Today’s Social Gaieties Miss Nan Murphy, luncheon for Mis. Isaac Jones of Washington, D. C. Walter Head will give a dinner to night at his home. •Miss Mildreda Sheldon •will enter tain tlie members of the alumnae chapter of Alpha XI Delta at her < paitment at the Cornish this eve ning. ' •Mr. and Mrs. Rody Ryan-will give a bridge party this evening at their home. Rheumatic pain Yields to treatment with Sloan's. 1 Just pat it on gently. The tingling glow, the comforting warmth is in itself relief. The ache eases off— then stops. Get a bottle from your , druggist today and have it on hand—35 cents. It will not stain. snvKWTIs’ ''' NEWFin 15C f ,rts Kimonos Draperies Waists Dresses (jinghams Coats Sweaters Stockings Don't wonder whether you can dye er tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with "Dia mond Dyes" even If you have never dyed before. Druggists have all col ors. Directions in each package. ! Directs Play HI cHtm Jfttbz. QtadshavJ ~~]b | AmtMMr M#»mN OHcro!■ 1 Miss Melba Bradshaw - <• . evting the play. “For Distinguished Serv ice.’' to be presented Wednesday afternoon at the Burgcs3 Nash audi torium by members * •' the . speech ♦ duration department of the Omaha Woman’s club. Following her graduation from the Dniversfty of Nebraska Miss Brad shaw spent a year at the Sargent school in New York. vrh*re she spe cialized in dramatic art. Bast* year she taught dramatics at state uni versPy. She Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l)e Emmett Bradshaw'. The executive board of the Ne braska Federation of Women’s <’lubs, including Mrs. Paul Perryman of Ord, state president; Mrs. W. E. Min ier o< Oakland, vice president; Mrs. Hattie Summers «»f Beatrice, record ipg secretary: Mrs. A. .1. Jennison, Harvard. corresponding secretary; Mrs. s. (\ Stoner, Steward, treasurer; Mrs. S P. Cressap, Nebraska Pity, auditor; Mrs. .John Sinker. Hastings, general federation director for Ne braska, and the six district presi dents. M's. E. S. Nickerson, Papil* lion, presiient of the second district; Mrs. E. T. Yont, Brock, first dis trict; Miss Fanny I)e Bow. Coleridge, third district; Mrs. Stewart h. Mains, Crete, fourth district; Mrs.*Earl Eyon berger, Superior, fifth distict, and Mrs. J. G. Ackerman. Ainsworth, sixth district, will be guests at the luncheon in the tea room preceding^ the matinee. ‘ Club Women Take Survey of Persoifg 'X bo Cannot Read or W rite. The education department of the Omaha Woman’s club, Mrs. F. Cole, leader, with co-operation of the Uni versity of OrAalia and public school*, are issuing 20,000 questionnaires thi-1 week to determine the number of peisons in Omaha who cannot read an Knglish newspaper and write a letter in Knglish. This is being done in connection with Education Week. November 18-24. Five thousand more questionnaires are being placed in in dustrial plants throughout the city. It is the aim of the department to reach all persons who cannot read or write that they may be helped through the work which being done in the public schools. W omen \ uteris’ Annual Meet. The Dengue of Women Voters will hold Its annual meeting Wednesday. December 5. at 2:30 o'clock at the V. VV. l\ A. Annual reports "ill be toad and officers elected for the en suing year. There will be a meeting of the board of directors preceding the general meeting. Clubs for the Day. OnmliM C ollege C lub Book Review See tlon—Wednesday. 4 p. m with Mrs. Helen Sommer. 21 1 Park avenue. Miss Mae R-ale will review ''Jeremy and Hamlet." by Walpole. , Omiilm W oniun’s Club. MiihIi' Depart ment—Wednesday. 10 a in . Y v\ •A . F! reme Vasier Palmer. Wadt-r, Robert Cuscnden. director. >lu Sigma—Wednesday. !*..r< a. m. w»tt li M, y (; \\ Noble. Hawthorne nvr tin*. Mrs II I Neely, leader. Hub.lec-1. "Carlyle the Philosopher." Dundee Bounin's C.'lub^— Wednesday. 2 m with Mis K E. Rudolph. *112 Dodge at reef. "Current events,.rhe European Situation." Hook review. "Maior U 11 bra ha in.' by Hugh \\alps!*. IV K. O. Sisterhood. Chapter B. P.— Wednesday 1 o'clock luncheon and nrest ing with Mrs. K. W. Sales, 2873 \ nrie street. Mrs. J. 1*. Harrington assist ing Business anil Professional Women Chamber of C ommerre Wednesday. 6:30 p mi. Dinner followed by "Know ^nur City" program. Mary Maraton Kinsey, chairman. Omaha Chapter. Mooselieart legion Curd p„rt*—Frid-iv evening at Monseheart temple Mrv. A H Hurr. Mrs. Effle Cross er and Mrs Frank Cannony in charge. Went minster Presbyterian Churrh Sup per and lecture—Wednesday, 6:30 p. ni. at th** church parlors. Mrs. Carl t.rav will *p« ak on " Ychievements of Christian Movements In Japan." at 7 30 p. m. P. K. D. Sisterhood, C hapter C. R.— Wednesday 1 o'clock luncheon with Mr*. c» D. Mabery. 3801 South Twenty-fifth street Mrs. Curtis Cook. Mrs. P. M. Wheeler and Miss Mildred Mabery, as sist ing. I.. O. R. chapter No. 1—Wednesday. 2 v m Members will visit Dresher Bros, cleaning plant Twenty - fourt h and Far na in streets. The chapter will conduct an initiation Wednesday. 8 P m. in the Elks club rooms. Omaha Woman’s Club Matinee I.uneh eon—-W - dnesday. 12 3<» o'clock. under auspices of speech education department. Luncheon in tea room, followed by mati n.*e in siore auditorium. Open to club women and their friends. Circle «. First Presbyterian Church-— Wedn-sdav. 10: .3 0 a m. at the churrh rooii " Members will sew for Christmas bazaar to be given Friday. Lun< heon h"Hie*s, Mesdaines Joseph Brodll. E. J. Laurk and E. W. S«huitz. Only 2 Days *? - ** V W ednesday and Thursday The time is short—you’ll have to act quickly if you want to share in our Fourth Annual . Cash Refund Offer One dollar has already been refunded but there is still time to earn the second dollar Here is the offer: When the first 100 washers were sold the sum of $1 was .remitted to each of the 100 purchasers. When 200 washers have been sold the sum of $2 will be remitted to each of the 200 purchasers, and when 300 washers are sold the sum of $3 will be remitted to each of the 300 ptir hasers. Convenient Terms $5 DOWN With 2 Years to Pay Nebraska Power e held at the close of I hr program in honor of Mrs. I’eny j man. Coining^ anil Goings of _People You Know_ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Auerbach ate occupying tfyeir new home at 4j06 Poppleton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lambert will spend Thanksgiving with Mr*. Wil liam Lambert, mother of Mr. Lam bert, at her Stella (Neb.) home. Mr. and Mr*. Harvey Duncan of Oreston. la., formerly of this city, who motored to Omaha Sunday, are the guests uf Mr. Duncan's brother, W. B. Duncan. Mrs. ('. U. Talrnadge, has as her guests, her mother, Mrs. Anna Hath aw I.v of Oakland, Cal., and her sla ter Mrs. A. .1. Frost and children of Berkeley, Cal. Towel Supply ‘Let Vs Help You Keep Clean AT. 6291 Frontier Towel Supply Attention — Steam Users! Effective at Once, Cherckse Steam or Mlil, the Highest Quality, From Deep Shaft Mines: Our 4 £* Per Ton Price. m JL Delivered CONSUMERS COAL & SUPPLY CO. [ AT. 9146 Dealers in Good Coal AT. 9146 California fakir-(rapt t and i ahfornta tnnlkint — in a pit! Ai ktmlthfu! at il it Jrhcitmtl Wan? Hndl »/ Raitin Rail? — frtik and Itmfhnt' If you want to know how good a Raisin Pie can be—try one from my special baking today! Cut into it and see how I have filled it with big, plump, juicy Sun-Maid Raisins — the choicest table-grapes from California’s vineyards. Then taste the fruity goodness of this famous pie! There’s health and energy in every slice. Hot or cold, it's equally good. And remember—restaurants and cafes serve my Sun-Maid Raisin Pie. Order a delicious, satisfying slice for luncheon or dinner toda>. Raisin Bread also Wednesday is also my special bake-day for the finest Raisin Bread. Today you can get this wonderful loaf fresh and fragrant from my ovens, generously filled with plump and fruity Sun Maid Raisins. Rolls, coffee cakes, cookies, muffins, cakes, "snails” and other tempting Sun-Maid Raisin Foods arc also included in my special Wednes day baking. By bakers everywhere The finest Sun-Maid Raisin Pies, Raisin Bread and other Sun-Maid Raisin Foods are prepared "Special for Wednesday" by bakers every week —everywhere. You can get these delicious and heafthful Raisin Foods at any bakery, grocery store or delicatessen. r\ where, t»v »«„ hv.ii vi, ir.i'i idflOn, Itld Ketnil Baker*' Association o( America A Raisin bread special on Wednesdays ORTMAN’S SUN MAID RAISIN PIE Ortman’* Bakery Central Market* Food Center 214-16 N. 16th St. 1606 Harney, 114 S. 16th 1814 Farnam St.