Beer in Germany at Bootleg Price Berlin, Nov. 26.—Beer consumption throughout tlerrnany 1ms fallen off to such an extent since the last boost in the price to to gold pfennings a glass jthat the brewers association lias called a special meeting to con sider ways and means of keeping the ■vsjts from cooling. The brewers raised the price of a 22 gallon keg. on November IS, front 29 to 35 gold marks, contending that they couldn't manufacture beer and sell It for less. Therefore drinking greatly diminished. The manufacturers incline to the belief that the retailers raised the price a little too much. The retail era' reply that they must charge the equivalent of 40 gold pfennigs to meet the brewers increase and that the in dustry will be ruined if prices are not reduced. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. i Radio Stations Hear Programs in England New York. Nov. 26.—America’* ra dio fans "listened In” for England for ”,0 minutes Inst night. At 10 o’clock every broadcasting station in thin country was silenced, while in Eng land* several large stations began sending for the benefit of America. Ten minutes later the English pro grams began to be heard. Sounds of THE NEBBS_ - ^ the diplomat. _ Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hes* TiTtmeV CALL ON me tor a speech aT\ THE DINNER I’LL SHOW THOSE POLITICAL ( ORATORS THAT L CAN ORATE A LITTLE 7 NWSELT _ .l. I.. T»r Mrll <«« «4lrni.. In. . /anO VOU TALK ABOUT POLITICAI.'V INSINCERITY » WHY VOU MAKE A \ POLITICIAN LOOK AS INNOCENT AS A / LITTLE LAMB ! VOURE AS CHANGEABLE^ fvt tuf foi oO.S On AN ELECTW.IC o o ^asthe colors^ ooNT qeuev/e what; ( VOU UEAQ WHEN VOU ARETALKING^ \_ TO VOURSELT ____—--^ -r . 1 [ Lo Cp'gUJo'vj Barney Google and Spark Plug BARNEY TAKES UP A LOT OF LOST MOTION. __ . i ii i — ■ ■' '■ »' — 1 Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (Copyrlihu !»:*•> litW II ^ VlE’S DOIN' DE BEST ,\ uic>t uie Can > Doss • 'Snap into it \ vnoao ani so DoYovJ Think. suppwy we e Su&in This cross - abound lavc a e&Ct Continental (n a gvnEAST RAGE VS A Skillet -rr uowoA ( Soke VMHOAfy Vie Gotta R't -' CIE'JEIANQ BY SATURDAY ▲. VGk. » V'wk PAPAS EAE^ MUSTM T \__ ' 6ET TCARS IM TmO^E j g^IO CWAitfS. BAG ERO'JJAi eves - / r fsio SIC * ut u / _ ^TOE .» TP£ F.«T t 2 GARAGE- 8^A PN6 OF ; SOME ^EM^ X S?AR* ] L Copyright. I9IJ. by King Features Syndicate, far _ I Tn r> rrmirn R..,.t«r.d SEE Jiccs AND MAGGIE in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManiu BRIN GIN G UP FATHER-u. owe* page of colors in the SUNDAY bee (copyright. i»2i> __—--■ >■■■■■ —- , . . i i ■ ■ - - -i-r-- ~ \-n-- “ ’ 1 ION I <,0 OOWN TO OINTV MOORED'5 ==j k\n dimtv l— Kirv C come, up Nw. Lr" HERE TONIGHT? ' T^~r—-~ J 1 =TTasn is i m /&sxrry\/Ai [WELL KIM I AO AN\ WHERE OR WAVE AJST OOOV COME OR TQ tsPENO THE EVEWIH WITH ME0 __ _ © 1923 my int i Fcatuwc Srwvica. I*e. /»»r • (n«*=>u FERRY ON THE FOB ’ NOT TAKING ANY CHANCES. Dr*wn for TJ1.'°mahaB" by Hob°" ( OOKft Mou £3 TRISMTTEWEO’ LAW. V«t 0\0 /AWWCT'St Toa A $TE»OGaAWiEE,» .and i oontt mo "Tauvs Won'll at Moure? r VRAcmcAvW u«eo., ViAtT 'flu. 1 GST T«fc 9orr C ^ - | cm 8asee!!' I orc> Wou See I TUEw\ EWES' I Those UPS' 1 These. hA'P. w< ^?? \ v/gi piano playing in Liverpool were heard distinctly at the radio broadcastina station at Garden City, X. V'. The same music was heard at Chatham, Mass., and “Hello .America” was heard several times at Tarrytown, N. Y. ■‘Shilling” Coinage Is Planned by Austria Vienna. Nov. 20. — Minister of Fi nance Kienbocek Saturday informed the national a.ssejnhly that, subject to its approval, he would Immediately in troduce a silver shilling coinage in Austria, tlie representative coin being 10.000 kronen and the value of others 5.000 and 20,000. The, shilling, the minister declared, would not represent a new monetary unit, but later would be associated with a new currency unit. Coolidge Joint* Kiwanis Club. Billings. Mont.. Nov. 26.—George E. Snell of this city, third international vice president of the International As sociation of Kiwanis Clubs, was offi cially advised Sunday that President Calvin Coolidge had become an active member of the Kiwanis club at Wash ington, 15. C. _ ai>vf:ktisemf.nt. COLDS THAT DEVELOP INTO PNEUMONIA Chronic ccughs and persistent colds lead to serious lung trouble. "iou can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleas ant to take. Creorr/ulsion is .> new medical discovery with twofold ac tion; it soothes and heals the inflamed membrances and kills the germ. Of all known drugs, creosote is recognized by the medical fraternity as the greatest healing agency for the treatment of chronic coughs and colds and other forms or throat and lung troubles. Creomulsion contains. In addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the inflamed membranes and stop the Irri tation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on tt> the stomach, is absorbed Into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and destroys the germs that lead to consumption. Creomulsion Is guaranteed satisfac tory In the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other forms of throat and lung diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or the flu. Money refund ed if any cough or cold, no matter how long standing, is not relieved after taking according to directions. Ask your druggist. Creomulsion Co., Atlanta. Oa. A strictly memo nous remedy that ^ has proven of inestimable value in j com hating all sorts of colds m head i j or chest. They quickly break up j colds and gnp and prevent the “flu.” f ! fOc a Box at Tour Druggist I \!»VFRThKM»NT UPSET STOMACH, GAS, INDIGESTION Chew a few Pleasant Tablets, —Stomach Feels Fine! moment "Pape's liiapepstn" reaches I he stomach all pain and distress from indigestion or i sour, gassy stomach vanishes. Millions know it? magic. All drug gists recommend this harmless stom ach corrective. _ The Day. of Real Sport By Briggs I v^oo- Hco'^I tf J C4MM N, T. TrfWx >— FUN AKOWD k v*ME«fc TH6Y x M»t building • __ THE AGENT_Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield A (irriit Future for Sigmund. [/ NOUU- P>E ^ / 1U ^ \ TD P'fOb SIQMUWb frlCAMfWbWM. | K COOPT /SK - Hti> , ' 'K i bq*»i*ei«e\jwy / \*‘*:“*CS?€V t>ttv PoR 1HE / \ * HtSH j \ l*st uuKvc ::• \ Citss. irttEiusoir JRsV^i^ V A\ LCOKIL14 ALL cs;^? Ror sou, $\(,MUkt> * UlHAT ARE 'IC l tJOiki; HE>E IN CCLR'T ?? " i"r Si, NCS ’-'you C^N NEVER | lEU. WHW KINfc OF A . CAS'F L'f^EE TO COMfc 'n: i Killin'* Fays License. Sheriff Mike Kridres Monday morning paid his $25 for a toliacco license, for sale of tobacco to prisoners at the comity jail, to C\ K. Bossie, city clerk. Boesiek last week demanded (hat the tax be paid, after he learned that the sheriff was selling tobacco at the Jail. Schools to Close. J. H. Beveridge, superintendent of schools, announced Monday that all public schools in Omaha will be closed Thursday and FTiday of this week, on account of Thanksgiving, with the exception of Technical High school, which will tie closed Thursday only. \l>\ KKTJ8KMKNT. New German Oil Formula Rubs Out Rheumatic Pains Remarkable Discovery Promises Relief to Rheumatic Sufferers German chemistry that has given 19 the world the boon of Aspirin for the relief of headache pain, and Novocaine for painieBs dentistry, has now come forward with another scientific discovery that promises to make rheumatic pain a thing of the past for thousands who have suf fered terrible tortures. A new combination of certain oils has been di-covered. which produces a clear amber liquid that, afford* immediate relief from pain in many instances. It is so penetrating that it disappear* within a few seconds, so that it must be entirely absorbed by the body tissue. Even in the most advanced and stubborn rases the use of this remarkable oil ha *hown a - tonishinv improvement at once in many canes. Tired muscles regain life, creaking joints with the pain all gone become sup ple, and the annoying twinges cease Rheumatism, in many rases. j« due to interna! abscesses, such as a blind pus pocket in a tf>oth, which gives off poi sons. The e poisons are earned by the muscles and joints and this new oil i« ^ designed to neutralize these pam-eausfng poisons. So astonishing ha\c been the results from the use of this oil that the Amen can distributors have .authorized loca druggists to dispense it to rheumatic suffererg in this city, with a posit iv« written guarantee, signed by themseJvei to return the fuil purchase price of th« first bottle if the rheumatic pains ar« not wonderfully relieved. All who suife from rheumatic pains should take ad vantage of this libera! offer. Unless yoi get relief from the very first bottle, youi druggist will return your money. It is called Buhler Oil. and can he had a* mnc good dniggist*. such as Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co.. Reaton Drug Co . Merritt Drug Co.. Barney Dugan Drug Co., Unitt* Docekal Drug Co.. Saratosa Drug Co.. Pope Drug Co. and Haines Drug Co. \l)\ LRTISKMf VT. 666 is a Prescription prepared for Colds, Fever «nd Grippe It is the most speedy remedy we know, Preventing Pneumonia AI)V fRTbKMKVT. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIONEY AILMENTS There ig only on# medicine that really .stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root stands th# highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of dis tressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because its rr.ild and immediate effect is soon realized Ing, most cases It is a gentle, healing vegetable eomi*ound. Start treatment at once. Sold at si! drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send t»n rents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, X. V for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Al>\ KKTIsUMlNT. When You Catch Cold Rub on Musterole Musterole is easy to apply and 't gets In its good work right away, often it prevents a cold fr *m turning Into ’ flu*’ or pneumonia. Just apply Musterole with the fingers. It d e* all the good work of grandmother's mustard plaster without the blister. is a clean, white oint ment. made of oil of mustard and other home simples. It is recommend ed by many doctors and nurses. Try Musterole for sore thro t. vM on tl * chest, rheumatism, lumbago, pleurisy stiff neck, bronchitis, asthma, neural* gi « congestion. p r.s an.! he> of the • bruises, chilblains, frosted feet—colds of ail sof ts To Mother*: Miis|«*n»le is now made in milder form for babies and "mall * hildren. \sk for Children's Musterole. 3f>c and 65c. jars and tubes; hospital size. J3.0C. Hotter than a mustard piaster "SOLOS QRSP Fortify the system against , Colds. Grip and Influenza j by taking / Laxative j Bromh l Quinine. taklrls which destroy germs, act as a tonic lasati'e.and keep the sys tem in condition to throw off all attacks of Colds. Grip and Influents. The ho\ hear* this signature Prio* 30c i_ - - -