites
Attractive Queen Anne design in the popu
lar antique walnut finish. Late oblong
style table: 4 genuine j 71
leather seated chairs. JS2.50 —
suite at ..
End Table Bargains
Bieh Brown Mahogany
Exceptional values are now awaiting you at
this busy holi'C/y season—end tables of every
description, specially priced for this occasion.
Type “A" shewn to right above. Rounded nr
square design top. mahogany qr
finish. An iS 00 value priced
Type “B* shown to left above. Heavier
design, regulation size, mahog- qj
any finish. A J10.09 value on z£
sale at .
Day Beds *
Genuine “Simmons" (illustration
"A")—Walnut finish steel frame
< retonne covered. Opens to full $ ■« nc
sire bed in an instant. $27.00 * I V§ JL?
value . —
Meel Frame lane Panel Bed *_
Choice of two styles at thl«
price. Exceptional bargain. r«
values. Open to full size double *
bed. J6C.50 values.
Hum) Frame ‘•Krorhler" Beds.
Mahogany finish, with elegant
figured velour or tapestry up
holstery. Some with cane pane’
effects. Js.VOi) r m* e r
j values; special
S for this sale....
Sale of
Attractive Lamps
•furnished 4.«»M lorrhlfrrrt.
Choice of two distinct styles
Special, each ..
Hrlilge lamp. *•%.** Wrought
Iron base with parchment
• hade. As Illustrated, special.
fCaijuiafte Plana lamps. High Rtade.
worth 14* 5n. Polychrome base with ele
gant filriRed silk shades,
cords and tassels, com
plete, at .
White Enamel Bargains
%% lillr bnnmH Kitchen * litilr*. w ith hnU bin 1.
•tmnuly hullt; $‘_\9i values, only two to a
a customer, cncli. JS | #J/t)
Wlilte bnnmrl Kllrhrn atnol, rubber 111* p*»«l I •• r l
•trongly built. $-* values, only two to a {Tja oj|
customer, each ... I , ^ ft
IJennlnr While I'tirnlnln Top Kllrhrn In It lew. 41
Inches |«*ng, all white mantel finish, hatuty utensil
rlrnwrr Only one to n customer. 41?/* AO
$ 10 00 \alurs. iiv-U ... ^Osa/O ft. Wool Brussels Rugs.
Seamless, In your choice of sev
eral select pat
terns. Of durable Zl
luallty. Special...
tlxO ft. Axmlnstrr lings. A sin
suitable for small living rooms
all colors. Picas- jam q
Ing colorings; on */ /
i sale at. mm w m
| 11x12 ft. Axminster Rugs. Of an
) extra grade; n quality that usu
ally sells for a r jt A qr
much higher price. —
Neat patterns at..
1x12 ft. Fringed Wilton Hugs. Oi
good grade, rich, soft pile; nil
colors, new de- jma qr
signs. Marked sav- * /
^ Ing for you at....
Vaccuum Cleaner
A hand power cleaner. Generates
Its own power; a real good
l cleaner Easy to operate. $71176 /
V value. Special . /
3-Piece Walnut Finish Bedroom Suites
A remarkable bargain in a three-piece antique walnut finish Bedroom Suite,
illustrated above. Consists of the Dresser. Chest of Drawers and the full
Hire Bow-End Bed. Each piece
Just a* pictured. A $72.50
Talue; complete nt Saturday**
sale price of only.
Dresser $27.95 Chest $15.75 Bow End Bed $19 7
Mahogany finish
easily c • r r 1 • 1
about. $7.50 value
Full 36-lnch Cedar Chest
Just ?4 In all to close out st this special sals
price Neatly trimmed w ith a ~ v
copper — u n usual bargain*. * 1 CL
l''on't miss this sale. *•
Our Display of Toys on Main Floor Starting Monday